-I ~ ~ I v gl4 e now beAu - 1f. e A1'pmAo0 is enQuit. day wlth tue iatter's .itr 1 ikr SBR7at egbr eetn 6 kiprooxi Win,- ' M. Grdo Fluer iotredtoSPrtBrwogwnmflytheliertf News Lctar fMr. K1Cen., Mowbray., o! Qhawa>_was - UIPPE i. il Bia vilageon Tesdayeallng ~tt.>; enistedsomeweêà ago, but bas friends on Mondiay night of this week. Pte. Pmak9sewo etann a be eyIIfr -Corîe;poaâ'~ts ~ - on &W 11, @i . % m'su smpa e meen 5ftuWl kon mn thofs'sec- M. AS .BRichardenlila ewaFer Prtonei4yli ek ftewoecmllf Otil Ptrin. et aree,0lorit.b ocpto, *<1Ie ~ httroublê-lavtng offered hie mer- lndlsposed. 1- 1home luit we1 wn oiîee Nx abt 'oig( splith loken f Toprnt, witliabad eouni-dinauèrvAi*-a vices be at east hema aclear conscience. Mt. Wm. Hall purchased a fine borse Mr. Rot. art a ht wi ecnutdb h 11pri spmothé, hI@ee"I an ad sieslIe reitid D1 c0ott f bou- lit A.W. ichrden t sonewit M'ortFery fr oersas ervcel l reoned minebotlr be-Quarterly Meeting or thie MetRi- rui-down eOtidltibl, sMd 1 c<xidnonear-Cherrywood. onec dalatek.7olo. odit huch.wi le hldnet SxiayseetRi1get lltn to-otuie 581 goOd MYRTLE STATION. Quite a nimber of the farinera bave SeSatr&Jhs dt o a- M.Wle oes r BROOKLIN. - - os rnîg.wiln Re. Mr. Bueof t e ti I ook y'ii it~ hieh buit Me Up -Rev. Mr. ,Johnson, 'of Lindsay, occu- been seilllag orses lately. Several will gais i hl do~nsadPr ery hr el MrKrhbsBellqIteii drigMoichgn ConfeMr.t, wili ofthe.asd i1my cougli ad Uervousfle a". M pied the pulpît. ln the Methdlst Chursh have to replace tbem hofore startng pianos.oereisvc.Waer thr.paut eek. u bHar1 Thompoon largest .0n14ad' I ntul yVioi (a Adu on unday morntng last,'owlng to Rev. SPÉing wOrk..ute Snanu erfom eeatnedaaypesdtoeoh th atwe.- Go HmT. T fsn or !lt lelaied ornt. the Sunday SGergeehool Convention pe belMiedMaeatMcMr.spRalph Mowbray, tc o Mrs. Mitchell Suther'land. ot Toron- work shirts Made, 60 Meft&.Vlaod la a constiiutfbÃ&Ãl tsmedy for monta, but h. IR aow Improvlng rap- home. Mrs. JinProtadMs a.Jue bu 5o 0prcn te, bai been-vltuing ber mother, Mrs. A geodly number from bore attended &Il we*k, neîvous and run-down Idi Ms .ldlyo.tndn heE.weete Chinn. Mer husband, Pt.Sutherland., tiTwsi una col nven- tions f iseG.Kmponatedin fmcEp-wandhe ueta f r.D. arot onpidhve lgedthepeia spent Sunay wlth hem. . mn, womenSud chilren anoi Mrs. (Rev.) Nickle la 111 wt aworth League Convention ln session FrIday bLln Mr1egsn u e illr avm inatMri atFia.The Sun- for cbronie cougbs, ods Sud broniltis.grpe M.Fruoornwmlel eyday Sceeol work lu this Township la A. E. Allun, Druggist, Whltbi. Ont. There passed-away on Tburuday lait Mit s Napance hitwekf. oki, aMrs rerwhlaswevîtngn Wodhsbnrci xnu h pleaied w itb B rookln and thie ete idily increasing n effl0ency. onof______r sid nt,_M ss M ar___________brc us ns, thMi seMi se are ptrodngthe olem rokln Mr, Abert ChIun, of Tooto, visited -- Jane O'Boyle, aged sixîy-five. Deepe t at v ditn i. ercuis.te M s e ie s n ni n1ae enye aria u Foia hr r. Hiei. lt io adte h~sit hm other bore this week. Lloyd