Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jan 1916, p. 7

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'~#u1- *IP~~. Dupply hi I o ayO11 o f Weskpess 1 Gr'eat lntir.at bas bemn aeuedt4» «M*10 ActigoeCai-4itufrom. lb. Ask those whe -have lad la grIppe Ser bia owinig to *.he ravages et ti gafg i'44d'b~ fi regardlng the preilint condition Of tpuepde -db he-7uo wt o ilk ~~a>aà 0O*4. mO*1 auseir 'ueal had s -the i Ihvecilpu dre ea iud ofIlthe e h bd~W ~ ~anah eatet iin yfw o thser h eh"m t-the m ofhae itheAustnians.' Bot adlltâti Ia *tfg~bI~ novr eei wll" l'irelua prss-cessities of lite, particularl? blankets, the ho h tgràin Pm. charge antitoxin forlanl tent weaknecss ef the limba, baddie- ar cotigfrmn mnad1p e h a digestilir. Wèt, 5Slpý, at-einll tinshrtesofbrat ad alit-children. Goods or money sent to tiei h te m0 déet ic srmpevn tion of the heart caused by tho thin- SeQrbian Relief Depot, Room 17, Mail IcbP goodui aia dL âghElv-rbe u, nÇttgir biooded condition in which grip al- anîd Empire Building, Toronto, will be tO the palate arnd a -1fe lver Useti An théefight agalMae contion met lwysleve l-s~it.m~autr ladly received and forwarded. to tired brain and'jdc ieao.Te MImslUb.se. the fever and influenza have ub- Dr. Sharpe of Brampton, Mise Lo- so ahIael Cnd.pldpylca% or o ealtb, Bided. Thvy are at the mercy of re- * h b aei.,C S &ple -'ybads P i sanovitch, daughter of the Serbian hospitals, insitto nen ai8p11 1apses and comiplications, often very, Mili.t.er te Great Britain, and Miss Po;qlethmfrt~t eoplea seron. ht cndtin iJ cntnu, -ard, an American nurse in Bel-. Inathe. past the depArtmnent ha. uctl ht boo l bii U aai, 111 rradc, ail recently returned frem given anti-typhoid serûm, free, and foir traret r Wlias it has resulted in a, great reduction fai ths prpoe nthigS Seri, beyoe othuiccdrivte- laincases o! typhoid- in-the province. Pink tmels t wlih qicl)r. iim' ur tevroh ocntiue e. Plo ic ilad rdvh ichqîv h rii-n g h the fund, for without genereUS eut- At the. Isolation Hbispital, wheret blod ic cd ed drvet i)I idi e help the aduit refugees and the the worst cases of diplitheria are '-.erms froni the' 4ystem itndti tnsi orlm '25,000 orphan chiidren must die, as taken and treated with the anti- hd (endrt grip victimai ito> cht<',r ii, the' countieofAbcandM t- dip'theretice erum, the death rate heltyirpp mcandl womnr. ~~ negro ini which they have retreated fromn the disons. has been reduced toi John Battersby, London, Onit.,s 'S-" ha e fot auff icient food for themBeives 6 per cent., while ferierly the rate j__ "Jui3t before Christmas,, 1914, 1i a and no adequate protection, frem the was 16 per cent. It in heped that takn dtvc wiî an attck >f lubtter weather. The following letter __________________ the free distribution of the serunt gipand the trouble lu'ft m-e 'l"F iii sjîî< for itscif: will result in a wonderlul decrease depiorrabie condition. 1 wa almost December 20th, 1916. CLOCKS--AND WIVES. in the spread of the dtead diseases. I tee weak te alk about, as 1 iisa then 5 Cromwell Road. hc oi i teEse eMr Plans for the distribution cf the working on a farm in Wester-n On-, nseruhas have not yttebeen compieted, Many tarie, 1 was quite ucalble to follow mry. London, S.W.. England. -aud to Keep lu Order. butit.umhaenerutod that suples usuai îvork. 