Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Nov 1915, p. 7

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Y. 4-. 4 îý GOa iJOW TO,<ElI~TEfÃ"T N1Y The DWaas" la ln the »lood BBrtsi Sppr Iwust Be T 1et hrolugh There le ne litait te the daring and A rcn rlI te . erretery ef spies ln France, aud se scribes hé*w an«Lty th~ B1o~>d. eeessary la It te thice every preeau- rprepar.d i Praii- ~Tl~ee ar alm un fn5I1wa et tion against theta t alconverstes.,.rç,wi trç-ating nheumatlem as there are dec- betw a messi sdCIUPI u ' e . Vidia-L« n tons. Most et these treatments are ed with goia avo y1hauhoi u&diremaikbie Tf directed.at the symptoms and are con- -ties TRie strictee orders have 'been in hie great. fioRd c g ~~~sidered suecestul if they relieve the. smned te lhe troopa hhat neoinfoma-1 în' i* vccne pain and the stiffness. But the antionris ete be given te anyone, eithor ie ho Y' tilal a 'bis snd the stiffnesi returu particulariy civil or military. one, but frein mai> if the patient bas been expesed te The daring of spies in îil1utrted by ef hdillus typheau dampues. This shows tliat the p i an Incidenit related by a sapper. Sig- sterilizeçi by tRie m son was net driven from the sysetem nais Section, R.E., now ln Fyaqce, on tion of ether, and, by the treatment employed. Rheuma- one occasion two officers 'went ite a eleinenta. It leI pui tiem ean te relleved lu a number et certain signal office and peremptorily poules, -or glas vi ways, but there le only one wyte demanded certain information. They escl i etwhlheii co cure it, and that lu through th blood,1 were both et high rank, and ut firit dead typhoid ýbacil? expelling the poisenous acld that tRie officer in charge had net' the in the preparatin causes the, aches and pains ud stiff- F'I, -t R1snsicioli. But the. British aseptle methoe ai nous. To renew and enrlch the bleod "th" provedl their undoing. They were e*<ored 'phe artp there la ne medicine can equal Dr. cunning euough tg uvoid woM~s begin- the workere: "Oifl Williams' Pink Pilla, which go rigbt aing thua, but'-the fatal 41dis" for iivedI at the laboraw te the root et the trouble and cure "this" slipped eut, and soon they ber, 1914, te tii. es - heumatimn te stay cured. The foi- were looking down a couple et revol- present*year can ha lowlng Is au examnple ef what Dr. ver barrels while a sharp voice said, activlhy uhal preva Williams' Pink Pille can de iu cases l'Hands up." That was the end etfttie indet4tiga>lç ai of thie -klnd. -Ur. Henry Smith, St. their spying, tersely says tho sapper. wmerhibized Jerome, Que., sy:.ue upwards et On another occasion a dispatch- workers - directors a year 1 vas a victita et rheumatismn rider went tesring on hie motor-cycle pz'eparators, Red C: - lu a meut painful tenu. The trouble!I by a field, i which a ,man iwu Wai rderlies, ail wc was located lunxuy legs, sud for a lon. poughiug. Suddenly a büllet vent The eufféring which 1 eudured eau bead. The rider increased his epeed, Im >~!t - ouly b. lmagiued by thoue whe havet rounded a beud ln Ïho read, snd met aco been simiarly afflicted. Doctors' miotor-lorry. Soon three soldiers -wentYo treatment dld net help me, snd thon I eut for a walk acrosathie field. They began trying allier remedies, but with stopped- and ipoke te the ploughman, T L Fr ne bette.r reults. Finallyi -v as ad» sud euneoft hem held eutis haud. a17 asiosr fi vised te try tDr. Williams, Pink pille, The ploughiuuu toek t, sud th. noxt and altbough I had begun te loue minute vas ou bis back, with a knee yDo Tour 57CM KIWI oeu already vedr -lYs ,ét faith in~ medicine, 1 finally ýdec1ded te pressing in hie cieut. The ether two Thousands etMid gise the pulls a tnai. I