Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1915, p. 7

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nelt su touwmoue ui wonderrniein ta uith lg otd e 99ô .....-loves he rîchhébé h sld otk of whol t 'tirfD j Sip', be haho Wo u eon srhaatlcaUy4Md' dd1iciOus flavor i'denu. What did my uiseen captera mean, aied4 ED~iftD$B1.JRGtu do with me, that îhey were wilhlng Ï < M tc g u B î' The up-to-*etréo DW =to rlak go reckless an undertaking? J41àcesOt automobile, shaplléacarmaO Were they whisking me awa3r te omfe " té runil na certandrù ini le convénient spot for thé purpose of TrY It-i4t'il lO£eiU.u .BLC GENOr MIXD.time and explodewe t tîe 'C o litting my throat with0Ut lear of in- -- »ý-. ..ismnethln ht f rwhr eitne elahorate ucherne for rohhéry 7 A Arlal n, *uilWXi~~~ minute or two must determint; but L~ exploulyem and uilngercut G whyshould 1 be selected for robbery? " rn ~OGt 900 é.rigt It laILadaily treat-*--the perfrCt êWeet. JUSt Whaýt the 14d thon the. diamond flamhed Into .s ize. ladm ean wigb élde hu hvoi ia coUa ls Mstesaien et one: ,My mentalityl'2,800 peunde, andi er oé8 butter or préserves. ; Dehicîous with Rot Biscuits, apranir keenI.ly aertte méét the __ y 10 feet int tébto e hpe a.clflttr aks îvs nwetneroeency, with the gem us the bu-tw kis =dtte ae.Gvsanwdeiîghit ils Y My spéculationsei began te i "The ">P*to ins. Bakad Applea, Blanc-Mange an&. ?uddîng%. draw Inférences f rom t e ftacts fourIT 7,pr"Thntopd, al satepr,"is Makes fthe best Candy you lever tisdaT hean. t p fur prinipal pats-thé arhé,a éd thé double. purposé ot muhfing Bfly fiask, for fuelchmr;téegé "M.LV WUiTW' le a pure Whte cern Syrup, net as pronounced outcyl i,fhWt attempt, and aimeo! Dalnty Dishes. Mash sardines te a Paste vwitll their and the Stenigga n h aac infltor",Cen rnd. Yor rmrM bMBruit e cI r binctolding me; li thé Rice and Lamb Casserol.Llné own oul, and théy wiil make mnore chambér.- Théexpoieiédl ilc ta hver s "Cown rand. lor Grc~r os ba~h r<ues, 'itnte btweed ie. opening casserole or baking dih, witit fiaky satisf&ictery pandwiches titan if imply with mre high l o légict ro , ç,and soPound gUn-or eao ea.f'iY g'elIte-t thé l)ùbousiné dbor ad*b cr -uldrc.Hverafu ab Slt ton, etc.-and îapoie lhapr the windo',es wére covered vlth c.ir- chopa eCut front thé forequarter and To nenatblcthmyifatndcalodeotr.Ti tkea The Caaada StarchC.Lite, Mne tains:- thug 1 on thé musids cotild hé a ' Well séasoned tomnate sauce. Remove haste a piété of plain Brussels net hard or solid subsacadtéepe - ~witness-te nething that occurréd fat and gnstie .rom chopa, lay them over the hole. Turn and darm dowii alve gees off instnaéul' Just as ýnobody inI thé street could on rice, seasen, pour tomate sauce fine fiax..Cotnr 2 glimps&w*ýhat -wént on au thé automeo- -Over, cuver with ricé, put lld on and PoUazh for steel la madée ofswéé otno IteGyéié * Té l r eld fou pbsos ake onq houri oil, one tablespoonfui.; turpentine, "'The explosihea atéfrms The aSeat ,peritapetor en -PinéaleffeSalad.