Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 3

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k'FfOI A des h frpi Now ays: 4u%~.,hé ould state defInitelt> tb h COUnt- Bsrntof, tii, Germa! woiild reçelye née more adviCO- .rWâi 4coS' tatdi ~i i 11th 0i-hié >il i vrinftt fo r a I -, ~~TI osid, tb InpéTr~aer of baféty for American shipe ead inethed te* be used in s3ettllng tua S- pes~grmwtl be5tisfacterili' Àt- Minlng iffitelties that stili exist'bb- lod dttue auid, e two woeks' thMW.. twëecn the twe cointries and recom- nXe tôld reporteris et the Rit% Carlton mended that thé American peeole.bq th&4 %vhIIe fte had h taentt o un ldte patience. GERANFORCES TO'lâ fIfHTALY. WiI lDe Trled on Charge ef Plotting1 Comblned Suprême Effort on tile part1 to 1estroy Factorles tu Windsor. A despatch f rom Windsor, Ontario, mlays: ('harles Respa, held in connec- tion with the dynamite plot In Wind- sor lait Jutie, was contiftted for trial after recelving bhis prelimlnsr3< her- ing nt Welkerville beforé Magitrats The fonture of the .hearing was the appearance as a witnesns of William Lefler, former night wîitchmn cf thi Ucdbody plant, one of thse buldings wr(,ýe4c, and who In now servin g ten' yenrs in the penitentiary et Kingston aftcr being found guiity of assisting in the' outrages. lei was a witncas for the crown, and n very wvl¶ing one. lie declared that h' had flrst net Respu ln the office of Alhert l{altschmidt in De- troit. and thàt hé was giv'en t'vo suit-f cases to take acros to Windsor. Hé said iteapa and Mrs. Charles Schmidt nppotir'd( on the night previeus te thé explosion, and that ho had given thein the quitrames. ftspa, hé naid, told hlm te hé careful, as the gripa cen- tained dynamite. He declared that Respa and the woman left la the di- rection of the river, and that a few hour% Inter the explosion followed. Hoe aid ho met Rempa and Kaît- i4ohmidt a little leter in Detroit, and that the latter BaadýL "Well, wc jarred them a littie, and we will do it soeé more. We are goinir to blow tip the wholeto twn." TOT-AL LOSSES 87,630 AT THE DARDANELLES A ltopato-h -from Londonsasysi Uritish casualties at thé lardanelles up te Auguat 21 were 87,M20. TIse' isumhér of kllled In that turne was 17,608. Those figzures were included in ths grand total of British casualties pub- lished erlier In the wéek. The announcênient sasys that thé "number ef offcers killéd was 1,180# and the number et mca 16,479; W'ounded, 2,371 offcers and 59,257 iflea: tiasiug, 873 officeri and 8,e1 A despstc* frota'Lôndou seyu: The priaciplo e o épulikn lia now cd- t nitted O e ll -ti~ ~U lites u b. Lord Kitchéner beink » fBf1i rted It isa believd tOM 1Siffl I WJII be hold bacli re tr-y 'tha setet a p- proaehlng >tboth rogistereO on the Pink rtinms, tisai ia, tbqe éiie ýfor service, ftk~step tidis,i tier viii' b. ne alternt-4ate consd'Iptigu, "~MANPNB __ of Toutonle Allies Ras liea A despatch ftr Rome says: A gênerai Austrian offenaiVe ogainest thé Itallaî n aniQw rooked for as ,ther.- guit 'of the arrivai ef considerablé., Germhai t iaI ~he eject ef the exPeeted attsOk Witt b. te check the Italiau advariçe which tue Aus- tr4aiftroépa, unald ed, fslêd te hait. Rellâblë Information. ls te tue et- fet that (lermany ia prepared te aid thé Auitrians, se that a cenibined cuaprerâe eff ort on the part or the Teutenie allies laq expected on the Italien front. Such an effort, it la'l beliéved, Is aimed by theécentral pew- ers At evgrqbly i1~~cn iBal- kana. It is an open secret tibat thé Italana getieral staff ince the outbréak of hostîlities with Austria lias expected German aid