Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 8

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and see usf about tixem. id Wm. Maw. The Oreator CanadaImlvm: nt & Land, Go. Llitid, BRQOLIN.Mr.Rfc!ardMoore, et Toronto, paid Mn. eu.Wra', e Brokiai, u4 e-vlit tk Brooklihulait weok. Mr.Jos Wry, f roolin anli.-M..l - glas Stewart, Wbo llved with Albert Copeiand, of Oshawa, lef oti 11Mr.Oeltyfr oetmli-aiI Se-tunde-y for Minto, Me-n., where th>'ed é.yfrsm ie a nit will viint relatives. Mr- 1M. m.Melad av Sohool re-opens for bthe-al box-m on 'b r. nlld ylg n. .Mdadhv Wednesday,. September 1mb. 1915. b _________________re The social beld lest T.hursday ove, lng, lnalad et the Red Çross SocletY', e*tnesa cannot b. Cured on the lawn et Mr. Xorman IVilte s, Was largely attee-ded ead quite sucesi g;b ef £PatPlstions. au ie>' cuuuot!reach the fuI laeverydote-i. The folle il wS tec ,urtioii ef the c«?. fliere la oui>' ouc fui n eerydetil. he ollwl.19 wy t cý redeufucas. sud that lu by couatitu- took -part lu the program: Solo, Mnr.otif iicdl.Dous.lcaedtul- Walter Kerr-, Ashburfi; Breoklu Mae, C,>Ùmdiadtion of the mucoîts llulug 'eof1the EuSI Çhlai n'iuh'e. Wheu this tube l nasmcd Quartette; solo, Miss Eleanor John- youbuveiltunihinq scund orimpcrfecthearleg, sen, Lrooklta; neadiags. Miss Sleeèp,- sud wbcn It le Ontirely closod,1 Dealueu la t ho Whhîby. After the program Nvas rend-: uà4h»tbersoe ols omlcniin ered refreghments were soi-yod. There heurlug .îill ho dcstroyed foroyer; nine cases was aisô an tce creami-stand, whicb we-s out of ton are caiised by catarrix, whlch Io noti- wieil patrenized. The preceeds amount- sugbac.nm cdcdtonete uc ed te over $30. We wil.1 ive One Hundred Dollars-for suy Miss Velma Bradley-has been visit- case fc'f s esfé (cauftd by cptars hl that cunuot tng ber greadmether lu Whitby. - el 9,ViHe 1t'y alI tatarrh tare, scull for Irec Mr. _West, ef Aslbura, occupied& -r ý1 F. j CHENRY & CO.. Toledo. o. pulpit eà bbe Metbodist Churcix --ot L- t Duggifits, 75cfo ntltou Sunde-a1 betb services. ~ -1l~huIuani 11 Mr-. K. F. ileamisix, ivio laagonI fr--'- the Metal Siingle & SIding Ce., fj- LM DS ton, exp)eets te spend several day*K- ratiîAu aND l- Jfr>'b- Toi-ente ExbiItion dits î'eer and whfie returncd home to Ridgetewn atter there will attend the Mode] Steel Truss pendiag a menth wilh relatives bore.1 Bai-n dlaplay which the tempe-ny bas IffIls Etle Gowler, of North Caro Just east of theToPultry Building. The'-lina, and Mn. ead Mrs. Wagstaff, et T( be-rn la conpietely equipped with ail z orl-&Pent the week-end wiîh tIli le-ber saving devIces ead machines. f & . '6 ail., tMr m complete de-hiy, mllking machines, *?e_ Oke's- 'îM>RddetMnWm cuItera, ha>' fork outfits, 1111cr ead (ced 1j Miss Helen Anderson la visiting wite - carriers, etc., will bc shlown lni actual, -herggfidtUother, Mns. W. McGnegor. opere-tion. Mi-. Beamisb wIil take 5ev. Miss Mabel Baludon spont several oral te-i-nera, Who lntend erecting ulew days lu -l>ickerihg 1h10i week. beras, to see Ibis building. - -Mi.Piosmbedponud- >Messrs. WVm. Blgixt, Ai-chie Blight, to M. Loi-ns o uckninUP nSn Walter Lynde ead Walten Biggs have takea lan1the Western Harvestens' Ex- cursion. MYRTLE STATION. Mi-. ad Mrs. De-vis, 'Of Hamilton, 'Miss rioreen Bright, et Ottawa, lu lu Wbo ha-ve been holide-ying with Mrm. eux- mtiu1t Huater, bave returaed. 