Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 5

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~Àoa ~,m Militr Wrist, WatcIhes, At OU! new store we are showing an unexcelled assoriment at VERY SPECIAL PRICES Corne in and make us a social cali, anyway. At Car New Store Jeweler and Optician In the IIlock with the Balvony lirock Street WHI IFBY, - ONTARIO W.C. T. U. .bTIANK yOUe aY t AoU. i~rug ii4iithe bowling aile) tW iw t WiIIwe had a lose ýhroUgh4jýret» aim for dauges *Wa Dr~lyseft4d by Mesare.Rich. areo ehrd*0, representing the Ifl*ral~Vo oncerned. Our tbanks are extiiW.d for this promDt *ettle; mtent. ~,Waterbouese. All the ) atbY, boys ut the front who1 UnAiimouuy aid he*i't1y.mo 'yuo a nd girl.,t*seber esaé4 ffcruy bakyou to khe ntiemon'wbo provided t«-r îr le g-nide otn.- ÂlISo à *hüji-hearted "Lhank yen" to tb. ladins who lunèheonid us e spléýendidly on Our return. Weather. wae ides], good.-fellowsbip was manifeuted evenwhcrc, making our outing a supenb s-ceos. -TABERNACLE7-S. S. -'-I Chil IL!'~n lyItp Gazette À yoàsit-màlt with houme. work. -Mu&t befmoeitrchildroa. Small fally, .geod homè.î,Mfs. T.,F. Holli- day. 71 Pacifie Âvnue. ,Tononto. -35 Pottt SLE An Axm= a teryg, dîtlt-s-he for dia- laS room o0n*eàtturn# nn, size ifeet 9 ln. by 9 ft194i. BmIgreund brown, -wth pa*t-onn liksde o! roi. -Uiwe onhy short timse.WIV Oselireasnabhy. Appliy t s-tazette Ottice,, acKntuwleffl recelpt of their -Chri-st- O lusa fla ee r nFia lh es.SeWS Bak fFOUND4 wit mas boxes Will be remnembered at East- O 'unaofltweMr E. R. arrn o rdyn't u.Sewm and pair of elovez, wt or ltha bx emilr t thse ent Blow, C.P.R. town agent was attending drtving Into the countrY with smre name, Wra.. AX Prrîndor,' on a paper viOulY. Donations o! tobacSc<hoco- a conference of Canadian Pacifie tick- frIende, wbcn the cutter in whieh they Inside muf. Owner may have am ~t~~rJ~6uey lthwhih t ~ et agents, ln Toronto. arranging for were riding was upset. In fall ng Mise b y provlng property. Und paytngtfor ch~~gttnma b Ifwlth Mhimao r- summnehduoadbotter train Ber- Sailsbury threw out hor arm to save cost of sdver.tlsmn.Apya h mack. The following contributions vice througbout thé C.P.R. system. berseîf, w1tb the result that t-he arm Gazette office, Whitby. have already been mnade: Mrs Brad- Mr. W. B. Howard, District Passonger was bot-h fraetured and dialocated at TO LET. bury $1, Mrs. Jubb $2. ~ Agent, Toronto, had charge of the meot- t ho elbow. Mise Sailmbury wau taken lng. Mr. W. H. Snell, General Page- to t-ho homo of a friond of membors Apartnlents furnished. heated and 3 ai ldis'blckcahmrehoe ngor Agent C.P.R., Mr. C. B. Foster, of the part-y, where a phymician gave llght-ed; eigbt rootne and bat-b; bard- for $1 at W. G. Walterse. Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager,1 the lnjury tho needed attention. On wooed. floor odceMr%.:. .cont-aly 1 and Mr. Geo. H. Hum, Publicity Agent 'Saturday Miss Salsabury wua able to ctd îpytoMs .H ony Reserve WePdnesday., March 8th, for C.P.R., aIl of Mout-res.l. were in attend- ret-urn t-o WhItby. but was flot. of-3.E the eveht of t-ho season, Grand Scotceh a -e course. able to take ber work in the AUCTION SALE coner unorth aupiesof heSt clase room this week. A comPetent; Mr. George Leask. (Taunton), lot 34,1 conertundr te uspcesof he t. 116th flATTA LION CONCERT. substit-ute ln tho pereon o! Mr.; con. 6, Darlingtou, who le giving up Andrew's Societ-y, by th@ Toronto Po- lice Pipe Band ,&"Plp selections and On Friday evening, March 3rd, ln the Arthur Burrids-e, of Toronto, wae rarînîng, wilI selI by public auction al Hihan li~f wr Dnin.MuiAHlWhtytePo -e secured, who will supply until Mies hie farm stock and Implemonts on Wed- Sctchrel ai terScth aniigle1l6î ltaloCFilhtc o-Salisbur-y le able t-o resume ber duties. nesday. March 1, 1916. and songe. 1Peeaid du mrs Itrthai gives ,)rnmi.%e of beiýng 1ie -IJMSI1H sud vorao ovr6 fet.Proceedis fo best of the seon. There will hoaFRSAE 3Autoer tl, u Relief Societiy. Further' groat v'sriety of numbere, and a feat-ure; Helntzftan & Co., Piano. uprigbt. Ap -________ î4~~~ilare lator. 1 wili 1,( the presenceo f th,- brasra and ply to Robin E. Nicholson. I E euo' oiet bugle bande of t-be' fattalion. 1TL. utt'sWoticED. PRESBYTERIN CHURCH. bandý;, whichi are now st-at-loned ILL Us- lCcios M~Jn ser-ice Subect-'Unral-brIdýé_. w,,l ho ln Whithy ail neit weelc. Wanted to purchuse bouse and lot ln rdios izoê:Ydaîs - This concert will ho %%ell worth ae; hty plcn l euee ogv In thbe matter ot t-ho estate of George, Al»emTheI~rdlitmyStrenth~'Ing. Walch for furt-her partlcu':.rs, price and location lu roply, to t-be Johuston, late of t-be Village of Clare- iitle-r. . G.LIrcîîlSon gth. ot A dtMac rd o .azett-e and Chronicle. Spio---r .G lui sn adkc ie ae ac 3d o L mont, ln the Township of Pickering, M'vening sujc t omn-4- LOST. retIred fariner, deceased. ni e- sujet lt- omad BROKE HER WRIST. Inlu Whitby or vicinity, a large yellow Notice le horeby given pursuant t-o Sýolo---CorpL. Murkar. To break a wrist at- any time le not and white Colie dcrg. Finder wlll b. the etatute lu t-bat- behaîf t-bat- aIl per- Ait-Iîem --nie Ctîl- Tîat lKoiq iopleasant-. but when one bas reacbed the rewarded on notifying the Gazette & sons baving claies against tne est-at-o Niglit age of four score yoars and more an Chronîcle Office, Whitby. oftht-e ubove named George Jobueton,, -o-accident of tbis klnd le particiularîy un- ATD ORE . who died on or about t.he 7th day of A FIGHT TO A FINISH. ýfortunate. This misforlune happenedWATD ORET December, 1915, ai the sald Village of ant-ý o Mrs. Meeker. mother of Mr. Wm. A fare of 50 to 100 acres for five Claromont. lu thbe eald Township o!' sanIncident of ttho grand meeting Mleeker, grocer, wbo. IL le und.erstood. years, wlt-b option of purchase. Clay Pickering, are required t-o send by post' of tiie Hydro .Slectric Association ln bas îpassed the Stb mnileetone. The ac- or sandy loam, good buldings, woll propaîd or delîver to the underslgned Toronto Ia.s week. whlc.b was atteuded cident happeuied on Tuesday of î"t fenced, eit-uated noar High School and on or before thbe 25th day of Marcb, hyi neinhers ofthlie Town ('ouncil relire- -we.