Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1915, p. 5

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~1 'i WOULD LIKE YOUR Do you know that if your I's trouble you 1 can fit yotar l'e with prôper lens, go thit they wili cease doing so. 1 witl retund pour money if my correc- tion is not satisfactory to you. R~. N. Bassett Jeweier and Optician WH-IT93Y, - ONTARIO Ac at a jo days. ire, and St. Efast O0 to e RODUCI. 75 te 7.90 >0 o 13 .59 05 t0 &»5 DO te 1Uoo 8s ce 0-Ui 10 te 0.36 ý5 t. 0.18 la 0.U& *8 te 0.30 U to 0.30 A te O-20 là w 0.80 d) to 800 o) tu LUI 0 to 18.00 Mrs. G. S. Jolinson wUlI recelve this <Tliursday) afternoon. G3o to Harry Thompoon tor lte Mg work shfrts. 60e. 0o The Misses Burns will not receive on 'Thui-sday, November 18th. -0- In81ector and Mm. Hutchison were caihtl away t10-attend the fuimerl 0f Mrs. Hutchisona father, Daniel Cooke. of Georgetown. For engraved or prnttd vWBtIng carda go toCQ A. Goodteilow & Son. WÂNTED. Men and boys ln the Blanket and Ilorise Collar Departmaent.. S. Trees Co., Wbxby. The Wbltby War Rerfle 9aIVv w»l to thank aIl thon. vho OiitdbUW &JM oc fr-uit fur -the soldions recoutIy. Mrs. F.P. UFrewefl, et the Outanto Ladies' College, viii reWOêl tO4mU,» (Thursday), at the CottagM fOM 4 to C P. n. m iane and Mu MXAvINII wilI recolvo wlth hon. Dont torgot 10o rder 1110W XD* carda nov betor. the IUM O mree- liausted. Order nov for 4911VM =7il time. large range of! sampes. C.A. Goodfellow & Som. For thipBoys at tue Fron. the boirt Of s,ôboy at.I 11e #9Mi by satnditug hu ia or more of 51tb.5 delolos imt» puddIffginds. ol nieylabelled and IDcled aW& etrong, ight carton au- rsmdy, for mailing. The fin belng herm"tie &mIýIy ele, Ch*etna ii i in anxy climat., Mr~s~I~e~ a mIsce'llsm~éo~za shovér ou- evenlng lest hi bonor et Mns.~ Whltusy (ueo Mima 1~ Conreil).' pleasaut evenlng vu spent. -o-- 5711105 A ri 26 and 40 watt Tunisen lampe 24C. each; 60 watt Tungaten lampa. 2se. each, at Oeo. M. Rl«e. Everyt4Dng la 0o 10 Harry Thotapson for u».tothe., minetn- XmaU crda and amples arenovon elchibition at our offiee. Cali sd look tilem over. W. have them ransing ftro 81100 te $400 a dolen.Large choie&. C. A. Gooflei & Sou. ]Ke'a.s tu oot& , 2,4 and b.iW. store.W.oin'nvbo The ladies orthte War Rsflef4ocisty are fewlng ovyduythil véel ina-the aluditorium ofthlbiibrsry bufldîn& and wimb ail vWho oeu l MM a ta' the u-orx. f oeadaai Cmliandmuid &DIeO sea esrds Whfle tba«. 1m55C»1d ,0f1mai ehoose f'-om .Del'sg A boWmar wm h de thred.C3 . m-A o@deioy ou. -et patrolia work. The -aim oft iialy $500 WBs resasd. '.dKW. CoUliw advt. ta ti mi"sIr. IL McGlWvngy, of Wtby hopes te give an exhibtUen et her pic.- tu u nsanr Nîu «n dO ofthé Army Medical Cop.Â~u~ ot thle dates vii be r=de la96r. qto HarmyThompem for fins ihirla. -o- Th in >ea.r Xum wxCada vii b. sent more generally than Over befor e.Ot your order ln nov for dellvy m ny time, asnlUnes may b.exhaute lbter- Prcnte suit aMy p'it.NIe aO sud addreas Inciuded. C. A. Ooodlellew& sol -0 mm. W.D. Patteruomu pYmS ia urs, lu open for engagements. ADDIpnfments rnay 1>5 made by Pilee l. Z114 J. y- Pattersnm.-1 0o Great Rummage Sale, -Friday an& Saturday. Nov. 26 and 27. te b. held under te auspices of 1the Victorian Order of Nuraes- Corne and eujoy the fun and belp the funds. Remember th. date. SPECIAL SALE OF' MILLINEUY. Mise Luke le holding a abeolal re. mou-al sale of iflinery tht. week. Thursday, Fniday andI eaturday, 'Nov. 1lth, 121h and 121h.. sud w-tii oeeupy hei- new store. beglnninkg Mouday, Nov. 15th. Big reductions 4np ricee. Stunday. November 14. The pastor, Rev. 0. A. McIoANU4 W1i1 preach at both services.