Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Feb 1916, p. 2

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* , 'j J -. - Whtl&eoirtroopeanare jgbttng 1kei the h*#oes ef blaspie ages,- want le, grovins Mute ut home. ..'. We Jeer- 'ea, -ut. -thse bloiade. but to.dmy w. XU«gh nb, longer. TIse ginster aspect et ýthlsp; certatnly provide no food for hughter.-P'rankfurter Zeltuug. Tir, bais been a noViceable weak- enng af fficial. denlas that a short- -ae r o od exstd ln Germany. It was -asl&,tiat tiser. was f ood enough, but thatýdlistrIbution *ias faulty. Now tise, tatemneut f. made that prices are belug raised ln rder te enforce econ- omy, a cruel sud lucredible interpre- tation 'eo events. But beyond official utteraricea, ili the journal. wbich come to thiis country smre- indication of the true criais le seen. Tise Madgeburger Zeltuug, the pa- lper quoted above, Zukunft, Vorwaerts and tise journals of every metropoli- tan contre, eonfirm the trutis that thse aituation ut home is soe gave tisat -it invaidates thse gxtraordlnary suc-! cesses of German arme lu tise flçld. 1 Purtiser it le reported tisat "pricos; are mucis iigiser in Hungary tissuinl1 Gerziauy," sud tise Leipzig Voiké-1 .zeitung proteste the reality ef Eng- landf'e bloclkade and asserts that tise Goveru.meni doee not protect civil- iaus from speculaters. Two things may be rernsrked in tise counectiort. One le tisat thse Gev- ernment, obvieuely working for s decisive vivtory, i. giviug evory atoni of food energy te tise soldiers of il-si own sud allied armies, sud that sucis a situation, even on a Smali scale, muet work hardship for civilians. Thse second ie that Germauy's dependente ln active service are seo Mny, are, scattered over me ide sud seupro- ductive au ares that eveu without the bleekade se would be pressed beyond endurance te maintain e war of attrition agninst ber enemies. She mustwin eciivel inthe field. or, Rise will loec imhtie famine camps. We muet net wenderthat Gerrnany beats se prsistentiy, even if se metf- fectualiy, against tise walls ef ber cage. We muet net be hurt that Germauy le bitter againet us. Sise is starviug. We ehail wiu Ibis war oue day,sud, meos- credit will go, as usual, te those wbo are lu at tise finish. But when we assigu tise glory gud praiso let us net forget tisose wise stoed up tetise' firet rush. Tise new amie whicis fer mauy menthe have poureti across tise Englisis Channel wili bring us t RUE SU- Y LESSON WthuConr 4ZH4 INTERNATIOIqAL'LESSON, q lowmFEBRUAIIY 6. Treatmcut of Pueumolda. Lesson *VI.- The Boidnusfa etPtes' Tise tiret symptoaeof pueumn'ia sud- John, ACta 4. 1-31. Golden are net ususily differeut frein tiose of as evere coid. Tisere is iikely to Text: 1i-Cor. 16. 13. bo s chili, followed by a sligbt ris.et temperature, loss of appýetite, -head- .Tise scene le tise Sanisedrin, andl the > ache, sud s ceagis that raises some inqqlsition le in -tise haude ef tiseSsad- ducee aristocracy, tise "highs priests"; mucous exp>ectoration. That j tis th tlts u h ygaee ie ' cae he te nemoil l Prlm*(Reman governor was resgnimg at tihe...... 'ary." a tise"secondry" Uie, Caiapisas, sud tise living ex-isigish ~ -.~ - wisen the pueumonia accmp#anles priests, Hanan tise fatiser-iu-law et seme other serieus ilinese, ail tise Calapis at tiseir isead, and mombers aymptenis msy be maskeci by tisose ef "tise kindre ofethtie higis pries±" et tise original disease, se tisat tise wiso migist-at any time be appeinted pneumonia le established before any- te tise pontitlcate. Luke represents eue bas even suspectec tise tact. tiseir speciqJ concern at tise nemnesis In those cases the patient jeal- wisicis isd evertaken thier judicial ready under the csre of doctor and murder of tise Nazarene. Now hie nurse, sud thse pneumenia. muet be resurrection proclaimed by many wit- treated as a complication ef the orig- neases and attested hy undeniabie ' inal disease. But wheu a pereen who miracles, was isuriliating tisen in has hitherto been weli cornes down their standing debate witb tise Phari- f with pueumenia, tise question Of sees, who werc nctually joiniug tise treetuieut becomes very imiportant. new sect (compare Acte 15. 