a1 Pil ,h ýè ir~ t thé laue Wm. aue onf Mostl, u the d wW beor. 2Ii W, arm aorry to -report that Mr- john duUe 11e S'St0f s.U ~ <rpmr l8o9ate aiCdlut, but hope fôr a, trait '«litbe gar"aty riwuz1 sp eedy reoevery. ~reb)trla chrcb we e a s118 Miss Margaret Fisher wua la Whitby benaorgmftfor tu-o yeafn, AI" & on Moada.y. Mont 1110 y(JUng People Of the Ytl9eê Mr. Wm: Rôutley ba& returned home Th9re la talk ofthe11 Ti. Ccuncll beilg trom Markham, where he han been eleLe by acclvné±ton this year, ther. workiug for some tîme. by saviug fthe Tp. a conDeiderable s- Mr. Henry Swinson sffered a stroke 'Mount of m *uy. - one day luit week, but he la on th1e .R7ow in your appetite? Try Law' mend again.4 renoe's cholce pickles. Mrs. Peter Parrott snd Mm. Jas. Par- * Mr. A. C. ElIit'tt was lu Toronto Ofl rott, pald a f¶>'tug visit at D. Parrot's Tu4y Vuying Çbrsga goo4s. on M19onday. MisA Mlrinm Retd, 0f Oshawa;~ bas Mr. Jtm gu-inson. of Toronto. le vis- Deen vlrltirtg for té. few'days witIf ber iting wlth hie father, Mr. Henry Swi-lu grar.dparents, *Mr. and Mrn. A. Ket- son Cberi. Mr. Frank Fisher and Mr. Wnl. A A ITd Cross F3raar will be beld la Lynde, wbo are trai.ning for overseas the Maâoriie liall, .qrooklin, on Priday, service, were home for over Sunday. oDeeeto.ber 3. "adtr the auspices of the achU) . for sale ha forMYRTLE STATION'. goode of altÃknde, horne-made rendies. etc. KCeopthe. date ln mmnd. Mms J. E. Beacock attended the an- *Mli Elicle Vitiond lot t on Mouday for nlversary services ln PouRtypool on a tr!p to the West, where ah. will vtsit Sunday, last and visited ber daugbter, wiîb ber sister ln Roland. Man. Mrs. R. Spencer. The concert. given ln the~ Masole imiss Mfay Chisholm and frlend, Mmi. hall on Wednesday evenlng lant under Cumning, of Toronto. speut the. week- the auspices of the Anglican cburcb. end à i Mr. Rob iCbsholmis. was a fair success. The talent sastain- Rev. George NIekie was la Toronto ed their reputation. eacb number being on Monday last attending.* Btlly Sun- lîeartily receited. The selectlons by day's mteetings. the Port Perry Quartette were splendId- MrDs. 14. H. Beacock returned borne Iy given, aloo the solos. Mms Archer, on 'Saturday lait after spendlng a wbo la always a welcome artiat, gave we-k i n Toronto wlth ber sister, Mis nomne beau titul songs. The sous ýTis a r. W. i'urkins. Ilttle bit of Heavon, sure they cail il Mit. Fran.k Duf wai lu Toronto on Ireland." wui particularly fige. Mr. Saturday Lait. M. O. Hazeil, of Whitby, excelled ln Mr. Jack Soliiday bas secured a good bis dellgbtftil renderiug of -Bedowin position Ir. Detroit. Love Song.' For hie encore number Mir. Bert Bewmock wua ln Toronto lait 11e gave "Motber Macree.- wbich wai 'vpcek un business. aliso beautifthlly rendered. 