ni aa~ii~ 4:IU~i~ Twetv.b.m wiI d * fift7 wlouad a.i re êwtfîi fr=*AoaNïuun eacaped end reached port. Annouace-, ment cf the - attack on the Mercaun was maude by the, British War Offie us foliows: "Tha outNwurd bound transport Mdercian was uttacked by gunfirel from ah enemy submarine in the! Mediterranean. She reached harbor safely with casualties cf 28 kllled, 30 Thne Leading Markets -issiag and* 5» woùnded, Who - werh lsaded and ar Mii a boUpfla" 11, là tia V.aael'Of %BO&~ ,t'Jto~ssn$I400feet long. n~ wus bugitin a908 and lu oened iii Âithough ucfme of the. Germun U- bouts, tii. nunýbér la net kncwa, suc- Ceeded in gettIng througb the Straits, two more whiich attempted te follow themn were euikl by a British cruiser Off Gibraltar, à eeotding te a despatcb received from, Algecirafs, recéived ut Madrid.. Duluth, No v. .16g-Wheat--No. i hard, $1.o3i,4; No. 1 Nerthern, $1.02 %; NoýL 2 Northern, 97¼4 -te to long we lit- - ter the the iL it trt y. itt le two * ie- fol- 'Ind ene bu- i ght -a rd <wn. idel. "0-v the. lie leet fil-. Manneapolis Nov14 .- cember, 98é; ay5P 6 1 hard, ' 1 fc $1. 02, No* ' l .1.w l Crn- No 8 yeilow, 66 Qatt--No. 8 whlte ïBLtii urchanged. Bru, $18.,2 CompUsU at-.D. SERLUW a vICtltiP ~I4 L SUtK% AT -GIALTAR. UNiR *AtIC IZT RJriYE ffcStA tiV«5ý The Week's Developmente ln thie War. Except ini the Balkans, which best opinion repeatedly says is at moit a "side-,show," both the initiative and the offensive have rested during the, week withi the tntente Alles. lThere have been actions near Lille, near Arra, east of Rheims and between Verdun and Nancy on t.he Western front begun by the. French. The Ger- mans attacked in the Champagne without success, but the Fiench determined the. nature of the fighting and i- ways had the upper hand. Italian troops were succeseful both in odnsv and defensive actions. Near Riga and Dvinsk and in other sectors f ar to the aouth on the 1,000-mile Eastern front, the. Czar's troops were "'nib- bling" with some success; at ail events showing the enemy that to reduce his force there for the benfit cf. the Balkan front was a mistaken policy. In the Serbian campaign thTeutons and Bulgarians were'sucesalul, but not continuously so, in the north. They aiso occupied Nîslh and reoccupied Veles. But'French and British troops were winning ground as rapidly as theur strength and transport would allow. In the Baltic British'sub- marines were' "top-dog." In the Mediterraneaar the civilized world had one more objective leason in the flun campaign cf murder on the high sese with the sinking of the Italian liner "Ancona," scores ef women and child- ren being drowned. Unofficial reports told of two German submarines which had accounted for several amail Allied ships, near Gibraltar, themaelves being sunk. Shaded portions cf the map illustrate the diminutive sec- tion of Central Europe which remains neutral. ON£ MN BATILFS MNWARTM A LONDON 'BUS DRIVER iCAP- TURED FIVE UHLANS. Have Siugle-handed Held tihe Fart. TIiere was no atopping these aÇages. Mr. Sutherland picked up is heavy elephant-gun. It waa a No. 12, with expanding bullets. Re aimed ut the, headu of lb. advancing savages, andj emeis abat told wlth fearful effect To~ put it plaîay, every man whc a kit was leAi ruetically headiesa Flesaisd*blW d culd net stand It. -»rav eas, the W-nei are, they fui- ttari& irce mure tley cazme ens -bt ssiitIm.Mr. 