Taylor*, J. Slater,1, M. Foley', syMpatby is extended te ber loved ones BaiGont. were T.n Port Perry o.S.atumdTh Mhîîr. H fllrW1omebailrne wenksth T- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott vleited ln. E. Cooper*, B. Ward', E. VanNest', There aise passed away laut week frGuom l'arr T. Thonipson,$W5i0hylM. To.Elst iiigi ro-edu oHny h rotols!wekan elstd - bac-Clareinont this week. C. Claie--C. Reeson, R R..1f. os ubar, ge nvet-L..Hefoilîsm 'teiîre$1ot0..$0ô0.ln aknwlh hecamareI rene lt wee and leylu edasToronto The Epworth League willl aiet On Bightt, H. Bightt, M. Bigs A.was the fatimer ef Mrs. R. Long, andto s0.OfW. Wdnadhe ohr ere sry1heot hls ayoi i utbom smit lih e tIey n oot rdayeveniug thIs zweek, wben Rev. Cin*. llved bis earller days around Mouint Mrs. RW. Bare vdo nabe the r, popmehv wncofndt her Oig tesaeo Cmran.Cobunba envrii o G. A. McLean, of Whitby, will be thie A. Cas.- Hazet Neubîtt. Doris Carmel, ceut of Raglan. Me was a n ers ....ghter'. Mrlu theLafternoon. Next Sp ame s. eek. peake. MooreeMnry Luk, May fenrah H-Oangeman for ovel- oty years. Me Mr.CL.ocobutopfrterspeyecvr tereuaqatrl 5 Hortôp pekr ooe 'ryLkMa rnisH-aiso lived for a few yoars ln New On- of Omernee. Mr. Jos. Hrh bai been ont during At the Epworth League of the Molli- bort Colwelt, P. Coîboumne, W. May- tre i red aetesmah Miss Loula Emmerson lsataiendlng a NSL.GenodpontTnt ibe tins week with the Assessors ol, odist Cbuiých held luit week, tue pro- nard', B. Waddelt*, E. Doldget B. ofta.hlm rlends have the nypal. wedding at Cralghead. Tem Me exp"tcin finish thie w eek. grain was a Mock ParlDament, wben the Welbankst, F. Spencemt. T. Spencert, Mrs. George Houston and chlldren, of Mre. W. Dingian lu visiting ai ber Igte mu tice wi ere u NTV FWIB Go to Harry T. Tbompson, WhitbY, PoidlHuel eso a l Ns-B atsms', h natrakaeMs.M aky netindaf are suticienl eoee ob bet Jh eae bm for Cee-Tee Uuderweam. Itniited. Mm. W. M. Elvise acted a ansmre ha atrskae Tnt, r.nt a f JEw.aa lber pa. r-s.onbr fIn sana bis wet. assumte pt fwwosi nmdlFOT 1Lieut.-GovenoV. Mr. Menry Burton as puplitshomo for Mont of month ou ac- R en , Mm. a n mm J. E. Baiok.se n. .Makyenetud e Ameeting of the Librany Board was Mr. Speaker. white Keait Webber was count of sickness. Those mamkod t br paene, r. ofnPonypool,.aaEatmwiîh ofber fnends onMondalas e i. th assm hi ifrntdle.oSh RylEgne hetd on MNltday evening ln the Councit Prime Mînister, and N. White leader are those whose absence ita nol ac br amnt, m.ad me J E Ba- Te oAdMrlt. il C nasu me aa issSseSdtrl.ovaocn oreanid nRn room. A inmbor of Important maltera of the opposition. Al taking part dld counted for. Tcock. I irsniegetig us l Mr.tands . MGres plda tord1 le ome eth n s one sno helt were deati witb, s.mong Iboin the ad- wett. Thene was coflsldetSble fun wlth l3îyienvy-aavo uîoney, aI W . ih-Ts ee Bando isare gettng b MhadomeE crgr adatiiy o, omry fWib visabilit>y of securing a librarlan. Mn. many local bits, and the wbote evenilig I.itwrence's, Brookîtu. Ibis