Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jan 1916, p. 8

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I "~:-1 celasbenO u tye .enly i llroila. On te his death iot -'evenig.found- Ma' ~ ç~buonlykg he yard, just t Uhe <ibi afllift!bistricke1n wlth- %bo- '~e.The l1 bfr. GibMbo iai bèel a restdent b or the ps18o 2 :~a1, sd 'U h ly respectei UAoM tte ian.lu olt1 ha& a aConserva- tive, and in religion a Miethodlst.A ami tenture of his death 13 that to0- c~4re 3utaufew isys before the daté aRjranged for'- ts marriage. The fun- era ,»oOk Place onWeduOBday under týhe aîïAplces of the ,O.F., of which 4'1cea1es ýdwas a nembeir. Rev. 1IL W. Mtoey cfdtCd the uerai service, _iiternlt beini mine In Grovoside -, o t I{rif T. ThomIPsofl, WbttbY. ,for Cee-Tee Underwear. MtýXj. W. A. Dryden bas been in Otta- wa, wheVt l ie la .howiflg oine fine cet- tle-al -tue Live Stock Show. ; mecêtiig of ubscrib61à and officers 0o' 'he-Librftry wtll be held on Mouday ~,etitg at 8 o'ciock In the Council The attendihuce at the &chool here ls ouly about haifthte regular attend- an-ce, owing 10 su mutcli ilîness. Nir. John Vlpond Is in Ottatwa tht. Wti-i-k sliowing several of bis hurses at the LLîve Stock Show. The jumers of the l.O.O.F., uum- bertng about siixly. held an oyster sup- - por on Frlday evenlOS lat at the Tem. pérance House, aiid apent a most en- joyable ( yening. Thle menti provlded was ail that couid b.- desired. Mr. and Mrta Ward are to lie cougratulated on lbhe slenýdtd sitplier tiiey jîrovîde for j Go to Harry T. ThôtflPsofl Whitby. for Cee-Tee Underwear. A.iiiiiuinlwr from hietvati erded the Presbyterlftfl soir evi t Clumbus on Moudsuy nIgli i. atd reilori a %"ery good flv Ni r Pd.>of Toroiiio. preach- ed Iii îîl'r- h 'riiti rcli here on S-uiiday itr 0o)Il His sermoifn vas i cry finie and wat5 uîîîrh eiijoyed. Nirs. NI. .Lawre.nce lu rt-covering frot io ur rreciO si-ver.- ilitess. NIr WionBliglit had the mit;fot-l'U . to tii on i Ideci' of Ire suid fracture s-'riof lus ribs. He' ha sufferedý &à gond di'al of paini froru the Injiury. Law rence islitl Tloronto th lu week1 >ikiig up bargaiis for bis big sale. Plitoci blai--hings. 'Utr, and Mrs. Thos. Wickett. of Ar- coia. Sask., are visiting Mrs. Wlekett's luotlier, Mrs, Miles, for the wlnter. Mr. Wlckett left lucre elghteen years -a", anîd titis lu lits second viil here dur- lui; that long period, i is 'ue uputtilig on a hi,- vînter palti'See bis shortly. 1 We are sorry to learn that the ltle idsîgiier of NMr. Henry Robinson lias bàeen qItitIIIsilice îliey havre roved t. Oshawat. Lawreflco's big wlt'r sale wili be un in a few days. Wateli for it. Mr. Fred )MeBripii las noved toý Mr. sudj Mrs. Kirch. who haire been n.indimp)o.qed. are able' 10 bp around "fi- Thlompsol, tor largest ShIrts mad4e. 0-cents. Tiie foiIowing letter was recelire Il"iui Arhur Boyes. now lu Frwa. by trimids lunTrookln: ilear Frleiida.