Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1915, p. 6

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'a1 li - m m4 keâ fr .-ufg)t& i!oreyi& thé ht~W1eoud~Pî!i '01 11g71U1Uteii £ re!& .AA wpôèt ldé tUU fôteth i mJ " apose Ia n telfti#IIidït io t e caliprlp in W"After tW g Irit uhotèk of sazfrsei D Mb bx meto'waonII ef d wündormont that euch a thing 66ul4 . "Eerybody-S havi h1ap4ened atali, and that t> yng and oki mmbr f I,» ' ..-.ove th ric, be'nthinfgled out of a whole eityfu gouiclous flavorOfr ulameormtctytkd What did my wi.een capter. mna j% exiltu vlI~ B 74 rwÂ1ATI~~1T»d ~te do with me, that they were lwïilIng f d r, nu n te riaito reekiessan undertaking? ~A~at Were they whisking me Baayte some 1< convenierît spot for the Ilurliose o1 rY lt-lt' s delicious, BLACIC GflkEEN or MIEMDafil alittîng my throat without fear of iûi-___________i______-___-___-________________ terruption?1Or was this elmely anA NI elaberate schemne for robbery?1 A >minute or two muet determine;- but e It a adaily eat-è-the perféct St u.wa heAdh the diamond- fiamhed hnto e gàl Bttr aks.Gives a new delghtjo igof ni speculton egan to f BaldApeBlanc-Mange an&. Pudding%. draw inferences f rom tile few facto Cady>'u ve tatd.The enveloping folds of eloth gorv- ' ed te dublepurose f nuffllng any ~'~i4YWHI~'>isa pre hit Crn yru, nt a peaomce oue1. irn1 taîtempt, and aiso of Dainty fljghes. Mash sardines te a Paste with their tii lavras 'Crwn Irnu". our rocir hu b~ i~raids, efec lgl ndolding Pie; ln the Rie. and Lamb Casserole-Ln Wloadte ilz~emr infao s,5 a vM P Wi e*s easiltI S ofhtm fortjeti.tie lemg asrl o aidish with flaky satisfactory Pandwiches thanifSMY ç ivan a Pnd ca 0-W gi i1emfilrY011 -f heUM'ul% d ý ntoscur-thatoiledree ave ready four larmb eplit. ti TheCaiad Sa.rh o. lmted Mntral the wlndews were coved with c - hop ecut from the f orequarter and To menci. a tablecloth lay it fiat and c Th a d tXc O ,Ëltainorhs1: nte nieceuild ho a I Wel seaisoned tomate sauce. Remove ha ste a piece of panBuel e iol.t- nothiwgtneat occurred Ifiît and gristie f rom chops, lay themn over the hole. Turn and dam ew just siaebdlanthe. streot could jon rcsas ortomate sauce fine fiax. gibnpse'ýwhat we~nt on as the automo-lf overi cover with rice, put lid on and Pellah for steel je étade of sweet bile apeb.bk one heur, otI, one tab1esptionful,* turpentlno, Thi. c eId penhaps four pereonas Pinea.Pple Sla,-Sïx sces canned two tablospoonfuils; emery powder, C T he G reenYieSeal o YarIad e t i" plneapple, six large maraschino cher- oeetablesPeenful. tcrc 'o ed hov1ng been ,te overcomo là'IR choese, lettuce hearte. Ar- At î bulng washed artificial sllk v Dy Ct1^ARLEaS ElDMOND.S W>1.K reastaWe, onmypart, and now tii.t rangé alad ini individual plates, first utockings shouid net ho put near a a -I had CéOd Wte struggle the hanide tutting silce of salad eh nuat oeo- fi te. Il spolia them. Thoy .hould bep Author of "The Silver Bbade.," "The. Paternostor Ruby, heIdia<me# temÙoasuray elaxed th.frt tlce leaves,, hnsrnln ihalwft pdy erip ilun le gse, hough'I was cheese put threugh potato ricer. F11 To i~l~ "me imeLeck" ec. t ti. act that they remain- hoeoin asuce with cheriry. Ias.