on eïeo,?ark. dirty diuigemasamd ~Imi4thnm eut te ' naxe threCity, * tino i utuns. it lu tbe source et 0 -oirhaf -£11 the r, re, sand It tace lbe- üerthé «etyoiiie1axatiofi to ûeiiareeMofthe leb4ter aftâr 7outnd "Thé l maxi votng for thre sloon la Voting f r thre devil to drag Iie boy te bell, ane la my opinion tiIo man who stands anxd champions the saloon de- servez to have hie >oy die e drunkard. If yeu dont waut film te die&a drunk- ard wiry do you force thre saloon upon hlm? "#Last year." proceoded Mr. Sinday, '1.lre extire Incoxne la thbe United States frein the 1hitxer Intereate ws 39, 000,000. bet's mnakeelit $350,000.000 tc. be generous and pay for Uncie 8ain'8 Revenuie officiais," sald lie. "Last year thre worklntrmen ofthtie United States hed 9aid $2,290.500.000 for Dooze. They had Pald $2,200,000,000 for thre cost of Imprlsonlng or maintaining lni asyluins or enat.arixxn victime of booze. So,- declarad Sunday. "there te a yearlyead- ventage et $3,140,500,000 ln favor ef knecklntt tIre saloons ixto hell. whare tlrey beloxrg" '"Let arry maxi," lie cxclaimed, 'vctgli t hi e itd,'.the nipsry. tlxî' ,'riniI'. tl)e irrrder, the squalor, thre waxr, l. xhc irt>, roite-.. ta'r-soaked vie- timsaaixst thre ,d'ars %%ihi accrxue te tlir tradit'axid l14- îs so low down that 1INwouild l ou wine ix»1tr c'ton hlmn. WVtlh lie ninxey ibid poxx'd Ixto thre grog shops r iguii-it thr- Unlted .States ln a ycar '.\r Siinday guaran- teed to ii iii ;igoldun w ait 12ti miles highi. xo coxîsu rt a siver track fMrp Nev York 10 Sani Franicisco rind back to Si Laike City, to manufactuiré a rilibon of dimnes la 'trixcI% texi nt's ronxxd thi' worlxi. or 10 mid a ,iliver auto pfii ,] c i t-i t xvtte icrooa. 'This was %'hi atcou id he ' dciii w I h ue Tflei v Il,(, oor worin ugitu idiii p itoo tixe wltxskcy rat hiole. 'LIncoln lîad:i i thlai if ircrwa il ot a crime lic dît xot kuroR \w li was. If t ic déatt.i.tf i,-diita ,if Ilticpain- pertsi, If ttiectriiic. If utili ,sanit y, Iff Cic iixxiourailty li alllis moxit sultg Ptounthe litcottRe s *vst(xn dops net rnake il r crirov, I doxi'b kxîew what wili. ho'xued Sîîndav. "WVhie(ver en- irtinixcipalitics issixed boom etrPris :ixithêlr cities as * nn'verrEit.\ lis 1.s fhje.fc tories ood Iidstries, «bit,'-"liere x- clainied. -1 ;oevt-r yct saw a commu- flity tdve1 i 4u-- iseI9 as a whiskey-,e- ed municipal tty Mýomiaated and rid- deni ly thre liciter ndixasti y. anid going tet -1se faist that if was hreakl.pg the * upeeullImit.Tire whlskey JoIrt tis no use for the liglit of ptxblictty. Ilt I leaguied wltb the' gambliirg bell and tiref holxse of ;rsiîî o.Shtthe saloon 1 and thc.sqe othier ci ils heat i't, for their 1-1o iu.w 11 xnl:e1 -ray. "The corn iropIhlit vear t I rtf $. 000,00(-; the rcui n eroxi 000 600CtO ,-,We seexd ns iîictî oi litor ln oxie year asx wouid bîîy fotur ce4texi crops. four wheat crops axnd ene and a hait corn crops, and we have the peniten- tiaries funll. We an't build asyluus; ast-e oughto-o ecare cf the peopl-re "You bear a lrowl about pertional liberty. 