Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Feb 1916, p. 3

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i ' ti ni ai r( pe o t, PIH IlRs siofthe pýohItlOn, of the sale o et I rokisaooi T~e Fas iois ~ ure Thsecndroclsaso ~' fi4LT JINTRIVTONLLESSON,B devied prtueforconertLu he per Froc1k for Sprlug. skfrt8 fi Uual and 'nhw, and , Uic liquOr 194 India rubber. Others have It in interesting to follow the. trendi Jumfier Partlcularly simple andi smart Fereigu -BDdIe la the Bye. LISI u- rn udEaed tound it of utilIty as a fuel 0i1 for of fashion each season, to note how ef cnt. Ths Idea lin nicely Suitedti o In faCtories Wheýe orkmn f e si M HmidadEatd Moter-cart. The. Pinance Minlstei je surely and cornpletely we corne to ai>- either taffeta, ôr S\ fine serge. Tii. entyge acidrernror ohr PhL2 -1.Glen Text- tri fyor f dureyin It ltogther af e t sthe nt dciechange open throat, which tMIll probably con- foreign bodes l te ee hrel" es.89 lest the. atorage of go great an arnount afe ' asb e sented te us ln tino. ln fayor during the summer, la generally a self-madie expert who may Ti d telgcle. 'Flu Dntbte prove a tempitÏon te Borne impover- atcivgust iff et timasand a attractive, detail of the underblouse ee have e "antiàeptic" Xc hO' rfunettêooi x 18shet d Miutatrition ln future to pro- on various occasions. It surely dees of crepon de Chine. etige, and whe generally does a lot of position In Paul', writin go gets it " l'l bri eL e'arhuti'rtntlpws.co enen fit by th e wM opoly &t the expense of see ml, too, uPon looking back nmoe A W rd n Co lars and Capes. harrn in is endeavors te, dig ut for- uprere importance frorn ita fo yenIllne ow, t wo thentpoi thie s tte frontla reftebter.Fr ntnoe s ap-'oll1as trouceth sse a- shoaiultb odes.Wrkn thuer ùll repn-sta bdrisln a t ucore. altathine PetrLee ai beeniat nbet tc eI ni i a ed Bal 9 vdk I asinieyer a, fitskit;ho w al oo-poohed it son, are features oft many et the new- sible asid submit te no amateur in ut- te Ptet tLe.Incrnaion rsenofasodkagia s ingleOO0OOoat îha.When the whisper first began te cirocu- est trecks and blouses. On.eof the. terference. Vnoterse 1.T o he Iekclarnati. .go te scheol sinceteirtwe.le atdt iihi sso ai late tint it was te b. reviveti, anti newest blouses shows a series et these Foreign bodies under the. lits May certain and in hardly translatable as book wau as freshat hn swe eh etu m nI.W The vodka botte had become a that our tria, yuthfuî narrow skirt ltte 'collets" graduated rorn a nr- b. reroved by pckng them off with It stands; the omission et a single let.- t care from the a> e1k ins nrhlga l househeld goci arong the. peasants, b.d had its day. T o-day, hewevetr -w frillabout the neck te a deep a littie cleain cetten wound upon a ter inuoee bricebut you'tiewoa Il haet e adeitvrDar-fe ee itls bneet sud WUs the Most censpicuous furn"the fuît skirt in one ef the approved cape extending quit. te the waist tootbpick, but neyer shoulti an effort mnakes ail clear anti grammati fan utullîavy trofeeypis es.Tereas- features of the modes, and is still -'These cape-tuke coilans, resembling the be made te dig eut a foreign body suits some anclent evidence. E hr-iiy, Sidney, ismte waedhcmefo colhoawi onwa nt irtesek.Itcotaneproinguler W e imiwhte upoit ap- capes n a coachran's cet, are whl h seemat eeneddonteatnl hia-h rahrwolthrsaniRestrswaliuked titted freinPotatoes