5) be- Pueunionia lesa disease for whicis cause et' the tremendeus impulse, il- I there je ne specific treatm ent, --once had given te tise great doctrine of the contracted, it mUet run its course- hereatter. Yetthee ae fw iineseslu isiis Verse 8. Rulers-The higis priests. the Àrt ef care that a patient re-Edr -Odiay em rsotse. ceives se grestiy influences tise re- Sanisedrin. Tise latter titie (Presby- ~ suit t tie atack.ters lu Greek) was taken ever froni % ee ., e A good physiciaji muet be Put In tise Jewe-who sissred it witis 'hea- - charge efthtie case. Ho will attend te thon religions, as tise Egyptian-by Jir w.lL s encis sympteni as it arises, sud hi o-tise Christian churcis. See Acte 22. 5. of Montenegro, i hr ea-i ders muet be scrupuiously obe ed . We-Empisatic, like ye in verse 7 drIveu rr0w is LIplwaib> thse Tise largeet, best-ventilsted sud sun- -"menu hke you!" Examned-A tecis- mInar. nies roo in ise ousesboud ~ nichai word for a preliiuinary iuqulry: ------- ____ taken for the sick reem, tie matter tise Sanisedrin muet naturally beginV wbe is disturbed thereby. Fresis air wt ihn nurfri a e Ishould circulate tbrougb it day sud easy te discever a crime iu "4a benefit nigbt, altbough a cold wiud must net doue tô as sck man." Tise work efthtie F s i biow directly upon tise patient. Some Hely Spirit je seeu iu tiese kili witis The.F s i n account sheuld be taken efthtie sut- which they reduce their persecutors te f ferer's condition from heur te heur, futility sud seize tise opportunity te sud tise reon sisould bo kopt a'little exaît tiseir living Master lu tise meet Novelties on Spring Counters. ceeler wisen hie temperature e is igis. -cenv-icing way. By what means- Even tise meet ekeptical among us It wac once tiseugbt that, èas Margin "lu whom"; anticipates tise in, muet be tisrilled sud interested by pueumonia seo oten fellows a coid, thlm o verse 10. 1tise attractive- noveities Fashion le was best te keep tise patient smother- 10. Iu thse name- Sec Acte 2. 88, now lcn nbrarn onos cd inv blaned t u a fwar rombtsud aise verse 36, for Christ tise titie sud lu her spririg chope. For in- we aveleaudboter Iftworooistise assertion of wisich would auger'stance tisere are tise quaint bonnets can be used, it is a good plan to carry these Sadducees beyond anything. whicis are beiug displayed at tise me- the sick person f rm eue toet e-er, Tisey had doomed hlm to tise cross formetioumiinydprtets end ake hat pporunit te ent latecaming it (Mark 14. 61f.), sud uow as a logical sequence efthtie modisis tise vacant reeni tiorougisiy. lu- tisis irrefutable sign bas proved tisatigterdsu11rig >kre deed pnumoia e met ucccsfllytiey oniy gave han thereby the stop Fluttering about oeeof these bon- treate inlutise open air, as far as tisat te hie throne. 0f Nazaretis-Tise nets, a tascinatiug creation of garuet ie possible. A siight application et Greek adjective here is tisat ot Matt. braid sud white gardenias, lu eue of mustard te the chieet, covered by au 2. 28, whlch is distinct f rom that etfour smnart shoprs the other atterneon, oiled-skin jacket, le helpful. Do nolt Mark 1. 24j, sud may possibly denote 0 givethe atint ie wterbutlet im Mesiane tile.was a quaîntiy sn¶art littie> persen, hive athpten clpe vater ht lt inisMesanctii.dressed al lungray. She wore feue et hav ai tse oo, prewatr o wil Il. Pea. 118. 