Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 6

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'-t - 'r hdii~tbeehI regitin4; Jt e' an' -lm>lI UUA kiU boré-ho, rturn adr s;înoeýWfa onesio t lti xgwlatever ýpoiîing t to -send- jank: 'bos e sate ume e 8idfitty fot'helenedngiü,rktwo .ambitionis, xamnly, tob rm was so-blurred as taelie a mere !e p. ' " ~ M~~ nte wia ýthi Dryad.4 smudge.iitra4 was sa puzzled and conf ed and tolsi alwayi, CON*" OfWtbC iict eîest bas -net yet done tryingfreihr1f POUR [MN PRRID~ gsafillIed with wonder tat could Lfu lae.* *Me ~ '~ hils agnbitins kd, beariglmd -'RIý-N ORIG searcelydare sy .ta rational W Léord Derby' ealvaItituf 's siera«n f ys bt",hie succesa as _ PostmaserGnal \10U ant te nd1 ettedu 0adthework hed in lathedmns OUcntimagne how deliciaus a dish of Oat- choedn etld tw points as nucal Porridge becomes when it is sweetened withî "Crown alrigpassible cllftamely: the ""trteafficsl h as noit *Ba»" ou yrîp two ivory, boakes, ea0sId d tagether, ~tfo bak~tt-rrwwachth Ind s l orne unaccauntable way associated Goermett irsen areo ______________ Haei o refs o=ro - ae h idel yý_ the-'diaiùond-With> nuy ring'oaI death: hh so* o in due ore e. sparkle with the first spoof-see how they corne for 'more'. and the. addreucom. the. parcel liad teabtos Muli Iha cea udstaa-etedr ' -upon the wrappihg -intI.Lôwer Housdh nty oesbcuea hi n chidpe r - su_ A d pasted. -figure dntdsinr n tat"utrhkis cuuidrn, to. * *c otds items were decidedly unsatis-. * Spcadthe Bread wlth "CrownBrand"-serve lit. 'iý ~téîw~soIting qualities 4and :lavor' o'e eam a"a Mangeapd vor beig es' cnateroarts of àJ!~.~ dded net Ja littIel ta thatppary. cuge ~cAfbS B aked Apples-use it for Candy-Maklng. mc ahrmight 'dénotet e mosnt1' prapos a! hicsatgfstsn 35 - .~ spacakeaiiiloilictil5,Oi Banche ntg la flavorl11i x a rew h raite You ipn wm e!lectordinary coincideace, bearing a carre- * auusIng story Iotald aonf nidn sponVOUAgGhOck aI aigniflea&;go.ïLôs An- Frittera Worth Eating. strp ofred pepper sud a few taragonwicaereUwhnews rt RETESN0FEEW. ASI YON ftOIC-UN2.510& 15. TIS.gaitee h shapa where the un- eIce aPrima. Lr eb TUB CAADA STISCU O. LIMTBD Vary louristl agdtala buyiag This foundation baffrms e sdleaves ad oas .maillgheria pile. 1usd' lavited -questions atin fhcBiuhDedogt exl i. >(akers of the Famnous FÂwardaburg Brand&i. eryAdti eth ac ihhjieo fordFortwmlai. * al sorts of uselesChlues. sund Jap- frn alal kinds of frittera wit d hst h c it i .jucea metngudaoe sslld au," a ors adnlBnfr-otWlinanese gimeracks, eud for ail I knew but siglit variatos an oiiion.i ThEse ýfitters are eve ouge usnd à pv orl o. IlwsFna rbt ta the cantrary 1h. boxi'es migliti he Plain Fritter Batter,-One cup of mare luearty -If sexrired with a ricu, ce» u erla ssdmneGi. - * the cheapest af trinkels, turaed out nour al esona aîg~ smooth tomate sauce. *Lard Stanley dld nlhstt( an' ateiia buoe h e wholesalo frora a cammon iiàld'. 1dr-mal.