<ONe of -our eus -tomref wê12i0ns CtIlié the ueof b"UWT"b» mâd rey"o sîtfl gfrornThe-Houge of Hlobberliu the. other day, whem ho obs.rved quletly, «Wheuever1, see thoee'blue aud gray' colors 1 arnre- çIdd of the war betwéee the, North and South. Strange, isut it, what aatthe "blues snd graye" h=avplyd ln every age. Suce th. Creator liIIId it on the 'skyà d ses bluel has bëen- the bread'sud butter color,, while "grayff has seerned to vie wlth the oMler for, popularltye This sésnmore "grays and' blues" wiil be worn than ail others coînbined. We're slsowlug many ,rlch toueieepblue, iedlum bluesblùMes wlth a, stile teffect, ", ovèn, suÉd intéhr woveu., -plain weaves .aud L gayem'arieý loeecond. ieyjwe 1aves.-,-An&-,the RICÃŽ, opulent fabrica that. look weil on young, middle- yed or the elderly man. ýtTTS FROM $20 to $35 W. aie Sole Agents for -Robberlin'Tailoriug Get cash certîqcaîes fot 'Our. RogersSilverware,absolutelyfree W. M,.-Lawrence BROOKLEIN, ONTARIO. D c5ed iras born lu Irouumiow, MiddleX England, sud waas ekdaughr ter of te late Rev. R. B3ell, st -one time 1~ charge of St. Thomas'. Chuvch, here. 83e leaves to mouru 13ev long. live sons and four daughteri. Re,Mv. IMixrhead condueted the- funeral ser- vice, which was private. The famlpskle this means of thauk- lngthe rny frlends for the sympathy aud eowers. -. W, IL Elvisi baS Just received a car- Joad of tii-st quality coarse alt. Mvi. Samuel Rice,,of Arcola, la on a visit with ber ulster, Mns. W=. Brownl. 1The gloses Lowe, of Oshawa, spent Sunday wth'-Mioi Lillian Brown. 1Mri. Elvis bas been quite seriously fl. Her many fniendi , hope . for a speedy recovery. .Mr. Butler, who han been workfng for Miî. Fred Hoiliday, has eulisted sud left on Tuerday- for* Niagara Falie for training. 1 Mr. and Mvi. Wilson suad Mv.,-sud Mri. Geo. Jones inotored to Bowmsn- ville on Sunday aud. spent the day w1th Mri. Eddy lopent last week with ber ulster lu Bramptoni. 'Mr. Jes. Hodsonia new residence la nearlug completion. It willlb. veady for occupation ln about a mouth's Urne. SMr. Wm. Croxal bai purohased a Ford automobile. Mr. sud.Mrs. Wm. White, Mr. and Mvi. Jos. Wbite, sud Mr. Joî. Hodsou spent Suuday with Mv. and Mvi. Mosis, of Brechin, Ont. î 1Mns. W. J. Hayevaf t Io mproviug the appearance of ber vemideuce by a. coat of paInt. Dr. John Rateliffe, of St. Catharines, ccupied the pulpit lu the Presbyterisu Church.ou Sunday. He was 4ere ou a vîsit to hlm brother, Wm._Raý.liffe, of East Wltby, on bis walvie from atteudlng Assembiy. <Mr. and Mri. Albert Clýlnu sud Mvi.. O'Brien, of Tovonto, speut Sunday Wltb their niother heve. Miess0Olver le viiitlUg relatives lu Oshawa. The W. M. Society weut 10 Columbus1 -on Fnlduy to attend a union meeting1 beld ut the Manie. There was a oien.- dld attendauce aud 'a very Interestlng1 address by Miem Drummoud, of New- castle. Mvi. W. A. Dryden ieft this week for Bozeman, Montana, where she wlll viit ber -ulster for two mnouthi. Mv. Dry- den uccompauied Mvi. Drydeu as far as Chicago, where 13e bas gone to attend a large stock aie. The Trusise. Board, of the Brooklin ,Public ScboolV' S. S. No. 3, met at the home of Drà _James Moore ou Tuesday evening lait, sud after a iengtby dis- cumîlon witb Ile ectov Hutchîson, de- cided- té atari a fifth clasi ln the public ichoolé1bers, begiuning witb the Sept- ember lenm. This