4 t- t -, J -I i.. 4 k ~ - 4; 'it jStop That Oough!1 WILLIsg, aY 1 1 t ' N L. D.S. *ite post ro 0. -ut, 11. - D.D.S. t Ihutat i tir,' 4tttro ,succe.. me and attended ca.be j -v rions 149 lossi compound Syrup of Whito Pine and Tar NvInte l i nt, >ti iiitCherry, Balm of sageaitras, 1,111angi Other remedies, niaking a taie &and sure cure forr Co tg ii g, t(t> tin. h rtbiitin, andi reeto> eithe regpirtotry organe to i lO orial, Iealthy Condition. 25C pop Bottie J a E. WILLIS Drugglst and Opticien MEDICA,L HALL 1 Brock St. 0Wbitby.1 Haviog Takon Ovor the Coal Business H.I. Downoy & 0o. 1 amn prepareti to fl Iiail orders for BRIGHT GOAL Wl soend.W.guarau. tee prompt delivery and good service. Iloffice of J.Ia. Downty& o : James Sawdon Whltby, Ont A. Im ALUN. Issuer ofMariage Là cena.. Cormerdrugstore. WbitbY. NO Wltueases required. ThOaê ter gaaa.p W m t Land Ce., Uit Whltby - Ontamalo BeAl Estate Dealer., Esaies Maiwasd Rente Oolleoted. Firut LMM .Arrnsud, Proprti.. boetbl Ls oid. For tenm Ia fed Oso. Br«* st5 Bell Phone P~ n. Phome 70 Similt i. aaW i WkITW U ONTARIO9 CANÂDÂ, TfU!tStDÂ!, NVEMB3R 11 -EATH 0F A NOTHER Ssa colIsiwe ESTEME CTIZN wo su:day Elcool Institutes for antd'ioket bodîr h Wdb ..ehMtDistrict, tW eheld neit Mr. John Cooper Passes Away at Ripe Old Age. ek sa. Noveniber a6t& l7th, at tRie Taberniacle, Whitby, Rosv. At the ripe age ot four score and twO I.urchastug a home on St. John Street, 1- Leary for;otlroie to, di Cucli hi years, Mr, John Cooper, 0f Whitby, where ho re8lded until his death. Canada, foilhe Maas ist by rev. W.P îeAatefullY Passed èway on Friday 'XIn 1890 Mr. Cooper's beloved wlfé CRM8ers, 1?.e, A H Poter, anRe. . night of last week. Since Mai-ch -hast -dled, and Lhreo yoars ater Mr. Cooper W.Roge, sIead L Perand Rio ILt Mr. Cooper had been fightIng thie lait nmared Miss Janet Hi911p, Of Brook. W-tu<Ueas leders à nheIn egus a flght. It was flot diseuse that ended Un, who sgurvives. So'los, AnterMOeM-s.on bgn at30 bitî Ilie, but that silent DrOcess0f i BY bis fit-st 'vifs Mr. Cooper had a nwR .sovdiit aIntt 3. integration Of b0dlly >0wer5s ad jfa*niY 0f ten chlldr-ei, oniy tht-eOc f Church. Ail S u; SeL- nm uer forces. Hie put Up a splendid figit, too. wliom are now living--George, of Bar. workesAi suenda ar éhnvltod Work- Tholiglî flot large physically, Mr. Coo.- rie; Walter and Mrs. Russell JohuIston, or fronfi hienomina u-tion 'vii o per 'vas strong and ývirleand had i0f Wellwood., Man. Mr. Cooper iiid fno made.wevecome.- Tho prograrufolows: Iived a clean and whoiesome lite. Eariy. brothers or uistera or other famtly t-ea. 2 p.m.-leroienai. lat spring h. had 'a very sovere Ill. tives lntrihis country, though anh eider i21-T' .S aMdm Eua ness. his heart faiiing, and .iL vas brother ives ln Englsnd, aged 85. i ho,"Rer F Lug od 1'ro u flot thought he could recover; but hie, The ate Mr. Cooper 'vas a worthy 3')DisiRjo S. S. e, roandn. Ds vitaiity trtimpbed, and he 'vas nalsod moiber- of thie Methodiet Churchln 30)-ltitS .tadn.Ds frOsofiis bcd and 'Và w able to go about. Whitby, and 'vas moit highiy regfirded tm n S1rtay Somne two Menthe ago ho again 'vas 1by. a wide circee0f acquaintances. His e! A.