Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jun 1915, p. 2

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Mybonnie -boy >b wen sw Teo ight geress lthe set M ionI knew- th,"etenis.t that f,. that a Ûnasnees "Were, hàven's'gift to. e.1To y ure thtthe Germianr But I was-proud, th gh 1 ias sad, Oárg aonn in every ~For after many. rs, tm om pro ofEiadand hier allies. He stood, juta sfrthà hàd,himong yvï e la ntecase is apparent to And kisseday my tears. stlddw n oap pndesthe rates at eg ftegre.H tedféetcounitries can ber- In some far 'pot beneath the sod -1Ti*fdhrçikdïfi oý nly"way to ascertain'a* na- M 8wnseuadie e,1an' akntietod]ta erlof cedit. hus, wen Whie I, ust humbly thank my God nnghsbekat utn Fh Te4o pologiste pint toe For are that fill my eyes. wosadbuhdu i e ,ed n e s w i t h w h i h G e r m n y s w a r oth o f h s e d h n h havé been subscribed, we .have eh'4 have known the joys of life, be rud to 'copr' the rate at which¯ they/ehl its hopes and fears;Rihovrteentemddef tvere mnade., What are the facto? All Put when the hieart ise torni with strife tegre a il oi.'Hlo the G¢rman war loans put out by Ger. God's greatest gift .is tears.thrBlyRbn"cle Tom many since the war began were onlySarw utBlydd'tlo po successful becat4e the interest rates My only son, my greatest joy, ase;h utwn ih ln were at 5 per cent, and more. Eng- That is the gift 1 gave-tnigosow uies-hc läid's war loans bave. all been weI-ý And if I weep, Pm proud my boy.-- -semdobeignguthdrtha over-subscribed at rates ranging from Lies in a, soldier's grave. ayh eetybe okd H e4prcn.le has po graven monument, Sproasehiel."tinP1 Again, reference has been made by But what is that to me; /wthadse esest èetn German writers to the "llow gold He died a man, so Plm content. ? $4smtigbtwa h oehn stck i te an -fEngland as Teetár God set them fre-aneimoetnIsee. I s' "thck pointheiBnkEglndsfinncalwoms Im-sue f ha." Tmm araen.the Bankpoit f England' s aca Mothers, if when you mourn your dead, ' .This pièture shows some of the 500 Italian RLeservists who saied from New York on the stemrDcUpro a eysilo h oe gold holdings to-day are $100,000,000 Your grief o'erwhelms your pride, d'Abruzzi for'Naples to be assigned to their various regiments in Italy's seond lineam'ibofteodpetre and wtced more -than they were at the enid-,of Think had they livedl then in their stead -U n oneh adnBlyRbf last July, and this- increase has been A miems aede.wl engiil n h a otewle;pcig eknpciga bogtabout wholly by the-ordinay - -- - - - - -- - 0 8 S I.[b W R»adnelswille o ten e r-ay teeos r threeh ' eiiatse op-erstion oacm--a CANADIAN BOOKLETS FREE. I have only one thing to say in o."emsbeatnpbls, -rdio nai, n because of-hroitin rs closing. Just because we are coming Faseh/o Hn ad om parwt1hmef conretor nationsand. bem aus ser- -to the critical moment of the war it gra dius,"lwtcawhe contvrl f hseams. ermany hasThe Dominion Parka Branch han S6 A NAVAL AND MILITARY becomes al important to keep ourlogrtbese. howeeruse mot etrardiaryHEALTrH recently issùed three publications EXPERT DECLARES. heoa ai eas fta nd-I oTmySarwwthdwa methods to-brinig about the extremely which are noteworthy on account of ede ta tecrcal time thas oar- i semdthmaloglngiehn heavy iÏncreases in her gold supply- th.e attractive form -in which they are ----ed that the enemy is redoublingr Black and White Pplr ecudsadi olne-oko Circulars have been, abundantly distri- printed and the interesting matter . . is actsda vrnto-wkon Teomn hopsielcant the sparow fmilyare otedfor hei buted pleading with the people to ex- K hycnan he r:"lsiidThe Relative Positions of the Allies weak nerves nd roduteadisrayn eýwea ba"eauei mkshe ok uistyrtertapterpaine cha'ga thirgoltfr ppermoeyolsmg GudetopisaaneTeirHaitaendheEenmyofeudmeteaon