Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Nov 1915, p. 5

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WOULD LIKEý VOURý Do you know that if your I's trouble you 1 can fit yobr I's with proper len s 8that thcy will cease doing s . 1 wiIl refund your money if my correc- tion 15 flot satisfactory to you. R. N. Basibett Jeweler and Optician WHITBY, -ONTAIO W. C.T. LX The regular meeting oft he W. C. T. Vwlll be held at the. home Of Mm. R. ~.Oke. Dund.8 atreet, on WodneutlAY ,t ernoon. November luth. at three o'. cloek. Mrs. St.siter, Coimty Proldeit, Il be present, anal give a report Of lh e Provincial C@iiVOtiOfl AB ladies intptrested ln teMDeralIe vOn *Il! b. cordlally welcoDIOa The annual temDeraaoe nIly Of theB sunday SchoolsU WbOheld on'BUn- dlay, Novenbr 14tbý. Wstch thile 00»o nex t week for prluas xq,.»bo 4 Md#5 Bal *tom~ ý'The edter bs er-~lhl. té. e6i . W.l7ndekâ] but.evlugt teck*,etsa.ilmt heud oven uht iutvek 0.11 and nse. our*4 sMImples t -h s carda vufllherelasa goi ronge t sire&. C. A. Qoodfelow 4 son." Bile 1«en uebilionameasz lu'ai nght. 26c. per.boi . J. L fIa,ý druggistand optçaI. Mm P . L ftrevefhe, i.Outalo 1*41leW Colles%, vil receive on Thurs- ;4ay, Novemiir Utà, ah thi,,Cottage.l mmL Haromd Mima MazellW» a cave wih hber. gio te lam yThompM tôton iêurtIL Plane Glosatglu OsClallY Pnepare for pian os.fMituro aMd aUtomobOIs. snd makos *Id thingu look 1k. nov.1 26c. and 50* er b otU. at 3. E IL I~' drugglstaud optidia TiioBuadai Sebool of thé,i. Mitoit T*berns.cie took a Osileàcin on un-ý day IMstfor the. Red4Cross 00olty. Ai a reuit $?.00 more viiib. cefributeil te tbetumd, btuglug Up -te a tOW t-o $32.00tiie donation from th. Taber nale> SchooL toenfor eg.eet.Appoitmnts may O bmd.by ~oeN.211 J. Y. Watson,* inidrvear, 26e. te $8.00 per germent at W. G. waItor5. BÂZAAIR. The lade etthIL-.UC.Chureh vU1 bod their influa basaiand tu, lu the mualo haL.WMhy. on Thii December 9hz.,FtUfer ZàrtOuIaa lat8r. A DartOf the reedto go to the. patiotit fun&l P«or emeral heusewâ& p~ te mmns.Jos. Ela& . ~ ,tt Mrt. A.la. BeUlà lahavtng us boling afloy put inte oo00.baj>;e atter *'lb. wear anal tearOe t atutonM0o4t4 The aile are bbiuff&laned msadpa. pond, md çoaod mi UU-au wWl b. as smooth as glas agaju. 'nié bowling aRly lias been largely patron-' lied Mincelts Openlng isat Jaiuar. Pem A"Iele ome ad unÃŽdorvea t W. à. Wallons. mp tor husa Ie~ fo.wa lng to pal dXmaluaû1n. rlid Scotl&m.anyviwere, veul4 lie ie - »te 'Of berthe a"es&.O1~NLOt *ahloMtusti ertb afie 1 tew flti" r lemuïb by.Mn. Ifonnrty.the. 'evtig Cloudl wiàth&h ga.g t ul til Sn Thieren w'srâo sewu htie 4017aton tei toectp ii oit Re.A. HIL tmiepastor. MW gh t P7Levlug K.tndne0s.' a "e a Topet othe provincààal Sundai Anhe ui-oAln e Nons PSst eé Anthem"-<'Soft as fades th. Sumst W.l J. IWILSONDISN OOT. ~w..~-<t Wflim XWilmm.bether0f by nder Eilh"001hol auspices: oni ing abOUt hebout.-IMM Thurea, ovmbr M1,1 limto heurBt 8it Deccasoa nee v iii iluatrate the. lectumre.»,Len eton et 'iii.lat.e$ t- cual talent Wn» mu lu thei. porera. L5.e o~lI.H 0 -lit EBokul. nl Whtby. 