'These art-.1 Mr. and lin. F. L VanNest were lu lots will be always welcomed here. A Olshawa on Tuesday tast. very striking and maiteriy address wai Thos. Manderson had a very suceesi- given by Rev. Mir. De Pencier, of Osh- fui operation on bis eyes lait week. awa, on "The Ws.r." In il be showed Ho wai abIe ta sme faly weIl on Mon- the cause of Kaisernigm in every fors day lait, but hai to keep the tender upon the world to-day, and our duty as eyes covered for a wq@k or so. lRts a nation. many friends will ho #lad toesee hi= Keep your feet dry wlth a pair of out again with good eyesfgbt. Lawrence's rubbers. Prices right. Miss Mabel Bryant han secured a po- Mien Rosamond Deuton and Minss silon wlth the Robt. Simpson Co., To- 'Wiunifred Hudson. of Toronto. spent ronto, lu the jewelry.departinent. the week-end wilà th Ie formersa aunt. Gind 10 report that Mr. AiI Langford Mrs. H. W. Foley, at the Metbodist par-* 1a improvlng at time of wnlting. sonage. There wlll be e~tecton of officers at Miss Olver returned home from To. Beethoven Lodge. .O.O.F.. Brooklln.on ronto on Saturday, atter a tbree weeki ,Friday evening nert, November 26th. visit with relatives sud frienda. Aise one new candidate 10 join, Ail M5ý ud Mrs. O. Sebert have return- members are requested te ho preseut. ed to their borne here after a lengthy Mr. F. Harrison ls able t6. be out vil twtbrelatives Iu Wbitby and To- kgain. ronto. Mr-.. (Rev.) James Hanis: of To- MYRTLE. routo. Is vioiting at Mrs. J{owden's. Reserve December 23 for th1e annnal Miss Isabel B3oyce ls vlsitlug fiie!lds inae tree in connectlon with the. Sun- lu Toronto. day Scbool. Details later- Mm. Archer, of Port Perry, wui the Rev. Mr. Nicot wai ln Toronto on guest of Mrs. Walker.. Monday, attendlng the addresses -glvea Mr. Lou Gourlay, son of Mr. and Mrs. lun111e Arena by "BtlIy" Bunday. Gourlay, of tbis vtUJage, han enlisted. Mr. Levi Tondift and - arniy speot M~ise Noma Gourlay spent Sunday Sunday witb EûtieId friends. with friends lu Whitby. Wedding bellï-are agni »Uupslg tu Miss Edith Scott, of Oshawa, spent our inidet. Q Sunday w.th Miss Miaule Kerr Mr. Frank '. Duff aud UmistÊdythe opecliaprcW ogreyIab col j eutme itsu*' w. insttut wmestlng report to, the Bunday Sehool ce g v'~gq ÃŽÃŽrue n oc Mms Fred Hollday Sunday. qau Thursday, Nôvember 25, at 3 p.m. Mr. W. R. Kleut le bavlng a newbarn Etublects, "Âmtmnta fer Youu.g ?eo- constructed. ple," by Mrs. P. N. Holliday; "Rot ~DIsbee for Supper,» by Mise A. 01ver ISL3 bAppie coutent,. Solo by Misa Jean Ray-NSLR craf, M. Rs. d la reeoverts.g tromabr recent iltacus. i. . ÂLMODS. lra. Moore la viltlng her taher, Mr, anumber trom i s polltrt t e Mm - Brigns.lI left tôrtebornçe lu tued dthe.8.8.InsftItut. in Wbltby North Iakota on Mondar. Reraltr >ait w«14 IrM. engaily, accmpmaled bor me la? spmu fiadaya $mei revete.hes-o mttffeudd teti. urs lii.âa~ Kf. ~~*k Ceut of Engi#deonot ait Eno*ft Ml r ew "Yay utý 2 WIiea veg e t l«q Is e .1 - Meaina, W. 04 I th*11 rn* a Hov mauy YOua# ""*M ui tOyn viit to Mr. IV% fnguan this Wednesdayai" UU Yltlag raliy for Wlb, tO b Mr. &ad lra. G. KYUes aud Mini May held lu Breoklia? m a m"uu4 ýpent 8unýday aI lMr. W. Hla. IDout taiad, baek l.Mr. m .MON. I. tuneral'imâlhW mother 1Wlti r a tý& ï4YPeSt S ayrPatX a.edq people otKfnaaltoira.. Mayno .and her famlly. A car of coal wu unloso1ed 8f Mc- Bnien's sidlng this w#ek. Some cf the young people enjoyed a dance Friday evening. RAGLAN. 