wili enable the pu- plis who pas the entrance to take lit MayflowerTakcum PowderL The distinct ive odor of Mayflower Talcum lsentirely new, and of such charn and delicacy --- -as to iinmeciately appeal toà every woman of refinement, Antiseptic-exquisitely fine in texture, It is pre-eminent for use on baby. AUl Nyai pnepaationa, ave;ha'a clams by thernselves. c. Nya's Face Cream n d tofiet requisiues ave alrnost inds- pppsable for tie complextion. Asie ai the Nyal Qualiiy Store for free copy of oui bookiet, «'Yoà v Complexion," >whIhnciudes directions as ta proper methodsof Massage. tv . 29 TO.Whitfleld, Drugs khiby. Ont iliouseaa-~ ernted toacb, etc., If h.or a e ;Witske s toina had Lver Tblts, Thuy cléasé thé itomaeh md à tmn ateti.lver to bhelthyacUtv ansd toue up tho n. T0k one at nlgbt ad-o' lHTluntbemonng, k,svor ymQ ftm Chamberlain M@dhau.Compmay, Toronto. 16 For, Cash T Light 'Wagon,. P'1â1 trees, capacity 26" Abargain JSewià ng Machine., g Buy yout- wire fenc -n July Jst., Aio thet wlre f ust arrdved.- ýf9rm spdÃng, 200 Jbs., fres N'ew Pe1ýfection top., areawo IÉ3II rholesoiypý creaxn ort tc-, powder anc -one made of a rneret"~e, perhamps eue a whole cake o? pan lof But' there e. a vast, difeence min heaIhfýness i favor of foo),d made ith Royal-Bakig PoWder. Read the label onyorcr of bak- mg powder and sceywht it Jearmade f.There le No, Aium i BAKING POWDER which is made from Cream of Tartar, denîved from grapes. farrn Higb Scbooi work. Minm Phalsu, wbo bas bien lu -charge for the psut yean, bai bien vc-cngaged ai au lu- creased aiavy. Miss Phaien in a vevy efficeut teacher, sud the trustees sbould 13e cougratulated upon, ibelr -cholce of a principal. At the arne meeting the trustees die- clded, 1o çpropriate Lhq. ,old .burYIng grouud à a tus vîar,of tise ohol, and to level sud lil Iup for a playground sud getcc' eld for the childi-cu, WItb bese addilou'al i mprovîments, Brook- lin obhol Shourd'have a large attend- sute for th113e ltlrm,. Audley %Garden Par-ty,Tb-dy June 241h. Tea from 5 10 7. 30 cents admission; chiidrn 20c. Major B. A. Olver, of Ottawa, wbo la uaw statlauedr at Bavrielield, speut the week-end ah Mr. A. Ketcheu'a. Be sure 10 reservo Suuday sud Mou- day, June 27 sud 28, for tbe Meibodîsi S. S. anlvevsavy. Mr. John LambertIol busy building a uew bai-n sud stables ou bis farm, near Columbus. .Mvi. Reid, of Oshawa, viîited ai tbe home of ber parents, Mr. sud Mvi. A.! Ketchen, ibis week. Lawu social ou Tuesday cvcniug, June 22ud, ai the home of Mvs., Wm. Dunu. Brooklu, under the auspices of the Wiliug Workers of St. Thomas" Cburch. Tes served f rom 6 ta 8, chaise prograni. Admnissiou 25c. Mn. Harvey Kingston hle ensrgiug bis bouse. Mr. A. B. Fisher bas the work. -BALSAM. A number tram bers attended the funenai 0f Mvi. Frank Harris, of Wbit- by, ou Sunday. .Sînce the recent nainse113e crope are making gneat growih, with the excep- tion af bay, whlcb promises ta be short aud 11gb-t. Audiey Gandin. Party, Thursday, June 24th. Tes tram 5 la 7. 30 cents admission; blidren 2uc. Bsn .Washburu, real esiate agent, of Toronto, Is vislling ai bis brother-lu- iaw's, Mn. Robt. Spencer, an sudedvel- opiug bis muscle by assisting with the tai-m work. David Pilkey. spent Sunday at bis borene orth af Ciaremoul. Ladies' Aid meeting was beld at the home of Mrs. Jamieson ou Weduesday, wheu arrangements werî made for Ihe ganden party by1ich wiH b1e held the latter pari af Mbs rnanth. Walter Busbby speut Sunday ai bis uncle'i, Tbo!