or rye. Ita auto. appearance was tooked upon as bulk et the new dreas details; they are eyebalt. divine atrnoophere: Chist in aîîit.leee erya i.bro- "akg e o ""hr graph WUa wrlt large In an enfeebled and clumainos, in now considereci especinlly effective ou trocks eftatn-» If the eye becomes irritateti frein a round him and withia hlm, go tiiat ed book-more suà oesul sti 'os tsfon" "ur i beurasîthenlO Population sud the. par- quaint and daintily teminine. teta and satin. fereign body it may be freely bathed bis worts are net bts owu. Couss. oa a r . hTothefalt ~n t"tevalcetB ne tial paralyglu ef Industriai efficiency, Ribboa As Trtimting. Vartety la Sieeves. tby (alpong warrn ormaleait osaol- g t io et ove when Lve a béae.t-oteap ear. he enuwbo.a It wss, Ofetclprse, the spbr te crimes Ribbon lu belng used profuseiy as The drep-shoulder and 1full uleeve e wtr t u oe heeeail, Fetlowuhtp-For'we*au anneyer eujoy gan-ngh r o c ; el wgts u t u l g htnh ova twth e h aei t h ec a r neit uels t r inth es udee utef . llhhh ant uncentlable excesu et every trimmlng on both hats aspd frocks. It s teature et many et the new froks* wer etn pictur ponoraGitin"frve wiea a h sort. Te change vodka Into such use- ranges in widtb from tic inci-wide'in tact, the aleeve in the point, t poun mng i ne dgent ih son r ai rit sioen.: tii Gitt as "foreverwrsewlhhsatimtcani0ol dg-aedrtmtehp fu usacsa ubradfe afil rmiebandtng, girtling the would seem, where designers and wash eut louse specks. den Nobylesta.Tnbeg ms l t r iu m p h c o m p a r a b le w i t i t a t ef w a i u t e t t i c s e v e r e l it t i e f r o c k o f t n - .1 d r e s s a ma k e r u a r e e x p e n d n g m u t e D e t r b i e e e , adoo n e . a kay s- a. i a o r l y c o î c e t s a y o p n s u t hrN o. b o yr w s a i e r f besting swrils into plowsiares. feta orsergeor formingthe erky!their ingenulty.Manyoriginal, at- D oK euh ee addon t 2 e the Plpas cmrh than dno ly h cockade on the chic chapeau, te the tractive notions are being carrieci eut tuhi ihuwse igr.Ke u ftePiipa hrht qaW O e~bllged, tieretore, te con- wide satin, moire, or taffeta ribiion in the cuif, ln the trirnmiug, snd ilawaeve rtg tee.s .uot ertec lydan feitnesany the. ut eiéléent ar-of tinue tlghtng untîl our antagoausts whici forma the entime skirt or bo- the sieulder lin.. Fumnes. in s tecid- ntaawayeu erose strife; aud Paul deals with this oe dw e abt uttnls ake."nree er"t edth are connoeci etoftheir defeat, whici tice etftth. dance frock or dinner et testure, sud many effective ret-cloth witî siltva for'emoving a for-dagr0fteuemii-ke wbIcoifnd y'rt eic"aiien ol pttalttê to-day they do*flot belleve," lu the ln- dress. 1In many *of the new dinner, ods eftrtirnming are being resortecid iu oyo, ore.yt.t setestrouger phrase at the end of the 'il wiIce a.0fesy It n hidb genuus ar FeldMarhal on in-end evening dresses ribbon bows et for instance, stiff littie mrufles and tongue for tint purpose, as immi- verse, this was neyer ineaut te for-se n aic hi çlenburg puta ttie responslbllity for atidiicrwercsareusdtees netrilsan odntmelut.ngsaprneutans resreueet sen Ito. idhosaiti Sisterf piionj dKatie.d is further bloQcisied up to thc Allies. ming; there are perky littieanireluTehf bowu, lending a i f1840, which isquit. h cifdanger freina fomeign ton the hall table. The llght Was he nu It maY aise help te explain why pesce