*"e, u ad Iaa ak u ihrwm I.scuin a * ar n Iorrned that most similar articles e, quarter týeaspoan, of sait, twa iue IY8ý1.h ad _______________ofaIvirlu are produced in flis . ~eggs and one cup oI milk. Thi.dry Househoid Uluts. igsc u ul uos, n 1tercuar' urhros n As for rny card, almaist au body ingiedieitosoldbsfted carefuliy Old sheets should b. made into baga gave the name. The hor.i nsdcnimdrprssaeta rla ed otiagwlaeem-te, casiiplthe oeheatn nand l a etheooli <av fe roentos orfleraay * er W alhyrt fndtitori sipLaord.Hîi8e me. Ters asrithaginthpromes- seelread addta teri ,tehem h mi ed oske g ýnsv ieb I i.Ku' ome o esn famtue Iomyamail taaccou9I a-cupamaliroothspusi. arMSWLK n ticl ges â in i n c ta lowsakdcop e ourtbespairons atemurscrbflesdt.ga a~îg ho wp rmb;O5*;tOAlO * - CHAPTRy I-CHARLES it inttheme.sorina>'veas a pig w Y ib inth regl t ra d oseradi a, one taspoan of cA urrent aiar Knawsîim b Lýd ey Hll u ucahre hecntne atrnpotîlem too * Tc btte anuis liI Iy bhin fat ay houd hve nfitedme or whnea-f suen sugaontfo pppr ane ha salI ud oo f mixedj Fr uingce osoat p !yeraemi e ieal acssesa, ol b u upisadcryo hi vr Ihese w rds f "as e mor e r h an h Tem pîyingm se la ayhiugheas, ame pase. aliso u Euib hta ish mustd nosud all a teon apl tain hcite 'pfooec t e od tU - anea -a tgben asr and as Iof aas a-wp husy man but1 lonpenpp r. besnau f cTheguerrillawarfare pacticed b sfon ntue oud~cotri. ths im Icol 11afor t hve 1 IwosuhtaGernianfsrbmsribaillias as yel yield "Mis oK-to!"I cie, aliat sehld outneso roen in po. a outga vauabhe dla entSegrvet iae trieramisr he cosand 'vatiylme ail meu refly * *stenlyenoglila ilece em owBut tr asI uigll, lartiposibl mypiv atesale sud the wbakeen cehlk madm W en tirou l T ead usdie i e n thusearliglit lacosl ivlv -bc ri g n i b anfomilitai'fo r>'bl saub nresulîse r otlosan value.n i t * ' ho keep niy. ai th tt etrin fiyce up o f inge it i a d ti. altomno a ied hread for tbespoons ibdsd llgad. id Ii ye dn Whocoid av draned f mici atterqayhshould have nbteenmenr-whTii. dgaemmoendsubnt aio -et cerslmadul oier ut speof aperor.hiî clîli Te1cmpetsfaiureolheiinaal auheubittrng? T h reve laon coDindg'agping ml; m dta antahig ca c, 1h. bopaue.,sud 1.1 ilneofl t andt- erusliing disappoinîment ta fieae Ger-fcen, gnestMý span ie re a mobe hn oh r prnd s Iug dsclore. Usy nti ity a ré ntI dithpositon? At ld esa lbil.S e utreanceihal esfri t- b.esy.ite-a* i *e man peopîe, sud particuiarly tanflue iug m re md ma e natira m thitmy 1 Ie ha d ien quie t ellh revoe m paersan-lbc e m , - of pe. pp- er . AdeSuipaa nvie g h ur spri Wkl ed abuin laces -':100 imesa ti em WhMtiedob-etop"epnrred for gî as-l eduiee brouen in brogllna t il had me safeiy vlua yli tuis. gar lute sal w*ay4ta te ~emsot'aîl hmtbc' NailLeageenu cavyîawuol190 rtrl nuht i ec, lal o! i aceto fryaceI wigth nituwatimposs i b t a s ,,,piayoes eanyd y thabaot*ithi macedoi e v-tables ud T h oîd a neywhter h wasd ada oucdleply laI G - pho'era, by ae o! cîumsy ' ' chte aieed ns atttordn n xe-sd nuuwaetybin t shr efidtee Th ee a ncm g *tterI ws îvhoyuurpdsdmlI ashavedwii isgvigsespoa!swe ralI, nsaltaonolep er ea iusha, mmdof aplerodawhifte cea- aneîowilstndn scî n gtr, gmitias la cape dwi t e ltl ouste- Theieuabrupvey nepancmentofame p oa!sgr rtdoln e-~. eti ihu m eiln t w nta the k ofil.tant iniple voering e nty pIid a evt msegioi>vîwuî cuel e iamaud saud laan otfi elyhotcbuop etarly i aud ofWhe nel isdrtaeytast mtak w*i aprmciPa-mriauletrr ai lsiveirceofm d oeivwseld t le istpesin onera sd lint