Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Feb 1916, p. 4

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'PWtUOflAV~Vfl~flAUv tAê~ laie -~ - ~ ,- C liw m , jflet 4h GtleR. J oîri b£ oltr ftbis ( refered t* t l. Ravo; Svd QGui"J. W. ]:époer7" lo e () by berng reéS oati ait. R. I k1no&i; th Gude, W Attb egla ietI~o the Watr if Ti Ilrtcu WIifim.; c-à»odrb1le gtb. Qn thee "0'ot, f lut week'a issue Of To- and Llght Cqnimliedon OR uOsdPJO;Ii Iît ) uadA. oq rot au'dyNg,.Thie was irepty te our editorial of the pre- ening, Sa list o er Osonaii ueash ti. arred-. A.. Riey of a>'tn~ wékI~ ithlengther wate, iht and powor acounts I IAdtr-aJ oeF collee~~ n te y rtito r aîntlydsusontc lc MedIcal. Officer-Dr. Warren. off itlea Içmdean atitthheeiti w aret ouf 1th ATustoes--W, -.J. Jone~ s, Jubb.oc -o!itto B o f tay i hsa ere t 4rto i oino, aw have in tsoen aying the is lcsitrlc l lac~1le "aaeued"uta.le'frdthaing otao60mmbr o~n, I lia be uwhû dtaldtondi"ie apran.toe ascu*rethcectZ isntut epauts. u~~toa'dCntpTiosWlt otl ed tnig as eterce ofvyjiew s ee hireofn upnterne mae a e t îhbt.ioTheandio t wn dscopant is allo e snhe aer ezeeeent resltJ. sndtheyThon.iniae rats1hauo pM he. eu e ti.bemyeny eillolno, if odit e n uthe aIn a 33888.2. con reformes, but always a congtagt"ji» and intolerant criticisin of aeunts v*re for sums ranging up te '*1105' sdvertised with i letter in, whleh thwc who -advocated thoRç' refçn'ni, that we stated we thought this was $1 , but uihre were als o several meunt- BmoI O ue reoommended them Very Faiîms for Sale. : a fauit ini that periodical, w hich in, otherw ise so excellent. There e in 2 tg large,, igures. highly, soI triedthom. Theresuit.wwer. heyer the alightest intimnatiou in1 the " Éront Page" articles that prohi- 'the Supeèintendent stated that the iloret ha satisfactory, and I have » At the auction sale of farm stock ef bito' xt o othe for mr have n right t live, or be hettrd, or mi(k b"laws ofthtie Commission' provIde hesitatiun in recommendlng 41ria Walter i. Rogers, deceased, on lot thir- DitlOrnsts or reformer an t , fa eMtunt le one mnonth In ar.. tivelS" ÀNNIE A. ooRBEI. ty-flve In the sixth concession, Whitby in any way to lessen the ovilg they ýoppose. They are dubbed ' ex- reà . t rom Urne of rendering le ie ay i me la proving that 'Fu"tV Township, on Tuesday, February 22nd, tremists,9p or "faddiatt," or '"elerical neddlers," and as such shoiild shui off the service, but if two bille can always be depended upen te give 1916, the following lands wiil be offer- be iuppressed. have been rendered and stili no pay- Prompt relief in ail cases of Constipaiiom ed for Bale by muction about 3 p.m., Nowwe rîiky ami tht te îîîi.rohbitonst as î~~oo ament lasmade by one môntb from the aoendSioliack T>ùuble. subject to a reserved bld. i ,w .k. l, lt, * ,, lli -rhbtol thea zo ltîme of rendering the second. he sh,î1 5Me. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial ase 25&. 