wide, gracetul bows, simple bows wti lai keeplng with the. fuit skirts and body In the eye ia-injury and ulcera- processes: it refera te tie heart, sud "Istenu erIdnt like. anihehtineboaoeko.,-U le~ stili seume distance off. ofher faue of this pro diybe- t of the cornes.,,Thsmay bepro- ntteha.How he missecitege i ay uetebg niwe twst ing introduced. duced by cinders, partices of steel or 3. The cure et partisaship sndut ngday wThI ae wbe hv Gerznany g.pparently wants to make The Youthful Silhouette. emery or stone, but shoulci not hnp- vanlty in to be aiways ieoklng for gen9 ssw 8 outjUn pIlu~ U pence on the assumption that the ~~There were many of us who be- pen if the eye is propely treated1 other people's virtues sd our <o play wth L. pnpwete ihbs rvlinivrslco Iso Allies have bc-en defented. In other rondtepsigc tesedrfo1h egni~ ona le faulte. This tees net mean blIndues bot skirt because et ita youthful air, but M ay be no la ger t han the head et a tt o r nuccesses, if tw e iar e miti f ow r T er w s no îi g i newt m et IL ov r an i v tory. Ott tie other hand, the Allies Fashion bas taken care of this, tee in pin, a minute deauded or raw spot te e inaldw eLeideligfrtuitrdI okd naturally refuse to take the Gerinan Tg ireofvsileecet iec i-o elrae, e ghaiimbte hrnwrlns Th lroftescarcety vsbe xetby drcti-Christ-. got hlroofag on wt hem nerw ruiingnt. he.mushad.4. The word each oftt fneyoehe "Iwii tone mord fsoa mther fat.uTseymthat- . skirt and coat, the suggestion eftha luminuation et the eyeball. Yet even scn occurrence, standing at tergt n h have had îlenty ef reverses. But . senden waist, the shortness ofetLb.i s minute ulcer wil ho long ia beal- endfhvesinteGek My praalgti skirts, topped eff ectiveiy by a perky, ing, ewing te the absence et circula- e t i esel i rekmysred along is i, ak hl efg sne sPt. niIso te ayb adndfrdoubting hih atIvr close ifitt.ing, andootem-en tien la the corneal cent et the eye, psil be transterredtot verse 5.~oc u 'nut'ryiw~YY whehedamage. teatinsnoetofp"wiicithtrwas"ell eutg etweLb. ndGreekprmi netctonikeeter 5. putwa itsedowiposiblChampauus thnr tour nationti wiici stiti *count superior f an more confortable than the pipe- After a foreigu body in emovet which compels us te, suppiy you have; ---_____ ____ ______ flumber4 and rosources to the enem y /7 stem skirt ia which a natural sLnd. tien.e is usuaîîy a feeling thit ut il Christ Jeans will thus have Lb. SEE NO HOP(F:AE outdieteItla im u and believe thernselveq te be growin K was utteriy impossible. stili thene. As a mule, iL ils botter to samne meaniag as elzewbere, tie niys--so.tweimaen çlfee etrngonge ryday cnvpeprl b.ay/,////Patrascarbeobtint a yum ppliacarl.eiThenrml sit icl. ii "md" he ha "u"Gi ma Canclie Aimis orc etnEglati r e g a r d e d a t d ef e ate~~~ t. ( nil/I lo c a l M c C a ll d ea e r , o n f o m th e ' s o lu tio n c ô m p re s s o v e n th e e y e a n d ; C h r i t ' w a s a p e -p e tu a l h e a v e n ly - A r m a C a n t B i g E d o e t r - t r O o c p 'f ~ ~~~McCatl Company, Department "W," bandage it in place. This wiîî in dedness: lt this reigu ueo in. ueor ns tegrta Lie concluded on the theory tint any70 Bond Street, Toronto, Canada. give relief f romn Liepain,-,ti agL a hti ec st ther rl an w of n ainther.inBu torGoftavSheel ck aaxgd be___ heenynayetataiiuets s y tierette Dutchs ouna - cutta u uplyngtnemy one lo the vicier