L jaoarmg BW38uiada~9s seathis va~g1i~ue* ~t Iti When H tbisIi5 of cêsncbc gods verd QU awiI 4 cr yet wbere every, article ~s êie. Wk ibsspêce, Iromn,ow MI iXmas end save Money Obyour Christmas buying.. tirtzh hr ln hasm$.tw.w b r up tccpucisc ta o .c icue theXl~ne e te ntitinshuertmI )taI yteuaeiôbl -o otsa nable ai ticles, such as the. 'ollowing: - ltfig o te y oidb ya oh r methofta, a &te at yresent in townm, anthêftseniof- Whitby are Ladin' and UusSwaters and imij 'dcey >Caps. eGil' Hat&. Some verY Proper People were shock- eonfldentlP a&pèaled te -from a patnio-f Sweter C-uit. anlefBanes eda BillY Sun]day' urid language. tcmnd leyntfo jt inlth-me o IÀLgligt hca14tandpoi bnt te asuiet inthé mTtewnLadi sùad liuî's FlouaiLin aand Bo ainanmts. Ltgaehat would be as shocking'o! Whitby but.OntarloCounty as well. bel UDdtffWoar. C fl'5 sFur Soti. tsthe ývlet't tratflceout o eiiel,"' as It la Proposed to ult4mately station'a*- s .ki i Sna us u' alaas nsSi. .Billy SundaY calS the liquor business, bout 260 men here.- Billetlng la to e Ma' eknadSoayPu. a'sli0tiM" ut. would hate to be red hot. BhlIy can tried Us a teMNorary expidient, and MOS veaisMen' suad 86je orklng oots. use language wt etc until It 1la possible to make other ar-ln'Wu&madSiaySrt. Lde'mdoush r t sm wihpretpropriety rangemen ts. In the meantime the need Ma' - rii nd88ay - --Lde' n enà Rbm h m that would ho in the monthe etf ethers of haste la urgent. and the underslga Meds W ool Sook9, Mitts and Oie.. prias as lait pear. Vulgar and profane. -wlllbe- grateful for an Immédiate. Mnsm os Cptneupndi.Lde'Rubr 9cns a o or turtuer particulars, please write, Boys' ad Chlldrun's Ueèroar. Men's Rubkers 50 scuis Billy SundaY askfi "Wôuld a hard- telephone or cail on v , - lto fose*U . Lai'adMusUmris ware merchantssmll &aknfe to a cus-'. Cto.W . Euth attllon fLdefHneDese n araqLdn n chaer Iwteul<go u1cean d sewtab urtho.11,&t ata o heegoods are new and cdean and ati be purchased at a mdhass 4o' Tue icen tbthkie SALE REGISTER. vast reduction from regutar pices during the xexti 6o days. would net cofnipensate fer Ut6 se lo Tuof sdale ecember 14.-Bigauctishepon ore in and see the gonds, ick out what yo à require, and the boy. WOUld. a mereant tel box and hoge, the property ef Milton Ben. save dollars. et matches If he knew the urchaser son, lot 13, con. 9, Pickering (1 mileHA R NE AL would une ~east et Claremont). Sale at one ocok wuduethem te set lire te theestoe Wm. Maw, auctioneer. o'cbeckj -KAL and hum It dova? Yet men yul vote Dud-'S Es the nigofslitquer mwh e te dis Ho for Xmas at home. To aveld, udsS.Es th dlnla e lqur aydeas.dis. d ien e nt, those geing toen~g- J DEAÃŽ1'HS. ml grâce, destroy and damn their sons land, Ireland, Scotland, etc., should and their.. daughteras." Are mon and ha-ve Stephenson get them their berth MAYNE.