Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 7

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P. ~ ~ ~ uFglklo nq undor lImtd conditions a i ,mat elcAcnweguAle iO2 bJ~i n làrestaricted ptsuee comràdLLïbs PoStab ons- l&tbforaa ve W@ ret m'9dk $l~oP-drmrea M Ybasbéed h atat bispOUItl7 W. dived ln, lceeplng an eyeouot foi- a V7 geatrnay dve1~eddo-farnerbasblosedbe acttha bi .the BliMIi, although, we knew thê-yP ~$lns o~i~rI ndevoultxnaeWe- esrlcedpoutryntreu~ ed lm Hillairo Belloc, Franco-Britishiii- no,'oe= o se fr in, and probablyP --iïtlng fin *lifework on the farm of one to Iearn rnany thinga that stoed hl trywrter, says Grinanyuiaone fore- wou jO ilte If tbe !di. le Sun I jotor another no doiibt they would e;g ocellçnt.gtead in bis, now tarinsaw,,th. mode of warfaro that, woul4 baz-dk"- ýwhite-hot- lrorn ,ailoud- f an moratPart plaYed by, surroundings and'enabled hlm becaus6 dovelop in a gratsrgle b m lesu ky. ýhq Lietenant and Ser- the wsh te produce and pleosuro de-lof the aicquirea habit of suemosfullY ila Europe. Ho says ».geant Jack bad, not been able to rived in the growing of poultry. specializing to -tàke up tepooi Two of the-,Gernian guesses as t corne, but we 'arranged the races andd Thisidéea seemed to ooni up on ac-'tion froin a iiew angIe1,nd -bybis pe- the, probable turan modern Irrfamlu sinê1'n-.o l ta n êeunt of incidents following in. close culiar business qualifica%'ns*build UP wouàld talc. can be deal with riefiy, jumpu io theind for a llth and s succession, that ail seemed to imply ýa trade tbat'means for huma splenldid for ini each the Germans were thor- A -raindrop fell. Then a few more. t the sanie tbixxg. In the lirait place *8 living and satisfactory work. oughly ini the. right and the allies, as Then many more.'Before we had fin-d oos a man, a barber by trado If anyone/ therotoro talc.'a fancy a wholo in the wirong. ished' the hundred-yard dash it wgs i .. h wbo f rural inclinations, kéeeing bis for poultryr. work it sei as though 'iii... two'points are the.,use t undçniably rAining. Hall,* a minute gardon and chickena, ýfinally mÏade the - it would b. well te give this side et heavy artillery in the open field-with later "bucketfuls" would have been a break and la four'years bas on~e of tho subjeet due censidération. A lit- wbich inay b. incorperated the valuoj eýsmie h lnkto ae the. very neatest 7 acre places wo tle refiection will show tliat it would ofý high explosive. sheil, net o wa l.sl .Ted ublnaaaf ne et water have evor séen. The chickens helped be very wise te study the subject ini against pemmanént fortifications, but across the bay, bletted out the distant materially, but In this case are really sucb a way as to -learn aIl that might for géneral operations--and the value,1 bathers, than even those close at only on. of the products et his ment be of assistance when the time cones espeeially upon the defeusive, of a haud. successful place. hi requiro teo develop the poultry inhi very large provision of machine gunu. W. reniained under water for at Going through a thrivlug fruit sec- a hune that will bring a satlsfactory Alles Feared Mobility. time-to keep dry. But the ramn tion, wo ueticed oeo«cfthe tidiest sort living. .A io hs whipped our £aces,.as with thousands Attefret o ofe Pine stinging lashes".We crawled eut 'of places where seeral dozen 'cildren Rgl pàig hr wretofaud _shd lidy p hebak.i wero berr-y plcýing,. aud enquiry îIoIAàr h-o'r* f*rAn dse-bilyuteb>kt,ý elicited the information that titis was SUMMER HEAT ichol, efre t etbre v o~ar. èw4rdthé-samil the irain beating , q-lificl.tothe-lànd