week a.nd ar teyform lthe flilng visit 1tethe ciY last week. The f ree i feigl u hic ieMdrtr0 b D. Hoiday bias acied as librarian. free Iw-us îargety educational. Mesurs. Wm. and Mark Arksey went Bcrappera got aheadof thîem iss Edythe Kempthoru la vlsiting lwo wpeekl g e ihahat e hrl uEgad ofan ge. a r theways enourteou as an Go te Marry T. Thoflipson, Whitby, j1teGreeubSiik on MOliday to attend the Mn. D. G. Rosa wue lu Toronto on ln Toron to ai preseni. aponse firmtoewod b ratrTono u o bs ondtiaslway. br. H oti rteos tandhofor Coe-TêeeUnderweam. 1limerai of the lte Mrs. Wml. Arkburst. Monday..lt.- The Epwmorihleague look the torm part of thgingloucuch otInfKoxCbm, old ike 10 ir.e Il i auy et e -Mn. Keasi Webber le ln Nupanee Ibis, Mr. Arkhîîrsi. wbo le over 90 years of Glad te see Ed. Motos ont agaîn. of a lltenary evening ou Tuesday niglît. course thoewod n ie8 odrradns0 bt xweek, attendlng thue Convention of the ugo, le a! death's door wib pueumonla. Mrs. T. PrIce and bidren are viait- gbosemoi crin 1w sccured. Bay- of Qlinte Confeonce Epwortb They ai one lime lived lu Brooklu, Ing ut Stiring tbis week. Ttere la tîtone Cataruli lu Ibis ecciono!iegemreterlyadre oec-» of the Tefollowing offilcers weme etected-Lag. and have ma-ny friende lu this vIilutY. The Sunday Schoot Convention bore country th ýn 911 otblen diaeases put l.-nether. end able of ginadces 0bwtng Président, Wm. Ormiston: Vice-Pros.,0FTA S Mrs. Wm. Sontey was lu Sonya Ibis on Friday lu, was attended hy about for )esns il vasa up.-oaed to bheinuarable ghoutd goet.Tilaualytoca. D. Biirus: Sec.Treas.. D. Macdonald.! CARD we OFnln hefnra f h a-eon udn< adffî eu -rkr. Doclors prescribed local remedies, snd by con- Mn.r. R. Mwrybibe ted W IS-LS 1 wek ttndngth fneI f helae nehudrd ndfityrel orer. i atl rllng tb cure %wtth local treatient, tyCunpraoW-byltey Dlecor- HOs al. D. Hotliday, A.j Mrs. suisan SitlIsoli, Eden, Man-,!I Roy Sonley. -Glad te see Mn. Chas. Bunr, 0f Man- nuouticedit Incurable. Catsrrhlsslccpldistaue. Ing Coun Kêechen. Jobtn Witeford. A veto of, w-lau 10 îhank lier many fniends ln Mn. XVm. Anksey le spondlng a few itoba lu our midmi again. He reports grentty influenced by conatitutîional condition. Mr. Mowbaa teddssin fIo og 1o1 tiaankq %% as teîderod Mn. John Rosa Brooklil and .iilywo OTebr days ln Saintfield and viclnily. greal îbîngs luthue North W~est. su-d Iherefore requtres conaviiutienal trenl- thia Couce frat.-lmn er, rpriSO %,Iclity wo remniernt. Mais carrh cure. mauufsctmred b%, Robentson. of Toron to, who bas do- ed li-r on ber blrthduy by sendlng The bargain liai continues attractive Cee o.TldOi gacu-hvn na-ted a Ner% valuable - otume te thie carda- lins. S;Mithson la Mrs. W.H. at W. M. Lawnence'a. Be sure 10 secure A O stitutionall reuîedy. ln taken internally snd acu îtwice.Suoyosoudhubeolu- tOmrgu j:Njt'mteadlvdhr o Ytbmn the blo.d on tie M--cou% surfaces of hepart wl ecusttii etwcliob2s,11,sdwf I Brooklu 1,1*1rary- I-:îm lof otiien.Innd.lived borehfr a sonue of of te