boxa, beette yet le boxta osli er veligity ne i h thn cfpri-gbîsasa u ic f cesecol .. xold i uciiiyo l Su oe oe ta e c a of"r sn esu whUîe I to-dfleetesuperiortta liedeBritish'bieex-wlieu hrproaiy tie a ein. perfqntariiylaniouste aniwe sheetaoi b atte Fr-h.fitter-a sud ervt, e asses. tsLarenie han drpigve l.dy"arvdtaegg l ate ma coidbael bee rpre wthfor i ef netstae i anaia. i-bailnd m aped iglta bn.t erierînglwy.Tk salter wy i3s ta t e- bruer of' e iuesgvBeliel eec e ut a-mi compact pacage dywiici man quf aesd ri e f SîvewibZvl extemsily bers atusi ritism a hvè ua ssacet th etrsa m fdig fr isie en isipd(uouatteifnalsuew ih am d on ulo ae-t ieîe n t ilCna hogof u geta the huifem, plute a!momemtedbcbutt esdtable - aes eygodsm e ai'~o nu ihutfrn u' heî oril mu d bu re vious il m dae ute ta , su hn M s ol nt b -aintd b i ia --I ivs s ol ee e w s coragnt e ca dealdhm1 a retrdn> rv 'amdraiace.feln. t sonful c;ard eul ahe d 'lte-wt sabt hudI bkland w onqerspride andf lsp a i ng 'ple: t1 s we dictat e lu an zabs nt-' i~ em nque seeni-of Y Wsusieaaolg e y e brns" t'I seisicrdbl. Bu f acla uaelnowi saed ta uay niuunlalioulaitoer-u po-ed as h ni ig migi neisbilgpe rsi fe fînel s ed. L tth ea rslb ndialitl t osdaifnch esfrtycracpe-hepicpela tt ul i yahofi logthple. a mibuted y tle aps oes li y Conera- wmpu gs, nom my packet, o r >andtplic e o fnef im rfo aom nte 'sitfrtn g. Styics evd em pultliik lanafeImt h atr o i e mat "hy Ldyou totur yur elf blatan îîtsînîem ptoilsaparkîammd gow And ud serefbot.lu tii. cake and ey will is old tiS *-wuehbaegd huat ofit theca cnf1ide c eIvedw of sa un- I traino! îfi'ou g it. me! ce bx roasI bef 5 lg ei gI rn a amk aifig laiw air odDrysrnuain beingle fr, t asc i mnuece s imp ssib e. ally coatiioa thainainfue sle. sîruggleam ata es al apa th * ~ ~ ~ ~ n 1Nw a laen1cm.ar al M prcup ti waa dscmo icete a ilme nyabad u gib.trllacuadt i n rikak nd pat ai pou d im te tySh gbeil>ewa awiepîa-tmhyenuia.dvne IlatÀd Ococ it h>b e aaid trgo ry teavesa tesoando!emua- (ai'me) hisplg caespanfus51"' eta s vr wt isnay Sne eà o unetouteensgibul ça u a prtho! ta ca us su smiedta ie- o rpesntor e> améim a ete- ponfo Wreeté rar, sud oecuviea.enraineetinicufwodbrélleNriSsîegadfee Goo grciuswlab ortaiemp y elflieenre lae fr il ra>' eri- - liw rîleurnansl ete r oasblt> ifa aue e es' hve 'o md T se -ou s lurbaetn Tatleeerof a ttrp-fu nvlato;teaoebar lu- hei asaucpeppersitsued wit -i it Tou at an vs ab ecur tain i ieamds u wsir uet> vsi db'Ib lae iA mriJeic.k pais es- mnwthcoul faelibre inues; sIbvewdh aielgt itémthr tlyleatibtao knl rnd ii it h hieo n egba- yiu ih ébs ie> a ukrKng i eal'awyssa'd ir a wli anfiwt îekol i u tbeoi>' testm onal a nan! Hwt " hui on aisdlgtd ing-n a d e ieraou itig a -a nshf. Adt itihutees uc- hni i adoeb' ahn. mte iepolmca.eg hr sc a s e dsse te mody iuni o! buinaotie s cm enustig isuriu fctrs" sid burt else am n ac t a in a yalt>'mon. rrsasnih a liit, mx t r ve hly 1nd Ve galryaslloldnyr l wol-akf r out ue mrupb!"