-l 0enta"s 'Division Probiema, foi-ced back to bcd, and Sinco that ime1 disposition wua kindly :aImd gentie, sid î4O-UI.Ofcn he had been getting 'veaker and 'veaker h.ý made a staunch frlend and a goodi e-~ i. ~~s.By .P until theo end, nelghbor. His charcter vas strictly i Ogers. Mr. Cooper 'vas beru ln Hnmanby. honorable.nd hiseIfte sweet and whoie- 4.35 Mlsaion R ey. H.W Yorkshire, Eng., In 1834. lie emlgrated some- In deDartlng ho leares-an hn- PFoîe. to Canada witb his young bride ini 1857. ored name and qemot-y. .5Q Catg arNuBe.F settling at Oshawa, where ho 'vorked Thie tuao al ws hed on Tuesday af- Langtrd. at hi& trade of milRer for somne yemrs. t.rnoon. îev. A. H.- Ponter, aâminted Te ser din Sciooîroq Later h. secured a position ti the erst by Rev. Dr. Mare and Bey. S. G. Mo' 7.80-Eveniug sessioni opens. mli 11 t Patl y, on the, 4th concession ef Cormack, conducted a Knost impressive 7.45-Business, resolufions, music. WhitbY. In 1874 Mr. Cooper purchssed service. 1.êNLoa aueo .S.WP thi mii, nd perted iL or our The pull bearers 'vere Adam Hiliop,. Rogers. years. Thon Rie *remoyed witb hl&taM. Win. Hislop, John Hlulop, George Coo. 'T efiiet S. ÀuP.l#,gOr&. il y to Owe-n Souad., where he farmed per. wm. Ormiston. George Gray. Oifrfn~Coig for five yearB,. Coruing baCit o Ontario Thie relative8 f rom out-of-town at-the Co,nty Mr-. Cooper again teck charge trinerai wer-mr. and )&,. George of the Patiy miii, aud continued to ro- Cooper, Barrie- Mr. and Mrs. JohnX a Cn otw tL .Er.I197he removod to Wlitby, Giray, Newcaste. t ro . ANOTHFR LETTÈR FROM THE FRONT -RANKS.1 es thi un foi ar, yc lot Pte. J. . Lynde, whose rty Inter. form of excîtement are as more noth- ting lettor 'vas ptulshed two 'veeks ing. One's mInd Booms a thung apant go. haagain 'viIttem another account I rnun RitBhbe boeodys.I f doings" at thie front, as nearly as thora l» any exiteont golng, I 'vil ho e censcra 'viii sHow. We DubUish conncted wlth IL. Thie Machine Gtm tracts froru It herewlth: Section and.the Bom I> Trowers are thie "We arobeenlu Riotnoelua ~ t'vo branches of the 'Snlcide-Club.' uai perlt-bdta a battailon ipendeboe. 1 mueit close noW, as I am expoted re going Into te net cmp, <ad to go on7 duty ln about an bourt- ou 'viiiome by py hast litter ta ing ln the tronches la 1ho puseful o.r- #iMaWMTIW Boy.ON SEm.- tence. A person caa=nt stand, vry, fla- any days Inthie tronches. viwthont uVCEWUTS narIng mn awnui euiect on mte:nres You dogt get mucb slee» 'bule er. Truie, we have ouir zegniar hiours on duty sud off, but one nqvtr 10.1. %r dutyr. Ph. tense,. 