te. neIlAIre DllrsNDS. l if t Mrbe ar uibro eas sddah cure nOhaaHs 1lran aethat Hll'a Ptarrh Cure faitsi; Ihe lu îston akîandiug Dalry col Tefloln atereotu rok iaIo usayliwenMyJbweather n ouS.nday tasi there w-as a cute. Seil for circuîtiansd Ie8tinonlslal. new Hotla bos 10cmetn. oth.AOutbo The ne they are eltakiug upofcMroamlronNesbitt:, good atteudançe ut the cburcb service. F.J . CHENEY &CO. ToledoOhio. Ned' sfsrie r vrl ead whr h> r aigu raeyliti Public School for the montb of Jan-.belved wte ofMn. Wlson ) RE75c. rom the North West, passed away. De- Mr. a-nd Mrs. F. T. Rowe apent Tues- sril à iy Pl le fo c.ntpt'-.Ms Mr.k B. F, ampblck 0f la gip p.the Frin V.mabelBell 50, Edgar Mog ceased, vîuo bad ~been 111 fornome --afflictedwibpumollrpdyne Mn. Bw F nîphell w-us la gidp. hiFmV-monthb. camne wllh ber husband about cvrn roptîinaialiV of Ibis paper mlssed 1 r. -Jh Fme 0. Noma lunes a veek before Xmas to vieil ber sîster, Mrs. Re anlmcibtei îî ltm froîîu lis tsual corner lu the mool- 165' aleet Momre 62. Wilma \'auNestlI Mra. (Dr.) Jas. Moore.Tenotdyelgncsny1aIupwtbr lng bjoiut4ý '. Weope be may soon beià hI t 1afler stuc arrIved aihe was taken toe hOAihts amouîid anauli Jr. ivT-Alice Moore 56. Oshawa Hosi Iai wbere an oporation Mn. Wlo oes rmiswr ___ gain iii&ll Johys'dvt organsand Tî. l -Hazol Bromoll 41. Roy Hall wus peformed on ber Ibrout. Hem con- quîetlyladuroIuTbnsyate- W haê agoa ganSm. gty sdogasaddIlIon uva so serIous wben the opera-TH . onf plaîuo> 4.ln I-Gedlle(otourne 63,.tion was performed Ibul Ihere were T Eof Aslîbîil flitd. Sriewsmr Nir 1-ranik Vlîoiid. of Toronto,. spent I.Ii-Gedl lgt oe o e eoey o-conducte i tePehtra hnl. ggsOtrna G'lenn Dutun 60, EveîJu Moore 54, LII1 ti,11oe1orbrreoey.Hw S tude' u witî ls parents. Mrn.and Mms. la-n N-sbit 47, roue Fisher 47, Charl ever, abe railied for flve weeks but * E f * I ~ R Brookîlu d ne on mde ttreatn6Pl John Vîponid. Lue fTrno pn Elviss 41, Franki Fotoy, absent. ronc passed away on Tuesday lait. Every- D O M I *I IflO. * Grovesîd eoey h ayws- RGN&B 1tu.- "Taylor o Trot . se ahsent, chas. Cooper. absent. tbIng that lovlng bandsanad gillIed w- most dîsgeul.riigcnlnl.12Mn ,o ia-au iieboume of M. and Mme.Talr medical attention coutd do coula not Man y 1od drltie ecpo Wunîn rvr.. ju1011 lo.<save be,- lIfe. The funeral Iook plaCe ~M~sent froi dfeetpre1 u hi Mm- 6,-nnc Cochîranie had a uarnow' Sr. Il- ula NesbilI, Carson ou FrIdity lal 10 St. John's5 Geietery. tas! trihue0 epc 0amc e Douglasl atc, h ldhmeo-dcasd AKspected udhgt semdfln ET escape- ecentily whlle cosalng the'Luike, W 1111e Bell, GladysFau-eBlc s to imold hoe of deased.i tnack on1 the 7îh concession w-iîh a Arthuîr Stophen, Everoît ColwIll, Row- She leave% 0muubrtm oig__________________ Joad of corn. The eaclu o! bis wagon ena Ooopem*, Clîfford Delong'. bîîsbund and four children, one brother At the Forty-fifth Annual General Meeting of the_______________ HarJ.Hdo, liroke. m1iilch liîted hlm on tbe track Jr. I.