Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 7

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feri, sou bad ê~ bu liapentb »g' gO% nerYol ru fon Ika ge, -srdn'tMe ~~~~~~il ~ ~ - onh Vdoio o!Caner f *ý<i do t. u 12 convictions durIng August. ""nt forgot,» 1 mays, money cote MOny Isfén4 the second shark a mati omthlng. 1 think my mofl*y 104n. capttir.d wthin forty-eight fisworth all haecot me, but when M the. bargain was offerqd tu you, you Ima Mary sage, -of Ã"len Fulls, assed jIt Up. I'm fot saying Yeu agod 107, hopha te live t a!wta cnm . Pink#. .ê %ai. .âtp- 1v nva h I ~I.r v>tii.sorry that 1 toek the. bargain." ,'P our bandits rvbbed a man ln a " How do yeu i"en," h. ays. b&llWÃŽy on Brooklyn'a bummeet corner t'Woll" 1I ayi W hlm, "1when we lii daylilht. were yeung teillws, you were a bet- H .I.Iyde, ot Tncqpmn, Wash., tor sport than I waa. The other chape C*14aims te have invented brakes for Iooke<î te Yeu, when it came te hnvlng ocean liners. full, more than they looked te me. 1 ý Detroit willi only enuploy Amnerican wam loft out cf many a good lime eltisens ln future; thoce not naturel- that you made the nost of. But it lied must get eUt, ail cost yen money. 1I bat lie good Mrs. Newton Grubb, of Wîlmlng- timon, but 1 kept the. isney." (Ion, Pa., a badly hurt when a can "But a man has a rigit te a good ofe toanatooa burst. ime," Sid says, a littie roily lihte, «'and I3uffttlo advertlsed for a Polus he's only young Onc." hurme6 for the. ehois at $720 a year 'That'u rlghl," 1I maya. 'Il- dldn't 3nd got neQ applications. grudge you yeur gccd turne ln tii. Ccagech@iistet are puzzled at old days."1 the substance ln German sholla sont 81,lud smcI shoudn't grudge you them trois th$ battis front. your mWoney now," aysaBld, getting 'Gyms Pagepsmrc ilIFhlauile adienr.. Minti., loft $20,00 f bic emtate for "Wollo, vhat'do ybu hhlnk?"l and 1 à tewn edock l' thii éourthoums. - Ioh ,* uaeu lu -thse e By some t reak et nature, Joseph *"Thunu ant $ébhtts wold," Strubie, of l3oonton, N.J.,..han ripe iht4 may§,Il or a man voulàà*t aet strawberrlen on a cueumnber vine. pinch and save at the very time when SomobodY Put àmskunk I he.gsrand hb. ist vants te sii.nd lis soney, P a&ziý Just beforea dance at the Free- and then have te go without bocause rom-Kanî.Klub, et Winsîed, Conn. ho linda it hard toe arn."1 When Louis Barsley, ef Roselawn, *See re, Sir," l' aya, <I'm not Pa., bit n stubborn bull it igored hlm runfilng affaira ln ttim world any and took twelve men te rescue hlm. inorroithan yenu are. The rufes of tIi. The year-old non o'f Herbert Wyatt, garne Inay bu wrong, but neither you pi' Salina, Kan., feli into a Jar holding nor 1 can change Ilici, and if a man's 3I mcii. ef wiiter and drowned. -I going te play ut al bels got te play Jas. Reynolds was t reed for hit. t he rules." bing a New York policeman who in "You didn't cse-aIl your meney; 'nded hie home without a warrant. "u made a lot ef t i out oi the ries John Guettnger'a wlll left his gun in resi estate" says Sid. >nd unlform te the <4erman Club ut "Of course, I did. And I've made a Cleveland -for paradesi and funerals." lot out of other tings, tee."t The son et Mra. Elimp. Martin, -l could (have donc jiiat as weII asu murdered