and any une else lin RANMHN i. pnarShellaa.Cbirist's living over again Ilu nbis lias Jut etuned t e e te ac oeu, he vnaquiahod theý evidence will have SI RA AO.Oe-i - Hai.humnan life et utter ebedieuce. Hoace Berlin, wbere heaceascreot. Tu.to to ho niuch iitronger Lianatie first A Fine, Dashin¶g Solder et Fifty- Th open-air scheol habit is gctting the significant addition et Jesus, sud eut fer Lie New okArecaefetGmasnien yeaur and a fialf f uthtic wr hali pre. three With Gooti Record. botter evemy year. People in general thec master strokes efthLe appeuded ganys:- setel.ahre ivl aet b e r etting- a littie cemmon sens. picture et thstt suprerne lite on eartli. Chancellor Von ehnn-ole IE ~ E Y fn he sspli ht o nyAMahout iaprsa1h, tri ne iote w .eincenebral hemnis- 6. Discussion et this problen verse mate ts statemutrctytepty-__ tmi( but aIseo the other side can sec iL aid et a smatt sharp spike, controîs an pheres, andthLe schooi chutdren, eape- being impossible, we wiîî uimply ex. leaders lu the. Reihtg Nw seor nEpesesV listitluctly with the îiaked eve--it de- apparenttl- unîvieîdy and uninteîîî"-ent ciatly the piysically defective unes, -ve1tn sismotsut There bave bee eofca paePout aad IL maydbehehatetistfinesaresrmaninsuihe-benefitstet aile fztiifad and flot one aierely on Ibulk, adso ay br htiqt!ae epngtebeei fopen air! pou n te epurpose et tuis pa e oitos etr T1e bv ~n~"__soldier earned thissobiue nthii . age is te cojameuci iuafilit' by j. e , iewevem, beennufiiicnes- A itrelganoceeto lOpen window sherersare aIlhist, xmlLecnritogt in.Tecneeywrs mldsoeye e ehêe service for a soraewhat sinilan attri- financiers eehagi latehusicentrposi. ng a waste prduetheu conn but Gnea! irBrna ahnwh rigit for merely anaxmic oilidren, or. must be tiat Lie eartily lie et Jesus! fnacirs etig cenman cfLieBniisifores a tosewat caarnal endencies, or: was on e la wiici self-assertion hadtion. I was wii anfctr Run-, Vra i Petrograd ta <he Nrr tic S3lonikî, is caled by that naine in the. those threatening to undergo opera- ne part. He couniteci net bis eqnality. tLepriiat htalWrlu a aerent tamstn arny.1 tiens for enlarged tonsils or nde- witi God a reason fer grasping what, nations weuldbewligt enrL.Seeyo!CecaIdsr Tht' îww R ta~r ian ru Iront f rom - ,-Sir Bryan Mahon is onty 5.3, andî is noids. But open windows are net he wns entitteci Le. le was aiways'into negotiatione xetEgad1L.GatHtl acetr Theliw uiial -arolifrnltherefore, one et the "youag" gener-l eneugh for childreat et famities or'qurrendering even thi.eIeementaty! Having tailedtot ma emn Peti-ogi ad bto h icCt 1<' co;,,j', an- f by bforendh ali. liebas been a cavabryman all houschoids %vherc tubercuiosis" exists ights et a man beru in lowly station,.re ocsebpst uce l atemnfcuee ~tl natu cînu Il; crtplot o. 'Ilw v la n hie his service. and fia-st went into the Sth or a recentty existed. Open wia-! And he did tuis because ha was exiet-: an ecouornic war. Wlhl n tti o mo -onnt-(et., dt., - o0f wetert runltiji iHsaswhnh a 3.le a ntdw agi oefesh a-r-and'igl i frie oi.adwsI"For this neason±ewrpoal1cmcl o rtcn o li'iîhr m1en he't'-sr23.oIfne f t notitI h a-ir butncool, filatr thouiantheet tousoet a by-ndedu adth toli' su-ce tnetpn~L itcwlong en btaining bis ba-ptism or firefresh iris aething btcomeviag teeoeebtil un llbs o oetm, etne tn d iit t e s a illu ;r1le o p ?1ýL ie C haa n c oilo r.r e" W.hm a y a s ew eltinp rinu c etn Jij lr y le eba t fo r s o Old I iio.I, rolit' I V \11c<h li!.li criair-but there is stilI somethiig te Ged's ewa activities, who uses flot; tLb. phannteneor. ('('1'"" Orna i" ~~ Of Oit) O be gaincd la a i-eut open air sciool.: fonce, but love, te, win hua way withj prepare for it. W utstgadrrueai room that can't ho iad in a nau open Us. our foo t sud ote r u pi s e m a e n f u t w n e h t sr i~ ~ Ilit~~*~îf 01ar hal 7 mpld jset.