Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Feb 1916, p. 4

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1< - c-ýmter fs fl BrnreIsR.rt&lu 1 popw~ jtheçoiol-O uheénUt PmYMUte -'c *2~I»ice~ U OÈ *4la«e id Per fim-he msu toit thk t' i IP 1 r lî fiu"0111Chuirman et theFisaane .Ibo 'unty Fathers do 1ot t wa>'YiiO 0tI oclPPU oe 41 Mt_-uuvu ýffl1tte, dlihJ p0ltéWOld eityxomatter , tuewlïatffeeondtticai byMe. Dri-At. lke 1 ÇxrMiO* t tif ptull l r< »the -tlL»ymay baVe eùaoü*. 7Ru repott fer QUE&,irei >=II1 l te>as to. te'»O,% #Unt Othe ,uen toin-. ifivici n ex«. Oitm tT tRnl adFa.i h. Ptrtolc ~undshou.dt.be wsed penitu of 0 40.g^_ per day the Coiinty Treuurer 'oeil pay tees-ani.,9 Fiè uatd tbat acr gte préent wlut W »allowaiice and, m1Ieage. mileage te.the riépreamntativea et the leetrs oaerdlc Ugeg udminer -mutilcipalîties, who W.re suum- hua iot be, extended oer more thu» te» A iç UT BSUION -fiVstm Âs-t. moned te Whithy to ,giv.euomato: où 5 ké uwtod that debentures At 6 p.m.e rdyttw uenttluCIOCOU ihJugeM nyrsto rem _ 1e ~ hliu htun ê~MGi ihu n lriduènAy.t ewoldtuen-eqilalization ot County asueumente. 21 tYTr 10> yEi, uni that fiholi 'the. possAble to conclude the. session on Sat-t OOIAWA WANTS TO TUAVOI ALON. egillture ,nrei thée-liw te permitury.[ s therefere declded te s Thé Town of Oshawa wanta te with- at& longée* issue. then theý balance semble at 9 p.I». draw frexn the Juriediction ot thé Cou»-a. s io6ld b. soli, for say twenty yearb. Wdesrs. iBrthard, ooe, oe. >m.YETiNOSESSION. ty Counçil and become a separate anid Araggnouvebl.;Franisan M. . .Maii hir tteIndep ndent municipality. IMy] eàgoI>eWley, uvhl.Padan MrDJ.Mlall ira ote Reeve Mason, secoitdçed by -Secod.s MàowbraY'gndorMid Mr. M118on'.s uug- Cem mîttee on Loegisiation andi Mem- Deputy Reeve Flinteif, meved thutat Wh gqistlon as the. bout possible solution onials. a new member of the Council, commîittee tue appeînted te conter -wlih 'I antier thIe circumstances. andA young ln years, was thIe recipient % <ommittee from thIe Town eTof Cia*a Osb -Mr'. Mowbrae. who was-net présent et several compliments fer thIe <xcel- to prepare an agreement whereby Osha.- A when the ile[utatieu walted upon the lent'report be presentedtu t Couneil. wa cau withdraw frei tAIe jurlsdic- ber ýoueiil, edîrsed the grant meut heart. His report recommended thIe repeal t»o oethtie Ontario CountY Council. i. He said i"e need te lie liberal n ofthlAe clause iu the statute preventing Mr. Masen upported this motion lu Dur glft. W. are paying that our the dismlssal by municipal Councils of a strcng speech. He said there were u .ountry niay Ilit preserved. No Ceunty MedfiFal Ofilcers of HealtAI. two ways ef working eut the matter. I_1IMA u ls bett-r chie'to pay a fair chars than Alion httePoica oe etOune was by the method AIe preposed. SnS.- Irs. Mnrd awl .hiu. This le not a tAm. te w1liboid, Ae iemonialized to extend tlle period which would AIe consparatively Inex- ««ln 1912, 1 was taken suddenly il f but a finie to cive. This $20.000 wo uld ef issuiug debeftitres for PatrAotlc pur- peusive: the second wris by arbitration. wlth Acuùte Sloinaeh Trouble and W. carrny the fund along to June, vwhen an-_ poses from ten to twenty years. th vhîeh might prove costly. drpe ntejre a rae ither sum ceuld tue arranged fer, andi A clause favoring the repturn teuhe Mr, Mowbray said thé County was doPdiitesro.IwstetdM t'inight be that more' than a second County of al automobile licence e es uIfmc-fOha) icd .t tee' by neyerai physicians for neanly two tbirtv thoussnd would Ae requireti of now going i uto Provincial treEsury 'as 'Ilke encottrtîging siimaratinn. 