Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Oct 1915, p. 4

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that the m t ' 'Âouldbýi.mdm t 'wu owins to the genetokitY, su dadcs et ie Ihw *m1aaioaa the h tdp vu-Ue Uch anJoyeM 1becaxu se ~ ~ ~~~~-x ernueefafues, lQoer- ha= ,the capablé ehainrmoret he Com- mlision pwrea no troubl, te make the vist botn pleasnansd educative 1te the delegation. itlSa &defo ho ay thatt thesewho had tU i moaure 0f tking ln ithnrp viii hot soon forge<l the ourtsY o et icCommission, but wull have profited immensely froru Uic actual visuai knowledgc Uiey acquircd et what geod roads mesu to a cern- munity. It ia 10 be hoped that Uic meetting cf thce ommIttce t0obe beld te-day (Thursday) will stiii further ferward the project -of Ki"4gton Road Improvement. A CORRECTION. Mr. J. T. Hornaby Wnorms this paper liat a mIstake wau made ln reportiug that Uic plans for Mms. flet*iiw house weme drawn aud Uice cutrset let iu one day. The contraei *"às setý awarded fer several dayu atter Uic am> ceptance ef Uic plans, tuns ÊIvIzlLg tbn* for several contractera to mtace queta- tiens. Li2~ - fermcnted imas 4e0. of Chaznb tlzey amke th. rua A" la the mom Oalara loc 1 Ais t OtI ,,,a eHlMat wide, concrets gavlng Sa elghteeM feet widc wlth dedr on ether aide ithrce feet fIle. lÈ[avist.grade Sa 4 per cout.. and sharpeat curvehas a Md-. tus or net more than 20* feet. Earth excaYite u p to September 1, 186,746 cubic yards& Sod removed up te September 1, 286,159 square yards. Pipe laid, 29,280 lineal feet Scaritying, 96,714 square yards. RoIin.g, 195,801 square yards. Total aniount czpended te July 31, $209,953,19. Total amount of debentiirea iaane $600,000.0ô. Torento contributes $150,00; Hlamil. ton, $30.000; Provincial Govfernmnent $4,000 per mile; Thc varidus mÙunicipal. Ries Uirough whlch Uie read Passes, $4,000 per mile; and thc balance of thc coat on a frontage basis. Commi88ton--Qeo. H. Gooderhsm. Fhairman: G. F. Beer, RI. Lunch. W. S. Davis, M. C. Smlth, Hugh Bertream, T. W. Jutten. Chie Enqineer, H. S. Van Seoyoe,» Division bingineer, Choa. Johuaton Supt. of Construction, R.T. Becli BlALE REGISTER. Thursday, Oct. Z1.-Mr. George Cocb- 'Mne viii mcli by public auction aU eof hi. farm stock sud Implements on lot 10, con. 8, But 1Whitby. Sale to com* mfnce st eue o'ceck. For further par- ticularu sec large postera Jas. Biehop, auctioeer. mineiain. ompAyd. Tor Ieae Lads o! the good old brccd. hie isý.eur hcurl:ý,i'ý Your country cala you now, 4- Up on your foot sud aay: '"Englaud, I'm yoV r Swear il snd kecp t1h.- vow. J Tluk of 1the brutd1 het, thlnk Of our o'w lett Where wogueu's biood rau red! Lads. must I sal a? LdaI sahJ.a Wilt yen aveffgoucr dead? Think oet itbitter bour wjlc,. Qrpm e Wrought murder gril.M. OuI o ethoe mathcy cmer SMent sud sure as faâte.- Bkking lu craventemi The v weugit titeir ef~1I They dared net face ouy mn, bUt, To ravisisud te kiM. Think ofetcadibaby face in ils coid Saud by towlprnla you a*telie our d41d Yen bave worn h eor4 7" ou mua Itur-tbe Oh4 "eme,11 7%quonh lmubée t ouer 'wMLl he,. YM te44 -â,té lte frot f b ur Jn mraû 1b, v omen, bv whtttthea .b~E TO a1W Immlmh -GolnIng~-5 ftl-Sn. MaULuyjff1j4grtong. ULgj4 !ro coers'quatat n he ring ie De-.l &fflaWta* u 4&u I tïby ve VI Lue lieutea.to inthe S8e Ionvila tae ommut hat*11 wçeu ~ Cnai ight liko té 1 eanu ber thé, orea famillon feet la 1az~beaSsua ft4,1le, Ad ith4 ehbyiàt r.