-k, sud il Nvas nul known for several Churcb. land lu good state of cultiva- 1916, their names and full partîculars senitlg Wlthy. I he executive are nový days that a fracture had occurred, the lion. with an orchard. Apply L. W. of àheIr cdaims duly verified, and tbe engaged lu a figlit to te finish wihleth uybin htgt ob pri.tuhio,2 ate Ae ,Ota . nature of thoe ecurit-y If any held by Mackenzic-Mann radial lntervgts at O01- he medical attention was at leugt-b Ontario. -36 tbema, and after t-be 25th day of March, tawa. The hattle stands uver titI scred, the fracture N,.as instautly dis- 196thexcorwlpoedt W ThursJay, Nlarch 21it&StCI NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F 11,teeouo ilpoedtods co%-ered. R T Â1 Nn RUI ibîute t-ho aseets of t-ho est-aie among -o- Nlens* tweed suits, regtiar $1S to ~ O HRE KING S FON. ou1 sale- at- $1090, Feli. 2c), 29, ai ONAwIZOLS HRE Spîîiî~ iifa.u u ltelîohbi NVh .. G Wallons' A yuuung îalian, Aloi DomînIco, ac campahiîî î-arried oin îîytiti Uit i.t-i' - r tt ult l6h lta ta th of întî tOnte Hiindred, Jud,,e Tiîe Womevn's Inistituit-e Aill hold a by, le lu gai I awaillng bis trial on jp Le-% elle tîd.irttz:,éddihie cungregation uf knltllig lea lunte .grlciltuiral rooms bSat-urdaong c reot sduction edA Prisoeio. StretI itthodîsi Church on ofi Tuesdav afierntoon. Fi-h. 29î1î froc toîlghu a yTountogir, undr 14yad a recent suîîday lu a vîgorous addres.sj, thr-ee 10 six ociock. Att ladies welcoee. o w- rcTtut - bty a wb' .sreportedl as tollows hy Ille Adm)ission 10c. Nligs F. liteman, Sec.w-as arrest-ed ou Sat-urday lust. Ho $ fitb4d:A se iInvitationt is exteuded t-o appeared before Magistrato Harper on $ 'IN pinipe ha te ntrel soft i-cihrandi oehaig r lnsNonday, and was commit-ted tor trial. a "the niipie thatust ecinersieof thomherntsud lî itu i h iondue The t-<l's fat-ber, who resides in Tor t t-be welfare of t-be state bas long been atnt-befron, lu m unv iciionsbeoîtt- onto, wu here on Monday. be recognized and put lut-o ellect-. This lerest 10 those presenL 0.i SLIR N H APG. i was t-be fotîndation of the demaud for 0-ODESO TERMAZ I probitbition. Sunday School workers are reminded Two mnembers of t-ho Artiller>' from 0, "I corinerclal leic lu l strikix utft-hoannuaI banquet- and conterence Toronto, came t-o Whit-by on Fridutt- a!-s how rapidhy t-bis pinciple lias beon lu ho held In te echool room of the ternoon last-, filIed up on wblskey, snd approved and tullowed. Great manu- Methodisi Tabernacle on Friday evon- Iioen î'roc(.eded t-o t-hrow down the sa faoiuring aud railway concerne par- lits., Marcb 3, at 7 o'clock. Not sloue gauntlet- to overyone in general and t-o w ticularhy recognize t-be danger t-o t-ho teachers and ofilcers s-Ce Invited t-o t-hIe ro ono ln particular. Their language pl. Ipublic of enployeeca wbe drink. It- le, t'otferottce butî ahI aduhî friends o! t-be was not exs-ctly sulta.ble for