'sterible piekngy 4ed -off their At asat they breke uad ra. Brenstuffs. Decomber, 98%c; May, $1 .02%; D~u- Toronto, Nov. 1.-Manitoba wbeat rum, Ne. 1, 96c; No. 2, 92c.; Deceini -New erop-No. 1 Northern, $1.12%; berý, 94% c; May, 99c. Linseed-Cas.h, No. 2 Northern, $1.09V4, on track $2.08%~ te $2ýO9; December, $2.O05; lake ports, inirediate shipment. May, $2.07. 1%1enitoba ons-No. 2 C.W., 48c, on ----- track lake ports. Live'Stock Markets. Americnn corn-No. 2 yellow, 74e.ý Toronto, ' Nov. 16;.-Best heavy Con tadinTrnNo. 2 Fllw 8csteers, $8.25ite $8.65; goed beavy Canaian orn-o. yelow, csteers, $8 te $8.15; butchers' cattle,- on track Toronto. choice, $7.4# te '$7.60; do., goed, Ontario oats-New crop-No. 3 $7. 10 'te $7.35; do., mediumi, $6.50 te white, 29 to 40c, commercial ents, 8 $6-.75; do., temmen, $5 te $5.25; te 39c, nccording te freights outaide. butchere' bullb, choice, $82Z5 te $650; Ontarioomlhent -Ne. 2 Winter, per do., good- bule, $5.7 5 te $6;- do., rough car lot, 97 te 99e; wheat lighty bullis $4.75 to $5.25; butchers' cows, sprouted, 92 to 95c, nd tough accord- choice, $9A.O te $9.60, do., gccd. ing te isampie; wheat spreuted, smutty $6 te $6.75; , jlo. ~dum, $5 te $5.50; and tough, according te sainple, 75doen n MW te 88c, ail accordin.g to freights eut- dcom» $4.26 to $6.76-, feederâ, aide. good, $C.60 te $7; stockera, 700 te ad.900 Ibs., $6.25 te $67 anrad Pesa-No. 2 nominal, per car lots. cuten$3 t $4 .5 canera andice -$2.10; sample peas, accordlng teech$5t; 5; ilescoce saniple, $1 .26 te $1.75, according te elu, 65te, $35 teo.,$50; aprned freights outside. .MRugc,$5t 5;srnes Barley-Good malting harley, 66 te $50 te $100; . light ewes, $5.60 te 60c- feed barley, 47 to 52c, according $.0sh 'ety 45te8.5 te treights eutside. do., bucka, $W.60 te $4. 60, yearllng Buckwhet-Nominal, car lots, 78 Iambe, $7 te 87'50; spring Ilambe, te 80c, according te freights outaide. Cwt. $8.85 te $9.25', alves miedium Rye-No. 1 commercial, 88 te 90c,; chioce, $7,26 te $10.60; Legs, fed rye, teugh, 75 te 83c, according te and watered,' $8.76 te $8.90. samle.andaccrdig t frighs et- MeattOal, Nov. 16.-Chaice teers sade n codn t rihsot sold at $7 tg $7.25- butchers' cows Manitoba flour-Firat patents, i nd. 5;bull, $4 0te $4.6;cOna 3tei jute baga, $5.85; second patents, lai .5nul,$ t 4 0 nai jute baga, $5.85; strong bakers', in'lambu aold at $8.75 te $9, and Que- jute bags, $5.15, Toronto. beclIambeata $8.26 te $8 .50; sii.up, Ontarie flour-N~ew Winter, $4 .10 85.25 te $6 per cwt. Calves, mll-fed te $4.40, according te saxnple, sea- stock, 7 te 8U per lb., and graa-fed ut bourd, or Toronto freights la baga,4 for 8 ta 6c. le s, selected lots, $9. 16 ta prompt shipment. M&92 ectwlhdofcr real freighits. Bran, $21 perton;1 QUEER MISSLES USED IN WAR. shorts, $23 per ton- middtinga, fPS per ton; good feed our, $1. 