Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1915, p. 2

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reuseil t. a r.aflsttôn of tlt6 tact this theory does he work. in brown bau ils skirt part extremely - f tel, the aleevez are set in et the arm Kitchener is on the side of the SCye, and a standing collar of fitch truth when he .ays that the Trurk hue cmO2fl5 p straîght und snpg..bout the beau ftà eeianr fghtroan !lmthroat lhue a bandage. Another coat, Gerrnan master. Left to themiselves, is beaver tri.mrMed upon a foundationi petrolized of the insectivorous Ger.-'Of Joffre blue broadeloth. The beit' man lieutenancy, the Turks would' is novel, as il las very wide under 1h.' not have stooped te, the abysmai lev- ý rmund narreva front and back, -elff to which the Germans have de-; Fiat, ainoked peari buttons are used. graded "rilitary science." The. aver- WidÉ-wale cordunoy, trimmed witli age Turk (net the upatart Salonica black skunk, la employed extenuively. Ottomnan, whose whole word swings' It wears weil and looks well, and what between dissipation and sedition) more can mertai wolsan ak T would ratier have peuce tuan war, and prefers to let what he. conaidera jVeivet wili predeminate thua winter weli enough alone. He drearus upn and faille will b. strong. n page o! the Koran, inhales hie nar- Short hooW"edpetticoats are attaeh- ghile and le as backward in civiliza- ed te bm. Of theo abbrevlated, dancing tion ns in his chirography. Sudden- 11rocks that have cern frein I3uUe ly the German cornes tohim anêtell< They produre a flarln*-,houette that him thet to save the holy o! holies oft la very dancy and quaint. Islam ho muet commit the oset aiom.. 1'Tule continue. the.best material] Inuble iniquitles. Tii. Germas borates fot dancing gowns s nd deâigners. have and catigates, with an incoCntînent feund' that lit ta priual oni fury, the. laggard who dees not keep tui when draped ovr ealenu puce with the tutelage. 'The new evenlng frocku are clab4raoW Tihe latest book o! Von der Goitz usual laces »sd enibre1derlas.ý upon warfare gives recîpes for ex- tracting the laut agonies of effort A petticoat, which la gorgeous from exhauuted troops; yet th"ipr«4ehosugh te hae a !rock itaely, la made ceptoro b ofý t N.Tuks la neckuned a. Up o! Peaciibio* silk, veilid lu spang- humant ameng bis col.aguteg.i led tulle. Tii. effeet o! iridescent fiah Dreadful as are the measures to! scale sgpangles, rOtél-hued allk ami which the Germana have had recourae white tulle in fiow.rlk. and beiuti- againet their tees, their culionsut- fui. Another fapcy peticoat lead" titude toward their own alles in sot e! Jett.d'fset evelr bluek pÜ*sy wlUé lesa cenaurable. It la net aurpnialng taffetL . Tihi filtUe laW014inilu tiat the Turks, thela dulleit eyes opes C1040 qulflit. and them siloweat witeaut wonk, ut lest begli ta rmethé ompa , at A hamrlsg o6SIumIê$I'NuIe ge" they made, aud esctuly te feus hein t.affeta -b he i.base-- 011 he Sht own fate -iboiM G.rmuwy bgoqerby h pwt a !Il~roueé thein aid.,- -s, ae.avneaaled Re OER AN8U1~NflINTUE WAR Perecuttge 14 Lng, But 140# 1auti The. pomcntage of Germai stùdeù6 baçtvilr In. latiis wula greut- oby !arMu- n lusy other eu l blte. AA witbm, with tii. excep-1 tino!turforst sademica, i thufr rquwr-*ate ai&Msmmer ae.- aluns. Tho Rlst< et aiciods- dents'booovehaebo marlwdly ln be fidlof 914 thrq1 seiemaotri - te- hrans il , ,0 up Elijai-The narrative of to-duy'ms leason was, of eourae, sulpied by Elisha, as only ho was present when P-Iijah was caugit up ln the chariot of fire. Prom Gilgal - Net the. Gl"gl et Jeuh. 4. 19; 5. 9, 10, but a place of lie sansamne in thi li country et Epi- raim, probably alluded te in Deut. il. 30. 