Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 2

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lii. discplo f lultur, At.atim boruo,.s*hq ciy for P"Pspce. barnll b. restrdhd.- Thim t#atloiN bauks ït ,so.lhi how- p prolo.tlow of the'contest çouiýlê 'rr -or* fér good -aJMf .pigt, epheâài$#sho fact that the. *,opitioxB nwMeît ha@ not arrived. %tor4s pembI. Agaix it-at ho tugs, oneof ithenits-8. hi lits nothlng uurprlslng ln the Chester ThQWPBpon 414 inot 11ik.. tped ced Ssii-on IV.sidete *ilnduinoii of Germany and ber ally aspocgk plecos." To , l<~ Perhaps the herse was dlscur'aged., tO corn e -t,6 ternis wîth their enemibos.Tr a w by'Phpsi was ontangled le the har~ Theymayproezeconfidence in li who really enjoy deciamation lu-innsa., Anyway, t bey thero wlth Mate vctb y but they rnust reaîîze school, but for Chester the day was quvelng asides whlbe Vhe driver. Ieap-' the possiblbty of tthe- alternative. And particularly full of terroru.. H. was ed forward' înd strück. It again wlth' if they could make pence now, on the' not. shy or sensitive among his mates, A l-whp t wal a cruel tbing and a- condition suggested by the rece-n.t but when hie facod an audience, even fôellsh thlng ta do, and the sight was manifosto of the German profeîoli, tog Uwsttaeu wol f hs ore than Chester could bear ln the retontion of the territory thcy, hu iwatndepwolyftos silence.. Indignation bo 1ed within hav ocupbd, he ainto ne idesanie school friends, ho promptly for-1 hlm, andbefore ho irealy knew what ani the lbas to the other would be got what ho had lcarned, and feit ae: ho was, doing, he fond hîmeoel! be- very great indeed. Beigiumn would if he were waiking off a high dliff! sido thé angry drivir and speaking ta loto' ~ ~ ~ nt lirntoa xsocFac bspace. hlm WIýh a groat oarnestnoss that wouliI be sadiy crippled, t.aly would (hse fi sane fthswa-.caused fne man to turn in amaze- sseq and trie(l lard to overcome it, ment. be imperiled and EnglIami wttld bo-' - fore many years have to fight for lier but %vit h pour success. Now ho irs Chester couid nover remeniber just life wth little or nu hoelp ,f rom any face to face with somethirîg fer worse what ho said. Fragments of things quarter. f ol be inaros o than speaking in school. In oniy tiro that ho had learned at the Band of theAliemtoassntto sc a bagi days more hie must stand in the vil-- Mercy meetings and enatchos of bis w)iule any hope was left t> thern. lage square, bes-de the new dri-nking cnrefuIWy preparod address for thM fountain, snd delivor an address be- dedication of the drinking fountain Those who press for pence at the fore aI I tho peopl e gathcred there. mingled wbth the simple and common-! present jurncture, therefore, are play- 1Iliow could hie ever do it? Jsiense pion that ho made for klnder m;îg, howcver unconsciously, the Ge r- Several years earlier, Chester had- treatrnont for the talion borse. mian zamne. A pence that was only a i oined the Bandl of Mercy, and his love The anger leit the driverls oye and 1 g<ic mîjilit Ite an immediate good, for pets and ail animais had led hlm ho fiusbed undor bis tanned ekin. lut it woîîld rertaipIy b- utr vi to remnain a member whon many of- "Well, you are rlght, youag ma," ho The ob iect or o»n in promnotinaý the boys of hie cge had dropped out. [eail. "And how yow cari tallt-for aý Slie penîce pr-oprf'gandai is obvinusi Now hoie as ts president, and this little