Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Sep 1915, p. 8

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te reuI 'W9 $ ~ udge foi, lè Xr. avi Dum buliat dlte i>l Ocoe arram$edou an adjustable stanFi 6M lInviteS lthe public 10 coen d vl«v the Mioon Nid -tari tbrough IL. Maya tngviue shwvho belli l "balaiIiist week, pu n» Unot tely tRieatendaasee t 1 Mn. - h rock. basmate a wocndertul Improvemleut lai ç0ig Qpe>alte ut t old Thernad prcperty Agood mauy teoIlu hi ie oshaw Pair thtle week, though trôhably nôt-go many as In former yéers. rher.eseemi te be a feeling that il ollevu tee clofe. ly the Toronto EUxhibition. David Burns was Iu Toronto laul weck and atteuded tlUe Exhibitioni. Borne et our résidents are ointinuing to agitate for a Caruegle Library build. lug, If sguch could ho sotlred for Drookl, -1t would be of Itirutese value te the village. Sotie place ia ueeded, vimera. ladies aud tien uen drop ln a fow minutes te rend.- _ John Farrell la veny 111, aud là recèlv. lug medical atteution. Mr. Kett Wruce has volunteered for overseas '%lt vice, sudha joiued the 48th Righlanders lu Toronto. Hls mnauy frleuds extend wishes fer bis safe retturn atter he has doue hie bit" for thîe Enuipire. Mr. (George Pringle. of Peterboro,u Tuemday, sold hIR residence next te lie Post offilce te Morley Rose. et Colum- bus. The Methiodînt Sunday School Scbst', are and teach ors are preparing te ho at their best for the Rally Day Service te be hiold on Sunday nioming, Septeti. ber 26tli.. We mtilI have a sîîpply et binder twinc for thie corn and buckwheat han- vest. L'ave your order with usW. Tie membeme et Kedron Ladies' .êld vlaited Pie Mthodîst Ladies' Aid bore ou Tuesday aftennn lat. The vinit- ors supplled a delighttul pnogramiueý atter which a mont enjoyable social heur was upent. The Executive Comumlttee et the Sun-, day Scheel Asseciation of East sud West Whihby sud Oshawa aud Wbitby Town@ met ln the Methodînt Churah here on Saturday afternoon lest. Thie publie sohool vas cloaed on Tuenday and WVýednenday oethiis week, awing te, the Oshawa IPair bclug beld ou thoeodays. Mr. and Mr& Fred Howden sud son, Semi-mrea Made to Lake «h . XI'üL4 gre. -Z Aà. PeerI, eoa anto %usfhaohA Spencer bus bsen Ut ouMdt for ~fwdaYa haviagtue ho oh<ld effectik~> ber old homoehors 9hlpped e Otta whowbre .11e and 11cr mother *111 tae. P their residence as Mon ad ah. cMM cotapbeéte arrangements forlb. Ã"onng et her office thero. Miss S»nse bascomPletèd a three years' e lsoatotudy or the scionce of ehitprasieaid as eeeived honrdi- pUtMat vbich ontities ber tote edegnes "Doctor of (ihiropracHio.» She bas %aos hs4 coul erreti on ber the degm'ee et Ph. C., whlch denotes a mark 'of bigh hoiior. TheO lmer Ochool af CIhiropractie, frenwhlch she has grd. uated la the largent and best equlpped College et ils klud lu thc United 8SIIe It la ultuatcd lu Daveuport, lova, sud han a studeut body five hundred stroug. WItlî lhe excellent Instruction aud ex- tenaive clintea1 experlefles which as bas obtained and with ber natural abil- ity for thme carset the uick, vie feel a.uured that Dr. Spencer vill meet wIth goed succesu lu Ottawa, vhere 1the science lis already sg ellI kievu, ang la bolug meut fa¶lorablY recè1ved. FRUIT BULLETIN jNote the UovertimentAdvertisIing teliing p u abouit Canadian Crawford I iambes J tit down an extra supply of Niagara eninoula (hown Fruits. This year quaitty ii; extra fine for canning. Fruit 