htgh soci- be therefore, not- surpnislug t-bat- t-e nu-, S'ijda' : iol-Tt tickets will ho et-y. and Chie! Ms-cGrott-y placed t-hem t-loisai war bave tardily awîtkcned 40 reci-îs ach, wtslcb tee le moant- to lu t-be cooler. On Sat-urday morning 1, t-oo k m areneceslty. Their experience cover t-be sujîper and othor exen - .t-bey appeared before Magietrate Han. bas givon a powerfuh Impetue t-orît o- ...o-. per, w-ere rees-nded, and went- back t-o lîtlon legielation overyw-bere, and The cboir of St. Audre'C urch ai-e gaol, as t-boy had left- Toronto without- it le an opportune urne ýto brnîg Ires- ibis wook the recîpiente of' congratula- t-be uecessary passes. Later in t-be day- sure t-o heur oi t'ho Le.llature tu î<tss thions upon the splendid service o! song two so:ruerx came from t-ho clty, an.d off. clive awtt operaitus ui.er te ,rîndered on Stiuday eveniug lIst-. n- escoted t-hmc bac t-o their ca-mîtheD.A wliqtle province. ide-r the leadership of Mr. A. Lyndo. t-hie iiai or !l c!w0 hteu '1%e moderato drinker. chu ce lie chîoir tar, grown lu numbere and lun HOME TELEPHONE SERVICE. driaks only for hIes slfish gratifica- iuîslcal power. The prograe 0of Sun- 'S t-lon, ehoulîd not hiesitate Io give iip)tItis daî- îveuhttg consisted ut antheessohos, -Mn. Alph Hoov-er, Presideni of tb2 doubttul 1)leasure for the good of 1he divits and a tmail- quartette selection- Homne Telephone Company, ws-s in co»uîit, sîtîce the laîv coîîd itt iverv 011e o!f which %xas splendidly town this week reorganîziug t-be staff. dsriilate between is cass sd gtin. 1ev. S. G, McCormack gave a Te spendid -rvIcte given y t-e "In cioslug Jiîdge LevvIle spolieutf, in morciî. Notable mocbanical improvemnents arel t-ho advauced position t-be Mthodist - inl contemplation. Why sbeuldn'i Mr. 1~ Chureh hîad alusys taken lu thie ques- Men, cave $Io1 10 $12 and bîîy a$1 00 Hoover become a citizen o! Wht-by?C tilon and urged bis besrers te ssist i cîlit- W. G. WVa!îrs;' 3 day sale. - le irould ho very welcome. Besides l the local comutiittees lu thi-Ir work ofr ...0e-..t-ho adva-nt-ages Whitby affords mightP se.wring s stroug pélt-tion trom this I Coînplahîtts have been beard i'rom, prove et Inestimable value t-o t-bis on- c- citY. sonne cil i7.tns that- certain property - erget-ic residont- o! anot-her part o! On- _________________________ ortre o nt- t-tnd -o -li ehvehngtaric County lu t-be funthen develop- Iof 5110dotro attendtewahek frolnt-lument- o! bis lnt-eresting telephone enter- I ltheir propert-y. Wben most of t-be prises< Ani manuml'O I owuspeople observe t-ho byilaw regard-!1 " O CREI HTY LOCAJL HAPPENINGS, îng the rmat-ton, lt-le annoying t-o them. mni t-o find t-bai others persist-eutiy disre-1 Maîtufacturere and business mnl Igard Il. it migtbt hofo! dvs-nt-age t-o getteral si--m t-o ho exicerienclng great- suîch d inquents t-o know t-bat when dlffieult-y iu secuing belli t-o meet- the >iviiouCout- llIbe eldon ed-they faili t do It-, the work ms-y ho done requiremonis o! thein plant-s. One Whit- neeay morulng uext-. Marcb