by a negro at Murphybow, you did only 1 dldn't have the meney [Il., asks te ha the hangman on Oct. for a start." l6th. "That's just it,'l says i. "ticeznoney Xansas State liquor recelpL.3 show- for na tart te what Cernies bard. Yen 'W 100,000 barrela lons beer drunk in have te pas»; up a lot of good limes Yuly and Auguat han in 1914. te itack up a hundred dollars, and A wild cat aprsng- on toe i. !lnner every dollar las me fresi and fnleky table et Mra. Marin Baker at Lin, it'ia il'- y« Ucn do te hold l. But Hill Beach, L.I.,,and acattcred tih tcy aes tg e 1. n.another'. l guests. pany, and by tie i, te y o (osica Jordan, Roumanian iinventer, couple etfiiundred herded together in wihl les, his sight from a phosphoruis the bank tiey stay quieter. And tiiy explogion n lislmNew 'York laboratory. seem 1to drsw otherm,-you enjoy gcing -Wm. M4errill, pestmnasîer et Westl 10the batik viti a dollar viien your ~*~aWbg~y, bas resigned because hunch la beginning te grow.Andita l -Mcypor4rent le neutral fla the war. very tfi hundred dollars 'will give. à 't&Pfcial Oârloadaetfinanne pu.man a st*2t." ~ - eonuts'were takin frein. Morriatewn, - S-dtik MIvngtele <om th. ion m lits . et ano d U <hla - ON" CoTaérlnÈ ke.p tuus in-thé, houa.." The.Tablets are mold -by medIcine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box trois The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockvtlle, Ont. THE PREACIIER'S FRUIT. Peachea Cent Lema Per Quart Thau Any Other Fruit- Once upon a timeê-you isee 1 know how te bên anmt.ory in the right way -abarefoet boy danced by the road- aide and ahouted gleetully, wrlt P. ter McArthur. It wam ln Canada, back ln~ the, nlneteenth century, ln thi. pio- ner dayn The. littieboy wan healthy and frockled, and what h. lacked ln clothea ho made up in the klnd cd body on. mhould have inside of clothés. And ho vas v.ry, very happy. In tact hc waa a. happy that a passing friend tpped tW ask hlm thé cause Of it au. S"Huirmyl" thouted he of the frechIes.,_ * "Why no happy?" ask.d the. fnlend. dfTii preacher in comlng to diii- 401 dldit know you vere *o fond of '«I aint but whonVOvr th preacher eornes te dirmer,w> nlway have peach prumervi," It really la fnot much of a tery, mkrd 1 amrn gvint iton meount otite arch-e..o-log-1-cal interest, and flot be-, cause it in mo very funny. It dates back te the days when people merely kcmw that pochues art-tthe boat of fruits and had not diacover.d that Canada la the. best place te rais. the very bout oi thern. Th. voman who was fortunal. enough te get mome frein a mhlt.r.d erehard or trois a lone tree tint wsa. fortanY4'ly situated that It eacape the frqSt'pùt up a few te have for auci spécial occealon as the, visitfte .pieacher. In tics. days thei. inilter vas ,a much more welcoe .visiter on the. taris than the, agent cf-get-x'ich-qulck concchne and minlng promotera, snd tièe la a moralteth tIf . only had. time 1 ork lb out ,, eaume peahes were. maved for sncb aýxtra Spécial oc- csnsatradittil las, grovnuUp, aLbout tus i ti" yparue et ý.he country. onbie*r* trwe very brlght and a crédit tolthe fer., mertr' institutes tb wvhichthey buong, cenaider 'It an extravaganc , ePro. mere .ace4uniss they ge tues at macrifié Price Yît thee àmine oo, amn :wîIU a»V' feni Iton ta-f1ftmai edâua NIWB ni omaz RappsuIsg. hi latereet ta ' i xt i men'. hIs djà,e mes 1lt' ' 'a- stop's bave beei an la w Vblt ~e " 11* ;J.ti liton prodcnItares. ,lollii !tdo ld CUtrk Lbwh aeotattho-ehblde la At stug f ii MiiiKiya. asou O r Hfamil' Selskatoon hbU a surpus on 1tio parming Scey it waa decded ton ilPi¶lsi th» M ihes gelaÃŽtor of annual exhibition amountîug b 8, hol , oî,y Tliey movetheîbowels and 200. hodteanrnal show 0On Biptember geluit ho liver se snloothly you Q$cadets are uow frequ.ntlymeu 29tu. ~~scarce1yr notice lthé effect. But yv ii aifz nth .strosts cf Saika- The Ulster Unionimt Council han gel the, action mast the. came. TakiÃŽnunfr o paaeed a r.molutlon protestlug agaînet 1 at night jeu ak. up uext nîorning, t0oi.- Ireland'm exclusion trom lie Rogistra. a ha ,hùury relut, une r- BsaciainvhsaRti geeticeeling 11k. a différent mani. Marchanta' Mutual Pir. Inaurance tion Bill.' lWhy doti't you spend a quarter to-day Come«y>,. A mon narned Martin KellyOf and try Dir. Iamilton's Pille. Tiey Thé -iWinnipeg tilephone dlnectory Bawn4 smployed et D'ArcY's Brery, Itork au easy, Just au nature would aho*o 2,467 Is connections ha à. met hie death by falilng into one of odr ncuehaab. urm tii lage ats Chrle, od.rnre grpe r cuseheaac e ar agol , týê lrge ats.Pinet ttl:;Aor foîkal that are out Elbow, Saak., ratepayers voted Sergeant Albert Cail 42nd Bui- of sorts, dezresaed laçiiinoe ln colo gad, .FA.,i.th ltee o ~an s~It1 Foks <tuaI use Dr. Ial down a by-law te provide botter Aren Athlone soldiers te secure the Dis-t -i'liar eersc, n«« rhavioe cin tinguishid Conduct Medal.% anLiiache or a paitlii good m-.ll the 1110gros. income trom Edmonton Ir ' mal gw.~ u~ The dea h o cur ed t D bli ~ tIm e sim ply b ecna t u e at m im E xhibition w au& 05,681, and the s r- W fl I The eat -ocurrd a fulrme- dean, nîgulated andheall. This plus $5,497. the. Rev. rirank Sadicir, M.A.,fomr you cen eaeîîy prOv ove O'tH7 Robert -Shaw ohot à prairie wolt ly rector of Newcastle Lyons, Haylo..-m hatch, nt tho ago of 13eorty-four. TRUE PATRIOTISM. ht asrbin g i hicop aét The. nuniber et old tige pensions The. Bank et Montreal han warned payable lni Iroland in the last Friday The excellent patriotic work oftthu Regliao et "iineed of greater in March, 1914, was 202o2D2, and on File Indians at Balcarros Bank., con- economy b, tfie. cty.!.......... the lat Friday of March, 1916, 198,- tinues,' and the. Canadien Pacifie -The City cî i llpag roil ot houer 988.tirough Mr. W. -R. Bakert.héSecreno~W ahove 250 cli, mploy, i the. Relnforcemeits for Belfat ship- tary ofthte Company, lias reelved Ciaincnlgnt.psh~m . yardq and munition factorisa wfll ar- another euoour«g = , eoteI a Calgary muntoipi vtr'ls if b6slm wces fom Unledlu ctberlas YSt in tbrt-thieYetr èOntains 41,881 -names, an in- ,up .,e Statea, South Africa, Canada and thie o theae colonlats subecribed , 502.10 7 t p«c>t Anipde. 