-(Grali Inlnes, Altred Hill) and lier slalom, Mms. (Dr.) Jas. Moore, Shareboldrs of The Dominion Bank, held at the Head Ah front of an appnoachlng train. Ho even. Alice Andld, Gordon Bell, War- Drooklil. ct arneilo 6bJnay h olw clearëd li ims tf, however. betome the rjLuke, Violet Ble adt9e ue nW.M -Ofit- ucesr ,V trai was uohinise Mr. Co echaneigarsI.Crola.RlbResnarueClnd secure sanie of bis many big bar- ing statement of the affairs of the Bank, as at 31StBA RG AINSOfc. hoo12 g tdr iieflcy necpn!it lss-ap ew.IeeC lr.s. Deceuiber, i ,wssubmitted« w lîhouut lnjîîmy. boune, John Bromeîl, Marjomie Fisher, L.AWRENCE-At Brooklu, on Thurs- ___ IiBI ___________ ________ - - -. __________ day. Januamy 201h. 1916, to 'Mn. andQ NEA ST EM TI U DE..Sîon _____________ Mns.W. J. Lawrence, a son.LIIIT S ____________ B Im - - A GREAT SUCCESS Sale stitl continues5till the night of February ioth. The bargain Iist continues attractive. Many lines going regardless of cost, Corne early and as often as possible. W. Me LAWRENCE BROOKLIN, ONT. FLLAP VEAR- Frs raitowero âdk -AND- For thé month cfFebrua g imway free $t1.50 wôtth 6 .wt to eSvcroýpu aig To Recluce Your Weight Easily and Quicklv. If you are overstout the ca-use of your ovenetoimînema ta lacRi of oxygon- carXng power lu the blood and faulty assimilation of food. Too 11111e la lIelng made Into tue harder tissue of muscle and too mucb into littie globules of fat. Themefore you sbould correct the mal- assimilation and increano tbc oxygen- carrylng power of the blood. To do this, go Ici auy good druggist and got oil of oitene. only aold lu original packages and lu capsule form, and take onue capsule atter eacb mca-t and onue at bedtime tilt your weight la reducod 10 wbat it sluould ho on a-Il parts ot tho body. The efect of oit of orltene Ii capsule torm le emarkablo us a weigbt reducer and itlsl perfectly saafe.-E.J.T. Any drugglst Cuni supply you, or a large size box wilt b. sont on receipt, of $1.00. Addreas D.J. Little Dmug Go., Box 1240.'M6ntreal, Candda. MYRTLE. Pleased 10 report that Rov. Mr. Nîcol la recovering from a severe ettack of pucumouta. Go to fHamr T. Thonpoea, Wbi1by, fer neady-t.owor Overeoas, .$1,0.to $14.0 Messrs. W. R. Kent and P. Mowbray ShIIPPeti two Carloada of stock to Xon- treal on Ftiday. Who helped10 Uniosd thie euAt O haled hay that rrlved eIt th. G. T. I. yards reccUty' Someboly helpD4 themmetves vithout thie neeessary pet. Se. Saitr Jcn advt. for boi.1 Pins lu sýIgtlY und orguea ndsa piano.. If 111eol.4 aage boldo <004. 'tb8ta uluter'a teg wlll kilt a 4oge,"the". cer. taisiy-will ho a pgroa <raty ln M.u lues In -he surina et ttsyr dénaor te mmala. yo hipvec reme tsieosgmtla7 Oyums. lsua nu~be O!borete en« etrie mkea vitth 0- 410OMeuediuria< int sttê Urt. CbariI. lwuitet: mauyUmtu aut. bois hie. vI0tug fr»U4,er -T t MM onsix y>tal aIeburtit e t Uot h est* iol lusbipnttte PM!o- IMul* aympot11yta fte% feor111* '-i Z OM W. Iu8m o mg wwi - ueta WO&tila bsaille. Ie Capital Stock paid in .......$ 6,000,000.00 Beserve Fund .............. ....