Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Oct 1915, p. 2

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-pro,"teVr eté ,ý*r4Q IZIIm nions h. r.- 'al4adlstr.slnï jaek efN p0riot- r lt.They have pet«ttly p%t wr éountry. WbIlemnshave bein fIg ht. ing and dying in Cthe trenches fer their protection they have trfrdte hol& Up aven th* manufacture ef munitions et war and have endeaver-C b .d by thftats of violence te ltrme the Gevernîpent te meet their terme at The IndIe Basket. any ceet. Now they are declarlng On the top sihel.t et the whatnot in tuat social revelutiel i llI follow any grandmother'a ouui fashî'oned roui attempt to secure more troops by con- had ti ood fuir many yearu the Indian scriptIon. ThiA attitude puts union- basket. GPraeend Ethel sklwayà îsm in s very sinister light. Wbat- thought ot it in big capital letters, lie. ever justification it may have for en- cause Of the way4In which it had come'l forcing its demande in time of peace, inte th. famiily, anti the care Chat il ha: mne mn lime (if war. Mr. Lloyd grandmiother took of it. (;<g.who seerns to have more in- nto lidys hngrnfte flîeîîe wth hem tha an eterwas a young mnan, one day when he. nierier of t<ho <atiiet. ha-q attempt- was ritiing alone by the banku of a tý to ijrguje hni oui of their folly. little streamn, ho had corne upon the le tiwit th t, 1v< îsonon0 the 1suh bones of a i'hild.-a littIe Indian girl, jý . rc,<wpo has yet been 1he thought, because of somre pieces of ea tlilt lif, pot"« ouît that no0 what. had Once been her dress. The oit"p !, sO'iiie \ivtir'y shliMl ho loft henes were white and dean, antio <k.il fuitithre pClsses (Oi lSome oethtem were marks that looketi ;<ùiu tht u ' < kfl~clise wllas if thoY had beon niade by teeth- *1rf-1-t - rcrpî 'n if it cornes. ýprobsbly the teeth of wolves.- Near 1ithv !I- *«r, \%ho 4pcak for the 1î)y aythe Indiai basket. iit<-r epres4ent them, i t <~~e i m ite e ahend. ('an It was beautifully made, of closely b tha< m trN1>dy f Englishmen wnvc*i twigs and grrasses, nome of ýiiý u fl oqtttr sirt wiih mdewhich hati been colorer! with bright a- ti ~iticpiri whih m deys that matie a crnous patterni ont j. <. eutthe finished basket. In shape it ws ir.il 1.i lie iua nearly round, and in size about as mcii o a nc pouta lageas a smali cabbaze. When i Si1viwne' Wa lier Answer," grandfather foundr the basket, there', hwndie in theii. ýttego uludr 11 she set it on Ethel's head. It est t-i#Èi]Y aints pIècé, toçking' frein sida te aide, until 0 'wtth-a aiddten' puali, Ai"c jammed it dotes. -'Iltui1tt ielîpped. o'ver Ethel's foi'ehead and' cars, until it covered hler whole face and reqted on her ahoulderB. Both of the little girls began te, laugh, and Ethel told how funny everythiug appeareti frosi insitie the basket-how it made everything look speckted with spots cf light, and dîim anti shatiowy, as it was in the grape arbor. But in a little while i-hey grew tire! of the fun, and Ethel fouud it ver>' warninside the basket, so she trie! to take it off; but it would net corne. Inside the basket were the sharp endis et the hundredi of little twigs, et whieh it was mtade, ai pointing up- ward. Whenever she tried te meve the basket, the endis ot the twigs caught in ber hair andl pricked lier f ace. "O, Alice," she crier!, "hielp