1 Mise Me-y Chiuholm, et Toronto, was Mn. ead Mrs. Mconald ai-e guesti of bhome for tee week-end. Mn.Haner biswee. 1 MiSs ý-.Rairen vhuhbed at ,jln. John The Rev. George St. George TYxier, Qinu's là't iveek. ' foi-mer. rector et st. Themas' Cburch,, - -Mr. Harold Éley >'lei, te be eut ' but new et York, Nebrasika, patd e- egain. - VISIt te the villagë le-ut week. Sorry te report lie-IM.r. Thos. Smith, 0 Mx-. John Welsb, a fermer ýBneeklin our livenyman, ta on the sick liaI. 1 bey, but now et London, Ont., ,vlslted Mr-. Leone Spencer, of Napsuco, we-u i bis native vijie-ge receal>. the gueut -et tniendu bore on Fnida>' Miss Agnes Boyce, et Toronto, hi lait.\i 'visitiug bonr parents. 1' Mrs. RebI. Taylor, et Manitoba,cei- Mn. Poitway and te-mu>' bave MOved ed on Mi-. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock lait te lhe C. N. R. Station.wek Mrs. Je-mes Croxail, et Toronto, see Miis Olive Ve-nNesl t, fWbItb-y, wai compnnied b>' ber de-ughter, and grand- hoàîe ever Sunde->. son1, are viiing relatives boere. The pe-rIoltie sermon pnee-ebed lu teD b Palut and ordinary paints, but the most noticeable la iu the pocketbooL. Ten gallons of ""W* Standard" wMflunmUay do ù much woek as twelve to fifteen gallons of oheap -piuirt-an It much better, WUgIi Standard" codas a Mite rmore per gallon. but you wvill mse so many lm. gallons that your total cm twHi be km«e. It works esuier, tc, Mud your pointer oun a&My it lule. tUme. *ST~Standard" m thorowghy tested tW meet ont reqirmtnenta& 1Ak us for colr cadaW. willcheeriufly you au atmaeozjoiw euie6n0. W. M. LAWIRENCE, ~Brooklin, - - Ontario[ - l'o &0 twa bCartons. 17m0 0 Wgthe genube â i eait.sga Lg~ ~Soee~ioe erilemuuwere rureuedh ere, ne leaM appoared at full alrength, boys bad tecile tain er ',a*er waitIng fer iet ofllétier toami Whlieod entered to: appear, noue'-dfd sô. ,Novel- mid, boys,1 vest tels year la more important I football. The Young ladies are orgaizi basket-ball- team bore. They prac overy fine evenlng, andi are being tri cd by their réeee, B. H. Becl The YOung Mon',Mlet. £ temii lor's borne-on Tbulrsdy evening1 fer the, purpose eof organizing a yo, men's eias in $thoSundny Sabool. ioon ftve but dian ig a Min- ls. )Ung THORNTON'S CORNERS, A very succesitul gardon party waï hled on thie aseboo grounds Tliunsday, atternoon hat -aI Thernton'i Corners The Excelson rQuartette, cousisting of MesarW Henderson, Pauli, Sciiley, and Puckell aisisted"by Mn. P. H. Punîlion, and tbe King Street -MeteodIst Orclies- tnit, turnished tee pregram.. The solos' woro "Maying" and "Somewbere," by Mm. C. Puchetl; "Jolly Gooti Company» by Mn. W. Sciloey; "The Deatelese Anmy,"l by Mn. Pucetot, sud "Moîber Macbroe," by Mr. R. Henderson. Two. duots, "The BaIlle Evo," by Mesrs. Sciiioy and Puckell, sud "Hfearts