2. Tarry here - Ehhjah kncw how hard the. parting wouid, be, se hej wanted to pire Elisha as mug~h pâlu as peesibl-e., .realired ow muci the last tow-momnents Iu bis presenço would mean ho Blis, however, and se dees net insit , on making ti younn ran-uromain b"&nd Jeiiovab hat* sent ume-The whie etti bt 36uSe ' ' b~tj iedben' dMvnely .pte-r1tnged.4 tttugex# tor socis a M- et od.,.4. As .IehovahlUveth, snd as thy'seai lveth, I whIi net leave the Se JU#g. & loi,;Puth 8sla-; -$. .14. Ur Ybe-wthdravn front hlm; be seesa tuat othera, huides Bl6hà 4d Intiimatigno of EIQ8h', eOMnlng dop4r. tumu But thue. tfiers dld net notie the. prophet's solein mien4,-nor, 11k. 01 tea, apU g ' Elatth f>U-élulficanc a!ol iii Yet.SO ,IIbu-MId h n. At-Ih.Jordasn, e -1e) 7.~ ~ ~~U F1t'Mu, t 'O of e a propiiet a- -i'i Dite i-t' .&MI ue uetPUzoa evéry effort ~ I~bàWoh lii~ h e tdevnput avide *uite ow .w trdtet *hr4etI li i P»bé lfokhela te tr6umph'41 h i.en *da !tuýabe *at, It wilII b.due in neO salimess- Ri CuéIPût ll1 tI>o1$1T W uno te tii. clarlon calta et the mini- - feuhwhtYér re k<andu etor ot muniitiogs.colptitsutIIéô h etn nie doon't mince things lu the A Siepytirwé 81er!. you'd uîeep on àa uot s.m< quilt on te7 aerevdaentftfoi leut. Me lays no healing unctios te uL-don't want to go te b.d," said floorI e e.alitsr«uW~ British Self-complacency. 'He does't little Marjorie .wlth a peut. Ch înw,ïadMroiî Te ro'at~idu~sla, 1rcie ,dttr,*sayliabe la support of týej "Whyp" mid'Aunt Lucy, tif you meep ifu a littie eradie made of ~yeur Igéti ll r *ïo udit gave ancleat doctrine tilut the llrltiah lm-. Were a litti. brown girl and iived way board, wrapped round with eloth and eifripe~r~ sel.l ie pire la bound somehow te moddle off in tavo4 perhaps, or a littie biack trtmmed with pretty beads. And their yen wlite 1» Fruoh, f9r cas reed througii. On the contrar, he holdas girl andlilveA in Africa, you wouldint mothera bang them up in thé trees-" igséllab eny wliâth ti eateut dlf- bluntly Up bifor. the country the poi-, have any ulce littie white bed witii a "But you neyer could gueus how the cuity. 'eu ask me Whetb.r J1-noed sibility of a disastrous defet-eo de- Soft mattreus te leep os." littie Eskimo babies meep." a uything, Ail that 1 need -lu that yoU atruction o! ail that la dear te thej "And could I go toeWal. t al?" Marlon. sahook her head. write te me again." Britishi heurt if the British patriotimnu iked Marjorie. "WhAy, rigMi in a bag o!f a oftest Asother says, -in" reply t> a laY dosanet laeto te ocualn. Oh, , indeod," her aunt aaid, I feathers, hung up in the. queer little who wrote te bits: "Pardon me if I - augblng, "but yeu wouid aleep on a hut. The littie Laplaîîd baby zcuddleu have net answel'Ed lmmediately. Whatevei others may thînk about mat woveii out of dry grasses. wxth down Inte bis hummock tInade o! warm have been verr IMI-aud cannet ait VP- what Great Britain ha aready done down pillbows for vour head. Or if deerakin, and hie mother hanga (t in b.d. I caïmôt write with myý xiglm lu the present war, the littie Welsh- you were a little yellow baby-a froni the roof ofthte sod hut." ý hand, and it la ,iih igroatdiflcilty 1 man doea flot think she bas clone weny, teeny baby,--you'd sleep in a «I think l'Il cuddle dewn in Iny led, write tuils> wtvýh lm left. 1 am ,vezy enough. He pays a tribut. to France bkg lied on your miter4u back; in the. teo," mid Marjorie, yawning. î<For 1 hup yto have ltuws trom a osaIth in thapreface of a volume of bis daytime you wouid go bumpty-bump thlnk 1 like my ows dcean llttIý white Cuntidian lady. .',, only 1 ware witii speeches juat published and saya as ahe ras and pluyed; or at uight b.d theii.stt-Yoith'u Coinauon.- you we couid talk tegrether. 