200,000- SERBIANS FIGHT ON TAKIC IIEAVY TOLL 0FP£NM Losses Thus Par 35,000 Kilied and Wounded and :20,o00 Prlsoners-Alies Have Surprise in 5t.rc A despatch f rom Athens says - The i strateglc standpoint, and as regards lwspaper Hestia publîshes an inter- munitions we shahl remain on the de- %'eW wlth t.he Serbian War Minister. fensive, holding the passes and Wear- wht isl at Salonirs, in which the Min- ing, dowrn the enemy until the Angle- iter iaid: French farces arc sufficicntly streng "Although wu have lest 35,100 te enable us to resumne the offensive. killldod r wounded and 20,000 taken "The participation ef Italy meets prisoner, the operations are anything, with difficulties ewing ta the diver- but ended. Our forces now number-' gence ef views regarding Albanin. inig 200.000 are etil intact. We are Russia's Intervention wili be effected only deflient in hoavy artillery. The after the concentration of the allied morale of the treepa linjnimnpaired. armies in the Balkans, and it is ex- The commissariat 1, werking eplen. pected that this will praduce a9 change diffly, thanks ta the F'rench orgun- in Rouraa's attitude. tzers. "I can assure you that France and 4"Nevertheless, the situation is diffil- Fnoland are prenaring surprises ini cuit, theugh net hopeleas, from a The Leadg Markets Br eadstuiffs. Tlrontao, Nov. 3.-Manitohba wheat Now cr"p), No. 1 Northern, $1 i " N'2 Noniherr, $1 .0; Ne. 3 North- en.$1 <I07) track lake ports, inime- Manitolo 'att .No.'2 t-W., 48c, t 'c~lake port s. Anerican cori -No. '2 ycllow, '-74c t, ack Trînito. ialiann 'rro Nu. 2 ycilow', 76c, t-ziekToronto. (1; tario ual s - Ne4w crup,No 3 'xiite,, 1tet"39c; cu.m'erial atq, .7 'S e rln t rigbhts outside. ((rtir' w:t -Noa. '2 %înter. per a lt s, 94 te)9f-c; wheat, slightly art' ndtotukrh, 9o ta 9,1c, accord- irý t ' %%heia.xxlv't. sproated. iniat- t' i :tun1,ugb .77 ut.ýSî', oecoring ta 1'- . onnN-.Per car t' "2 sinin)l ;eas, $1 50 t" $2, ac- 1,i 'it, t 9o t,, to IlNomt' i iînnl, car lot,;, 75 1,t 7c au -ording te. fre,.ghts autonie. Ilt - No. nminal, t to Sýc ; ryc, t n a'w, 'icoring t"ipe M iit' 'o1îl <Ur -First patents, in $033;S s~în patents, ini jute i ý1 ne $ 5' ng 1bhkers', in jute «ý C, T or, îitto. 1, 'î louri-i N'w XViter, $4.40 t', $1 _), ae, îrd;rg ta sampie, cea- I r n e e freîghts in bags, 1 enz .i lit Brrr, 'Pur toSe, $22; ý , 1 s ,o jt ( 1 i,,, $ 3; îd i n gs, per go d en f utflurper lbsg, touitr> IProduce. B mt. -Fîslr. da iry, 28 ta 30Ce; ir f. '22 ta 24c; eîeaniery prints. 3ý (i lo. odsil, Xl ta 32C. Ixggs Stortige. ÎQ ta 32e per doz- en; .e!ccts, 35 ta 36L.; new-laids, 42 ta 45c, case lots. Honey-Prices in tins lb. 10 t' 11c; tomnb 'Noa. 1, $2.4ô; N'a.'2, $2. t t 13c; ducki, 15 te 16c; geese, 14 te 1 C;C- tarkeys, 30 ta 2e. ('heesa -- Large, 17Y4c; twins, 18e. Pi ttoosCarlots et Ontario quoi. at $1 2,arîl New Branswicki ai $i -V 1, ti .O per bag, an track. Prov iions. hou i ong cdean, 11,42 ta16C Ppi n case Iott. l'lams---Mediam, 1 î iý t' 1?.; do., heav, l4'-ý ta 15c; ral Uf b eî;;lreakfast bacon, 21 ti fi: lî' plain, 24 ta '25c; bonee bok,26 ta 27e. IrlPure lard, tubs, 14c - corn i ,pis, '12C. the Balkans." te $7.60; do., gooL-d, $7 ta $7.25; do., medium, $6.25 ta $6.604 do., commTon, $5-25 ta $6- butchers' balîs, chaice. $6.25 to $6.15; do., gzood buils, $5.75 ta $6; do., rough balla, $4.75 ta $5.25; batchers' cows, chaice, $6.30 te 6.50; do., good, $5.75 ta $(,; do., edu,$5 ta $550); do., common, $4.2,11ta $4.75; fêeders, gad $6',50' to $6. 