3 tuaunsgood liîa] th.1 ALMONDS. QuIte, a number from here are attend- lag Oshawa Pair. Mr. Whitfield e and Mr. John Lee sperit a few days v1iltlng relatives at Grebank. Mies Mabel Mackeyr returned to To- ronto sUter spending a few days at her home here. The Y. L. B. C. met at the borne of Miss Lillian Rowe. The a.fternoon was spent ln playing tennis, after which they w-ont over to Mrs. B. L Brown'@ and had ibeir tes aud a corn rost MIisa Willis aud triend, of Toronto, 4bg4nt the week-end with the Tormner'a sieter, Mrs. A. Edwe.rd. Don't forget Alrnonds chicken pie supper the iast Week lu September. Further particularé lae o. Remeinher the patriotie garden party and chicken pie supper st E. W. Hoit- by's, Audley, on Tiired&y, Sept 2. Aûmdisisiou soc. Ldy Clothes Special Order Tailoring- ma-klog clothes to.. Order ln five days. That l'O the- Sei[ye;ady thcc.uleon all special'~4s Oi Abrt Raiautnt hib ou - -Anlymoils lettdré iare. I>e!tg eUtê& tetd tiers aeai,àftd iare alàsUt dNo ft=dlM4-ag 4 b-uaà;y.fa encuetIl# otbuiOlitare'ie gt à~~h nho, And *grest WiiWy e- s ci ' losittouai isemêsu jtsthee t locnal y trastaeét ron teJd it iuit ioS ence a roeau*Mt ttab b. £ ettiW detuaan sudtmeleéerqusséaV.tioa AdCreuy . y W Iol..ToeOblihpi*hol te*n Al. B* ctsdiraynd te bl orced teurfause lut w q eni. riyoe s ui circuasmd atest rportiis te.ev Mdrsm P. J oflIobn Ie Mea. od . Oit.. Mr. Ae. B. Fluer and family meterln te cTron teaye. Mm Johîho laondthe oud ter a lniee lucknfeeu. t n atr lu Tesay Mrs. WD. Paroaid augln.rlulton Bitunday. Mrs. Thomas Ellis Iett fer 1the city on Wrlday, where she Iutended to vIsit for a few weeke. Mrs. A. M. Elh sud Miss Lena Par- rott were lu Brooklil on Tuesaday. Mns. Brash sud Mns. Johunston were lu Fort Ferry eue day lust week. Miss Elste Wost buau rited te HigRi Schootlnl Pont Ferry, We wtsh ber eyery suceas. Threnhing lu ail the rage lu tht. vi- ciutty. The Rev. W. M. Hgale etf Colmbus, preached bure ou Bunday night luet, Mr. A. B. Pluber waël Ut Mârkhaai last week. Miss C. Johuston ltt for the Pfermai Séoeol ln Torento ou Mondmy leut. Mr. kX M. MIlIta was in the. clty isat week. KINSALE. Mr. Qenmley, of Dunbarten, habemn uasistlng Louis Rogers te complote hie harvest. .fThe arinera have put lu a lag acreage et fal1 wbsat again Ja. liaibrou lu ual improving ln health. Mn. Wilfred Sadler le rcported ce botter. Many trom ii Yiy-¶Leve lt ati. tenidace At Oshéava-r. l r orovd and good exhIbltu, are reporte. Jamnes Ledgett bai charge o e m f the gales at Oshawa Plair. Rlev. John O. Totten proached au «b celiùt sermon harf' at tuxndaY,,.-. TRio trusteel-of tbe church4"ae-fl templallne holding thoir huïai - har- tout home. There ftail , an'i u, icýubmhroe on the. bail, tod b -dn tî cloa Off uthi .t #ia NI SOlOIIÉAtHtO Il Mak Pe i t l-.ew4 lywmua wondebowihq .v.r znanag.ê to get dlont Without thon Woal1êifutabléts, lnlgea*Ion, Dyàpep.ia and Bgour StoMacli. ,ltl ithie only sorbaIsrezýedy "ht Winl oreott mo urmtUIt4IVhlthe greteat Kldney P1-8me4lkthé werd &ai mmny 1i.opié have tetifed ttb svlue tu smmwoese and otter Si. 7>obZé. "TRtJ-.