22took s very con- tise uew faille suite, made witb s drink. Stimulants and drugs te re- s cou pac -' te ldTet- --- - ~ epîueuspiae amng re ui leta-ratisor closd fitting ceat, flaring wide- heads, tison, iu ail reverence te tise lieve the pain mùst ho preecribed metpof idb h psls memory eft tiose bstterod, decimated, oniy by tise physician. Tise nurse in mewntrts shte aotls fol- l ly at tise lower edge, cernbiued witis idmtbelgoswihsvduchreshould . lowng ibeir Master. tise meet modemn et eld-tasbiened jadmitblelogonswhih sved us hare say ensanty wtis 12. Saivation--Or "tise (Messianic) 1 ekirte. It wae a veritable "pull- frern utter extinction at tise begin- tise patient.-Yeuth's Companion. salvation," as iu John 4. 22., Note tisat'back," haviug al efthtie fuluese iing ______Adrce. salvation sud saved are tise saine drawn u thie back sud iseld by a tape *1' ~eep elI"word asetisat rendereci made whole lu fastened ai tise aide seas-fittiug THE EXTRA(>RDINARY ('ROI>S. Breatise f resis air at ail Urnes. verso 9. Christ came te redeeni tie'se sotl n lanyar h Koep regular habits. whole man, body sud seul. Tise restot as tolhey ndainly ao skres tise .;houId Be Ne Lot-up in ('aneda's Aveld eXCessIeS ef ail kin&i, witb efthtie verse May be paraphrased: "for front sas tis narowestof eitedi Fan Output. speciai empisasis on alcholoi and Ite- there- exista ne differeut" (compare hemn lu back, tise skirt wae stiffened Tise Goverurr.ent estimate et $800,- bacco. Gai. 1. 6) "naine under tise sky tissu with hiaircloth, causiug tise f ulues te Est uîoderstely of simple , and tisis whichis l God's gift amoug nmen, tallinl severÏ)""tstanding toide. At 100,000 as tise value et Canadien field visolesorne food. that by its pewer. we eurselves-wc, tise inveluntary upward sud down- rrops for 1915 ceincides witis indepen- Sieep eigist*heurs in 24; early te tise privileged people et God--must be, wsrd glance she iuduced, eue expeet- dent business estimates. The tetl-aIil bed sud early te rise. saveci if wo are te ho aaved at ail." edt I arofeteeyhg se mucis in excese of tise bec- previeus Batise frequently, as cleasiliuess le 13. Unlearsed-The word constant- idt e areteteeyiii output by Canadian farmere that essential to good hiealtis. ly useci in the Egyptian papyri tor a Frs r iels on ler-buled sip- upen tise first staternent il- migist rea- Exercise at regular lutervals. man or woman who cannet write., peroaisg-owefwrtr- iîonably be regarded as exaggerated. Be outdoors at mucis as possible. These academic persons affected te mcd, chae sa. yro oni do It le indeed remarkable ihat iluoee Avoid places sud pensons witis regard Jesus iireof (John 7. 5)ý>ie A tise maîl Jerocontedonh yesr tise value ef the field crops commnicable diseases. ansd hie disciples as mere illiterates. brwyfo onert ofets could be lncnoased from s"oot $560,- Remember tiser our isealthis iiOur Tok knowledge-The iperet~ terisoekr ew g iitue iso-kt 000,000 to $800,000,000, an increase o et ieitisandi it should ho iseld lu' good lu thse Greek suggest tisaItishe receg-. about 45 per cent., uotwil-istsuding s eei.nilion et iis tioughts aud stylo kept greai decline lu prices. Tise oxtraor-___ pressIng itzeoi upon tiseas Irougisout dlnary yields per acre for grain ini Bonith Niais, thee iddress sumenarized ln verses 8-12. tise Waet coutrihutec tise chiot part Leon bbed ontheforbea jfil 15. How dîd Luke beau tiese uh- et tise greai surplus, but anotiserimi- cure a sru on taceo ~swstance oetihis consultation bcisind portant factor was tise increase i c You can rerneve dusi frein the ctised cosIn ta6wiso1v e haviere acreage as s resuli et tise war sud oeb pe-ganuin Tssmkes 16e otbess miracloe-wOr "a ewnhee et tise special campaigu on production eeb eln nuin hsm 6 oal iae(r" nw couducted hast Wiuter. The result ot t ho oye water, sud tise dust le waghk- The word le repeateci tren; tisat cam paigu may be summed up ed eut. verse 20; tise deed waa recognizeci iu tise figures, whicis show that tish uesetnt esbte r Is l rougisout Jerusalein as ne deed of' addiiional wheat acreage was about oetftise meet wholesone o"s. Iman, but demie by God througis thon. iwe million, sud tise average yieldid ntisai are icepi weil auppiied 17. Spread--Like an iutectious dis- abou 28bussel tetis ace. isewitis butter do net coquine te ho dec- lease. Threatea-Two important au-- campaigu tborcfpre led direcetiy or tordwtscdlhrowih1 el iorities read, "with threat.esiug lit us indirecl-ly, te au increased out-put ul as- tise butter is thse ciseaper. Con- 1ilereaten." a well-known Hebrale about 60,000,000 bushels. suruptive people snd diabetics should i îiiam for 'ihreaten sternly.