ON SALE 'AT' Watch cE per -cent. tax. will surprise yc 1 rÀe bill of f uladIip b D 0 NOT JUDOE THESE WATCH'ES by their low price. We bought heavily for cash before this, and in the list below youwill find '1pricës that u. Purchases made now wiIl be kept until Xrnas, if desired, on paynient of sm all'deposit. Dm. ~... - Meas3 Watches ides a lot ~ifg: (f'IrisRts. Boots. 3~ the samo Umbrellas asd t a da y S. UL~and St Flast t forIli . .- 'v ihi3 Tha; ladure Mila.dy's dreasing table alvsyu t- tordis oportnaties -for addlng te its treasures. Nothln.g bingu more de- light Ilisu a haildsueo bibIaces- sony ef practcai value sud unhatan. tiai appearance. It 18 alvaya at hand te remiud the user efthte giver. fniendiship. hlirrors, brushea. puff- boxes, photo trames and a varlety ef ether articles that appeai te tee fem. Iue mind. The prices viiisuit anl pockets. % Some eepeciaily good vaines. 3he Wili Bc Plasid On Chrlatmaa mornlng, the ineut IIrized giftamar those that ake'the personel sappaL À nechiacoalwmy carries a charm of ifs ovu and bringu joy toe eory lady's heait AIk ways fashionablo and in good taste, they corne In many varlettes and prices. We bave now oit hand an excellent aaortment sefling at, from - 36c. te $86.00. Ladies" Watche: Mie 14k vattheaup to $80. An espocaly nsefille lwetCh, reg- ular $22.40 for $15. A geod Ul 11.case ateli, regulai *14.40 for *$9£0. Au extra lin. hIver vateil, regulai- *1.00 for $7.85. It wiU psy you limt teaou u vetches. We neyer bave uhovu sneh1oilvaues wmv.t vaameyumny Wb Sti-l ee-D ja Stock WÂLTHAM WATCHES, ELGIIN ONEGA HOWARD Andl cm get for yen any vetch yen- The Watch for The Boy The firat vatch uianks oneet thee moet eveatfMLomcasong lu th. boy's lite. It brlags him a'seuseoet im.pert- suce as weil as ef respnslblty. It dees rnucb te. steady hi. cilaracter. Nothing viii pleasé hlm more, sud our prices enable yeu te get a geel timekeeDer fiat viiisunit his fastes sud yonn pocketbook. A splendid watch thai vo reeomrnend la priced at $5.00, anether st $8.00, asutl anoteer at $10.00. We aIse Bella $1.00 wateil. lTE ýMOVE TU OUR NEW v v jAt $12. a fine fillel bracelet aud vatch Worthl $15. At $10, a fine sîlver bracelet and watch Werth $12. At $9, a fine ailver, lead and nickel bracelet and watcb Worth $12. At $14, a fiue ftled bracelet and watch Worthl $18. At $8, $6, $5, $3, vo are shoving as good a line as we ever hall. at apeciaily fIne values. Be sure and sec oir nov lock ln the bracelet. We seli SOLID GOLD BRACELET WATCHES up te $80.00. STORE, Brock St. Riakg Iiitthe New Âlvaya acceptable sud slvayu la good taBle le .gift et a ring ta perpetuate te tiendship of a dr- lag yean. The: ne', styles'la plat- nun setting are something duRfer. eut, sud maie a strong appeai te people oft aste. Signet rings for men; atone set rings fer ladies In great variety sud excelent value. We quote a few leaders: A Solitaire Diamond, $100.00. A 1-atone Diamond $75.00. A 7-stone Cluster Diamond, $M500. A Solitaire DIamndu, $25.00. Southin january. prices on a lot of lines so that we will ot have to move them there /. for Christmas, and are prepared'. It's no trouble* for us to show you our stock. R. Nie Chrismas Time by ihu Wrist Wa:ch' , Notiiing vil!prove mors v.!