Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 6

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0 the Bre4d Syrp and the. childreule 'Bread and 'Crown Brand' 'oesa perféctly balanced food-rach in the elcn4ents Edwadsbrg hi o to buld Up sturdy, £'Crown Brand'Corn Syrup ta 00eÇ=c>nmical and so good, that it i» littie vwonder that Millions 01 Voude are caten evcry year in hie homsa of Canada ýCý w.Brad-the clîlldren'a favorite-la .quaUly good for ail cooking purposes andi oendy.making. -LILY'IVHITF.usapureu'hfteCornS %W, so,6ronoumsred sytftavor as 'C'rown Brand' You may prefer ii, ReR VOUA GonoBA-In 8,0, 10 AND 30 #.a. TINS l.Canada Starck Cc>. Limite. Mont--eal Col % Umaufacturem of iL. Ues dwarddmg uBmn<là 2 The Green Seal By CtIARLES EDMODS WA LK Auther of "The Silver Blude," "The Paternoster RubY, "The Tinie bock," etc. CHAPTER XXV.-(Cont'd). "He claimed that the ring belongec "Whnt an experience for a girl!-- i to him, and that he must recover il cuuld flot refrain from breaking in to maintain bis prestige in what1 "for a girl like you. Lois! My brave understood to be some sort of Chin- diarlîngt" - ese secret soclety. He tried to im- I suppose it was stranze. But presu up me its importance-the so- vv-erything about the affair has been ciety's, 1 esean-its antiquity, and a bstrange and mysterious that it lot more that I'm not clear about. dlidn't strike me as unusual that I Bhisx 1 was not much interested in i.houd be aitig foryou ri anout- planations. fhl ewa Ciriefor settimntanout- "Then he claimed that the dianlond Mil-tes Way Cfrom anybee, lori was bis. He seemned at first to thinl4 and uaîprot-ected nmong s gang ut t'iiîsce crinsinnîs a-id their white cnfederatee." 1 pointed out. "WhÇy, you hadn't an idea where you were!" "Net a glimmner," se acknowledg- ed. "Bt--i '-" She fell suent. "You trusted me," 1 uttereti ber un- .,poken tbought. -Event when yeu learned, that you wero tise -ictim utf an elabor-tt deceptien, you felt deep ina your heart tisat I would nut fail yoi." Ail along se bad not resent- ed my erdor, yet remained unrespen- iV e.i i wasa griet'ed, perpîexed, bat- fled; 1 chnfed ho b. alune witis ber. 1 wata ampatienit te convince ber of my -.eraousiîeâa and te break clown tise iarrier of bei- unaccountahle roserve. S-r h added: "N-,w, for sornumi- lhy, masguideîi 'isuse, you refuse ho ho your natural, C.îndîdi self. Yi u are flot fr:înk wih *gaari her h.rnd toucheril m arm. "Dont---oh, don't"' she wiispered ;ia : distressed way. -l shall be frank aînd honest--if you wîll oîîly waih. 1 aina rying with ail my mighit ho do ,whait w rigb-t aind best; you make it î%ufully difficult foi mne if 1 must tvait, why, 1 euit, I sîip- 1 i ngraciously returned. "But adcaution now. If 1 loveci you less; i:'my one chief concerf in le fe a r:ot devohion ho you, you migist have asi, ho deter me. Buot i love you. i Uu must know it. No iaiaever 1-rouglît ho a w-rrmsn a more whole- li 'irtedl, unselrish. tsaa>hyauî love tisse 1 iraMcfteaing I-ou; tisai 1 >hahl con- t,îlilC o prest; uion vou iîuntal I arn gitenainia nuequRte cause- why I sliould ioL If f ran isehp it, lFantint g'ung ho let anfy foolish îiuhirnd ti seantiment- ;,Iity