46 pur Engliai Troopa ,Flred Country Produce. The reports that the Germans ut Butter-Fresh dairy, 27 te 28c; in-seme points are none tee well aup- ferior, 22 te 23c; creamery prints, 32 plied with ainmunition suggests that te 33c; do., solida, 30 to 81%c. they may, in time, be drivea teasueii Eggs--Storage, 30 te 32e per doz- atraîts as cgr own troopu ln past en; selects., 85, te 36a; new-laId, 42 te wara. For Instance, when th.engI- 46o' cas« lôtiL ~Ush *arla efit $m.uonu, i. te I14 c. do.., % t re al oS ' sno pt iie I combe (whlesule), erdozun, Nc. 1,';pieces irîeda th s '2 "r.1tro a ran out of tb'it r0k $2.40; XNa; 2,1.6 e - . sdifèe hm.vsaa~a~ FolryCikéti, 14 to 16c; te E- 12 th 13c; ducks, 15 te 16c; geese 14 order to "d W " thé onsa~ oUe te 16c; turkeys, 20 te 22C. them. On.e nchmun luo1, l4 . a"9 Cheese-Large, 17%c; twi.ns, 17%c.: got together as many us 28'? o! tâý*se.q potatce-Cur Iots of Ontario quet-'Smnall copper coins were aIse fifed et ed et 81.10, und New Brunswicks ut th combat of Sasiah, 'intth. Indîan $1.,15 te $1.20 per bag, on track. hlutiny, by the'rebels, and the Hua- provistens. is ed pure gau, etz as bullets dur. Baon-Long clear, 15 to 15%c e pr paigns. lb.. in case lots. Hamrs-Medium. ' hen a haadifuI of soldiers cf what l8hji te 19c; do., heavy, 14%k to,15c thee lit Witshiire Regimnt rolIs, 17) 4 te 16c; breakfast bacon, 21fl no to '23c; bocks, plain, 24 te 25c; bon.- were bew~d by the. Prench fa Car- lest; bocks, 26 te 28e. rickferguu Cautlin l 1760, th.y accu Lard-PUre lard, tubs, 18% te l'5flout 01f1bullets wnt - bavana- , 13%ce, compound, tubs#, uc; do.; s. ete h tacmFrt iie ek il ~ ~ stolles fremý s i.p=bulntgwaUMmd i lung them ut l.umnI nIy Business ia MentMeu. amn fedavray à tiul wii >é oi Miontreal, Nov. 16-(.oinl-Amxern- inmem à cfwhi*el' iy a" we co No: 2 yellew, 777te '78c. --Ou$s- ,tI t» ti w1 n No. 2 local white, 46,4d * tbet baIaaS4iua'Se .9 local white, 45 te 45% 1~: white, 44 te 44½C 'a1 kticnfo ts1 2 05I toba fee'd, 65c; MAtIbo., 70 k af __ 1 t Buckwheat-Ne. 2,,"75 t De~J Mlanîtoba Sprng'wh"Q vuhi éISi iOu*t*bueuse e $5. 95; secondepe1 tt ~suro, at blgMisalas bave 5.2 5 -Wïi*elF-P ' UV. pa straîgà t rolelIosv4 z- à e #Yt ro o lngrs,$2.40 te 2,0lMio - m*iwEi= «S' tre Hhls. $5 .21ýe the, fnalcb t t1ii bît- Ibs., $2.45J6 îýn wu h 100uo Shor ts, ZIq S 5 ità tu1tloc8 Meuilhie,IL éi.s4bmd4-Sot ton, car lots, C$17&,50 ta176e' it azde Cheeo-Fhnp'$ wstens.16% to-1cCrlnu 76 ler. hf finct eastérna, 16%,tê-$% stt? regulr weaponsIn lfaver of the. line. .-Vhoiecest q, ,er 82 tg 82%0; razor .gdkaives ue4. by the. ne-- seconds, 81% te 8~. ~ 1gestr etlgsma-ais 42c, selected, '80; .l 8 * N. stock, 21r- Petatee-erbg ca lts, 96e te 81. 16. 1DuOoisd hepo isRemy. 