1 Mrs. IF. Dring bas returued home ai 1er spen4lug sau-eek ltb thNewcastle fnienda. The Red Cross concert betit hère lait week wu well attended. Major Robent Smith. of Columbus, made a short but iexcellent speech.- Proceeds amourited to over $30. Gîad to report that Miss lien. -Val- lant ls out of danger, and la lrnproli i-apldly, afler about Ibi-ce weeks' slck- ness. Messr-s. John Bray and John Wilson. have Installed new T. H. C. gaieline rOLUMBUS. Reeve MeKeurle sports a ueu- Ford auto. Miss Wiunie Moore ia taklug part lu "The Llon'a Cub," te b. gIven ln Osh- au-a on Frlday nigit. Mr. Barry Roberts la gettiug &loug nioely. A feu- from bhere atteuded th1e concert at North Oshaw-a lait Prtday ulght, and report a good programme. Mn. Piiulip Stone bai been under the doctor's car. u-ifiias attack of asthmea. Mn. W. Scott fa on th1e sick 1sf. The annuai meeting of th1e Red Cross Society wu beld lu the 'rou-n hall hene lait Monday nigiit, sud vas lagely at- fended and greatly enjoyed by ail pra- sent. The programme glven by Iss G.'Waig, Columbus. W. Keri, Auhburn. Webber Bres., ef Brookilu, and speh- en by the. Presidents. S. Stocka. Mn. Wm. Smilth and CapC- Cockburn, vere mueb appneclatedL. -Collection u-ai $28.50, sale of pins, $32.50. $100 REWARD* $100 The readers of this paper will be pleaued to icui-u tlat there lsaI at et one-dreadled disease that science bas beesablhe to cnre lu aUlils stage, aud 111sf IsCatsrrh. ifall'ucatmrrb cure la h OUIoyPositive cure sow kmown te the medlcal fraternlty. Catarri beug -a conatitu- tiouai disese, require a aonttutfial hi-est ment. Hall'» Cstarrb Cure ln takea Interi ally, sctIng dIrecUlupon the blood and mucous lu-- Iscea of lhe ayutem. thereby tetroylng th1e foandation of the dlease.ad giviug the. patient UIeNtIhby baildin UP lte constitution and as.tUgature lau oi ils uok. lTe pro. VItr e somitcb faillilu scurtive pore.a offer one' Run red Dollars fora caue th3it fais to cure. Send for ilaIor «Address t'.J. Ce"NET & Ce., Toledao, . Sold by h riit.7c WH1TY LCALS being a real llitlue i a4aa vsst u-ealfh et utuelnou.eo. Sope et thé, preelous ýmetijatouait -laà au R«4a ar iq erutdluai pabinet, ac Sunod&> aa(mlver28" Pilpit wll bd& ebotit servi roato. korvisir <if Tou ors-l Worwaw4 Moyeuit o iAlUs." m Mitbrn. Ge bsMrd MtitMW hatr sud Misa PlaePl& A. P. pmg." à -me=-ù"pbutA à eulaies&lu- t#~ . e -1 -ut (eorigh Suionud a dauOghter etf the late 'os. Jeu--Il Limt D'iday night the. office ot Hogg & Lytlei etavator, niemi the O. T. IL station, u-aa broken lntO.aid *ansack- ed. ail the, rney fbuud belug taken. This la the . flffUtthlle iplace bai beau broken Into lu four years.1 Mir. J. S. W1lhkl1nledger kieeper lun1the Domgion Bank, Odhawa,, ba eulitd. wlt th finQtailo CouaLy Overs.aa-bat- talion 'sud left .-or Uxbrldpe, on Mon- day. An eveut of much Importance ft th Catbollec cemnty of Dsnforfb Ave- nuè district and te the Boly Xarne So- ciety et Toronto, u-ai the1Wikyng of the. corner-atone of thé bandsome ucu- pab rouaI ehurch of the Holy Name, corner et Mosco*w and Dantorth Avenues, Sun- day atternoon a1 three o!clock. The building, wlien completed, wfil b.a replica of a ciurch of thé fid Cea- turY of Romiafetcse architecture', sud a modeî of the Ctiùrch of St. Mary Ma- 3cr at Rine.