Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Nov 1915, p. 2

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it tlt, a (r Iu'~ am an sd turu about -rd ovOT thefr wbud;;rftd Lnd when 1 fyas tbrougiùh jdly fellow gaVe*îa', fve gold .torifl pieces for mysëWe did Jakob Opzoomer took thefri ious dlamond frora hmi;-went way to wherefer, if Wa .*1I4 gaine t'romflopody éfei 'beard where it ,ras. "That le. alI 1«eer knew-egeeépt the name of the fierce-eyed fillow, who wasn't iee by nature. It was that name ln the newsbapers that set t. me to remembering, tili by ana by f aer-1 ail game back. 1' Whatefer begae of them, or their ,rted dlamohd I nêfiï board, atier. I1 often But wondered. 1 know 1 ndfer before or He smo. ffd i no eèiëfüL*ôqc- Struer sapY" interrupted . The e" instant it becarne apparent that'it wis ive now, n naine retéetly seen ln, the neWs- ce more. pàpers that had refreehed Aaitaen'is egighng it1 melnory, the detectivo had béecme Othe~ hahi alert, watching for a chànée&to break Lto and froi. Now he coula contain blinseif no om evry ps- I Wh!9 t was the fella's naine?" hol at last, scowl- demanded intpêtuouâIý, a mean to saT 'It wàs -clear *thtie tutvhrnan did. rough the mail?' ngt approe ofet Strber, but hoe rec<,g- roduced the. brown nized 'hise aÀthority to ask questions, to which stili ad.- aibeit wlth a sboi* of spleen.* and the portion of The same'as that scodundrel'si you that had served asbouics côuldn't "-th," ho sald, thninp- uber was examinlng ing the table-Wiiets4" ~yas -Aartsen had . (To be tàsltlmid.) Cks according to one sol.emtiky et me. -Wnen it cornes to uiamond. 4.- ..t~ tit is Impossible to make a picking& witnesses," he coinmented, "Yes," 1 told )jjm* "And I neglct-RÙ IFI ltit¶Io. '%~me.andIan popf'r kilt with less than seven "yo're Bure some pieker." f4dt tt~à t ~s~toe e 1 "ore hmetanyarndspiMr. Hall stared înquiringly at the g1stert'& 19 TI cance ling Mark, Otl R owi o Re"iïcoirg LoMs91à the Fr r ýéSï,the The pleating is a process that can détective, whom he seemed to know an îeeforyau-selveèPis4ou ànrar- d ltè,iate Vaticouver owns 1lanmotor aitebut nevertlueless he greeted us af. ed te give an à fWf""at*n. Wr »dl'h lae upkeep and operation or whieh cost only lie carrled out by a slçilled work- fably and COTiff cted -un inside th~e it not fo; the fâcit hat the. boiïder -Farmers and viilagèi's Bhould be $8,842 last yeur. er. It consists in gathering in the railing surrounding ik-is private deas. trimmedfroire my caïd' » ael1 mn temi atv f«r rtc Thecu ofeeln fo tisyea wIlpleats at the top, rcnioving the sur- Before I could offer a word te ac- tÊe wrapljing-Ihitd ben tund rn the tZia.Whl otvilgshv be o-eeof the heaviet in the history plus cloth, and so shaping the kilt te ounforourintralo, th gntie ciy, i .wuld e iiponibl-thaove of D-ritish Columbia. - thse body. Otherwise the shape is man for whom I waa waitingr arrived. mine where tdm parcluravs nmailed." o iefthigsseifwhv Fraser River and Puget Sound can- mere4y that