-At Toronto, on Thursday, MC tc^tM WOMen ln their right Mlnds whe wil reevallIons uecured quickly. The Allan Nevember 18, 1915, WM. J. Mayne, do ý hisline S. S. COrs:can, saillag f rom St. lat.et Kinsale. do tels? . ~~~John 1ecember 4th, and S. S. Bcaà in._______________ * * * sof c, December llth, have a limited number of berthe yet untaken, They To'ronto Ssturday Night takes the are the nly Xmas sallinga to Liverpool HTYbA K S grounid that the Governinent ehonld direct sailing at present f rom Canada. raise-bY taxation temoney necessary tee other Uines net earrying païssen. wuneat fail ...........1.00 te ;$lm tesupot hedeenena t oliesgers. Later Corinthian, frein St. John, Wlieat goose....... .... LO0 t. 100 tospot h eenet f odeeDecembt.r 16; Bieilian, December 23, ýte aîy........07 .0 who aie on active service, lnstead Of London; Pretorian, Dec. 25, te Livér- areY.... ...........076te 8.76 havlng a portion et their support pt. pool, and Oartliaginian, Dec. 29, te Rtye ...... ....0... ... L00 te LOO vided eut et pktniotic funds raise1b Glasgow. 'Twill be Wise te have Steph- peu ....... ....... 10 te .1 venson, Whlcontrsecuiensonrerestva- Buckwheat...... .....0.76 te 0.80 velutry cotributins This xnight tiens. Ho has orders net te book any Oa»...0.... ... t.*...0.46 teo0.50 ho thefarrwyiUc end, and would passengers tilI reservatiens are made. Red Clover ............ 9.00 te 3.5 make the "tight wad" open up. But Aise buy your Toronto, Riverdale, and à jgllm .o er, ver buahel 8.00 te 3.00 unlees and until this la donc by tee al local and fereign tickets at Ste ph- % Go;rnnntitisup o hegeerusensen's uptown ticket and telegraphi FLUR AmND FERD. Goermen I e p eth gnresoffice, ahead, If deelred, as ho redeems mlur, PUr eut...... .. 8.25 te 4.00 heartMd te mlnlzt.er tu the neoesstiesMlIues. If prevented going. Office Coppilfée& wt... 75 to 1.S of the needy. houri 7 a.m. te 8 p.m. . 9% i nllI a 40 en You Need a Stove at This Prie. We have in stock 3 only No. 161 Oa~k Heatffl, the, same as eut, large enougli to heat a large sized roooe. Tbeme etoves are regularly priced at $16-00. We'wiIJ- clear themout and set tbem up for you at $13.0 O'Cuedar Mope -Triangular and round sbapep, 75c, $1.009 $1.25 a nd $1.50 OÙ HFeaters Can bo oarried any place in the bouse. Handy for 'mii year round use. Loek these price. over: No. 120 at $3.50 No. 130 at 4.00 No. 160 at 4.75 rio. w2 fit 5.75 Tungat-en Lampa Genuine Mazda, ail aizes. 30 beaita Suitana Stove PolIsh Itegular 10 cents for Sc. Lanterna The new shape. Reg. 80e for 69c Machine. Regular $11.50. Speolal for ibis week only $10.49 Wnagers te fit any machine. Reg. $4.75 for ý$4.Z6. Roog. 84.50 for $4.00. eCedar Pouah R-eg 25e for Sac. Reg. 50c for 43c. Flaahlight Special Razu lar 3 1. 