'wldo-&w*va, fetolhti tg 'vith you aiR the lime, se von mmmI -'Ai 10 be«eO (*- tb uqOW iwltiug'! the bulding "-là beingiak- n li tRio artillery, 'Riuch is, as pot-ruuWi, rig ateadilY-,'Violent canuonadhag'la ithati it ha called lu the newzpapems.TIMe oniy diff4,nce bet*een t and wbat lei goumg on' at tue pisenSt moment le that it Ria a steadineas that youurl nerve;u become accustoulaed te, tRiai la, Lh. gRots come as tegulariy as tRie ring- Ing of a bell. When Lime gRots ar-e fait. and lrregniarit seem»-a 40 ozeis net-ves. TRie ,'arne thlng applies te rifle and machine Cun ot-e. No Matter boy fust ill iIf it le regaan!ou%' nerves âre steady. but if il corne ta burats. with -a threêteilng pauseftl- icwed by, a f ew straAglin.g *ot&e, thoix seeming 10 coin.il eaelng Imuait it Is - ard te& ontrai ouaf. one la luclined btesmise a rife sud ûlire ba U rapldlY s possible. AUl the tbtup 1 have ever beeu coneel l htI ltI TRie feloivng dous.tions. have been received since Ralt wek by Miss Cor- mack: Mms J. H. Ferrygluger bmansd gum; Mlos PanuRne Waugh. choclate bars. Tobaoco-P. C. Hsitch. R. Ratch. (aloo gumn), Ek. Whitfleld, Miss Salle- bury, CoL.-areweli. Mins E. Davidson. Or.-- Mms. Clive Hatch, Mms W.,G.ý Walters,- Fred WaRteraW. -Waltern. Chotolat, bars-Mifm-Stit<>n.Mr& WýarwU.mist Ray,). Mn Dr.-ae MissLi~rne aILHuzns hIoe 1915 O. A. Goo»IELLoW & SON, Publisher. I GREA'T 'S,ýU-CGES-S So succe-ssful was our sale of lots at $5.00 cash and $5.oo a month that- we are inclined to make'another maguificent offer. There are some who find i.t difficuit to make the first payment - For this reasoni and Endlng- Nove. isth WE WULL ACCEPI ONLY and 1 a eek ,~-5a monttu. DOM'T M8I 1H18 Open evenings8 to 10. n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Urae aaaLand-Cou Imt Ind. Phone 70' WIIITBY, ONT. Bell Phone18 Most POP-uiar and respetted men ln West Gwiiilmbury. IL rmade no differ- once at what hour 0f thée day or night Couison wu as aRed on, ho 'vas always ready to do 'what ho could fur Uice'veR- tare 0f hie fellows. One 0f thie argeat tareweils e-ver -séen lu ïithe townshlp met et hie bome to bld hlm end farnlljy God-speed 10 their proscrit home near .Thioruton. Ro 'vas one o! the charter members of a lodge of thie C.O.F., Brad- fort. and 'vas lu conneotion at hie death. The ftmerail ook place on Tues- day to Coulson's- HillPriabytorlan Cemetory near Bradford. Thie funerai services 'voie conductedl by his pastor, tb>e 4ey-. It. «IL 'SonervffIe, MLA.., fa»- éisted by thie Rev. ML u.of Bt-ad- 'C' PeeI's Soe. Store tFor,.The Latest, ln F'a~ ootwear. Our stock was neerscompleteactteretttm. We SiMçit ir Pratronage tour Business. k onra nes i troope, lnelndlng 'UOO tntantr htomu Niagara, 800 artlierymexi trouamTle- field. $ad 100 à % Mibe let thie AM,v Service silO MedicalCorn &,, W" syra aviators Thie mon were mil lnatrtce 110w aet lu case of emergency, vwbera thie 3W- nai was giron .TRie oyage vas unevoUtal. but m gesnhng thie dan'ter sons tRe men more ordered Lu carm lio bels levtir tes ail the tliais. lir dniiM-s-og tbe grarn every iww. on rrutday tRie-uoIue t nexlion caeaed great *,geirumt, but w bh On tbe ' foll X ond&y ldaj v'a madeM tP2Iyouth. sud the boysa maestatomdti ta SbomçlOp. "<4 Frm IV. (Matin pt«- éUWýQ i C7. ives 78. ids I0&?sa&Mm<fi, I. MaIL NI"m I3TM SAMM)hboW. 4 1M U K8tfLPrsKRI et ing à aud I~d a i If yls. oarrs sa.t TORONTO J@i, upu BRQOK Sr.WUITIV, rip fWhie trains ina an b ad dMw in e' 'r. rîm 't. s t. K II 2S ~ v, j mai 'Goo:byw..L6w & SoN, Publithers ý privm" lern"f, lrïpaelnï~ -.U.- ià ýb 1 com BAT