me! 1 can't get it otf!"' Anti se Alice pull- Ve lepa 2. beeri that theg wife. 3. Eliot it w5 nami 4. the rendq man ruiý'ic \\(,Il'ebc ticcit-,lt y. termrany was notbing in it tiut a few pebbles cd and pushed, toc, but more anti more ot t lici-c co 'l'lie uorid ir getting 1trorr the beti of the qtreari, and two the sharp twigs caught and pricked, iie i'jcf ' î- c thuit do rot ex- «r three pretty sheils4 of fresh-water until Ethel was crving with the painj of i \cuî ¶Il tin <an*ist rewurdung the muisiels- jut the kinci of things Chat and Alice frem fright; and stili the t rier vs (It r Si[ l-;uIwl'iri Grey t> pre- .,tlfle zirl would liko tu play wîth. basket would not move. Tie -,- , .-n- te ecumnrîtin ~ G randfisathe k the basket, andi But just thon tixere was a seunti pany !1l-iit' to frc-e the issuie, the vin-ý hrought it homne with him anti gave it et wheels in the doryar! dnt fa- re latii ii -cf tt<-IIgitim nt-uiralit>y, have orad th; andl many a time ther's boud voice callinir "Whoa!' tei able '-i 1 1'n- Il i th i t pt> confusi- (rac e and Ethel had heard the -tory (Ad Bustea-; and in a minute the whole was r. t i ti) atetoconu.,e f the littie Indian girl, and wonder- farily-father, and motheir, and ny Forigi i tviurmpu tiveso he kcsl i c d how »he had happ.ed, t. bea alone 1grantimOther--camne unning in te see t-bat l"crrgicNirucetmoive h clary y the sitreain and whether it was what wae the matter. They found kle" li rot have or by dlwgglni Into the rc ll wolveis that had got lier. hoth chiltiren crying, Ethel- atill in1 Thei ruiplontir rorrespondenlce in Brussels! 0f course rrandmot h-e took gi-at the basket, and Alice dancing up and ao ('riNiutliil ' otmfeu red watuicure ot theliat-ket. She celdom useti down sbaking ber bands in terrer, and cf41 "<oc cane o ps. f (ermny t; aas<tcfour the lttle girls, they andi eaying over and ever again, "Oh, ten c ro ame tct-nt ihui En fGlad r! r V èeniot alI<iwed te take it nt ai! ex- they'll have te do it! they'tl ha've te very c ' el Iieiîv lu'- unitsce wol3elorucept whengruîindmnoîher hersd4f put do it!" cc\[fll :1u ( i cu ruttriu-e rushe-il.it i-an ifo cri-,cr 'her dauful ofofruitore bIa isminute mother's quiet voice 7. 'nccii hit te i eo--h was fîther fo rio tê anisfrsre1hdsoetied lier inte s gentie sobbing, Israe, un-tîccCîi Flui pgeuf istrysick' neighhtir; anti thoin they werej andi in the Sèeajtime fatherhati taken the k li ciu i li - cv writien, undt nothing tolti Co carr-y it carefultv, and te be bis sharp ksife fresi hie jécket anti have sure to lrng ii luack. carefully cut a long ulit in te basket, curab cci' tt lge t ut oee îay they 'sece left atone, jar4d holding the etiges dt the slit spat oet lb ani after playing for a turne at one hati lifteti the basket from Ethel' ilg n St\I.II tI>~t-UOW 'thifle or- another, tlîîy stole into head. Then h. <aid, "Tlheret Thoref rot gnantirother's rnon. lIo its usuat It's ait lover. Neiw, -doant cry ssy -cc ui -'l'n m mci4 epasiv Iplace on the shelf stooîl the baske. more. Wliat wam It, Alice, that ýmads "[ci it1ic (lcuiics thuit hiîle awav I Lors take it out in the gardienc you so frightesed? What wasity ihnnittiig f tiun lrcuci sunlight at pick it fult cf raspheries"' crier! thouglit w. would have te do?' - t l'n "nulcc r <csfrnuitmiy te r!uy. (;race. 1hy Inover thought you could: th .a "Att righf,' Sailli Ethel, anti in ai cut the banket," answereti Alice so0Pý ti llrliit , tuiuiVîuht.s the shadows moment they w-ere on their way. tbrougb hler tears. "I thouglit the Eliali j-I ci ttlttg ur- ue lue . 