ý,Buîhby, 6tb lins, Ux- bridge. F. H. Davies' auto, wblch bas bien under the cars of s specîlsi ah one af the Toronto bospilali, 15 ual yît lna a lit condition ta 13e moved home. 1 A number of aur single and mari-ned1 min journeyed ta Ashburn on Saturday eveniug to asîsitibe Ashburnltes lu their football garni betwein the mar- nied sud single meni, which resulied lu s île, ech tearn scoring ans goal. Gordon Fisher was lu the village on Sunday, glvlng bIs new car a workaui, sud called ai the store to gîve It a drink trra F. H. Davies' bowsev. Fred Redshaw was lu the clty on Suuday calliug on bis IUtile son Gardon, wha bas bien lu ths baspîtal for Ibres mauths, sufferlug tram spinal trouble. Rabert sud Mra. Sludholrnî sud cbild, of Ballon,' and John sud Mvi. Birkeit, of Myrlîs, visiled ai W. H. Brkelt's on Sunday. Mri. John 'Bushby vlsiled, at Bd. Lee'i,_ Chalk Lake, au. Suuday. 2 .The foatball team mnind going ta Muzzlirnan's Lake on Saturday, sud aiîo Itd ta brng borne thsbacon. Wrn. Edwavds -bas sorne Shouffville painlers redecoraling hts bouse on theii tairn bers accupied by Wm. Jackson. Mvi. Penny Cbapman, who bas bien keeptng bouse for Wrn. LIigion, Clave-h mont, bas reîurued home. Beware o! ointments for Catarrh * that Contain Mèroury 1 as MercUry wiil surei y detroy hesenne of J G I ~ ~ emeil1 -nd conpetîeran_'f. 'Ilesytemt w1hcen tering il through the mucous srfaces, Such articles shauid neyer be used xcepi on1 danreaýgethey wrîli o1 i.tenbl1d to the goo o cm esibly derv rnfhn Hail's Catarrh Cur, tanfatned y .'J. Cheney C o.. pole andToeda, 0.. contains no nterclity and -le taken and înîeruîîîy, acting dlrectly upon - the biood sud ~h pintd. -- -nauffus surfaces of thesystent. In buyîng - It Io taken biterns1iy aund ae oi ,(ho - ».0 byF.I.Cheney&Co. etidnafr. $15.00_amIily Pille for constipation. We Wll "advanceALMONDS. 1- wiJ~1aje Miss Mabel Rowe sud, Miss -L Cole- rost hg rd ~lan OpentSÛunday ait te rmer's home - ,NmIxi -Sundsy will b. Temporse Sun4day.at AlMends. Mr. F. B. B. Pat- toyes*, wth biue - ten, of Oshawa, sud other speakers will 2 bepresent. Evevyone wolcoeo. Miss Clark spent Sunday ai ber hems lu-,Ijxbildge,,, Several i-rom bers atieuded the Eben- ezer anniv"rsary services ou Sundsy sud.-Monde-ylait Mv, indT'Mrs. Mtchell, 0f"Grez Ri#- er; i-;pbe &.Jçw tiys al Mr. W. DlIng- mau's lait wéëlr. -- - Thére. wui ne ÃŽervlé- ut Almond - où n raylut dwngto the timbrai largely ;attended. Much aympathy la RAGLAN. Moad work ls ln f ull-swing now. Farmersa ad laborers are ail wovkig for the King. The Councllmen were ln Raglan one evenlug lait week, and a cernent aide- walk 1i nOw under way, being laid rvet Of the town. hall." - x X~v .M. Haig"of Codlun1ur, wil oeuduét special services- for the Bp- WOrth' -League'ý neit Sunday eveniug. Everybody corne.e Mv. and Mri. John May, of Goodwood, speut, -Suuday wlth -the f9rmer'o broth, ler-iu-law, Wmn. Kelliugton. - Mise Lottle Kelllngton le home atter ftnishlng her course ln Normal School, Peterboro Rev. Mr. Hazzard, B.A., B.D., will conduet aflernoon services here next Suuday. Misses N. and R. Roise, Wbitby, are the guests of Miss Bernice Buckler. Jas. Coucb was here this week, look- Ing up old acquaintances. 