25 AMRCANS ni u anu x UN BIt ANWNIA Believed thse MMjrity Weut Down WIth thse Snbmunlned Liner.0 A deupateis tfrçmsLondonm ff The, Itulian, lier Anconu,ý sunk. by a subrm n athse' XMddtéfrmmhad- on board 88: tirat embi'pasen.n, 60 seeâti-a *kee ~si,-~ l4D r4 laitu Womnou dchBdiee end- alsteâce frooethe ver>- .aut dy ar oy at f thu world watcl method employld ltets ry day pra~tIedte ntM1~d ptrl. Thejtkthan itiflt. ad%éd ,th- Our, "Myb f2,.atIgrIiYC time, it bas its limitations. In chear weather wireless tele- graphy la sufficeeit, but in thick weather, althôugh it can b. used foir, summoi'ng help, it wlfl not give the. exact position of the boat in danger, and the rescuing ship may b. within a f ew miles cf the wreck, but unable to locate her for many heurs. Another method cf communication la the use cf fog-horns, steam- whistles and sirens, but theae are not alwaya reliable, for the atmoaphere performaseme curlous tricks with Sound. A noise made under water, how- ever, la an extremely rellable guide, and, eau be heard ut a greater dis- tance than the sanie sound threugh air. The. best way te recever a watch which has dropped inte the water is for the. swimmer te b. guided by the. sound af the, tlelag.., 1 Tuils is a acietlhec faut, the. ex- plaiïation *o! which weuld entail a long, highly techaical treatise, which Oqs ,Aiptrîiti,aftudtlIgkoAit' Now Preparlng t. Leave thé A desà patch ri etoia Ac 1dlg ta -thé -tatet 'ie e heran, and th, indiMc"ona're tha # tlii Germans, Atistrians and-Turks ln the. ity are preparing to bave, ré- moval of the. archives cf the Germa» and Austria'n Legatibne te the Amei. ean Legatian, for instance, belng lr pragreas. I At a secret seislon ef Parliament, thie despatch stateý, a maJority of the deputies, expresdý> tii. hope tbat a#t amicablo arrangement of the. dlfflculd ties betwveen Russa and Persla would be reached. T'h. Cabiniet Minluters had been in session foe 24 heurs, it il added, trylng to formulate conditiano acceptable te Russia and Great Bri- tain. Much excitement la reported la 1h. city, according te the despatch, over the energetic action cf the. Entente allies, and it Is reported thnt the Shah& will retire te lapah*nA. the event that the Persian -proposais are not acceptable. CRURCHES 114 WA. AlwayzoiSuffered Since- Cannon Weri J. wouia1 <lvi, WI5ULVI&1)orVALVI 1511 1meUIntrcduced. average reader. But it lain-a fact nhicis makes eut a atrong case. for During the. heavy fighting on thse Bigaalliag by beils under the. sen, fat la'nds of Planders the church Ahen safety la being considered. towers have been used as look-.out The. instalation for receiving bell places and signalling statioqs, a use: sound consista o! two cast-iron waîer te Which thbey have beon put many tanks fixed aguinst the. skia cf thse tumes in the paît, including-aur ewsn Bip on each aide, as far below the, Civil War, suya Lendon Answers. rater-lin. as possible. Hanging with- In v.ry ancient tines clsurclies in the tanks are telephone transmit- _were used as havons cf'refuge duringe tete o1 special construction, r aids, andtise massive toweri, wih The, bell sound passes througisthe f ew opeainga whtch may b. fouMi skin o! tise shlp and lu comnmunicated here and there on the bordera-fo througii the water la lb. tanks, and Wales aud Setland, thse coast, and thénce ta lb. roceivers. The .sound parts of tiseCôntinent, show plaWny Io thon ccnveyud ,by taephcne '-restiat lbey must have made fine atroîîâ ùp te the bridge, or charticuse se mu holds. tbe eaIîY accessible te tise efficer lCi<risu have 'alwaYs sufrerd hI o! thse wateh. wsr-;tlmet, especlaly sinee cannon Tiser. are several mneans e! des- were firat introdueed, and as euee patching aiffaIe under water. A rambles about the. pleaant roauaof ightsliip, when ber llghtist o f ûnenluIs bps aesc huc use, ean perforas Juat lb. same duties hhbavebea scled wlth wool -to by meas çf is er own bell. Wisere.a prevout dkmigp,eL 0 bu4u aconi- lgtbpor la ig'hhouse in nt mandrf iatéittsemerdedfc practicable, abeil-buoy eau b. as -5 banrCk%. unehored ut a deaired spot, and.- con- At CiiedzoY, nSp eer trolled 'froms the 'shore, or !rom a 'ofti.1u15 t hub41Mi 1ýhbI Ilgthmmue, by maeans af an eleetrieW IBSi05 O iewfe -cf,- thh. subrUialue ca'b1e.' oestme.O tu,'uu4 Subminle, aignallng is as yet ia are tivsbe-l.mrsmd ita infuncy, but there eau b. littleMnsul' ode l.ib8bP doubt that,»ocner or Inter, it wlllb. enedA-hekr mords;, ueytls.h,-ai I 1aimileat universal. At- present it ha. rougis weaPOns te Conbt, certain argumenta uued lu a ruder. age cbuiéhli wer# -'aê- againat il. mare r.apeetmd thim ~tbley ru-b! ~wcef-of ii.. t jeiutte lmodemra um,,and wAon g KO .. ..a.L.---------.... . ,il 1 ua-v *ho acivil -wir, bo tàs , 'waa- rets I maitisu Lord DerIéyb Se rveso NOe A deapat atrossg latl eanly daté, m by the. EanJ, cruîtlng.1 Lord Derby ity cftih. 'p $tfyoung 1105111lmp< t. g About of Those on Board" ItIed ýr Wounded by Gunftre-A Nuinber of- Qtherg ýMlssing Re wus not a flgitiug maut ail- WBE1 SLEEP COMES NOT. mà ý morely s ande» 'bs ivris isr et teunapeut tise frout-..zsê when tim h1etlü.o'i,,red be wo~Iy-rrlc4 u cmp witistseI ttetibg u oér.d h hWarge Uhii Id a t etise, e~so iamndlug effli'at iret refuaed t*ut bý. e 1iiisi w . lts vry cra tA qUIskm isa-is eur, sudh Aebus ThusMrril ftw go $milar Q ftstirLmgha %0"d i »cdea, iustmung ?Ur. KIphlu'a hiue ta ,>eefisWa 'îil id tbem is ,er«y A Mi'pou âjMufl. te n %c0,toAay; n Qdtb hiadly »eM te cýçoust; MTsud j, oqo ký Wà t Mdý è past bliathry1 te., la fuhl do! smillaiThe WMg, *wbueur gtorte- exploits. oneeOfthlbejieat eOfmachWlslcb -ywu- bil nn e uer tisouitt i atoniescame te -Engtasd a 9,eiryem oi.r 5r» ugo froas NortiemNigrtiu. Wllruâs seuic yu w.Ti 1»~it tine, 906, tseof iisis- oil a 'r. ~ ~ a d o >~ f ms o'iii-t oolsImezt, lled, ug Areu oiirFo.t eytwrq à ' t lit 'ypi lae$c. sa"t coniiude ya corpeiià L -1sm iesbite saxtcb se Atthee settmsg of<tb.'uà = The.raidierswon ere 1v undred'8 ~ '*z* 11%». iiY looted ilb. 4wn, l. tartls t*~at ê lb. ti - Ù vmm11 breastwonk e id'â& T*Mw ,M C >» Ut .i i*u For twro boumst is -Tuaregu-ma& . su* esïnmst. ve -iwle ruhafe usbth-te mlx muet4 At i lait thef At»bý à uýia<lst ju.,arfhvwA. ift. %a nudiüdeilm .LL. l n iaIi ýau c'us val I ng ap- ing yen t ed. thec the L- rie ec. te t re dim h' t th r ta remtm i nnot year npuv -- w %ith ýming ,-tork' a t t e de- te. yn « i»d - nt 1 b t4 81 tg i, t] ti u t 0