1. The south haif of lot ihirty-five ii, rnglt to 1bis v1CY, as we ne 1 OOill'b, v tinkhe s ru i nai e ut off service,.lie safd that he ha~d At denIers or sent post)aid by Fruikt hie slxth concession, Whitby Township, v ,ewoz-hut- miike Sa.t vNi.iw<'<-ntî.al him, nt. ., ,--* , ,,, 1, ti x&it nnpfr -Uives âLimited, Ottawa- Ith ree acres orchard. two wells, living ,Na 1 erd<iay Vfjqh t mui- Vse t ry. îî take i a îtjinal view of the Ihquor question. of nmeral refom'i, the Lo-d 's Day Alfiaîîee, 11îîd il nuin- ý lier of Piîîîilîî r îuion.' Thon it says, anîd this iis, duilems, ilsP 6rationail' vieN% What a mlani ehietiv <hires in this woîrld is tot ho let alunle. The a vemigae A îîglî-sa xoîî resenits, îîîid n 1gbtiyv eî Iiigh. elnactîîwîîit4 ad iîdIws a-igîinst ie~iii î,rv Veé, the w îioîîgdoeîr. the .îriiiiimul., de-sioesahaov'eaIll it biîigs to be leta al , lie ie-seits aîîy laîv4mJreiaetmeiit îhieh îuîeeîts his prcyiniz tipon othei's. 01- Plitiiig ut t heit expejîse. The Atiglo-Sèixoii shoul'i 110t, and ilsuitilly doeos ot, I-osent enart melîts aigai ual pcîsonîil liberty, jirovided thetie e.î,actiiietit.s are jtended t.> casure the greatesi 90ood te the grelît est u l'lîhihe tîwiie î. of mil a ut omîobil e bas îot persoîtait libe~rty t Io iive bis vari it im speeri of fifty miîlem an houî' dtwîîi a cî'owd- ed eity treet. lIvlias not' personal lilw>cî.N- ho di il .î fter dark without certainli I its; lieîmutatprocui-e ialieeiise, a i unibiei-, îiîd lbe subject to thebu iaiti ouis 'ab arethtiiglit ta be liit the îpubl ie. guod. LaWN andeii t nIinielts tii o10Wi"t ju 05 tt tîiiti moull. antdi tt emi<odit ioiis upo», (ver" huiaiiiî eiîo., ivinig ,îî.,tîr rsuîsbegover-ailîeîîts. Vie expecte.l somenîc ~g bel terl it the fornîî of arogumienti fronît Sut. îs,.dîî i hItaî hsstî..ot i(v0ti th'i eiCCW The wrîi 1er .t the F"ron t IPage- salys Wilho, anie cati ilîvent îreu.ly o lraie hgisiatiîîn lhre iquîur eau st til>be imadej but îiot drnîiik. 1Ill ll<iîul) oiito the ateu wîagoii and p t-nittiwe the Mmenrt îîy supp)lot." surely he doean 'i nîcait that!1)o" he inean to savx that if a law Co)ull ]be i,îveiîe vbich woiîld prieveîît 100 pet-' ccIt. ,)f t he petoplu frein diîîikiîig liquoî' bu îvould support it. but Nvould oppose a law- which would preveîît. say. 80 per~ cent. of t he people dîrilkig I That ie praeticullyý his arguiment. Now wlîcrc loes that lea.] imiii That sert ef reasoning leads to this-that if the editoi' of the- Front Page" .Muld pSvcîît every body fvom nt diîkinig liquoî'lie would do so, even though what a mn' chiefir desires ils 10 bc lot atoie." and notwith- standing that "the' average Algl(>-S'4axon rîeseitS eîîaetîneiits against hie personailibît.' The editor would close bis eyes anîd cars te a fellow 's pieu foi- the exeî'eise of persouial libeî'tN to drilnk iquoî- and Iote bulet 0101e, providoti he coul.] pievelît everybody drinking liquor W\Nhy %îoNmld ho "get on the watcr wagon and promise te sup- port the întîveuîeît ' ' if il is a ha.] nioveîiîeîîit ? l it offly a ha.] mov'e- ment whvîî oîîi.\80 pet, cnt. of the people iî'e betiefite.], and a good mnovoniont wheîi aIl the people are henetited ? lIn the fi st -cease i t wo lld be inf ringiîîg upoîî ' porsonal liberty, - lytit lot in the latter. Eh ?I The Satuîrdî. igh t .viter knîu.