--The parcel 4us'ýni reaclîî'd tue O.K. on the\ 23r&O oeurse i oucedn't say thaît it wat1gh' a4,precitted. But Iwo Idldilk '+n e sari- avof exp)ressitig my Au, Loyd Glll.ls*e --We are fg(tleGerc- mnaay. Aniria. sud drInlk. anud, mo fuîr au 1 eau 5e. the gresitest ofbresettroe deuiy tues la dtnk2' LordKicer L~tario * s. Theexiten--of the Briish Em-npire depends up o the outcome of. the»'Wa% A our, resources must be thrown into the scale. The Empire'se eis for men, munitions, food, clotliing, and, above &Il things. MONEY. We are being called. uppn to give our millions to carry on the war. Sir (*eo, B. Foster lias stated that the Domninion Government miglit even aïsk for a Doine.stic Loan of $300,000,000. It la only a few weeks ago that Canadians sub- scribed over $100,000,000 to a War Loan. -These fa.ts bring riglit home to us thýat this is, as Premier Asquith stated, " A War of Mnney as well1 as Men." Sir Robert Borden, Sir Thomas White, Finance Minister, and other promrinéent men have einphasized the neeessity of ecouomy. Conserve our wealth. Cut down expeuses. This is what we must do. S omething to Think About '«Ti e ninWho have re- <'euh> y- juined the ('oilore arm îîuîîîg thelr utuost le prepaire îha'uuasîvfs for active .si'yi.'.'alta the lea,.t possible delay. ThLia reali 'ran ouly hé achîe- ed Ir by liard wnvk and strict subrie-ty lbey keep Ihenuneive'. ihuroujrbiy fi and hiulthy.' Admirai Jellicoe 11r. uites u pou wh v fieeuey maliyi d.eatde Titiy are die- cîpîlue. ,Iralgttshootiu- sud enduiranetý"d Teus- perliuu'u. ntauetlonubl7 teudia ireutlî to the prco- motion or Iluese quahliea.' Baron -Freni Cizena I - Ep-CLWMT, BemBa. Did vou ever seriously think about tbe mllions of dollars *expended an- nually for àleoholic beverages ini the Province of Ontario î As nearlv as eau be estimated from fig'ures, based on Domi-nion Go~en ment returus, the consuption of alco- holic beverages in the Dominion in 1914 w~as $103,049,129. Assuming that On- tario, wNhosc population is one-third of the Dominion, onsmes one-third of amounts to $34,349,709.66. $330000. Let us say' Iu other words, Ontario's Annual Cousumiption of Alcoholic Beverages represents the cost of- lst. Rifles, Machine Guns and Field Guns for,-an army of 690,523 men on active service for a period of 12 mont.bs. 2nd. Or Accoutrements, Camp Equipment, Harness and Sad- dlery, Transport Vehicles, Signalling aud Telephone Equipment, Tools and Miscellaneous Requ.ire-ments for 1,26%~231 men at the front. 3rd.. Or one year's Clothing and Necessaries for 33,000 men. 4tlL- Or Rations, Subsistence or Money Allowauces for 2_26,027 "boys" on active service for one year. 5th. Or the Canadian Government's Separation Allowance 4*tr 117,773 dependents for the entire year of 1916. The foregoing figures are 'based on the war estimates of the Department of Militia and Defence for - 1916-17, »as published on December 3Ist, 1915, in The Toronto Globe. Eliminate This Expendituie The. Citizens' Commjittee of On. llundred believes that as a war-time measure, if for ne other reason, titis colossal expeiaditure for sleoholio beveragos in Ontario should be elim- inatod. The Comnittee also bas every confi.. dene that tho Provincial Qoverument will movo in this important matter as rapidly as publie opinion will support them. The. fau.ction of the Citizeni' Comnmitteeofo' One tlundred is- teorganms, cstulile and give expresasion te the present state of public opin-. ion on the queàtion of prohibition. Thle Com- mittee beheves that it eau demoustrte te ft. Government that Ontario às