nOU ,"arUkto eer:ur i n o"ce which would'ada very materila TO~~~ýnboA. o vnù lRD U H E s ° ' '"D erayo arc ime set by"e sa ssa rtofA,"he ana isTr scal.tsthe old woman PorPreue. >pesa .-...d hd h4a The Journael des Debatsý of Parisa The towerigGadDk ihls Her Health Must Be Carefully 1aIH wlaer. Has the deiios bas published a strange story of a lastl one o h otpplrmn Guadedas he pprachs ASH EASRESTAKNTo nluty flavor of balted wheat. prophecy regarding the end of the e in Russia,anhipctrhngin Gureda heApoahsTAX POOR PEOPLE. A geal Whole wheat breed war. every Otherhpwno nteNv Womanhood. fO n elwt utr some pious peuple 'were driving up siPopc n neeyef nte The motherkwho calls to mind her EeyoyAoe ifenYasOdsoft cheeseor m anlae.thy were ging u iziv te eh u p.efas nosme.rig n Žd e eda daug tris lknows how urgently her EeFull Ofe ifen easOl nutrinent and fUll Of the story runs. On the way they Breaks up colds in throat te'bcrt fteOuau.Tee stigren th ith y to need help and Charged for Passport and u n ASa Oft o gave a lift to an old woman, who, adcis.Bte hna athe poraitso h rn Dk school da e and wornanbetween earlyPhotograph. Chafmng-dish Cookery it iS Ea when she warri e apte curchofsaid mustad 'pbater for rhen.. in MoscowanPergdtonef1 t h• thattshe wouldinrexpressionbof her matismi t, sraisthe Czar; adtebod Kn o h en a rowng irs doop beom A leading member of the Polish In- delight. Always toast it in gratitude, tell theip a good piece o caceiin, Belgians uste rn'uk a s cl lng for and nervus. Nature1 dependence party tells something in th vnt etr y s. news. She asked if they would like blmst e te. i l nosecnd9frictra ulct. h ïClin o oe orsmnt an the following article of German rule thMad t oe Ca.w to know when the war would end. "Whateer he is he iseaoRussia tr boo cn uply Sgn o ds-in Russýfian Poland: The people replied, "With all our Soldinsanitarytintubesatchem- first of all',"hysyaotteGad ýts are plainly evident in dull eyes; The financial exploitation of Rus-. hearts," whereupon she told themn ists and pneral stores every- Dkt lechekwek n ahigbaks ian Poland by the German authori- either in February or March.he. efestite. "Thie onlyhns]a i usa" fit"of epression and often a dislike ties lhas assumed in certain parts of The people expressed incredulity Free booklet on request. wstewyaa rvrcaatr prpe od.Thsesinsmen he country the form of strange varie- at this statement. The - old woman ized the GradDk otewie; Fafmia-thait is bloodlessness. tiesi of speculation. Thus, for in- added that as a proof she prophesied and'"tiletel h The atcfulmoter akes prompt stance, in Lodz, where great quanti- ta h ocmnwodoete n g aeh a e ad "eps to give her girl the new. rich, te fca r eurdfrfe n- . would be dead within two hours. She 't he Cz "Ill ak ed bloodher system calls for, by giv- the houses and in those factories ...,•then turned away and disappeared. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 1 Duke saiemndrmGemnyae trns r kam in Pll, hihwhich are -working at least a small The party visited the -church, and Me) u... you'll take cr fteGrasi trnfr, weak, anaemic girls into a fraction of the time, the German au- when they came out went to the car-pn condition of perfect health, through thorities (the police office) have in- riage, but found no driver. They Perograd-.'. the rich, new blood these pills actually troduced a monopoly in coal and, coke.