Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Oct 1915, p. 7

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Iê ~erIeniS lit ~ ~ ~ r? éiU~Uf% ~I4n~ ~ure 11y1~? &~qI ~~ui4-bI et ï4w. Mililea Ãœ ",dpart-.h rvll ià et lke ugri. .d - I1ti alt4S ýWerke.rto as geDUtbu, o ap 111til e akIll~~~~ te.tièl cM-tre 4 ota'cpàbemtt hbr, nWdnhhiste qPiultitl 1Wgbgo.Teidst rW tilta ofi tS*~o 1 Qite osistnt :ith us n~trué rn M -'bé 'eCo- $ted eibIe e01. ea evie fnai~i wh >~ llA lyaleericegiea. temtriv -for a i, A wap I .çol*Ç -dw niaîpl luessence la prompt *nd te -their ou saiiatde U1e~t e e. bodence ta orders. Ani&4n thé,eeîd O et %cMs. But Wliile61Miý' 0ime tlikhation,- if it las o do fts UCh dratlc rtvolUtlOn as that 10 eut pjpr1 nuât, no less thawtlm, ofP"atu latic, msd&dl*cf waz, oteý Ptitielf uncler discipline torCII 4eý 1~î~~T ~the industrial plane ih e-aiau- Uat *2w rate. eé-iie b&- ut 4t ký onsby àw.TheClèeft fttthé ezpafll , mi& 1d -tile Co0ZfgtOltof C« vilotgiv ories t evryindvidaithe oldier. but ot i. profùts' et the - 1< tbe end of the war. National mer- clownm.àefinei by tearue cttn, prlmarily bypbi pno.Tesple vrwee riational unity of Gcrmany or France, The second aspect ot the fémanciai their efficieney and spirit, tudr polmi o usle.TeGV subordination et al questions et ;ernmn-g bt as already delared that. Person or clans ta the. supreme buai- rsipeon tnmysnemr ness ef war, la net due te statutes or partly 50 that thc savinga uffected te tsar of puftishment, but te a telf- m&Y be invested ln thé war boau, lmposed national discipline, dire&ed partly go that, by ieducing the quai'a and eoncouraged by Government, but tity of foreig Im hpor'te, We may les' lI its essence of popular orlèin. And Ben aise thé bfil we have to psLY lni this cuntry unity and efficiency abroad. It is for 'ýus 110w..to caiTI will only corne through national disci- these ordue out. If we are ail te do pline simllarly seif-ixnposéd. It 1,cuir sbire te help te win the war, we not until every Wouker, cvery enmploy- musi set abont eenomîzillg in every er, every farmer. resolves to do what- Possible way ourselveR. Th ttus ahl ever:wiIl serve his rouîâtry best in this have a part te play. No economy is the daY of its trial, wiiatever it ma too esmail, whether it be in food, ma- ceut, that we shahl get efficient erga- terial like petrol and tires, or iuxur- nization and inner peace. les, for It W t t affcet thé balaece of Thiisspirit la specially difficult t p1e d. Am i n mum it1hefa Introduce in the industrial aphere. xodtrBiiepvt l8r Unfertunatuly the war bas caugit the la tee small te lau-est ini the aàtil British Maes ai the cri*i of the atrug- loan. lI the aggregatê the. effeet wilI gise betwoen capital ýaid labor. Ia- ho immense, and our conduct for tic duitry ftoelt han beçome a sort of rest of the war mnay determine whe- trench warfare in whlipsiios'r ther we are abl#, te last eutý an end - u~n Q retinc positier ons are whîch is decis : .Months au-o thse demperate fighting. In consequence. Oerniane begiri te worlc for VkCtory te a largo proportion of tic popula- inl this way. _We ha"e now to -make' tien duty ta the Biato bas been al- up for bagt turne by stili greater reso. Meut fqrgottun li the more prssn lution ln the it. dlaim. of duiy te their class. Sud- F jnally, in order teo enfôrce