75; stockera, 700 ta 900 lbs.. ,-;625 ta $1350; canners and cutters, $3 ta $4.50i rmilkers, choice, ea ch, $75) ta $120; do., cammon and mediam: $35 ta $60; Springerq,, $50 ta $100; light ewes, $6 .ta $7; sheep, heavy, $51 ta $5.50 do., baeks, $3.50 ta $4.50; yearling lambs, $7 ta $7.50; Spring iamnhs. CWt, .$90 ta $950: 'nlveqs medium ta choice, $7.25 ta $10; hogs, fed and watoed, $9.f65 to $1.).70; (ou, wveiihed ofF cars, $9,91. Montreal, Nov'. 30.-Choîce steers, $725 ta $7.50; steers, $.75ta $(;50; common, $4.75 ta$5.25; batchers' ca-ws, and huia, $4.50 ta $6.25 per cwL C('nn;ing stock-C'ows, $3. 15 ta $3-35; halls, $3.75 ta $4.25 per cwt. Ontario lambs, $9 ta $9.25; sheep, $3 )25 ta $ti per cw-mt' milkfcd calves, la o8c, and grassfed, 3 to C6c per l1b. Ilogs-Selected lots, $9. 75 per w. atýghed off cars. -_ __-1. S'FAR1 E IN WARSAW;, GERMA-N F1-001)S(.RCE A despatch from Amsterdam ta the.1 E~xchange Telegraph ('timpany says: The Week's Devclopmenta in the War. The, Balkan States and the Austro-It.alian front have held the chief intere week. After four months of terrific fighting wvth heavy lasses in a meant wcvre extrt'mlr difficult, the Italian armies are reported te have captured This news has net yet been offlcially confirmed. but if it proves true, the importance. An immediate advance against ITrite may be expected. In the B3alkans the Austre-German and Bulgarian advances have continu mnaqterlv retirement. It is now pretty dcfiitcly bclieved that the Serbian a aithough bath sides suffered terrifie lasses. Large forces of French and B the defence is becoming very mnuch stronger. At the Dardanelles the Turks have made desperate efforts te drive the evidentiy depending upen the reports that the Alliel farces there have bec: inforcements fer the Balkan campaign. Russian ar-mies, thoý-oughly equipped, are naw concentrated near the Ri in Bulgarla next week. Greece has complied with the demands of the Ente hiave succeeded in checking the invader, it would net be at ail surprising assist In driving out the enemy farces and in punishing Bulgaria fer her P On the Western front winter conditions prevail, and fighting has been The Eastern battle-front la aimait entirely unchanged. Consîderable nsN Baltic, a squadron af the latest British submarines having passed thought reports. A German super-dreadnought is reported te have been sunk byo shortrge et supplies lase great ini the îawnq aroand Wansaw that cven the LA w ~cajthy are anable te obtain sufficient I MESSrvç AGE f o.As a censequence, aatbreaks are of almost daily occur-rence, and T 11T E mr SERB NS invoIve fighting between civilians and ___ the German treepa. The situation bas been made worse i Reported te Have Promwsd Their, by the refusaI of General van Besse- i sne aBkria a Week 1er, ~~ ~ Prsec in Bnr-unrl t 'ladt ý2 allow the Polish Relief Committee ta Heace. w ork except ander German central, toA dsac rmLno as h e-which the cammittee declines te as- Adsac rmLno ns h ý3 sent. The mnortality among chlldren Russian Emperor has addreà sed a has doubled aince the celd weather personal tebegrani te the Serbiari Pre- . ean mier, M. Pachiteh. . aceôrding to a ?