1-le did yen.rs I %usin constant niscry frorm te County. TAes. sentiments were the stubjeet et au interesting and ex. "ni think Oshawa waft really An ean- my stomach and my weight dropped beartîly applauded t ended discussion. et onfo - onst 6 ons Mr. Poster tbeught the sou et $60,- bMr. Mason naised the first objection, est, Mason assured Council that Osh- doxverafrof fi5 e~-ns ab 160 meonds 000 was a rood tisai. He wasnt <lte Hie wantedd b know how the Provinci awa was- in earnest. The town dîd flot eeaifm red die et r etear how mîuch the County waz ex- tiovernment could bC expected to puy wish bv t hIs move to shinl< any of her "Fruit-a-tives' a.nd I did so. That waspa pected Io give. ThIe irst suggestion 40 per cent. ofthtAe ceSI of building Arn- ouigtions. and would have te assum11e eight months ao. i bean to imA- paw when the deptitation w-as proposed wn proved highiways. and 20 per cent. of Ils share of the Ceuinty debenture debt. g s wl teiri oeg N or FI( a grant of $40.000. Then the sum their niaintefltltce. it uhiese tees w-ere' n ite House of Refuge maintenance, medioine1îever uaed aeedsgopleasantly Ga named hy the delegation ,vas hait as taken awaý'. of the Chiidrens Shelter up-keep. etc. rnuch more. Thon some ene said thIe lipaveuter rri-tnred ilitali s ilie afttes Mr. Downey toek thIe view bilat as "nd qulokly as'Pui"-tives', and. by > sec grant of tast year was to be deductcd spoiled thic roads the tees shouid go toi saî was now a big town it vas to nsing it Irecovered bom the distressing ax frinih 6 Hf0 - wnnted te knew te mntcilpaiittes.i ex<tywtatwst'tndd oers theig$t1f10,000.oud Ae expected thi sooner or laien titis Stomnack4 Trouble, and ait pain and 1 exaçly ria was1,iendd. No%,-hry thuglt frrn(rý,shold t.ep would te taken. He approvedi of Constîi$aIon and misey awereaured. 1 wil Explanation was made that At was :ayý a stual I-r license than ti fers, be- -locmit da pnoposecd te rescind te by-law passedi canse thîey itsed tiltir cars less and The motion w-as approvcd. and thIe completely reoovered by the use ef wi, last yvar maltlng il grant ot $15,000. ;herefort- daniaged tilt, ronds iess. Thte fl o iuatted as Ilile cemiitice An 'Fruit«-tive' and now 1 weigh 208 tii( I re- and to pass a tî-w tv law tor $60.000. t:i shoffld e-tainlv roine bark tb the - tue case: -Downey.Mtry. Gerow pounds. I cannot praise 'Fruit-a-tives' T municipalities. ThIe çUovernment w-as dCo. arw C-.--TrOF1.1t >(.S EN. ot deîîendt-nt tpon t tese îtcense ftees and Col.eFarewell.H. WIIT M AN. mn, Titi Fluitance ('oîmirive recenxmend- fer maintenance et roads. ( ýRA11Ts 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 255e. ni« ed payment of .ludge Mcintyres ne- Wagg- \tt presetiit the' Goverw eîtSick ChIldren's Hospitali -. .$2500 At ail deaiers or sent postpaid by e ceuint for $230 for ctquaizintgthIe as- lias a revenitee or$300t.1-off tromIlicense Oshaw-a Hospital-------------. . 