te the Austrians, hence the Italien mlitery chleft are prepar- ed for sucis an event, and It in conSi- dently ansettéd in rilitary virales, here that even If thé rcinforcéménts to the Austrians are strenger than repertid thoy wiil net alter the situation on, the Italian front, new se favorable te Italy. . Italien Mountaineer dtachkents mnade raids egainst the Austrian poqi- tiens 10,000 feét higli et Villa Corna and ôther peaks ln the upperiGenova vailey. Clinibing the ment diffîcuit ground and glaciers, thé Alpines reéhed the enemy's entrendhinnts ,aud partly destro'e>w n. . yXte- 1grned te their mmwniatienu wlthout beitgserleusly assailed. Analytiset thé explosve bombu, being utéd by Ilie Austrians han revealed thse présence ef large quantities et pruasic acld. BELGIANS PoitniDnIv~ TO BQYCOTT QERMANS A despatch frein Brusselq ays: Gen. von Biasing, the Govertior-Gen- oral ot Bolgium, lian issuud &n ordér agaînet the boycotflng, blaeklisting, lnsulting or threatenlng etlierwine te, inJure Germans or , ersobdi shorins' aMa cuni , êre top, Mit "the A A bnkey Cert of the ItalithenRd C'os ùfb Mutalîn Vie', î itMbV!convéyancs la iiew la une by the hospitiLi corps ef the Italen army te ce* " edemonets&- th.e hompltais frein thé heigista on whleh axuch e O0f lhhgcOi.~ia ld acy r îiirtWs SfiÂiiosca. furrs.bavngbeen bred th thé Alpine dIstrita. &hdar*,Oe*toaI*ft0fr &'4lgiireh- keL.dingMarkets Toronto, Sept. 21.-Manltoba wheat, new crop-No. 1 -N'fitbrn $1 .03%; No. 2 db., $1.01%, on track ÃŽake ports, Prompt shipinent. aManftoba est&-No. 2 C.W., noniin- a, on traolc, like ports. Amertcan corn-No. 2yelow, 8ac, onadianePor-N. 2 yellow, 84c, on track Toronto. Ontario oats, new crop-No. 2 white, 38 te 39c; No. 3 do., 36 tet 8eaccording te freights out8ide. Untaro wheat-ew, No. 2 Win- ter, per car lot, 90 to 92c; slightly teugh, 80 te 85c; spreuted or smnutty, 70 to 85c, according tu &ample. Barley--Good maltIfng barley, 52 te 64c* feed barley, 45 to 48e, according te Mrights outalde. Buckwheati-.Car Iota, nominal, ac- cording to frelghtu outoide. y-No.2 nominal, 75 te 78e, se- cednte freighte outalde. Man toba flour-Firist patenta, in ute bars, 86.164 second pgtentsini Iute. ba 6,~ .28-;Osône ,bakera' inz eur- *où wWitai, 0 patent, 18.0 seboarpor o rentofi~ 1t~I fi>agsporompet ship ment. Millfeedq, car lots, delivered Meont. real 'freflghte-Bran, per.. ton, $25; hra eon,:7;ànilddlings, Der Country Proue.. Buttter-Tha eeis af 1 Ã"& w p. 5ics tedy.' in h di 4 to '97c; 22 toIse - eream- ~~ 2Ia94e e 9- ',Abiaâag CZAR'S SECRET 1W AS AMI., INSE GEPM- Bet rayed Weak points of War PreparaütIoný. to Very Men me Was Expected to Arrest A despath f rons London aya: A proaiinent itussian whe is here ln connection mwith war contracta for his Govèrnmetit rcvealed the astounding fact that the mart et thé héad of thé Russian spécial investigation service entruated with the work of discover- ing Gêrmian apies lu Russia was hlm- self', a German sPY. Thîs inuhd No e tock, 210. '"Pettoes, pet-bat caîr lots, 60c. Dri'tie hj 'ô bttl k1lied -$13i75 te 1i4 *ri or -, a Causaâa short MéWàp bblh' ,, 8te Ple s$20 te 26 and>,e é- Lrd,) Àres? 12%1 te 13Is. No been kuown te the Ruasien court te« years, and.onjy proofb of the biost lùw dieputabie netureé led te hlm expose.. Thea prompt action 'wva teken.Ili waa fried by toit-iartial and cou- victêd et hevini betrayed, th éa~ek pointa et thé Russian war prepare%-, tiens te thé véry Germana ho was ex- pected. to trreat. Hie eécution lt-' 'lowed lmediefeiy. lKltchêner Baa 21Oe00 té Sent to France Have*beenWeil ~Tle.td« vacacacraètnbwV krttîpa