______. Saionica despatch ta the DAily Tele- M,, GERMAN SOLfIER ARRLIVES. graph, in which he remiîses the ap- Te - el 1U î._hQü Tls U. S. Immigration Authoritiensiuan treope. Tue- tai"l, Qovrnmei He 11elaWearY of War. according ta tua d"Patch, bas aise tI pramise t t send an expeditionary at A despateh tram New York gays: force af 40,000 mnen. Heinie Schultz, latea private in the According ta the lateat news frein Germnan army, reached New York, a Salonica the French Uine is still un- deserter and a stowaway aboard the broken, the report that the Buigarians ctr Datch steamer Nooderdyk. Ie wore have occupied Rrivolak being un- '2a aniferm which bore the earth stains feunded. On the cantrary, ail their s, ef the trenches, and said he had attacks have been reptilaed. ao .,grewn weary ef war. If he is denied The French officiai atatement re- admission, he probably will be held ports an engagement with the Bul- n- here indefinitely, as te deport hum garian terces near Brusnic, te the would resaIt in bis capture by the'east ai Krivoiak, ia which the Bul- British. Schultz deserted. he said, gars were reptileed.1 Busines s inMontreal. laier-bs fathrnandbrother had bath MttiNov. 30-Oats-Na. 2 been kille b. . 4.ita, 4c; Ni. 3 local white, 'f ;Ni 4 loýcal white, 44t4c. Ban- REFUGEES MASSACRED MalrlIit'.t'a feül.ti, ;naltingr, ON THE ROAD TO VAN À; n Bucw het N.2, 78 ta 80c.- 1"; Ml it.it- Siliog wheat pst-1 A despatch fromn London says: ,r.,, rol. $ I); ecods,$5,0;News af funther Armenian massacres rI-'lc.g lalxr-., $,, i, Wmoiter pa.tents, has reached those in charge efthtie ~ o rihin ter. $ () tLord Mayon's Armenian Refuge. $0 10;ii' ,l'a -.$2 31tl,$2. ;O. RoIl- : aii Ills ,31 te $ r, 2 5, do0., 1'und. It tells et the Mascacre et 600 1 - 'Olî. '15. Bi-t, $22. refagees by Kards. The refugees slîiot .s-i iin., $2 ta$30. saccefeIed in reaching Russian trans- St..iilie, $:W t i $32. 1iay-No. 2, Caucadia but nearly 200,000 refugees ~"' t' to lis, 1) t -$),0. werc à iready there, and the 500 trled Villet iwesterns, 17ii4 te ta return te that part af Armenia in sl creamery, 31% t o sacred on the ra eVn - i:WX tir 31C. Eggs - s1ed eVn c-h2 tu -I-;-sriected, 33c; No. i iii sî'îk 27ta 28c. URGE PROVINCIAL LEVY l.t P'sle;l- ag. car lots, $1.20 ta O ARITCFN - t'1t -'i tes.\Itattoir killed, FR_______ CWN rt) S. tr Iiik lleay Canada '.i.'t î~--, .1-. 2 t 4 pecs, A despateh trous Winnipeg asys: - $2S - asho)rt-eut back, iThie Union ai Manitoba Municipalities, .-)47to 55 a ~ $27 ta $27.50., represonted by over tvo bundred I îi(i -l'iimpoLnd, t 14rces, 375 Iba., reevesa nd counebillors, in annuui con- c. wi'edIpà tils, 24) lbs. net, 10%c; vention aS Stob.wail, resleivd te peti- litt. otis, 37 lh. lV~ a 1e;tien the Manitoba GoverisettaIv , w oid poil?3, 20 lbs. net, 1341 tO a Sax of eue mil fer lOve years on &Il P ý:Isaessable preperty Iu the. province U~nite aes ~Wieat- for tisé Manitoba Patdobte Fuod, In M1irn':polii, Nov. 30.-Whe<at--De- ald o!t the sodiera' depeademits. u,îiýa 9c to -9%; May, $1.021.4; ca-h, No. 1 hard, $i.05%i; No. 1 Nor- HU.NGAIAS KKl"ED thern, $1,0174 te $1.08%- No' 2 'RUBSIAN PRIOXER Northern, 97% te 99%c. dortu-No. Syelow, 08l'ite 694C. 0atsa-Y. 8NiMber eofiieti. là PleeMiai T" %,white,-8541 ta 86e. Flouruncbatged. Bran, $18 te $18.50.1 Duluth, Nov. S.-Wlent-No. 1 A despatch frein. Buebarest 8575 bard, $1.02; No. i Northeru ,$1.-01- eo'igt ritotysucse No. 2 Notbern, 97c; Montana, 140. z oD nt mtotb O i bard, $1.01; Decenuber, 98e' May, bexn ,0 Rslnpiq~ $1.024~. Linseed-Cash, $1.69; De- conflnd nRearby, wbe revot.d owlng veniler, $1.971,,; May, $2.02%1. to b.d fiood, andi kifledti tva antn were shot by Ipsigarian troopa. lii-c Stock Markets. An officiai, communique attrlbuti. Toirente. Nov. 30.