- thought he was in a cafe, but on mak---+ - mae ded otke rr icne has No one is allowed to provide himself Treasury will obtain £1,000,000. Ac-' ig inquiries found that he had just MC OE SNEE. WNE ADO AY and thouadso with coal by any other channel; cer- cording to the order of Field Mar"hl de in a druggist's sop. girs husacroe iweak, dishcartened tain stores bought by the 'inanufac-! von Hindenburg, published June 9,11If The paper does not guarantee the!Bio' iaca udnFrAlt h itrsao sahr n n Mil abe proe hir worth. M'ssturers without the intermediary of'anyone in the occupied territory accu racy of the story. the bahv. He is more or lessAU confhein- AboutSnhelair, Cobourg, Ont., says:-- the German authorities have, been should be found after August 1, 1915,-- Sharp. tetsuy ba dl eniatdrom. sickn ree eadrs agoIwas erylcofiscted.without a passport, he will be liable, • • Britain alone will need $9,000,000,- It is so oftensomyta hemte thei erousan rn owngil.At The German authorities are exact-,to imprisonment for a term not ex-afn Q g1 000 to run her share of the great war dloes not gethmotitefrsar and fast excitementthe i ldtremble ing, 4s. 5d. for a sack of coal which e eeding 10 years, or in case of ex-seg -! during the present year. This state- as often ase shud Hecahs wod itaaadtesihetns certainly did not cost them more than'tenuating circumstances, to a fine ofi ent is made by a representative colds whichrceilitl ytm abot he ame.ndwoud f ntans2.. 24d. The coal is taken from ;from 1os. to £3"0. This system oficommittee of - Britain's leading his stomach n oeagtoto dizzytndtsoherng spells I lstak around Dombrova, mostly from the'robbery proves that the Germans dIo'bankers' who have issued a signed order andhebcmspevhan in weight and the color all left my 'Saturn" Mine, which belongs to the not expect to remain in Russian Po-! DODD'S KIDNEY P1ILLS C7URED mamifesto to the nation impressing crois. To gadaantti h face.My ohergtalsrso same Lodz manufacturers to whom land. One does not ruin economnical- 111 H MA SN.ion the people the need for the strict- mether shoudkeaboofBy' medieine for me, but a i failed ottso the coal is subsequently sold at such ]y a country in which one expects toiREUAIS.est economny in order to assist in'Own Tabletsnthhoe.Tyr- RI' nYRodan 1wa til oigpreposterous prices. Even the coal stay.NIr1)A.BohstnTlsow10 raismng this huge sum.! gulate the soahµdbwl n dle ny od n wssill gin which the town of Lodz is compelled:..r .A rteRo el o i In the manif esto the bankers say:i break up cod.Te ar sldb own . Oe ay e radin heto supply for fuel in the buildings' GERMANS ON GEIRMNA NY. RhuaimDsperd1e "In a long war success depenrds medicine dealr rb alt2 et Dr Wllams' Pink Pllscasedcurenex used by the German authorities andlYar oanka.evr(m mainly upon respective financial re-,a box fromThDrWilasMdcn tim mymoherwet t twn hearmy has to be bought from'Extracts from a Manifesto Issued by 'sources of the combatants and theCo., Brockvile n. imetmy othr wet to ish ame authorities. ,h emnHmnt ege Victoria Ilarbor, On1t., Feb. 7th 'consequent p.ower of one of themf toý feltthe1 For a sack of coal which formerly (Special.)-('uredi of Rheumatism maintamn or to add to its fighting fettePills were helping me, an<d cst 2s. 5d. the German authoritiesi Our homes are still being desolated over a year ago by using Dodd's Kid- strength when the other is declining "Famie nGray from that on every day they helped now hre4. .Tepoieo-in a campain waged for more than ney Pills, Mr. R. ..Brotherston, a !or is not capable of expansion. i A represenaieogh mtra me more. I took altogether nine tiwcharbe 4.2.Ten aknga oti£10on- f'ffld"ys' n"t in lawful defence of well-known resident 'of this place, is!"hrfr h nm' fot aeTlgaf h a oree hog >oxes and felt like a new person. 