'Xhat te what thre Anarchist wen ta. He deLcires to be let aloxie to flaunt his red flag. and su-lt loto thre face of deccxcy. tt is w biat thei woif wanits la the gxiheep)fold. Tirat lxi what tire birgiar m-axti-to Ire left atone te ' loar yotxr safe Thira s lxi at the se- ducer n-anIs teoîxntragte h-acredxicxie AL - -~ _ ~ ~- ~ * ~ -' __ Wl ~ ISSUE 0F $50OOOOOQ 5% OD Maturing9 lst DeCo, 1925 * REPAYABLE AT PAR AT bT~YTAWA, 1HALTTMAX, ST. JOHN. CIIARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, 4 * ~Rffl~INA, CALGAR~Y, 'VICTORIA. 4 4, INTEREST PAYABLE LIALF-YEARLY-lst JUNE, let DECEMBER. 4 * ' ISSUE PICE 9712- 4, A PULL IIALF-YEAR'S INTERBST WILL BE PAID ON lst JUNE, 1916. 4.TILE PROCEEDS OFTHE li,' OAN WILL BE4 USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. - lIn tire c-r-nt of future issues (other than issues nmade tabroadýl being made by the Government for' the pur- 4, pose of earrying on the war, bonds of this issue ivili be accepted at the issue price, 97½/, plus accruQd inter- est, ns thre equivalent for cash for the purpose of subscriptions te sucb issues. . 4'TITE MINlSTER 0F FINANCE off ers herewith Delivery of serip ertificates and of bonds will be on behaîf of the (lovcrniliwît the above iraxiîd Bonde made through tire chartered banka. f or subiexipt ion at 974½1 pay)able as follows: The interet on the fully regietered bonds wil be -3.10 per cent. on application, 7,qd £43rd January, 1916, paid b.) cheque, which will be reniitted by posit. In- 20 ci 1 1ht F eb ruax'y, 1916, terest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender '2 0 916ýof coupons. Both cheques and coupons wiii be pay- ist Mach, 116, - able free of evehange ut anv bî'aneh of any ciaî'tercd *20 ' t apii, 1916. bank in Canada. 4' The ixîstaîxiiexîts xiy be paid in full on and difier ilolders of f ullY registered bonds witbout coirpons m 4. the 3rd dayN of .1anuaî'y, 1916, under discoUnt at the wyil1 have the î'ight to convert ini bonds with coupons, 4, rate of four per cenît,. per ainxxum. Ah îiaym1ents are payable te hearer or rcgistoýr'ed, without Iîaynient of Io t be iunad(e tut a ehau'tex-dbl kfrth rdtc h any fce, and holders out bonds with coupons will have Minjister cf inalnce- Flailure te pay nny instalutrerit the right te eoiv'ert, wýithout f ce, iute f ully registered 4. -bn ue wnill retidex' pîreieuls payariexits hiable te for- bonde withoiit culionîs at any. time on application in 4. feituire and tire allotirexitt, uiieiaiof wîiting to tut' Mlitister of Finance. 4, ~Applications, aceutliplanied 1)- a deposit of 10 per eisuwilbexmtrmtas-nhdn 4, cnt. f th axiouxr ttrbscrcd b, îm T e adcd amy ineeme tîax--,iposed in pursuance ef. legislation S throughi the medinTiof a ebhtrdbn.Tebn enacted by tihe Iax'ianflent of Canada. Mwill issue a provincial receipt. 4. This loan is authoi'ized under Act of the Parlia.- The bonds w-lt h coupons will be issued in denomin- niment of Canada cin( both principal and intercat will atiens of $100, $500, $1,000. FuIly registered bonds * 4. h a charge upon the Consolidat-ed lRev\enuie Fund. without coupon1s will be issued in denominations of. 4. Fome o appicaininay be obtained f rom itny $1,000, $5,000 or arn- authorized multiple cf $5,000. 