- It la If il- was important for Canada be supplieci witb as mucis butter as quite likely tisai they are rigisi. la hast year te bave large iincreases Il theyr eau digest wvitisout giving rime te itb » ane-Théy will net mention thse crops, it le equally s0 this yesi.. Tise hilieusness. hated' name themuslves. Tise next recovery lu business bas tendeci tu es osnt-enantsi cia distract public attention fron tise (.ERMANS NIERVOUS NOW, words as t"sdes. To sp.ak In thée crops question. For thse paymeut ut naneiiiplios rimriy i aton- Canada'. large war commaiments we No Longer Jubilant Ot i arly IPeàee Puoonlg fI-eotsuII u inut have steady prçogresu lu ,output. WIth Vktory. peon A%»W tnela g t haflg. Tise weitS isl, etf'course, beyond ipeWiO lituttjgltueae - powrfu ss lu Wrltiug ou conditions lu Berîlin, t eedeep 1.IgulOein U me# voUlt wha te hrv shllb.,, but oves if New York World's correspondent, Who qulckly realize that "biswa uneM- tise extr*ïordnary yieldset lasi year recenily visited G.rmany, maye. thng Ume tIsas a new "Joabua"; thse arenetagan ataleciforsovral A groai changre bas core over Ber-'rsuve±lS gave «Jebovisi le salva- er a ise arepaned fssouci go n.luElgisi mtisa go oca« cOtsdtiena ew uealgmn ie H ýtIse re- yfxpmndlng. Are satee beingoal n ~scarcely notice while on a visit te tise fumai of Je-s te mania bia. lu he ure noth e seos in ar et rp-capital tisai Geromn as tage- in Talmud bu ils genually Islmed by expoason?. If net, îiuey ougis h atudtsis adtoioloee.oitualun b. Tise -exeptiomal »reasfrein 1. 1 'mum.Mme. 19. » doré y*-The PIOS t » e it tbylldnwbelgmsket.ougtotnoticeda lot eofmediers,,MOO -wou4- mpbtice 11k. tbe w*iu v*W 1; lb. .iesevste be aaufftclentinlsentive e n sm tpW1 lt.butthe w",.ar.lisýeceleta Cityamut o *0peqwo Uered to 5e b t euad f Mtos*Mss vblffs lt agrpMouction.' But a conaldr. . t .i. iblou pr ftieCassadianaimsy w-a _ -MX-jwm eivruat antili i trllng Oti home-s ~at~f frine-e osieant £i n W t a difeea s-dai The lui- that tue t< 0 f Ve W k tbm Ititirvai-ofafctIe irl»s peple »aisu ebave éduageicomafr ~ $"-* t&e'Wth*aàmmm ytend to dlnlniob > ,.rq g-wm iX=*___ - F. <~ -~-~ eetalâl e t as 0as1eter 4 1 . ý a salas 0 o sdoxtincs t neIel a ,,0 F tm o Muf wew.r uk wouIuM 4 mÀe4 If bew.4.i mIoem'e, ww* *0 sfl*6«*Iff bug lorim ... ... * weIfl aàs are ieneW'aly 80' eîtlroly sat- isfaetory.' The Vogue of WiIte. White will bo quite as modish for ' sldrt, suit and frock this sson as it t han been for, tihe P't aummer or two. Se rge, gabardine and broadclih are amart for those who can afford more thsa one white froek or suit, but for thse practicasi woman cotton corduroy in its various corde wil ho far mor' practical' it may be easily and e' lfectively ttrbbed when soiled. Theso corduroys corne in the pale pinks, The Schoýl Repart. shoulcl cee thein, but if 1 send theln blues, yellows,' and similar toues for. In Reading 1 arn "Gond1," it says; te him, theyl. ail have to be burned, separate ekirts, suite and sport coats > I SpelIing, "Excellent"; bccause he has the mneasies." or blouses. And aiways ini Geography '¶un and ask Neilie te give YOti a Axnong the seasou's novelties je thr 1 get a bigh per cent. picé of paraffin" said hie brother. bouse coat; it closeiy resembles the 66A piece from a jelly tumbler will- sport coat or blouse, and could in l'm "Good," too, in Arithmetic, do-if it is washed dlean."e fact be used for the sanie purposes, Iu Music and the rest; i Away Bobbie ran