-The quotation tise dlaaipp.arancle of tise.prlsoners e'tre: Buteliers' cattle, choies, $7.351 te an epide.mic of cholira. BRITISH JAcqLM SAPD- Naval Brigade Whlch As»uttad lu a tu e grade Ileard Proim OrleatÎ-Britaîn a.nd France are pro- paring ta establish a great mailit.ary position at Salonica, wnere large aar- racks are te b. erected for the. aIled troops. and where a great eieCtriC power station la ta be bulIt ta enable the allies te carry on their repair work. France and Great Britain have notified Greece that full indemni- ties wiil b. pald Greece for any dam-'ï age te Greek property that may be caused by the. ailied arniea. The change ln Greece's attitude, te- getier 'uith theit.nmpressive miiitary preparationa by Russis, are under-j stoed bore te have caused s msrked reversai et sentiment la Ronumania fer the. allies. It is believed here that litoumni wiwll grat Sf ull permission ta Rusasto send tiroep acsrai Rou- manian territory for an att.ack againat thse Bulgarians. Msany heavy field and siege cannon froni Japanos. armament factorles have arrived ln Soutiiemr uiss.De- spatches r.cev.d iu Berln state ta large censlguments et thes. Cannon are now ut Odeuika.Thlis webas cauaed a deep impressionln mIIlt$ circles .1 Berln. Cérman multery tbej bane bel rÀlhe~s Rosd» fo t a themat »M.asc pointsat.d th Q easa, ii. açmip uwv*nrq .tbO cei n»& t 1 poitaeueo!the fa'sime PAREM SAND A de- VMpaet fu THE MAN OF THE FUTURE. War la Expected te Breed a Warless Race. Discussing the question "Has the war any advantages?" the Medical Journal aays; "<The only apparent redeeming feat- are et the present war la the work et the physicians and nurses; and yet' their labor seems pitifal and absurd, for they are -engaged ini picking eut frein the scrap heap of fine body ma- chines those which are net beyond re- pair and in returning to thre front as snany as possible of tlheae fer future destruction. To thosewl bsev athr i a vus pugpqse runului »throuh thé. unîveresa and that everything that nappens nas a meanîug the pnenomwn- the,,, ereamlrnw e tgave .way ua " on of war seemi te have no place. were driw-'nôd. and yet it is hardly believable that At other points on thse front, lkus- war, with ail its horrons dees not sr n artillery la breaking .up thse ice serve saine purpose in the general with shelae in order te prevent the schemne et things. Geruxnsniand Austro-Hungarians "The destruction ef fine physique frein erosaing. bywar bas seemed by al ardinary bu- An official report tells of an atta.c man standards et measurernent i bY Russians on the enexay near thse wrong; the. preservation ai the feeble village af Semidkcvtze, on the Stripa. and sickly "a aecmplished by modern The Germianls were- driven to the. medicine has aiso, jutigeti by a sirnilar1 river a"d those who eseaped Ruasian standard', seerned te be bad policy' bullets w.r. drowned in an -ttempt but if there ia a purposë in it ah bath te cross the river. Over 108 klled or mnust be fer the best. Oertainly both wounded were founçd on the icone of tend toward the same e .id, and if onu the action. is good tnthe long run th4 other muit' On the Dvinsk front, the Germans b. so.i are now upon the defenalve, although "Foliowing thua.bed, the pu .» -Ifstrang counter-attacks -lave.bWu. war as estabiiahed by andi continueti