*am- 0 ed in iitnt readiness ýo eheek the dsmesinz. ., 7 7, lr5 ,- l aarn- ___________________________________ first elgais of ruiew.d opposition on Apape SaUnc ukè 0 u dne- monia havaen ('HAPTER VI.-(Cont'd). Abruptir the firit fBush cf Pt hall cupi- hot, uasweetened appie Thro eare ibeot ugi and.to "M. srtl"sh ui. retiesl.anger died in hîm. and ho l0oek àt cse.til.n e, m iitester lyhdsu n u a, one-haif c reeth eol _re sweeplng Thste Mr inla he sad.eathmean? me ueery. rtahL"thought eutand prepae o utradij.ieoegcadri rvin te< it *m ttii.' "Whst in Idrld it al mea -IIed,'i 4.s0every de-o. I'maf td ha an Ja temis ýt cbîon. igh, ho 584 i t d an e so on eo eCo ns 18(en 1150 leu), twoaiiel oa h o ie hIËeman loie ames Straagi do you b- . ahttekm h vïtsed tthe pre- tecas Clu, Lt <.i $nr I~no~~leter s incllnete o the tacts a ~ten t _gf<u" Ii, btte ir course for mon;, eii-hablt ;tÀsp13çiic ,"": ndaék --~ gG). qalprse À,4 ti7" W Soeuntteesand odb 4'Lord bles >u.« 1 returned des- tet ewn -gfrt ansudL lux l ' L îU t siopleth4.ruse bailbeen ah- oes-hallt teappon -'È . , cm.o4th n4 turpenitinasodirat pairingi.y, «I càuableve anvthinç. retleecnta-eas»oȂ,oplo1,btte.attoMgi, >d üp1ej8CS o ti.£irnturr it asot a --- migty sigt mototh» ,jiui BUà -scake For remoYi itto untr et l'an postive orflOtln. don Ct Iérras, tiak i What y<>i Win, h k ow -<>e a%> fesaba b~1or ~ ' pain, tpuh ltüUc$mlr now what t t hlfk" I caritell you: I lii*I put t r t toétnôthing-eneap î"e y 1 bur .n~tÃ"i tlh iV,. UitS oevice.l Du the one baud wu bem vianshed get rid cf _ certain -teliogra* & ý ý- correspondenco, a situation ti itasif -sise sem Keaton-Hardwick Pl 4t .aeontkymycpr or 'uét* ~a r ea*ri~crnh A PIhl~Utolstb1iu*al~ oonr orT rezovs th#. ,MeU cof enions or strahg, enough ln ail consnce. and into àiIisorte cd dlffictl"s-4lEbo atrttne t m a la:eaom on the other waà hlaxlcbl i hoi bt>bn~utc-nahd-toeiseives- aad 'o idt ave crieort~ ýoiId' n5three g f1ry1ng pan put a Uittle fair oethte dlamond. New k»it ud wipod out-hedulffkem what. 6Qmr.vle e e$me!th ee-cA a o uneIIeg iuçôchJ tealtern éw ins.ahn Possible that Strang dsenga happee ahaMs umi-ndghî .accideutolly beremo or ge.lin, un- vpust l 4 4rqtl a tm sgçu the porion who seul luS the PI~lFox. "Whngý,noe ,catch la glimpse-'fsrc~ d eiesdn *s ti wem'nsandthé. sanie. 1 .tsred nthil ipeeciilasamas.- ,j -Iit rlbg tr t'o TiUnofre»hS a n*suPobtthnW e u gîht 0gd mettmnJle 4 sofft m.tlng Ie.Was t tue mo'Ifsino11t,. natpoWubl that OÏranbéng s- 1 do bak-d a lit' 0Jcak e iace,è iiOg. floo it cf MiesaFoxewbeauor4 Wa nuts bsd In- "oeM 1b -oft.dd 7wtu.Ch ole r a-*uwtrvlalW 41~d te Irien ta fà, seà"'. etig e.iqo,:l o lc.;e thoso mwit dnpltr.ohad>atlgIu t. d sgnsd 'It te nig tu- esiao lwthe le__nty, lÇrt», 1À i a«-u-StWiudÈCer k--Select tender, fuir-. yod C*tb ac .1iJ5I quélo tue1*t'idetermin. 