overwhelrngly*Àn favor ci prohibition. The P peewMlSbortly b. gîen the opportumity of eigniug a petition for presentation to the C4oernment- The Citizens' Committee of One Ulundredia tie executive head of thia big new prohibition movement. t represents the whtolo Province. I - - Ontarlo JAMToroAto. Klngah- Ierancla et South OtroJALSEAA Worn's Inatitute w-ii nieet at the VeC8ÏIR borne of Mrs. R. Tt. MowbraY oa 'rhu.rs- 4e.y, Jaiiîîary 27. Ail willilig workera wili please be on band In good time. as we Ndl have soliera' shIrts cut out read y f or busy fingers lu malte, as the - - lkeed la urgent. Mrs. C. 1'. Mac.key, Pres.: Mrs. R R. Mufwbray. BSec. ~ Go to liarry T. 'Thompsou. Wbttby. for Ceoc-'i'ce UndervWear. a hOle lnwhlch ho badi gt toM Rai nM goday 0 week. théir d*usete RIA4.- Go to Barry T. Thompeàs, Wbt, J4c" Valverti ,-ThTuC'!lt' ranlg laavhchfor CuateisTailord &Oteties Mr 0837rocker-am vas organlzed some time ago. intend to 130.00. ofte - kolding u heir first meeting ou Mouda;>'e eveulug next, underthtei.leadership o!f COLuUIU8. 18st th$WbS Mrs. A. J. Grose. Mr. M. Dooffle seht a uw Aldasla Anà-Vi Ourw Sunday Sehool appontd the tkhefty reeustly. - te Kwbz flowing delegates to attend the 8. 8.ua " P~~ ieharison bave a. Convention te b. beld at Myrtîs on numzber or hi oisaIti'taw Tmrlday, Januarur 28,,Mm ,Gros., tMoss Show. Lulu Mofftt anud Mrs. John Wadge -Thie hockey M"tebgb4va thé IL for the. general 85.work; M . i. #ad t»ouüald «MultM ta a S3quelcli, for th. Wâmen'sleBthlc Clame, Vioe or Uetmrwha q*0 Kmi's rga Nim.ed a fo toum 0,l pt tti som êta~ Dwut forgot the lAdes'« alt Wd ag q4 M#Iw.3*tbe amoeda>ofetnxtW-16, ed'i,1OOrS--ý ohwmai 'Mu a JIU «s an dli4e aYîtelg Prqre lfrqi' »gbaitMd U&ê l3g6y*4*.8f ilaowusa 4eU rsvrMe.e t el . - ' - sPreabyter" m n UiITaiU7 Y «tr. *lgbt. ou cmamosud Mimaimii ,>l o~tIe'we do net w8 Lt numbers men of both political p&rties-men who welcome titis chance to ýWork for prohi- bition now that it hais been taken out of poli. tics-earnest mon who are working togethier for the common good. i The publi, and this Îaeludes those living in DRY municipalitien, are rged to join hands with the Committ'ee and imeure the sueces of the movement. Doig 50 will show tha.t y-u appreiate the beneflts f prohibition in your own municipdlity and add great 1%trength to the' Commnittee 's campaigu. -1f you live in a Loal ORtion munieipality your ignature to the petition la mat a urgent- ly wantedl u it woulil bc ilypu were under - icense- Pro'.4uce-wide prohibition would not only confer a benefit onpeople living where Local Option does flot prevall, but wouid alo help to enforce the law in Local Option muniel- palitiea. c k. I I b p I 5igns of the Times England rhe sale of Iiiîor liii'w beeu curtaileil 10 IIi'f nd one-hetlf hour@ per dny. IîIY Y France l171t i reneb (Inverti- men lt bus prol iîltt-d lii. mufacture or Wale of AbsIithe. und provtîleilbeaî i îpenal ties for Huy. ptrgob suppi'.ing anu'. elh liii ore lu o il .t i s4 l'ij III ? exum Zuli luthe' worId'q i-tory of the lirolt hi lion of t Ib u iîor i rî [le ln lhie-sln. 011r-u401Y hum eeîteil 1i i.soIiite probhli li s-Ilh ln- both et-o,îoinle 111141 moiral. Vice iiif oi' erty have gIve ty to l happler hotu-es ,sid en- ovmnotlly