mvmetwith the I âIRD ON BABY Thi ehool whlch àbelbittie the vultiet a it ms-atlisfactory resulte. In evidence . ighii feel hi Stand iu Miraflores locks ni~sts movorNout W fonhoavyhenseir tIo fieldaud e our id-lbt b'anor.kna Itoiast ~werd ýthe brooders and fairly large N esn ft-yorl edanger- urne QI high, eplosive shll for-1 -an o tosndpu dow u upen us ziumbers- et thriving chickens giviug oua hto lf e of- littie,,ones as is teprostoçthelr -. _- stapl uo-tI.rfroin Sixty feet' above. *When at last evidence that.they were playiug an summer. The excessive- heat thioWs cent lessonu Q oz th Africa and w. atumbled under covier and uïp the Imoran i prhp nt mjo pr the little tomach out of order i4 Ma.lcliuria. stairs to where our clothing huug,ý it lu the geod results obtained. quickly that uuless pompt aid in at Tepooto fbsspoue was as if a weîght et mauy tons had The following day on the street of baud the baby rnay bç beyond all by tbeseiméthode did net 5OOni o been lifted frorn our shoulders. a nelghboriug city we met an old buli- human help before the mother realizos warrant the very great expeuue aiid -The sawmill was wltbout aide wails, ness acquaintauce frorn whoni we had hie is ill. Summor lu the seasen wben back et mobility they entailed. and cousisted ,only et a sheet-iron roof -bougt quite a lot et a commodity he diarrohoees cholera infantuni, dysen- "Xow, it muet hooeb. coinceded that and floors. The Storm pouuded ou was thon supplying. 'From-one thing try and colic are meut prévalent. Any theùgb the ouomy was lrigltitn- bis' the roof with a roar that made the1 te another the présent came undor oue of theso troubles.mray prove dead- théory, and, weowere Wroug, chance sigu langugé necepsary. It wau as *discussionand homo we flnd another on 'yi o00ontyteae.Drnghsas pse ey directly ie the 11w. were surrounded on al sidea by a, fruit farm as keen iu the. carrying the summer tho mothers bést friend euemy's bands. solidwalls eX-.waterRAc4 forever shut ou eti this as though he had been at is Baby's Own Tablets. They regu- . Effeet of Trench Warfare. off- frini the enter world-if iudeed lit fer mauy years. StRinl the sainie laie the bowels, sweeten the steniach -"'Xfter ail, what Iu it that rendors the that had survived. Sheets of water day we meet a very auccesuful travel- sud keep baby healihy. The Tablets us fiheayshel snd high explosives slaslied lu fiarther sud familier acros 1e n ahu ue ovrainwioare sold by medicine deglers'or by thuseoe-sYyokt hdligbc le n atchlug ieycgamersof enis, u. mail at 25 cents a -box fr in The Dr. of sch g'çILy a it is mg.- tefor eto eh ln e rnnt I l vtal ue wrstldhiud bearnu and under uaw bonhe- tee volunteeru the information that hiWiliams' Medicine Ce., Brockville,. * 0 agotp trenobwafaetho militant Stormnihuted us eut and4 lu geing to have a poultry farnietont.whih u snially siege hwerc ete sbtbybt Ti.Amr about 80 acres. Much et bis plans aI- What ple lat, M4nc wransd I tucked ourselves away on the ready llgured eut,lho is. prepariug tc, Donald Drew HimseIf Up. possible? Nothng--but' the combina- rerivd g rf-Tee I bgms p uuer gtue _,cnow thq, aubect lu a way that wil tien ,of -two neeeneet-ai-raîgro h ur ae ah -1elp hirn. make buss mistakes wheu hoe A gentleman haviug an ostate- , l i te, aiunfree the enm's e ered toeother lu columus, sud swept1 'reaily tackles the serions oudeavor ~te Hmoraesas h wasgoig tA theendet a heu thfdotphu make a living sud a surplus aloug thus abroad for some tirno, advortised big mer uui*rt aieueenutoft0fnthe l atdenu t soak us shootingswto sud, and nileubesfgrcee av'ioblelliad