1 each railway truck of coal, and all in German territory, but to stijsfy thetll s.inging the praises of the great been directed to three essential mat-, Germany ani utraadfunse was ready for all my meals;, gained in all, hundreds of thousands of insatiable and avage greed of. Prus-ICanadian Kidney remedy. ters: a lengthy repr ngnrlcniin weiht;thecolrtcmebac tomy ouns.Thehumnitria prsientysin cnspraors ThTmoal orcs I ws toubed it Rhumaismin 1) Toseie vctoy bfoe te cncldeshisaricllbysayngeha chees, and I was again enjoying per- Von Oppen, had promised for some of the nation are stified by the vio- my left hand, which would shift to my forces of the allies could be mobil-, famine preval sfra tebl fm feth t, ardthave ever since en- time to) give back part of those pro- lence of the Administration: tramp- elbow,, and then to my shoulder," Mr. ized in overwhelming strength. 'the workingeaspplto scn oyedtha blsse coditin. sean-citsn£9iitomet te neds f te lng ndeu foo th hepoes mssho Brthesto sas. "t ws vry n- 2) "o pevet te aliesfro cened Th sitatin i beomi- e eslyadvice ail wek girls tolgiv e 1Dr. ftown9,t h on forot h i es promise. humanity crushed by the double hur- noying and painful at times, but Imaking orprc h ai sufficiernilwedn.teecnmi os- Wliams' PinkPlsa afair trial, as 1I In sutme "loaligtie h pouaion.den of grief and want. We have ex- heard of Dodd's Kidney îills helping equipm n d rpamuiting for ithirtion ioserfo, fvrbe.Tep am sure they will do as much for them ha se oride thbuypoviins amined through trusted sources the'others so I quit the limiment I was evuper-exandg uto forces. ple is ar al eoigmr on as t ey di for me.eplsfo from anyone except the Gemncm-eoo i odition of every State and using and took six boxes of them. The "The endeavors of the enemy to hearted. Thi1 iw aesme mdoucaedeaget these paillsfromcanys missariat officers; these were inm- province. From one and all comes the rheumnatism disappeared. That was accomplish these objects have been up in the remr:"ecnureey abox or six bxes for $2.50 ro t hfe porting wviiithout exception valueless cry, "Deliver us from this hell of suf-er eraobti a not eun completely frustrated by the co-ordin-'day, but weaennmh etro Dr Wllam Mdiin C.,Brckilecattle, fixing for them arbitrary fering-. Ik od'Ki iltion of the armies, of the financial for it." Ont.' prices. Similarly, the "Warenein- Consider for a moment the ps- nw en aersuce s of the quiedntnsf---. fuihr " which monopolizes the trade tion of the German Empire in July, good for kidney trouble both in my the nnition fterlidnain. in flour, fixes very high prices for 1914. aWe then enjoyed civil rights3 own case and through others who have The success of the allies in defeating CLF a r it. ~~and liberty as traders. In every used them." the enemy's efforts to cripple themn in Round trip itrTuittceso market of the world we were welcom-ý Rheumatism is caused by uric acid memntonrn oeybfr Le_ ai oclfrnavavra THE QUEEN MOTHER. Exchange M*anipulation- ed, free to develop in friendl rvl in the blood., If you cure your kidneys the, dirct an scenmbrouts. For fast mod- ad Th1 emnauhrte hv ensith other States the Éirts, he com- by using Dodd's Kidney Pills they will steghhsnwbogttew rnmot mran riwa emiai h Alexndr Act asa a res atmaking a conIsiderable amouint of merce, the maritime resources of our, drain all the uiric acid out of the blood nearer to its final stage. , or eian 1mit0n%«t t Soldiers'( anteens' money bey speculating on the money land. All our legitimate trading in-, and there can be no rheumnatism. "Indeed only one thing is nowi rcttosotenasora-av" Queen Alexandra, mother of King exchange. Certain fees are accepted terests were safeguarded, defined and, needed to command victory. The al- e P-c"'*,EItiima George V., has taken a particular in- from the population only in' silver protected by treaties and conven- THE SOLDIERS' GAZETTE. lies have assembled new armies of 10:45 P.M. Ltu epyupa terest in the work of the soldiers' roubles, wvhich are valued very low,tin.W weehordadesc--. overwhelming strength in France, inantrctvtr.Bokesvgru canteens, which furish coffee and mwhile in other cases orfly marks