1 tried at-veral kinula of Mrs ilumilton, lst Vice Chairman, bti sudrto htsple mcdicine, but it did not help nie. As The Suffragists' War Auxiiiary, A good clock-like a good wfe- will be placed un every municipaliV. The matter of fact 1 feit steailily gr-owin-g 132 St. Joseph St-. Toronto. 1 should not need constant watehing. and a physiclan's prescription wil be artkci, wveaker, and.Inl this con.dition, whcen, lear Madam,-.-We are very grate- Some clock--hIke some wives--get ail that, is neeessary in order te ob- neediei reading a paper, I sSw Dr. WilIiamb' fui for your kind letter of lat inst., wound up every night, and n othuig tain the seruma troc. ýThe results de- probal 'Pink Pilla advertised and decided te andi are very pleased te give you aIl will stop them but a good shaking. rived Irom the gre-lng.,of Iree serum than i try themi. 1 get a suppiy and by the' the information -we rac as regards the This, however, ia a drastie remcdy; - in Toronto and the bépeffita tund at countr time the second box was finiished 1 administration of oui' fund and thc and, aîter ail, the business et both the Isolation Hospital following the beeni feit cocsiderabiy better, ar-d after noeds thereof. e locka and wlvea, is te keop - going use ot autitoxin persuàded the Hon. ly by continuing the pilla for some lime' Our fund has equipped and main-Icheerfuly-and net make too much Mr'. Hanna te encourage Dr. McCul- o! a a5 longer 1 feit better ihan 1 hnd donic'-tained ifive large hospit.als aswel -a noseabout it. lough inla s eampaiitstance for mentIs. This was rny firat experi- six or seven dispensaries in Serbia! Shaking deesn't imptove the w'orkg ,-~---~te Sul once witff Dr. Williams' Pick Pills, duricg tht' psit year, besides distri- o! eltiier timepieces or women, and causef e ~Vhle ' but you xuay depead upon it that if 1 buting relief among civilians. Most if you persist in it they will inevita-bly as find medicîne neceu'&ary again 1Ivill of these hospitals are new in the get "'run down." Watchmakers and s~~ a 1eve kcow what te take." - hands of the Bulgarians, and the docters flourial thr-ough mon'. foot- "Y '."Sieepis n You cari get thos pille f rom any - staffs are either prisoners or on the ishness in this respect. Befere retiig ah I aeadThi.es dealer in medicine or by mail, post %wav te the coasatwt I eratug Wvsulkc cok-ant e nck wlth h'ot water, tlien dry and rub otiier paid, at 50 cents a box or- six boxes vtrMifa. We have been able, howcver, cxpectcd te sit quietly on the mantel- ".USIT1" lato the skia with-the inger et the for $2.50 from The Dr. W'illiams' to organize medical relief woi'k smonfg piece day after day and niglit aîter tiu. By persistent 'treatment you findiri Medicine Co., Brockviile, Ont. the' refup-ees on the Greek frontier, night without getting out of order. wlll seon reatore'te your complexion their Ila..5-ncd English represent atives of the This priviieged position, which adda the wonderfu4 freshnesa and beauty Uic la RESEARCH AND aR(1ES fui-d are already at work on oui' bc- dignity te thc handsouiest dlock, yth Make tlil treatment