'b&imà *1nI-Wobs~u l edds Ie tiçjullmtyc~iVo ~fo 1à sa# i sd jet oent *cd, maeaning-te send als a latter f frnl 6fr lier living and ya ig~~atealeèr ed thIig 'Mauhàtd tfYRqetrtetsh1ew Thau ains ci e alu explanten ? Then whb 49p u ~@~tt ccud paceIt fl - ïI r ,u l tonce Iulfee.A chesu e ~ ~ ev dentt opIoilïe. il eub es lettemlben isent to e mltii. s yen nhâve describidl buad- tub er u t iyocket. 1t then LI liccceuntmdldIytuin i har up*Wl *atlen of cdrcustanen loemsd <min- -onseum tltsa ti inl<4eEga .mIoP e. U olow t p- i udWeUlgt, i eui. omt lV' y. i$'%swm d ioi tu4eewtgstdcm t11 c*xý1cil.Ma t 0 iw±i tl10l*lg1 sù Mtir some I ~~~b~S5UIIS1I*. fl7fi ~~1 - 'r - mIt, SPnl> OéP 94 &~ hu I v--tlua Iii s d1f1u~I pcaltlou Mima -1 41, , e «j i ied Oi 7emybi'.. I~4w~ii h i 1n f 1 lid a, & "É w$l icreigs la<k5n viftl pr tMI ny i mer.i' i erdue'dste aoeuf sac. eslyt' Ou t ~Içu' a ~-~t icail a I etepaMy anrtIninm ~ *ormv x * l.I. ..r..t. 1 tWaühd 0#,, a; chudi ~~j~î panaI gitpori s41tel bïàia are tMide co4dnm a 'lttl'e Malwoabi aiu -Mo sit i wmahanA ÀoiJ I4ON F THE 1 rolipEDO. roi Carry 2,860 Peund@ Throdith Ship'a Double Sheath if Plates., The up-te-.daté toredo le a ioaido Ltemobilc, ahaped Hics a cigar, maduo; a rap- lni a certaihf direction ina a fixed ime .ànd explode when lit strikos ,methlng:thnt effere aharp resiatanco. ýraliahie ee, properly equipped witb. ?piosivesansd ru~Mlng geai, conte !rom i,$à,000- te $9,000, aeccrding te ize. A large terpefo ln 23 feet long, i i4>bes lu diaméter, sud weighm .,800 pouniasand it tears a bole 80, by ;10 teet lu the bottom et a ship et 'Ille torpede," mays an expert, "ha% to principal parts-the warhead, which carrnes the explosives; tic ait' Isk, fer fuel ciamber; the englue and the ÃŽteering gear and the balance, chamber. The explosive iead t8 fluedi! vnth some high explosive-g-an cet..., ton, etc-and le provided with a per-' cuselon detouator This etrikes a, barmd or selid substance, sud the explo- lsiv goos off instantaneuelY. Cetton or Nitre-Glycerlne. "Tue explosive head ta thc toremeet ,einpartTalt o et bctorpedo sud con- tains the deadly charte sud the. pistel ith -Which it in fired. Gun cottoa and ntltro-glycerine arq the high ex-: WAf*ipUcAneçll "ý*1J vamaia'se ~Ii~ I c 'IÏ- tho torpede struck a 'nf~lain.lie poderet uaswbale on the way?" - sort used by the country boy te shoot t wou h ohdor igthnexile a rabhtt or a qurrel là ne longer ùthougah the teo wlght nt po used, The. . igi explosive hlemore ules bý-o14 on ws it pewerful than gupowder. Gun!pew- - 0f Many Sdrtg. ,d«. burns quieker thmn tic higil 'OM "The terpedo la net known inti- plesiva, sud it eplutter. arouud if mately by mauy naval officers," sai4, *sattored -on tie ground, but Il *ex- one specialist., "There are ail sorts plodes tf couftned lu a eloue place. Théetofterpedoes. Some ef them have ilk- igh explostvo wtll humn if you stick dlviduallty, No two seem te be ex-' a match- to 1h, but net ne -easily ais actly alike. We -continually improve gunpowder. A suddon biew will ap- -oui knowledge of tiem. Each horpedo ply heat te an explosive sud set It