thseheasnat.asoldasMetuslahbiihainthe adnTmm wahneexepiontoth and it is common knowledge that no One %4P dislikes to observe fash- Rocky Mountains Park"; "The Naki- o tacki mng. s le a at sown gr e t trublesh es a s h ul . H ut fnd o t w a il one has been allowed to leave the ions in human -conduct cannot help mu Caves"; and "Glaciers of the Compared. - "Keep Calm." visitsrubrendadns bakadRoitahoigadwy ci otryitoirsThe ing eprivted of co ncing hat kmisiesm.s o lone okiesadekik. Mr. Hillaire Belloe, the eminent These attacks have been futile so, white paper on the wals;hecl-n "BlyRb!"ecaed has ýbeen iturning out millions of pa- have learned to meet and part, a prsa n uaitathrthnareetspehde'elar therfacrnedswthere fthe helling oDn- ntrscvrdwt lc n wietnigt i w uies pler mop).ey which it forces on the peo- 1-east in publie places, without open the scientist. ' It is a compilation of of numbers in this war was all im-' kirk, the occpatjn of Libau, theeretonne. She rushes aa oada BlyRbn il oi!Lo p le) v i n y m e t a d o e o i u d t en d e a r m e n ts ; a w h i ch oi s a n e x c e e n t fi r t -h a n d in f o r m a t io n f o r a n g le r s b y p o r t a n t . M r . B e llo c s a id : - s in k in g o f t h e I -âe it a n ia , t h b u n g p a r t ic u la r ly j o lly s o u , a n i s g v n a h r ! I wt t o al t o y u "e r - by vcrythnbohaamaerogo taeone who has fished in all the principal At the present time, as-ha been'of Southend, or the coming raid on. cup of tea served in bacanwhtpeed aoeOclto i emn nd of hygriveene Foolicusoms hy- waters of the Park. It takes up each the case right along from the opening London-and therie will be one be-chiaomlc n ht ta Tu drse, il oi er Note ircuatio in ermay ha m- e r vve endlte ss sc oding ofno- y localnit, eri fes te b e t meas of f lim th warth eact ossnublersisoe theendorth us a e o f ase s.w g n . .adlokdoe o h pl te."h cread'0 r ent. snce fth ai rmegonsbttanaeuba.rahigithcieenkaitiso llipran.Insdmosbl o Alwuhtinsaehdniotpoehreaenwate mwce ocodmonnToiySarov"h tarted, andut 4 erl 'er" fInothe ialvu neteiom;taed kipin . e-fish which- can lbe secured, and the discuss 'war intelligently without duce chaos in the minds of belliger-!ob flacdwe, adetcsmteasee oiey Wa si a is olybbous45beritnt .Inothreca cove sgh;manle'issngoifbetebititzus.gTe gaetfshafcrelizngehatract Rhtorial n- nt cuntiesand mon netral. murnul ceorcommatiliandnrstdo or ou? wrds fo evey $ in ote GeranyCD we could only bring promiscuous the Rockies include five species of ergy is wasted wlren it merely de- The only way to meet these acts,atos gof lthr aebac "Yuanelmewtyuaed- canonl shw gldsohtewvlueof issngendehth baafouevryoe,'trutoneof hic-th Lae MnneLscibe oraniatinio eficincyan whch ill inreae -n volecevndoNs.-nig,"sainTomy parow $2.5Erae nland'sn oe ruation hast how many colds and coughs and min-' wanka trout-has been known to run does not discuse numbers. horror, is to keep calm. Whether ee i eaei tlto Blyluhd Ta os' on she s ale o sow $ m oldforWe cannot think of forbidding the Dolly Varden¯- and the Cut Throat ficiency are no better than those of clous, during them all we must keep A the n sih n 1s awhe o ol nwwto, en od evey $ innots. reoerevi-. kiss between parents and children, or trout are found in many of the lakes the allies, but hie has more meni n h iiay rbe eoeu;it!finte c d hin exttorhsa:' aigcr. dens ccmuat t s tata ug between brothers and sisters, and 'and streams of the Park, and a fish that is an essential to success. The will not be solved by the sinkgofaeca"ting con"fxlamd1om amiount of German leg 1tender notes yet everyone ought to exercise the, hatchery has recently been estab- German's latest success in Galicia !the Lusitania or the shelling of un-1 SehresBiemisSarw Weed o e t have not a vestige of gold éover. That