et Oak," by Massns. Pauli and Hender- son, wene gneatly approciateti. Mn. P. H. Punibon, in "The Dungar-len Co ntingent,"l and '"You'se Juil a Little Niggon," econlributed langeiy le tee en-~ jeyment ef the program. The Excelsionr Quartette were excellent lu Ibeir rem -i Ition ot "The Rosany," '"oftinl Sttliy Night," and "Yo Marinons ofj FRUIT BULLETIN The famous YeIlow St. John Peuhl Niagara District Grown,nw at itubhem wiIl befollowed byotherflrat-olasavar ietios. Manyvarietles Plans readyfo canning. Housekeep'ra order Psé Plana now. Every grocerhandles tbeîi hu, it, or KINSALE. Tho patrietie service, was conductec Liera on Sabbatb ovoning lait by Rot Wm. Jobnston, et Ailiburn. Hia dis courso was a very able one, deaiinî some very bard blows at Ring Alcohol Our paster, Rov. John O. Totten, wm tIlse prosent and assisted. Tbe singin@ ivas led by Mt. Zion Choir. Mr. and Mns. Fred Green are visIiné il Mn. John Lawton's. Mn. Green fi ,Mrs. Ljawten's brother, and their home sa ln the States. Mrs. Jouas, et Windsor, las vlstng al ber tathen's, Mr. Sylvester Mnckey. Mr. Wm. Mayne bai lhreihed lie grain, wbicb turned eut weil, w. un. Ieritaud. Miss Luella, Mewbnay, professional nunse, ef New'York, la uow nasting at ber eld lieme, R. R. Mowbray's. Wilson Rogers paid a fling visit to hiels omre and netgberood a fou daysago. He la living near Pickering illage, Mn.- 'Frank Mowbray, et Hamillon, bas been holidaying at bis borne bore. [oe taiki some ot enisting 'for the Iront. SSemaetftfie many fi-ends et tho mbt krthur, Jobuston attendod his funiorl m Wednosday. Mn. Jehuston wai wall ind favorabiy known tbroughout the Province ef Ontario. Chai. Ledgett bai finlibed liarvest mil la tbresbed eut. Chantie la ni- 'nys among tee ftto complote seed- îg, banveit, etc. Mr. Fired Bontley bas started thresli- ng with James Pengclly for the ion- wn. fi A 01 a] P: a W oc Mn. Ned Lawrenlce lu bus>' lu Brook- lin .teedays. Mn. Frank ead Viola Lewis, Mn. sud Mrs. Amos Prouse, et Brookllu, attend- ed divine service liera on Sunda>' lut Mn. Teddy Beutly returned te do duly at E. W. Redman'a again Meudny mornng. Hiow Fat Folks May Be- lcorne Thin. By Elizabeth Thomas. -Porliaps you are suddeniy becomhng atout, or il may be liaI you have beon putling ou woiht fer yoars. In elteer case tee cause la lie samo-laek et oxygen-carryiug power et the blood. This trouble eccurs lu adultae ofbote sexçes sud ail ages, but It may be over- como veryjèaiy sud whoul any et thé privations Iliat meut people imag- ine necessar>' te reduci" their weihbl 1Simpi>' go te, your druggist sud get o11 et reneacapsules. Take eue atter e-eh meai aud eue betene -giug te bed. Weigh yeunaelf se ai te know juil how tast yen are làsiug weigbl. Wondertul nosuits bave been aeeomplilied by teis inexpensive neuipe, but ho sure te gel tee genuine o11- et ontlene lu capsule fenm. Itleh iold oulyIn't original seal- ed packages. An>' largo dnuggist eau suppiy yen, or a large size box wlll b. sont on neceipl et $1. Address D. J. Littlo iDnug Co., Box 1240, Meutreal, BOWMANVILLE. Mn. A. H. D. *Ross, Toronto, liai been aecepted ai tePrincip>al efthte Bow- manville High Sebool.