a Thi haîf both in Mentecegro and in the wouid make the loveliest woman look -~htY abt and "TISIT" will beau- dered N-ew Inventions Are contùintly Sa!onika district. In the îast men- a frifle ridiculous. UUIT» i aaki fod and p.w ieImpos Changng Codit ins. , tioned area thc weik is carrit'd on un- When the dlock strikes one, it la riot chawer it buai d ptlma t*inlkl-te Cliagini Coditing. der the supervision of our late trea- toc tate te get six or seven heus e, aaremove wrles fi liwotcdei- otet In n rtcl onîl rlaionofr-- Urer, 5ir FSdward Boyle. Sleep if you stop arguing, pressions and gi-vos te akin a won- port searcli te the progres manufac- iThre main needs cf the people at When your wife strlkes, tep. it la derful smoothnessanmd fineneset tary turing industries, Dr. WR. Whitney prt-sent lire warm underclothing for tee lote te do anythiug exccpt reacli texture 'whîch alone indicateB perfect tbreal shews that pureiy academical rt'- (men, wcmccn and eidren; sIawvla, for lier wrias. j kin hesltb. thoug search lias led Vo some of our greatest1 boots, arnd, above ail, blankets. An Clocks are apt Vo get slow in wa " «USIT" is put up in.-handsome ops.lfilcier, industriai achievezuents. "*Seare-h for ýregards focod stuifs, -which we arc weather, but it ia summer-tixnc that bottles, and'until thé Drug Stores in- new koide sy oco ht .kdt endotilreut ttis Cndae complete1iy stocked we are couni ,ased sen ii arg qanttiswi-ves arc usualiy friakicat. filling mail ordcrs. Accept no;substi- gethe ney, "is the insurance for the future cereals, [biscuits, jam, condensed milk A clock can be pawned; a witeceau- tute. pri o! the industries. Many factoriea wil cnd hovi-il are spccially desirable. net.1 Send 50 Cents to-day for trial bottie, later b. macutacturicg things cet 1 am enctsing a copy of oui' latest What homo i. complote withoUt a sufficient for six weels' use. W. psy - even conceivable to-day. The incan-, uppeai, ct'ad %-e shall be mostatefu ock 1 What bouse lsas home with- postage te ainy addres in Canada. illsetaon. inaesseenwlre fac; for any help which yeur Bociety cari eut a wif e Tick or mag, wîe would Va t fA00., laiD. illstatin.I avesen hol fc-kindly send us. choose ta ho ciocklesa and wifeiesa? 47 SnoMn *1 » NOwa tories entirely overhauled a uumber Yours truly, - Time passes unîeeded witbeut the of times in the past few years in or- M. MUSGRAVE WA,,TSON, one; Urne la wasted with or witlout- A COSMOPOLITAN VOLUME. Ge der te anake the newest lannps. Net TIc New TstamenteI.Transla-edperat only have entire floors cf complicated Sent by Mrs- Beckcr. Phone, Junc. Th NwiTstmet ,6Taa ePeopj and expensive machines for mcking 1415, 361 Perth Ave. TWO GREER LANGUAGES. lut. Many Languages, serie carbon lampa beeri thrown eut and '-- On te continent o! Africa alone the1 new machneiT for making metal fila- ment lampe lnstaîled, but before pack- THE SICK SULtAlN. Oue Spoken by the Educated, Other 13T the New Testament, or parts ef it, Marc ing cases containing new machins thc Mases. -have been translated into 148 Ian- la J* could be opened sud unpacked in tÈe, Death of Mahomme-t V. Would Make Theroe xista nluGree a in-aditiges a antid -ale mtto aesIci lpq fa tor ey have