lot., at 10 by the tuwn sud chnrged againt- thob), business ma-n t-his week, speaking o'ch*ok, In t-le Caurt- ioiîse. îîruperty. -o! t-be shorta-gofo labon, mid if condi- -o--tions dId not- improve In t-ho matt-enof, Mies Etunia Goldriug IF tisitlug ber E. R. Blow, t-ird VicePresitlont of tosuppyfo!rfins-lo e ao. itoui o parents ai l'rt Whthy. the- t'auadAlau Ticket- Agent-s' Associa- ecesro i - eoetoatw 0 lin, as n Trono Ist week attend- or city wbero ho cmuid secure suffclont Ne Persian I.k'a psVaî'c.ont-b I60ltg the executive meeting o! t-be ARSs&- elp. for $2l0 it NW ' Wai(_ .chatIon for general business, a-nd s-r-I Girls and Young women are la de- -o- naugIng ton t-be next aunual couvon- i mand t-n NWbitby., sad splendid wages Mn joliitNvW ilimiîs ttas punchased lion. l'ont Arthtur, Ont-., was t-ho platce are belng offeréd the-boi heu the Silk Ithe toioteîtg aili-Nanîd cîtout iîîg gîtiier> clio.so-it. tuîeîting t-o bce beid Junetai ho-, Mille Co. st-arts openations there wilIl be un rik ilu sîîiiîtnîMNr. A.IE 1',41 gîitu G.T.R. 10 Sartiha, Northeru a gîlîl grenIer deinand for female jabot. lIt-. Naîgattin lt-atstt1c$ u F rt- niur.-,ý Boys Io les-rn trades are alec in de- -o- hNagton t euuu aadin lIo Porc t-t-esle, and lu iown. -i-it .p t-h lt- iîtiîi Ig 5 ut l'un NIicioil, eji-ecial train t-o -o-. Ili 1,o at î-îdîiu-s for t-('be ~w Tîtu u u..iPEBATE AT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. S i.a111tiîliî Ti, vt-alt is alrt-a1% ;The regullin meeting of the Women's lit d liia u attala rtgt-< ie . Ii sit- <f o trI1t- ced suitei at Iîtt-ltut-o on ïriday attem-oon lat i w foîr Ilîiiîî-agof t-hi,' n-citaitittg ragn- ýt ilo lit l W. G. Walt-ers SatturdaY to featured by a debato. t-be topic o! dis- PU.1I 010ct-tsaon being the count-ry vergue thc --0city.. The resolutlen tooli t-ho frm, Ir. E'il Rugiris. of Goni-t St-i-t-et-, 'PUT STAMP ON YOIJR CHElqUJES - ReSolved t-bat-t-be clt-y producee a bot. btas x,-n i try 111rcîîaî.î i ng t-he lu Toronto ou Sat-urday hast- a man teri t-te et WemMlflhod than t-be cet-r- t-act t-wîw tt-ha ýBw 1h lîi-îlmîîniat. At s-as 0usid $6 for rot- putttt-g s-st-amp on t.y."The affrmative -was npheld by tics tneof%%rît îg hie cundaitin mvas greai- a Cutptt The Magtotraîo imposedMm . M. Goodfi-llw snd Mi33 M. Au- ly lmti)ro-tî-d. rid strng hopes are en- titis ripet-o rexnInd ht-m t-bat- he tea'nos, and the negatlve debat-ers Erere tertuiiu-î loils cout-îJte recovery. urt.-ti the la5 ..o neeglects t-o'Misses e. Flot-cher and XM. B iTh etamp a cheque. A great ms-ny people'dehats s-as list-ened te witb Taz7 hissa Don't- fit-o get- a $10.90 suit- st- W. ut tt-akowanîng !rom Ibis occur-, Interet..Te Jutdges, bMi.C. A. K>a- G. Waters' 3 day mle, Feb. 26, 28 sad rence, u St-bore are thoe who puir>osly, near. Mrs. B. tD. Tex"y and Mms.&. D, 29. avold te war tait aad expc theIbmrcIp. D udley, a'iarded t-he decillot the ne- eut- oft-be choque t-o put on t-hoat-amp. gatire. The Apicultu.Retifflter cOMEýG-I Wben such le dons the offender îà'r -Érowded teoepaltY.