iuqrea sed some bundred per cent.1 lino. shokepe, otnahile, w sudtodbsro - frtthhlie tadeosvebn. That *as the day when littie hanm- What clees ihis mean sud ws oskepr ad who wles- -how the .is esseutialtote iprolenged- de-10*srastoebe evsspt sou can 'it hat'. i auy oeewho gîves grouud, te give it a goed character tte fonce et an enîrencored '>maltion that the matier any theught sud bas auyanyone whe called hi ueo it., Au Eng- lisncewofi-anuhu sliould b "' lhingreat gorges, asu d titheir pa- Incliuation aloug ihese linos?7 Re- liabmau came dowu, sud, inquiringI cjuite secure.h thetie ittle bridges. alone sud deserted fection coud net but make us beel thetfDonald as te bow, it'wasu uiecked Eate- Pevpine aplegp o - oun uthe rmiddle etftthe guIlfThat n cotunec udeeycs o witb game, firai asked if ifhad ay O h eodpit h npoP'-wss the fanions Ma~y 12, 1912, wheu tue syin e baprel cseaufir nvision of machino guns sud tho' train-Acnreoddt.grtutaifi theyersofapretiesip a i der.Dbal'adeer. Douald'sng f an oees ndreeplye Anwaseorqdth ge"es rinao were ai a comparatively arnaîl cesi or sanda o ibeni." "Any grouse ??$uge tet man eflers ud en te irin ber history-T.28 luches, virtnaily spr 1 eadeouthlniuchea"wa"Aas-part-eJ usesaiherof isenothing hiAbe pard ex- ail withis three heurs. Three et us Iiardly noticeable. . f every 'man or ridges ?" "Thoosands oethtem, tohi e tire hely aspovi e-we ady hi surredrad wi 4n wodok" " snd ,lreyI he ih.home truh iBut thero was the wo nwbo bas any ides et poultry 4uyinu perhapu, if we survey the wai' Admirai hi cousider. He was dressed. tarmiug -or auy ethor, lu tact could do them, tee." The Englishman, thinklag,,O b ,téýQl On nwihcert i crpnadPnm ,. lu a comparatively amalway for, Donald was drawing the long bow, atha wbmIç théories reypet hc la ebs crpnad Pnm 1 seif terwere any prl tu4n e ee"0 lereuaeeenh etailers tear horrible bobes ila apolice- a puinber, of ,yoars, tbey could ai. leasiakethreg 'la. o-cYtcsma i Jst îat ii. French rany sa - ,S w ale, u dotermzna if tue Inclination is stil Ino'drew fi htuelf up. "elochcareon- beory et a meut higbily-pemfectod 44,,,d ad.mu-t-sair song, oven f bilwud etshw ne'piuitan jsin cnike orecJ u up-ilg1ed pleco "bas proved h bo lor anuihhur; .sad grew wbat resulte inigbt be expectod. Mucliaî,uosdaan ih> upon their aide -the eue unchalbenge- stesdily wtter. et uchool training seernu te have lit- able preparation for modemn wsr. Ai leugteh dusk began te fali, but île value or meaniug te us sud eveu Every bigher commnd ou both iustesd et dying .wltb the day, the. -in atter lite'some et it seems to gve NTesiC in i aetFyo. sdes ai ibis moment, sees quite clear- fury oethie Sierm încreaued.fi was as noibingthai proveu et use, butve o ntheti memory et the oldeit tes ly that the. choice is betweeu the. en- thon thai the Admirai capitulated, can aay auy mental or physicai effort planter bas the price et tes reached ca before tbe présent figure lu Colombo. emy s ebtaining a réeal decision wiihiu ueeiug fate plainiy lu league with hia was valueleuss'if net lu a practical,, There seems hi b. a wldespread inove- a domparaiively bncie delay sud bis taller; wigwagging his decision te us, perbaps by the moral or iudirect re- ment iu laver et tes throughout the. approaching exhanatieu as compared lie led the way dewu the atairi sud suit it might bave had. world, sud the supply lu insufficieut with bis tees. dived ieto te womld 'bwash.' Some have said that there is little te coe with the increased demand. . Stmtegy et To-day. Wot? We had net taken the. third difference lu mou, but ibis différence Until