* 7,000,M00.001 Balnce of Profits caried forward. 344,439.71 Dividend No. 133, payable 3nd Jan- uary, 1916-------------------- 180,000.00 Former Dividendu unciaimed .... 1,09.75 ___________7,525,489.46 Total Liabilities Ici 1h. Shureholdens-------..1,25,489.46 Notes iii Circulation------------.. 4,995,666.00. Deposita not beaning interest---------, $1,604,373.24 Deposits beanîng i n- tereat. incbîding in- lereat scerued to date------------..53,61224.75 Balances due to- other Banksin l Canada-----------------------.579,855-02 Balances due to Banksansd Bauking Conrespondente lu tb. United- Kiugdom aud foreigu counties - 878,361.55 Bush Payable.................... 47,352-00 Aeep tanee under Lettmn of Credit 1,215,563.49 =mabltlas not ineluded in the fore- soill-------------------------.287,24L44> ?etalTilabiitist. thie Publi... 39,6.4 $8T,475,128.O1 Oold a&M Bila-or Coin..... *166940 Dominiot Goveraumnt >oe . 10195 Notes of other I%,------------....... Ohe"Iru:19i otber »Bmh..........-8721,94.8 Domi" » sd PrevineiliGoers-. t. mout Buiti@ u t io *cw&u mavkuk val.............-.. 75,50% ~SIhI4 Porelga aud aâiaa~iso "a colonal:eIIIL Md MW tw* llÃ"M *gDibsuy Otaead &eeL"", i e pwesn Omrt* itLtie......s ,. -ta-467015 Ca 4 het CwMaot wo.dIu tot.* tu* ý ct.ip5 " er cOtw à ft*-e.b BouAMR Ca» aubert <18.4 urgansa ianos VOIJ CANNOT RF-Av OUR VALUES Jusl look over the followl.g- liât et uscd Orgams and Plagos# takça lu exehangeonou Player Pianos, which mut be cltared: DOMINION, in good order, 4,sets reeda, 5 octaves.ý Prise $15. B E L, 4sets of moed , 6 ectavel. Prise $35. DOIRTY, néarly ne octaves, 6 sets rÃida. 8IBLL, haelorgapi toue, 6 sets reedi., F! DOMINION, planeo* fui) round toue, nUs Me. Price. -6. - Q MAS- 9 some weelwi ïaitor bore at roturnedt«.te ti tning fer- sfriende are- "rItby, $peuit treital -roof. th-i Ie peo.- ilfrProhi- d- f rom M>r, ruce their safe lb tey will mTe- ee witb Ilueir yare geatlyt the wealher o service mire 5ervico ut the KILLED AT ýton, au oMf7er ý,as been m(> ts. Ho wai a ,and was a lev. Dr. Thorn- ~aîfd at one Presbytermtu The laIe Mr. years been Pas- %ontroal. -Thé by wlll remezn- bew of the lut. ,erly manager bore. --- ST MORTOACES i re due Marck lu& a proflt ci eatment for 10 ngChami'~5 Toronto. »unt of privath inveat aI ru ýd village prol' r' cent Apply :GAN, lng CbantboU Toronto. iL, ,D. S., L.S,, Dental rarloru var AAAu8 eaa . Whltby, ont. Officehoun'-4 t* l; 1.80to 4. Phonos, ýBell. 97.' lndepoendent11L BLAKE IL SEATqNp L.D*1 D,#B Graduste of the UOyVAI CU Da. gorgeons and Ui'fiiitfyofTôooto; Office over W. M. 1ringlela hardware store office boumu -9 to I1. 1ISb 5.36-. md. Phone, le Bell ph*u 20. THBIADG4 -aimeO8 MOI IUEUS SUImE Atemos MBdRpalret i>rioe 045 i e, beau tiftil speeal Round TFp ares, Long, Limit Stopver. Ahvi -ansd Mot Spiuglm wny new 4, NF. hretn C:Msa,1P niaRéuy- tpnuge.ArkL-Frol.-, ,ck '3p.rmga In.Jeksoanvlle 4nd s1Ilorldit pointa; ~ ..~. - OO4IR t<>es i*n)ayiiaBuffalo, s~id aeIiou Weil, Ont.; LAWRENC1E'$ BMG SALE BUY HEA VY. SA VE MONL-Y. 1 .