600-0O rutativoe Limlted, Ottawa. sessmcnf of the Coty t. . Fl -:Lrcwcit tesThey propoat to douîble thIe tee. Sàivation Army---------------.1000 -was ailowed $35 for assAstitîg n came Het thotglit ftie local muniei)ailties Prisoen' Aid Association-...10.00 ____ dItto George Dryden $10. sloî,ld ictîefit by returnof tees. Farmers Ints N.and S. Ont..ea. 25.00 Rowe--Tlie rodWs aiong the front Womens ditto----------25.00 Sunday School Convention A t.IVEiVI-IT ttT5 cantîtt h-, kepi t 1y4 s taftte labon.lConinty Judâges. 1postage. each.. 20.00_____ Thte Finance Commit tee reconmend- Outsiuders do more 'Îamage te our roads on recommendation of the Property Th nulVveto of-e ed that tAIe ('ounty Solicitorn AInl- than do reside>ntatý The fees shouid tue commitýte èCotinty wlll Day Whit- T-ean a s CueldttholeT etue strctd l tkestea e olletfrm rtu ce. by Town $353-80 sewerage tax on uc- S. S. Assocation ma eu u Ae.eh Rama townîship tAIe $2U.874 whlch tAIe Mr. Dowxiey thougixi iLîtnwise to ask ceui of lieuse ot Refuge. odierCiur8 , M1916-o.Fida, 1an Treasurer's books showed was due for thIe returu of ail -te tees. -for tAIe uay 2, 916 front fhe ineet northeriy municipailty. expenses of utanaglng thIe license de- NOTS.The report of bthe Secretary-Trea- Titi roîse tAe fgAI AnHetny prtmnt huud b dettced.No wonder Couruty Council wonk s tirer showed reports recelved rou' 23 Heavener. Whe-n t was proposed tu pus Terpcridas onlginuily a stren 1sjb-althIe members are efthtAe 24 scAosfomubiesoca the report wihout goltug mbo commit- d rat ted. , on, one on more stand»i committees. tio». With onae exceptiou these schools tee ufthLAe wioie,--the Knight trom T. 31. Widden and L. J Cameroti were If a standing cominîitee s permit- are. open tAIe entire yean. There are Rama said net se. Se Ato cemmittee appoinled County Atîdîtors for 1916. t ed 1 t. si nIogrannneg36"ahr ud-fies nice tAIe Council went. TAIe minute Chair- c11NTYFISSFTR ommittee,-«' etf48. 2 man Mason movsdThe adpinu hsct"r -~tssmR Aegaine o. see-saw hetw-een County Titere are 3047 scholars, an Increase2 threatenIng clause Heavener w-as on The Agricultural Faire within the and TownshAp ut Ramna was Interest- of 542. Therear18CdeRliit hAs teet. - Counly will gel no help lAIts year trou' iug. Mn. Heavener stîtck te his de- a meu'benship et 638, an Increase eT 3 H. again iusisted. as he hati on Wed- Cout utnds. Thtis was a receni- mand for an explanation. and h. will Cradie Relis and an iucrease An mem- nesday, that Ae bel sho-n Aow and mendatAun itu the Agicultural Commit. gel itL benship et 178. There are 10 Home 3 why hie towaisiip ewed te $23874. tees report. Reeve Mason of Osbawa is a meat Departmeuts, with a membersitip of lb might Ae here mentioned thut te Titis me t tAIe earty approval et F. ahi. CounicAllen, and a prodiglous smok- 4 10. Ceunly Treastîrer had deducted, this T. Rowe. et Wiîitby Township. Hie dAd er--ainiost lte equai et Plckering's TAIe; grand total ennellmnt fi-eu ail $238.74 fi-ouithIe amourit due Rama ounuLo appreve et aidtng tese societies Deputy Reeve.. departments oethlie Suuday School la Carrick bridge. TAIe uext inove was during the wur. ThIe tarmens made lu Macklnnon Caunnugtnbeahu a 4431. theetoe Rma. ad tat ev wa tAe uir an lAe ai-erscoud et el'brght young Reeve-modest and cap- There are 70 classes In the Teen ge made by the Treasuirer et Rama de- help te fit tîteir stock for tAIe fuir. able.