- F. É. Luke, Opi. D., 70 Yonge SL, j BROthe E D3of aEX. - Toron to's s-hIe optician. can be co»lt-t- CH! EF MIUIROTTY INJIJRED. MIss Saisbsry cft the Rle ÎSdseuI cd ai A. H. Ahhin's drugS, tOre, WhitbY, on Tuesday, Febnuary 29th. about y*ur Chiet Constable macGrotty suâtalne1stauff. su;taid a frmute 'ugi eyes. Glaises, If nequired, Mt right- a very p5.iutdU accident- on M1ondai, hby ________________ pnîcos.wbici h o let t-he hualb oft ta loft ba&He wu* cperauin.g a asoline en- Mr. Thomu Walsh, of Flckertflg, glu-elet bisa home an-d a mitt ho wu i~i has purchased t-ho nesideace os-noS*Md wes-r'ng mught- on a a nidly rerolving - ocupied until recentY bY U.Mi, hRs58t,&DSilgImbis a in Ç o riaÀ - h C"inighaa.Dun» tret red 1tems t he thumb frSnein<B aL U 1V wsesneceary for t-he surgeon s-o uat-- The MsssSeott, shôlad- ~ , ur.tSfdd b19M t-o 811D11t. the.thUMb it chascd the buildiu n Oit- uis t the huai. The injurnI&la.of cosiia- ooupied untIl remtly by Mir . '~ >i D IIs@ds Io eesrc-d iermsL X o W -'0--- A uto xm Bassett,jewehen, are huvlag thbe levr CO-iTei«ei 'te0 re t-b large vaulta uldbitW. MO. Dassetsale Mt-l'il my4ewm t its Bt D~urus the pi *-S 3LohW& IL.QOA - triland -I -c Os sew OCab" jum opuare< '4 :4 '4 :4 Notice le hereby given t-bat a by-law tgar on t-ot-hodims eo inre 0 as passed by the Council of t-ho Cor-* wbîcbho haI! t-heu have bad notice,, )orat Ion of t-be County o! Ont-arioon and t-he said exocutor wlll not be hiable lh 29th day of January, 1916, for t-ho for such assets or auny part thereot t-o urposeofo granl ing aid t-o t-be Cana- auy person or pereous of whoee claie lIan Patriotlc Fund est-abliehed by t-be 1 or intereet ho shah! not thon have had cet of t-be Dominion Parliameut Fifth notice. leorge V., Chapter 9, t-o t-ho ext-ont o! Dated at Toronto this 15th day.of' 10,000 payable lu ton yearly sume Of February, 1916. >,000 each wtth Interest ut 64%. The R. A,. PATTULLO, mount t- eh raised lu cacb year for 21 Emerson Ave., Toronto, tn years t-o pay principal and intereet Executor o! t-be last wli o! t-hoe aid )eing $8,980.04. George Jehnston, doeumed. And that such by-iaw wue registered _______________ in t-ho Rogistrit Office o! t-ho County o!f - nt-arlo on the eleventh day o! Febru- Execulor's ýNotice to kry, AKD., 1916. Any motion to quasb or set aside t-no Cred'rtors. m or sny part thereof must ho made - wit-bn threo monthsafater the first IN THE ESTATE OF' THOMAS GIE- ublication of t-hie notice and cannot SON, lute'of the Township o! Whlt- oe made theneatter. by, ln t-ho County o! Ont-ario, labonen, Dated t-ho 16tb day of Februuny, A.D. deoeased.4 P16. Notice la hereby givexa. pursuant te J. E. PAREWELL, section 66, chap. 121, R.S.O.. 1914, that4 Gounty Clerk. ail persone having dlaims aguinet t-ho estato of t-hoeaid Thomas Gibson, Who _________________________died at the muid Towuship o! Whttby,- Maiss Kate Wright on t-be slxt-eenth day of January, 1916, TEACNER- 0F PIANO MD PIPE OMMa are required t-o deliver or send by poit, _______prepald, t-o David