- -il wlhlb.eue or thte finest Churches jr the City, sud wil seat upu-arda of 1200' p«oe. Rev. Father Cine, formerly of Oshawa, la tb. paitor. CLAREMONT. Thomas E. Stephenson ln sulfeing from an lnjury to eue of bis eyes, caused by a plece of steel entening The-Baptiot Sabbath Sebool ha7vide- cided to hold f1101 annual Christmnas tree and outerfaineut on. the eveuluf of Weduesday. Dernber 22nd. Hugh Gregg. ar.,hba beauconfined te bis houa. for a feu- dayà on account of Ilînes but u-e are pleased t10 state that he ia nou- recovering nlcely. The many Clarnont frieuda et Rev. W. B. Findiay, superiutendeut of the prIson farm at Ri chrnond Hill, and formeriy paitor of 1the Preshyterian Church her., wfil regret te hear of his serious Ilinêsa. A very sudden deatb took place at noon ou Saturday lait at the bhome cf Robert Asiienhurst on fhe fifii conces- uiou of Uxbrldge, whenUrMi. Alex. Bur- reil DU p astaY at the ageofet66 years. 811e uas lpià y stveepintg tueý floor, wbeu, wlthout a moment's notice, ohe fehi te the. ffoor ând expired lmamedia.tely. The. funeral took place ou Monday from the bhorne et ber daughter, Mrs. Dan Nor- ton, of fhe Stb conceséion, azidber body was-conveyed ftiith Uxbnidge cemetery for burtl. *Pte. Arthur Bundy, of Toronte, aDent a feu- <aya at bis -home hem ouiug t the se$foua tluesof M h1eloer ;PhUs M1h, who iibéeau n-such a,,nit1ea1 condition durfhg the pastfrw turned br-th f11 at1ft talnd'a tabou ap reui4eu. lU the. e. hi lug Meted te l iacoxub. rpetyut weof th !b rubridge, The members sad f>ln«h the11A.,' Y.P.A of St -ýGeege'aCxuà jp &-moot enjoyable fiie um ,ter ail on iThurl4u eltbg Uhu ýthe eveanugwa-maor1efeiua 'A geod 1atteudatuce, Mly on Satà rdsy v1n* iéto mua ber -duties l u.V1etes1 mb qarti es0- pitat ast çeadng &,te* iweW v» eatteu v.ifti ber iipflira suit hibber Euznea 1vrtbus il à ltù *h1 Butter Wraper 25 cents Hundred C. A. OoodleiIow 01Son Whitby, Ont. Br own'sTrees The best &bat cau be growu. Who is our Agent in yonr Town? Brown Brothers Company Nurseymen, Limited« Brown's Nurseriesi,- Welland Co., Ont. flMO. E. FAREWELL, ILC. Barrzjr, Couty'CýroVa. ttorney sMd Offceiouth wlIng Court Honim.Whltbi Mouer th'Les.. - Eosç Whilby. or rosIùum *0*5** find~ 86lie SWAIWS@* Itoz, Notaay Publie, ty Lqw puce anýd good. quality Ifpurchmg a aftrphophoue- W. have th. mssortrnent, the' right puice,. and a.- large ,assortmient of Records -tD Chooesfrom. Z A large stock cf Washlng Machines, Sewlng Machines, lEtc, 1-.9n baud. Hlameau, Robes, Nluta & loves W..F. DISNI3Y, Petsoital Mention. Mms. C. A. Goodfellow spent sevoral days lu Toronto.