25, whiie tbey last, 75c Combînatlon Storm aid MA gôod bovy 40or, ues- ly finusbed, *ad ohanged in five minutes troem aterm te screeu. PBegniar 84.50 for $3.90 A.Iuminum Double Boilers W. have 12 Only eof bite. Regular $1.00, te clear at beiow cent. so5c i r I 43 cents Ath Sif ter Severai styles. Rogular 20e for 17c Egg Crates HeMi 2dss ga Rogullar40 for 35C A Ruoflng Spulal Amatit. The kind you know. Regular $2.25. Speclliy prioed at $2.05 per square Royalite Coal Oil Gives beat reaulte for Iaoep and oil stove use. W. deliver it te you at 1 5c per gallon Stove Repairs A Fow Thiugs t. Bimmber We carry a large supply ~007êe à e géveethe saine attention to children as to Stove Lining or repairing et ove bricks. b ]b package, reg. 25e for 22c 3 lb package, 'reg. 15e for 12e Glass Send uB your ordure for gbm u-Oprie" r~g~ and wè eut. In anv size for M&S- - repairais or any maseofO rw-p. W aea ersr yon wiýthout extra charge. steve. - vice at a rlti es. y Br Bail Phoe è,iny I Hardware @' The Store That Saves Vou Mouey - w w w w w w I friends wilU sympatise with Misa Presaiy tu her bereAimmont DEATU OP Y. J. MCÂANN. A former Wktbr boy, tulu .porio et Francia Joespb MoCnu, a ol way la Detroitoncum d>', oveber 1hatter a wes U line vtitPneu' moM&Ula r. )McCaziavubom sa« KILD IN GÂLLPOLI. Lieut, Seymour Preasly, brother 0f ]Mffa Prealy. former V. O. N. nurse b "~ba given hitIlite for hie country tu, QellpoiL Ho formearly held a com- * muQIa1appeiantnstaM Wlnnipeg, but obt tRie Oresit cft t e r ut home sud mmieW vitRi the Yorkshre Light z«mtatry. 'iseftuber sa editer o! a edumalsêla Wtby. saiwv von v Nm&s#sc*qsBto&4 «etWhltby, ftu a trne, 'la"eW"ats to e uoit. iteb h ge vuas a m, et Mr. Thes.Ma<un. tfWbtty, sud havmes eu letite m ane slst,,sth mou e hlm 'Thls sPace bas boots purchaseti hy thse Whlthy Lotalopti. Commltt vs st ÃX It may be news te nevupaper readersI te saY that tee revenue demived by the avorago weekly newspaper from subseriptlens and advertlslng le net sufficient te pay the expenees ef pub- Ilsh lng the paper. If it were net that a job pninting departinent were con- ductod ln cennectlon with the paper, very few weekly papers ceuld ezie It le ne surprise. theretore, to read ef newspaper Publiehers disetssing the advlsabillty et increasing tee subscrlp- tien price of their papers. Some have already raised te pice te $125 a year; eteers te $1.50. It me ynet he. long befare ail are fercèd te do Ilke- wise. »,'$Tht Provinos-et Otrody-> DnI~neu»e. Mo.",.Thts is-the elo- f=n et the Committee of One Hundred.- It la a pr.tty-big orer. that, but wtean be done. The slogan drew Ëily sn-. day from his big meetings lu the city Ot SYracuse, -N. *Y., -aMd. BIlly Snday1 'd'ewooierhusn oo! o gOthe l te nteýre8s et a- dry-" Ince by Jndyly 1'1918. 'ln thé--bluteOr:' er tempersanes tl"uaaatrnve were sncb meetings ns tbose addrësodl b7 Mr. 8uaday lu Torozito on od> ef this ueek,; and-teenoos a teerarne eainpalga. lauulced .:la Ontarieo nder mer avorabie orpro pittoue AUpiestant. reow6 'ta initiai stes. 7Tiw tish ti e gluauh of a. moveipent that vitu eos"e un the vulen taun e uesetitbus bêou swopt eut e iseexistene latis fuEr Prov". eeO tast. Né TTUTInu[ QHifE assisted by Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Atkin- son, ln a splendid musical programme THORSOAT, DEC. 2nd, 1915 ln the College Concert Hall at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Âtkinson, soprano, will be as- ulsted by the