- period with a membei-sipet 680, and ductlîtg thIe suni et $238.74 trou'te These smali tains could AIe dlspensed Mulvahlili. et Mura, te a merchant- ther. are 37 Aduit Classes with a mein- umotmnt efthLAe (ounby rate wheun e- with If necessary this year. fariner ot Rathburn. Intelligent, me- beesbip et 867. iing' fer sanie. Vckery-Neb geod poiicv le with- dest. a lîîcid speaker. and good lookiug .fitere are 31 Organi4sd Classes, et , ThIe uext move elug te Coutys draw grant and tlet ains die. te boot. which 23 are registereti. was centempiated hy LhiAs clause befere Francis-Fitins are lesing înterest 1 Hai-dIsaac Wagg lived lu tAIe pixties -. During bAIe year 222 have signed thes -lite Cpmnu'ttee. ton tAIe tarmer. TAIe $600 usuuily vo-ieofethlie last century AIe migAIt have been pletige eT total abstinence, bue total Magon conteiided that t was enough cati b put te betlet us.. - istaken tor Abraham' Lincolu. wbom piedge le 1267. titat thIe Township et Rama owed Rundie was opposed te grants. JAIe cousiderably- resexubles. Tlhelu'- 10 scitools have observed, Decision $229.74 et County iales net paid. This Gerow !avored tAIe usual grnu. l , montai patniot 0f tAIe Civil War had tAIs Day, and 150 have been added te tAIe sumn Aad been eutstandlug tor over lwe wextld cause great damage te Fuir As- bel fer et Mr. Wagg ln length et 11mb churches frein the Sunday Sciteels.. years. soclatlontot deprive them efthtAe grant.; by abouît six incites, hewever. 12 -sciools use sou'me rn of graded Heavener wanted te question tAIe Se te eut eut t.e gi-anus mêlant te cut 1 Weîîldn't t look tunny te- ses the lessons prncIpally lu thIe Primai-y De- County Treasîtren. and bell AIe and out th îe tains, j Warden smoking w-hile in tAIe citair? patment. Masen went to ber office. Site w-as fin- %Iason-Vîrkery u'oved in ameudment1 YeL. If Councillons u'ay smoke ut their 10 schools have a Mlssienaiy SupL. aily bi-ought mb tAIte Council Char4ber to the report that gi-anus similar te iust depks, why net tAIe Wanden? or Committes, and Il have made se- and told te Comnittte that Rama '.ear be made. Francis, et Brock, le tAIe Aeavywetgtt cia.l effort aleng tAIs linsetfmlssienary lîadnul uidtAIerats Antmîl bu bal - illeppoetibiteamedmen: S okes e i1916 Council. Sitouldn't wontier instr-uctioni. he total gltt te Missions kept buck lte suxu ahove mntioned. sup;ported Il; likewtse Binirard. i I' ooe 0.frti er$9.6 Heavetier again aske.d questions and Mo-ray-lfthbie tairs are kepb alive Fred T. Rowe has alwayc a reasen Six scitools have 49 students tulclng was uci appai-ently satiumactorily an- ouiy hy tAIe emal grants given by bhe for tAIe taitit that lain lu iA-like a tAIe Teuchera' Triuning Course, anti 17 swei-ed. Cuunty, tAIe sooner tbsy dis andi are -geed Methodlst shouiti have. have taken alt leut Oe examînaUtln. Finaily te Committee Citairman buried tAIe better. Taxes are geing te Capt- James Bu-chards. et Beaverten. ThIe TreasUi-s's report te date - a an put thIe question and declared It car- Ae heavy tais yeur. andti iis money is prebably tase nly militai-y man lnlu ollowli: ried-uund not a member n te bouse coulti Ae put te better use. The emuil the Couneil. - Ne w'orthily représente; Total receiiîts. $91.82. knewanymoreabot Lte Aew u' hy tirearenet oin bit wok tey fid ie unlcpulty.Total exendlttures. $29.10. migiit liai W unpieastness, hen e Tidispute betweon the ôoucty M arM=wt VU ie buet t % ' t tue uaet iptl ore1 the reommezidation. the. Township of lVa wua aan *trM g,«tg*tfft Oet' r-m* Mu7J.' t..bm t. we t uttoaanto-a&SI An lad. tolephone n'as recommentied subjeeî et a n'aini imbate. - p «j -~~Whitbv. lia&. vf* th a. L I me..amotme* . al 1 a-r *%.