îs tliat ho is perfeetly safe ini iaking thte pî'oîîise ta get on the Nwutei- waîgon under tht'econditions nanied, but il sottîl]s guti tîI nîn1ke tht'iflt 1-1Ind robNb goute people nîav îîet see thirîuighbils plausible but false îeaseî'ing. It is alw.aî*vs somîîtîiîig thler t aNhaîi buîs affere.] that sonie people 'wilI shîipptîî't. Ask 0tiiit t4> suiiîh lcal op)tion, and] lhey say they wvouIl support Provincial pî'ehibit ion; ask tiîcîn to support Pr'ovincial prohibitioiinai l ie * \ ait a Di.)iiiiît4ioî tiasuî'e. The adtviîcates of tvîipurîiinee woîuld Nveleoîîîe the' pîohbition of bell'. the ii.uufur'tttru aidsaleutflitjnoi'. Bîut beeause lheycannot gel ail this îit onu strioke muîst thley îrefrainî fromiîaiîy effor't at ail ? If the btîsiîtt's ilunagel- of St Ourdayf .ig1ît soliciteti an advertis- ing contract et 1,000 inclîca but coul.] only gel 500 jucehes. wou.Id ho refutie the latter beecatse litetîtîlîlîoit gel thie laîrger order? Tempeî'aîce adv'ocates are eonviîîeed that prohibition by muniex- palitiesi, even though offly "hait a loaf," is btter than "ne brcad," and that it has î'oiîoved a gît'nt inîiîveof the evils ef the license.] liquoi' trauffe. Henco thé ' are kct'l>iiig ait it, aind]seme fine day, "please Qe(Id," te use a Suîi(ti<.Vitjh expr-ession, thue whole trafflc will be pitihihite.] by lîîw. It the "îersona iiert'îîgument an.] the callirxg et people naiesi is the best Ihal Saturdaîy Night eau îally to the suppor't et the liquor traffloor ita opposition lte icwork of the Lord's Day Alliance, its cause inust indeoi be w'eak. In eloeing &zlîrdoy Nig/ut says: "Atter ail, our time- and onr xnoney anid our otermial seuls are in our own keeping, and] net, please Ged, in the bands ot the editor et the Whitby Gazette or the Gerinan Kaiser. " No doubt bis îreaders will be pleased to know that, We de net want the keeping of ether peple's seuls, and whethc#ý it pleame Go.] or flot we do net lknow. It eertainly pleame ourse].!, however. But that cloeing sentence m"akesanoble peroration te tthe article, and may give te sonie reader the impreion that the writer in on very intimate terme with CGod, or perha.ps bas reoeved a tip that the Âlmidghty doesn't quite approve of the views of the editor o! this' paper and the. German Kaiser. The ianuury thaw bau demonsratod that a sufti tory solution là» net yet been tound for the dainlage o e ii&suracê ater ecîh -dowri Aù istreet. Thé lurge power Pppa reeei tlyp do*D Qzp >«w L»Po oulment for ordinary lime., but not for a lI to v*t' sM&bau (.-tiiet owaaono by tii. hsavy reinm taw, 0f reeet. vooa MW draùq. ocl tbla flat la a prohlem that bas givea mb tcom to town. 00=Urill 1OW that a Cli ngimer la im= aUmvy >ythetowubMs knwei ~ 1~.ad kiI 1i t beMa& me of iadPim a q " -et drisg.U~a w'Id fully Meet th ii.ulauAtie twQý% e e te Mae , t- )oslnletPBIUSdUt bUII8IIg t Oit" inathat it wus tbe, w ut mm r app~oratht uooný»0d *b.Oe lath - o(.l s e ' wrii a file of Pape because lie found Ji possible to collect .tccotînis w1thloît that means. How- Pver. there were so many ln arrears at the present tIme thatlie would advise the immediate enforcement of -the clause. Other members of the Board were also lu favor of the proposition, and the Assistant Superintendent was ln- siruct-ed to follow the by-iaw to the letter. When the meters are being read this month those who are in arrears wil lie îîot'iled ihat their services, either water or tit-(-trlc, wIl be dlscontinued ai _nc(' If the. accounts are net settled. According to the by-law no notice is reqîtîred to be given to the customer as to the discontinuarîce of the service. Any