-."'fal u eedeî e Iloeres rdetci atr e b.untnsl b n- aimaucli goodm otarî îog 1~ Mietcal praiileme. n Btta " 1adAeOiswt~ a t al ugav ariatlr gr aleway durnag the firattuomvnt l ioe îîgtsuea~'uamg Uiudbutin thé,p é u'ht~o peatt'aoce, u n u suefor n h tie Kballfa fi-t Thce acrcity of ore et b, mont do ofe pm« 'W f b for the irfit' ibme proclaî isu Ja thîe. lonp..,ênw.i..êu bswth llc é g hî nonthî of lut ear ere valu-' ik nclarmpoiot of te "p O wn thUrpe! ie oae opare udicapt edkmgr.ai 48V.5 f10 Pithiouï4la lt ut the' lieaîiest Phare of this busi-! itea%. he eàtett*-Egypt.flua i ______ tais, witi gools "alucd att 832,397,In the i.Denteola show-h. get s D.S. tut*ti for oemdala'uspu,'g lit'Unitd StiîCI ',~ ~ ~<~<>~ ',l~j~'0., and ti he 006JuM-gthat folloved umebahishe eeatb teuunwt1 1' bcher up thee Dîn Nil*. Atb& a,,0- quantii1s-_.. -- ,,, -.N ~~~~~~~durmanandi Kbartoum, where IL ? xm~Lu ed" u uI1 4~ ~ Lb*5IU <~OOli BtA V tl*4LLT. ,-~ )s I lnslly trougt he l. b&Uta te boe fahtuluuiS l pua knéià -b ýobo! J« or~" ~ ho got a first breeffl eai'o«jT~a*IWPus ~~\ #î suad the Order of ths e a* Clanet.f lia w Ingbtls >, b>:' t - ai&'t1.' ./ i ' the cmm'uih.L rd Ktiewr u ver# i or.. *"0i lh h.' tatl el i luction of lite during y ' abwsys knoveawhat lagme »=uSi rj UbuUSbil ~b~e~sr'- wo yrarat of' mir will reach20.00,- 1 f lryin la.a&Wdlu whuii littUootia f.of1eau t' nroa'denlares Prof. Loutis <C. " ritan vat- iroke out lievasw ate,1wq ' arkeai. of thé- Firit isi Gov,'-rnmu'i-fa nasd.legitacvi, w.'roU~bkh It il mbtcï&, thi- 'Rovulitstitu- t 1t m<1~.f raiiedaIt Pàtvdebmt &Si8r Jeao a w v r , t li . t h t' - .4 ts i f il ui o a ig t o f l b i t Ia a r y A i t" ' ~ ' in c\iLai ctînIs tiie e nM &7"d-I< ~ ai itizai,,:then titiul i f . l m d ri v , d . D a st ék t' ' 1ik'.',t~ "i tgitr type« ian wwie rdhaiui'1db*04bon iorSidem-b %bru l lald, 4to WIW* land, o ,M i~a!,-t h;leil tîîai-,; ad- ' 'Wett hacli after SSh Abce. ï 6 w oit c" iîn;te.Se iL is pouesihîe aj'<t«mmMWt4Ià ýtak» lt flua Arl»agelddî»a may heo f utti- ' laà. D ate bi utfÎt to humanlty." LEV If'-a,.-" Tout linîgon the' lowtring of bitlu Ia wve fisla" baie âî@ ý&îâ À dià rate in iWt-ion ritaiïn, tic sPr»kcr de-' dathfat cevery cOuatr- ln Eus-ope hai ~iwiîa o rassugbirth rate dur.M laug the fat dte-ade,.with lie exep tict c Bog~raRumranlua ai Ire-! laand.i Gb. "eyou weut alLer the job?1 being **tily t'rezbiqadat J Liiut you believeit thait thse office ly tise sddiuos-etofa ahould ~s'k 'ti..mata." 1j>bb-'-ccuîgipeo a btttu mWi_-fnt job, ont I thotuit ,1110t i tt<tY,0Ethw. taigit îÏeL wiaded beon. ià ruacal trmsq lo"x ut hv qer, o ne.ý ne couit; Ich ve met-to sy, ms la bro. iln on do yen anti nt off i tear unmbe- come pother )r her m two it ou MSW it m dlii, eloo a-ben a bave r.IL d bat- r," b. imoat bave ýo the Iee te thO r Our 3oing, Vaste fi the 7tio rtant ives, tare- aIp te o hn k I

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