that. was predlicted i ae .12 toi-s o? ohr cd apesniadif(h <or thr ho'-(larid tl,- hilu- (compare i10). But tin 2 S a7.12re ada hel-Ohhrssrs wih sas fi f~ ~~<-<'. silkdren, of that line combined with other pro- "Shne sadImht etntin Buanggsnoq v le, And h asý a r;g t to y phetie in-spiratinns ta, de-v-,top the, liked.' los thr rnsarntfb-Onther trhansparthebne-hot f nin fiîlMesih d o "TaOn oel!tMisPretr x-too, aci gcaby ipromise to bc as good for sleeves, hold heighten ndefirtely the conception of claimned. Wl,1msr o'llk h nrypr fI ,, L 2 fl , !t <) th c c o lla rs a n d o th -!r trim mi in g p u rp o s e s In a n y p o ss ib le w n . is p e rs o n a n d w o rk . i th is . S c , t e a c l m t h s y o r h e c n b a io m a e fit' J)IIIQ!lt oc urs 'as they have bee ns for the past few lS e w e m i' hav ri votçe for rother, 32. Of whom (m argin)-A s in 1. 8. 'eyes!" A d s e l a e v r t o d b d o d g s o 1)Illl va~k05 n the or tseasons ' Without wiiting for <lad to die; Peter speaks for a "clnud of witness- a fold o h od ne aue~eclec.Te r lin. Il e<,n a sncopnelby e u sPatcl For the e as vw"ýl1 ns the widow es," every one of whom can say, "I chin. asihî oldoe1 c r a m p 5 A no r s iws t ' r -o: (w I 1 k naw w h y.aa vetsee nît h e L o rdtr i t h e.l ehgs a n d- , S ed iv a s s t anvn g d i r ectle Lto re nrm a c h u deTh iw o h o u r foill for tw lx- .'1 x~<~thu u>ix . Blthesegs of chiffo-ness fAwhd thy ha see andhear Jmnieand he pnk-sripe .gods. oui fondly 1 &<sa n p1)to, itook <" lueso hfo-cloth, chiffon, and .I+jThe lfess stomach stranaierd ami him to thio nearcst lîo e Wa s ~ ll<eîuouilicil headaches are semnetimes similar materials, dainty and becom- 1 VITZFRIAND*S LOS,. w vas the one supreme purpose for Jamie ddfo nwwa od.a e- o transfe-recl to G;omel, %wît*ire, ljespite neuralgio: or of ner\ous ot-igin-as in ung to a degree, were neyer very dur- 1Iwihtetev wr ald Ti the eXVellent treatment. lliý con<itîon mngri. or sick hca<ache-sometimes1 able. It was really hcartbreaking The War Has Kept Touris!s Aa 33. The epening phrase is idenica e murmrd grwwreadi vs drébxd nec- urilatial, and pet haps ci-en more fre- ,when one had a Particularly- becom- jro htCuty ihta n6 1 h agni ut Ys essarY to almputate his leg. He re- <iuvutly stili the resuit of eyestrain. ing and rather expensive blouse, to Po1ha onty with hain hce. 3 The rgh t ndsi "Yes, Isa"si isPotr t inained lan Gomel until December, lîcadaclies fron eyestrain are likely have it begin t«r pull Out and wear; The Swiss hetel industry is sufer- of Jehovah doeth valiantly" (Psa. 118. take to mk o lue oyu Saeeg oecm -. when, in cernpany with otsher prison- to corne <nr towaud the end of the undei the arrms and et the elbows iag greatly from thei war, with a con- 16) in this the mightiest of God's know 9tr n gt'lher r ershe ws tliento ibera. aý-,or t rlght esPcialy ateraliter only one or two wearings. This 'ýzeouent had effect on the country at deeds. Note how close ail this is to Mt eTshe pwsotaestaelSieria.secod y, «hreadt u<ight seialyora vt Mter1i w yrsada af'Jani&îiîeegt The risner traelld i secnd uchrvaingsigtseingor viit partially donc away with whem large. Statisties prepared for the the Johannine doctrine (compare es-, saidJae. Ihvesvrlbu egwilininsia clasa cars and were privileged te tak,. to the "mo\vies." Ia fact, headaches cotton met was itroduced for lining!'National Exposition at Berne place pecially John 16. 