greatest caution, especially during , lished at Banff for the purpose of re- has, been gained by weight of num-! armed towns, but will be won and L .heOuhofth goun,"reBierBll is, why German notes are at a big the winter months, when colds and stocking those twhich have become bers. I say that because the Russians' lost in the field. - ihes cf the Valley anà ht iasRbn igse tTmyssui discount in every -foreign country, grippes are prevalent, especially'depleted. are unable to provide themselves with' The military problem alone gov- combmed are taking thlaeoth.iycn'~yuse? Ucnerdl notw;ithstanding the government's among families that are predisposedj The second Pamphlet gives an inter- the -.necessary munitions. It is su-1 erns -the issue, and while one may usual orange blossomsfobrdlb-hreudhiwaknupndon shipments of gold.'to neutral countries to such infections. Why do we calm- esting, account of the formation, periority in numbers which has just regret many things which are being, quets. Weddingtgowns r hr n ai i el in order to try to rectify -the ex- ly exchange the germs of a complaint character and discovery of the famous given France lher victorynrho rdntatrge utro e alo-areani ecoimaiettah Ys eeyuetn, adTm declared itself ? These interesting natural curiosities surroundmng that factor. is going to be very heavy in the pre- arycok .threwan' ay or aoud hi In theiUnited States the deprecia- ,Affection can be shown without1 are supposed to be about 40,000 years The ee Campaign. sent magnitude of the operations on ca yowrscroed wth hugethboqeogadnwnIlftm -nst hi tiorn m erman cutrei cy is about 13, the touching of lip to lip. No caressi old, and consist of a series of under- . which we are- engaged. During this stnrbo onn.IkobcueIhne per cent. -It ls true thýat Brtish eur- is more charming than the gentle1 ground chambers, some of themfit What ls the decision the enemy is period itis perfectly futile to criti-'hserdsad'ton ayin womriihaberblaeannot.d g boring repubhie, but that ls due bred Frenchwomen use; parents_ feet long, hollowed out parl yeo with the allies, perhaps just a, trinle particular love' for the professional isMuc h aepannro kr rafs. mostentrel tothe uishas ofough toteah cildrn t doallthei sin ad prtlyby olcnicactin, upeior forhe asoecuedihs'lstaoliicia, bt, henfighingforex-panirspoitedbodiebsuar nel' "hic jist oes o povethaeyo ist twrlsupphe i ha c founr ksg inethat way. en ople siand enngitoeahoteratdffr-ad osilyhi bs rcrimet seneancntotrlofthSat nd sotrufld leve nda lt ouddobète o athyor w whic do ot ncesaril mea mui- wo ar in erfct h th arbr mi entleves. he wlls f te caes d urinsth pashi weks Theal- ust e peyed Miltartdescplie flwerd shpheresshat.At oeogaden-rgter.tan opfoagers,é tiorons In everylotheriforeigncountry, coss g nthat a cauevoent ilole ns ae oved iith stg lrsetle r rgesg"or lwy utms ue huhi ery 'often h-a n wedingof nationleimprac h ee"epand1l oi."fe howeve-r,,British .eurrency is at a pre- in those who are- susceptible to themn. ,mstn fraioanihy eer l improve on theié present rate very. pens that even superior officers show atednscridlrelgonhts ulf1hsmrigaltl o miumi. If the financial situations of Certain germs, those -of pneumoniabmeatoe torthenroarondeyrrn rapidly. The campaign has becomne lamentable ignorance. "Once warfilledawithmrrite s n ohr aeot fth oseadplne England and Germ=n are tarefully for instance, are very often present torrents. The different chambers a great siege, but there ls a general la declared 'Follow the King' s the. old-fashioned flowers.. h fetwstiacho on etik ei studied, the only coclsion that can in the mouth and throat; they are,, have been given names *suggestive of false impression of what conistitutes only crf You, can do your clearing very charming, as thehaswrsu-gigthveafnptcofonfr possibly be-reached is-ýha England's forthtiebnghamsso their their character: The Pi"• "Th a siege. It actually arises when one up afterwards. pne rmteam ywd i.ppcr hsfl.H lne tali standing is, vastly superior to that of hosnt, but might be fatal if commum- Mei car ay";r "The alroo"- "The force constrains another to manSuvre - - bons o y e ai.. na osro.Itsvr odetn, Gcrmany. cated in a kna to some one more sus- Art Gallery"- "The Judgment 'Hall"- within a hmiited area.