the. law et supply and demand Teéoehegadsatg nÎsso eoew eesraiglk makes a big difference. Véry ofien. adju8s t lIthigher prices for tes heerebsgruduartey ludist ep boe weere steamiuganlike abilit-y may be in laver o et ne e'muet be expected. simpleut temu must be aofydiec- tire hue. hore wanea rly uhu who tala, butkuowbege, pese:el ed hi tth. attaiumeut et auch, a decision e i paha uede hog sucefl, u baupin ibat apermer- iuiwa e ay u o e u hte teale ahrt ~~ what lied been lutile dry, saudy liol- onceand spiit tht aprecites t isn Yýht yo saybut ow yu an thatof te alieswu;heste pst-ngwsbyteguosuy g for, frbeh eye wbeu ene thinka serioualy of the. mat- sa>' it, thisi makesa womsu efther poniug it than to direct action at the coubd makeoeut uoihing fity yards tomet akig ares>" uccsuul your frieud or yor eu.iy. moment upen thein part.abdvebeo hecee-ic Zcareer along suy given lin. thnt it , a5' And, this beiug se, it lu fair te darnesa feIl; bowed like uenag&onar- Muar'a Uimet Ou" vphthnsjudge the genéral strategie resulte on -both aideu by the measure et succesu lans nuder the burden et water; stag- the enemy> attainu lu bis euemysgornug back and forth as theSienm terces, wbeihem thai aitempi be mae caught us crouuwige or the earth gave ou he autlik te ee uw i pri-way under u. The. Admiral'u patent- on te Est iketheonenowin ro-leaiber uhes--but why go lie opain- gres, or upon the Wesi,.,'wbeme, in fui details? The wall et water ws'u the opinion et -man>' judgou, ho will as îbick as ever when we tonght our m.1a k isnxi sud enAark hap is lat oif sd wea --wayupovr tI S1CHIBF MAKER' rong sud Robuat. iod tbat cou save at toh be nourisbing1 sud goed fom'big ni Esemu'mean s about eleven gnow -thlu ýand àed he he et th *weme cern- poor lutile othen's miik shmeni. ried'bitterle" ;lie soalced cup et '-es, thon it added -1a litîle efora ho .rsked, sud eluivel>' ou the boy lu as cute a mis- ,een-months'-old oe. au>' way yen wiul, 1 eaunover praise .igh aitortIi. bnight- . ughi hi out househled." .is l net made ton a baby expenlauce wtl thouandu ,if slows ht to b. amng tue ,e3t ifnotentrelythebes inuse. ,eing n scieutifle prepanatiou et Na- tnno's grains, hit lffqusilly effective as s bod>' sud braiuïhul1der Ion grown- upu. "Thiee'sa- RMsou." 1 1Name gtvon b>' Canadiau Postuni Co., Windsof; Ont. -A 4ba &bave lefta«C A s.aeussas s'aVe b"4 se ueri>' do- rweil-me su'&mie AU Uusznseir- certain orientai tinS, as reveaiedti tw pressèd, so worn oui' as te b. des. vice. Canadian traveUler br, Lu Arab, pe e pondent, buft Dr. Hamilton'sPillsaI- Among the. Turks, Arabe, sud Per- were pewerl.uu to restore thir faari *ae ured then. "' 'n' u peak win lè e '1o h b a s beaut>' Te-day there lu bo- excuse for siau'théreoVal ttaierd wswriukleu for . ny man or woman who feeingy o il j~w.retDr.Haml sd i hida, te a great exieut, re- kuewB 0f the value of "lUslt"1 as a skin éingut.; llé"Lwià C.Téupnlng m . b Of fgeoe uismnt d an sd wrnkle'ohaaer. tôis'ils rts . . éamn,01garded las a eeep shetad "' P reparation, whlch In ebtainkâble wssthi su wak wa trril>'mndegmadation. Moalemo, who swearbyfo 1oo.dugtsbrnaskth *a bhhad aI s riI u abi busltof: health» te the çheek sud WiIi down, ieadacbpsthé tbeard 6et tI iohet sud their çais veywike gula*wlng, 'emp "feling about n>MY w, arycombe about wffib thern te *Unit Manfg Ce.-,Llmited, 476Rocs stomach, I éoudn' ieo ok u- dreas the. beard. Tley,,'ýl.nfor, Its valies Avenue, Toronto. tii Tý used Dr anilîhiOns Pils,-they openaion inunodieiy.alter prayens, ~ '. U? did me a werld et good." Ai ail' nêémsiniug ouù their knêes 'the' WIfil.. dealers la 25c.. boxps. IThe.bansthat fail etaeo euiyIrL.OKIN'¶ P- 0 A F.ABM. ecg"UL peeved for entombmnt iwith, their .iist. oeated in thé ben% sectioiïi »!