7). It uls aIse very bossa oe"h dea eon~ eapn-n theur meals in the station restaurants that corne on late ini the day, ia people these ivaists; this season we hinve i'the amount of morey annually put inblue whenever stops wverte made. whe have not been fitted te glasses, the net blouse itself, oftcn lined with;'circulation by tourists in Switzerland close te the Pan;ine teaching in Eph. saw MissPotrlf ir5i5T g h erftea 1.t 8ff. The coincidence of these very again. fot On reachiÃŽng Onisk the priseners especially if the eves st the same time net or chifen-cloth. These waists are'at $1 00.000,000. 0f this suai about independent reporters has streng- "Have oiad MisPotr were tranuferred tei fourth class cars, look tired or reddened, or feèl as if a delightfully sheer and they have a $1 ,000,000 represeats in reased postal evidential value. abseatly which were ia fllthy condition. They hair <'r a grLain of saad had got into wvonderful w'eariag quality. receipts, $400,0fO.increase<î telegraph 34. David did net ascend, because, snip! Jmeddmtko htTeBrigQ lhad ne means of changing their cloth- them, mnay be almost vertainly laid te Often the net blouse is trimmed aad telephome rcceipts, while cnstems (n ene bath ascended into heavens"l .sr cl othog lt sfst QeneHv O ing anud did flot even have eneugh eyestrain. with a linen cluny, or another equaîîy 'receipts are Iikewise much augmented sisr water te wash their hands. The ver- Ileadache is mmst comnuon la middle pretty lace la a rather heavy pattern. uuring the tourist seaseri. F u'ither, (Jothn 3. 13), asn akit2ed 3,th eas MsPotr' sisrswngrl the natýonal railways derive $3,000,000%contehnu- rug Finally, questinnedfauthershipofefnPsa.a asMiss0Procturtostickinrg the aninto on December -28, they arrived unt or ia a pet-son cover sixfy, it is a siga Illy.in912---vhich may be taken 'Thes dalnî rpet ovPah 10 as e ece gan ndflig pte qar el sa l<ausk, ia the geverimnt et Jenissen, that scniething is ' vuug. Usually the a eaeya-hr o36585 Tepamrpeet eoa sbrpe where they were housed in an old tren-ble ils with the nose, throat, cars, - oes f r t uit i i izra d m romisirg the Davidie king unlim ited two and a h î a d t g o s hl o g totry buililing. flore they met ni; eyes la the y<(-ung, and with the p«Ying 4for00 peopl, in h«; o alares- victory, and the vicegereacy ef GoJîi numerous Turkish prisouiers anît sov- arteries or- k:<luiv,; in the o!d-Ycouth's c&d$î000,wleteaon upon earth. We have only te say of: -_________________ eral Germen officers, andi a warm Companiou,. I(f caital investeod. in thc hutel indtus- futo-edayftat indss ist ith was i1 s D a g V t frieadship spruing up betweeuî theun. I ry reached thue suicf S-227,000,000.fuild frbeod ts uho' Lifeher wa ple san en ugha.l 'STheo hookeepers have aske<i the fed- dreanus. fooedwas cheap and plentiful and th<' ' I utTH1 ry 36. adehil .b.»t sorne i rosudonit et the town veru' klmdly Sir IV. E. Smithî Defends llriune »Nl-aTis-' eaVoure3 ble takaen to r<cf lo e i- 'as a title lhe won by death, te use Opens NwIrset fAvneiiE-~ ieto dip eseilý( toward -them . f oor fli ie <1Uo;fitû s 