1 tîuok them haîf an heur- te fliionly thing Yop coulido would b. Vofetoi 1't.'> c ait theîr flecvy bortiers, - the basket.' The ripe, juic-y bernies eut Ethel'. head coff." t 't .-utcîi'ig lîîauty te thc siew. they poureti carefully into a disli,and Th* elti basket stili a~. uitth coue tatbie he were just about te pt tthe lasket ba 'e e l. --î -- '9.r fi O!-tesyani - -- - "' w;but, them le a long, ut4Ïiy W dr~fti - k >t te ouit Io* ose aide ofuitL Alice asti Ethel hoe~a t<1-e aîestul'aii~t~gîrvthe kitchen sink anti ita swcutlotli are quite grown up, anti hae gene l 13 e sr hyhd w wiped it out; but the cleth left a away, and have 11W. girls et their nuib, tew drops cf wster in the basket, and own; but wlien they go ba*l, te the ýj4 1-:-i ihat seons 4o iark an<l eheer- ýEthel turned it upside down te lot- olti hesne and sea" lb. baaof, they ,mang ~~~~~ te;t po h hent run eout. laugh at the lime when as Alice says, sélème A4 coo uvn hebloce'>. look!" crier! Alice. "Wliex i's hat eut saveti Ethel's li1e.-Youth's tir. %lu~ o' li wthhilde manng tliat*way it le just like the lielmetsi-Cenipanlon. great Wi heru the problem'"s solveti £or yeu. ---- - ----------- If ,,ou 8tumffte do net falter, hre. drops cf laudanum, or a hot Ruim- aggîn anti start anew, solution to e b.ru gently into tho had b Faithin drknes ha thepromse e r lr na a nvero case lie maythinkj Vatth tri tara aeauhasthe promiseamh-d- -n- A-ftahla nUr ha moly .- i... ___ Of the brightaesm shiniag through. Vancouver, B.C.. -F. Talling. AIN APPEAL. On Rchatf of the National Canaatiaa Patrlotlc Fuati. W-V have now entereti upon the sec- ond yoar of the war, andi the eati scems as fur off au ever. No one Ima- gineit, a year age, tliat by September of 1915 Canada would have sent acrosu tise-Atlantic nearly ose hua- 'irer! theusanti mes with as many more te f ollow if necessary. This w!gpiIi-I -ent enltstment, white primmnd4lly-'d te the loyslty of our people, lias been, tn a large mensure, JIntdo pâssIble by --t-ho Caiatilan Patrietic Funti. X This greateet et ail - tWi nat4onat, -~benef actions la now asilstluin*à thousanti familles bve ehclisted for oere c& men have gene t l assurance that. - -. ene their wie.-- '-- anti littie chiltireâ W om7ort We b --~ieeç u a .av saD.iV, or ne eaIUrine.aD matblister behind the ear. 41I When the pain is caused by a gtforeign body, like a pea or-a shoe bat,- il ton that a child has puished into his Sunuhine in the Home. 1 ear, an effort muet b. imade to dis- A4 sabeam is a .srnall tliing, yet it Iodre it by very gentie syring4ngl lias a power te f ade the caNrpets and but If that faits, on no account should eurt4i, te tot the blinda, ÏMi for tht.teail r lc ttltdwr reason some folk carefufly- exelud"1or a balxlo u>'smlr oir the sunshiie. Wkat ,Ju, result 7 anceé T; .oeurof Ii t ù ogI, Trhëfamlylà, Isa1w Z- els he Pénolk W4OcanL -rSied tiowork. yquag girls wa=% -Ibt skin ssély fiuside tbo-hq6mar. and 'a weary.1 1o f 8tucidonurrom.. ho1 tai; fnflamnmatiea t of ear, ylthout et but ofteii aa*oc1ia it nsaf wt I) m*trequenut PRII es8-10, 14). chkina-Thue 'i' the Syrian i.createti fea Wkesures rtganeda Inews e Irinir urne iiAVeiecs.lV5civV SLI>VVB, viLerg. furnaces, pipe» and chimaisys- *hould be promiptly repaire i o replaced. SOvSýenliang--Boware,.et evenbeat- ing stoves, bolers,,Iu ràacosasti* Pile> ,Aahes.