- Mr. Rosleaa graduate ef Quoen's TUniversity, King- sten, with honora iu Mathemat les and Bof once, and liai teurteen years suc- cecstul expenieuce lu teaehtug. met In St., Johnsa Partsb Hall lait wekt, sud 'organizod a Girls' Paînlotto Club, the bjoct of wbIcb la te mnake heapitai suppIes for thee Red Cross So- ciety, .ai welI ai for oteer patrIotie PICKERING. N. J. Mornlsey meved hie tamily hore ,from Newcastle luit week sud will ro- main tor a time w1v ie bs loter on Churcli Street, The maintenance of the white liglit on thbeucat, pierhoad at Froncliman's Bay wiil b. dleentlaued by the De- partment of Marine sud Fisheries-on Septomber lot. On Wednesday evenlng laut a foot. bail màtch belween the Brook Road sud Dunbarten teama wua played on the atJiletie groundu liera, when Broek Rond won 4-0. Mlhloltdaylug amoug the Geor- glan BaryIslands-lait wéeek . 9. Jeph-i- son lad'the good'fortune te shoot a copper bond snoake, vWheh measured one five foot In length. This, tg one, bt -the most venomeus ofreiflés, and a1 Ilumber of deathi avé-n resultd from1 ltoe bites suxông.th. freidofothose1 Islaudi 1tltheGeorgom a y,1 bd t- "Ihave used Fu--iv "o' liP*jstim Iand ComsUPaU<m wilh moit eOzCelenresulls, sud tbey continue to ho my enly medicine. I aaw !Fruit.-- tives' advertised with à lotter tn wbl*f loeone recommended, them very bighlysojtriedthem. Th&mesutowere More th= aatsfnctory, and!I bave no .'hesltàtiqo n ireeommending 'Fruit-n. tvs. ANNIE A, CORBETT.- Time la proving that 1FTut-eives' ean aiwM ye hdepended upon: te give 'prompt relief in al caes of Cons~tioni andSo,,ý Trouble., m0e, a bex, q fer $2m5, trial aie 250. At deniers on sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limtted, Ottawa. Miss Bri, wbo bas been ln change et the commercial departmeut ef the Oshawg 111gb Sebeol for the pust two on lbree yeans, sent ln ber resignation te the'Scbool Board aI their meeting lait woek, and urged that Il be., e-- cepled. lier requost'was grante 9 The Petithon for theannexatio'iofe Code-r Dale te Oshawa, wbIcb, was cir- uatd anng the natepayers eotf village te_ pst week, bas. been signed by about 200 efthIe 250 quaiified votons 'ha.It wai iigned wlth the unden- standing that il oniy become operative, lu the event et the' steel- plant boing Placed on 'tee town farm. ýOsbawa Hlgh Schooi has core ne f on iitinctlon Ibis yean through two et itO itudenîs who lnIed Junior Maînîcu- laton, oaci wtuning schoiarships. An- droW R. Scott; et Enfieid, who ls an Oshawa Hhgh Schooi student, wai awanded tee Queen' University seboiarship. Itlah vaiued aI $60. Evor- ett O0 all, competed for tie Toronto TJnivarsty Scbolarshlp, whnning bhc fia dwand. Blake Schoiansbip, valued at $220. On' Monday lait enaeofthbb eanly pion. eers ef 'Uxbnidge paised away, when Wmn. Luck died ln bis 871h year *Ho was boru hn England, and came le Uxbridge hu 1856. Mn. Wm. A. Hendenson, et Witby, Dreacbed at both services ln the Tir- bridge Baptist Cburcb lait Snnday. Mn. Hendenson Iu a achool