persons in Whltby mwho find them. seives deiprive(d of the use of water or telectrictty %%Ill be able te secure the service again only on payment of the ar rvars. In any event, water and electrity rates are liable te be charged agaiat the property for collection, la the ate manner as taxer. The Installation ef water meters in such places as the hotels, livery stables, I aund ries, armories, public buildings and aIl residences haVing more than one tap, onie bath service and one lawn service, was decided upon, on motion of Messrs. Allin and Rice. This step has been taken because it was thought that etistomers wbo use a large aMount of water should be entitled te a meas- urement of the amount used se that they may pay a fair rate. Also resi- dences which have, for convenlence, two or more bathrooms and lavatorles should flot have to pay for more water than la used. About 40 meters will lie requlred to cover the services Included ln the reso-1 lution. The pîîrchasi, of a large water meter for the Hospital for the Insane was aise decided upon. The fnilowing accoîînts were passed: spi ung. frame houe and.barn, hog Ven. Though the above figures are nothiîag Land i.- day loam, ail cuîtivated, ln n rni-......u...,.. ...., - f fair stitv ofni'p,,livation. Thrn,, miles 1 cet tend to show tlîat the men cm- pioyed here as a unit are aNý are of the exlstcnce of a war and are making a .sllght effort to discharge their duty to; thelr cÃ"untry and Empire.- Situated As the Institution la from the Immediate Interests of the town and the immediate viclnlty of the news- paper offices, it le comparatively easy fer one man, or e ven. several, to make up their minds, pack a suit case, bit the railway îles to the Junctlon depot, and land tn France before cverybody tip-town has reailized that %%e are doing anythlng. It does not foilow, however, that be- cause our volunteers leave sllently, our spirit. of IndIfference la intolerable. Others are closely following aîong the traîl and wtll continue te do so f rom time te time as the need becomes more -and more acu te. Very îî'uiy yours, J. I..AhflITN. Construction Office, Ilospital for Insane, Whitby, Ont. Fiebruary th, 1916. M -- în01- n a4 oe- ws-. rtt- te» more me» f rom the Hospital have eni isted. HOCKEY. OSHIAWA 15, BOWMÂNVILLE 4. On Wednesday niglit iast Bowman-, ville Intermediates piayed ln Oshawa, before a very large crowd. The gaine was a hummrer, and Bewxnanvtlle was ln the lead when their goaltender had hie nose breken by the puck. This ne- cessltated hIe retIrement from the gaine, of course, and wlth Williams ln goal the game went on. But Bewman- ville was xîiateriaiiy weakened, and the home team ran away with the gaine, the final score being 15 to 4. BOWMANVILLa-6î, OSHAWA 4. Seymnour Power Co., power for the district by winning at home by G 3 an uary .........$30000 to 4, before the largeet crowd ever seen W. M. Pringie ....... .... .... 10.90 there. The local boys Jumped Into the Can. Gen. EiectricCe .. .........10.39 iead by scoring four goals to the vis- Northern Eiectrtc Coe.... .... .. 40.44 1tors' one. Bowmanvili.e scored the Nerthern Electrie Ce .. .........39.50 only goal ln the second perlod. Osh- Nortiern Eleetric Ce ..... 178-18 awa finished strong ln the last peried - --.,>.