-Six sucés cannéd two tablespoonfuts; éanery powder, compartméut o«h opéoadcu I.. boudes tn~~self. Se far I iiad ~ pinnapple, six large marascino cher- one tabléspoonful.tistéddlchreadtêpsl T hlre n e lI-th@ é thuýphs O y he011 ies,* cfam cheue, lettucé héarts. Ar- Aitér belng washed artificial sillk WltÉ which it t lé.Gncte fi> GIARLI3S EDMONS WALKrsistztéon y rt, aendtu ovetin rangé saiad li individual plate, iret stockings should net hé put néar a and,!nitre-glycérn r héhg x Ihud Oëaued te uiruggle thé hande Iutting ales ef salad on neit et lut- file. Il t lete.Te budb lsvsgnrly"é ~ . Author of #Thé Silvpr Bladé," 'Thé Paternoster Rubym,"hl i~i* fbsrjl rixdthi Uélathén sprixikiing with alwê1e rpdr.n fll 0 "Thé Time Lock," etc. ~ - l ,tog rscés r I 'ç~A tâlleWthe tact â hyremàïn- holoinailes with eherr>r s. gélami, w dti <amn- ort used hy técunrûo t ho ed in ffltant readinetis te éheck théedi'éssng. . àmota hVbf re a rabbit or a uirllnooge __________________________ firit uns t i 'end Qopotin on Atplâ saurckýÈ1i'h' mot aÏWÏUi CIÀPFJ V-(on'd. Abruit té ia fuho!Pt" -*hait cupe ho,ý uziwoééée pl hrwam atenovér rug, and use. ltIéhigt poiv émr enPK I(oe) ty h ig ls f nifre mot mantietl,retiecp fiur nutdm ~ Inets iaabofo-1téiti»*êinclndtg ctee ntégonbtI x "M. erls" he~s4,brati ssy.anger died inhim, and hé 100 éi.caétllintot r i sae, ey-omcup àugar, oe-litcup cariet bef rsoepng Themte pIze uhurn u pwe up "MFril h ad ruheI-me eerly. tîto~ n ieae o .butta nd-iard MiXedoOne pound rais-présent ti th r3n.riina T is<e bnd uéé hntéhgi x "Whst in thé world does it l'.ar Ferris, yer right," ho said In -fôeh aiid u soon cale n- lits (cmii use le»)>, two teasPoons 8 lf bigmtiaoh o1r lt. loiv_ n i alues rond, in afrai4-ict thet man! Cari thé miss- a roub V tnu thoftek meb cedtif uboné CO ing mmii bu arnes 1Stran& do 1yo e Pr-se.. "It doms seem te anyby Ûo<IltlInlfI é 'ofttorseakforiz geheeéqalpats t loes f onind i&îlseglae.Th 1te t 4o>. ie ué h oehuftesée 1ne. rum nsdoî n tupentiné and mub higit explosivewllhmif ostc «"Lord blènse jru.0 Ireturned des- troat a decént girl. ud Loin PF .s a o h -îïi il asl ar pairingLy, "I enu bler.ayhnmgt ih oete ,, ysml m-aye cepi-bter 'ar &iapF~ ~ortsfntom ' ê1119, a sftr g uacht tbtne eeaya 1"m l'tpositive of !noting. I dGh 'Férris, tliink what ý,ou wllI, it ~aUIý -- IIuIot, y" - ', « Wh n~ cke-Fr emilà ' ' , mituégupwér ude bo ll p nnhtgow wphbahk t to- ubathnuinko oy hu ui ri. eca la Thée xplosIe.ha tié h théca tnd a8 vaishd étnid te rt: an tengpu tumeoi' aijt ,ardaI at imentiyy whi>- ~ ~ ~ ~ e~n»o lo N cli. bottom of a ip n dtnto, corfespondence, a situation init Itsf eelsée Kenton4iardwlk pitmnget#a: nhy Iff, 4-apa oner 1or M. ý lg , etof nions or nta epoin'tkspae h strange unough in ail conscience, and into al sorts ci difticultes-m belater, putne te. e at éamassenoftdhigh on héotér asth Inxpicbleaf trow lit boikUPCYtLidaelv.s,ad I meuld have, onuer u' *n*7Z0<'g',ip.t aeiry tan utandtle a t hogncep~iéséet talir et the dlamend. Nowi h»Miod wiped *out-ithe duvIl meisuhabt4lhe mrevgiceste reulember' lhécover- , on-AMI coh n "vithé Und 4rciyates.miaig sud ploaeBthneata watlde miore titan possible that Strang and steziegraj4tér bkrppened tu e b ia ~ efta Ly t enamov4 .ilé',îe dePtb héf ebmrnts 1huled knc.a hé oatsudn lor cei permon irto eMuth tRparoil F4x. h.,âý7rg oglm tcf and ~ rbuun jo. nc ahl i h h.Gzicto weré one and the sazne. 1 Istarede bruaiuechs . telÃ"t wh~jf " - *-Teww~ ur rp l eendb uaut !mruy hua %ued. reeaomsi* t et u',n'ut; but thonswira9114) ques- l" ahi ir ht a~ ean îý>Vjý,~> nc~iitninte y bor x ~~sA uthé, '8 à -enoSundtyÈ. - - - --- - , earse,,, times Is oit4àual mité nbtWpmhbot Dg bit . iM ut n ~ it4ut~ 7io CortUbitY pre§entedi If«,oté u .~Té ud~ o~-vs lwt att1lyW u ziL m no g0ce the '~Wllsh n d-oit nplattér. on han1s .