- Morning service, Il o'clock. Antbem, "S8peak a Klnd Word."' Evenlng service, 7 o'cloçk. kuthem, Ses fani-y Thompson fon tailored ov $oas 16 te $30. 1 bave opeaed> hlgk it"a ing parlor, and al» nov ý,ionwj e 1xo cute orders. Five yearn'expérience lu tbis work. Mn. Geo. Finlay, ]Palace St, Whltby, opposite House o! Refuge. -22 BAZAAR. The ladies of thle . C. Church illi hold their annual bazsin and tea in fthe music ball, Wbitby, on 7%TiSdayo December 9th. P1ufler PanticuiM later. A part or the proceeds te go to the patriotic fund. We are headquarters for builders' hardware. Portland cernent aud rooflng. Gel prices from Geo. Ki Rimo -o The Whitby Fine Brigade bave de- cidcd te dispense wlth their annùa Nov Year's Balil this year. because cf the boni-y demandseinade upon evry person for patriotto puriieses. The oUitt ens or whltby wyUl appreciate tla ac- tion, stineltseannual bal wu the onlY ci-cnt held by ths Brigade te nrate funds. ponts ug e$,5.00 atrl The WQMOPn'sinstitue, viii nct la ths Agnlcultmali-cma . As" fhil is mntohr'mtlé lime iecitli.sp. tv»3> gie.Âapr WilleMdblT Je M. WhiiSeozTi.lt aMto gtl#-dm. Seeotan Sunday, Novemhb 11 t m.Pf Stewart li hfrSn ia.Deu* w v-vo uMd tav«OW M kuovu ie 'Mi-, James tawuarf et f111.t*wn, M SOMt. o id lltbrT M4Sa P" y umar' AubIWTwb*kO ie-1UO Mok *s.80M ?bCÏ?es t J.ol-hiaf. h. l. ove.----,,ý mEeslu--4b -Ct'Th* icot 1o J.te O. ottd, t The electors of Whitby willhiie askdc4 te for-or aga*uat Lmc c 'J I INFNIESSTATOIY Mir-Y atOption at ~th. municipal elections held JanuarY 3td,, 191)6. Y This.space wll be use week by week to present reasons-whyelcoshud mark their halints fer Locial Otin. There neyer was a time in thé history of tue empire ,when &e'e'. tc imperative need ta conserve the r" rcsof maliood and, of xifhastt~y From a dollars and'ccnts peîntof vewthe licensc1- iur rjk *ý u a weish'and a blight upon the industrial1'cmmril n cW i t xy Cornznuity. In lkcense fees Whitby gets about $7oo a year rom tleave lqo iess It is estlmated that between $5,oo and $3ooispt ilqure#very year in Whitby. la it good _bunou to âpçnt Q Qgct back 18oo i doUai-s te et baçk gaç dgIIlau iIçI Thlnk ih"s overi clcçti-ruand To spcnd one- hundred Vote FP or eeutul aY the cGoveror vwu enUtled te fly a vlite Ilmg trou» the polo.Tibla Véry aatisfactory condition or thinga 4141 not lit liong, ilovever, au on Sati- dar eveulng t-wo more pnisoners vers brougili in.1 00 o a umy TUompoonfor Lbthe t la colla, 2 for 25c. WAR REIEF' WORX FOR OCTOBER Thé Whitby War Relief Society monthly meeting van beld en Monday of this week, when the foloving report of work doris during October vas pro- sented: Funds on hand, $38014. Sent toe lIe Bntfsh Red Cross Go- ciety, tag day collection, $1762.98t Sent te No- 8 Canadian Hfositàl at the Deudaullez; 5 pails plllow case, 2 pairs sheeta. 189 cana cf fruit -and jelly, 150 bandages, 8 relia eld linon, 13 Ibm. dried appies.90 rftonth vipe@, 26 wash clothe. Ready foi- shîpmmut , An aocha ROTv. É.B ,W 'Ie, ! 6 té e~ mer rectkor o- 3bnsA Issu uiat-uay. ana dto ecetor mri ww>y received a letter e the Blshop et Teroto., The eider rus& dents viilwdll remember Mr. Westncy. who vent te Uxbnidge atten bihs ln- cumabeucy her.m -o Our samples cf Xmas cardaea&» now li ffCl alook tbetovr. QiOM nov -for dellvery au>t0mebeLon ~.ma. V h.