am very soldiers searched the hedge, and tound ton malbe oe et 1 grateful nov that 1 dld se, for atter a rifle and cartridges coucealed there. duat tesave yeur i taking eight boxesofet the pille the Se the ploughuian was marched off, lat Theoes are aura>,other Orffl of V j rouble completely disappeared, I vus and as ho was net in uniferm, ho W55 Fou finish Tour da-you - ifree from pain tsud could walk *as voiR tried as a weuld-be uiurderer. Andl5retous elea <IEN. RADJKO D13MTTE, . as ever I did in My Ite. % have since ~7691 do n't t. 1gi A Bulgrzlan. wluo le one of thie mont tRiken tRio pille occaeionaRly as a pro- sise th" t Rise our4 truisted and capable fomveru eft hel cautienary measure, and. I -cannot MEANING 0F HALF-MAST. YOUr eena louye Rtuscan ana>'. t ln reportes! thati speak tp0 blghly in jtheir tavor. 8117 ether are trogi h. w- 1-ad a Rien"aarrujY oucngtDiWiias ikA iuTa h Da a a iaior total blindal ataiet b cunt-yme» Yu cn gt DnWiliam' Pnk A Sin Tat he Dad an a u erely crutches; tht agintbA OUlI*ilO*Pilla through ny inedicine dealer or Woyîby ef Universal Respect. fte pm vhl9, ______ ___by mail ut 60 centqabç or six boxes 075et n mly, i for$250 ro r.Wilias' Perhaps yeu have noticed that 'Sers for yo .Ueit for$2.0 fom ht>Dr.Wiliam" PU yen lroeur ore trç SEN$SES 0F TREES. Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ont. WheTever a prominent porson dieu, Ifbi mail T-ri't ospeciali>' if ho is conxected with the to the neareet vde-a 1m- *et a bottie cor un Perseveruuce ef a Poplar in Sur- Governmeut, the flags on public build- iwe-ouuoe botte wut Obtce.THE GUELPH WINTER FAIR. lugs are hoistod ouly part ofet RoWay ldison lve Wanh th mouuingup. This-is called "hall-muet." Did t e t tbrletsdai Mr; James Rodway who is the The Largest Live Stock Show uuldyuee so otikwhtcne-gckîyeur oyes ci iurator of the British Guiaua Museumi ibid yeuee sop t e thikwhea ccnnec- t feammation viii and ~ ~ ~ ~ I uemntbenidclrsttinthe Dominion.inthrecudb bienafa i te 'osé il ; It and a emient otanst, eclaes tatliat wus net properly boisted aud lie esut. Murî who arei plante have aI least three of our five, From a smnali start in 1884 as a fat death of a great man? Evor since saved 1he1, eyes mad senses-feeling, taste and smell-and stock show for Gugppliasd vieiuity flaga were used inluwur il bus been the ment, but mamvelong thut certain tropical trees smeil wnîer 'there has deveioped the biggest pure- custeom te have the flag et. the super- tndes tet au&e Now froxu a distante and wiii ruove ly agricultural exhibition lu the Db- 1er or conquerlug nation above that eu te cave yonr oyej straight toward it. minion. efthIle ii«eiior or vanquished. WheA t thsU14k »n, long But Irees net in the Iropics van do At firet onîy fat cattle were pro- an army found ituelif hopelaly bout- "c f ofot as weil. A resident of an old Scotch vided for. The classification lias been en il hauled ils flag dowu far enough PreorIptIon bip mai mausion, says a wriî-er in the Scots- enlarged f rom year te year, iucludiug for the flag eft ho victers te te placed mian, fouud the. vaste pipe froxu thet firet sheep thon swiue, later a idairy above it on tSe. same polo. This vas houe. repeatedly choked. Lifting test aud poultry were added. In 1909, a teken, net ouI>' et subtaiesion, IlitER th. alubs in the basement paving lif a herse show vas added, sud "i year et respect. In those days, when a ~ IIRI discovered that the pipe was cern- a stan las beiug made viii breeding fainous soldiex- died lowp. e- pletlRy encireled by poplar roots. sections for cçatile, -sheep 'Âduvie.'eed o*t, of respec teRi, m800yW~' T*hey belougod ,to a tree tRiatgrew- -The judgink' ef poultr>' vl