have ed throughout the world. NcwNs From -Home Sent to Our 'Men Russia, in Italy and in Great Britaini ar cBennet A.encaprt sandwiches free to all men in uniformi been demanded. Especially in the' To-day the German name ils the at the Front. and everything needed to equip them' western nr.6Y ngs,.Trtot. at the principal London railway sta- payment for coal the German autho- scorn of civilization; the German flag Si hraSauneshswit and to supply themn with munitions tions. On several occasions the rities have ref used to accept their has become the badge of ' inf ainy.j Sir th omas Shaghpn eshs r it-e has been secured or is in process of Satan CRsntigwaee bu Queen Mother has insisted on taking own war bank paper (Darieben- Chivalry is no longer in our ranks. Ite h olwn oè etri h manufacture. The »only thing remain-, a man's attednhrho h a.a aturn at the coff'ee urn, serving scheine), and draw out of the coun- has been buried in the trenches in mnterests of the 'Soldiers' Gazette :- ing to be done is to provide all the bath if hegeshseristeohr the customary hour and ai half trick try the silver coinage and bank-notes, Flanders and in the village grave Atatm wes an uh oney needed to- support those vast six days inthwek with the other volunitary workers at saying sententiously, "German coal plots9 of Brabant. For our crimes we. spirited Canadian women are working armies of new men and to pay for' one or another of the stations. The be paid for with Germain are loathed by all honest men. To .o those at the Front, it is almost the vast quantities of arms and mu- aminarase rxiasese inhsa soldiei% seldom recognize H er Ma- money." A s a matter of fact, the coal hd hmi mosbe We stand iviio u thecify n on paticularInitions now being manufactured by e jesty for- some time, and she takes in question is taken from the Polish naked and exposed. aciiybtth- niin nusr fall parts of the world.n e rnigIeess espeial eliht i seringtheminco- dstrit ofDomrovaxWe- ho ove. ur lndith_ pa-à Mr. D.Forbs.AgusPresden of ea dinkng aong he lliefha Soon after hie took his train for fur the repair of the railway or road l))orfys9v o rulD in view of the fact that the number aus now "n eos as nç l »Wnga- s Ke-nt, and the next thing heard from which they take over in their own iu airady « e ey i..ora ofCnstaa vrsa s steadily in- Tepyiin ae'eodd'e him was in the for-m of a check for military interest. Similarly, the en- .n a huad rpople wear these cesn.Lresbcitosaeno akberslsfo h fc of $250, being monoy which hie raised ini tire burden of the upkeep of Russian m tdwo*wou aŸ teM81e orispense rqieb aysal mut etmscon sokerswho havesure subscriptions among his neighbors. A! prisoners of war and invalided M OI-, and It te your- duty to save your eyes to MissaugnsY.Ugaorary-Tre*&- r ndhmn ndhMta fortnight later hie appeared in person'diers at I.odz has been thrown on the et4oïne rao" urer at thte ofâee of the Queen Mary'sÀreurned ko withi $125 more, and declared that hie! town. entire body. Artier you anish youur day's;1 Neeework CuildWidor 8tti",« evoswrecks. -«Some pss was not going to rest until lhe had Fines and Fee#. wif y" ait ut o urest"r"'us montreal, wilbe petIr this god ave gon o »far as,-to smy *e brought his total up to $1,000. them? You know you do net. o'cause." Oter u ,b»Uas brogtaoht Incredibly hig-h tariffs have been read or do nomething el** ta ep prX=ntygo rsls imposed on the import Into Russian y.Our eyes busy: YOu work youreyes »n til you go to b"d. That la why soeany A Large DMs. Jysn Poland of îgoods which are indispen- have utraine-d e>ra and nnally other eyl od. Du yuknw wthygnr. FOOD ACTS ali)e to it--for example, Oil, Soap troublre that threaten partial or total Oswald"ylo for you is like 17lm "N sr ontgh food, -.Fines nand ocreaabueioarete;ray