been thrown eut as' DiUerence [n TarIe-y. guistc condition of affaira arouudadiosarDsd-aagug ti- uslsas the advanco from squirted- The SutancforTurkey, Mahommed whitih centres a controvcrsy at once Brtsi -s fia-n ib.teqe me:lfilame te todrawn-wire fila- îeîa fIlm adîe36tii comkor tragmc; fo- la ae n"guageocf a trIb.lu Utic hehinterland bY"L4 ments provcd the btter way. Before Vteba fIsa n f ik Gec w agaeqrter rctaeofSierra Leone. - -t« fatoie cul rac te imt rfui-'er of the hbuse o! Osman, 1 id.Goece t-wo lainguagesorre- ', wrt- 'Pa t ite"New Te taâmit iia m $ fctie couin d reactIc ilmitvcueu-.-Once suchi a report wouîd bning up taoelnguago pntwpers-diioen bytheactuaily beca translate. intePldu wl ficenc I maufctuing~-cuu -visions et royal relatives enystenlous- tenib ieuwppt5 pknb t Englisl, that str4nge linge, li baby- suri lampa the introduction of nitroen- ly poisoned, bowstrung or dropped, educated classes, andi used iniDparlia- taik andi hall slsng,- whicî i. the chlet ot ri inte thc lampa- brouglit another bounti anti sacketi jte the dark wa meutar>' debatesansd in public docu-- means of communication tîrougit aUi usI change; -att nw, when the. nitrogen-, ters of thc BospWrus, anti ot fortune ments, including the Seriptures, thethtie Est te tuagstoti lampa have bun lnunse onl tellers, wizards andi exorcisbers CrOwd- circulation oI whicl is regulateti A1% dWficltiespee. n r .-= ant it *kmodct«f lt a .in .arun. Ui au.g 1_eAg's aw; ndthe.other avernacular upreseTfnteot iuta tan- ý T MMCEROUGIR MANDS,8 SMOOTH nlsqsD o trmr.ý Ki ffltbmleas0th and soirt. CHESMBOUGH MFG. CO. ITALY NEEDS NEEDLES. Articles of Common Une Scarce Because of War. escarcity of common-piace les of everyday use sucli as 's, toilet supplies and druge is ibly more aeentuated in Italy in any of the other belligerent tries, because these thlngs have suppiied to Italy almost entire- rGermany. One of the branches sewing machine company, for in- -, reports it ian n longer abie .pply medlum-eized needies, be- athese are made in Germany. It appears an impossibility to, buy rer thermometer in Rome, as thu. ither article of German make, supply of aspirin and a raumber od rremedies ln exhansted at mosi àe pharmacies, and doctors 'ar ng it increasingly difficuit to gel .prescriptions filled. because ol lck of druga. las dearth of necesuities is rei d heavier to bear by the aimesi sibillty of getting goods fron rcoontries and Itom: the higi of living. The cars for tie trans of goodis*are ail used for mii purposés and Rom.e eVen i: atened by a sugar famine ai igi the manufacturera have sul nt for te needis of the whoi, itry. The cost of living lias alto ter increased about four times an, nises to rise further. et id WOULD -KILL PRISONERS. tt Cenmany W"ul Do Ia Case ef Starvahlon. I »Yo~ 'lre-an& Ov.rrun Galleries lu Battalono. ,8rÙh Snti Fritci i ues la Fli-ders aid" Îc.':soldie'r tescnsthc Aa é ~'êr-titan tue Ger- m~nsih se*tr nuikîadds:- "renches, -communicatIons, f-tis, Wooi cellar sudtibarns are choketi t~1t~j~beI'. yWchave tîem 1holding con&resaç'i M 'at lglt in the busiet roatis sud glvi#g concerta by day in tho mont crowdcti villages. We liter-. ally mitrch on top of thcm. They brWo anti