W. MacDonald, Pupila pnepared for Toronto Con Brooklin, Ont, exocutor o! t-ho muid em- t-ate, on or heforo t-he fouèth day et, Bervatory on University Exnnain March,1916, their naines anid addnessee,, Renîdonce ut Miss P. MeGilivraY'&71 and a full description of their dlaims, I jy-ron Bti-et Telephone No. 221. and t-be nature of t-ho securitlos, If any, held by them, and _______Ftwther take notice that atten thbe W. A. YOLJNG muid fourth day of Mai-ch, 1916, thel said executo will pnoceed to distrîbute 'ivil Engîneen, Topo$radhicS urve,- the est.te of the sald deceased urnong and drainage, subdivision i gnng,'t-e parties entlt-led thereto, hav ng ne- plans and drawtngs, estimates. oet-, onigurd only to t-ho claime o! which ho 1 ont-rct wnk. Cnukclng.shahl thonl have notice, t-nd t-be sid contactworL cnLiàctng.executor shatl not ho hia!b1e for the suid Box 2,43, WHITýBY. assets or any Partter'eof, t-oany per- ______________________son o! Whose cdaim ho shall net thon! ~~ have neceived notice DÂvm W. NMÂCDoNÂD, by A- E. CaniàW1. igs Sohîciton. Dated Febmuary 9, 1916. -34. 1 L7* Iu.J Mr. Meeker, can you seli us smre more of your good Tea at the imre price as bef ore ? 401 We like it very much. Oh yes, certainiy, we are specialis4s in Tea, and our aim is to pleage the tea drink er . ' Quality is our aien. Extra quality potatees, large even size, mealy, and every, one eound as a dollar.. eot hou' cbeàP, buat how god. Your B-=,- M"& MIKADO a Most kugliablo *APANESE OPERA ln two aets tO b emBfted bit 7pORT PERRV CHORAL UNIION tu tbe'Towi Hall PORT PIERRV on erenings of! T'xursday and fridar March 9tIu andlOt 'EXPLA NÂTORY.I Gilbert =ad Sull tvrqx prodtxeed mS»ii delightful oppraa, mand on.et trme ut, 1 ttracoUve le The Mikado.?1%b opera! las full o!f fn-U Yeu me ft yen wlU 1laugh until yoUr al des ache. - 1 h te eztremely tsscinatins to wt*hý the varybig fortunes 0f X>Ko sn4d Nankl-pos.gzthey Stire for the hmzdlý et 'YilMTUI%4 POQU4>uii I'ft*4tn< P0430, 'Pib.Ttsh an4the UMikado re, an, ei4-lw alUgtW DIotul e l Se@ The Waverley WASHING MACHINE Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, and the price is oniy $9,50 Galvanlzed Wash Tubs, $1.00, $1.109 $1.20 C.Iothes Wringers, Ciotbes Unoes, Wash Boards, Ironing Boards, ail at rock bottom prices. PRINGLE'S HARDWARE.' WHITBV,o ONT. Spring Su it Over 1200 patterflS of New Spring Suitings. Select your spring suit early. Goods are scarce. Corne in and look this i*rn- MtI Satisfaction Guaranteed.,I e <r- %%~ ~ '7, POULIE!TORIlc L A medicinal preparation valuable in keepinç ail icinds of domestic fowis in good condition. It stimulates egg production by increasing. the digestion' and assimilation of the food given. It insures bright, heathy- birds, and makes pullets Iay carlier. Prevents Roup, Chicken Choiera and Qther- diseases of poultry. y WH ITFI ELD'S Orug and Stationery- Store Soie Agent for Nyai Preparations. ') Io> s y 1~ « i cli o)rs arc L ,t. Bell Phone 37, Independent PhOnc 37 WÜITBYO ONTARIO

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