Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jan 1916, p. 5

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puîtth off getting g labeo wtîeil you need thenonjy uikes mnatters wortqo. N atu!', soufldi a waruing wben jet- tera biur and finesagetrnixced. It is botter, far botter to attend to it thon and Lucre than te lot il go and -strain the eyeîs. Ait theitkili thatw. posmels is youI's. W. talc. pains witb every cagte, such puain as o wil appreciate. IL is the kiQd of work that viii give you satisfaction. Corne any titne. OURIPPICES IRE MOGERATE Wo 'nove February lut Lo our new store, Brock Street South Re N. - Bksbett in- WI *lt W>4s or Tik rxMtby1 heton ig ben, > ,ffiè,3d- - oaeIie -show. DriWm ba IRaU the adwrt.. Of'tthe Boule-mrlui - r. W. Dhagey',waa aiithër vlhQ C..OU »tllmm ~o f'tiifid. orn ne'INr at'the tinduy ?eute SltQr ut rosi bargaina. , f lo brought biklieM I~tI ln te reort-tthfîve Mse &sMd fôut tiira.Tfis lia lu the rport ïge ieChtf1u aelApi. plendd-récord, fût Lhe first attempt. matins t Ogog j, all, Toroato, the,-o- naine 0f1I. J. . Dalesà~Ib, a:>-WRITBRY PÂATOR "ÉPRCLATBXD 11; ,~a nnluthe llsl- »I',eucoepssfut third CT . yer tdt .r~>le ~?I tef. e.rollowlng clipping, taken frein ice ot Col. J. E.- l Moeéll uurlng the the Picton (laette, of january 18, ls vacations and w'Leu flot attend lng 011e- dnc thte former pastor ut thel goode. e - en e thoit Whitby Mto tTAbepacle la meot- bten'a $20 tweed Cuitgs reduced tu ing vlttb muet> euccess ln hie uew field' $12.90 Lt W. G. Waît.ie'. of labor. 1 .Te Main Street Methodist Chunen] -Mra. Starr deiIÉ'ed 'te paas on the are fertunate ln having as their pastor thaLnks recelved froi soldiens atth the Rev. M. E. FSexsiltb, B.A., 'whol front for wallets to aill who so klndly since comlng to Picton lun.lune iftstj contrlbuted tbronghout Ontario Coun- lias won many frlends lu the tovu, ty, that our'men might share the gift not only lu hie ovu Chunch, but suco of rememjrane. lu thi e nmunitY generally. Mn. Bez- -G BOY WANTED> Sinant bey. wIth oine Hîgli School Educatlon,wanted te learu the prirtlng traite. Apply- atth-ÂvrEmexLl A travelling compauy r'reseuted the old play "Uncle Tom's Cabin" lu the Music Hall on gatunday evenlng lest. The hall vas crowded te capacity. The perfermauee vwgirolyn by a amali rompany and was therefone correspond. lngly mediocre. No uecesslty for item windows or, deors if you have Pence Weather8trip. installed. Gel an estîmate frein J. H. jant.II. J eweler ana Optidan t _ - 'I WI rY, -ONTRJO Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Campbell, ef WH j7Y NAI ýMitchell-, Ont.. annbunce the engage- stance, te Mr. E. Clare Hogarth, Phtn. __________________________ JB., Veteran, Alta., son of Mr. G. H. iHoganth, BBA., of the- Collegiate Insti- ~N/. c. r. tute. lBnandon, Man,.. fonmery of Whit- W. C.T. U. by. Ont-, the marrnage te take place - ~quletly lu Februari'. Kt the negulan meeting an Invitation 0 vaë recelyed and accepted frein the Mrs. Stanr, Dominion W. C. T. U. ,Oshawa Union to meet wîth them on01 U tiit of Mlîtia, supplled a.nothen cofrps Tues4lay atternoon, February let. Al of tfty men f nom our 1l6th Battatien V110 WilI be able te go are asked te - wlth coffee and rotîs on a cold atter- leave the1r names, as soou as possible 1n.oon thîs week at.the Mapte Lent Cate. with Mrs. Ted, so that arrangements- lus>' be completed. A. Forsythe. of Sîntaluta, Saik., fer. aih i aL i oqEUueflL ai rorceri preacher aud a inau cf attractive per. eonality and high character." 