brecti and laucch them- #elves Into assaulta on the canton- meuts, 111e 6tce Germans on the Yser, by battelions, en masse. "Thoy ane.bcgin.Ding te le tortured by luxiger, andtihtecshortage eoftfood. makes-tIent capable ef anything. Thc otîci' morning 1 aaw a cyclint whosc tires lad been hall devoiared by a pIs- teen et rats. Tuýe other night somne et our mca lad thein surgical first-aiti packots, which they keep in s ceat pocket, attàcketi and carnieti off. Woe te the mac -who gees te slccp with a morsel et clecolate ini lis treusers! He wiil wake up to find himacif with- eut lis treusers." The wnlter gees on to describe the metheds of warfane that arce being useti sgainst the aew eneany, particu- larty some of the tngenioua giant , tnsps deviseti by thc soldions for ,,catching the rats on a whoicsalc scail FET 0 U A. - _____*O TE AI Brings Decre-ase lu Crime lu Eagiand F RS-AilSl'ONSAI Grn. Dalyor Fiý, Brampton. Otnt. 10ACUMS,12 I 100WBPAVliZES 7. - a ROF11iAK N ENW4 ANI) J0; P. Officesfor Paie ln g'4od Olntaris to vna. Tue most usclul anýt lnterest.ing or ail t)ui Is., Éuili n1ornatio- Ott- ipWiY. 12 sn t WI li I.. Tooebnu o. C ANCE RI. , ÏMORB. LuMaP. EWCL internail ad eternal. ocured. Wl L>Ri Oùt paIn by dur hoMe treatment rt vu i>.for. soo tate. Dr. BeUman Medical Co.. lAirnted. týollInorwzod. Ont One o! thc effecta o! thc war lias been te decrease in su important pro- portion the numben et lamates in te Crýte-fed,- bled, anti pickedeti ea te prisons of Eaglaud anti Wales. The wang tipu. 13e for fatbls, aire, 6-lb. fact la brought eut in thc annutal ne- esch or over. port et the- Prison Commissionere, WLEl' which has juet been issueti. 700 Spadina Ave-. -,gonc Pnisoncra senteaceti by thce rdinary - - . courta, witl persons imprlaoed as, tiebtors or on civil process, wcrc as Iollows in 1914-15, compared i wtl the corrcsponding perioti: 1914-15. Dec. Penal Servitude .... 591' 206'r Impriaoument..102,971 32,169- -Bonstal........ .î 438 49j tiebtors or civil pro- t __ cens..............8,18 e,225.~ ~ Sureties .............625 1 Tmu gm.e a beofles Tota.........11,51 M77 The Prison Cetamissionersasacribe1 ofthVe male 1. The en]a lntexicating 8. The grl 2. Restria petty effend prison populatien te, lialmeut e! many babitual When the War iIEd r loquers. - eat~ ~ ~ ~~O tim&ifo In OU star:'tfua ahetrle- itet heurs fer thc sale o Ifpol tl.ntobe e can take it frorm me tAiÏ.s zýosut a yuil b. ver in 4 fortnigbt,,- Nf>Yot ermany seema te bts gettiug des- B ABy'S ]BATI'LES t a> te. In ,series 91artic! la i w.ý v pieor u-Stat»ýth the. AGANST SICKNESShavi es ofthVe wan esusi -* yai Germans andi publisheti by A. Cati lest lie -fengît with Baby'e rus antiB. Weber, o! Bonu, tiers Qwii1TabIet-,.Utî 1 aan st n arIcl lyDr. ein Pohof int Tabiet th&t neVer fails to, regielaIs toi as..pps mmb~ ~~ the ab ani 1o.eIaandi drive out f«, w n i<g_ ailmmclsiii cf 1111 eue. Coer. R - wi th- Ri~V49 *VtàO tii U ims -lismMmra. H over, Eastburg, cure 1hlesîtate tàý-,emaheh ~ su *I es if Gerrany la ever oh the veffe -oui ateraît it fncessany, 'ýVe Abl st "elan-théh"iaht ir ar sod,-ym ilicine dealori ios' by tr tert swhih ou mes h avéil a a25 cents s box froa E r upietiw uidrive, them, imaits *eýWIlliam.'Mdcn.C. mty'a Mues; Ift neceasar, vo mnut, Ont. the. itundreds et Utousandts o! prie. mra vbê è,are Imm W onsmrngout, D TE8 NGERMÂlY," Opies. iMiit w*iVid le tlhtl vouId b. Inevitable if hoeWere 11ev lb. Brd", iPubliec Help.d stiier vay o oldkig out.