- A siege does THE FRENCH TRICOLOR- etrhlpyusl! +- , eeptible to their poison. 1 TeWieGoto-"h rd¡not mean defeat, it does not meanBlueofCnpPatr. Tmyneddougn.Hefw U in a Zep elin.Many persons continue the practice! Chamer";ite tc.and "hetidae starvation, but it can only end in Has Been the National Banner !of Our TeBouses wich h ume il onad onlare h tiko Upi aZppln of kissmng long after they have learn-|1 . er; t., n we.he r three ways--first, relief of the be- Ally Since 1830. .hefbluses hi th The- bulding of a Zeppelin is not ed its dangers, because they fear to'ilit with electricity and proper guards sieged; second, sorties which break The French have always favored, will select for golf,tensbotg wigtersangtig e talces months, and when that is done and harmless ways of showingthi the stairs and platforms, they should ah n efeatg rth ,caiuato;the ou h 'o rehie ad bu, an madras or may run to tie e ota stera esnwy r more, time must be spent in testing affeetion. Select one of them, and ý be among the most interesting sights In this western siege we have a- whoug pltmesrad boery es anes signs, of which the mosi oua r a uhapo rpo ocrifo the airship. To think of a Zeppelin accustom those you love to that. You 1 in the Rockies for tourists. snua oiiofra1housd en sa esa s the broad canopy pattrsolh htcrful lne ac!/ leaving its shed and flying straight will find that they will soon regard "Glaciers of the Rockies and Sel-sthe aloiesiwere wolly infer or si n rI ysd ih TetF wih candy striped effects.Infcmn- -- ino li fgtsas onriutrtoth nw aes a wlom a tekirks" sla by Dr. A.P. Coleman, Pr,-numes e indadcnindt- aoa ng ha T lrheerhof the blazer stripes aerpoue ilso h ris hi,,Oat the bombe are dropped, adu an 1 rom i-3lrelugreTo n oiiinPra rncO-tyadbea hogwees hc9ayast o aa upss her hegu i montd f heair ad id saandgdekshighlrk tstanding hage bsidesks lstunforthy celerkso Vctrt shere, esguneis.oued if arthe r-might help to solve a difficulty whichw, w re eigdaels neste an 'do i France had numerous national flags , world, sine her mines wr pndi aet.Te a efsinda shi' res neHee aso re hehas got--to be solved sooner or later. 8 so-just what the enemy has; been before it adopted the tricolor. Al- 1851, more than 1,435,61,0fgl.raiyasea sfsindi h paratus and the wireless plant.. When a girl feels tired from standing, agamnst Warsaw, again at the Car- ticularly artistic, its p redecessors -in 1856-3,053,744 ounce.-- .a epenfrend aiaor wtriup fin she should be given the opportunity . --- pllMeU Mr Sl. oa athifrnestand no mos treen-ranked amongEt thee ost beautiful The staté of Westernrutai a AHreSoy a ~ ~ ~ . ieplnoaniehutrafigtetosit down, and when 'a man feels Poprt ilMk sMr ef oso l etr aea flags in the world. The first French, been the premier Autaingl- O 0th Bris hoessa [t.i was an, interestmng-experience, al- cramped froms sitting hie should be Reliant. The effect of this last eftort was flag was extremely quaint. It con- bearer since the beginnin ftepe-cniaefrteVcoi rs thqugh the noisy creaking of the great able e isefr tretch. Stadin,-ti local and subsidiary, and it can have sited of a blue hood hung on a cross! etcetrhavn hitll whenever the engines back-fired, etorsoras . anng ts estimated in Canada that war no effect on the final issue of the war barsand represented -the cloak of