4, brarlch f a catrdb i aaa ade h Application will be made in due coûrse for the offic of any Asisateecivr n r in Canada. a h listing of thd issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Subecriptions must be for even hundreds of dol-' Exchianges. la Incseofprta alon 3t h urplus deposit Thlr an will be repaid at maturity at par at the Incs fpata loilet h officè of the Minister of Finance and Ileceiver 0-eneral 4. will beapplied tolvards payrn-ent of thre arnount due at Ottawa, or at thre office of the Assistant Receiver 4, on the Januarv instalmerit. G Iencrai at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Scrip certificiates pay-able to bearer wrilh be issiied, Toronto. Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. afte alotmnt.in xehngefortheprovincial receipts. 4, When the 5C111) certificates have been paid in fullhent oic Ot aw okpta ie eat 4, and jýayment endorsed thereoni by the bank receiving mn fFnne taa 4, -the money, they may bec exchangcd for bonds; with cou-- Reeognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed- 4. pons attached& payable te bearer or registei'ed as to -a commisseku of one-quarter of one per cent. on allot- - priuçîps,, or tjoefuBr ieimte -bcnds'ýwithdout eon- Mente Madeïiù respect of applications whieh bear',thiri 4,Subscription Liats will jçIose on or Lefore 3Otli Noveniber,. 191.5. Ps Finance Departmcnt, Ottawa, 22nd November, 1915. - of -worn'anbootl. Iers.ona1llib-rtr sbot 1!I Abra ham Lincoln, perronal liberty: _______________ murdered James A. Garfield, persona] liberty mnurdered MrKiffley. 1 stand- deadilest fou, thoy cou.ld uot disoove for civiil bert y. hit hi hel 1Wivithwltb Nworse one than liquor. It takès'Y' thre persorx1 il Jbrty howled up an _wath ap aysyo tck*It down fthe whole land." eyes, reii brrnes. maudliik n.ttblcati Mi'r. Sunday descrtbed lhow the bonze .t causes you te commit muriieri Interests hahdlpd thre farmeér. Uxider g-syndlrimtaos Itde thre United States Revenut (ýlaw 4MI a-x1 u to ibî ad yur' o.lIdXGUt Ions of liquor must be manufactxxred aslm adY0t frei a biahJel of fif pounis -of coru. "Tho saioS. W- a, Iltir," tliW'4I Igighty per, cent, of thre buxihel w" 1 feifuxs fter brewing. Tlis reftise xn", Bllly',Sire promises you good eh, 'fed to hoga ln eompeiticun with the I4îsheBnda YOuV SOrMW. ASh Ptom tarmer's dry-led hoga-,, and the f armner! Yen healtb; sire ýOuI5 lx- 1,111 eo>srved Sunday, "41il ho hornswoggled 1sexids yen pe,'erty. She Banda the1 ift trà t whilekey gang dor't-. plék < hie ý bad homle wIth a Dll hIOfl 5lpe te p ookets coring and -gong.' urý,giter Wifo. Sire sond thre sMarwith a Utx îird chieerxi). - , is lips. te lits otirer. God's wi "Thre great.eat.