eceeu. denly another and more real war has c>my, as well as toe eae the industrWi -- Inturvened, with -an implarative de- positon, drastic new ,taxation may be mand on bath sides to abandon their necessay. This, Mflhj~ea--4t pretiï i trife and bcnd alil their energies to bly ougt te, ua*the wef>lw 1 c spleail special war prao ve n ao- lireasing tie output - 4>M < l the avragu p r a nto th( ree,,4îrthe h au-e mgofar been uftable toth vr aesiôté -;dé Tiie Uellng bet1ween émphoy- coffers ef the tan on wages ers and labor "Id a~; ethra stihi bicher ~e-tax, *W'd ue aidé will make nm=h dvndi'ewsdutica on sncb1 e 1 z tâ'ad compromise, and, in consequCe~ ~bO@4 strikes Étll occur, and the output of supplies l le eeouly delayed. In COMmetr1y a 'à' the. ndustrial sphere tuer. in as yet needed to deïl ïwith ' 'auneh> o - 1un"te front te the -oe. It lis manlt. drastie ecanem-1y may ause, tue Gev ,stlysardb botb sides. khd erOlielt must Judge It la for us tE ù4i~fta7~$i raontat "ee.acu the ,burden ceheertully and Sew 'Ita ueê4o be ailowcd to -WIthout Celip1aAnt. :t eOngt-thep9itlnsthey ccupy om - shila ~Mai4~UIU a DICIWTU5 il»il&oirii ~r lk, 4â7i - toi KAcgé,wJ3M, Oc Ifr~ ~ ~ ~~ fi- tilt àhk t t frge teyaregetmeen1nemati .~~r~b*0bI*dw t fth ie< iih e y k, aldthhve t.9 cotzrne 1!tkhéthélub*4 1 s aI ionMàU> e06th08 V1& ontlte4r elae su e at th leOi r t e e n r h ni plfrrge tht luio ý n en le g. eem leh 'Pl à e i i» ~e, td <"b1c.lpo ýt eh, _71.. he a4thug1 ob.snbs n~.n.xe.u*~W~ Wî.Iikitat UieI iildi' Abu . amie heIhave snth s M# thjt. wethat ùwd h Nrv@nédfe ,..TeagerigialiaD&WFoe~j<~ ~ ~ sos n in rnc ain -rave mt pIPtbqmenglk~ lions bLèdeld e idc Thy aârethe ad, hpae wltli ii ty. - u - probew gh rWht. TTihselln e~ dwn mnsn eyae mth em to do what. ~,ccomanied very e <> ~y er« andpUrfe ad myblo<l decu . ffEtm -astie in gwn'ersJl . na emnofce edn l e tors nd tOk <~' ' we~d ne cese é~essin ther 5U- be-ii prfectgeodibutl'. igivethe ritia o 1tc havewaymleacs hl thiig- any benefi , ' i«- -done heran hoe chap oldj e glrgemmiiais bte t lVIl b"For n a nea nd ofbraver n Ile», èvorytlhI ~,tiOi 5e,~Ul ia Boritrih fenlemen te eu.»L m *Sniwi 35 neald UOnte"~ o~* t pflnPthf grmicebhebifall. t he ts ta dcehe a onlthe a oy of twt, and Dr W llam' i'> Pll, nd sfut bgm ~ ful heW ight_ ae we -o heilÙîn~a g enralwa, l me,fndn ever * them to d S t. ableMê t inge eu c begiro ws that l ctu.Tu ci,.haien, s uha edl a twl ue iem-H aaS )ysn ce h 1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ã""î1« w1pW outl, mrviiutl U fi n b hi acetoi.t thn.Feyfmlyua ohngeuapoutdot familes uBolvd. When unae7 t h fr m h sterle a1 i painfu the a-10, but when tbY got thT&efrflmen Nnvillue. here-was a nd y wkillbe one - gptàlad trefrm " fireo ta tp- e wat ufi milry euê. l,. Thq ---4---- h wulent hit t ffontea er 1T'*ewà ork6güaiàtà gemator erpor1 ave, buto waic for memintubonaesft, eir whole une seeryied id siss e andERITS 0F CErifiNvATRS. olutesadwhnh0hdto 1 wilyil e r ila.'