1 do soct that t4st heroic nation cannot be ex- __________________ peak a Word Of Engîhad ar pce obamahmore of the bur- - s,,i.e mar w6a~ h nly Cunadian in thia hodpital." den. And what he thinka of the jj~~NJY ~ J Such beiug the case witii a good many part Ruasia ha played is aufficient- IE SM Y nflan soldiers. our 1roç aa Iy set forth in the statement that "for- dian lie Cross Workea re hieodt" over twelve monthu, despite de-! Faof be congratulated -for théWÎr cWuritablo: ficlencies i equlpinent. Russia has INTERNATIONAL LESSON, enterprlei lf-wriifg te tue woundui.- abëorbed ti4t energieu of hait of the -MECTOBER 10. German and four-flfths of the Aus- .AYa' idÇ ok a-aaa trian forces." Ruifles and Fluffles. Teget n t e rs --Many of the velour coats for chl-, Lessen ll.-Elljaii Taken Up Into Hea- branches in Canada have been orgrnq' GetBianms erteweight dren of 10 or 12 years of age are ien2K g .1-a.Gde îzed since the beirinnig of the war. that has fallen froin the RusSign made with considerable fulinese, the e,2Kn .1-a.Gln Arusyispcon fth aniý Rhoulders as a renult of the retreat skirt portion being eut circular, with Text: Psa. 16- 11. reports. wiiich are evailable, show a of thé Rugmelan forces. She MUst . straight thread In front afdthe record of lRed Cross achievement arrn, manufacture, enlist, -fight as back seamn cut on a true bias. 1. Elisha Refuses to Leave EIijab which la flot conftned teo any one sec- never before or face the chances of F~or .iuvenile wear, th. broad beit (Verses 1-6). tion flo the couYty, bât extends over defeat." Thus frLnkly does the ean oo tl.ail the provinces.1 "Great Awakont-r" speak and on A1tnioe<otaftntn a lh Verse 1. When Jehovah wouid take , The. last monthlfl'pott of the Hall. fax bnunch records meent contribu- tions of S$> and addition te the mesiberahip of 71 active meinbere and 14 ite mmrberu.'t>4uring tMe month ahipments were madle of nearly 120 bies. An idea of the expansion uf the work in «Montreal cas b. gatbened trom the. report of the surcical de- partrnent. Last January the ship- mente were 15 cases, eacii containiug 450 dreasinga. Lat moÉ1tl 137 were, sent te tie lRed Cross boapitals over seas. Tii. VkîtÏria lnanch.,in Brittqi Col-1 uînbia h4ai-iïted ever- $20,00 ince i te 1, ',na ýà ný,90 -of whichhba M d>il bfices o! the Seel- t'-In a Mton tQ 1h19 -over Sf)'habeen rcp'-11atelua- de up by bÀigJter contri- butios ine uleration, il lM. cati- ,Mated bv' offtalao! the Victoria branch that upwsrds ô! $40,000 'ha p1tkaut-the Front. A Esgllê POblication ivbite te0thoCana- lie# lu tii heupItaie hie en It AnIniue~ N$ (dyfor the gînt A*- but an %îJîMlai.d longlt. lu Itisý lo ui 111théMl wa u qnr ~uir raM*'e h pot. ltb a tp tt wfl it o*nmuugly and gam la nitructionas have b..» pu:- serves -as 11k. ra ri- spsil 4Rd as. Unlîkeu jitm, fth whb th sioldtere are aUrfeited. oeeladien bgye tabou tieseluftiegaos toc liter- ifflY,,& -udhave sent i fruit sbsel#teIY unswoetoed. I>roeved ftuits sbeuld contal s ertain arnounit ci utai$y- rop. Tiiey ahould b. boled at a high temporuture uufflqjent, te deatroy the yfaat germ ý*htc cause lermpUt- tien. Tii. Jars woold b.e ealed se us te bu perftcty abitiglt.ý Tii.y Ohoid b;..paked for transit-, In stoit barelsand boueliwith the inidvdalJares asigly wrapped ln ex' Only cureful pucklug will pretent Ladies preparng< fruit shouid puy sPecil a otntion te tuis matter. The mikine o! tue preserves. la only a mmiii Part 6,e tiworký. Tbe.main »etlt la that th.y ahouldroieh -he alok loldloreeiiMàn - t he hospîtals With the advent ef thé full sklrt and Ioose-fitting garmens have de- veloped manygood-loolsg and sovel style feature, set the Içeet lntereet ing and charmnigoftwhich linle jumpe.i gress, suitable for afternoon wear. A delightful zmode) la sthownm herewlt.h in Ladies' Home JJol canadanSignuiler gWru«g'Phone WIre ns Bullefa 18URae&" A straifofficer att6ched te on.e o the Cauadian dIvisiont,,at ilkembeno1 hba mst -eturaed