<1ootu~&S ou, FORT FERRY H. 8. DMFFIATS OO.C A red hot game of baàketbaU,*va. played Iu Lb.gyrnauam he b. -t tario Ladlie Celiege ou, SatÃœnday et- toten belveen the Colege team an" the girls efthe. Pont Per-y RIai SehOol,- ten minutes overtline belng roquire t te oettle th. contest The vWstons vers mucil taller filn.lte VMop ige riX whieh plaet the lattera a dt am- Yffltage l laeekM&g.Mat tihey ovin tis, haàdlâoby -the ,clveMM - aià" lime score vas 1448 for PO P*Frm ,but la tho econd hall 11e CUffl fgirl veut at thenooneunts euth tetermln. alen, "Ovutg iwtbei WW17te 1541 Iby vmsitw* emed alhm& w*I« g h Mmne hon for a, lo iâ l& . G I. *obuuea n uipélo 1h.w ç~yIal aoooummt ep srtire s.e vIrde "Nepriotor fl me1iatuI Ii Oê iavad "d blb bv «uetldt"o te ~ ~ l s-4cm 1¶ave1 obt sbt" wite 'e-adm oitis01 t Y - ---P t - Io n_______ mdeoidad on'à u at et un .the pro. prietors. 'hiesina astev ati vhieh mont p>eple viii De gratmfe d ith1e totu nr dessrving of credit for fowintag the lead set W ilueir feflov business Men In other toa md echies. - 0o HORTICULTURÂL SOCTT AN- NUÂL MEEIn4G. The ilever lever et Wbtby -bave doue good vonk duinng the Dut year.i accordlng le reporta prestea ut fieM annual meeting o &c f télotcUitUrai Society ou nItg"evenlng IatL. ile mornbeshlp or 1915 lncrad frm 76 tu e1. l inel!s an evidoes eet sxb. stantua adMIne.About 1PU0 vs spou Iu eannyln on the wor of the Seetety. 'WhCh Iludsed ithémat nuocessful fruit and touêr sho* or o h Mfemitbers of tue Ã"Ia Girls Ammeta- ionv.peo nt te o uu08M _&don lu im voviugn1 eltanu the toi= uai-k. nioeatmxu POUND. A su- of money. Owner mur have MMe by proVlng ovurablpM i« for adyt J. J. Lynde, Whtby. À parasoL Finder may havemm. 1>7 applying ai Gamelle offic andti pe- Ing property. Oshaaa slvor MAi, larm e Eia.ý Oquippo VItIl idi fan Whditacerwà t eleanersud ain modora imnovunets, ouly u aashort lu»eWl» mu cobhap. A»plY bui ï0.. Whltby. - - Youowe. a letter. to a M endorrel-tion -fighting. for you- in the trenches- or on the battleship. We-carry a'complete. stock of writingmtra at diferent pice. CeolÉe in'and inspect Our stock. 1019gand Statioénory Stofo WIIITBY* O NTAIRIO lndepoedent Phonê p. p RIN GL ES IlAIR DW AIE NEW COMtBINATION Cold ~ ~ b w.tc ilso eheme jErepare -for 1: bv 1 buying Que of out combination storm doors. Leave thcm on ail y cars Always ready, no trouble. Storm Door In Wlnter. Sere eu Door Il u tmer. Strong, weflruade doors. NIElLES lIAS - WIIITBV. ONT. -- Auoir-ors-jos. -vmw, n. r-s. z Personaj ~~#nfion. r11-~< fer sosie 4 ItMd astmr% IL dlo&ful2o veW Th~ an Nouhm~io. cf ,ot. te mat oIier diaginter. Mte . G .John- Be»oWu'1 ,wmou su,-Iie 'lu' Hats. nfs Suits. iots. the samo W. C. T. U). TEMPP.RANCE RALLýY. The Warld'a TemDeraneà Raily Run. 9lay. Nc.vemher l4th, wtll b. celebrat.ed in Whitby by a big meeting in the Music Hall a.t 3 ociock. The Sunday 8cbools of the town will attend In a body. Mr. Thos. McGilllcuddy, of Toron- to, the well-known lecturer, wlll b. pre- sent, and give the addres of the aiter- moon, entitled "The Polaoned Ârrowy There wiIl aIBo be a duet by Mm. A.W. Jackson and Mr. W. J. IL Richardson. A collection wIlli b. taken. The foilowtug newispaper ex"trs In reforeuce to Mr. McOillilcuddy show 1-Uat lie la weli worth heaxlng: One. of the Most entertaining. In- i*tructive and elevating addresaea en- Joyed at th1e Ontarlo Agricultural Col- lege tht. term was that given In Maaoey Hall when Mr. ThoMaà MeGillI- euddy lu8t evenlng delighted a large audience wth the unique subject *«The Pour Johns."--Gelgh MercurY. ,ehsthe happy ta.culty of always "4ng able te illustrate the Point Of argument wlth %necdotes, and the lec- ture tat-ly brtstled wlth humnorous tterfem.But w144 wit and4 u words.-Kittoaton Whig. )l private ;at AMd t.50 pro:- Apply le h LOCAL HPEl8 AGO rREAL o c P. itrains. SIT ION 11vI Lo1uey vonI AIN P.R. liIoni Go. .3Stock, ln D4. itiy voà un s. rom 184 mý- 1 ____à m 11 %, 1 m rb9ft 3T, i *. = OMM" 1 ý '17 77, M- "M,7-177=

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