éd ad uhesMy 7bed rrured Tau. suite et our e age. A Bmilo ma frOX Mii sd gin,' P"M , frge su* faims; '. er q%ýt the bulia s' 1Steailyr and atem enO -Mr=** , lm a he soit suds tson s or 1.11 To right aa ucu'a re ctoeorme. They core te flght otilht To ûght, aend it need be. 0.% To keeD our nazme from the taint or ahalmo And blason Ut on the sky. Oh, women who love them bc* yonriiea, Thsnk Cod for the gift He gave. Your breasti have auckied a 11ou'ai breG>d, The bravést of!tho brave. No hirellng'hoat wlth braggart bout 0f mastery of thc world, Truc sons 0f peace when war shs.ll cease And their battle flag lu furled, Terrible now, thcy have sworn a voy To avenge their murdered kin; The world ahail know wherever they go They will fight te the death er wti. They have heard the cry that rose OU high, When gallant Belglum tell,. And thc Germnsu flood in a mca of blood Made women's itfe a heiL With knitted brows they ieft their plougba. They swarmcd from our factorica then They marehed te the fight wlUi bayoneta bright, To avenge or die like men. The mword eof rance, or Uhc English -lance, Fiashed brighit In the auimmer's sun. And side by aide Inu heu matehiesa prido, They wiil flght WtheUi war la wen, Oh, wemen of Englaud, rich or Peor, Held hlgh your headu with pride.' PFor your sons arc the manliegt nhen aMeng Men, Te be found Iu the whoewerld v;ide. For honor thcy fight and Uic causeo0f right- Net for fame or paltry pay. They're a natlon's beat. net a man was presed, In ,ail that great array. They bared the steel that the f oe mlght f eel A free born peopie's wrath. Like the Vikings bold of the daya of old Tbey roueanud uallied forth. Through the blistering days ef suminer blaze, Through nights of frout and snow, They have fought like men, and wiIl again Wherc'er they are biddcn te go. They wiil neyer rest tili the steel la pressed In Uic teeth of a bectcn foc. Oh, mothera of England, have ye nons Who will ald,.Lhem lu Uic fray? No gallant who wilil oin Uic ranka To help them win the day? Notice to Creditors. Iu the matter of the Estate et Arthur Johuston, late et the Township ef Whltby, ln Uic County et Ontario, Gentleman, flecease&- Notice la hereby given purmuant te Uic Statute that ali peruons having icaims against Uic estahe ef Athur Johlnston, laIe et the Township ef Whit- by, lu Uic Counhy of Ontario, gentle- man, dcceased, who dicd aI Brookln the Ui said Township ef Whitby, on e 22ud day of Auguat, 1915, are re- edte deliverorc send by post, pro. pVatd. ho Arthur J. Howden, Columbus, t. rGeorge A. Johuston, box 42, =rok!, Ont., thce ecutors eX .aid eatate# on or before the 301h day of Oct ober, 1915, their namea and addrcss- es, sud a full description et heu élaims and tenD later take notice,- - x " ii P o ee ho dIatribute ho estate of Uic deccaaed arneng Uic part- les.entltled thereto, haviug regard only tte ldaims of wbici they shah thon have notice, and the iBid exodutora WMl -net b. hiable for tho said ass or a"y part thereef 10 any Demsn of' whcae Lai h -,nh1ot then har oevd -1 4un4 trans ia~-for Toreuth 4.11a~-u~qo pm.;'uon Tornto 8,16 Wht ?michlouat and 9i-U' sud OJ plm -up-Ti 0TÀIO ~ p~pe~. On esdareeig0 Swee PickeriU gvillage wu' thé atee"êot luotiier mass meetIng, ted e4 by iýew#,l Dpromilent. Whltbyms W ite #ae w a s',viiiitM o 1W d es a eVenng an«* a m eII g hed th'ere.I DI~~n ST T?ÂSRWÂOLIj, Sunday, Octôbe %jP' Rev. A. H. Foster, Bautor. The Pastor WlU occupY the pUlpit Bt both services. - Mcrning-Anthem*. "T1he--L.ord Reiga- oUI!' Anthe.