of a woman's dress. $ewsaM.JhansArsn i--Ice ll xcsmd s.Ial addpstets iigioae mond buyer for the jewellers where I whose every business instinct patenlj frein auto punuplg fire erigines, nere sys h rsasy etahooefihighasekitbsewekowit o-aylo adcnledonth wa, iTaheortkiltouraèds"Yu ay hee as henisi ndoter pprai±s ad fr seasori this year. net the original dress of the High-, on ail sorts of precieus stonos, sud been no letter of advice?" alarm boxes, the farmer or the vil- The stampede te Swarnp River ln lander, but is really a modification of regarded as one of the foremost dia- "'No sir," I assured hlm; 11nothing laýger must constîtiste, hiinself an in- the Cariboo lu ever. Thse prospectera the original Highland plaid, which mond experta in the. United States. whatever." div1dual tire'departMeut. It la in the found more clay than gold. consisted of a plain pie'ce of tartan Ha was a short, stout, elderly ROI- Once more 1 addresaed myself to autuzilu and winter when the, stoves, Seventy-Ove uvw bouste have Ieen from four to six yards ini length and lander, with a scrub of -grizzled mus- thse expert&. "There- seesjss te -bq "te pn i ncsad tekrsn bufit et Trait, 13 C., this year, and two yards broad, which was foided, tâche and wearing glasses WhOSe .question Of the goms gei nuiinnste opè fir e mtcues a thé k eree many thersare bing bjit.or plested round the waist~ and firnsly lexUsffes minified his eyes tc> half their Mr. Aartsen; perhUape yoi~n g ive~ f ei no s ht'h i t)un thematbi ng uilt rnebudwt aie ot etsItstrue site. After introductions were us an estimate cf itS prebàble value. danger te greatest, Eternal vigilance urin t,.C handbeo er 6,00,0ricelouw4i aide ol!downbeltw9the kneethemade I addressed thse banker. I don't asic, you, te b. exact; Simply a is t>se price eOfapfety. pRut f ih ucso t ett jit ise uper part bein' asend ow ~'then, Mr. Hall, I want firet -rougis spprisa tl u1C, nubMayctry and village. homes Chcg.to thse sheulder with a large brooch box, thon if it lu convenient I would this matr'< up uec ie thé re r ente" intah cidr- Lady Elizabeth B e, ife eto an-or pin,- like for al et us to retire te the di-;, Bèfore-1 hâd finished, the, ing t-bise coM mthonharuish and dte-y d tI hi pe-patwso i sdasrcoa rocin.1Ishah net detain yen iman. va.utteri'ng qusorguttural bisaratro- îdicrmte tl do1pis Bruce, F.R.G. ., died a Iver- Tsupeprwaalnusda loec to tera Newfuspapera, is"ý*d avn ahàd nraga, oàd cotise,et. merci 13,C. She was thse second a covering for thse shoulders and body longoru thé -a fr umonng oie dwangaad1»sgycutÃŽtng iemot îint a obl daugister of Lord Iddesleigis. ln wet weather. To. attire iiseit in f ths gaterlngInvoies a altercf prteat D. C.MeGreor, ayor f Kase, te pbcted paid n theoicI I cnsideable ensel1ensl on.ttheI pVaeaP' . plaidd, inêthetin, ar tmonrina.,%I eo- D.C.Mcrgo, aorofKwouid. ike, to keep as privat. as yo:- througi iry AXuqîWMe. ' TI ltialy th wn-fotô! s ti e pré-. Koetenay old-timer,, h-aving- llved ineOsiali ameunt oweteiy