to the kitchen, but it has been desigued for bouse! And father says he's ffladti t know 'and lie ceeu returned with the paraf- wear, to take the place, as it were, of 1lun chool I do my best. fin. He wac carer and lnterested. the kimono, with the woman who doesj "Now," said Will, "'take this piece flot care for, or who has flot the time But then he shakes hic head, and says, of plain white paper aud rub it - al to inidulge in, the lUxurY Of so Com- He wonders how 'twould be over with the paraff in. Be sure that plete a negigee as a kimono, or sim-; If teacher asked hiru te make out the paper is well covered. Laiy the ilar ioose-fitting house robe. These A "Home Report" for me. paper on the pictUre with the parai- are being developed in the coloredifi deow.N tkti lte cotton corduroys, and in lilte corded There's "Rising Early"," "Bed o n w sde dock.,o w ntikethat littae cottons. They arc finished with wide Time," ,woop delc, o an uthengtiat b as a collare, deep, roomy pockete, and are And "Minding Promptly," tee; harp dge, ouanrui thut peeri ast loosely belted. Combiucd with skirts i And "Table Ways" and "Cheerf ul- bardas o"lu can witbteasg t. of white linen, duck, khaki, or cotten nesse" "Oh, o he" aughoe ed ia s h corduroy, they aeecletysie n Ltl Thing8 oD. have ail come off on the white paper, te niorning wear sud the bouse. and they're net blurred et ail! See Popularity of the Jumper. Iu some, perhaps, I might get "Good"; bew plain they are! WiII they corne Tise jumper dress or blouse iseueil others, 1 amn sure off like tisat every tiue?" of the qmost satisfsctory notions in-, My marks would not be more than o I t igcasier. to Îransfer pictures troduced for many seasons; instead of ..Fair," f ronm rougb paper, like newspaper and losiug favor because of its generai And smre wouid be just "Poor." the kind mo-st of the magazines aire popularity, it is, ou the. contrary, be- printed on," said WiIl, "but if YOU coming daily more in demand. For Bobbie's Pictures. rub ou pleuty of paraff ii) -Y011-- business, street, and general daytiuie Bobbie came and leaued againat transfer a picture of any./kînd." àdCýb1.hie brother Will's kuee. " Motiser "Now," said Bobble, d1 eau send brought me these picture papers," ho' our beat pictures to Ted, and 1 need A m said.' "And 1 should like to -have littie' not care if they are burned."-Youtb's V'PfflTed see theni. I promised that he Conipanion. 6ù579-6i>131 lumper Drese of Serge. J wear, tise dark blue serge, jumnper trock combined wiib au underblouse et crepe de Chine, Georgette, or bisck satin, la mosi eatisfsctery. Tise tact tisai tise underbieuse may ho changeti, and tise frock sos varied, niaises is ap- peal te women who luse a change now sud tison, but wiso ianot afford s great number et frocks.t Satin t»'- taffeta blouses or jumpersI wvus eleeves et a transparent or con-1 irasl-ing mates-l are euh hoing worn1 for afternoons'sud more dressy ocsa- siens, cembined with siris or taffeta, faille or satin. Pat-terne eau ho obtained at yens- local MeCaîl dealer, or tro, Tise MeCal Company, Department "W," 70 Bond St., Torento, Ontario. SEX WARFARE 1$ PREDICTED. Whew tihe Great Eurepean ('onlici lea Warfare bel-t-ea the sexe$s moisas bias beea unidmown sInce tise day* et thse mytholoeical Ai*nizouix pretiki- id tor Elnglittfer tise var by tProf. bsas" "bisgtoomy. predictloU sothse puet 1»» o!wouien 'WhIswi l hod PNIOD'Ias-A Mslgty cosassemfalvar l q«piet. té fIow tise coMft t i arum, lawisob spmcoedeoted coin- wgt-tonviibo*êttefl actor- bqpffl podios l the, wold- LAND OF GRVES AND TRENCHES POLAND HAS BEEN LAID WASTE BY THlE WAR. Tronches Are tise Only Homes of Many Thousauds eofl1olish Rot ugees. Even more depressiug tissu parts et Belgiurn and East Prussia, tise werst parts, is Poland-a land et graves anti tronches, ef ruin sud destruction ou a scale tisat bas been wrougbt uowisere else by tise war. Tise ceuflici