-On. THEGOSPElL OF RATE. owner whou hodieu; he bimueif 'fre- Iio.Al I . WDasg0. Eiswpton, queutl>' deposîtîug tler n lis des- . WS F r v. Hnnd±g4SILI.ap Germans, Dilileo6f Eglfnd Has ied tombé itlu custornar>' among * OI-AIGNW N O hneeased Teafold. I the Turks, tee, te suojunt theirbeardu L..Ofçog 8 for sale, Iu god' Outanlo> Some poliuicisus, mostI>' et an-eb- wî pnumsd -ink teiof il Ïbuutesses. Pull Informailon-on', suetype, bave at tirnea endeavored tewus. '2h., meutisnful ditr t to) persuade the. Brithûh'workclug men Persian kingu used hi bave ihoir Pauy, 73 West Adelalde Ot.. Toronuto. ibai they have no 'el iutenest iunttis beards intorwoven wiih gold thread- MsCLAUoO 'war, sudthat*thé tiuph. et the r h Egyptiaus oul>r grew beardu ,TUOUasULP. 1a. rnan.ars wouîd net sd'versely -affect ulgu et mourniug,. but sometirnes ,.ù Interji nai su ezIeusioured wtb- thin'fntne o'unteiai> canewore taise beards et plaited bair, out vai, b( u ikmtnatuient Write île course-of'their lives, writeu sni' lwhîcl varied ,iiisize sud beugl ac- c.. IUMtnea, Coiglogwoodý Out. Cronerluth.LononSpetatr.cordingtora .Peter ih. Great - There caunot b. a, greatnerr er. 'IcomPboduvngiRsssdhd is~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r nee xagrie't tht »-lebeards of ail wbom holourd weâr-. pet 'emd viir' dexorcise' i.uig théemplnckod out b>'-the root or'_______________ set proo . effctoy ou i ji er sb aved wîth à biunnirazer.I us, ie maerlalweabh, tlo ae Inb l Greece the beard wasu nivensally' condition sud the snrrounding moral jGwrati Wh re'iedetAlaueng île airnoophere et every individual sub-Geawooeedsvugeta jeci et tXing George V. A partiaî'vlc- the boarda etf bis soldions shouîd net. , L o'W*5* toy would produce changes in pro-b.libodebytirneisij portion hoitlis xteut. Lai it not be battle. ' u qi o septomber lut'- supposed for oeemoment ibat an>'ly oeîefridye bvn dere e satsmulkegeersi>'was regarded b>' the Romans as the T wonid be extended te the vanuished otac-jt anod u a Englishmen have.been slow te mrecog. c4rtdwt rafsiiis nize, the. extçnt te wiiich île old Gen'_______ 5 TnsS.,TRNO niany, with is real>' noble aspira-£ JifA~O ouBtr.l tiens sud bigI standard etfnieraIs, ha s Ç q~, Apffldl AIneu.t Cnl pasued away. its place bau been ta>-~9Ui' 5 Serxonds en by a Gemman>' eueetfwlose prin- om es, blistex<ug . '" CHi cipal national characiniinluex - tt Qfencorn-p ched iigne trim. vindiètivenessu, sud s caiholc ca*ni 0flbe cur-d Priespa o capacit>' for hatiug other nations. Ac < y Rk na? - Ex-. 1" o côrdiug te tth. testimeny'et aIl corn- î,'~"uta'"~ G poient obsei*eru tle batred fer Eug- v.>'î'utç d ra or l, a 2 u =ssa tta rwa ode "Pstunit4~ N S N land 'which existed before the war#mf>,nakes, the i bel good ai onze.ý have belleved possible. Ih bas, 'of m u lretbneso course, uow boon increased teoeld. " -____ - Tebbng uexdotes.G ing aAmerica sud have the TRADE SECRETS. A lutile group oet liday-makers tcaes eaud for-he imt eca were sitting round, teiliug anecdotes.-[ î,eo~ps G i.hileic5 Costuinesefthte Shadowiug That Oegrlhl a.uor s il>"rpuces;. If you bave an>' wid or. Has te b. Doue. ~ whiclý was 'received with great appre: oe1tivateà Gnn, write fer our- Howtrde ecetsbeomeii. po-cisiion. Wheu the laughton -Ind lteiprice lao hpwa e po' t ral fsecs tcase etrs-ceasod Ion rival said-"-ýMy gooduesi ' have sud we will subuit -yen our vautamoni t uadoinget nspct-That %tory is at leaut thirty yearu s gis ~r eds emleyeeof Sudovsecretsect- oid!" The other eue srniied uweetly. sponsible fer a. largo portion o et 1'*uvUI "Wat a mmory yn baveBdean! pva.inquir>' agept's présperit'. Inu saîd. "Fsuc>' remembering tînt lit tIi. aet sibse d fs 1on fin stery ever since yen heard h il. 162 W. 27th,,St., N4pwYeuTk, U.S.A. tl. leakage etfecretwith regard tfrtune"________________ na'W desîgus cansed half-a-dozeu shad-, ewens t fe nployed, sud tetr ek- J Jchiute, Que., 26mb .'Sept.