e'em ï>. utp ln, goq 9drM soin, lhieyyards uway utie eppo- pieled by Moinday morning Dec. 6eh, PUreI iàitar ï ueg te II1)o Xd » uclues aegd. o-t ptiç coop 80 ail kiudli, lb.efag 'f1ilng ut hi-i Thus tIi. roots h4d moved &etadily 1- - ýt vbtalru e Ut bb- ~tO m * ~ tRiat tie'9 eoward lthelieuse sud hs*l penotnatedl prhee wlnneri.i4 4a beiow the fouridatien sud acrs the completed s a d e shwlg bEýr-eai'1 bo iti~fl basement until they reached themr suit posted on Mouday. As oe.ch tRie grea onurr tal-Rean e. Wne goal, the. vaste ¶ipe, a hundred sud cRase of herses, beet catîle, uheep sud ot death. fifty feet away. Thetndhey had piere- avine le judged, carde eheving lie thé. ieft thigh, -iemé ed a cernent joiniug sud had worked'catalQgue number sud tRie prize WOULD NOT WTO1 *'dr. - lest mue! their way in. There seexus somnething'awarded will b. put up on tho utal aconsc1ouN "4sTs almost huruan ln puch unerring in- or peu se Ihat the idoals ef the judges B B ' WNT EStese ,cea41tlî tut stinct and perseverance in surmount- can be follewed by the visitons. AIl Remanbable t ~PLi*IN~oI5~LÂft _________ l aNature - egd mnade, noi toe y -fietsiraps 4%. Tii aclb el at up in eail am- lo, là sets of threa, tais one billion, IL .Kt every stage 1ef. the vaine, we plort vigllantly ece w*rmly praisçç ly those Who iiaye ,tr. from Septem- arlyý menths ef the, ave any idea of the, alied thkere, and «, *41 et ail, men and 1 ad volun'r at ofabor#tçwiei, Crois ladies, hospi- îrking together."1 . pu m, ru trouble? Do 19"or upectaclest wé these 1"wlndowiel Doepnne wlth theni. lbe anid t layolir ii efOeS It dtou pegled m rethau te Otife body.4fter. la vork yeu tilt Gowb rs tdo goM'teIn eyeu' buzy - on or4 got te .Tiat là trled is sud fin- les that threoaten Par. bew oesmseare, i never cuzeq "Y wbtk ~ ut won- a ZhrC time 'oulâ .-Opto 'ttbieti a th Warm wat.rdrop ,low "It te t0orugbly liquld bathe tei Oies la et note how- 1ar vp sud bow scoc ,lear. Dou't be t -oolutely harm, now blInd mlgbt bave thysato tt hIs laàsmle tisak sly çectlve nIn li - Sthat Fou have been t~y «nbi do wbat yens e, sud you are llkelT an ue Ilva for jub- 1%ie 'Vilm lit RUtheie bove li. fi1 your deS G SOUP.to c~91ue4Mt~nuDijf otdp>wageà4-* emîrà lii t ~1ce 1851. 4m=rrageé provuacutWhlC4-hovlurba mltrii Iv -in4 etv~ m -. buand 9m ton _wiyea. "Abregards llleglhmac, IreRanci 'xc compares laveai> *ULmeut cou Ct-aM p u rl n onuh kti", 1, ah. -7. Tiie general birth rate showsà a neT aligRitincrease. A ciré peto! ecent. lu tRio doath <>ckmtj raté 'i ~ lue n,-ioheci, uld ugo" Ridng MAR tRie ilAdt cause, vfth luborculosis as ac.<. w. second. Last yesr'u déathraie vas 16.8 the, tiousattd. FInEflFOR MISSING WORK. Munition Workmeu Muet Psy Dam-1 agea t o EpRoyesa. That certain ShogfeRd (Engiunci) taunilion vorkmaen have not rqslized cf 4utf lu Ie.h itae,va 4vdpve t li i~ped Citl' rlcQ Mn. W.,.Ë: mmu z V atrhaci te deal witkh mati>' serious cases ef allogeci elacdng ont the part of employes -cf -Sheffield finus, nov engageil ou voik tor ie. flicol ançi lie aBrui>. e. gtirekin, 'olcit.or for eue cf the. comapanios, statec tRiatlnlu lre. mentie 870 mon lest 15,000 boure. Ailegaiona ci porlodical drinlcjng was Provýd that *'h*mon enu Dr. RadmIRid (tS ctor o! xetaI_- lug>') gave evidence l suppmort of his frma's cases, sud appealeil to lieÃŽ bench to deal stricti>' wth.tRie delin- queuta. florace W. Walker vas uunmoned. for 47 4s. damuges for ueglech et vork on eighh cisys. The- bench awardeci dumages umonnting te £5 79. 04. Mn. Burdeékin statod tRitRie damages véne net tih. point iu tRie antataquso. The moue>' veut intô the. tu-m'a var fundu. Cian1e4 Smnihvus summeoneci for loiung 1046 heure, andi lie compan>' aisked te? £8 4s. damnagos. Mn. Blinde- kmn stateci that *the. defeudant '4ad peniodicat bouts et drinlclng.