felloir. entgli Ifho ffeed o ed ite vas why they had sebected hlm tef Chester and the driver heiped the wriuh an he enerefusoed the ~ speak at the dedication oif the bocuti- hors. to ts foot, patted its noue, and waranwhe eni Lt zut a rth, ofuer-fuI (lrinking fountain thât had been removed a little of the ioad, and thon fluîl ora adantgo. The ~tî'OC gven to the village. Hie pride would the man drove away with no more ii-cf i(-rýrinrigth m-ir, te Gr- let hlm evade the tak, but hoir ho loud word. or use of the whip. natis might say. ,Well, we aire vî dreaded it! With the help ot hise Chester scbd nothbng about what iti t- vd i. hos isth, rspns>-teacher he had prepared a briet ad- hcd happened until cfter the dedica- 1oilty ni it g Whso?" Ti:tivrent-dresq, and as he said it over ,and tion exorcises at the noir fountain ignorem, of cou rse, the reail question over, ho iras rather proud of it-- but were over. When his toucher, among of yeptnsihilîîy the wvhole tenîper of lhe felt absolutely sure that every many others, congratulatod, hlm and t:u Germait People towtirî their word of it would fly fromn his mind in told hlm bow spiendidiy lie had donc, ,ehrthe liggr-es.-îotni. uipon neu-' the pailie of the moment. ho told her briefly about the driver traIs, the. met bous of tFe policy of1 That i. irbat Chester iras thinking and the talion hors.. fil No matter wbat!uof one day while hoe was waiking along 111 knew I could do it atter that," hes tevrn: tverv nmule, these sins would - te pod .iust outside the village. Ho sabd. "It .Yamiin't simpiy that 1 tound rjý t lu , it(oitl for. It i,4 curtus to't- o watch twvo mon who irere 1 ceuld forget myseit and talk when fil- thu Nt,%NYurk Evenîtîg Post ar- loading a cart with gravel. When I had something te, say, but it gave a j'tîng that if the terrnis wcre generous the men had filled the cart, one of whoily péir mécning te the cddreà i(iigh, if turmuîny woiuli give up theni spoko sharply to the horsea and that you helpod me prepare." Il oin ti Nîrtwr 1-anc i re -they plunged forward; but the rear "That ln the. only wcy that anyono t Lr t fr lier lost colonies, if she would wheels were deep in the dbtch and ca-n speak irelin b public, said- hie oi n i t h R o sisi n restoring the in- the borses could not start the hoavy teachor; "that is, te have something (if rîuue f >larîi. the opinion of'load. The driver again caiied ioudly to eay-that is worth eaying, and te, t-il tonce ' tu thorn, and struck t-hem wbth hi. put tho- whoie heart into it."-Youth'u fiii tîaniOtts would t oceswing, if tht~-~ro the whip. As the wiiling span strclned Companion. - 1Il îîtulv le sati thmut the world hnd ________ - lyv fî4i is mural stanudards. Sý Iclg las titere las suu-h a tbing as t ilitLu 0-055 ctler in nations or in i nît->:. bu- wîiv of the t ransgressor Cen- IFashion HinteI not l)t- ,m(,othüî1 mri t lisfaalion. Hu- niiaiity lia- za long account tu set-t-le with i> 'nty. The issue is not more- IN thîut of Ieginning the irar or even Nows aud Gosslp. tiîîut of the methode ut carrying it on. Do you remebr i*a old ?rlnc.0f1 Ut-itil the German people are chasten- Waie l«, e it ~tciw eod by def eat, until t-bey mor ready. teOdlsposud te decoratu our h'é"~r abandon 'a polittcal creed mhbch They have returned, but disegod tbremtens the security of civilization, under t-ho name 01 "Marquise." Tiras tîntil it blecomnes safe for their neigb- iras mien feminite reyalty