>11.08. bj)1apiîo1nteM1. I fs Dinner. lnexteudiug-over -several ot Mnrs'4hiinetC. iùtd ceai nomne .hndmeda et POUnd. An -gêene, -Ever é since cemng Àminuwho was somethiug et s actidu for daniages againsitIhe cul- i1berne fromn the Boom wan I bave been gourmiet ordered a dinner for 'himsel prit rivai establishmient resulted lanbo. e Ie. ritbmnad fv 00501 u lspr>'wtih olîe en swlnglhng damages, the celebrsiee iy legs. I red- man>'saves and1 i ubd bave been ver>' palatabie, but i îîîmqts;ais' dçtd ed cntinue.-yh a e s.Curese K.C. who led for the plaintiffe 1 appamenti wa o o.'orese K.C we edto th psitifs-em- ly' îortili. bfIo4 but got no eran pbssisiug the. costuinessuo et ti.aa- jetrleu i ai ite we ,; ceedd course, 'sud. toward the end owing ihai bad hi be doue. Ferbapu mother gem me hi try MINARD'S' oft homeal the- host couid, nestrai'n eue efthîe strangeut resous for hav- jLINIMENT. The effec et w ich es eltne ogr ocle pii ing a penson ul>aowed was revealed qau at niagicaL TUo bottié'wltrsdeptlad:"odrd lu the course et a law case iu which com-ipbtl>cured me sud I bve wonk- a gooe4 dinuer, sud, we baye waiteèd eue societ>' beanty wau the plaintiff'. cd every Worllug. day sin.ce. paienitl> for nome satisfachiry -disb. sud a nival beaut>' the detendaut. h n rIetOHu WLy, Tu- soup,,was. a tlnet fiuws was complainod b>' thé aggrieved k4>1JON WASH. d4sappointmnt, îhe entre-uneat- that the detendaut had bad 'ber shad- 'Iai, sud 1-amrn 5cm>'tell u en it ewed lu orderto discover île besut>' About Rer Young Man. durlag. the. whiole dihuer théne Ina shop whene the jesieus eue obiainod' A sçrvat *astelling 'hiemmistnesR o otigWOrihIooiugai." The artificial aid wiih'respeci te bier coin- ieohr1a3 tte osig n gdwifteér.'oeked roubled for su insta#t plexien. ~ th;- 'and thon brighteuiagt up said:-I plxo.I ythe àdrvant uextdoor about em Aj av. .n ¶. A SPLENDID RECORD. Most people know tInt the Can- adian Pacific Railva>' traverses ovon eleven thousand miles et country Canada, enceuntens, even' trepical an4 arctic veatheru; cuis is way througl the rugged sud difficuli, country alenq the shores et Lake Su'rier rse île endiesu prairieu eftihe west; sud fuInl>' muus througl the. glerie.s oethe Canadi.n uRockies where the rosd lu seule places bas been bewu eut efthe mountalu aides nder tewering peaku;, tlfrough greai canyons;asud lu ethen places tunnels and piral mails have te Seme Good Advice By the Lai teb e n egotiaied al uneceusitating care iu J. Burdeite. prain But lu spiteofetaIl these d#Reembé, m son" sid Rber difficulties the. Canadian Pacific 'has "Remmbe ni' su," aidRobn nt killed a -usigle-.P"sueuger in a' J. Burdette, ">'ou have hi verk. WTbe- train accident duinig the paut two ther yen handle a pick or 'a Peu, 'yeans, hicl lu a record Canada ean vlÏeelbarrov ornsettofbeoks, dlg- paeaainsi the recent beau t fthe. glng d#tchipç or editing a paper, ring-.paea .iug an auctin bell, or* writiug lu PuslvuaRhledoibvn Iy unyokkillcd, a passeuger lu thmee years. thinga, yen must work.I 'Oi 101 EspOcial>' se vheu It is cousidered srouud- yen yen'wilbsee the meu who thai île latter. resd basnet the sainie ar etabeh iv h eu