-Tiiese -le ng rany oôtise woôdwpitlc. Vse tiielal recept- ic les offly, suid dump asheis away frein ats-fitbuildings SCatéý-Tbematters are tecbsical, 'etenties fbut-ve s imple and mçrely cal -fer Seve& !es~.Tlietut-i -aie i tbe lires 'of yu berdina.à te -Y Y4 ~ thê-i~îng of'I*; -c - <e& t1 nt-nCai c Naaman wss leeking for -in>* m"À a n ifcon- thng.4' le was wllUng teobeo Bul mrer,. oves, te the seveath is ea. Servatton..'-s icuubtleas,,,w slgn e haof - p ed util-bé'a a dose aIl taIt he KNEW' BRITAINt< RI1),EDWAVES. Weei çomxbanded te do.- Count Vos Rteveattlow ApMeiogls.fer ICE-7WAA KBEN FOR WAR. <""K iatt CoQà oun. oit tevastqw5, naval U4 li 8.1 le Wated te Fi xet fhl ~é iugu's ~~ t~ Frencli . ijirel n ae*r"-on th«e compara-. >kièl s v teiie .Atrnti tti "ts-aniG -ion, ume<CWi1 migin ana.J, aIn. thq4n.," rel;es acerslnb' eénerslon e.rproducdfrn Maleéli'. dsr~iedahlapart'a olf f Crewn~~%# Ifrftqtipl ~ve~wMn~Fac Si.hAn Heur of- ýCriais Onet-C Period eofe 6*tkiOhgr ire ,,May lIa Oh ff1 evonin twlll 4db. èIartingýotflires fIii our hOMBI Losp- - tember and- O<teber have' become oij II, . gei.Naam n ows to firemen as the months when h. 4 Ieys ad Ouen, came the ,bmue Tnt xeg,,6. 15. 26. The tellowiâg suggestions of a practieal nature, If fifülly toIlow- Thê L A~~O~S.1 .d,-willdô .iuchto prevetdamage 1î4) te proporty and lons ef liteî gt«e$4.-Place a métai stove-bcmrd erse 1. But ho a.w a leper-Hhsi on the wobd floor under the stove, ýgy, iyet tjy w&% *nôt of a and extending at least twelve inches liuaht kind. -HRad le béesn a jew ln f ront of the ash-pit door. Pretect ~0U4 lotlu-v.beh prnitted to a]l walls and partitions within two i-lê<4 nt bis fbellh, m hle feet ot any steve with a meta! shielti, tI ag,<liev:chpe?* lain nair space betwen the' and 14). lielti andi the wiifl. LeaVe no kind- SA littie niaiden- She must have 11111 or other wood ln the oven over n 0 attraetive as te suggest to1 night. Do net hang clothes -too near e gldier of the marauding band' theestove or stovepipes. she WOuld'be a welcoe ir ift to Plpes...-8ac that the longths of captain of4the bost, who in turn stovepipe are well-fitted tegether, free Id be glatto present her te hie from ruït boles and partecl seamg, P. wired firmly and fitted perfectly ite . the prophýt tClin inl Samarta- the chiinney. Stovepipes passing IB'B f 8 Ule bnd gene Ébroad so that through partitions, walls, fleers, at-. aes not nettbssarY to mention bis Ocs and roofs are dangerous at best. le. Where these must pasi through par- On. Went in-Doubtcess one of titions, %valls or floors, always use a cdose friends of Naaman, whin large, ventllated double thimble. You ering a sqwee te bis master Naa- should examine the stovepipes in the iwould deutieaa serve the king. attic. They May corne apae, or ruat. 1The L-ettfof the Syrian King Fluif andi spider wpbs ire lie y to gather on and around them, te be set tVerges 5-7). on fire %vhen you least expeet it. GO new-..The king would lot no Chimneys.