c1ajwa] Luira to live boside t-hemn, until t-héeirre theise tht-e. ideader, tightiy curZ- terrior thev bave creat-ed bas passed ed and uprIght- little plumes upon' àtvN'acvlîke a horrible aigit-mure, tiersst-at-o occasions, afid very regal iudeed cîum lie no rcal and sube tantial peance. tiey ct-e, tee! G*orgjtte, Odttte, Va- Nothini- tlat Gerînany i. yot willin'g i-on, Talbot, sud' nariy ail t-he Paris lu> ofrer coulti atone for Louvain and Mnodistes are showing the. Marquise. Rht-rng .ir he nvac5v nriJJ> a in f lieliriuîn, for thé inking ef tic Lusi- tanija, for the counti8s. outrages upon the' mor-al esege o thé world. Any îuicifist agitation which ignores t-hesn plain consideratien. is hopobossly eut of touch with actualities. The verdict of hiist-ory mIll net condema t-be Allies if they refuse t-o ho bnfluenced by It. - WAR-TIM]gECONOMY. Wcetce t This i.Te la NoMnlg Short of a National Danger. The Frenccl] atheoide -fat- sa-lier the "canotier." The. Bordug color. ed bat le thle propei thlng uom on the othor side. IV - coMbInes weIW wlth thie ever-ruady 1lue srg1, looksa tun- ning mit-h blaek and vAit., atnd doesnt kick up an lnliarmoblous rumpqa mien morn mith sund 'o.r q Bordeaux ls nom aud distIntive, and#, au you muet soon b. selecting ypur autuma beftnet., ask forth. color tbat às nom haviag a decided vogue'.la Parfis.- An effort i. being made by t-he Scot-- tub Munbcbpalities, mit-bout- uacrlficbug The Enuhishpaddock 00eV le lnti- Iý t-ho off iieacy ut necessary services, estilng, and -J&q meeting mit-h oonsidur. te reupond t-o t-be appeals etft-i. Gev. ahi. Invçrtedplait dome tthe contre of orument for t-ho practice ef war-timxe til. back. The siseve are loeg, 11n84t ecenoxny. The retroacliment , mich lu tl*ouoghou4,4, - a bldud -th,ýbnýVw. bIpe,put- into force. al ovor t-he coun- Aixother paddock coait la et green voel- t-y public bodios shaws t-bat t-ho vq±ue, fastensd-u,ithsuoob baic>t- ýOî Jties are clive te thbe marnîtn s 41Ipr e neltou. fg1ymn*by Mr. Asquith t-ii astu e a blckmoifcation whlch contiszto *IiÃ"xrt eitter et individualis or et t-mo b44 banda, crod-aetî0bck,&tA ýcIasê wich îb. alwcys toolleh and moo- eryMuijj is la I a <'cci- siiort-slgted, bu ait-bhistilmo nothing vert-bis" coat, &a 'It - ma' b. wformp qkSoi f'a nat-onci danger., Thi. h- t>esr sa at4rqi coMe~r ahis1 loct- wblch al souci te have set hetereIt IÏa&A aîdf.drgai.u& A tboem le nlgorously Vo dlmlah 's-mixture ile I.uterliod .4 Mfor nie- pen4iture and increase savinga. FAUn- Ver coats.- Onu garunegt Ons 1piar> et-port-tion ha.ye reduced their appoM's yov« "fs..*.4I-teq. tÂ,tua fo-4~he iear by a anti of béat-I as it bau bav.ç-e 0oIJtý SIaThej-City Trouwt and disappearing under two affixed tabe, and then crossing the front, where it is carelessly knotted at one side-41'ho' tabs arýe-about five inches in width- and t.p>base are beavily embrod.; e$difiblid.'àik cord. Tii. surpllce- bodice opens over a vest of white serge wlth -Gr,@clân 4euèlgn ombroldé. er.Ti. ,*asse .nSroîdered serge, is, lf'ec ha ii orLd ufscf r mer fur. Oné êide of 'the coat and around the, botom the. trlmming of lçrimmer i. uueê gate. ýT. uusIn blouse closes hlkh at'the rseel.Tii. skirt le very MaI and rlppled. HUNS9 'AND DRUMS. R.aaonefor l b "qSoiapla R«esoat -Just iatcly ther. lias been a short- age, et *uMa, eaMm o! rdthe t M " bands hava had t. waît -'a, *tlq or Ouious~ u~gi,1*sv~48' a Cl614 t" y «Iesiand. thuir'a e $p' i~~I~ a #*~ u irtà. ouar tanr;fr«ybte 4eýe io ltad t dbII-sotl" ip" s' Ïie IîgI*cIme SPM'* If4 8Pf~ UMMftAs t'he Net ~o4eEnid this The BDaaf1h o" famnly tg e ofe thbe tfm Ix _U"'o-whtoh tak.s #e sumn- tixê holiday ýs causi, unvex.d by the mêmixntes oue' etthe mar. 