0o WHITBY BOY INVALIDED HOME. Among thxe wounded seldiena vho have arrlved lu Quebec this veek le Fred Charlton, of Whltby, son cf Mn. and Mna. A. Charlton, Centre atreet south. Fred Is expocted home the Iit., ter part cf the week. H. vwent te t e front with the. Finet Canadian Contîn- ge'nt, and vas lu thxe Ho8pitailu Ens. Thei. iraf meettng vas set for the third Monde.y-th Februar', st the. ()a. tarie Ladiw 'College. The vives of the--ililoters ar6e ell gible for memberublip imue Associa- tion, aàd mai' attend Uie meetings. Ladies $12 coat $7.90, $10 at $6.90, during Januari' sale at W. G. Walers. METHODIST TABERNACLE. Sundai', Jannari' 28. Rer. A. M. ponLer, pastor. Athei- "Oriword Chriltian Soid- Solo--Mn. T. B. Joues. Anthem-"I WIil Me.gnfy Thee." Mlied Quà,tette-"You Rave Heard cf the Stcry"'* Thé paster wlll preach at both ser- vices. S. S. and Aduit BIble- Classes uneet at 3 p.m., te whlch aIl are lnivlted. "r- Debs y 'oesuof rÃ"roti t f gundéày' <th h 'aiN±itâ bore. pit on Tunmbday Attendig the tmieral et the. lute Mr. qéorge Sheépleyf' K..,-a» ominent mmbr o f the Toronto Bat- and Troauror of the Upper Canadt LTaw Society. ULr. Frak Itosu, o ewovrke, and MIss k<ma Rose, of Toronto, were in htbyon'Saturday. They pald a vit- it te ,the Hlomopital for the. Insane, afld thon spelit an hour or two wlth C. A. and Mrs. Goodfellov before returning te Toronto. Advertisements. WANTED. A mà.ld for general houseverk. Ap- ply te Misis Richardson, Byron Street.1 TO,.LET. Six roomed houlse t e lt J. C. Hyde, Whitby. BOY WANTED. t 0 17>ý 50 to 5 Io 10 "7 10 00 4@ Io to 14 t10 1~2 l e >17 to 016 In~ 't) > tn1 00~ r.. 1 U Ap»y to -Soi oy, vith good education, te rinting trade. ADppY st [AID WANTED. ousemald for private homne Toronto; amatI tamily, e; m iuet be a gocd ccok. zette office. >00 ESTRAY. strayled ente the premises, ied, lots 1 snd 2, con. 2, )n Decemubor 20. Ovuer .«me bi' provingpnopenty i-pensms JOHN EMMIR. GOUNCIL, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO.. Wewillacp s rprns!at ýthe above price until- WHTFý lEL> 4E WH4 Bell Phone3 Drug anid :ttooy tr 37- - ndependet-Plhopitý1 I "lSTFRCaLVE -J Wel have secured the, agency for IlRyde's " Cream Calf Meal 2 5 lb. 5ags, - $ 1.10 eacb -.2.00 cacI) 3Y land fer a time luet year wlth Injuries A smiart bo] te hie foot. He later returned te Meii's $25 Chinchilla overcoats lu learn the pr, France, sud vas veuuded, recelving a grey, brown and blue, reduced te Gazette and9 bullet iu the brest. Ho vas se badly $12.90 :at W. G. Waiters'. incapacltated that be hss beeu tInaad- '-A ed home te Canada. Ho la the ffrt PRESBYTERIAN CHURC. - Whitby by te returu wth the scara ef Pastr lu charge, Rv. S. G. MCr- l General hoi battle eu hlm. mack, M.A. l Rosedale, -O--Snnday,1 Jauuary 22. highest wagei ANNUAL CHURCII MEETINGS. moRnÏWlq;g SRVIcE. Appui' at Gazt Ou Thursday evening asat the annualI Bey. Robent-ILaîrd,- M. A., et Teron- meeting of the members oethle Baptiet' to, wUI preach.. Churet> vas held. Reports cf the var- Aiithei-'-"The Lord le Great in~ CollIe dogm lous onganizations were presented, Zion.» of uifderslgne whlch shewed that a meet succesul. Duett- " Blessed Redeemer," Miss PicerOing, on year hadt been completed. Officens vere Eva Bell and Mn. Douglas Renvick ay obtSain elected and plans made fer an every ' i a vffl iERM and paying eX member canvas of tie congregation ln Sbic."The Seventh Command. ON connection vith the Church budget