- Miss May Oranger, et Scarboro, la stayiug u-ltb ber gt'andpareuts bene for a time. Miss Rut.h Dowuey, of Toronto, vis- Ied ber parents, Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Dou-uey. Mri. andtMrs. N. Morrlîey and ciud- ron, et Pickerng, spent Bunday at fhe Whîtby Rouie Mr@. Thomas Wilkinson, of Lindsay, waa ln toxu lait week vislting Mr. sud Mr&. W. B. bic. Dr. Lou J. Sebert sud u-l!., aDent Sunday lu towu en route for fleir new home ln Strafford. Mi. sud Mrs. Thos. Coulin bayé ne. turneit fromn a vlsIt u-lth frienda ln To- routo sud EHanften. Mn. Stew-art Bell, son of Mr. j. J. Bell, formeriy o! Whlfby, hai euliafed fon overseas service. Miss Deofhy Hollday sud trlend, of Toronto, fspeut fie 'week-end u-lfh hon grand-mothen, Mis. T. J. Holliday. WHIBY 't * i Aluougst the Wiiitby people W-ho went- to Toronto 10 bean',Bllly Sunday wene 1the followlng«. RevK. G. A. M&- Lesum, S. G. MeCormack sud A. H. Foi- ter; -Mrt% Rebf. Thompson, J. IL James, E. W. Evans, C. A4 Godlellou-, Wm. Hopper, A. W. Slreft, Wesley Ruttan, Walter Bun, Leslie Cormnack, F. Lu don, P. F. Aunes, Vlflau Williamns, J. Johns,bev. P. LU sud bMis. Fanewell, Mrs. W. A --. Beal, Miss Joncs. Miss Wright, -Mis. T. G. WhttIleld. The Nortlt Ontario Timtes says: - Lieut. majo>r, -ofWhitevale, u-iU ho rnovlig te WhitbY shorfly. Liaut. Major hms ma"-hiuy friends whâle ifou-n and u-ll1b. greatiy misedi - Bergt', MueSolé, ef -hes7th Bat. talIon, vai presenteit by the ergeanfi of that battallon with a handsorne gold vit at*li beautifuily eilgraved, ou is leavlng 6e take over the duties of bis office lu the liOth battallon, under -Col. Sharp,. He vas alzo preaenfed wlfh a gold hieaded -cane by fie Adju- tant o!f te 3711i. Ncedless te say Scîgf. Major Hole lu very prounit of hic gifta, u-bleb speaks hlghly of service reuder- ed. Ha la a thorough officer sud cornes to Uxbridge hlghly recomminded. u-here ho la now eu duty. TREASWER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES BY VIRTUE of a warrant under the hand of the Warden and the seà I of the BCorporation of the Coutity of Ontario, dated the i 5th day of September, 1915, comrnanrdlng me tolcvy upon the lands mentioned i the following Iistfo arrears of taxes thereon and couts as berein set forth ; 1 bereby give notice that me ues scb arrears and cos are sooper paid, 1 shall, in compliance with the Amumrent Act, proceed to selt by Public Auction, the said lands, or so much thereof as rnay be necessary for the taxes, at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on1 part <-,entre part 6outh> parth t N Pt. B. K Eauit of eS Nj North 1-2 S. W. C. 1W a-s r., MONDAY, DECEMBER 27TH, 1915 at the hour of two o'clock lu the alternoon Lot 11 10 Lot 131 4 Lot TOWNSH[P 0F RAMA Con. Acres Taxes Couts Total1 FR 22 $31 40 $3 04 $34 44 B ioo 251 2 56 15 67 C 50 8 76 2 Ç0 si26 F lo' og e 68 357 95 35 L g 888 2 50 Il38 TOWSHiP 0FMARA. Con. Acres Taxes Goas Totalf B 5 9 31 250 Il 83 4 )1 2 80 3 50 5 30 9 20 34 45 3 Il 37 56 il 10 18 4s 3 723 31134 1i 100 37716 a94 3070 13 100 1304 a358 15 62 13 2 1-2 27 19-. 93 3012- T1OWNSHIP 0F BROCL- COB. Acres TaesCaste 5 66 1-1 243JI286 ,TWNSHIP F FIC91RING Cie. A««esTames'Coute 33 j p , SeoL ~m. wpî~ Pat or Unpat Pat Pat Pat Unpat Pa rUnpat Upait Pa rUPat Pat Pat Pat Pat 'Pat Total Pst or Uspat s~î8 Pst Total-Pst or Uspat 778 rat 1@~ ~~1 loi3, 1:5 s Ou Suaù the. romd- mlutorttu tomleti another -9 ianaè valu No p- Tou. Bail