'lh-et se-oms t o I>deubt tust speauwll relnIn l«etnU s Ioug-e«the uer cou-. £seograviical position àw«3r-tiiix - thoatre cf irar. King Aifeuae iitid Qtu-ýoa nVIctoria d{d noV go Vo 1llilld M'r the& Innual etinmoér visIt býcs use, et curi, t-bat would indicate Vtir sympathy mitît aieut Britaîn in t-he irar, and would be consIdered unixcu- tral. 'rh-o Qua-en hae beoin accustomeid' t-o go fie the Isi-e et Wight to vliat ber mother, Prinxe e Hry et Battenberg, mbiethet-lieJ-ng oujoyed the Cames re. gaitta-. The 9aummer alr oett-he Spsale' csp-. ta lè sa-id te ho fur i'romi hee.l-thy, and thbe dîsth rate de. douMe «iat 01 Lanm don, censequentîy Queeu VicterIa and lier eilidren have teo-k up theirr mest- denc. at La Gbranja, near t-ho it-y ef Segovia, ou-y an ilour's trIp by mo-to car- te the capital. The Kiliig goos b«ik andi forth nearly everY day, Ret. ting as hie owu chauuffeur, te fueet lies MIn-lters andi keep tn close teuch mîtib officilaffaire. Rtoyal Summer F4ome. le bas iomeci aa apart-ment at thle Pi-ado Palace, liai far froni Madridi, te hi. cousin, Prince Alfoueo, and - -his Young mite, Princees Beatrtqg of Sa-se. Cobourg-Gotha. Sh?ý le a youtiger Se ter et. thé Que-eu of Ruman4a, andi ira eduucated ln -Englar.d, when lier lathet- masenj Ãœthcligl lte Xt Dulck et fEfire-. h e 'and PrMç% Alfeo n ade caruau'-ym ad a a yi ago an! ln ýte onet, hidspl.eusw'o by deprïvjnïg hie cuaj of hloie mlltary honort '- taed 'a commleet!aoilath ii.Wrce tiluer tIpst -a EcIs.4lAU v6%ea4lie4 fr4TERNAI~'IONALLESO -Law -of Love Fiuds It Li»sse XIII. - Ob.Me*. and King-Efot fo Vh sbip-ByI.w, .iâ,8Test: Wo have b.é.t4 ig h~qa*a lx oâ otn n tucbIVlu deW ' abot men bu~ii6edstl'ength, or sud in truth."-I. John iii., 19.- ireakness in oâeying or disobeylng God's laws.- The firet young man, A law lo a principleofe uniforin named Aboli d every reason ta opoi'ction in the economy of nature or ho urog bb4ame wèak axnd help. grameTue law of, gravitation con- les. cnd tlnàlly- met a miserablo doath trois the physicai unîverse. The lair becoue 3-h. brgke one cf God's îawu of love is the priniciple of the. spiritual by ýdleoboyiixg the commande of hie world. own~4hr ,If ho had obeyed God's It le the essence et the divine na- word- tEph. 6. 1),'ho. would have been ture. God la net powrer or wisdoni or siirong In the hour of trât holiness, aithougb cIl those are Hie The. neit Young Manx startod eut la attributes, but God is love. lite strong ln body, mind and spirit. The isir of love le maalfested in the His father, David, ave hlm such gotd natural world. llow apparent it lu g g that God has sought te make thé con- advlce when ho iras auointed king ditîs.ne et existence ce delightful as1 that ho could not but bo stroug if hi os%-e. The beauty et heaven aâ 1 f oliowed it (1 Chron. 28. 