0o te Hanry Thontbsm or eig b'au hemc@ucted a betii< vo sirsSOlu- E3rooknnl,'but foriii.!P ÂBJOUIIND FOR A wiII The po110, court cae gltIL. Holidayandl Chqrle Cuenoro, -whw l .mlatyre's wur ascalleal 4r N' ait, eU mv0o epronats le prOaqu- tin v8~U»bie te .be P'SI#aa Cha "CMeron neeteal the. 11111. for- mat tputthi l-u anu4pa~n The, osa.vas hh«eroooi&ounf n i» uosdai .venlu& 14ovemblý-re-. u Magistrate Harper Issued a warrant er the. arreat or Caerot nure hlm ap- p.arine non ime. mi«lug buive anu e te Crm ÂI tom" y Pe*elI ounSt<raylexLMie leavos a wf~t*oM-o inr mcd Ivo «»Sous ailmee. -i teck ple os dAthe mayo [Tton -h ara t àt -ýtii.80 SBÂIW Ont. my premiss. a~ ut mas have aima b>~ »atl~ Shah etiien. ~DU5OB.x JE iW)atb7~ &Xl1 Notice le hereby giMe UaBlSt et the. ahutholdnm of tiihe iul Celglà tht Tern i tWib o WO<1OSIth zbr 1918.i 0c.iving thé statemeut cf tii. tfmln-'f tbi olael. eleehiý,o oDirechoes andl the.trià"ss.ctlon su& aOh t.rlu eraibiuieslà.m ble broW>be lister y ie tht e ard. iiib -eebrlas, 1401e ae, 1hz.. wite legs. rlaig ibre. Ju froni I alan la I Ivo '~I An lira.Wiianeu it br.hela i -mm.AJ'tur tque. oh Cavàurtoii, vimied Iis vcWttbL.'Mt., a&I lm I Titi iè-a special synup fôrbibies udyouing ufnt. iacarefuuflypre aeproduct oentàting.olytho i -à g ed n -s .* h ÃŽ h fl b r e 'à lu p th e 'c u g h ,,w iî'h o 'U t ~ iiifavorablê efeot onthê-digestion.' Prlce2e a BUl WHITFE:LD'S I Drug and Bta~In t el o bell nue37 Pitio le& nom.-- BIWL'BS. ~UUAUY, on weunes- ~.enry day, 0cfohtr 80 1015, te j. Ki o7: Eord, £ eon.'5Rem"] MRÂEL Mrn MICHA$I~NVM à- 11 t <y Luon l Wedpsdm. N '3mbrw8191, by SOUL Re4. ; . oLsnE.~,Missn Affl vu May1yanao M. Hoard'#ilonSus SBIJR R W el Mri. C. M. WlllooZ vi» not recelvOl uii.the Nev Teet- Vw P. À. Rulmelelu O a . o. #"tal, viere sue bau udergone au 0oP- eratioi, 'ehdiU SIgiceffti. --. The County of Ont*iio014 dGfrW A& sociatlon vili holal their regular menti- ly meeting Wedne, a$NombSh10, in the auditorIum eOt the. Public -Li-, brary at 4 P.=i1 Mr. B. R. Blowvas eleCteal third VicePresidehit et thQ Cmnadim IMTiket Agents' Association ah tthe ConventiOn held at Denver, ColoradO, 155h veek -- GO te Harry Thonion for tl. 11.1 tu coliars. 2 fer 25e. -0 The regilan moiithll Me.tlrÀg Oet tii Whitby WrTRelltg SocletY viii ho ld ôn MondaY atteOoli1, NoveMbel! sýth. ut a o'cick. lu tho LIbrerY Boiad Iloom. Ail the ladies arexe Qi"ea dt. hc, preseflt 1 See aur stovez sud rang..O ui prires are tho lovesht, Manathlb. let stock ta Chheeé roli O--M.LRieS. -- Rad M. W. Clin'advt. lu Ihis issue. Ir your 0705 tl'oubloil ouui F Willlis. dmuggist anal opttd=aý cai . ~.P. uvatu iibP f Pred and bi acethe b. positine sécond 1 ln ommial 0frthe OitlO county Doublle ColPaIl7 viieÃŽ WU'I later toM 'upart Qi pajor MBiIar er Overeois EtktI4 1 th taie o barige «t tii.reoniitgt S south pDan iiiMOoty ,aI Inc tine sas bissrie rerqia whome 1 li.L The'aplabl Servucea t au EIUw f Mlx Churcii on uindal vers lla ,cogiw of the eutonngtht e t* 7«r'e 1 Ci letory. ROY, Dr..: »1Of ýet rtye both- morala sudesii.HMabu'-u mounteomUthea.d 1-WtüoithJ>t b7 11 tbe Ra. oy. F cler. li. ise aý mai solo lla t eyhlg uetti e me's sMd vomo aomhina.luun- ¶ttpl'a dervoar at .G mle t5e.1 o w 0.60 por suit.9 Bunda. Noeeaen1 AUhm-"TboLord Relgoet2l" 164-- Patriot admd Imm:, bon vmB.IiWnMn.d0Ui~ tM raêiwsT t1.per itaetW.KGRio I Mn. i I - I division I serieus 114 Moi v-I Bm.' Prices.tOil are adva Try our i "WÃ"i Hats. Suits. jta dS. *and East Co. tlgbti ng l'il 37 .4, 'j 'r, 1~KW Apply anbere, Toronto. *8.30 P.m. iii trains lUSITiON .19» A.rge.1. an mervations 0o1 RAIN C P. p LLI t, , xrl In j»n b e -o. az-ly 'V9D -7«mal. .1 1 s"I . 1 1 -Aie lýrvu!Lý 1

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