-ltrbtllee ei'er hrId' I en ySlnd hels a st fiand ta-thre0 1~el w~.s'«qen g rwnu înveiited& thop. 11. te a murd(trer. .11. sp w litAned 13111y Sunday. "téloan It out neither Young. old et deerapfit. tie homes, w-icb are tire hlrtage eti legslà tui-sai'e goixrg tgainst It ev the people, for the pTu1le. by thre peu'wrrar eotaae p*a t pie. A marý le a bptter-mn when Il s1e îoo'aei dca are agnluat IL. Therè ce tof trehiofetthe Iljuor. whicb ln. îG4 fraterna)l Wiedlnt»North Amie v4deax the homoe. faies awity itA Cern and 56 et thei rerfùsed te admit tettelurne eae t lldren, wa1 ocakeepera to thoir meuiberu <rus thre w$to. If ail thre dévile ln h<4 <ir r) rtýcked their bruine te briog forth tIhe "DId, you ever irear ef anyoue di -- i POiM-ýN N 0F CANADA, YIELDING ABOUT' -~ '/2/0/ -- ApplicmtsiR 4 (rwr4bu u er a Y0=9 beSuse be did, not bit tir. boze ouea ter anothar of thre few ramain- ma~~)j yoüui ear 'bear -o!f8117 eue1 lg pionear ara faut paslug awgY, red OW=Inttîng sulalde beeauae ire drank~ Thay are a noble pela. -tho'left the tion. toe Uuch ,water? ix4o. DId yeu avez, land of thirt'bîrth -and ail tiret was aud Ire" a£ ,any eu-je *oklied lia wtt e be naan sd dear- and, lka -chrietophar ends Matse ,,bedrmk tee mucir cogee? N«. CýQjumbus, dared the tatmaomd esatheir 'Me. t»i yu Cer hear of a mm o weut -seas lu search oets, home. a-ad teund it tol$*i ueSiwr he. dxank tee muuh but- tlu the far-off wat. Thay transferxuad teil?(L4sgirS). Tire oxly dIiffer- the grand old foraste tuto a blooming oufdenC bet-weu the-igh'toned s&loon and g4rdon. Where are thesestalwarts îee6r, tire low-tened saloon la that thraeuoe now? Nezw$y al et tIrer have gene4 stirrks tard the other umeils bad.. CR0-!to tireir lobig home. ne- urwed laugirter). iOnt marohba gone aver te tire groat bris- .(o let hserniis»~ maWeity lth ie pemsn ef Mr. Artrhur 0 hi clîine uday, aferdeain wI heJolrrmstou, tw" owaa w-ail lnewx lustock, g jo.CaIIed .dofance of tira lceIrsasyst4rm eircles -and4na Positions o0t prolmiiente. -Wa en1lhe hecto buida s teagant YOU ~e~oa ie-cs el ot 99ft.t, ed Ws egalust yen liret, it B uaurafingoieoroccasion Witti x me lets 'yen tir iugrowltng Coffin naU a vainabl e uceetolifn tir te begt)ierds lurit makieyen thtirk bug-bouisetand X« nScetlu4'and, Eneuglaz4Mdntiittrli- jey ack-aua. it givas yen a red n0ese Il uted tirýem> tlrrugh Canadi '.sa4dtire Sblei'y - ye, a seur etemacir, a mbue uiritteý utstea feein ansd a yelilow streait. It lanids Ui ie1,adWal w io êaeyou w-baiayen dent w-eut te go. d à uèr yt-- bo' -"Don't bur u x»your hirapluoss,703pempMi,'Sald t1at =ian wlio cum Mke ýà Ip oy, yeu P-eace, Four Chance te a4Irtevel tm ine< f.gresgraw 'Where en& Iylng 1ee nd your telle-w-ina»-Cttout tie rlu*man sd fittô &ým1ee smpira. lut boçzà eN Act fto s<4.nd decej"yq )AMnsud do -a wA i youl see the bict trevival a!fhuI- Ina 0 andaj. nasa tire wrld over lookea eutQust gd af"tne e ontî4 ti IBi-y Stuads-y htid tweive exual baya »rooitil n e iamw ""ieuXdS irroubt o<n te the phattorm, whem lie Il VU,&-M%èrmvu e inap~$t repraaerrted et thre Mal atealfor tr - the a la ue1w" Ia' P ,îerialk. U4- gt atr.and eakid4:"la tflufttbied it y. 1mý*t Inta (lia st bla Pa w iîrodutreu t. the gitut4rY mure *val,-put, abma Urh= t*>e zrw aretorta To maka - tircorsaivea pay lIn the Dearirlen th01wte gL lurille have jet te havi- .u 00boy* a 'car, r ut utp hep." Ira eenuri- i d. "tel mye multto qu.-thebie«vljk and tb Ie gaP014 "il It.eb» rWm OI bam he ttrluba* t141SkaV $ 1h;tt.û ~iS urits tsoa4 Mea dw1U t 4 A h 16 b rit it g- 4. p. aq. 1 I AI in the affairè- »I -the oountMy but al- waYs gave. a helplng hand li ethor ways te anythiug pertalung te the upIlnhg et humzity. 