9). Oue of ecrth, the colors of thé rainbew -à nàd tho tiret thinge Solonion did iras te thelnsath ridoes ht1 make such a wlse cholce that hie pc lndtapor e, te oarinotes eti 1 stappeal te our sonse of hearingHthe strogthira grctl inroae.d Hovariety et our food, the adJustmnent of found the very source et strength and the natural worid te our physical drew. upon it for mcuy yccre (Prov. 9. souses, the pure and sireet affections1 10). He iras chosen te buiid a great cnd tei]owships oi lite, the ennobling aud splendld temple to the. Lord, a onicyrnents et the congoniai exorcise place mmicl should bo a strength and cf aur highest faculties-aIl these tomer te the notioni. rcana upsofdvebn- A beautiful qusen, hearlng eo rofin proo tdiie oe nion's giory, came te visît hlm te Indlcence and show mhat a paradise tMs cnt- If il he iad éardmastruè Sh world wouid--bs- but fer death and @in. found hi. glory greator thon ohe had TeLi fLv dreurned. and vhe Iearned that It irasisl thé principle of the Decalegue. Love Qed who had given hlm aIl thie glorY t-a God, love te man suni up thé Ton and wlsdom (Prov. S. 11). Commaudmente, and the highest Solormon'a son, Rehoboain, lest hie standard et divine ethbes 'IThe strengthi by thInklng more of himeoit apostle Paul, theretore, uume up cli t-han ho did et th- people ever . whom, -Christian duty in on4esnteuce, '.lýove ;be ruleti. Hie people were-à 'lvlil d a the fulfifllng et the 1cm," he iras weakened. It iras souîothIng Tii. icw of love le thbe la*r ot Christ. In Mbihes-t that made h-f ail la hl$ "If ye love me," is thie Mcst.er's oe day ef epport-untY (Prov. 16. 19). réquisItion, "1koép my commaud- Wheii the kiugdom iras dlvlded, the. ments." "A nom commauclment give larger sharéetofLt teti te Jerebeani, 1 unto you, that ye love eue another mh-o mas net of the royal temiy. as I -have loved you." Every tonm Jeroboam lest hie poirer by dolng a et C hristian duty may - ho reoived wroag thlng la hi. effort to kemep tVome e:ýpression of love. - peopi-e loyal.te, hlm. He dleoboyed eue Thé 1cm ef love la the. motive peirer et Ged'. oomme.ndments irbea he did of service and sacrifice. Jcb's love t-hin (Exod. 24, 4, 5a). for Rachcel mcdo fourteen years et But a good klng--came to relga In Jp- drudgery soom like a iéw dcys.«Paul 'e ia-h mhoInelcreased i bsstrenzth by do- love for Christ encbled hum te say, Ing ibat iras righe lint-he siglit et Qed. _______________ Ho relleci upon Qed' for hie strongth, -ad God nover fafled bun. Qed -ad ( promised, aad Asa relled upon thbe pro- - i - hbwu a weak king becatise ho EA ? fearles prophp-t came te hlm brI.ngilg i a message trom Qed. ue pret cfe, listr.ngth tfram- Qed, çho-nùe Dae-s vrala(1 1'ot,5,7>ý. ElUah - the^ tearleses prophet mcde ca There are two diseases called dia- 'woxdefult-st u-h -hoprehet etetes. Ia oas there'le only an exces- Bcd, lix wlc lie provted God's powof nive excretion by the kicineys; that lu -Vob. reaêr honanyear.ixy pwer cl1od diabetes insipiduis. In -the. tt'egtr tour lxundrth m er<. ether -the excrotion xi 119V oniy -large, th «g o& , êr n t our u l . er je but ît c hàiè a~ b tr a 'am ountl f albed,ltssucceed, bècau'pe lie.ýray* ,of ugar-; that bn clabotes mollitus'. ed~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~lh luam- htmsacpa~oto second dbaSoder in usually funder- ~~t ~ ~ --'*i wvhen- thé wo*îd "dlaboei e édf Atter dbls test llpJ -seemed iclutt'wcbesal4Iis. sho e~n e melutes.and - i-î-e disease -ocerz, coumenly ~4loou~ed Ho-i~n'tîiuo te wuae.:~dle ite, although itV màay at-actý neeÈa~oeu.aai~ thre led ktv eh , î lyouiig-wheii It i. Aivey Mtoùs atreaga. ~~~~ ' Wîbi -tIL natter--or Vtheodw~nI unnl prov II~ ~sti~~th <~ ~ h3» lv ild îla ehwraetîýt raiE ot dlxer- on 1n ltnDortant mugio.. -jJavedid î Xiêîjt 1W or even 10).