launcheti north eoflieukât in au by nature would seem ita b. the pr- effort te capture the ground lest te duction ef a race o! beinga lesi ro the Russians. ield Marahal von buitsh odythogb us dos et indenb'urg's s.rmy bas been driven meat n bthat theyae s p asent orfrom important positions in front of se horted, areleoers itentorDvinsk and the. Germais. have suifer- shor-lied, nd ne I whch, he od-ed severe louais. ily energies are directed toward owtsadgthteGrmn mental develepinent. Whether or ntîtill are mak.ng desperate efforts te war i. for this purpose the develop- advance in thse directon of the . Dvina. ment in peaceful pursuits tends in ra ti direction. The, inventions of ma They have bulit a nov r eerthe chinery for work and for Cetting1tran1sport 0f BmudIDUItIOllMd hevy about are maling constantly for oe u& ueqmtt o unto dentaries and diminished museular- iree~ns of Ikuikul, Friecl*bakltand' ity, and manlcid takes with apparet , readnea taa cang lathi diec- The position of the. Ruasian armies tien. bas 1een eomoualy asthe d "If var bas any rosi biolotical Pur-, hovever by an abundauceof ammmwîI. poie it muat, tiierer, b. Intended 1tion, thse correspondent gays. Oua- for the. end cd bringing about a new ners now siiovwt t nitinen lW- type Ç«f zM",l in i b e obative 1giptisj wdWaiiby wusau on am qunttltat sakfer w are bm -Wboxe. J4 rsr.i.l b In rà * ezssiusltlo) nbrth-west "of the eity. Thée feree which teek the -summit ef t he Pod- -Gcra helghts ext.nded their ceinquesta north-West of the city, tsking fur- ther tronches in the. course o!. vîgor- ans fighting, and holding thein against an Auatrian attempt at a counter- attack. South ai thse city, en the Carso plateau, the Italianis gained sQme ground ta the north ef. Monte San Michele, botween Boachini and Pete- ana, and ta tihe sentis of the mountain, In thse direction et San Martino. Austria's urgent appesisfoér. Ger- mn aid on thse Itallan front are atlb unheede Germiny bias two ressen fer r.fusing te aid ber ally -intb". quart.r 7thse necesssry troeps are net available, and German.y la net at var wltb IlWy. As a resuit of Germxfas position. It la possible that thse Aus- trians wifl be copipelled tW oretire and give up the. desperate reafistaice whlcls they bave been interpesIng. to the It&an a dvance- ,Thlu Itiliau offensive, beretofore lUttl.d by the Austrîinse new evi- dently 1. pressing tiiem bards G.rmay's refusai tW aid Auatria on the Italis front lasaiud te bave been tiniattd by Primc von Biuelow, for- 8wl~a~iandla eved tê hae ha tgr opa o! ità âbeta an attemnpt 'té l.am whether appreclable Ità llan sue- pation !Oorlzla, would aatlfy ýitl- Is pu>sll opinion., It la evident tisat. t , u0r pa ~~ is eacaped on te the -diii, cnbe placd between layers ef one-da«y-old à 4f cut very thin. -" Chicken brothis l inevitable as part ai an iuvalid's'menu. Cut a chickm into amali pieces, break aIl the bous amail, and put inta an earýthenvare' jar with a pint of eold water Mid , a pinc s aiat. Glose the. jar tlghtw.~ and stand it in a saucepan bal feU ai baîhîng water for a- tbree hiour' slmmering-not bolling. Then srl iu the usipsl wsy. Pose-one teacùp- fui. Cai2's-foot jeUi e rade as.fouows-j Obtain two calf's foot, cWesu.tbor. ougbly, eut thein up, sud put in' a .atucepazs witii- cold -Water >-ui enougi te couer them wll, Brlt9 the. beil- sbvly ansd sidin u»,eeat tinies. Continlule tiboiIpi forqglt threêioie-ruak-jl the boneW- ---r-quite .Jllny wlIl tara-euteviit inm-ëd if tii. moula lî stood in coua wai' Tii. stuent Ille o!f Pm ncê*O.W-ia uà ltmuptediyp t1holuhtoi ' u~tod1fiee in ar b.bo O.I.ue, Oi m»i[,M« oo, Whaod l1.a uittmaa ies ",w üUýa linki dm~ A desâputch froni London sa 1>0,T Urlstî$b br' safi-ty et both the Brill aisnd Y $94eNo naval brigades whlch reemtiâr vIiîfteR.