?n il C . burning ba n teiv e.. e an eeu ysee eeal. esaGemnofcredi en i ovMf t the waned woul lead imsolf.H sîun pi1 r ol yalmdiiedne s iniite opefl IMne théll' «I maswllt-dyasafdi,.lts êae'Tryfllwtèë. u bor n or i ug abdxemor$.0 adcrem u- a*u0 wlnô teir t "izbsur- hen erft o athing h i 1ualy bentheritsman ce r tat uwa s mor he- wu Te r Wlllam, ut wtMucie G, l e tr.8ldtiughtthé1 ire ri6lookd ue-asl t eé ly prosaian d iigstf o it Fn h. tipgSuddenly 'et and 1 none ci'Op ,od moe a**aoniante tern elofertbecause REau 1a s TH e aDVRRTZSE En to.sehe ofi in tt a sor of trial bc, aniden ut Wl n aobuj4eewIllencmay omndr eu.St. WeaPinkud ir ndafet u j1ïo-ýfe iapeed tac cet" wle t ltfwhle thereW, L 1ta thiay efî urea eenIi whoe ompthe aixi of o~tturons avç bee Hemeafaous bathoyn ofe- IUItIIIand a ami tou rnenci beîznro-ext ha n, mesi eb bot u aeut tpn sch ra ëthe ne mwilcu lre d Ma êi fti.wr f ltIbiIltt~ aThey p ita gTm. OIOfr- tbb Jînaâ i"1teck ait bi ac.re tbu S eir ý, nyso fO f» gooduwas dolnc throviug ti 1a wun a t fs&ienIoeftii r ounttYkst,- oxr n'. Por fBlanc, tar hih éng q a edstfmlsIn8oad.W n thé~~~~~~ rat uc&t t~1-Idd ~~1Y iIÇ I ýIKo sds nlet Tsn ter e Acrwsn urtie tnizp~o t wzefo m s terirbeot nd aiefail, acks wewb4Ygtt e r N ei l>alr-alenb kthrPe-che a11W kSee h W do a sudti.-peôlefrm il ii ouftCy yhyai ie ~ ~ tW ~' oiite hich hu- treated himuid, elt a)ldbot -ahvt. bee fn t&x erer o Tbe mont stbbor*tcase of sc1atnt t, indigoestUnn sud - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lk buiden boacomenel#t brais ýha. 1WlIY l 61ss5s*I n e r .Vao"etmnI*anetst, eèýand" ben eocur d tuiel hoy if t t atmrosi e ite i h es e flît, o t one p lii î 11 heintha seetud ii oder w ured lde eabrmsedy. Clomel, ovU e ld te rentlz in e deauflepr r -~n'Pei'if B t mortHe i Made. mlt ndMen le reneandr -rwl tii o en fthe 'maienat f50,ucens a i- -maioqathbe t is beum icusteî a'fl er y. hi e y arquetcarhaeIdis- mu,-Mdi ine Chnraproqan at-n-----4- 'a...- ýh1 Th ac o tlua&lnethig a qsals rbeen pe.rfOr..."4>.. ...t I d,54as ênome- taO ceeea0lty OT Keepiuigtwesr w-merËw11 . ...i. -eoi net xacutaeo xa-ms.sp.ezashave PzlADhTHEtA-by nIeaEMlnNTthest ïg, buVôsth 6fDr.sort ofn " -j. deshgnanomeThincideuntare bst1 The G"ta Âaure 'wo tu It.t&*aigeý for a lu n 1'th- SVIiàte iur BUED f meL ,all&d.for &uai.it5 irinag and0 Septeber wae-four 4A7ie bWl.Ci~inanW eÏi NLIKLiq"TOr LAW EXAcrT Pfousfrohalblton Gélhnlug. The ro1i$tIo msucwbla tsp ",a the Order ijuit t ied u ts triw Çentrol 11ofl in charge Ilquor tralýi l in ùàèîtpèof a -Merey ditrict $lbypcal of Wb$ ýbe»igdone. 1tiln order .prohibits ,the sale intoxicatfn 4 hiqudrll tels «o, lieensed premise!.or custi sumptionontepe se-yri hour i ot ~h :#1 ,i $antly iii terne way. lt-w 1ua » - blare e onsdre ue verp -qui 12 nonlaad L8i ti,, - aflenolm ai d Dptcr-f.r 'tic, tomach eaaidsW ed sp2 ts se and at5 oc r ekanmisçte li I, o.sar oreta ai e to p te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~4ïe dievrte .î t erauw- ,oth rfe u4 ivb- - cuhýMue o Uowng ÃŽUIW wrh- i R or es-om'te- e4h" ..M. -o Ïm#t ln7tvltably> be mn&4 If tW m 1reIM lu té î ixau rd.tiw*ù g j 14 1,obvipslydglcl4'for armies te .Uspendthiqare te.' ubatitut entn as iuIe b tte State te lay down $ta rs ateipo «dm" of 04lc, b u te1' eeei 1. to ~crsetbi. output or WuMie3"io te cutmost PO"eatbm-' te ,eé~ Outeuembat, aIL pwl-yId of~l~F!.warrat*~-muàit b. i¶re~ frÃ"~n4*I*é. poIs nto h et b4teý,» tbat Oeu-maab woklgbaf mgo1~ A~ISRA4UO~A~T xii wA~. ~ sys; j ninea lu, su&11 ..~.4.uT,0oO lien rSI* I g~.t~&54t tw4t' h~unw~4i Ils IPW liii mi atige md ai No~ eibM é' menu,, vend te h' I t k Ft i Se- page- tir *ho d bt thé

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