- De- fendant said i. had bee n- suifering frota geut. The bondi avardeci £5 andi costs., William Henry Wake was sumamoneci for £4 9s. damages for 81 iost heurs, sud vas ordereci ho puy £2 2s. an&t coite. T. Towuhon, blackpmihh's stnukon, for ugotn bis vonk through drink, for eight',I dayu, vas onderenotepay the £1 vithi coatu, 7s. 6d. John IL. Hoven -andci Green vere egcli feci £1 for, lostg s duy's vonk. George Neill vus order- eci te puy £5 deasaes iiaL a h piet vas orderci h to -puy £4-ca=nges fer aime bit. Samui ý o1dwei, moulder, vau onderMc,, hopuy,,£8 ana cosesior loslng hlm., suit Robent ýJeu-, rings vas oýeroe h u £5 su'ad cuit. - --f WhvY.ef Wblte UNlono -Setier." se ah bIggest aboya. G(bel $2, $8, $È eÇch. Catalog free4 BHALL 4& MARSHALL . Niagara Fallu, Canada. h 1*-.&Vly le ___ lo~bs hÉs ie~hhat iiU%' i 4~i~4.»f R~~ mad Ito delicto - SOi7 rr- ÂlyUréoh i. lae eona*Àte, Weaho rcr',1 n 5hna p vey mi~r~b~. ehat.su'What's tile mathu7!M:- PO~ hoyes e se#&. 1~ t'§ 09 ~ zt, ive vihi. dlot- is. M a- - peal for more rocruits, which vus -' loudly applauded. A nev feahure Ibisyear lu a-judg- agri.1BW <>tb4e, AcigCroaisySlhe h ng competihion belveen lie diféent »i M muu-Yo i Manchester Regimeut is lie tirai sel- coIe. tlepeid, aieut zn emcsyda7I u~é. rsbme P diorai evih fith e rcel, te biug represented b>' hiree men pick- ~Wi I~ ed by the District Representalive. mu as m v ' Panua& !F4 Victoria Cross. Hie reward vas gîv- ?n hum for iaving assiited a vouuded mass.O e<u-U Wlifflla 1 ' lIiotat SS cornrade over 250 yards ef grouud un- SHQRTAGe Oe clsEvjm-UX11 80eiebu ge peur face ft thé sot & dér lieavy sheRl fine at Ypree. Ne.........oca* t..uatT - GermaisA.my. ISE WORDS The Eaet Prussian sud Pomeru"a -famnilies have by no meane mono-- A Physicla on Food. pely of higi Posta i& tui rm, A Western phyeIau lias Yioe am ,l Rilam> ur.i on about food. Re says: i.svmefuete nofcs "I1 have ulways believed lath ictheMaor% crI as "dWb" duty oet-the phyuiciau doesanet ceuse kao' onrh dtbh1 twli wlîh tneaiiug lie eick, but that wvo » pure x«liea at2r cf mer t d f owe il 0 humauity lg tuaçh thom liov "'w ~ bodsdm te protecl Ilicir ieait.i espeaIy by " e hygienic and dietietic lI .Prasu -il lot ca-ry thse lioioe> - dfuty 1 take grent pillasurv ln sayîugtati l<o'4 0uws that, in my evu expenieuce a»4 îatise «. Ier. afe Dot enouheler 9________ f rom personal observation, 1 have >sih5teoVOid 3 adb' fouud ne food ta tiquai Orape ais de. viti von i PahkonàyVon and tht I1fiid , ere h lto-NUIs y esKr .w lh mîttotethe gM.ut benefit fl tliid Alexander v< on t IcIU, sfflet von wilI bring when usefflinall iio 4a~nevis f$ewW O8 sicknesesud convalescence. ryJu re;Frdrich vons &bi'aO 0 Il le my exporieuce that ne physi hnrofca eY.sig o acondition fenbide tie ose et Grupe- E~i>hbgnlt tpuO~u~~ê Nuts. Te persous luinchalli then. 13m'ch', *a nothing se nourishiug aacptable éïie mwnaZ aue toetho stomaci ,epeeîlly,.at bretakit ICSJSS' ~ U .i~$ Le start the mclinery,â e h 1 systexu ou tic. dayj$ 's v. «'In cases- et 'indlgttion, I'bnow Ih* a complote ibrèýA8cut eau be n"_ o6 f Grape-Nuts un4 cream; and 1tu t 7, le necessary notte .verload iý xch nt thie umornig nÉ *L I. hak tie great Vlue of ",-G the stofnaeh <la .o e6k 01f mIorq he f Thé. main Who iiioms it ail1# nee tee 11 _ber szhnee Mû 04 auets mu,»onas t l boruend asma1l .bh, ofmiEfârstupdln h ot wB'- tort' preo>aMre yprevlus charms, in, EMAX,JOUSON The Old Ne.,494 St., Paul St. Efftabufed ever' St y.ess u 8~dus rur Fur»s"Il 0"theii l,ý -ýql TêUx a

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