1Everybody appreciated the -bhowers whicb fell the other day.. STRAWBERRY BULLETIN Thimis to notify the lloumewife that Niagara Peninsula Grown Strawberris are ' ready now. Bee your . roser for- your wants-THE "6WILLIIMS11 IS THE DEST FOR CANNING. Place orders i.mniediate1yýwith your Grocer. The aunlvinsary services et pumas' Church, Ashburn, wIll 3e Iheld on Sun- day sud Monday, June 20h3asd 2lît. On Sufiday, Rev. W. H. Andrews, M.A, of Bast Presbyterlan Church, Taranto, willi prsach at bath services, sud the Young Men's Choir will rendei special msusic. On Monday a les will be- serv- id lu the churcb carnmencing at 5 a'- dlock, tallowing which Ihere willi 1e a lecture by Rev. Wmn. Pallirian, D.D., of Coake's Church,Toronta, on "Greater Brilaîn sud ibe Great War." This will 13e a greât trialtfonr1the cammunity, sud shauld 13e well ýatronIzedm Audiey Garden Party,'- Thursday, June 241hi. Tes tram 5 ta 7. 30 cents admission: cbiidnen 20c. YRECKLESO DON'T HIDE THEM WVITH A VEIL; REMOVE TUIEM WITH THE OTHINE PRESCRIPTION. This prescription for the rernovai of fekes was wnillen by a prornînent Physician sud le usuaiiy sa succeseful lu nernaving freckies sud giving a cear sud beautiful complexian, that itlai sald bY druggisîs under guaranle la vetund the rnoney If Ilt ails. lIon't bide yauv fveckies under a veit; gel an ounce of olbine, sud re- MOVe tbem. Even the tiret tew appli- calions shouid show a wouderfui lm- provernu, sorne af trho lighter freck- les vanishing entirely. -Be suri la ask the dvuggisi for the double îlnength othine; lu la thîs thai le eald an 1the mon ey-back guaranise, KINSALE. Rev. E. W. Tîne wili preach au Salem nexi Sunday aI 2.30 p.m. It wIli 13e a memrnas service, asslsted by Mount Zian choir. In lthe sveuing ah 7 o'clock Rev. J. R. Real, of Clavrnaunt, wili of- flelate, asîisted by Greenwaod choir. Speclal callections are aiked ai eacb service tan the' Trust Bardof the Cemetery. Owlug la 1the memorial soi-vices ai Salem next Sunday, the regitîtir service tiers wlll 13e wilhdnawu. .Some tram bei-e nltendsd the garden Party ai Wm. Oke'î, Kingston Road, aud repart a good tîrne. Rond work lu Ibis.division bas been cornpleted. Mr. Pengaiiy bas bult a new walev tank for the lhreshlng outlit. Notb- Ing Ile being ready before begiuuiulg operalians. Mn. Wilsan Rogers lu wovkiug ai car- Psuler work wiIh a man ou the King- ston Rond. Audley Gandin Party, Thursday, rune 241h. Tes fi-rn 5 ta 7. 30 Cents Ldmtaian; ebhldren 20c. Mns. Sylvester Maciey sud ber daugh- ter, Mrs. C. J. Stevenson, ave visltlug relatives ai Landau sud Western 'oInts. Mvi. James Richardson, et Oshawa, las been viaitlug Iu our mnidet. Real Relief from muffo*iug moins true haf5 pinos.,Theo-trouble due te In I_ gestion snd bilhousuess la retà «ed qukcidyCertalny sudéaie-yby te rE D( Hessoon recovered.. - IMrs. R. R.-ý Mowbray - Ivistiuzg rela- tives down east. 8h. wlll aso repwe- sent the W. M. Soçletyat Iheir conven- tion ai Trenton 1» . ' - 11_ -Mr. Jae. Ric'bavdson, of Oswsfc éâù. ed upon relatives sud frieudeinl our, village luit Sabbatbý, The S .will 13e ,witbdrawu flexi Sabbath, ou account of_ Cernetery ser- vices at,,Salem. Rev. S. G. Clave speut s day. or iwo lait*week callilug ou aid frlendm onuthe Greeuwood circuit, wbere heo "iabôred nmre liftcen or sixteen yeari ago, [t, le neediesi te, say bis aid friendsi werc, vevy -pleased* to meci hlm. 1ý- -1 Robert Banker, ,Chief 0f Police#, of Dryden, Ont., cailed on - . - Kiniale frieuds a few days ago. Robi. speut bis younger days around KInqale, but bus made good lu the West. 1-ý1 - Remembor Ibe-Kinsale garden Party, on Juiy lit. -E Electiln ef teachers sud officeri 0f -our S. S. wlll take place Frlday even- Ing next. Al Iutevcited sb0uld at- tend.