-1 i81. 1 - , 1h15 allees' mtei«etlng te o dlo )W You MAT Î) 4 îcpy « te ad .p çgumler, d A WAY VOUE < c SS Mré #,',M84, tha&. éthat tlniâ the ar eye*la"meS vehe do not ~~iyrUv4 el' iynsr&te ne ortn#ui4iigiQppu7 *.l4t re been maMredti ty yeas as nver stuckte a Job more tbs" - tôuaf« tp Winte T'Trlst ýtickets ow -'aiOLsloat via var1ô1e ectandreeuterUtes. eur fut nmodern trains louve Cbtc&go ly' frouatcmntmce' à&I&- cuurai in tir. wort& - (L!ahlifrnia-leatIos 10.400- -My mother, aince ber early chilti- prtV*i&anldIg2LlOI__11 gUI i hoot, was an Inveteratee offeu dinker, W. u att v.I eti a-tpieuoe.itoio On.~i$...sr Utr bai been troubled with her brt for àlyetti,Âlana o ti 1.1 Ak 0? 01VabUt Jci*la Cw.spwityl d! st iiumber ot y«ene nti omplainet of KaeSOV4NmacedeUla, hO W«stii.e «t Rom, M*lturlI d.hi uit clor# Eau. 1 tlat 'weak-all-over' feelingst ad ae-Ottomiln mivrlp h vdt is iftond ud 5eai grqcers Y1>hWIov 1.Xho,, ttVtliol b Win Pro- es' elos*.amudd<ý NOlt- stfr i*Mm"enê. W" atomaclu.11(Tho ef ecis o! tea on ithe vinceaon a1ma1o8" ! me&ti1 oeklk podém syestem are very elmîlarte Sw of lKbaulm s, bo 1usdI maglumd T'Y . acman nm isi eh. cof ce, because they euh tcontatii'the I$wlSaduve ,t*IW' uâ..14foa0 'drus, caffeine.) 1ritevsduapltd -Ie bt mliiior,ôtswti "-Some time &go I vas naakiug aa Iglt od tw .buavyueble à=masil bilvater. Pour ýddMit uFiait te a distom ant 91fthie CoUtry b*Isew o*k ceaI., awthe lb. fI.d. alA-4aiMa ai. )UmfJà-te sud took dînne vil-mn.ef te merJu- 0&. 80 »seisut .Io lhre Mte 1 os ci oot . àà *U u, , ,aê t éhants of " lac ise. Il uoticeti a poewel. o ii b*a er a sotaievhst ac"uelflvour of thIi'cof- 1esbOw ti. siiod itkh.s groomd an sd s«k"i hm comeerlag t. B e hmm~e u -ue-aU reptied tlIaIIl vwu Potum. hs4 "**hlm*pushp~RIty at-t i ...WoI VUSl 461 was @0 plesedwltlu Ilt iat 1Ces~a e liee ~4? . ~ ~ ~ - -$~ a spub"agetecarryhome villekanx I >im gasi aWhsui*tw O*w~.uI ime, antilwfo propff. me ceafor t etii 0 *.a*-mom. , w-i * . t ýcII0 Dexl mn!. 'lbe *bole fâmeil 1këd Il t. thueo 0009"t. 0iw oa »o wel that vu dlsontinumeti ee rope; 1leiMUap eb w~at to.1" _ t and us"d Poilus enth.!y j* UMS sud 1W.«, 411 lad bo*e uern opsxoa os*4r- eb 1s s pawO t tb ,fr ing ap~tMy i 'S Oêdle, ,btWt. * * 0«teo r e b*u.i" t tlb. A M netlced tbat aftr uaing Postua fora s4o " oMs Tr*0344m short turne h. .11 ucitbefttu, 1ud Éuat:;3rt uu.~ q4 littlo trouble vitit bu«lut su d noe sikk stommel; th" ttihe .dseb.. wm tfi wamo pet se tr.qn4p &, 5 *m&Ir<Ilq51 ç,-.ww «d» dition mieh imprâire"à'fu ontinued n . Untîl aie wuvaa vei sd1061r7. fi know Postsm et ed.du. self mathle etW =rnuebers « t*0 givetu by Ganain otleG,,W son, Ont Poatum ermnetw Io forma: mt .wei boirc an sd 28Ubt -tle lna ae«p of îcIW*i C -v --q ~i (J fr 'r' è> --9,- j~ n IIow .o Yee An*d h9001m< ONM bw heg huei14s n1818 ettet v' tit wl hl LV ~ h J- 1 and Wales. 1 Total ........... 113,639 87,7901

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