ýat xilét, -i t -&v h inc~o h*eoitsh. ___o___ eùgejikOalr'slips 'eld -tlose F SýrUd .sf,,alks> iufieitly curvbdmPte n hI. e a migi u Whatilhappis ha~ xlsv éd4 mneanlng te s»i4 ail» a latter cti rud e h4h ing MidA yôufr ý lata& ta. àtai tud tftoque< tt mbbe tthutelnuetail l e>planation? Then wybud.,t thet could lace It ut fl ,,ait at, onoe I stiffened. A diéete loe m4 !~tdiâo. -This eai " b. 0éalffiy d'Ad$es - - -~ if e '~ ~* If . thck <rsan feuaeded ~ erk~ UP a eusly sud bowthoiadette Qbé uyd. 9 -4 4 oS-& *tank? ý lih làkw icM iby 1 d êwlLeone ~ feet bIndrve l bthth onraié, _9Wllom;_1- lege- tn Jh4lWl ni hé tred I ~.ii<g'él t hép ue ofw<Iop. cew iuteA*&&pei --t*r'e-a b- 4 tifflnte-rakhéocée à ýUt à et pu guen béwmy e asea x a1'èeehe w 2M>*tp7 Iv--- say anli-u4 0 -,i ctug aumI 4ttat, nobe ,'~Me UId l et s<ýt - 'eL ýRe e% <~W>jés~r e &bowaobis nd e h fi, f i out" lm Wttorpidodoptbo11< eglmanynt ing- portun1.-r.- f dl eboÃŽ&nmé-bu0, er -Pe sthpî n litiway r lt-tiprled fo uiasey ay utmeieacton1-Evrytht nna 1 ~ » ne à IIN e sa e-a t.msini o 1lesl'on~ron~a tiadi0Y»hwttbélbqor Adoi' ejuutrghtan4lnîtsprperpArt hi, eb and d ewapa- k<~Wi'- 'wté~tsateo Ia4ure e e W&Di d eit- $ .*th he'1 î/ t m4_Ah.it-i1t--tKa1n0 t4 in --ôny-1rovathc. nahouti»tad ff M8-IaO k «-@ - an ~M~or- I '7' l At thi têtïý , addtieanîtôý,dý p1ýt4 -uti .11-E yîh F1 v r L ] Mht' if- "the torpedo struck whale on the way?" "It would ho bad for the whale, al~ though the torpedo mlght not exPlode umiess a big-toltd -bou was hut." 2 0f MaRy Sdrts. --The torpedo is not known inti-, nately by rnany naval officera," al1d one specialist. "There are ail sorts of torpedoes. Some of thom bave 41-1 ividuality. No two seem to hé ex- actly alike. We continuallY imProve -ur knowledge of theim. Each torpedo han toelýe earefully studled and cor- rected for its one voyage of destruc- tion. Like the bee that stings, It given up its 111e for one sting. The shlp It strikes sinks. The 200 pounds ,of guncottoxi In its warhead teArs the ïMpii no that It cannot escape. It la -the méast terrble weapon of warfare Icnown to the world The torpedo, lcnown as the 'steel baby,' le sent out of à tube fronia asbip."i The Whitehead torpédo, the one mont- generally uned, has ilve- coni-, partxnents-the explosive bead, the air chambet, the balance cboprber, the, buoyan* 4Ïhamber, and:' h 'engitie- room. l'he(head la very 1iuf and thé. tait fin&ý It ls kept on its straight, course hy perpendicular rudders in its The air charnber of the torpédo con- tains the motive power, and its posi- tion la next abaft the exp1osive, >iowk fi is fllid with compl,éssed ýair- 'by means o~imps. Th. lance cham-' bera -net Zaft the- ah,- èamher, con- tains the-a pratus t4aecontrols thé- torpédo ÂWta proper depth in the wa- t«r. SBefore thé present war the torpédo had been used lIn threc naval wars- in the Chilian revohrtT6on, in the Chino- Japanese war and in the Spanish- war. It bas been irnproved much Novek'Vie# of theaWNar. It l5 sognething in thlise tiznas tu gta noôW1view of tbe ýar. Two workmzen weré discussinýg iovos' under the influence of a great deAl ol unofficial news. "It'll hé an awful Iobg -job, Sarn,"9 said one. "It -will ah"' ail," replîed the othér. "You see thenem nsn is taking,, ýtýourDands &U& gûaands of Gérmiaiixsone &Ê; er af~i on ail the Rufikiapns will be 1in Gerxany and aill the tT(rmansýjn tRussia. Amit then thae'l start fresh maJ ovW again, flghting to get baek sôm-0t~ t*o thiouol men are. em- in N4 u ew, gouth 'Wales on-_the, ok Ode4ifbng.-and de toigrab-, 21' -,~ t-

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