- anr' ortin>'.e a 'i o h ieben lpe no * hm fne aue hc sm d o utni ail ietd ad i sheaeeed bou tobrek L. e aatnio nd su ad ntlowahe aatei iisain Mais f ' intoce Serveutte orsdater-ish ketinatoer ackdsumor juga.Th TeDeI>etbsar wo iaou vct>'ar ieA is. T .sula- "Il terribl burdn or ow aframmn;te héga yhmtCh.oe n 'u idtéfw cl-Is hae er hréiogoig miereprai îuîy. î asîiî> adde :io, te iaginee rr ing oné o!' wiich i glutf cen aboy. poisn Whn onaus.wl akdb -dIeep easaabbty. I yrwass0a aepl s g ese dispenedato-daynt- a s if î hadbeng a pebbde lu my lca pp oed lobuer lafil a cp d uL ithecaue of dht iseuse. W ashn aa îic"rn go essu kbldy"d uuhsrmanhefna rie s~~~mny Cemaily le egud e'thm 10bav a th wn u ta ldpiesoi séakn t a eurds m mo ns ets b i h e incyfoug tefir e i o as u se ut ernîc s o ofmeltb ted bteoi taspon ad large paft te ra n abéca ti r gtgo uklo le Saly. gétathso !hew r Il m selftogeher )ins, ba ry. yournosiaréhe teoannmuciimeaIorheartiut" iss veoxr"ggedaorciracestr its a ypies lesp lgslrn l;forteate sud theb-idestvut d ~ servehot flé ud rsaut t erai dsru- mla caceanayoprtath é iru tl retissakeadgo . A din thbllr r'lulé uul a u e cak a nd Ihe tredwill br te aeaile tr." fkn"- rs,îe B frem m rigeI dbral -lion. Mwy dear t415 oxtureti are m~l ie xrsieee ie rre v atiue,îw vr r p e e rvea trtar sauce iîi iirter cl a oim big Lrd Srw tuy sd ii> ai11e o'yuhiu hw la blahs ntie fmy id ap scoun brave spail cmtl sim tedone fiou i h ciarvae felatariy. Te aiasaymaonisiafic a111eI aséy eumekpafesg>'ptiLrenigdu mbxpaila i dawodrtocorg?"mee u paulosd 'hoecea'yséif taain a tîro lie .ordnacatakin"aia 11sfilieisuces- aatsTili more wonderfeî meotor>'." aNvliagyu l ae . Myvereo upt l atdialurbin isclaros srt uainfcac i-dinodwmpeer!mi de j éa' wrig eemt on mn tane mre mat-uiaors l am st aive. Tley la re rv ion Ca ieapono clhoed alsonuofitegnei th sud bleu As ~~~tu a e ose tcdiidaigw t hem oe l rcéye ial itm re sdurm ia'h adlatésnew edrolact neednt, u Yu bpato is u ell and Isdai er ued eîchig. thahelrlla c l a . alf's Lvem' Fatea.-T5kof ne-(rmr) epn alspofl u "If >'rcn swt othé o egplo Plae ei tl 1' nt ta . brilîh nhe v eo!Sisa hinimaeng r lu, esoo fW rcse- aan n upvnga. . cis ars y oon as youarese ad le- bthéenied l I r ring."er rile rmttet imro o se ie>' areouf d-o! cacentreivrfmmd bail lbnun 5s h. way tstepimo ed; d aptle ot eliîw ofivrth be -tér ing sudtJe a uTiey are ilyegfan- eb ver>' flue wddt il pneper at lwo -l b eslieytepcerKnwh erl l tel g VînegforrJ5iïis4rndld Jellieb caini balane. I cauld sec laI.T ietwt ia ethdelng jae se, hi rga ai comutde taes taod-uand blaas o s lof ,mie joruic, le jundev ail 'e at bo tere>'s wre uain. bt dimn d u h.wapigo îes c trshesaton of roo!y.f yan oon n . Suervegten h. eAd ih e pti tn rcs o u h h eb she iniaueible br e- firb quv eril o o, ad det etab out aitmmeat, Agnein okfrmi dreewieer uemit hes rtter sudh fei'. e freh etyetae hav ota bar te im ot g oing a cm>'," mis omendca ttepthte gye mettnd b ad pge i thé box a taîdisin- acdwcale théthfrittera .ane smaîl$20,00tumbleher of tassurednié, sd kia ugi h.aveè tamye r>'.roahul.1hsiyadd ing u, t iàime >'ayon ple of w eîecî curr at 3.>'.n iug peta sypaha:1one rde es ls e géra mighathaélle ou>' min imsteiidrfor a finalgîimpae ut île innocent- tieer Fnittera.