80venti-six Years age ho wus bern ,i TLyqae.Iielandi deiceuded frem Acottlà ai Of e ZewhSexahInberit, :04.tire stalLii=O ti&MWagactythat lbe- loi4ps t* wi ffPeOle ettirS land gr the heuther. ReoV'i-".tWiCe Marred, and ~Iett alaxrWY 6«tour-tbert,, et IRe. 9111ia; 14m, -a hu~Iwdi> fColum. bus; Qeerge studyflig law ,iLi Too; Sej*ams aaWua aer prominat "Fu1w<aU1ngg loazed ta ito s~6~ Au hionus al Ui' ie mRlest WOrk 0 $slchQQI Reports. eM W.(Lltriýar1- T=l r 111 frSo QBitater's ODtajBý dated October 24th, V4eihe rgplY-. UYér Iatte*tmy ýoId, Sergealt tarv ad" I 'tcbk the. libertY of ret:rrtgAlt, asý-poar Ulaogene. Me bo anerid t à ntotlg. ThUa is- iùu "Noeof eau ales h1aean' placehi.' Preaysobut you n'taic wd for geV.as butood a an ors sin-St Gere, H. E. le ge, ap. O. C. e- mchine On Secti, n Bat.-heaat r. Gadin ae was ellbknùqwu ld soe ne pfre; ous to g.enuisting. )Ae. Splendidsbu W yto Rdutae Mr Oadner's Weght. w I Tiertiepere, n o ne sthngta shows tire paesing, of our yeut'n 50 LEDGETT-MOORE-At t-he Metho- mucli as the horrible tendency Of some - dist parsonage. Whity, on Saturday, of us te puît on tee mucli wcight after; Nov. 20, 1915, by the Rev. A. H. FOS- we have reached the age of 25 or 30.'- ter, Miss Jessie Hazel Moore, te Mr. However yorîxg our face may appear, -'Gonze Lcedgett, both of Pickering duîr 'figures" give ris awny. Townihlp. Tire cause et this over-etoîtness le______________ that our stomacirs convert thre food We - - cat intofat becausetîr-re le mot enoughi Othnn~ lxiir oxygen in the bloed te îtroditce a pro-i, 1I11~U UYIUUUI per combustion te. dcstroy the fat-tyt tissue. To reduce yoîîr weight go te ÇOUNTY 0F ONTARIO. a good drugglst and get cilio! orilene In capsule forin. amd take tone after19. each meal. It- le sold oxiy lI original 1. WIIITl3Y-Mles E. L. Macdenelî, sealed packages. 011 et crit-ne taken Clark, Whitby-Jau.-7. F'eb. 2. Mar. at meal times gfves yeu alr the bemefit 2. Abril 6. May 4. -June 1. Jnly 6. et thbe food yen eat, and at t-le same: Sept. 1, Oct. 4. Nov. 2, Dec. 2, Ja. 4, time dissolves tire fatt-y tisstue from 1916. amy part of the body where t-lure le OSHAWA-MiBsE, L. Maeoal,. excessive fat. *lI thiis way meiry have Wbitby, Clerk-Janf. 8, Feb. 3. Mai'. reduced their welght at thbe rate of 3, Apill 7, May 6, June 2, July 7, about a lb. a day, and ne fiabbinee le Sept. 2, Oct. 5, Nov. 3, Dec. 3, Jeu. ief t. 6, 1916. Amy driiggist i-an suppiy yen or a 2. BROI!OHAM- M. Oteeso-n, Clark, large size hox w-iil be sentoxi recelpti GreenwVoed-Janf. 11, March 4, Mayr o! $1.0n. Address D. J. Lit-tic Drug1 6, JUly 8, sept. 3, Nov. 4, Jan 6, 1918. Ce., Box r1240, Montreai. Can. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Bur'fhami, Clerk, Port Perry-Jan. 12, Mardi 5, - May 7. Jnly 9. Sept. 6. Nov. 6, Jeu. SUBSRIPION LU I3IN RAES. 7, 1916. SUBSRIPIONCLUBINGRATS5.4. UXBRIDGE-R. J. Moore, Clark. This la the aasex of t-he year whenci Uxbridge--Janf. 16, Mar. 12, May 11, may stibscriîuions to daily, weeklyl July 13, Sept. 7, Nov. 20, Jen. 14, amd et-ber iiapicxs fait dite. B3- clthbig - 1916, with thc Gazette -and Chromicie you l,5- CANNINOTON- TIres. 