1)0w prevaili;iJ after death. la his earthly m iistry f1n er i e l)ospite, the bitter çold -for it was er urnsiA ttac-k. 1 li~eîr1Laucsaete h made this still fut.ure (ligaity a el w ze 'o mil the tim i'- the riso lers ' Sir 1. E. 1 1 ithd scipes,110w B ritistheh t>i teck dail wnlks u «dci- guard of'f a Attt<uny-Geacra 1, haS paid this high c mertgages oui furnituri' and other as- "uli hl addy ol-ecre Rusin 4ltie.But ul! this was complimcent<tn the lPrime Minists r. -He c ti Iîiîadisciples frhd enlyt bsthe il, ~ nta il _ s' . nIaegal do! ay ef t%,o years tds m efse aya i raLu, thisisuredwehv witdgesadbtrnn 1 te esa-ape. lIa- Lontwoof theIcle ceraI tthistefathe ca ft' r the ci dof the,-warfoir th- pay- we kfeiptfoih onen - f'hiai,anIhwilsvu:ti ima' rewIInoae -As a result wu weu-e ail eonfined te l>rim-e Mîister: 'It will not do for hlm 0ni t,!i .,-c-138.'lThe "baptism cf repentance the uuLoiehae aidfohmnioadacptn' oui -00oM& foi Uduty days, and o<'on te attempt to fluai covor fur hi; Gov- ut' ' .: owsns"th reaa-%i lb ga adrjoc' ahs a-"wlI ecoig n pur winuJqwe r ,I. d le rament behind tlhe rampei-t uf the t,, vet- -ui- - ' h-,a tien preachcd h'b a yd- -*t' -gtdt i flReconciled. uJooehsnn t Ics, asin prepaa uî<n"s<a x. .riain Ãtand _heto i nid ltoi ad , de l u u he or1 t a t a:i.' <d col]i n r. his head , ad et co urse B ap tist's m essag e, to the characte uis-Th l e i n ne n bl a < s th ae ' f ec it a d se v e f w~oufo-tempreviously Asa1uith ils attcmptimg te coveur up I tfo 'W 0 Mwomibism exactyhow tkes cure i ats tCrs i ll prt"Ia ilntsc"Jdhsg-s r-'Tenfotlad the delincluencies cf his Guvarranient Frei i pOeuh aesalrent h amýise a aIl hesene Teta- m<-morandum bock and entiers erututprae h-nt.aîpoonigpe t rswtedyc i ain feioebrr yrè Y -v Nvgre-tiîî tîaliait bdeliieuthcerfr<m thefAssyrianhKihav- iiIs'a : e--hiW'hme u 0 ' thil wc- l hta ehm h-rma tot' i'eba-c"rption on one of thc final 'fet ho hny naine lais ipliA, Is sso ---- u h- ai b ne mi4 î usad rsoers< weull 1t foi, this country. I - hb etalvso pan e-rmr ss pagc~s ihereof. Then lhe rnaps a tub- lcai"'p.uc 1 pwr limrs' dcvt h igiiac c hs hismr iUraieh Vî »tiand oni 1"*Wht-Vher you agu'ee vrith the Prime L: la sien on, men S aîin<ls. I ar an' abc-ut the bock, ~sneze evcats' iea htit rn eiiéau"d 6, ILieuteaM Randers w<ton biii,;miister rdsg-c ihhmib-(I e :I reat wois f[a.5.tim nestn-tà 1 ho.~ airl~3, na retw'shi-' j,,y 'ther you ad'm ire ou- aoe mt admir-e' t ' cd mue h2pply. trne.It w'« ut ear fture or hî the wh<-n lie rea'chcd Viciina.." 'public u-ac'ou-d lheis k t îtast amafa' îbev tma"ictw ae'WJ mg le-ttotniereelOit'- rî.<'j- r- -ee- a av enerîèd'~t wvho haa çrown grey in iichepublic ser- --i latI our insýtructiona for a crefivepoh-isi (hita ie (en fjlNtefn'iee vice, ind wh huis ontrîluted tuce s~' mmdchlm sebapp1 pare Eph. '2. 13, 17). There -9 khvr wc iatsê sm Rludeîîi o Sucia ~ muviceut ndwos-naît - 2dtoîie ee< li' it iSn't thap"hep ys. 