Quartette and the organ This Quartette Io one of the finest of its kind la Canada, so that a programn of rare mernt may be expected. Admission 50c, Tickets may be had at either Whit- field's or Ailin's drug slýore. eJUST PIJBLISNED FORTY YEARS .IN- CANDA By MAJOR GENERAL STERLE, C.el-M. VO., late èompiander-et the North West Monnted Police and tbe South Afrie-an Conatabulary; (Com- mà ander of Strathoona.Herge. TPhe Q4 t m~ff y 0ftue *i4~ Upo~tthe, he ons.truciono h m Le allay lie 014eushA te, ~ 'te, et. se l l, flvI or O.qri to rÃ*e ei4 W me o a li e - zo o i Vor à î ii- ,,n'- -se~Qn or ~ounty ~ow 1be Izoo ..mLuuw .-... .w1 Bran, pe« ton--------:.21L.00 )MÂT, POUI/1"Y A"D PRODUCU. ]Beet, -cwt, dresse .. . .$12.26 te $3.60 Cattie, lve -Welght-..6.76 te 7M5 Lambe, each. .... ...... 6.00 te 9.09> Hoge, dressed---------12.50 to 13.5 H0914 Selc.-----------8.26 te 8.50 Veal....... .... ...... 12.00 te 13M0 Chickens, perlb . .... ..0.18 to 0.%4 Duche, per lb----------..0.20 te 0.25 Oes, dresaed, ver lb. . . 0.15 to 0.11 Turkeya drasaed, per lb. 0.20 te 0.2à Butter, per lb----------..0.28 te 0).30 Egga, new, per dozen . . 0.27 te 0.30 Tard,p*or lb ....... .... 0.18 te 0.20 Potates, er bag ...0.75 te 0.80, ADpea, ver bore! .150te 3.00~ Oniona, per bag..... ...100 te .2 Bay. Der ton..... ...... 14.00 te 15.00 RIDE&. Woel, unwà shod...014 te 30.17 Caffskiuspeull> ....1O. te0.1t Lamb ekine a, eoi 0.70 ta $0 Rldes, pver Ocyt*.....18.00sIa 13heepakim'..à 0lé.... Doacos. . . ... .... ..J ~01 Horse RIdes ..........0M te LU train Tie Table. $0.00 tbat WI:::TBa.M. osa.S.o. hg w.....o5 p. , .... W4t #,:.43 pas Ult 4Jmsd 7.»0 îm. FPrm Toront wl, rosto- at W lb ueisa lu ~ UP" Wot T~?WSTATIM. ltales- .PR TWO FIRST.OLAOiLRST MORTIAGES These two mortuegsa»m due Marob 3lot, 1916# and wMfl rins a profit et about $34M0 on an Investment. fori months. Amoit 84 P,000. A> p17 RMGAN à RZGAN, U12 Msan mgcbam>er Wo have a large amonnt of privmi and ether funds te invest at &Mn mortgages on farm and village prop orties at 6 and 6% per cent Apply REGAN à REGAN, 112 Manning Chamnbers, Torots, DOUBLE TIACXI ALLTHE WAY TORtON.TO-CÃŽ4ICAGO TORONTO- MONTREAL il FOR CIIic(iO Leave TORONTO 8.oo am., 6.oc p.m. andii.45 p.m. daily. FOR MONTRER, LuPflTORONTO'e.oo .m., 8-30 P.m. - andit p.m. aiy Nq"epmcn: the fluest on, ai! bains 7 lieUu* -4 DiiIy Swîy Ha Neaion * . And FIghtsU t delodo foih. 4.1 jj<"dVered in Torontp u onda »-ne a near bciuig the rat hole Wut which wok#maqs ý.dsmà phIdwà e as anythiog thia aide of helL To fi" whaethq**:& koa g it vhat. the saloon la doing. It cost four hundred million dlMs ~in t ,*Pf samnl 1 euaboul six Panama Canais cvery ycaf adiyortii.oewithýtboaW'm' tba ori.g durnp in the whiie oe <When eî-apIoynaeuti. uacis theise ofier i.thée iw tu g« tise book u4 tis luttoget bc.if you %pu or &idollr vw* id o agq. t~ dryw o cucop"l'fr, "Bver~ ba .room I'a u qum thao cê#MrIs li <TusUbts M p« osea aui ti~a~o bn gii Glass Washboards Regular 50e .for i: Y wmi t ata lur h~5 as 1 G.T.R.. 0-1