lin gusu- cÃŽo andi have been forced te retire ni ratd we*t Aïd, nert-Of the ýOIInfrn ' î ~ ~ WIIrthese Ruesian vlterle .ntiîr- eliy. are 'weleotùed iRueâia and théb wbi a-. aJlled countr1eio asan 'èVldence tbat tii. kssitatMi meo"are itl beb eu iu'lt provp4'te ' faIte thé e "~nive wben well supplièdfis lnt ovranîeiam a nniuntlor hee' u-n.Inclina- A p~~o ti ar Wexaggerate their importançei hali onhwaglift by gr.laes Tbp, ~~ oe iage ,nthewever, k.ep the O ~ioprpetl "o' Auam'-Grmnsbuty, and make an e xplt/ ~e~*hd~'dwblceuldha ia.d t bWt S tO 1 tùt brid i-th werks- ier ng. ý M#shlit' t3là4lziîiasa4eetofwhere von inldïtburgi. a' t M~e v nw trn~W 1%)s Qenèral, who, bepmë taof.i ed$ttii.gais era elt ný ùC estâbith, e' t yet..t lhd The. a1 l 'e b seas nounMé Càas o', inO. HIBc"a1ry that# e uswarla ever ho will As lwbkIh <d114 eacW it, l49 bee!' rivn a Ioub1ole o n e b back. 4évetth!éis h.heu drivsh "e haie n orved ift the front, kumiti areu hetvne hier Th a- tuhjf-taken place et seIwtl e1 l)vi,pltecln thet .iv ît CWe0f o fl Dr# .eW * rathev dengerée posItlgjp, and bas HsItbtodz, fessor of geo- aise Made, oine progres inor'th, Of-grpBPII ettii0lt ,eOtfotdi Vilu. ..A weman n»med- Mrs. Campbéll e,4To the .south cof Vilna, towgrd ,was blown _to peces cet iverpool lby Gredue, the Rusuians art -effering .a bemb tbat lied bees forwerd.d te stubornrealtane su hae th ~ eri by :her'son, à chauffeur at the suna S 1rminy held. 8émethlng'of "the front aame l a happened in the con- Sýeend LMeut. Lord Dalmeny, Grena- tr;Pice Lgepold han been dsiayed dlet Giiatds, heir to Lord Rosebery, In, bls advance. Pield Mitrobhe1von capta1v, of the Surrey cricket eloyen MaÏcken*ei bas passed hi# forces In 190â snd 190&~ has been wo'Unded throizgk -thé Pripet marshen end j i in ictloni: nole lu possessiOn. <lP".sk, rofi Mi x. w. F. 1Eston, author- ofseveral thîs'peint àaouthwtârd ïhe Ihlu'soètana are peptilar recitetiôo, cisêf-aogthn sdv"nclng sd hverfféle -ànuni..beg 'hFirensWdng"hs ber ý4 '1iages, but the'y 'a" net lfiely b~t<ide ihut, -at the 43aýe - te push their advantage inuch farther, a~b as tu do sno Weuld make theïr tiortbern of eletthe leading Lendon llaii vuhIrabl . cubsý have been badly hït by the /d A on dia tiOrtance& la if.lwer, and it lisstated that many 'wil -tacImdtothe, duciuio itRü#d#.tc l le, Onpelled ite combine te prevent 4te> olora the 'eservos crithe terr- Ol*Pé tôoWlai ji.1 sheld"thgA a. bt iAtt odn t*siint er- ftxed ~ ~ "b .a 5yaa $ia rs oi weuldtuay *se t Herzýièsy for 29 >ears, ~tsnmeto tis Resali arie OIifg tdie idhasectlng room nd i wea- inu beX>olaba pegedfi 1 ij~ tbrouïbh -Oe fret n"e nd reaerv s Theii. hdtnter of Chrlstclurch andl tbe.WbhélÏeior e « ha4 bee" Séhiil, Gitieadi Mr. Ernest John. eaempted as studonts, or meBwhf6 lIowèroit w tàrav e n»e- ar*ý ýngtquite up té f1. hysca stan- $5tW UtIitCelole ~e ~igturaIyl 4-these couàld net-b. ~ - Lona"laiof AMl tu-, NÉib 000 marks 8,0> The teria Of putlibnâent c"eau e xtended te fh, le;fo Y.ue whea dlsobMedieaogueed by l Rusal'p Ptrqb. Takin&Wg a U,ý1 wili b.e boi*I Thea - intoei- * l A dospateh trom -Losdèi ow 8C7 urM ary B3o'4)i. a rslatÏ,CI etie vla telpaW eoft lb. Jtoth Lin. steaers, aiUceeded th ci f onuat RN a gide. l'196 mntor arabulanei, >ioýr g ue.d at tlei, fbout, isai mmor- sioW 4OUétShtnýd* tor ahwqptw ltoi i!lý. ct0 penatysco and orprme emx* mè ane evént. k - Adem~ ~cordlnu 40< sntn s',. 't 1b, welthise e maion veritur.d te ,i ltai nnat n "Id. laid the, ruiiîter. yen thinit se rachi go yen eh* wSI 60 RESNAINIC # 4. ~1 'i N* K~pt. 1 au-

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