- Jas. Harbrou li reported about ai usuaL Misa Cors Lawe*e, of Toronto, bas been under the 'egareutal roof for s short lime. Wm.. Dunu, wba drawî croam for the jBrooklin Creamrn-y, hýai made a trip Ior iwo wihbtho auto truck, but alwaysc r elurns to the team wagon. This lattere Iconveyance never-seemi ta leave or for- make hlm.. HOW FAT FOLKS MAY BECOME THIN. By Elizabeth Thomas. Perbapi you >are suddenly becorng atout, or It rnay be that you have been puttiug ou weigbt for yeavs. Iu eitbev came the causeéfi the same- iack 0f oxygen-cavryiug power of _the lod. This trouble occurs lu adults 0f bath sexes aud ait ages, butit ray be over- corne very easI)ry'and iwltfiout, auy 0f the privatio i himu epebi aglue nuecesisry to reduce ibeir Welght. Sirnpiy go to youv druggimt sund get sorne-oil of 6rilene capsules. Take one after each meal- sud oui bitons golug te bcd. Welgh youvîelf so as to know Just how fait you are losiug -wslght. Wouderful vesulti have been accomp- Ilised by ibis luexpeusive 'recipe, but be sure to get the genulue 011 of orilene lu capsule foi-m. Itla1 sold ouly lu or- iginal sealed packages. Any large drug- glît eau suppiy you, or a large size box wlll be sent on veceipt 0f $1. Address D. J. Little Drug Co., Box 1240, Mon- treal, Canada. ANNUAL MEETING 0F FARMERS' AND WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. On Tbuvsday afternoon lait, the South Ontario Institutes hcld their an- nuai meeting at the Agricuiturai roomi, Whitby. The Farmers' Insti- tute had ou-ly a fair atteudauce, but the ladies drowded their quarters to the door. The Farmera' lustitute dealt wlth mattèe of business velatiuig to the past year, sud aiso vsgardiug plans for the future. A proposaI was subrnitted by the Pro. vincial Deparimeut of Agriculture, to forni, instead of the Fanmers' Instituts, MYVRTLE LUVERY First ClassRigs for hire. Special attention given to commercial travelens. Bus meets ailtrains. THOS. SMITH. Pnop. h. I NICHCuN UN 03 )LSON 481 ELOON ERS WHITBV DOa EQUID i e118seliuaRce D. 0IF CANADA aved iii palicy holdens $îoo,ooo in its firsi ten yeans of business by sellJng ihem withoui-profits policiem, sud having ail premiurm paid direct ta hcad office without commissions. Premiums col- lected were $389,ooo, instead of $489,. ooo. Fourteen othen Canadian com- panies received $18,499,695 in their finit ten years mainiy for with-pnofits policies, and paid iu profits ta policy holders $gi,55o. 'rbein combined ac. cuijulated surplus over shaneboiders' contributions was $79,707 at the end of their finît teri years. Which looks best to you ? The Equity Life ih the totai abstain- ens Company. If interesîed write f oi funthen particulans. The man who studies hie own lnterests will L. W. DUDLEY, il.âITIHRLAND, Agent, President & Generai Manager Wh 1 by. ont. 