-onw à-oer au- 1.- useeih Md4 moveuu&e o uiicIIn durtng the 0"M&IouTt$ met Wlfbe fiper 7%0 TheCouneil appreved. For. WLeft youf have a biims at. taclc, or when you feel ilinee comlngon-7promhptly move tire boweelstart the lver- wrking aM4put your entîr- digestive qe*m In goOdd haie with a doe. ortwo of thre' tim-ted Mr. HeavenerW ola la 01 Oubt's ofl tii previMyo"4%"aew ve mmcd lian 7rlimtj*-. Ula aper'-I PmSI tm a r~ su"uve uimdonclluWtte Mai1 l e #s ~ b. veud1ke te Omsth c agibetwm u w 0 a te theativi lOMM. et lt his township, uni the. Countr omls*t s. eé . " 1 vulsm enedi out. Hc admittei bmg et t % e order- m Wobw*..a Rm e 'Wus ?lB8mIWbu. um IUIh-is Us. te blame 'tiat t.Ïmt ' <Imla tit* a I-y not bom isette&lUe matovbivoMP S M not selui m ho<-Smthé Woe, ,,,Osé- O l ie wou1d Sm *t» 0vom M . w h"lUI ic m t" ht mall tbor 1 l m itseu avr., --1 that thi.e A"lm vueiait., M -. m-yt*wm eA, . u« Md elier b^ni.4 thm Wml4*uiw% lottimîi i laNn> tbat IA4 b*iuo OVM iii btiiMd bbIS Ttuo.I 0009K 1 don~~On roAte t tuLKv fitB me~ ~ e.barmt«cthrui le in. 41fIt m tusot A. jj ' 4. lngd a rau "M. &Si1) COËndagte Ua th Whe bh ave- oeùhbuted -by, songs, d mid'reases to.-Malte tus convention upit te> Sunday School work rhe following are the. officers fet- Preuldent-Mr. W. D. Dyer, -Colum- Ist VIe.President-Rev. C. J. Fel- il hsa. Znd Vice Prestdent-Mr. Jas. Vinson, ma-wa.1 Se.Tre.-Mtàs Margardi E. Slee-p, St Whltby. luperIntendets- Eleme'ntary Grade-Mrs. N. J. White, rtle4 R.U. Secondaiý Grade-Rev. A. H. Foster, htfby. ýeacher Training-Miss Herm'ia Lea. bawa.t Adult Bible Ciass-Mr. Wallace Web- rBrooklin. Temperance--W.H. Dalsden, Whitby. tissionary-Mr. Armour Ellis, Ash- iru. Htome Dept.-Mrs. Chas. Doubt, Osh- a. Presbytertan RepresentatIve- Rev. .M. Haig, Colunibus. 3aptist Representattve Rev. G. A. cLean, Whitby.0 WINTER TOURS TO FLORIDA, LOUISTA-NA, MISSISSIPPI, CAL- IFORNIA, ETC. rAIe Cunadian Pacifie Railway offert. irticularly - goed service te Detroit more direct cennectlon la made for loida. via CincAnnati and Atlanta, a- Jacksonville. Florida, is reached 2oud merning aften ieuviug Detroit. xceilent cennection ton Fienida As meo made via Buffalo. TAIe Canadlan-Paclfie Centrai route 111 be fomînd the ideat hune te Citicago, turc direct connectien As made fer ie Soutiierti States. New Orleanîs, is >actipd second mornng after leaving oronto. Excellent connection Is ulso iade ut Cicago for- points An ('aliter- ia. ttiah. Nevadah. Texas, Arizbna. i The Dhîîing. Purlor and Sleepintg Car si inos D'àDivision Coutil COUNT'Y 0F ONTARIO. 1916. WHITBY-Mi B . L. Mactieuneil, Wbitby, ClerA-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mai-. 1, Apr. 4, May 2, June 1. July 4, Sept. 6. Oct. 3, Nov. 1, Dec. 4, Jan. 2, 1917. OSHAWA-Miss E. L .MacdonnehllI WAitby, ClerA-Jan. 5, Feit. 2, Mur. 2, Apr. 5, May 3, June 2, July 6, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 5: Jan. 3, 1917. 