& Belgrade la now asawed,, thup trMgb ' 8*1 section arrlv.d at Morastir, i r >ýe j» (ireek bordr, a few dan NgMo,10 telegrani bas beo" r.oelyed Mibi !TVbrt4# mii1p t "i ITALIANS- TAKU PINCH 0F HUNGER MPODCORA PEAK SIIAPENS TONCUFSý P N Capture of Rfelgts Crowns Five The Problein of Supplyiag Gerinan'Months' Campaign Against Stomacitu la Placed TJpper- I 's~ 3 ~Fortrem. Meut A despatch from Rome Baye: After A despateh from Cologne gays- The. - five rnonths of fighting the Italiens Volk.s Zeitung ini a sharp article urgeW' have taken the Podgora heightm, the the Reichstag toe all the Governmene key ta Goritz, xiow lcnown to the Ital- ta account for- its f allure tu deal ade-~ lan soldiers as Monte Calvario, be- quat*ly with the problem of supplilg cause of the heavy lusses suffered by foodetuifs. 5R/Y5~/ AVA/L( them in thelr efforts ta canquer it as "To supply the German nation with', bWT// ~well as by the Austrian delenderg. provisions ia at present the most in- These heights, juat west 01 Goritz portant military question, and one' ~$ ~7and on the opposite bank af the which mnuet be carried through before' Ri)bSIAN >ARMIU Isonzo, command the atronghold. winter," the Volks Zeitung gays. geoc)p4t" Their capture means that vlrtually "Thià § doubtiess will be recognized by', /i' ~ the last step in the taking of Goritz the supreme army command, whose * "' has been accornpliahed. arders will find no oppositilon. We re- The Italian officiai statement con- commend the appointment of an eco- taining the anneuncement of this, the nomie dictatar In military clothing.", mast important victory won by the The article closes with an attack Ox1ý S Italians in many manths, follows: Herr van Stein, recently appolnted "On Monte Calvarlo (Podgora Under-Secret-ary of the Interior, or % c.~ heights), west of Goritz, aur attacks the gi-ound that he has not dealýý continijed, and we reached the sumn- energeticaliy enough with the food' M5~»~ B LG~~~~ BoRGP~$ mit, which we held under the furioua problern. B and cencentrated fire et the enerny. 4 ,rNýý,0S F1N"On the Carso plateau, after re- MAD)E AT HOME. <9 ,y,>.Ts pulsing weak night attacks, the oper- I ' ,~..,', ,e' atiens were vigorously resumed in Some Useful Red Cross Hints on the merning, and a strong entrench- Cookery. ment was taken near the Sarn Martino >K hurch. A total af 7 officers and 86 An authoritative statement frein' ltmen were taken prianera." the Red Cross Sooiety's Nursing Following their succesin the cap- Manual says: ture 0'f the helghta et Podgora, the "4Beef-tea, chicken-jelly, calf'a-foot, Italians are now starming the heighti 1JellY, etc., should always be home-' est n wr dvelpmens drin t a ofSari Michele, on the edge of the made when given to invalids. The' tin war cutr n wentsduratn h Cara plateau te the suth of the Aus- bought preparations are not just as, taiauscoutrywhee tpertiOis trian st'ronghald on thie Isonzo. These raad, and should have no place in al their immediate goal of Goritz.