off. hait te ho carefully studied aud cor- "The explosive,,,head str-ikes tue rected for Its oes voyage et destruc- bottom el a ship sund a 'detenatton,' tien. Like' the hec that stings, lb net an 'explosion,' takos place. T7he gives up lb. lits for oe stirag. The mnass of higi explosive seems tôecx- ship it stnikes siks. Thc 200 pounds plode at once, sund that, in what la de- ot guncetton lni its warhead tears the sfred,. us. thé Most suddeu bIow will e hlp so that it cannodt escipe. It la kuock >a bole ln the-sip. Gun Cotton the meet terrible weapon of -warfare Il detouated by fulmhtate Of mereury, knowu ho tue world. Tie torpedo, whlch, 'w'heu igulted by' a biow, ex- lmown au tho 'steel baby,' la sent eut pandae-2,600 times IbmtsMe g1z mio.f a tube freni a siip.t" Ti. suddW -o *a geb ablOW te The Whitehead torpedo, the oe be gfl citton tedetntsi. meet_ gesnraliy used, bas five cTni-, -. This In What Rapes partuuerts-the, explosive head, thé, air Chan> the3 balanice canbt& "Whs hapenawienfitliè explosive wcyan*ôimoa~>i'br h heads etlikem?" oem. -tIbc hcad la very %bIs.i and the, "iAi detontion teUlo 'i stautan- tsatî fiun' Il in kepb on its stralgitý eeusiy, and blows the oitaide 'of the. course by perpendicuier rudders lu ita sMip la, maing a bole'about 80 hy tajl. 10 feet lunase, Tire Id ne -rule about The air chamber ef the torpedo con- ti.het c f the arnage te the aize tains thç motive poWer, and its pool- ot tIuýbt; -lt Ïe *Àle, .80 hy 10 tien ta, nexb abafb tuseposehad -feet. _Theo* iê1#vsu Ù,bcth *the ÏÏ la Ifid- ith cmtse î'i ?ILMI ~ i ~i>f t ~aa1 lkemeans opun9p. 'e aneha- ~Lastaiia. 1nhrd~ubI botela j er ,nexta% t thc air cýlanmber, cbu-ý Alot ouffléhent 'Of~ tétrc > tains the- 4paratus t4iat cortrols the tii.tored~ If tÀ'tl'ltes'we. Atompedo làt ts proper depth lii the wa- glaucung blow nuay nOt cause an ex- tr trI4~~i ~ 'Before thc present war the torpedo ew th torp edq >strue ýWould had been used iu thrce naval wars-- 4lo 4wn, te bitesAn,.. ma e ini the Chilian revolrti-on, in the Chine- pIeOUWOul gn4eOfu thte Japanese war and in the Spanish- -,*SgS.m t»n.ntâ migilt go inide war. It bas been improved much Mud bëteui.-nMl.IW le spli#ters ua. gopi«,ea ii. ws, 1 apod es tàeget, ~pn~stbat e t1 bug. n banal, su et mi-rwitbl pny lnefe 'eper plate ney cde- e, tcal-U ,tbd tra. #euto no el uu uWthé Novel'tView cf thew-Wnr. Il Is snething in thèse j tîmes to get a noti 'view cf tt~e tvr. Two warknien wero discussing it, obviotusly auderN bbc influence cf a great deal of im6ffictal news. "It10l ho an awful kmÎý job, Sam," aaid one. "It. will a'al"repIied the other. "You sec tuee ~6rmaus i.s taking,,tlacusands e sasis takiùgg nusands idLlsauds o ert crn > risCners. If itkops on ail the RutêhuaW-11 be tn Germany and al the (Txifnians, -in 1 Iussia. And then tbey3i1 start freàh '4.over agaîn, -fighting ho get back -'Sôltetoousaud men are'. eu- jýpoyd i -ewSuth Wales ou the, POY 9 -ten iard destfoyigrab- t- À - 'À-. ýpenod Instrunel mu"' I t-

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