teacher, and taught the senior third book worklu Uxbrhdge for a numben et years during the lime tee laIe Mn. M. L. Nutingý was principal. Ho did good work bore and was well liked by bis scixolans, always belng kind and consIderate. His ser-mons on Sunday were remarkably interesting and ful et spiendie Iillus- trations. Aê spechal meeting et the Council we-r 0beld on Menday, Auguit l6th, in WColumbus, by ordor et the Reeve. Al 9the mengiu--re 0Pz-esented, and cou- s ulted #ifth! Mn. W, A. CoPnner, C.E, Who wis aliâ- present. Moved by Mb-n Derbon secondod by Mr. Paicoe, that the Council Issue de- Bbeuture fer $15.000 tfon a term ef 20 yoars at 5 per cent., sud that Mn. Con. 3non, engineen, b. engaged te draw up, 1Plana and ipeoifications for bridges 1that were waihed eut and damaged ?by bbe nocent flood, sud that ho adven- tise ton tenders le build the bridges suad -coulverts, sud that bbe Clèerk be .lnatructed te propane a bY-law for . mme. Carrled. A meeting ef bbc Conneillwai beld .ou Wednesday, August 181h, lu the tewn hall, Columbus. Minutes rond sud adopted. Communications road tnom Messrs. Ponton & Son, sud'tee Sarnia Bridge Ce. Moved by Mn. Dearbon, seeonded by Mn. Pasee, bat Messrs. Porter & Son be paid $40 on pnintIng aceount for 1915. Carried. Moved by Mn. Dearboru, seonded by Mn. Glover, ton beave te Introduce a by-law te appoint Deputy Returnhng Officens, Poli Clenks and Booth te boid an olectIen te aicertaîn the opinion et the electors e-s te Iisuing dobentunes lu tis Townsip, and teal the by-law be rendi a first a-nd second lime, sud that mthe Cenucil go Int committe eto the wbele thereon. Councl l ent halo committeaeoftheb tee whole, Mn. Dearborn lu the chair. Committee arose and reperted. Moved by Mn. Deanborn, seconded& by Mn. Giover, that the by-law te appoint Deputy Roturnhng Oflâcers, Poil Clenks and Poiling Boothe te hld an electIon te aseertahu the opinion ot the olectora au te lssuing debontures lu Ibis town- Sblp, and teal teby.law b. rend a thIrd ime and paiîed, sud Ibat tb. Reeve and Clark aigu tle same, and, Cause bbc seai efthe corporation te b. e-fixed theneto.- Carrled.' Mn. Paicoe, secended by Mr. Elius, mOved that tie by-law te provîde fer the iu3suing et debentunos et the Town. ship Ot Euit WhIlby le tbe ameunt ef $15.000 te ratio money for tee payment ofet bc oeioet- building permanent 'bridges within the sald munlehpality b. uow nead a finit lime. Carried. The by-law aise received ils second readlng. Mn. Ellins, seconded by Mn. Giover, moved that a copy efthe by-law regard- Ing debentures b. publisbed ln the On- tarie Reformer. COuncil e-dJourned bill regular meet-q lng. RECORD ENqTRY 0F LWVE STOCK TORONTO nr3fmoN FFCIALS MAT RAVE TO Rrn T cf>()uÂY QUAE- LIre-tock enîries fer Ilie Canadisu National Exhibition are tlie langest ln the bluter>'ofethIe Big Faîn at Toronto, and tlie Prospects are liaI temporar>' quartons vtîm b. requlred te bouse the ovrenflow fon the finiotlime since the new sheds and buildings wene enectad. Iuereaies are sliewn lu nearly every cIe-si et sheep, inle aud cattie. A