lias been waged back sud forth acrose tise an- dient kiugdom se long tisat agricul- ture bas isad but liffe chance, sud, except in those sectiors wisere thse Genman forces bave been' lu coutrol ton corne tume, tise fields are barmen aud uutilled, scarred by miles upon miles et eartisworks, sys a Warsaw despatcis. "*Homes" et Refugees. Thse Polos <rom lime immemorial have beeu accustomed te building their thatcheci cottages-buts would ho a botter werd-close together. Accordiugly, it wae necessary enly te set fire te eue structure in order te buru them aIl luI consequence, ceudnt- lees villages bave been reduceci te fer- boru rews et chirntieye, which being et brick and stoutly built, resisted the flarnes. No Rouge Staning. Unlike tise cil-les eof Polaud, tise couutry seerne te have been etripped ef youug men. One secs ittle else 'issu peasant womeu, bareteot, ill-clad, wbo struggle under buadies of wood through the mud, sud whe generaiy avert tiseir eyes as strangers paso. Tise Germns, partly for their own benefit, partly te give employasent te, tise Peles, have doue muuelte, put tise notoriously bad readis in shape. They have aise altered tise railroad trom- tise Russian te tise Gerinan gauge-a stupeudeus work, for aIl tise main tines are uow double tracis, sud at im- portant peinte buge yards have had te be built te ceufeom ite military needs. Tise destruction in mauy parts of Polaud jese general that village after village hue ne single -house standing. Froni tbe East Prussian boundary Boi odir ultise cti ppitk' to approximstely the old Rawka posi- have bad te rely on tiseir inventive- tions there is visible. the maximum nees te obtain shelter, and ail areng amount of order and. peaceful quiet. the railroad lines freight cars, Rusi- At tise Rawka, however, the intermin- sian aud German, are being iised'ais able graves, with their iselsnet-adorned houses. lu the case-of tise Russian crosses, tise deep siasises in the esrth cars the wheels have been- reMoved# thât once were tronches but now% are the cars have been set Bat on thi the temporary "homes" of countless. ground and the interiors fltted up wlt refugees, tise maze of partly destroyed smre degree of comfert barbed wire entauglements sud. the succession of -burned and rulned vil- Travelling la Jreland. lages begin . An Enghnjh touriet, whire travel- For miles,, bctween Alexandrovo on ling in Ireland, wss one day acest.d tise boundary and Warssw, snd ho- by a beggar. Ré feit ia his peecet tween Warsaw and Lodz, tise old for a sixpence, bift finding that -he treuches liue tise railroad, while had uothiug amaller tlian a. shilling graves, îndividual snd commeon, liue gave it fo tbe womau, witthie words, thse tronches. Eastwsrd of Warmaw, 6You must give me -the change tis- however, tbe tronches virtually stop, nêxt tiase we omeet2'101 wll, serr," for thse ltusaia=-a ived faist once tisey1 replied the beggnr, "and may 7er ahandoned the Icapital Of Poland. The' bonor live tit ye get iti"' trenches .stop#,.but tise devastaied vl lages do net. Radiser they ineroane inWlfe-"-ýTheare se n veryJfý'aL number sud .there is scarcely a rail-, Jy good- nien iînthbe worcLd" Hubby7- road station--sud ao bridge-left "Tes, yu were igbty lucky te got 'standing. oee. Thne Cing~fReli -11ORALS-AREREUNOiffl1? TED J ýNTQ --BYSUnESSANS) OtJTICà - AD VËX ÉqTo RLCIOK w &rto il this uWho y. *old iA a,;' iso6ui4do do yî aven s»te tbein: forthi 1"w anm thse upea,-- th«W VlL,12 'f 4,5( ter's epat- victoi Wesýt erri ' ti.-- -,% ed. - tw h N otb A Bali t. been îing 1 coin j rio e th( -- diffit div., Mys eftlt is ti thse the havl met] pout said _priv conse Mon cous curr thin, judg tien stru ALI r A agr( havi tain o tieu auti uIse way Ami Briti - aide tisis - cnti - The-ý -' cents -Till Pl"# thé' pst ant la amin wom= .T4pv&6.tun 1~' IIIUBL Win uetldlslvtIV Bri taity liciti. . qi 1

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