-Také one lau cu anetaenur 'uci u kndét, thinils rici pienedrlta slo thînobleginsruet o! darli. lyas ofpreemvd gnge, cap l vr>'fin whiredn uuxpéled Butef erk&ie'sayhn ltaesu l a a'efit ailcevdan abl, m ernsoc o suprse sd add t l acup adof pre asserved J Wsin sdaisth an n u an oue s etat biav d niet.meAn ariYci a r tne, ra>' e50 ot r a et I aared a t i s et in inles add bthé ttpp er audt, all- er tadsm ls laigagn. Cra ytelgn ca hr n éi s itma sd a eemini>ral 55 1 réuit re iéeu- ewldrmntuex, ittasarie fyigsevea iaoédsyiito orecoeawhndiyou are ou l oig oir' et t ofra i oubl cm>', Idrppthe bhng stbac inta îofe uddinbuter, wt hetera.s Lrepten "ntbeco r for it, suldes seap notn y;dfhokind- awakenédndbyobts-martificishitne;obuth1h.hbax xCa fine anrs. Tein crauin esike neute 'ou ea iran atedf W>' th nu- Tcid gap assrad ee é-Fa ifr u ryinrteruulyanadoue maie isohttetrasw ra tÃŽoniMyé a'rty neo ,ae;cnest he axrie as nda the> preamsribdmiul hevejad e e: n erun- aé armadesauacep aht fits r sdsooe.ohr e odS fo1a work I yit ship c>'"for swhra esiitas one liaI a>'upon 'i'>' esat beuètesés erefrikin ba!cpro wler Met md bil a- Th, ati, o a ve ger hi. iké stmanie ersougacit,or u ir ofelirh th.Tef!oaîeasp aonn aiela pich aa, rose, -< Icn cketfrpu-th wr ai5i 1lie seuteeoel ajsi> r* etermiana-suh j dsanoiflsinspil ia~ rul>' m. nrui d c la f iemodsi mod, oreanéfaco i l aI clavst es. .. an h nweto n tartnmoe it- >'; lpsésé niaiiu lt>o! is i n aaa inet g ! tédvl. Thère se n ia leorle cwtilId biffer-df I "tImeel"I aidliiti'. "I ne Aos ta roteigobhy ipeuthlie note- ît e acludyed f l at I s uel a ndrauéeuhruits ybuaed i h aiew ta ona o rerayt emie ainell tbltat i la tth a tom lany -urf, cé; o Siriau i th n at Al fru i rera ia>' havth eu ',,- -- shows yoe-lr t u yu çmig.Itheugrda. Iswae l vxatonng-"tmntl' nd o cal is v er and boil i.-un- If lic'i'é's-an>'hiimg else you-wanl, you Aci'diugl, herefore, l in d capp1 ed in héveti suad threw éd mter thé fruit is ligilY'dutéli At11thendoo hlm a ed!nd hrilou' nwldg;o reclous Ithe box juto a camparîment o! my wlti pawdered sugar; or stewed braitUM Ni: w dst aones, I waa mot oui>' certain fiat sl.Isug i e1> da a v mua uit a look. I can find nDO - liere in my possession w-as'a perfect gavethé1si a ftherl, sud len totidrnined oalita juice sud aeded ilfiieed yer it wn ab ue htm ele tb describe tie soit sweétnesa af ihemr lewie nod hmhsîs, au- r hgidwial a til. d hn sodbe ms>' be usod wien the freal fruit peevswI eja ih aIswy s voice. sieruteI is ount of season. Ratier a moyeu>' "How can I ever lhank yo;t h!" aime .!ils sizée and béant>', ge Oa!he At liaI instant mu excamatian o! 1 dYIdazen or so iéally wrti- 1 e1 dia- lerrrfroni Miss Fox lu tle outer among lie fruit f rittera a isOemé adeu "'au'ean't," said 1, cumîl>', ta bide' mouds I inte whoe worl oofabohlm pwiissar.I igrapefruit. s uddcn- feeling af iliadit>'.l"Camne Think o! liaI for a moment! hastened- ouI 1o discover ier seated Gaeri rtes~rpr i And wieu- I furîher cansidered thé mil tthe lypewriter, white-fcd Pa'GrapfruitVies earesathd lî'k-l énmiutspias.extraordimary wa>' lu ýhich it iad; renîiy petrmfied wifi horrai' at Snme' draining slgîtî>'if it la tac juîcY. èftATE II, coe t- m, ad th cicumtane tht tingsb eheid in lie aflernoan Ps- Add la il six mucsrooms tint lave I APERs am o- mhae mmd t i circmlitatleto nr g ngb t'saiudad suppase kin not ta le wandered dem that I wss overcamo witi amaze- atupefied exp reasian, hé had onl ui> j2 been