- cor nsd more serviceable flan file dainfy vnistet vatcb. It l the. vogue, practIcally à neeesslty, sud cerfainly viii be appreciatel til ChristiËaa s eason. They erne ln many styles, suitable for either business or dreas occusons, sud ln every case they are geod, rellable time-keepers W. bave teem bofli for ladies sud gentlemen. -- We are offering special We expeet big business Cal and compare our values Bassett Jeweler and Graduate Optician WJ-ITBY, -W OCNTikRIO0 PERýIPACKAGE AT THE WIi ITEI ÉE LD' S Drug and Stationory Store il WRITB8Y. 1 Bel] Phone 31. WANTED. A preluos buyor foe 'Whibyi Brook- lin snd Piekeringç. btatal mn oney neel aDply. -E. MUirM Uxbridge. j FOIR SALE. [oo edCnerai Purliose Team et Ilerses for sale, cheap. Âppiy W. R. CamDbell, Ring Street soute, Whtby. Phono 202. OIM-22 mhe Assesment Roll0f tee Town of Whitby bas been retnrned. Cern- plaInts viii be rocelvel up te Satur. day, December 4, 1915. JOSEPH WHITE, Tovn Clerk. FOR SALE. Violine that are reliable sud guai-an- teed to e bua represented. Complete stock et *tilugand uecessary fittinga fer the. viella alwsays on haud. Pnices mogt J. Pool. FOR SALE. Oshava Clover MUI largo etms, equipped wlth aide tan wlndstaeker, ne elesuer &ud ail modern improyements only usl a short Urne. Wfll sIl oheep Apply box 606, Whltby. -i FOR R.ENT. HJoua. and lt ith gool stable for four herises. Water sud llght lu bouse 'Gool cernent cellar. Seven noomsandu mnuner kitchon; large ganlen. Cboap relit ADDlyStr Gaette ome.-21. I Atenh ORgAL.9 te orse-power. luinodShape. on a jak. PDl teHenry JanesWht ainA ANEW"TERN I. Ol'TARNO I Independent Phone 37 CLA.REMONT. John Neal'm Mig sale heid on Tuesdal attornon wa8 a great succea, ove? cmi t2bounand people being In attedanc& tinner Mawwtle h haer, and the total of the sale was $4,000.' Pota.toes'! New Brunswick Cholce stocke Fuit 90 lb. bag. For Quiqk Turnover $1050 Baga Included. Je H DOWNEY&-Cig1 PEUPLE WHODIJY ;HOUESIR DEMAND Up-to-date PIumWiýg selling valus of a houRe. isanitany plumbing, equipu Iiappearance, ib> quali p co the, l1xtý r u ê W. C. T. U. At the laut regular meeting of the Whitby W. C. T. U., whlch wua held at th(, home of Mrs. R. J. Oke. a large attendance of imembers were present. as well as aeveral viattors During the afternoon Mr@. (Rev.) Poster sang a solo. whicb wasavery inuch enjoyed by ail. We wero pleaaed te have with us Mrs. Staiter. of Oshawa, County President ofthte W. C. T. U., who wus delegate to the Provincial Convention held in Ottawa recently. Mrs. Stalter gave a very Interesting report of the convention. Succesa ln all departments of the work ef the W. C. T. U. ln the Province was reported. One Important Item a that the sum of $1200 had been raised by Provincial Unions for the support Of the Y.K.C.A. mnissionary et the front. This vas rais& cd by t.he members of the differont Unions contributlng ene cent a day for a mqnth. Whitby Union wiii give its -boire b7 contributing during the monte of Ne- vember. At the cloeeofthte meeting refreshments er e»rve d seodal thour ipent RaILongthe MeMbeM. *.1 GOOD USE FOR WHISKEY. The late Dr. Gutbrie vas once main-- talung the proDosition that evrythiai iu the wvend has tsuses, snd vas goed ln itS DIUe.A gentleMan Pro- ment. knoving fliRt the. gool doctor vas a tetetaler, saisI hlm ho', ho voul apply fiat te whiakey. 'Wby," »Ma ho, a-thon.la uothing ii. wbsky for preserving e man vhon he te de&& ,but, S théeother han t là 1800of th$ vorst thilnginlethe wved for V". V- Ingalvean.ItilMeathe l11bs la IS HERE'AGAIN S ur ca. Hot Cocos in an 18I1d rink '00t keepu fthe deal. 'The ui bile lat that many o!fieIliving donit'tunIonr- stand th ls distinction, sud use vil- key at the wrong tiîme. wait tilI they are deal.