crutch- eb , tc iesan cntibtinses teyneercueThis free prescrip- . *PM*» heNova Scotia "Lasber King places What An M.D. Learned. are imnposed on towns on the sà lightest tien, which bas kbeneSted the eyes ofsm Clarissa(foir iutwas her nmm) s" 1.1 11* ,A prominent physician went through pretet. Besdeshartthisîthe cun- u ldeuaor -Ady ae tU%#h orepnd o S food experience which he makery hasCI nrundb flalec- u y ru to4a1a98 ngas0B fMåta o public: t~~~~ionn min te shape of fees for pas&-. enaetwdaae rgaoeadTgt Tö ii#e10 sWt "I ws y wnexerne tatports and temporary pse.Fur net a bttie orfn-op-Cto tableta; JIattaC igvs•l.Ii etee de tickts rom ne ailay aati to wo-punçe botite with warm water. drop frat led me to advocate Grape-Nuts . o noetbe n nwi obthrouei itU-ltMl e bkagodAy$dta foodi and I aliso know from having a e simp Atemporr srhe atolte tr t his" at the as everu w «,maar& MM trW prescribed it to convalescents and oth- . quisy )yOur *eo ecMr up and bow »mon W"ss eumi-U FM4*oa ood a er weak patienits that thîis food11.4 qu,red for a ;eourney froms one dis- W01ndmauen win alTt .e a1n't be wonerulrebileran retoeroftrict to another. (There was a time afad o use IL it Ir arm- nerve and brain tissue, as well as w-hen such a pass was required even have goared their eyes hadthe Fr a i thfor- going from one village to an. ta care for thtem in titaa. This tuaa muscle. Itimproves the digcestion and ohra oiia lase hardly na de matlxmn t bt uMalouply er- "1 Patients gain, "as I did in t renigth aon rly rete i mtdes Of eassa. Nuw*hatS and weigt, veryrapidlycome in here, because anyone c a o. utrb*%-* been arned o 'twdlar a dy Ol "Iwsinsc alwÅtt h tatin a passon payment of acertain d wmta y a 61' -Q eye had to give up my work entirely and fe u hs esaesml n o v ø tsigti iae s e go to the mountainm, bttw onthsi hl; o s t tebearet there did not improve me, in fnet 1ilc n a opyd. o lc m-emttracs Wall not quite as well ns when i1 leftfutrawy3.;ndso. seam.rtnt te- tan aiei home. My food did not ssanme.aesrsashgas0.to2.In- - - -frgdnt and it became Plain that 1 nmust a country with a populion of severl e lal e c ange. o~~~~~~Mic diittv n ai emdillions. districts, conected-by e&-m. Ibetgan to use Grape-Nute and inhnahdte e il asa fteGra two weeks 1I could walk a mile, and led, had rein gne d tand M In five weeks returned to My home ante ytheW War for a wol and practice, taking up hard work moth; the feet, therePfpr, ortut- * &gain. Since that time 1 have felt as Porary passenw brin ievrtr well and strong as 1 ever did in my month hundreds of thousands et «Cw «îW As a physielan vhO oeeks to help all In June the Aiscal ingenaltyofthe sulterers 1cnsider it a duty to make Germans inAventd à aM*neW suteo these factii publiý." inconte. -•' Everybody$&mrethe ae of Trial 10 days en Grape-Nuts when 15 hau to have a siebFt *16.LA the regular food does not seemn to su#. photograph. For albren below r thai tain the body will work wvonders. sIe o common passpwotswit|Wi byCanadian Postum CO., Wnsapasport doeS not ive ts igle Ont. rgtor m1entleUn, 0 ass meer réde ! above letter l MWeePlate to anoYtherý e a r egaspt rat > ýf L. l o tôyour eserticia '%r eft fullptrla couMd r:îyte manTadeuses, D.. 240 ran tn. buyt. ~write9 H. w Pa-wson 00) ^AS l N n IT-CN . Wilder. BIrkendale. »skoka. ýowns. The mot y Iu andj4 estinir steegts. ti pus upeaitn bt ur hme teanane. pey 73 rWto te D SC ntrAl nd Ho t'ot F led unlled free to b AAndC2's . the Auéo Plossr H. CI.AY GI.ovERv.. lbeg bmedl ies 1We'st31eskeeti,Nenet emb cute. sores. Ulcers.Ansys paita; Pricm yF YONGP. M F., 18 Lymni lga M MCi ubsrbine ad »usrbi=e. J..are ab la Ke The Ra Thy -willnot tuch harnesstreated With -" That is becauset- Eureka contains no vegetable or ani- Keeprçyout-harness soft,plil,e g. D aresBeru@ë """""****gi*** T