0the Patriotie Fund, sach fermer re jrk p At the opening of the Mayo As- '& gacrannmbro uhl !Ceo'i, rcr l r ailes Mr. Justice Boyd doeplored the tvain, whieh wh.n seld anounted to lonl t,dlo uIin t uttI ia state of recrufitlng. He sald out of a th'- above suim. During the winter As Dr. Woodland lopt at Medicine gig etero ty population cf 48,622 ln the counîy, that tollowêd the. nov fanions Pile liaI a b urgieriin his home took $80'ità. la det? A only 4388volunteered. - ndianW Bras.n.B"d .gave c"iCertai r9 hie Irotlîqs' pocket, *FTONP. os. F,llt8 if I Second-Lieutenant R. L. 11endér- tièeyray nae anoter $212.dd,.vhkeh cià apilis grewn In Wînie aon of Belfast, attached te the 4th went te the Belgian Rtellef Fund, ,iid anlirreohbiuuw tt e in Battallen Royal Irish Rifles, hai ince Mercihasut, 'lie Red Cros s ltét fÂ$utr'.fl bien invalided, hoe.followlng an at Branch of thia Cclony 1h. ralsed Mlot aksip u 4cr teck of enterie lever. $500.00 and en4owed a bWdln Clive- 1044e Ga&rot River Valley bau! l Tie O'Mahony D. L., Grange, con., don Hospital. Tie younag hndian vo- oné-weuk, valueu St *42,0. Couny Wcklw, as resnte anmin have don. a great deal of tcnit.' Irish wolhouud te iUatenant*Colonl t S#Wan frIg. Tebaehh#aing 12à-son#iis lliethé ovprovincial Sir A. à. Weldon, Bart-, D.S.O., ~ membermhip ot 86, whlle tuera -are saIleî,bieca.c. mascot ofthe 4tlialtalion. ûOn t ê* éhtin<rid and elxty sul- J91,i7t 308rr8pbut'a d.xai n ' A double murder lis reported froitlrty-uigiit montwentyý-six 'voni côe la mt cnltc 480pr Collen, County Kfidare, et Lawec sd»nty M huàrn- tecoc~.cefl t ad nov lu taras. Rayden, an.old ap- peusiontien d ' anbtsn0ftp.Indians dost &kthwnI.hligad. hlmsiter MryAnu Rydn,-ngl>O sephor. woyonng, men vent iiqàiy aecl; raforniad edu. found In tufr -houeaê'eaten ~. te ufont vt teé secon cntn-caIonvrkt, suth,'province. Whuleuwcmnag thatepa g ana 4fget Md sMx moreare golng 'Wfth thei Ti.1.w-1*p1 f ala. boiliig ge ýin. lWtDlin tàetoy, nazI ta ieIdàaaydi eces I e 1 yei»oe ute ShunW Tobie, aged, 19e feu ite o1, !halitg tueéodest Roi! cas oo 1kélcte theiu Ml ci thepans,«4s so ter1b1yývsegibb. lfÉ1tif % -etIit 1* l ed liat ho dled soon atur*îArd, , oPointed O*p, T 114e ý .* t Wh, i *iii t t~o ltu, Alargely-attended lmeeting, P' b- Uted ciaraetertasys tia hà i i bdsi 1tn ho~ ~ e ên sidd oeriy frJohn frivn, .jp. ipe old ago«e 1M, and-on 'Novitibet r, vase oe arallaigitfrli -pse1 i ex ~ ~ »> ~ ~ t wlfe, nunder nov acts, ban te et ~Cpaite1 tue yo,0nnmen cf ti.H l nva asocate meniieu" ~i hementaà ind motgag 4$UtiO 1,frduty la ths* Preceut è ne, ber 11t! 'WCa'V 4!IaLiit'Ite iie t tie, httie red éï,hi, e ,;eu* te, sl hstoe inthe ap..h A M À P P A J , . 4 T 5 5 Q cI M « l t o b a bi b shbe Uillna i lawtê41-0*' 'Id I jS 0I1eA Oaie* 5o~s irire Art t- J..,ýeoe andiSaajP . Kil.1 '~rrwud t fSouth Norwaltc, ýalteti llêYeors tes. ei fl4o aullIpn'n bar ctheirh 144* Bru4wit cae i.,» reepogded o te, alanm n l rit iiIaIîer on o f i. ~l*li.loomimI~lï&oa.,-eus> bé*as. ampute4lcn eoftiileg m ~ tm i.s su cnState su' cru" ,.nê ii a-n ** "YeVu ks ily a rdot. ds' -Somi job:uaant4 fln rsete. D'ut b.e a tre peider, I1viis yiu"d haves a. taj Iwthbh dimue day. D IaI bt fer , me, Jit -for i "*liiea. mke, viii lu« UNotItétte i ehim go*e vlee," asys *1ie net stuck ou oiyIl - bat? i f.. bl e iu od vuet tp body. *w -1té » hMW.s, d ' âwhat lave ve ét m d ________ & 141Mat Panlimemt resei4I gal, peoiuil- tisai Mim t. ýt. limu Oums aaa&rtu ". e.. re.ff SPAIPI. I - 1- mi vers vives. afes ai e-low'

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