St. sent cftenuy, avig.spledmth2rtelnecopra0tth0rott ori joly ustof indcauht he ursnstheeattedi retarosodesoilntta a las M40,0000innes te ssanlienstbokn.Mat aait retl rveedby as fftenyers2300,00 unes asisscoomate0aLicstr."I i huge surface;' was disturbing. When w baiing healthy er cse on e si before peace arrives. This will efee-! Making one dent in a line is unim- the French, and years ago hi-, helmet aginlâst 00,0 boitoi. h atuPsoy famaoevton'h the engines jumped, the entire Zeppe- obamtmg :eriea tually offset shrinkages in certain portant unless it is followed by the was carried by our allies in their tr lagsuest gl-roingsaemad."h roswrhriga linijumnged with an w a n awt 'riall its s akn a eesl Canadian staples, such as timber and1 line being pierced. The- unfortunate wars to inspire the soldiers. Asrh sQenln.tetmada n ie elfo jolItts, the -wind eurfeîs took it and, overdene-especially by those who lv-tc.Ia ti.hpd h atita usacno rvdThe second French flag was a! KingGeo-rgshrswoeedth amlice once,, and the passenger looked fear- asked for last autumn the country will or withequipment in anything like end eut into three tongues, resemb- evr a.adcre i wyt aey fully aloft, fearing every minute that SOGOlTECLOIS ie able to export 175,000,000 bushels. sufficiency. If the Dardanelles were ling flames, between each of whlbh the. back of the monster would break The total agricultural exports may! opened what is now merely a tiny , was a green tassel. and send-them all hurtling to the J .ames L. Hughes, Toronto. , amount to $250,000,000 in the present1 streamn of munitions would become i Some picturesque banners were at D€Velopm n SOO Bu df earth. When he disembarked lhe upg'are sono in our mother's house, fiscal year-just about double what la river. It has to be remembered that, one time carried by the French war- walched one of the crew .open the skin s We are masters in our own, , they were in the previous year. Inl always in any operation ýf war there, riors before the tricolor waved over stràtched over the;frameçwork of the And when mother shall need her sono the year up to March 31st last domes-, are two things: First, local successes' the French battlefields. There was ! shiminum girders-and go inside- ge nvrsadaoe. tie manufactures were exported to and, second, securing of the ultimate, the sky-blue cavalry standard with Theh hesawthemanbegn trowng heaale obabutn175000000wWanobectve.InGalciaefohe ussan:thegolen5un0f0ouiXI.,.heobstdencoftheeredno te ml tousndiear pror o te lst en out -bolts and nuts by the handful. ers with hier for aye odr a rn ptettlt line has,,not been broken the effort white and gold hanner of Joan of. tor car art has seen a wnefleo üy Th aMin of te dihtha.hddtsby love sincere,' $n00,000,000-aecseratvbfgrebas failedofais bjet Teeemdr, anfbetlumrodrd ihlution in the past tWentyyas h h oo a ice h effec onthhudeso luu the right and truen te rgh and t otl xprt etweçe $650,000,.-a aie ,sbiiary success, u the Madonna, angels, -and lilies, and' automobyile hbas been asmpc aigö rcia uefrti uoe rc gr htsupport thé' ballpons insidè oe revere. 000 and $700,000,000 may be recorded,| the Russian lhne has not yet been the famous old banner of the city of in the world's' historyashs nytclyM'LvsoofarFace skin. Aluminum is&-a msedofte$3000,0 s nte, ire.