Â.TI8"baubonen e ce the. greulsupoeosscdth11e cetury and tmé ale at nemona, both tu csaa wd tRia67n1dffl tates. .a box ,*b250tTlui w» 28& A # <Zoo m u ren t pa*4d o reO$ôt- Iê,tho ues béîng Utestiftiable. A o 5eihatIlo tuied out at ML. Zct huI*'lite hear anuxoo»liît a4dz~oig 7Re, ie pDaut, ftét* . .C. +WAWÃ" w alà, UU515iTUWMD(bui toit, téiio loeom d t et i s e1o 0 ,Y h i- e> and thé aqod- l prlde»-)-lM wh th the Iulm aian f l odIston 1a am rvegards Ina om -PwiÃ"hv éoté lui ttuivo-ade «vi speim et *0 it t AI~gYt eu, 1115khal aa*ietteo Mtlyet1wbthY bVemone. Atat tiyhae- ,4bt oin thodue(a mure tghatlngTOhe ünightyta'k, lor 111< adlooks-rnidtest thoet nce. Lido w ewthro, 1* tta m otecte fr t*PsIe thIat (Iler inter put onhie1cp, and lveshat NulI.ée thth Âlmghyekosthern, ny taise pnide, think a litti. of what tii. division bau dulie durlng thé pudt t 5w day,. 1 would mut et failel 11yen that 1 have nover been'so proud of anything lu my lite, as Lam of ibis Ai-miet Wlth fil Canda»O on It (poln tingte Sot), tRiat 1 wear en rmy night arm 1 thank you and-wengrtulate you fron the bettom of f17 heait, for 1the part each oesof you han tahen ln g1ing me this teed- Ing et'pride. 1 thInk It ls possible that you do'flot, aIl of yen, quIte realize that If we hiad retired on the evenlng efthtRe 22z0f of' Aprl-when ouf Aillies tell back bêfere the gas, aid left our liahik quit. open- the Who oret i.271k and 881h DJvlu. ions would Dt9bably have been cut off, certaluly uhey vould not have tôt awa? a gui or a vehiole of any mort, and probably net more thon haifth11e ln- falitty. Trhis ln what otlr Conmmdor-4n-Chiet Ineant whoti ho telegfaphed, as ho did, that -the Cenadans a sredth1e situa- tion." My lads, If ever mon had a right tu b. proud lu ubis world, - iou have. I know reitý11 iarytty veit u mci ot'th~ tnl grau istalle, t.rUUinauoii et lie: en#mlr' lutukeu na. usotýu lb-*,.teerê èbloed "lta ~ga dimmct #t Xolont nor C40 1 tliiik eot an Instance tu whlch no muob depeaded on ti tuettdfniL aut of oie TeOUvl -remonubor theeiset lUne I sapoete yen. ugt l><iter yenet inte the tronches at Bailly, nov over two mentRa agoo 1 toRd yen about my olci Réginent-theIL. W. EKnts- havlng falfe< a repiit4atlb fr'-net budging tiiètr troteè&I eoahattor how they Wer. atta*ed. _1said thon liaI 1,Id ,S ut süii zte that ln a short lime *e ai-m- 6it- here tvould hé ,alunathe X' tile -thoùgbt,--,Wullie -eof u COCiMX , WUt Samp4intS itock. Ao1ton Cotg Phoenix cc .efle jnïsurar'cç.Co,' London- Mutuai. W. Pe.DiISNBY9 l1ariby J. udison, D.D.S., L.».S. 19nfflssor to W. Adams., Offie Dunda tteet, oppos i0t Office. Phone 122j WtiiT8Y, "ONT* E. W. Sisson9 , D.s.gi 648, Denital Farlon over -AUln'udrug store. Whltby, <0" Office hours-OD to 12; 1.80 te 6. Phonos, Bell, 87; Indelfedent, Il. BLAKE. IL ATON, DO . Graduate of1ib Royal Colis g e <>1 Dental $urgeono and Iveb~ity -ofTeouto. At7OTIO *i;,M or te rlewW fjba jMa. t«» "à" -LICENSD #"lDE~ ANb VALUATOiIto BOU #ad hndepn.tp * w WHITBY will be st' Tueodàyg; Sept, 28th 7 T t ^ lT R E T Corner ÉKing . hot. T11E i(E -,OECAR FIteLDTILI 2j in, 8 ini., 4 in. On sale at my résidence, Brock'Se- Whitby, or t w arehouse, G. T. k. up-town station. AIse ail kind*a or b-uilding matere'iau LIME, LITHIO MENTî PLASTES QI AIS aid asO-X' ALLPUBTeL -- OBERELj rî *M 1i Maiy men, sec a pao i * ~which May ~o eoridt Iiie stock îa 'inyàioro~4 lilko ur it, -waht itt, Must hgvairel *Thglil mi geneso f Seifilidé re4SecalOrdora-nd they taie huit milo-u year to persnai t iere ' IU 800 Cloth ÃŽmahtrus iotd iglhWoifted 1*g, Chevlot., Twees o euaturepii.3SBbO#- Fe. ios, 010 and &p. fo5ou i a lild Absolite fit andjerfcifinish guaranee, -or .our 1 monîey back »-îche fiy NAURICE I Préaoh b4 1' w' vi à ý

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