#I.'e"Lea 10the 81ador c the ýRock et Â-Z. - 1 of Thy servant- Soie-. Mi, A.P. Whlt- an. S.sdAduit nBie -Classes meIn at 3 p.m., te whlch a cordial 1nvtatieft' la extended to ail GOOD WORK AT BowmANVLLE.n The twodaya' canvasu for the Pat- rletic Fund, held lu Bowmanvtlle this week, reaiizcd $21,318.80. The. smgunt aimed at wa $16,(00. SALE REGISTER. F'riday, October 15.-Auction ale10of herses. riga, harness, furniture, etc., the property of Arthur Coakwefl, Tem. Peranee uge, Brookli. SaBt 1.80 o'clock sharp. Termm cash. Wm. Maw auctioneer. Saturday,Ocktobcr 16.-Auctionsale of horges, cattie, implements, bugeg, harneas, turniture, etc.. at Burns' Ar. ena, Whitby. Makqe your entry at once Wm. Maw, auttioneer. Menday, October 1.-Auction sale of household furniture a.nd other goodu, the property ot Mr. Frank Scott, Brooklij. Sale Bt 1.30 pin. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Saturday, October 23.-Auction saie of 50 stockera and feeders aud 4 cows with calf, the property of J. J. Fitzpat- rick, at the Whltby Rouge, Whitby. Sale at two o'cleck sharp. Wm. maw, auctieneer. % Tuesday, October 26.-Mr. F. ATIVa.. gee wlll seil by auction un lot 11, con. 4' East Whitby, ail of hbisfam stoek and implements. Sale to commencest oee o dlock. See large bils for further par- ticulars. James Bishop, auctioneer. To Yoursel by 'keep in ng~ iyi tinmandyou w b iee Ct fried to youreelf mnd a pleas- 'ire to othera.McSt siekàesaS begmin h. the ordnary and mmiorailment1of thédlesà orPnne, and for thes m et have become the. moot popular reinedy, beSaùae they are mo They tone the stomach, tiin- ute the liver, regulate the bowels. By eleansing the system and purifying the bloodlthey proe that they Are Worth A Gulnsaà Box - -tla f pdl va»u.with overy box. soud OVuayWb«% EU b=«.. 24COuta. No O 110 IVU RIIDTRUER FRIENDI -AflilS ITS ORADUATES TRtAM ~51~1is benan active ani the upbuilding of our famous school. W. amit worthy atudante te get empicymens. Commence à ceurse now. Cataiogue f ree.i Cr. Yoge aîd W. J. BEIMI,. ;:~ I I kno*' CS W that diOS and Eye stiàk. - 70 YONGESTIT Corner Khig St., TOI'OEtoe ARTHUR LYNDE TEACHER 0F SINGING. - STUDIO HAMBOURG CONSERVATORY, TOONTO (Rus schoei of liusic) Teaches at Whitby every Saturday. Phone Bell iit, or ad«Ilress box 505, wHITY Kvl7ïng new but thenae aQreât military Opening 66NIGIIT BEFO E THEBATL 12 Big Ail Star Acts of -Vaudeville tý"2 » tont misa tis a&w-'ý.'rh etee Big Concert Band & Orchestra.~i Street Pàrade et eNoun Tickets on sale now àAÀlli sdru# ttome PHICIES m 5AN 50 ENS < A ILROAD ".d Tel gahy ColurPse of thencam$ "on>eead modern kWa tabh u whome i baw00"m - L&el ahe.d R.11roo4 'ti aerrï St.East TorontorefO for parteulsr n sul mos W.- H. Shaw, Pmo. INICHOLSON &SELDON Phone 35 WHITBY TWO FIR8T-GLASs FIRIrIT6g aut 1800 on su Invealmt for'1 mon"ha AmenaI abom UtM1,W » PIF REGAN SaREGAN, LOAN We have a d 0tanm 6t eret uI 113 Ma 4 an U habme ýL«TORONTO-CHI atceG c v T alPavlleuamad bethin 1- I 4 Att tcndai Pr v i Corl Rec. .Asst Trei Rai Par Pre Fle May Tr Ne mitta Rev both~ Stren Ev( To Thi terne M. V. -on, af Batei Ne, 0. -.w wu tipu laterj T* ai u re for1$~ rea; choic', s s A NEW ISSUE' _____ of the. iTeleph'one Directory, 'la DOW= = ad p tkerd d adiuon e obogm todtoers..i ot ioetcLehone? Thmo àwb mbv vii ~ ~ ~ ~ proo 1.1yutctL .ts osacofm ui JU!!.~LC. aU;Sk Off. net This WHITY BRANOH: A. A. ATKINSON# Man#u' OSHAWA Ol A, H. BLAOI, I e. ýL Es LUXE

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