lucreued sSv- IDES uccouluts. WUV', Gerunany On i'ebruary 17tl 1915. tbe Genertil (oril- mander lesueil a pror. litmaitiofl lt 5,17ll saloonkeeper -aerv 1n M alcohollc drlukm 10 auj- soldler wou lai 1e aea- tenuceil 0one yea r's Iunprisanmtu. ntd hi@ buslaîess losed p. W1IIVY I United States Sevea mnre $tnles voted "yeg ..on I)ecew- ber 301h, for >State-widt prohibition of the an- ultaîture and emile of liquor. WHY 7 Canida Prince Edward là iui i. dry. Nova Scottole I., l un- der prohibition emeepi the City of Halifax. New BrunswIck bai prohibition la ten oui of litteen counues uni ln two of'1 its tbrc chiles. Qnebec bs 9N6dri tmtnic ifti5 a a Manitoba W111 vote oi prohibition this yeai Saakatebowaa -£%r bar wus ciosed on Jun IOth laut. .Uberuts-Declared fc pîrohibition on Jul 21st list by M291 -votesi, las aalut 37,W1 Britis. Coluinhta-TIb governnxent 1j». piedge te take 'a plebiïclte. Outario nov ry stnd there ai UoeeMs tlàonooy 2T Tht, conts as dryti municlpalittes - xott dry o Jiuary .Jr' Durlag ile ,aaut yuaraouiy s. agle lmui niltpauh in luOut*e bas Zoene back -firo 1 aiprlbil«on .h proved aJ IMInc td Jolu ie wJth the icot mittes -ot Ou. Hundr l'a th& '14éMuid toi chelue«,prosuoince- Fri vh o- tdc e tl Coriteof One.Hunded L Warburo Ch-ima oEeutive- Commîtïtoe,-15 Teur P. IL W'i 811, U~,m~~W a m c LOANS - mortgages on tarm andi village ;.,rol> .ruies at 6 andi 6% per cent. APPIY ImEGAN & REIGAN. 112 Manningl claDIerU, DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D> D.S., L.D.9., Suceessr te W, Adam&. Office Dundan Street, oppocite -Po* Office. -Phono 122. WtITBY, ONT. E. W. Sisson, D.D.S.,LD.S.. D«tal Parlors over Aluin' drus store. Whltby, ont. Offce haur-8- te 12; 1.3 te 6 Phonos. Bell, 87; Independent. 11. ~ BLKE . BATON LDS.,0.0.9, Oraduate of the Royal Collêge of Dental Surgeons aud University of Toronto. ty hi ed '4 LI s. I r Prt he the r cou are dei as si Te ~1 NI 'o Bel] Phonu 20. THRk-ADGOLD Bf08. GARPEi En s m mdD Aletersons Ld Repaira «MIeS? G&»SWOU OUAAT.M CornerWslnut M maiKliBt Telsphon. No, 182. W'INTER RESORIS Special Round Tn'p Fare, Long Limit 8topoee. Ashvîlle and Bot Springs,. N.C.; Charlenton, 8.C.; Nassap, N. P.; Hot 8pings, Ark., French Lick Springs, Ind.: . acksonville and aIl Florida poia; Havana, Cuba, and. New Orleans, Là. vis New York aud IRail (or steamer ac- oordlng to destination,) or ria Buffalo, Detroit, or Chicago. BERMUDA AND WEST INDIES OTRBR JIKALTH EESORT3.. Mount Clemens, Mioh.; Battie Creek. Michigan; -St. Catharinee, Weil, Ont.. Preston Springs, Ont. Tickets-spd ful Intormatlem ompq> pilcatton W Grand TnnkTi"ketAtm E.wtpheceon. Afent, pbone ^ Whltbir. ROYAL THEATRE ENTIRE CHAISE 0F PROORAE Each NWghL "Thé. BIaak Rhi" ery tUoday uiglit Uanra.y ui0b . .te &Mi Obarlie Chaplin nid-wuer tnwSm Wednemi an d ThUrMàW,. TraisTiVieTiles- WMT]IT iUNVTZQNI a iug W 5.4sai. oua.8*@ Sunday tau na v. for 'IWçmta» -iSsstop aàt Witb7 uia a S.1~aa4P 8,JC1 .8O>. "Thor@ ta no dout het the. work whleh the.noyi ArUt7Teuiperusce Aue&- men nteliy battei e- fleranmd licter Mo-IL mea want to au e- m>euta. buttalloria. egnaô- roue. batt.llime ui ga emriieut. tbrIut ro gf elf-cotroi aud self- sacrifies"

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