-paris with its -vhite ship on a blood1- other single"step of na' ngnosdvsdtetasiso ytm , ot.hdworked loose-end fallen 6t1 This volume of business will bring' ofra heoeain n the of nearly every-flag connected with dent of a motor ýcompany yfteiscnend sunlee ody a to theÀ iat0herrtastthalfPeriteoet be, such prospèerity t.aaaaswl Drdnle recneåd h sa the army, navy, and merchant ser- who died in 1896, nevera oo asteenylpei. u3vn bème-ote inthe, r gible alinthe, so's-cause make her much moreanself-reli antdthn llesis aof n impor tne e iceo rne a.T-a ore r rcial e insbednwivnís h an e a th haeerbfoe hewllebaki new the dominating. shors on, the 'Eure- +o Gi le'gated to the "Zoo." aakwihiiutdM;Ieäie' afli voyage-ýe41 _any -«ghcommercial and manufacturing enter-r ensd r ied hr-r i- Where He WsGon-. To,-day wetalk to SnFai-c.0netv ri a tesgto-ot nuts hàaye to boeeplahe ",t M Her. pie he h oudnthv utes fcntelne oc.O e -A sergeant sadn tawindO n To-day. man makes hiswab mtrleDalr'crd nena.o- thogh1o, ndthu bcoe.hainI n the storming of Achi Baba, and the barracks ]aW a private Pasindr-omeattocst'hffe-bstnegheprelhèbts n ated t indusrial pisuitsthat wll snohema N edMandigidm-dess Panniform, with: a buicket luin o. over the rïpidy nþrvn h'ierSi ftnetoaat Àoç,Fo1. one enrich her commensurblyi h:¤ 0 ddcin 4e-üptulshnd-nteato eeig.ae 1hïtatätngpifu Prsepsto f18,sy h proble p te f inr¢e0 » W, aàCommerciall Canada h seey alarà*ssp ensfo t ep m .- a n0at oiy - ~~~~~~~~~~rsibn to'ýlook forard to the future 4&.ybe,'1a l downs of -Jergeant: "1Where are yougon" ,prrseevtoifdME ÁérfPhsc- y. heroc oeàýet'ýw tinerE! 11ý1 ý and aisur- a- te"Tfe a tr of sick. 'The shortäàgé of pronounced, and the.searc la respoñsible for the imm the Turkish -fleet, which, able to take the öffensiv anchored in the Sea of Mar BOARDS TO REl ON PENSION 01 Medical Merî Will BeAu Every Military Divisi Canada. A"'ddespatch from OttA ]Boards of medical men art pointed in eèvery military Canada'in-connection with ing of pensions to wounded the famiilies of those kifeè service. Already between 850 pensions have been gr. of them being-for the famil soldiers. It is already api the sum of $2,00,000 sel pensions this year wvill b suffieient for thei purpose. needed before anoôther sess liament it may be obtainE ernor-General's warrant. The establishment eJ boards in the different di% materially.assist in the w irig pensions, which is .e3 rêach large proportions. IE be sent from these medica the-r, pensions board in, Ott willf then pass on each easE When a man is tempor pacitated.the practice so fý to pay himi his regular aci pay- until he) .recovers. ' evident, however, that the outlast thé war, the man the pension list at -nnte. .The problem of caring lescents is expected to pi the heaviest~burdens of tli action will1shortly be dtal "specially with-it. To Plan for Futu In the-Food -10>ý,' ýý.espatch from. 10 aiS elborrie - the Board of Agricl"e pointed a cozmnittee, '1 Milner is chairman to ,iny report as -to "what steps taken by'legislation or of the sole purpose of .,main if possible, increasing tl production of food inr En 'Wales on, the assumptio war may be- prolonged harvest of 1910." - 30,000 WAR CONTRACt LET PROM Purchasing Commission M Fui!l- Char g A despatch from Ottawa kiderably over 30,000di tracts have be en let since ning of the war. Up to th of last sessioi; 11,000 had the Militîia* Departmient taking into 'account thos( sub:committee of the- Pri and the riumiber has been crëesed-i'ince. -The War 'Commission is now -worki night andt day -Clearing up tontracts.- It is -probable thuhtife'commission w: to use the services of offii purchasing branch of'the partment, -it will in future new systemý by wibich no calling and aceepting of 1 war necessaries, but every ing up.to it, -.ill be direc jurisdic t ion apd all infornyý able on such subjges on own offices. ENQUIRIES ABOUT 1P] Should be Addressed to - the Board at.Otta A despatch f rom Ott 'A statement4rom the 'Mil! Ment is to .the effect the In regard to pensions sho dressed to the. president < ,sons Board in Ottawa, i ficer -is -in a position to g Information in regard to ters. - S Adespa'tch from filaire Belloc, the mili HIGHTING Nea*rly Four Millis Permaii

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