tim lraeconditions hi lface sud the livos vitout work are thi en n Whe easy country thmrough which wi eit ira- work iii. hardeut.' Don't be ufmald et verses. killiug >'ouruelf witl overwork. itluag beyeud- yonr power hi do ilat on île AU mçu are equal the daythey are sunu>' side et thini>'. Tho>' die. sorne- bor ansd the day the>' are bnried. tumbs, but ft in because île>' leave- work ai six p.au.,and donti get home mr'aM sm C uren colds. M&. tubl miduight. Ihinluthe iutenvab ilhat kinî, my sou. The work gives yen Mn. Breor-"My good ma, wbat- au appetite fer your meals, t uends ever cause d yen *te beceme, a tramnp?"1 solidit>' hi your lumbers; it gives a' The Wanidering Oee-"17rt wassni> perfect sud iraýtetuql ppreclain et a' nedicai 'acisond49, air. He teîd'nie. te holiday. There are youug men who1 taklboug -*aWsuatter moulu, sud I've do net wemk, but the j venld lunet been 4~la"fter'enieersnà . prend oet theni. h doos net even kuow timnames; Ih slmply speaku et theni au 'old So-aud-Spos boys.' No- body likes theni. The great, bus>' venld dees net kuow that 'lb.> are ihere. Se find ont wbai you wsut te be aud do, sud take off >'our ceai aud de ht. The busier yen are the ls haiin yenvil be apite oget lie,' the swe eten will be yeur leep, the bright- - or and bappier youÎrholida>s, and'.the botter uaiiafied vil al the. world- bel ôE yul yenu.",i "dOh yl l e 'bite?" exclalmed que et euxr sie8tO5t -girls, witb 4 look 'ot iglanmii, when ah. uaw onaet tfIthedauc 1- liigbeasnuthoe 'ieebrday. "Neo, but. he can, lingj4' "Oh," he snid 'with , a misraclngy,' 'amie, "1 don't stand 1ev le's get on no0"tast," ah. l bb. remanked. "lHe's ouly been lu th.'s an>' a feyv' niontha, Ye± i. toldmn. e ZlttCures'Ge&rgot la Cw lu Novnler' that ho vas s corporal. lai vWek sho ssid he'd been made WIien a Chinaman desires hi nisrr> sergeant, sud now she sys he's hi b. a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i cutmril"bsparents intimate that tact t hîe a ortmrta pretessional "match-rnaker," who Xla*u inlniat ure Dfsempoe.themeupen rune tbnougl the list et ber lusafe .1--en cue$ inup«.vlsiing acquaintauces, sud sçlects .fr~ eue whom she cousidens a fittiug\bride Ak Benevolent Old Gentlemnan. fer 1h. Young man. The nenal, crewd- ef'-snalk boys vas --- 7- 7'- - gathered a bout ýie -,out rance et the 'ciros tot lu iOW . .A,.eneveleiut- lokgol.gentlemn.standing neu- b>' vatcbed iheni, for a., few minutes.. wlth--a'ýesmIng -e.. Then, valking Y U I fnd tollf In Zmm-Buk 1! up hi the iickt-taken, be said, yulitth the bamnots an air et sntborlty, "Count al thes tpsbeohu nng boys as tIi.> pas.", The doorkeeper ihinkiug that thue beneveet-Ioolcing llis-PoI'eVOI'Bfl0 with Zain- eld gentleman vas lndulging lu a Buik, melans cure. WhY not prove bit' et pbilanthrepy, dhd as roquested. tt?~D~Iaa"d liOfD-' WhVbothl ssi lad Ind goenl he tur- Eobs ed sudasnuecd, "Twenty-tour, sir.,» "Geedi" said the bnvolont-loekiug -- old gentleman, as ho walked away. "X thi.Ïi'rht I 1 uesaéd nloht.'t I~u e U hoi'ti.COntrai lSthe Department or I Ajadcuure of Ontario. 'Establlshed 1862. I Afùltsdwlth the Unlverslty, of Toroto. VS~IIIAIY 10ý Unlvorslty Av@., TOROQNTO, ONT., AN I CalleoeRoopens Frlday, october lot, 1015. I Write'Dopi. D. for Cale.ndnr. E. A -A. Grange, eëigbt- Pxepadd te au ' Ra.ilway Statiol ý-ntàtno. Lengbh .16 Et., 3eamn a Fi. 0 Deii1-Fi. 6 Iu. Al4Y IOTOIR FITI pcIAL aton . gl vi ng eng ue p $ce o n requ ut. Cet Our Quota ~fl QI~JE BOT 0.,LIMITED,, PENETAN,,CAJ ED..L ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO I'

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