'Soronto. ATTRACTIVE TRIPS To MIusloka Lakes, Georgian Bay, French River, Maganetawan River, Lake of Bayo, Algonquin Parkl, Kawartha Lakes, Timalgalni, etc. Rtound trip t.urI.t tickets novponsalef rom certain tainu ln Ontario at very lo lres, wth I beral stop.overs. ______ IMIISKOM EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 10.15 a.m. dally. excspt Sunday, for Muakolce Wharf, Hluntsville, AIgonquin Park and North llTty. Connections are made ai Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes andi at Hfuntsville for point- on Lake of!1Baya. Pa,rLlibr.ry,-lnffet car to Algonquin Park,. Parlor-Library-Caie car and first.class coaches to North Bay. Pull par. ticulars and tickets on application to agents. 19. Steoininson, Agent, phone Se, Whltby FALL TERI OPENS SEPT. lit Toronto, Ont. bas to-day a stronger hoid uponthe publ Lie confidence than e ovin fore. JThou'ough tr'aining " for choic sii tions in Businesis Life in given n al of our Depertmsnts,, Tbii coliege does not sl 'fora boiter neputation than it ha s now. We plae many studeuts l psitions each year., Wite to-day for large Catalogue. cor. Toneile wu.. . J.aillet n 119110ts t. . ricia wovkmen areth mechanlicsini miatis doli Mali whc Becn- -Let Brant i. Board cf *Agriculture for, the vldlng, under ths direction of whicli *ould bc the, various Farinera' Club, Wornui Iumitutes, Junior D'armers' Impr6ve ment -Aosocettgo, nîsd ay oiber fsrmý crus',organtiations, Thîe purpose of thim pvopol-,I to consolidate ibevavitout lIctresis, sud te obviate overlapping lu uheir work.- Theproposai -waiU n anîrnouely adoptedi Tii» election of officers rssuitedlu the appaintmeut of Mv. W. Wilson,'et Gveenwood, as Président: Mr, Norman White, Vice-Presideut, sud Mn. R. M. Tîpper, Sccrctary-Treaiurer. 1 Tbe Wome'î Institute meeting wai enthusiaitis, sud reports sbawcd an ex- cellent year's.work. The offlerena ci- ed ,were. Kerveci. -Folowiug-tbli, Pro mgewaî oui of encouragçafl t'!y duvlug tiIs urne of si spake brlstiy, but moa t-la sund hie visit to Whitby waî Dreeiatcd. réitly Orîllia store ow close ai, 5 o'olocIt evsry day excepi Saturday. Estabiiheci over Forty-one Years -THE STANDAR.BN 0F CANADA ASSETS 0%ER $48t000oOO * ThejAB.CofBal g 'Value Your "Monpy. lfilaste and Xravagance Bring Diaraster W. solicit your accounain lour SAVINOS DEI>ARTMENT WHI 1T BýY B-AN CHI C. A. McClel Lan Manager. »J tBownauvle, Drokliu <.A. M g eland Poet '.7 . Osaw <. wmsMaver), Picherini n otP7 READY FOR -No mixiriL 'Th esafe wa- Poisý One applic Sufficit! lb. lforxo DPrugilst and MEDICAL 1 Brock St. Seo the Go al W. -EeVAINS 1-for'ppr*mes on ail ki, Puit in-yo Wlnter Su nowiethe priu -bâ Ordei-ay be 1e Jones' baýrnees eh' ot r 0iat Mr. residence, Kent $S M - FL WELBAN graduais af Ontario V< Office, -Temperance' All calis prarnptiy att 17 v 2; Independent -I - The Creator Canada lmn Laid Co.,- Limil BeaI Estate Dealers, Bstsa Renti-Callected, - Piret Los Proporthes bougli t iL Bell Phoýie 193. Lin~îr orems alpyesdans k -Farms Wa -' Fity acres wanted'witi - vicinity-Bnookiin or Coiuiun .arwith buildings,.convoi - good-motaning rond, wasie* mng vegetable5, -etc.- If you ~-" enty to siwrite JOHN FISHER CountrX Resi estate anid'Fa Luimsden Buiic 6 Adelaide St. Bs TORONTO H88e1 9Ia[ LIVERY, SALI DOIROINO ST R- ROOK sTr.%i .&ll kindà s-ofs8uug-o i r.ige"for hire. But *0v r - *MADE in CANADA' Ford Touring. Car 1Price $590 Vie best tliat rnzey,'i uy-is the labor tai goes irtoio te - ' ord. Our