ri i. tec lu. Filanders. Twelve menthe goh wau a civil engineerin WesternCan- ada, but hi. was ene o -ihe. fret-to ý anmwor the cail of! tue mother country, snd ha» sveral ttme been ut cie,.e grpo st Ibm front. l9 bus wl$nued deeda that have ýwon the V.C. and the. DIstingulshed Coàduct Meal., 1"But If,-Yeu weré e oask M'47-wbat wus tbe, ceeleest -de.d- I have ever seniu,'ho suld, "ÏiM 6a4plcklout a certaIn sinailer, - whoe enume1- do net lcnow -sud wbsê ii at eon Canadian. I.,had spentýaigmbtheb ,tronches,: The morning shelk w.e beglnnlnt te flnd 11, #Md one .bl s.vered Our ltepbone llne* - Withbont waltingt tsi*rk t1'~on -l *Uber- lieap,4ove ite.ps"lqtj un- the. higiiers nimai may i. sad te - test on -a ripw-the clawscal stool with tie tg. it tripot const d! thesheartï thé lungsanmd the -nerva es a»ystem. Th*tphytiological action o! -each dopendu on that o! the. othera, 1heIr fouetns ire comeiy nterwoven ami canntw b-Poin, "rd& ro' -- conjontio .ofthat preprc balancte t tise ûtCIti oattti ewté u - ~nd hein nes a ONTO~ OPTI W Ati l'g Store- ý28th. REET. rente. RIE Irook SL O . T. IL iii kinde.- ASTER. EL moil "And -thex said osto hlm, Wbere pure fiction, a pictur, or two, à,, le Barah, thy wtt.?1 and ho uaid, Be-J thovon or some se"~ froni a taï hold - sélaelulu the tent-Oen. OPeraa-afew fewissd &ué xvlil., 9. Jmentousnf-1Idends- or piamo r envirenment that lau.r««tUl'sdl~ These words relate':te- a touchlnfl pfrn8 Incident ln anclent rurit home 111.- TIUo~IýOla the achool for MII. 1* the patiarcli Abrabo-a b oat, en- itu a udcroohmi Ther. are tomn4 t"ita66* throo à,tiangers, wsuie bis the eVilgof the world ln théIr.n wife, Sarah, la wlthln the teut pie- nancent state--uellhbnes ptinw parin.g everything for the. conifoit of envy, gtreed, avarice. These iuat be her hueband and his gueste. The sim- overcoflie lu the honm. or they whU PUe and cordial houpitality,-the e«se grow aud rise up and concjuer man lni aud quiet that aeem to, have pervaded the world. tii. patriarchal home are redoleut of The home is the citàdel of hu ia nm-'11 a bygone tvlization. In ail the gain ity fromn which to attack ail the muûni- of the modern world, lu its material cal forces of soclet>'. The homne la* Culture) scence, mosey, power, pleas- The. Balwunk or-thé state. ffl, liberty, w. have loat uoisthing wbatevei la done- -t6puriwy'and -'*o fiavor of true home Ilie. str.ngtlien its Influence-on the. physi- The conception of home la rallier Fcal,, întellectuaî and moral being of vague te-day. To masy It le but a Man . rveete the nation. aheiter for creature e.mforts. But _,Let lmon ziake the. laws of the. land, the. true home lu morto th.n nmerle WdUls bulld It% enterprisea on land and em bore or rlchly deeorated. il la an a- *J.iul ti rmleu-and navies; thoge wbo fluence, an atmospýhei'e, a 'piritï & m4k ie homâe are thu true arbiteru hresth of love, a vibration e1t todu ' Ï$W woridois destlnles. unos, Trhe tht.. mesoengers of God whe A Wave ef S.ym»thy, paitook of Â>IbraIm'a hospltality a s'cries 0t heurt bettoiie, a f51- liilIIZsd hlsgreat _ moissin Ithé the. wiidrnoe, net oiily for tue ibody worlâi and the. potent influence there- but Ise ofor- the sOuI. -onl o!bis pure and lnspirlting home. The true home aiioùiI<! eter te tthe They »ueiaed the Becret of thsit do e,î OU. It ahould b. an nW,«letuâl_ aud tic love and posce ad power. And ctural centre. Emerson has MMd tboeefOre they auked, 11-Nere là that a grmmar and a pianounhered Sarah, thy wife?" And he, under- clvlllzatlou it th@ hUt of the W*st* standing their query, replled, "She is_ exn àPioneer. Bo a few boo>ki, an in the tent," meaning thereby, "«She I Pnaliah asthlogy îOt*v o ë , jthé- misttesa of myjm>« a Browning, pnhapu-a i ior Brelt.-oel Wenal

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