- --- wlth three goals te eue. Russell Wil- 69 Men From H-ospital liams and Spry (lai goal) starred for have Enlisted. tewnes Dowmanv ile and O'shawa were or- Whitby, February 4, 1916. dered tg play home and home gaines Editor G.tzîEri A.ND CasONîcLE. on Wednesday and f1riay of thîs werk Dear Sir.-At the varlous recrultlng te lfreak the tie. On Thursday ulght last at Burns' meetings held tn Whitby la recent Ar ena, Pickeriag andi Almonds Sunday menthe repeated references have been Sehool played an interesting gaine ef made to the spirît ot indifference wlth oký te*tr%Ï 1i Uàt . whlch the employees ef the Hospital .hork~;t HeJre r tnn Oshawa. eln for Insane have treated the question thPotr toweJnoàrs ba Oht lut of enlstmnt, aice he eginin ofln evertime by a score et 7 te 6. tinte the war, and the consequent wmaI num in igtecaplnhpo h ber et men who have volunteered inin te haspinslpetth the ranks on guard and construction Ongreup.nigatBrn'Arn On Moada ethnenInstBitutionen dutyat te Intituion.teamÈ representing the BaptIst Sunday We deubtIif the ex.ittclsm 60 di-ected Sebool and Thoraton'es Corer'u EL S. has been so much the result of acare- mtt em mpfhockey. lTe fui consiteratien of actual tacts as of visitors put la tour Joabs lu the fiuut a treuzied eiiUium»z5Dito '<vrDar lperi. but lu the, ae.>nd thI BitIiu icis and concluslona, but la eltiler cm beat tem 1by 21to-L. Thé mal soro i satisfies the mn uon the streetWh tnvarlaiil.y seks excues (or bavtns was 5 ho 2 for Thornton's. assumed au atttude Widhlc . lAg lau t. be JuaUtib1e (rm the attitUdesOHO W4R~JO~JNAY of othersloti= r ., SaoEOO ReretoforeIt bus net boo ee rnl tIV.-?. Agau esoQ wbaer te e r ta Oli tet uia It beeosuesa a u ttdo a44" Wa, o wjB.-L fl1budb,'-4 IL 844094 oheoWcb=l uriai h. Abdutg Z.r«44. Yrt-, 000W~ .IL 91 IL TOUL ire- IL I« m4 m 00"0%. 011, *6 0fflt 4u h tu ew, 1. _1 - 9ij* heindu -sic(monw1 w.a211,unioantmer bD-4n. Alia Md 44. IMMo S v sl*4IM I 4 U~ er «« us « t» Afal a ammr frein 1,rookliu G.T.11. stationi and C.N. R. (ùeenburn station. 2. Twenty-ttve tcres of bush lanîd ln lot thiriy-one in the fifti. concessionî of Wlîltby Township. cedar, elm and ash. TERNIS.--Ten pier cent. on day of sale and balance withIn thirty days. For further terme and particuilars ap- ply to H. W. McBrien and Wm. Morri- son. Exécutors, t3rooklln. or W. E. N. SinclaIr, Solicitor, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, F'ebriuary 4, 1916. --3. si rANI3URY.-At Exeter, Ont-, Sunday, Feb. 6, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs J. G. Stanbury, a eon (John Lowry). COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. 1918. WHITBY-Mls E. L. Macdonnell, Wbltby, Clerk-J'an. 4, Feb. 1. Mar. 1. Apr. 4, May 2, June 1, July 4, Sept5,î Oct. 3, Nov. 1, Dec. 4, Jan. 2, 1917. OSHAWA-Miss E. L .Macdonnell, Whttby, Clerk-Jan. 5, Feb. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 5, May 3, June 2, July 5, Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 5,' Jan. 3, 1917. 2. BROUQIIÂM-M. Qleeson, Green. wood, Clerk-Jan. 6, Mar. 3. May 4. JuIy'6, Sept 7, Nov, 3, Janu. 4, 1917. 3PORT FERRY- J. W. Burnham, Port -Perry, Clerk-Jan. 7. Mar. 6, May 5, July 7, Sept. 8, Nov. 4, Jan. 6. 1917. 4UXBRIDGE-R. J. Moore, Uxbridgo, Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, May 9, July 11, Sept. 19, Nov. 24, Jan. 12, 1917. 