-Chimneys shoulti be Pbe lost in putting "the prophet"l built from the ground up, and neyer he test.. r est on weod supports. The settîing wIl sn*.a letter-The relations, of the woodwork will cause cracks in the two kings evidentiy were the ehimnney. Nor should the chimn- ndly. ney walle beu ued to support jutB or en talentx\ef silver-The accomn other woodwork. --Sot brick nd 'inff rifth0whieh, aeeording te poor mortat are often rgoponsiblp mtal custen, <s always indîspenei- for'defects ÃŽn the chiWiieY. tUse É on1 such ýoccasions. The ullver! ,ood qualIty eof brick and cerent mer. WOYh aeu ~i,75 i ou mo Iar. Chixnney wafls -ahould be at old bqt1,750alue o ton ime ea8t eight Inelles thlck, the flue of Of Bilver, The "piece" or "she- ml ieadIndwt ae o was wogth about ton dollars. pailer, nor couer theM Wîth anything six tbousandl pieces amounted to but a metal stock. Chinineys sheuld. it $60,000. nakiflg the total golt b e cleaned6 frequently. silvfir iift about $80,000. The. Furnace .-Pretéct ail woodwork changes of raiment were also above and around boilers, If witbin cpstly. %e*-(en. 46. 22; ? tdhren. three feet, with a métal shield, also 8. . _.ail woodwork near furnace pipes. It Re. renib" elothep The king of lis beat te rivet tiee lengths ef pipe 1ý semc~~~' esfiht together to prevent disjginiting. The jUng et he my W Il pipe should flt perfectly into the! treinblç prosk, was an in- chiney. Examine the pipe frequent. >bedis~' nd enc th reuei 1> for rust bobes or üther -defects. ýe S471'ai&ndgeuned th ee t.Kep theïn free from duet, fluit <aid Mlo e, ori thàii an attesipt te spider webs, which are easily ignited. "Sayest thou this thing of'- thyselfyaem h oeyplrIl j o jiti thra ai!it ho cfmé?"-'Z9very step ef progresé Iiè John xvii I., 24. 14 bd as reached han l>een roJt In my country home is an old spin-.fecl te ecaffeld and <roWnftàk" t6 ning wheel. My grandtather moe it stak«-é Where anybodytlê' a nd my grandaiether used it, and'they, musttbink and pay the price. - woethe homespun which it matie. It Tii ting whiereof modg-i n4&1ý wrought'well fer these whe useti it, scant in conviction. ehé test 1 1 but it is uselese for me. *oEach seul thifig which a muan can ha%*ý . IiK muat war itsown hoespun. capital in lite is a few first-p*,On ln matters of religion, while tbe victions. They must be veMi'bt tint - opinion andi experiences ef others may link by link, for conviction làa st4IU8II have nome value, conviction li enly; which chai ns a man te o ttuth so arr-yod at tlirough persona] expert-, that ho ha net at liberty te wander i ence. Credo le a verb in the first the pathi ot dalliance. Second i person singular-net in the third tieubt, like second hanti qlutheOre-11 Persen plural. Sosie theories and longs in the pawn sbop. It is risky'te - some tacts are te be accopteti on the put it on, for sosie- day thoe. via testimony ef ethers, but in the 4pirit. may corne along and leave us ff--y tial realm each man must b. a discov- A etneLsl pkn erer hisiself. The Sent eces ofalIy 8peani Measured by devotion te the .. h get erteso Cnitant the wo on cangd pacesthedaymuet become ours by experience. Who that Jesus faceti Pilate. The Galilean'Il etqaiidt nwtevleo waa preter and lord; the Roman caP- prayer?, Evidently the -mon Whe tiv an slve-illrie foeve inprays most, "I believe in