~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i Hof.- Vtieet fru ~ elh la-aiug.- Bts, aippoViVe, n o e d Z d t- - -, - i - - ' i i hq.sunmerat Fm holi lu parti"ul e,eh grol t i Res Holikes t-oe Dpwager Queen » ehi lose tée t-ho ié - i ii adon togo~ di1ai .»tiktheim VI ~sExpression 1in2 av,40on-of Mon.' «holove of, Chist -conhtraini à _ý, ,'W. love noV iupto ourselves, but -ùt hlM that' 1dlédoI iaftaM-rose agalf,b Tih.Ia-w of love je the test of -ju final judgment. -If any man love not- the Lord JeBUS, let hini b. Mwlthema* when tihe Lord- shall corne."1 "Ina- much as ye did It uinto one of the least of these, ye did it unto me." This lu the ground of final approval in the Eternal Day. "B1ecause thou art - lukewarni," Christ -sys to the church In Laodicea, "and neither cold nor hot, I will spuc thoo out of mny mouth." A Strilng Ficture. The law 6f love finds its perfect euw pression in our efforts for the salva- tion of mon and the evangelization of a lost world. "Whoso hath this worjd's goods, and seeth hie brother have need, and shutteth up hi. bowels of compassion from hini, how dwelleth the love of God in hlm 7 What a strik- lng picture of conditions to-day! We are shutting up our bowels of compassion and faMlng to help our brother. A captain on one of our Atlantic liners Iay dying in a hospital. Every litti. *hile he would cry out In hie del irium, "Stop the ship. Save that manl"L Thon with a volly of curses and a laugh of madness ho would cry, "No, drive on, lot hlm die. We muet Win the prize." The key to that aw- ful icone lies back a mohth before, whon-fhls'ship Was dashing to the har- bor with the first cargo of tea to win the prize for quick delivery. Sudderi- ly the ship was signalled by a drown- lng sailor on a distant raft. Should ho save him or should ho sal on. He left that man to die, but he left hlm only for a little whule. That drown- ing sailor followed hini to hie death 1bed, followed hlm to eternity,1 and will follow hini forever with the re- tribution of remorse and despair. The law of love, like every great law, ha. a greât reward and a retri- 1butbon just as great.-Rev. A. B. ISllpson. Beer and ail malt drinks increase fatty tendency. The diet of milk and eggs wi.1 fatten uniesa oxercise is takon or the body in in a very run- down condition. Cocos ii a fattening drink also. Exercise, plenty of water between meals and a diet of lean meaxts and many vegetables and fru -its prevent fat Avold pastries, cake, f ried foods, gravies and sauces. Do flot eat bo- tween meals. Live in the Ppen air and be active. -If possible, perspire frooly some Une each day, LEGAL STORIES. Itow Lord Coleridge Decided a D ChIt-stC m An excellent story is told of Lord Chif-ustceColeridige., For the bonf.- Aft of non-sporting reiiýIrs it should be- exPlained that a dr-g when exhibit-, ed I sald to be "o«i the. bench"l or "benched.?' ÀAt the triai -of an action fo« damages for runnlng over a sheep- 408,# a wlnner ef many prizes, counsel lot the - defendiant w ansxies te pr*ve tbt the dog ba ad his day, azdthat the. damages sould bo nom-' UnfrtuateyLord qoI"eig, whoc 'Wa~ ~ ~~ h <*hgte ahd ropOed. ôffI tëe leep, 'and.tii. evidence was bofng causie such- a loùghr ùt Cqurtas would -,Wklcithi. judge;ý'io'grià,ùa1ly raisint hi. voloe;,h. asked onegftii. lplshi> Iff'-wI.ëÈ ,es-ilàIt n_£yo-r---e-- 4- 4/- A I

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