pawdemed, dusl wlth sugar sud nient sud mystification.' landed il ta ber. Without remavinig add a témspoon a! vanhil. Mi% wéll S M c 4 INow lb las possible for au eN'llt lier staiug gaze froni lie aheet, mie wilh lie baller sudir'dicl>' lb. no unwanted' o blés trauge asi iwl' -sud sutoniaticahi>' rose 12p. I Serve in a napkin witi a syru'p Sauce' - 1 n-unau i lsefi sud, ua unexpected, hurried over ta hem. flavored wiIl pisbacbio or uibthéh îI o= and dcnceal everythiig èéelu îy, I aferwards i'eaiized. "Wisl liasfotlrependawyte mep ftn . JsI suci happenings iappened, Miss Fox?" a did, too,, for bsbe aaasfvrt ua as lisseàefil Iras 'wiicli oui' - simplei- j or aspace aime aeéned mot ta have Tii. ordinar>' frillers are alh toc well J' nne rbas h eentgvnhéard; but béfore 1 coui Èea aa nkowu ta mequire description hère, as"jD5lt' - sekngfr o cue, ual ien I che tumaed ta nie a face drawn wiithé recipes are given lanatrico! flie same, it frskst er rvdtemû eedb supématural ornian sd aItimhat su mug h did ual try ha speak; eook books, but oniéSp,ish, recihin, for preervincnîn n elynaig malfoent I miuat confeas ta havýing 1.11 she.simpl>' tumneredlime papér 80cltIat I wiichi la-an éniorgencY luimhean dîsi, -mmcntW nerEeinsnIi tie samo way, tluoug1 s-ar acauldsees. And I took lu almaoshat a i8 unusual encugiha îs espaken of. It1ju agelbbstnd elwohwbe -Pcaat itc E einswhube reasôli ligan ta -emarciin uane ls lsiig esliO SaashFnltrs9M iv. yaur chilsireli a chance ta sîsy at explanation mare hurnan. Tie resulf, "steve Willets la Wild Break far>'te yu 11 * ad mismo. uyacu if.auytiing, was even >'et =rmela- Libèrty." '"oriaus Bandit Headm lu fhe usual way. Thon open s mmi u acae rgnae nCra1f~ ~ Sgr veetible bofnehle sud usi fint'."p aerile ospaëar ndlim eY liili aéphOfl Osu'cesful Piafta oEscae.San Quen- btlo b .eay rixdSpaall oeihor rcri utb ~ Sgii n altersae meIn-tlm ealh la i irfpae ir s ahn i.""lds'~ anrecker omeletf ill n.This to- ver>" r - - ploSsure of a tanme of l3illiards. I h "'tplcthr asntin ir.tiE u smuÃŽais4, T 111n Thiis table -would 1look ico In your whatevem lu my past associats tLalansd Four Other Desperalé ConviedIs at seasoaod sud lie vogefýabI5esud pop'_ We buid thor anud $à x 7. ar ladywio Swe tenit4 ian be suppliesi' wlth ettimor round wud eokr> t-mudrm(To lie confinued.) fa Ibis' a hall cup aIf rate pin- 1 ,0 5- AA-4-1OO Ifr»age - square8, s. sd, ould niake ave val- s diarod-uat ta mention tie almosl - ' __f_____ -îÇýo -8-baX cri"îef uatle.aditlan ta your horne 1f. andi incalculable value oa! hum ane. This - - "*'-'- wotild crtainly be agratpaurmit and___concluppsion -a lad, or iathe g p ;aId Wbepoltb r olf aimafre - . fyiug eservafion: thèee seenmè& ý aBoneie uc-a~d ratier bang 1" Srewitm a RiliSiaun'iayauo'I'*- CANADAK% J~I NIL ç9~L ftéIcssu atlgu a distant possibilit>r thafý'linelient anound -some oie Who ian s moTn>dy uaise nmade la fil ' 5 Ar ' t- iu-g -e, hAEE.MY&C. ad entrumted the gem 10 me for tera- tIa husti 'to* . henuselyep 4md calmup-fa îlhe rnsyomase*ta calari l:-t: Writesalekeepig; bt I vewed t t ê4i,â V- ink,, liop, tgtier o oliesgi~ 102-104 Adlaide" St.West. Taronto. poi'rar ae epng u I- -e r Ombd. t 'r - jr- TEE DANGERS 0F 0VERC1E ING lIENS. ýBy -YP. Marshall. J. Overcrowding is the fatl* ipeck of troubles. OvercrowdiÃ"I averfat hejis, and overfat he -, olf-shelled eggs, and egg est bit folîows. overcrowded floc roost closely together at mgj gweat, leayinig~ them in a WE condition, resulting in sicknes crowding also produces 1<11e hens becorne mischievaus he. the disgustirg vite of feather Iol the resuit.