Goti, the. tiveand lav-pilorie foeverinather Almighty," is a sentence etie- the market place of sharne as a man, whui would net do bis own thinking ily spoken. But when asketi ho-w you ant wold et e lyalte uchimpea-came te believe you willVeithcr be as an oli oe loyti. th mpes dumb as Pilate or turn te some Page 810118 as e hlin your life's hustory that is writtofl Man Must Think. Iln flame. You say, "I believe in the Each man, andi ne other, is te ho resurrection." If you only speak it jutge, andi it will fane with any mani trippingly with the tongue as a who quibbles and evades and tempor- careless Easter greeting it ha mean- izes as it tareti with Pilate ini such an ingless. It la when the angels 0! heur of criais. The mnost fateful thing light have rollei e.way th@ atone and that a- man cas do ýs tO tbinit. NàI w. cois. forth with our reaurrected mat i' t oniXafày tif mtin cat àiînI< ne1adeadthat tee truly bellotte inthe iii., thinking fer fh. W. -ci'own the; mortal life. If you ask why these *mar tyrs «Isto fefr tue right ef pri. and kindred questions are net itettleti vate interpretation. once for aI I'the answer is that each The only truth tlht amounta te any- mnan mnust settle thern for himself.- A ~-The gre fort -guni 'nak repu~ Rusi Bue] field andi f roni lye0] ened harni therr Seut heim Sver s iani WH Prog tnîng j5 relt truth, -and tfat only hbearsay religion doenet count,- . 4TI comesa atr the agony- of restless Rev. Charles LeRoy Geodell, D.D. Veil.-so n igh or conservative style 'value will -c akc be prebably nil by November, the J curse e!pouart killing its riglit -- ev AlI GREATER INDUS'rRY. <- T No a Snap Shots. Engineerintg Trade WII1 Be ln Tws No nthe time of year wben the j Handa Whea War Closes. for the winter campaign. How suc- that emerges eut cf the- firat i'ear et P gratmesreup-th cr-u pa- i'AVe utteycrheiGepayuaxas -'- o rfig- bInoaIment ever eninern rdewl einbtto case~~~~~~ l.tent mosbl1h"wioelaisths eore anes andlios frown o myche t akes ,the con-mrc.W hîl~c oebcm possiblte. l4wrkie tthe we$. Ailtii .. -us taati"iou wsr-devastated cetheTies wthe boÃ"k t cetererlytthis Inalson.Ever-ebigseeg td illin te qui t8»ng te elabol'alnstimmad-tse" ls;e nteltrise of ?uwet *tI ndt8of e seon ortsm ile uniite costmeEyenin s . Ad-lire hla once mportantom possible..lethélng-we shapo he wrlada AUstio ît pi ltt < tIê ane woqd's ar. tat ou ricerls "T'.'1 t rail A dea fi' iuiê -anwod't hveàty w le a year mgowo ' loi mué trubl In»Idtlg a evnin in qui Inapabl et me ingt nerwâl s Rusat oerui '4l a». vr. *mr~demanste ing'àur b oss wculdhae tigaeale it* f. ubioi¶ . elf; ent, ecric'e - an.-sttin vuty9 isbesgwrn6yti.yonergee- tii tre se pace Inà thatiit i :--- -_9k c-c, -' Rtale Ãœe a& ad.Or o ol, etý'>2n othw e w '- ' , f trliChs aIo --,V"iil ticebleon té.-asbl Th i beîn iW pe7uleta»-g'le 'n whc mad çhSfgst*in Our g fee a(ég éW - P - lu Secu tive COVhilt cissary . te înikt< Ther. arec Mml 1 wortiy, 'but of'thqi Fund la t te laps-i fail. It tu- thé' d4i nit te arm. qw teops. Ndt &' c4 authoritles Si#,*t1 This work àtlieùdo tniotissi anti gens pdopIo. Thousauui llghtlsg our battleq sieat what we ls thesi as they- ljt mwui wll carq; dites." Il wbuftti 't liegr a C -k' . - ~i "c' i-i -t c. M is 2 1 mi 1 1

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