isewtnessa b a statement fo all maire, fui *1îamond_1îe tIa à.dllrs ;" ot -viagersuÊe tise krosenelap tis ditrit aout8]>yeas.usual way was te iay il on tise tioor and te somiething I have te show etestal XIt iJ ohlhes- o-ese.orpýtI -a. tauôw candi. while Nearly 100 mon are werking et tise and after carefufly arranging theyouY ti & 11 udse isuad - do1l iI ',sts ela t toerO. J3iebell Mine-on Xootenay Lake. Or. fo!dts, te lie down upon it and thon There were ne objetionste us y pro-. a ~ahnd~ s ity edT I5p or, 'caüdla pw, a' rt was iratdug ut q thi min by la eln whiehisth~e' Highlander posai; ln tact, ail were prel;ty curioüé sile,y etis usi eu,, rad nt1s eecitieet, t- wào-i v tq hsenminae en l 182. col ùiàs à - phutei. byIi ime;- and vvle 1Ut. Rail ied twê -illidw d #ou$uad-mb 01 ver t ih nvlphùul. the others towardtis-e er, 1 made -b0ore ,oiss.body else - st.. h u s- »cul s awomn Ua-prose~sts 21000 mon fri>mC nnlà tbgo to Rus- e acnfie, e v i ts tu *em in the. dirêctora'sa'a -ilu4k.ma~- ,>It u. lutcrant eat Âia and »s1l .9j îîiwy, 500 Scottisis name-was ummtd Iryhe W'.s. b Ijlu . erui-mplë,d bail w ods 1rutWr a ard ,ýth IE!t: ln="-. freee silice 'f rom e figh josg 'Que, kMdt s w. tcuo lb-to'da.-hTise laid' ye}ow tiârkp dp0>u 'tsepo~ uirii,[BO. hgi sisolsu tsekitwere ulx leiuented by aus ed "uile tôý, 6o4osé p Ur wd ta ft eirêý 'lIkw a pv Il* -eePort rded a9 nd IgSs. ossg e both e a o r nt4 oiial prfa'4fSiSO ts e8 ud ie n OIis. ~- '~ -~- - *4ZM th al.-8wIld a hpalse-.mld $-i éased thé, k thàt weçioefrrd s ifr eut e,b iewÀ if w, ~ the thehét tà n ztê.dw "X. ZMuoUs-iveuiandi t, wà d li-bis S WC-."$es çolor 4 et, wcn i» n »dee -ofe 2lead iarncan l fdrl eeaIyfxdls tgre iAbwvi.W trd*t, lidd s4asa,1o. btgwf th rgmet ~e ~ a 'pyeac' th te igt e.A.w.e 9 o0o4_1 Abot. 00 o re oing istsejr ws ie ile btontasls thies m thrug--ise Rae, n t Arvisionin air =- holm 10t antsea~ro utd*adr,. Smfilses of df*k'I erandlafe is h er. myofc n ietetatenve-. J èy,'-ý àf t iaeldt ,Ib*tt-ts t rofflmiet gpve..& datesepay eah 'etthé' pig$ tOn. 7wdoahssitree hlown-. tbougisvtisaIio4dthéir Weanre t t lhst.-ine obsttog e "dit - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a to termnlg ocrod twol rvd l il oetfi- e truc thas»sIbv e mi el hi u Auze*..uggd i' ù- covtÀ40< onre orkn ns tmtos. hoIilvr utos PWp a 807c011 Wh, i te -~Rey ota on e aesoo ele;Tt 7 i. .WO of'~he~om Uar4 ar-be. lia reao u ràqlglazo de. withe c* sg tat cte utfor taek 0f have t t c . at ed ie1cosue *it *lvr(uSt- bo u plne h ui nd p 870hi- m t e arler-tis or I wu or o or ei.t oaozn'ejs toi,r gaso,.i h, oul. ls -. p$ýe, eo hve i lleh asjt porg)lwu k eaosi. #u1150<àClui ilsium d is;me»vre'wr7,0 ? t=? on wa -E.WNTAINS EOALU WeuLes*atngl C 0 em ags tjt 0-Yster Diahes. Frkd O rs creoIe.