1:. Feeter, cmn save mrîere. Srxburlptions; may be Clerk, Canniligtn-Jan. 15, Mer. 11, ieft at-t-ha office for other-papers. anid 1May 12, Jnly 14, Sept. 9. Nev. 19, ive forward birei. The foitowimg raies jJanl. 13, 1916. apply for une year, amd Incirîde the Ga-!- 6. BEAVERTON-fCha& . KPaterson, zette and Clîronîcle aird the paper Cherk, Beavertn- Jan. 14, Mar'. 10, namned: Maey 3, Jnly 16, Sept. 9, Nov. 19. Daily Globe---------------. 2. Jan. 12, -1916. Daily Mail and Emîpire-..... 7. UPTERGROVE"- Du-tel Leenard, Daily orld. Clerir, Atlere- Jan. '13, Mar'. 7, Daiiy Star------------------ --- 5 May 14, July 16,.,B0pt 10, Nov. 17. Jan. il, 1916. Daly Nws 11 i Dated et Whtb4, No. 'sÃt914. Weckly Sua-----------------18,5(B Famiiy Herald axid Weekly (B rd&i Star------------------.i185 f i e Weekly Wltness, Montrea] ..1.95 C --et - th ____ Canadlam Farm... ...n9 Farmt'rs' Advocate-------. . ý Caxiadian Countrymaxi -... i1501 ROYAL TH EATR E Questions and AAswers ., Ehgh.iý~i [Ifaxy eecerdesre ino lhte [In ay pasc sectie tire Iceal oon quhes grnaector the' 0a med byo tIre ommit-teefforanswr un dee above heading amy questions subinit' ted -E d. 11 Q.-Who cari vote on thre local op- tien by-law?t 1 A.-Any resident wltin tire muni- cipallty who iras a*voefor Mayor or! Carrilîtors at municipal elections. An owner of preperty ln tire mumxilpality wiio lives otside the boundarles et thbe municietttty, or whe Ires been liv- ing lusîde t-ho borîndarlesl for hess than tir reea- montir, cannot voe on local op- tden. An owrîer or tenant wbode naine 15 on thbe voters' list, but wvho he.s beau, tmway frein town for three mentira, can- net vote on t1re by-lirw. signatures on tira local option pettiaixl? ~There ara Motes te that- affect about A.-Asry tateinut -tirat-Ihere are forged iurmêe n the local option petit' tIen le absohwtely andti4u=Ol naines of tirae dîfrerent ratepa"ars liave beau tergedto te rpetitton, 'I" PTOVOe tIra le It la orrly uacasmey tel- boi t, ~tt ie peton. Nono et tire tirea p=r s uesntlued apaar on tIre poW tIe-V BAIN PIItRI, !nu«e. INICHOLSON&Si Pbons 35 E-LDON ERS, R AI.LROAýD 4und roiegraphy courues 0! tué m6ut i Ieolplute ild modern kintl tughtI i fht at your o0'Mn hume b -$b&w!U Twegrph NuitRaitroad'&h0ol, 1. GErri t. S st T oronto W rite f« pertîcnlarg Ãieau esple leucea. mRTUA, ý LYNUD E YEACHER Of NQNG SRAW'8 SèCIIDOLS .4 q q t- - t - -i -- s s -r. -~1 aie a 'gndo*cowIcu d» 411% U» auk.d me te Uq Vlnotl dId sesndwitlia wOOk MY &> petite Irnproved sud- 1-cOUld .1ePN nlghtmd ne-w felw.Ilà nd atroxg Ros M KIL, murt4 W. gua»nteO Vine1,our d.leimuSd live sud .lront0%Ic for IJI W.aken ron-do-wn conditions and fooero»laW cogbu. cdlda sMd Xirncirtl& - ,à H. Allun, Druggit, WhitbY, Ont. MP#RRIAGES. ARMSTRONG.-mcKNGHT- At theê Presbyteriati Mane, ABhburn, ou Tirursday, November iStIr, 1915, Mar- garet Agnes McdKnlgIrt. te Mr. Ernest Lawers Armstrong, bot-h et the Tp. et Cavan. Rev. Wm. JohWstoIi perferni- ed tIre caremony. The Young couple came up frein near Mlllbrook to be mnarrIed by their former pastor. j- if- -e -J 1