notable featura is te e acopîonhil>' large nUMber ef exhibiters wboe names 9.ppear lu the ontry IlIs, au lu- dication et the'tad thIat tetarmen la leyally nosmonding te bthe patriettîm sud production eampalgu despîte te labor scancit>' and oteer handIcaps. The dalny, grain, vegolable sud ote. or agiutUa fowilll ho on a more elaborate mae than ever before. In addition tte .model setîler': farm, te b.e te atureof e b.Ontario Gov- erment e#Mt ln the Gone=uent Building Whi * mwingcrops will ýbo ohqwzz, an aU zw, nal Rit o engo- tables-lu au aued satt-o *Vowtk I 112.:2,sh thé G«Ïrnment ln BelWiIt wifl , ï, a, unutuallylarge *2500-we have two bnand nBe ively, Thoare bouses, as * hot air hoating, vorands Auyouo desirous oet mv th îes.. Cash, onlyl$ $120O-fýýix room trame cottago We have several farms, different Richndsn &Bichai 'BERLIN. -ONT. Excellent Comum.dd D.paibtzn Excellent Iffighéol Depastmient Excellent Colego Dqwpadmu NeW ,Baildings wlth Iatost The largesa (lqmmwasu.min Canada. Running TrackSwlmmlug Pool, Shower Bala, udodu.. Comlostm a R»»~agBum "t REV. A. L .C.L Pfr..l..e tions in Business Lite is gven in al of our Deparmnts. This coilege dosa net a k for a botter reputation than it bas new. We place many atudents lu positions each year. Wzite to-day for Large Catalogue. CICorVos d W. Je ElDiII.,, Chale i..Pricipaýl Professiom,1 card.. LEGÂL JNO. E. FAREWELL, K.C. Barrister, Couuty Crown Âtteruey mi! Couuty Solieltor. Office, south wiug Court HouseWhitby AE. CHRISTIAN Sauwrla.solicitor, mftary Public. Etc. Oafce, Brook St, Opp. Staud Balk Money to, Losu. Go UVNG SMITH, LLB. /7 Issuer et KÂRRIÂGE LIC, court 'luse, Whitby De A. j. 5: Marrlster, Soli, Convoya. MffieeNo. 2. Reside- Phonos-Off LrTness, ande,11 kkg ' and Grafies. Ageàcy-Co feclej'tion Lite Association. P ii'te Ipsuranee Ce, London, Eng. Acadia Pire- Insurance Ce. London M4tual Pire Inýsurane Ce. We have two go tiorfieowers for, sale. W . .F......S.......... 391 sebeels. There were 75,602 eitries,- and a, total'àttendance ef 95,310,- KAbrazen robbery was commItted 'at the Airlington Hotel, Uxbridge,. one. .night lastwck The main:door was left ýopen after the, ciesing time for the acécommodation of gàiests., The thieves evidentiy knew this,> for they entered the house atter the proprietor bad re- tired for the niglit. $15 ln silver was secured as weli as some wet goods. Mr. Thes. Morris,. Oshawa's- town treasurer, Is enjoying a weli earned ten days' vacation at Brighton. Messrs, John Cameron and James Smith, of Beaverton, two new recruits to the forces of His MaJecty, weie presented with wrlst watehes by the Patriotic Society before ieaving town. Notice.. Our oid friend, Chantie Hohen, of Oshawa, .wIshes te give notice that lie Intends te return te Whitby te live and carry on his regular business. He will occupy the bouse three door..east of the Model Schoi, now occupied by Mr. A. Jehuston and famiiy.- He hercby gives notice that he wili require these promises for his own use on Septomber lot -8 N. WELBANI(S , VSe graduate of Ontario votorinary Collego. Office at resoidence, Brooklin. Ail calsa promptiy-,Ettended te. _Phone 17 r 2; Independent Telephone 30. 