-Âllow six yseste, escis ,per5oi. - Pl'51 tise oysters, -at n pperttèesu rét ttfnl . .. .. iécrunibe.Dropin golIden brovis and place ext -rovi p'a- perte ,drain. Serve on a b.d of fried parsloy, as g«ivon below. Fried Paley for Oyoters, Meats, Iveen thse meat fillhing and thse tire- prodf ds. Eltier cf those ,dishes makesaa bearty eal if served with gray or toat sauce and affords an econoni- loti land easy'metbod of utiiizing lef- overs f méat or vegetable. Whére 44-~e~!is lo Ii osma proviens mealîs~l-JX&Idazo filling for a,gi h%U o-epakf ThîigaWéeh Knowsag- etc-"-Pick off tisedélicate lens 01of]Wuàtard 'and water la an easy and brais-es Of Véry yeUng pars loy, msild Ïjeebl. wasi wéll, drain and.put in a fr-ying Vinegar, hot, viii removo paint pan in which you- bave pI aced a table- marks froni glass. Spoonfuil of lard, medium bot. FrY Vînegar. sud -water viii ¶Istroy nits slowly and use as a. garnisis or as c1 hildren's heads. needed. Vinegar aýsd grsuulàted sugar, mix- Stewed Oysters.-Take about 4 ýdI viii htçhcUp. dozen large oyaters, and drain iu a VInégar, dlluted. viiikéép meai colandeir, Mix i1 tabiespooulul of lieur. frmb l n bot close veather. and 1 etf buttér togetisér. Put iplut IMusxara .ruibe>d onthé lIAnds viii of oxister liquor on tise ltire sud add at oence rene, ai ell oet tub. tise.,our sud butter ,blendedL HaveI Vinegar rubbed 'on- disceolored steel-. ready hIanother sauceêpana pinI o! work ensurés-a. quk easy oies». richs b ot drémn. A 6 r îrinute, . Pbwdered aluns added te crdinary a:dd bià t6 tise oyàter tiue, StlrrIg tove biacking ada b tits brlhliancy. CoStsUtl ite 'vnt burning. ,Salt bluotard-Wted *!ths soiftfood for sud pepper to-taste. Let il belii el. îillreapos sud qulkens tisa egg onee .and& tisenadd tise cysters- Srespy alle 3 inues. isi laa wel-.now- - ustrdte btaix tise full flavor, 'Suteri eIoey ~{shoùld b. mixed wllh salad-.eil and Oyatia u' ~rmsau-Brwn isenot,- vatet. cup c olgtrat4 brea4crumibsis h _ IttiO -.?ust ard-plasters vil! not blister if- butter sud 'ens- butte "È,alÃ" disi led -vith, tise olt f an egg and and àte*u.tJWý yâters vils "threËbod f îvtr cruma. ~rep tse ystes~ad dy Vnegr sd bràa, iusan suexcelu wltis -a leais oloI, season lslisly, sud lentî poultice for aU aches, pains, Asud plaee theio n, oIÏ YI sê,»ise 1bread-: , b_$ea' . - ,*lltbs,'~re5lgcsipdpre'jVng, adde4--i6thiiPnsing âe O!ýjez W ng~ One or two ç~~vi~fddrM ain it kcotton noved pour in( jle, ~rnlh.ris men Too M Their fai Ivrinkles brightneE aches, ba :4 ing of v~ to blame. the blood and it is lessness) giVes wo appeara'n blood su! reg-ularly only on restore 1 greater Pis acti restore t] ýw(rk or glow of 1 tired, wE brigbt ar Pink Pl'i any worr Ont., sai Williams Some ye as 1 did the trôu' wreck. walk. 1 and cot stû,pping alnxust i and wou suif ered hesâdae1u would to Catck from fi would b a smot were*su would -t triede out ben would E ing Dr. fore lor were hi the use ple-tely in theix mend.-t women. You PUIS fx bymaià for $2.1 icine C wV- qj~ts w'--- t, é efor, polshng, tisns à àbril- ch suýàd Iliaif lu liicineas leabout. I witbtvma paper socis, vl o14 vostiher, ragiýrugs'are nict kIiceis, asn lbey tan b. bacon, siwww is zi i~j '47, -i

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