5. CANNINGTON-Tbos. H. Ponter, Cannington, Clerk-Jan. 13, Mur. 9: May 10. JuIy 12, Sept 20, Nov. 23, Jan. 11, 1917. 6. BEÂVERTON--Chas. AL. Paterson, Beaverton, CIerk- Jan. 12, Mar. S. May 11, JuIy 13, Sept. 21, Nov. 22, Jan. 10, 1917. 7. UPTERGROVE -Daniel Leonard, Atherley, Clerk--Jan. 11, Mar. 7, May 12. July 14. Sept 22, Nov. 21. Jan. 9, 1917. (By Order) J. EB.FAREWEL14 Clerk of thxe Peace. Dated at Wbltby, Nov. 16. 1916. Oflac d Worke Opposite Revus Brother., W1tbr. MONUMENTS of ail DtduIsad laterlal Lept la Stoci mal vaS m Sot o un lt o àa OMM. smI7 h Onut4 Wb cma sal do alov the agmti a nb m* « »b p*e mot, Vuaokysu 'li .srtml uly mnbipurtbaulag t"mlu ARTH UR LYNDE TEACHER 0F $INGING., Pham M Uit ,orsad4t.ssboal&0 WB_ E a trial.- HARNESt MITTSI LOViS, BLANKETS, UAGHINERY. W. Fe 1NY Bell axi led Phones. jt-IiTBY Oshaw%,a penny savings bank deposit8 port j>erry and Reacli Agrieultural of the school children have reached Sojety bheld its annual râeetmg rocent- near!y $2.000. ly. James. MclÇee WMa elettedi PreBi- dent. C. (i. Kellet, Tht vice.Preside»t: Two Stouff ville mIIk dealers were A,. W. Williams, Znd Vie-Presiden1t; T. fined $20 and costa each for selllig 1. W14den, Secretary J.L. orra», mtik below Governmeflt standard. Treasurer. LEAVE TORONTO 6.40 P.IW. -, VIA THE T RANSCANADA CUNNECTINO TRAIN LEAVES WHITBY et 4«55 p.rn. Through equipiont including Eleetric Lighted Compartuaent, Observation Car, Standard and Tourist Sicepers, Dining Car, First-elass Coaches. The f requent C.I1'. B. Service papeing tbrougb Lthe Buminess Contre of eseh City in an atiget to the Trav~ee." NE GARAGE and Paint Shop I N CONNECTION with our new garage we, have 'installed an up-to-date paint- shop, with an ex- pert body painter in charge, an-d are now prepareci to do ail kinds of body painting on autos, carrnages and sleighs, etc. Oct Our Prices The driving season is about over now und you are thinking about putting your cir away for the winter. Run it in and have it washed before -doing so, as leaving the dirt on spoils the varnish,. We are prepared to overhaul ail makes of cars, and can also store cars for winter. Our Garage is Iieated and Fire Proof. SAT15FACTION GUARANTEED. W. Je LUKE t? SON 1 d. phone 12 WHITBV Bell plon e io Your King and eountry Need Vota 250- Men, Wanted Cern soc ia Thie hi nihilatit Source. kee Ilis cuttoer amd thai wlth a t the wori Evela th te admii thîs a.11 country, to teep possi ble -sent oIRE In favor te» yèa numaber lnstitut saidiln eomplet -.. andi gel Ticke Februai drug st are goï Go t( for larj Rese Irish s9 Aid of ThLe -terno Deb&te. um sG 'AUlad. Partictilaru f rom E. R. Blow. Whithy %gent, or write W. B. Hloward. D.P.A.. ?ormosl TO ENLISt IX The 66Whltby'w" l mpaii.Y. 0F3ff E llftb TSOoUT fTAIq i~aBttalion *HL be.co!nrnaocded by Lk*el tcoi. .3A= - - - - - - - - - - - - - W.hVe thre ~ mlhIe, ae oeare.: 4wo ff, $100 o rth of rdcdO 4ab:sc ahie sAqi-TaRY eCLOSBT Conece it StVOpierorchimney.- Ruls r $14ý:<)Oench. Our pricet o 01061r,5O>ec W. bave the »ge&ey t£r. the De LavihUne Of goode Let ne quotê-YOfl on yeur requiremlents. Our ran is ue ighemt test tW b.e btaiued and will give you the bout satiaco.Gvei At c s hio a sso Il m

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