1P. O. Box 176. P. Re Br4dbury PAINTER and DECORATOR Mary Street, - WHITBY Eetablighed ovur oet.e.r THEST A NDARD BAN K Ulm ASM owa U«0 1m~ TheÀ&,B,fBankhig Valu. Your Mon«q. W. solicht your -mooe0oot laou SAVINOS DB1AT WHJTBY* BRANCH will be aI A. H Alin' Drg Store, in the neaý future. 70 YONGE STREET.. Corner King St., Toronto. TiLElmJi LE! - Just Recicved ORE CAR FIELDOlItE 2j in., 8 in, 4 in. On sale at nxy nesidence, Bnock*St. Wýhitby, or at warehonse, G. T. R. up-tewn stationl. Also ail kinds- ef building matènas- LIME, LATHI UEMENT, PLA#TER 0F PARISIand -HARO WALL PLASTERï Tm Go DEVERELL Phono-Bell1 95 WHIT9V, Fred- Sq-uirreHl GENERAL BUOCKSMITH Having punchased the business oi'l A. MeCfachen, (at,. Newport~. stand) I arn prepaned to,- do a1. kindi ef Blacksnuithlng, Hneh.a and Gencral Jobbiag. FIR8T-0LA88 TIRE SETTER, Automobile Ropairing ot nIl kinda. Ail work guranteed. -Give me a eaul Fe Squlrrel - Brook Street, - Whitbyq Ont, Garrit Barr Ounds PH*ý office over Office houri, 7 teS8 p.m. 44 Symlsgton Ave,. Win b. pleaaed te gin e e. kinds of IPlatering, Taft Chages moderato.Wr1tb ROYAL, THEATRL ENTIRE CHAMBEOF PROORAMIE eh Nightt - ThéîrTM ' 1B", kreliable disinfectant ii deodorizeor 25c, 50e and 90c. 5e and 10c. - J . B.WILLIS rugglst and Oeptie MEDICAL HALL., rock St.,h W. ADAMÏU,--m' '* ce, Dundas Street Res.,Trr Byron Stree 4. tbr o.18 BLAKE G r a d u a t e o e t hl x- . M D n a Surgeons a" nîver burote. Office ovir J. E. ULa' 9, tore. Ofiebours-9 to 2;ýI I.o, rIiflhone, le Osha wa, LICensed Auctioneêp.,uecesa. or to U Fair~>x~? Foe tqm ns ud dates apply to e Iî tb<.'1CObb, Whitby. LICENS ï) ALsiÇ610N2E ~-ANI, VALU*?OR,. AUl hinds ot saies pià6mptiy attendod te. Arrangements foir sales eau b. made at the Gazette 6fle. Terms reas-ma ble. ? ý Bell sud lndieendez- hoo. WtIITBY, ONT. CONTftÂCTCORi3 J. HOWELL --JMES CarPeuter, ]Buildertant Contor. Plaus drwansd estimatea furnlshed. Saab, doors aud in&mos. Agent l1~ Brantford Reoflngi Box 467 Wt1TOY Phono 149 TrHREADGO)LD Sf08. CARPENTIrS sud SUILDERS Altérations sud Repairs. NIBT CLh.55WOgK OVAEAZTTw. Âppiy Dundas 7t West or P.O. box 40à Telephene No. 182, IJYERYI -SALE OSHAWA. 1 a 1 Havlng Takon Over t Co >Busimn8 OF J, H. Downoy &-B 1 amn prepared te ii aIl erdea CLEAN BRIGHT COAL WeU screened. W. gua tee prompt delivery and service. - Orders may be left at office of J. E. Downey & James $awdsi :Whltbyg, O igarriage Lieons issuer ef Marriage Licemme Corne; rap~gtee, lNo Wttneoses requinod. Tho Irotev GCaadaImProe Laud C.,, Llmitd Rei atale Dealens, Estates M Rentea Collectbd, 'Firit Loans Ai Properties bought an&'sei<] Fez toeu apply Ilead Office, Bs SOel Phono 193. l-aId.?P Sales Managers, UIDON£RICHARDS05, l WE SELL PARI and *11 classes o'f Suburbi Counntry REAL- ES/PATIE If you have property to0 sel Lusgsden Buîidins 0 Adelauoe M.lBut, TORONTO 1 UXBRIDGE. EAST WHITBY COUNCIL 1 Estimates Given 1 Mary street, a . WHITBY 1

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