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleesen, Gi-son. weod, ClenA-Jan. 6, Mur. 3, May 4. July 6, Sept 7,-Nov. 3, Jan. 4, 1917. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Burutain, Port Peru'y, Clerk-Jan. 7. Mur. 6, May 6, July 7, Sept. 8, Nov. 4. Jan. 5, 1917. i.. UXURIDGE,-R. J. Moere, Uxbridge, Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, May 9, July 11, Sept. 19, Nov. 24, Jan. 12, 1917. 6. CANNINGTON-Thes. H. Pester, Cannlngten, Cierk--Jan. 13, Ma-. 9, May 10, July 12, Sept 20, Nov. 23, Jan. 11, 1917, 6. BEAVERTON-Chas. A. Paterson, Beaverton, Clerk- Jan. 12, Mar. 8, May 11, Juiy 13, Sept. 21, Nov. 22, Jan. 10, 1917. 7. UTPTERGUOVE - Daniel Leenarti, Ataerley, Clenk-Jan. 11, Mur. 7. May 12, July 14, Sept 22, Nov. 21, Jan. Y. (Order) J. EB.PÀREWEUL ClenAI et tas Peace Datesi ut WAitby, Nov. 16, 1916. ODuOsItO Hewla BrothOMuWbftb7. MONUMENTS o(sliDWuaIued dlatofi L pt in stoci n w0 syymit. aut oe lààm -1» I5iP b i" YUvnt& L -ot mgI t MWOM 480 tt V P«I lwthsasuu ca ls e ,vi evi AR T 'LYPIO r-- 6RIWb PH W. have thr.o goÎ4 auien$tl015 Connecte with stove pipe. or chirnDey. Onur price, te cisar, $5.00 each. Wc have the uugemry- fur the De La-val )in e of geods Let u~i quote you pn ye>1ur i.rsquii-ezentëI Our brand if; tle higt'est test te be eobtairued and w ll give you the best lsatief actionl. Giv'e it )i trial. HOlNES89 MITIS, LVS LNES AHIEY W. F. DIS-NEY9 Bllfandmi ad Pli4 t . - r 'eues. W I B service between Toronto, Detroit and f rou' any C. P, R. a.gno HeM Chicago, ls up-to-ate in every partic-' G. Murphy, District 'Passenger ÂAs«t, ular. Connectlng lines also operate j oronto. through sleeping and dtning cars. 1 Those conteniplating a-'trip of any j Oshawa is advertilflg for twS DMM' nature wIll receive full informatIon policemen. For WINNIPEG and VÀNCOUVER LEAVE TORONTO 6.40 PeIw. DARLV - VIA THE TRANSCANADA CONNECTINO TRAIN LEAVES WHITBY at 4.55 p Tlirougli equijuInt iincludin, Electrie Ligbted Compartinelt, Observation Car, Stanilard anid Tourist Sleepers, Dining Ciar, First-ciass Coaches. "The f relien t C.' i>. H. er' ù-e pamiirim th rolTrg.h the.- Businoss Ce ritre of eacia ('ify is an asset to the Traveleir.' NE-W GARAGE and Paint Shop I N CONNECTION with our new gar age we have installed an up-tu-date paint shop, with an ex- pert bodv paititer ini chaige, and are now prepared to do ail kinds of body painting on autos,- carnages Get Our Prices The driving season is about over now uid you are thinking about putting your cir away for the winter. Run it in and have it washed before doing so, as leaving the dirt on spoils the varnislï. We are prepared to overhaul all nakes-of cars, and can also store cars tor wînter. Our Garage Is Iieated and Fire Proof.- SATISFACTION GUARAN'EED). wu. Ind. phone 12 J-9 LIIUXSON WHUTBV Bell ,phon le 10 Your King- and, eontyeed' You ~ 25 Me W te'd! The Cê OF TI 1hIè FOR~ _0 Mlf -,.I wc be tire'quic* irard' tff a CANADIAN PAÇIFICI awa 1 spent con e h ut ed fo enly Ing, net 'y ho pi pose] Fhe and. t-- Satn Mi <Ma P& tove pai werE lut obi l . 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - a- - - - - - - - - - - - - Particula" f rom K. R. Blow, Whitby -tilo'nt, or write W. B. Howagd, Ci.P.A.. Torombê and sleighs, etc.

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