- heights forra the only important forti- sick roam, unless the home-made$ Italian victery is ene ef the greatest fications south af Goritz, and the Ital- products cannot be obtained, as dur-. ýued th Sebia arry mkin a ans have been making desperate 'ing war." uedha eae the eba rm ak fi efforts ta occupy them for several The present war has meant thati Britisha eosaere trapnset for Il, weeks. niany men, wounded in battle, or suif-, 3riis toas renawinSebi, nd In the officiaI report, it was an- fering from disease, are being Briishan Frnchino te sa, nounced that General Cadarna's forces brought home. It is well for al eto us,. n gratl wekend toproidere- succeeded in occupying the tourth hine therefore, ta know exactly how to1 n geaty wakeed e povie r- oe entrenchments near the sumnmit af rnake the home-made produits. tumnia boder ad wll e fghtng the mountain. Thiâ victory was Beef-tea need net be the flauorless enemainsr, and wîll e ght lins achieved aiter a terrific bombard- concoction it sô frequently is if the, ift nations, and atte te Allies ment ef the Austrian positions lasting following recipe la rigoreusly foleow-' if at Ruana nd rece hold ail night. When the artiller*y fire ed- Take one pound ai beef, ne fat part in thie war. ceased, the infantry charged from the or borne, eut inte small squares and largely restricted to artillery duels, district around the church ef San place In a lidded earthenware jar, with' ýval activity has been reported in the Martino. The Austrians were unable exactly one pint of cold water. the Cattegat, according te repeated ta retreat mn tirne, and mait of the de- Close the lid and place the jar in a a mine. enders of the fourth trench were saucepan of hot, water. Stand it by. made prisoners. the flre for three and a hait houri Since the beginning et the Italian simmering. Then,. strain through RUSSIAN RIVER offensive, whlch is now known as the mualin, and squeeze eut aIl the beef ~ 'U? ourth battie ai the Isonzo, the Aus- tea from the meat. Add a pinch of trians have delivered a series of artil- sait, and stand fiside te cool. A tea-' AR i IINb u lery and infantry attacks along- the cupful. iflve ounces, ia the usual dose-I whoe li ne ef the Isonzo in futile at- Raw ineat juive may be rderMd. Austrian Battalion AtempttaCos temptat regain some of the fround Here la the method.. Finely mince Austian attaionAttepta o C oss st to the It.alians. These attacks hall a pound of be3t lean ruxnp etealç, -the Styr, But la Anni- were ini every case broken down by home-killed meat, wlth no fat or hîlaed.the terrific bombardment of the Ital- bane, and with no outaide wind or~ hiatd.ian big guns. Every day sees an in- sun-hardened pieces. Pour over theý A despatch fromn Petrograd says; crease in the violence of the bombard- mince one winegiassful af cold wa-! lntensely cold weather is prevailing ment in the neighborhood of Gorltz. ter. This must stand in a jar for twoi ail aiong the front in the eaterli It has been learned here that a hours. Then transfer It t 1acil theatre of war, and alreadY the rivera council of war -was held rocently att and squeeze the juice from h mt have begun te freeze uP. Laibach, at which it wss declded by This must be prepared daly, aC d j t~Dta o e t Auguran» te, use the, Austrian commandera that Goritz should be kept on ice, as it wxll - nut thetèce4ýn taO Àqt«ssfor coudu9t lold out, my 1oniger i* I aIIICv 1I lve hou). puMon« ireault, ,n h aniia>in âid fi " Gerlaiy., ai Zan ~inie~anhaaL i mua-T 1