- They sheul LOCAL HAPPENINGS -I f --3 Mensa sweater coats 49c- to $6.60 -cd1 at W. G. Walters. See violins tor sale by J. Peel. Get your seats at Wiliis drug store, for thee .oe N. Machan Pla.yers tliis week In aid of the War Relief Society. gJo te Harry Thompon for up-t4ei.. minute ties. Viollu for Xmms preseut for son or daughton. J. Peol. Bargains in e 'aready-to-vear suita aIW. G. Wallon. Secure bargaina at thie V. 0. N. ritm- mage sale on Friday and Saturday. Pee'. ahoe store fer the bit lUne 0ci beyWs'ud girls' shoes on the market. Division Court viiib. htUall'et Thurolay MOMU nDocMber Sad, aL 10 oclock, la the. Court Bou*e& UMnu suits mae te ýmmeest W. 0. Waltena'. Primos115 te $a0 WHITBY XM&8 AIE A meeting et mil pemusm tsue la th br btusl'ir vlflbe bM Ila ¶TMU Ol.k% Oak* on ltai mt the M0h NOvqmber.st et S @ r tu ettaa* lA roquestol N" o* mm-& fl'5 oVUbébat W. Q Wslt.rpr* t e lt.frtlio mi v=nomI Pedora lsa tetsye8rglrP for~ r 98.e .G aters' Go te Harry Thompam oe1r fthe latest ln collars 2 fer 25c. We Bel shees et the fer partleular people. Store. highest grade Pel's Shoe Dent fo-get fiat fie annuai "B1aie Social" viU b. held la Ail Saints' eChOoi-rôo o ehWedneadayDecember Don't f ail te order rour Chniafroas carda early. Cati to e 6OU? larg range etfaaiples. Leeve yonn orlon now for dlIvMr anytinie. C. A. Goodtellov & Son. HIGH CLASS DRES AKN I have openol a high l clasdresmar- lng parlor, aud ame nov renly toee- cufe endors. lPive yeans' epereno ln' fhia wenk. lMra. eo. FImlay, PaiS St., Whltby, oppouto Houas«cfRefuge. -22 (10 te Rmm 1'hmpm mo to iblgw vonk shisrts, »0. Jee N. Machsu'i Phiyers la fie Mn- sic Hall Thuraday. F'niday sud gal- nrday this veoil. lu aid ot War Relief Society. Thnnsaday, "mTe FlineSetfie- ment" Pniday, 'The Rosary," Batun- day, *«My tTncie ftrom Japan.» Aise Saturday matfnee. Adlen, 26&. 26 sud 40 watt Tungaten lampa 24e. eacll; 150 Watt Tungsten lamp au I each. at Oeo. IL Rnce.ivoBrything la * THE WÂ&WS TI> TUING. Owlng tO,*èlêlftten»elY intenestiu Mome, ouna, .lenez'Mm,-Imsue va PhuladcIiiia 111h. Torotoffie. Mien sud boys vanteI for herseClos- iar dPant ment, AMYpLy TtM & AVe.q LII.. Why. 1 ien2ts. ý Lu0 tu 87.Gc4tu xS ýx4fpi-ited lhae u aldnem ka i a . Ilm..f 711 abseiint fInl,Çali su1 e om OI bniw7s. "Prie. ;Ut4>3xe N.t o *rt ii. Go tan"" ~ltcoapaM1or âne*lt& ENTEIITAMND TUE SOLD1E1nS. meé members et ýBatt&Uon 116. CIL, F., who ans l trhhuig a*t Wtby,- vere given a wvelcoe y 'l iv4lrt Leasue etflie Methodiat chunch on. th l e 7r m e i g * tô a sc ia 5004 piogra 7 duels. wbihlch e. lue yugla"i he Atii Latý md0,a muet âtuaioq.u t Id-ôUttO0 & i~ ~~#à ve1!*etw .. à *~ 0 I The -Among giltu e ore" a menti- A upeclai (enly eue) Howard.- reg- mxental Value, thé brelet la pro- ular $40 for $30. eminent. It l'Sprement@somethia, eniulti os, eua 1 et listinga verth thaï,& anaAs er $10.hnmoel eglr 1 bringu te minI 1h. kindiy senti. Aforv$10.ieetaatvr pca ment acctuatlng the lonen. As an, pAie s tet&a er pc an aonteif ame. .hIn elom, 25 atches et 38.00. sud ay . ha t=m7ystyle te 32 vateheâ et 15.00. suitîthti aste of the reoipient or 1e vatchec at *10.00. theepurseofet he give5. Pries nuu 12 ao o v ek range from 26c. te *18. An ur$L6* at1 or00.wek lt privats f at a-t lige pr0«PI ADDIYMue îambens, Toronto. AGO rREAL y6.oc p.m. Y. 8.30 P.m. I trains. )SITION 0Angola@ &ad lervationus en I ti. UIN ýy R E e r Pa 10 1- A g, ' Dm E T S 17 la Dm-c eny tu a ega 1m a 1 1