'r.Siaa- ail napp-ul te Joe-I2. ;" T' o itot Another- ç ei o ucdsii e (Ylot a it îeîh~i w f~ot this cold 1 have ivritteti îîw'n graclous words (0 You a. nd te Sou p-ted. anlng the Gerunun foirces i -%%bav- <edybt-en. woun(aîa-d ', every sure cure recommendcd, adcirnmgtsent e< ietu the vieinity of Dvimuuk hy p'smusun I tree"hmaear-igl -eee-te odgt ebd f spoliîst ote t'savage cry of Mat t. 2Gdl o o f btt' Il ' hand '<' sthre hmaesrigi hngrheIcolda'etsst ad 1it an25. trbetti uore captùredla that region. Nine officers, infantry btalos.le us a man who a t-' Iutln' tadita 41. They then having received h rn inctuding the commander- cf a bmtta-l ' tlay bearimga udnorep- other day 1 read over the cures and pwrc ia o in "ede ter ivs itinaperiefi silbility the- likeocf i«hich has mes or think how much better it la te have wr mri)Tewoecnrg tion rd (mai-nThc a he cegre. entPoei-wbal, e of twelve days. Celai anad hai-dships faîlen upon the shoulalerut cf amy Eaîg- j t!t cotd than te endure ail (the rente- a uas-eeentd ais csuatot u etthe campaignaraie alcged te be the îîsb statî-sman l in l] thehisturi' 'if dies."etwhi oeth-t husn. ~ ~ a-. roadb if ed cauê. Poiaban Srbajilad-ie-s o."t.a mss4.m4vemheat of -igs thoutescncinea 1inat utui'ms eapturod trruit the Austro-, "To say cf sut-h a mail that lic bas' Serge lo!ero Suit. N!orc Hua "Frightfulness.t . 4w ha e iv hosni xake the. Ma% 'rnuy 'eorttepwu n C.Orrmi) fou-e" aIong (ho seutha-rutîcpa'tli i lc1-rfrbsGv more, and Act.s 6. 7 cemplete the pie- (,' pp'taiiî. IMn~t Ireport that r4 new of tg en o.Then-tinrjaraiici.a eoa G mntchclpps r eVvt errisitt o.Geiiiltheramhrtof teu'o-saedel 't l a delîcate'irig the idea uf raclaiming fats and forage bé -det-az>ed, tctleudi goitd 4 -avtsi. <of'bis t"pv(,cb h u-do. c".t î foae ¶eod and, stores fu-emttlec 08j1 and a statemeat wiii 't aiscrt-dit- tm , o'. '.u-- i -:i-pik(thr1sf , r:' ronseae.-Gd' >rsîîe pvutyo mnala' nemi -%a ab<' n ju< nliau."-t qaiu- cff,-c:tive Dr. IL. Bechboia,' r kotct-Hard-Hearted Maid. vceycareîiehm -mb tltre t,( t'ritorY nt h sj (i oinim* froatiër. coo~g r-i luesus -lr i -<Iu i-irts that the ;,e-aof German Hewas m un rilove. She ivas aultî h umthe - - r uok - ~- - ~ - - cioariz <f a" r << '- t! ' front, <t ic. catutajuis ut la ast ta-n grains etfrmd iadiifei-ent. Iibu-b eutfouth kufc rîuît Aluizymail ih alwtaes ontut- <c"ifna «iii '- rm-g se rerapita a dyadthtis "Sc,darliag," '-lbe excluaimetl .1 fisthe rPbtsofdne <tt- jÇ Looki-utlior teki ner. ho'-, sida' of th<(rumiuprofit tid l i> m ji-i-" p 'tntci value ici more than $1-l,O0,000,arn ut youu feet." ilîgs with etlfiîydcrue ulsPila I egurui; ? a p.cousit. lu ".Weucu. lIVl, how do y. u like inîy cpats 2',prescuwce s.t i epeadj h ef 'y add ciirjb rom, theira- lute a cornpleto [rate matm*ral- fe-but e 'rir ýtea iiteggs, s8 a complete h, ave another eaaily digested, eaving thse ste- r. Othe fooda ir or fivei heurs. n thee ig the ,' rthe way, are ed than coeked t. apular belief to et ftheir wa- i titis pruvides- A téei1ly fresh ad wate--wo the staler-Uie uver )cieeed -9 invitation -or wroad as it is Men- Ëof Seurity. -huma> pro- Me'Mrecog- atzeno1aeg 'or? lo -r ftlowmai.- grnat iniablliy e'p hy pt- ands'ggl iaes, id 10 V F-f - 1fr'Oflpny I'outea hips Of u- A ceu-'eertrto J<W WSi IMMn ationalîty are eriiing rujGetrBlri4ft tLJ1u Potu AIXne Clfpatch tote tSt.- C>xprea8uigregret (, report-tlhat fa Fretnch. warslp lande. ga»' 1<Wb - a a detumjent-,of troops- qom ýiuena th r ý*t4< rrqucfor te Sa Dalaasaa ~ ~l -.-~ ~sa~ tri unir t Il a- Biar accu ot tf adul ]y ti long tien.ý to Ui kint know eat - 1 t - i t- 1?