for ment." COUNTY Ci 1916. Anthem-"Put on Tii' Strength, O The members of St. Andrev's ýres-' ZiOii." Il .ts n byterlan Chunch met fer their sunual ,-~Tefnl ,jneeting on Monday evenlng. The fluai- J. P. Contes 200 yard spools, 50.c. doz. tilne Cerponatl cial reports of the Chunch organizatlon, at W. G. Waltena'. Ontarie, fer I shewed a substantial year's work. The -o- pîrsuantte çontnibutfons te mlsslony purpeseHIGE SCHOOL WEEKLYtEIXAMS. Chaber at on were very large. mhe year bas been se . ityon mostpropeô-ùsW ,iheCliuéh.FûtJanuary, Itus ailt proésped ha1rleu rch. Fo *l Àlgba.-1fda Long 64, T. Proctor <>,Oîadk ln the au ures~.4lLdhi aI osa QUaInS '56 i. îckle 49, M eney40, R. l account over $0O# raised duriuig the yeer. ~ Mowbray 34. ~ ~Couicil shoni Nearhy $704>0u il vaws given to Mia' abus.j FOM m.Clonk, properl ,Physe.-L .&are*s 84, C. Jackeofi days befon. th 79, G. Movbray, 69 A. nichardson 9Û. DStdt ANNUAL BIBLE SOÇIETY E. Cronk 56, C.LwI'&ie,8 W- JoiM- January, A.t, METNG. sten 54, E. O'Coýre3 k'Ci eldrnig.0. On Thursday evenlng uext, Januaily G. Robertson 48, M. WiaGrott 44, r. 27, at 8 o'clock, the annual meeting ef Henderson 40,ý J. Hielp 40,- 3L Goldning the Whitby Bnanch Bible Society vilI 3Z5, A. Kennedy 30~ , M*GM.ivray 80,-, A bo held ln the Music Hall. Rev. W.E. P. MyGllivray 11L Haseard, B.A., -B.D.. eue of the District _FORM tn.-Tenidens-vil Secretartes, ,wlll give an address, liea- Qrammar.-C. Quinton 92, M. Bs-drsgidfoi trated iii' lanteru vieve. Mn. Hassard ley '78, M. Waite M 7,-. EVIdge 76,'D. Isu-iig farn was at the annual meeting last yer Thoùm5Ofl 76, W.Si ý1b,751J, .JiAveyts.o>r rtnd gave one ot the finest addnees 76, IB. Meo4ke? 4 .kt]77WM-)Tb~1~ ever heard here ln Whitby relating te Lntjr 68, E. F'isher 6gE1çne 8 tender flot "1 the Bible Society vonk. Tue various m. irves 68, E. Kemi, 56, À A.Oodin . u M1>0 chunches are s4ccustomed te cancel the -52 , NLqng 46, AX Bifl 7. evnbO4E mld-week servIces ajad te unîte lu his n' u au L.ahip,' .0>11 I BIble Society' meeting. An oftering yl l<m !1" I- 'COȔ6 97 H. ehaui be taken fer the work. Bo Z ., TtBraveJe59k4,8>~ r,~ -o A sn76 tGt 57s, MJmsbarulSon x 1. 0. O. F. INSTALLATION. P 1t 7 ' Mys£,H on-tO~c~i4 On Tuesday evening . EAstern Stdn aten 59. J. Robertson 57, H. Wor.folk daâY I5~ Ledge, Ne. 72, ..', liffl IBs mutaI- 51, M. Mitchell 50, lU. Mme 46, iC. Bel raton. lptton et, oficens, 'when Doputy Grand 44. A. Hisici> 42 D. B90ft,86, W. WMBfLs' North-" Master Robert Spronule tistalled the of. 128. M. SUiIIv5Z12,W. l. nm22. tu the Brut o ficers fer 1916. There was a splendid I-"~- onnsu attendance. and a meust enJoyable time Imens e eo-itd ndsuvear. regu- ýhouse 1'wth e was passed. A supiptuous banquet wau a nc O> ~c~ ô~ e .lidlU later seeved st the Maple Les! Rtestaur-> G. Waitei'8' Zsiw'soo. roïiýd, & ant. The. oficers eiected are las 1 1o- follove MLTAYOTS Pagt Grnd- Chu. Blanchard. col. Oumpl>ef, ofTorowt u v t u.frein cent"o Noble Grand-M. Atkinson. WbitW >y 01< Tue 1W, lUt, nPeCttzg the -11o84. Vice Grand-J. Glmblett i03. ompani' of "rnIts>P01dI R.S.N.G-Harry Reisl. neRcerdWne u e ýt -All en. APrl L..N.G.-e Movat. Sainte' Ouinelibgv.laceditheool ToninsA>1O R.S.V.G.-ý--. Toms. roin at the disposai of «"C" Companyi' tnder andb LIR.V.G-tot Dvel.Of tule':litti on ro lnty Battemtozmùv«ucf, el "R.j-.Dvereli. 4o&ldturipurostg Wardenm-Basrwv lurdze. ' Tii ~r1IUreu&»~.~ 4 s i 't I 20f. Or@ are AL AL Àk AAL A-

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