- Better resuits, bealth and egg production c«, floeks that, have,-plenitY ofý room." As-the young chicks keP largerthey glhould beanovedt ler quarters. It is out of thei * to keep them in he same litti coopsg and exeetý they will. and do' as welI as where t î.noved to roomier 'quartersi grow, and shouid alway!ý be, lind lotd -of- exercising condi keep them evcr -active and bustie. Perches shouid be for, them as soon as they begi a littie size. It keeps them *and they , eern ta do beti avoids crowding together a caWoing- thern to sweat snd cý * i the cool of the early inorni * In placirig perches they si - al-on .the-same level in the part of the .hanse away froz and should . be readily remoiç the perchejs are not- ail on' level -the fowls wiIl fight foi >portunity ta r6ost on thie hig the chances are ±hat mxany f beinjured- by falling off. th e * The perches should bc-iu the part of the, peni as they r mo4t _protýection* from the col the- night, wheni the fowls- tive. At this time the house * ly colder than during the é perches should be easily rý * ta facilitate cleaning, disirife -fiù)ting mites. theý shoau constructe9hýat a-disinfecta - readily applied to al Pari should bd as simple as pas. madein such-,a,:way as to * smallest number'of cracks vices, which .ffer hiding p mites an d other vermin. ýAs mile, small his shoult hî six inéhes of perch space, larger hen s should ,b. sala i nches. In the -wiýter th * close together, but in thi there should be .plbnty of allow them -to spread out. should be twelve- inches -4 flot closer than fifteen ladl wall or'ceili'ng. Show bird., ly Legliorns, or sinilar tyl be kept at a greater disi walls and ceilings. Many are spoiled- by brushing agaiast the walls. In- determining the. size cousider- tIi.nuiuberýoI fo'w to be kept in Ã"né pen. fowls are too crowded for. production. A--ftock, of 'should usually be allowed square feet of floor spac Where the- attendant is keep the- house cleân an *heavily littered with strav space will b. uecessary. * t is far better to allow toc space rather than too litti1 ger the pen the' less flo b. required per 4hen. 0 hens wlll thrive in -a pen ý * that .is four squaxýe feet-oel per hinbut'o i en wil ina pen 2x 2feeý In each -one bas a çhance ta the. entire floor spaceSt ýmore exercisË.- As. the nu Riock become less,- the- smo In the-summer tinie a the bac k'ef the bouse rm Air enters' this and goei the studding and rafterx hoad above the h.eads This allows circulation o allowing *the, 1warm air Sthe. sumnzùer ',withiout a chicliens' heads-. To -sIlo pagisage the back ,I>ate tweea three studdings. visable to-use ventilati other-devicès ta insuri -.In fact, niany houses tha stisfactory in every % ventilation schenMes whz rôostinghood. the t stary 'émains a BUt Ilmb. - Now. a hed ly Stai "The Pr-tissi as' originail 'e nd> -eý

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