or mistak-cn cirneoiaun of tise Lord only LoeWs w:a restroy oui * I: r" i-'-ailds il lali rupt dle- oei , hshali gi; i you ;an :iteîuahe reîU.Or -au SOCi11.;a 1I lriîosv learly h-)V ho t o rrvsent t. I L a maiL- iCr1-' an- vvrv uyihiîsp3 andin ansera'île." %,~("u caiflt.' h etubihîrnly peisted. - iif you ulrn'î p)romise ho wait," S! v .Nqnt on everi1. -VIii g-t in fa-ont \titiNMa. Iitrul(r" --;ood ilicaito"1 Uro:anctil rtess- lv I 1111ii-.' iie rehr-tet eahîit. for the hanîl a; i-n ai - y wai uclhaseitait rafle andi sho letu --a tUiinie isaîtil 'hi- rrre-cd ut n -tia; houidcr Mîtttiaîîman e-1-M'i-t fatl-iîrr mcrritîîf,-ît tIre uîrî':'lî-tîa erua 1-' is that n:î.i scs -taîv;aîg hcW. ln1ey huun-y look descri<-il hc-;ri liiikiia-g <(n% bel- i,(;'hnt;ît , ;h r ,t Nh a. al t 'lice iliseiiIiy Cîoti.iîr a;lr-Tur;f "l¾rî gaifli!' I Iurrtt oui..I'harn r. Iter til, îrîly a sel!isla. unthiraking brute. Andi ru ai c th- utearmrst, 1cvehiesaL iIithrx4 liaqit> in all tise it-îti. Vou aie' a bts,est-angLek' S'he aîdh.l efiaa;d aii- b-b- mil- iing vp int ic 5v ttCsL. *"Anýi yoii," cshu i-ai, "arc u)inly ai big. -ïity, rahapid, iIuaade-meg lkry lt-h amîrthair nka'e titan a a * tiser. waxa gan oidul itk' e «heh i iber vo;îe---"t-ban ai wife."i Iia thia 1edv-r riîori lic he tr:îsso al- lurirng, 50 irresi-iscbhy "innirg. that I nciriy jost My hesît .iain. i iîd a very deiil,½ opinion iabout wbht I I iseed ti(qult'o cohtrary tuho irs, il la peediezî i ay), (but mana>god tV -- kee» it tà Myse1f- -.1r thse tîii' ei at ey rate. - I ind it, and wben lie becamo con- r-inced that 1 hashn't, that I couldn'I get it for~ him and wouidn't if 1 could, hoe seemet i dsappointed and claagrined. I declareti, thougis, tisait if ih renlly beionged ho bim and be could establisis bis rigbt ho it, you would give it ho him without hother and f usa. "He amiieti skephically, thon for- a moment bis eyes rcsted upon me wits a peculiar look. 1h *ave me a strange. weird feeling (if being somebody ehse-of trying ho remem- ber tisings that were in qomeone else's mind; but tise memonies were gene before 1 could see tisen plainîy. 1h vais hiL-e Iooking tismougis e vel, or ta-ying ho make out faces dimly seen îisrough n swirling cloud of smoke. Tise samie thing happençd this after- nooe whe--n lie calhéd ah tise office.". "I remember," I told bier. "1h çvas %%,lien be passed yu jetise doorway." 'Yo.t aoticcd, ther! I triedti o bru eh tise ssiI awny. But righh away thse queer feeling was gene." "Tise 'iliain was hrying ho hypno- hize you. confound i hm!" I ang-riiy exclaimed. "Go on, please. I1unm prufoundiy interesheti." "Tiser. isn'h mucis more te tell. Wisile we were talking Chinam'en were coming andi going tisrough the room, iin the sihont, unobtrusive way they have; but they didn't seem t&. notice us. Thea-e must have been a score or more about tise place. "But prehty soori we were is'terrupt- ed by se exciteti babbie outaide. Lao Wiaag Fu abruptly broke off what b. was saying and listened with n start- led air. Next, several Chinameqi burat inho tise roomn, and w-bat, foilow- od waa pretty mucis ail confusion. They jabbered andi gesticuhaheti in an agih'ahed way, and Lac Wing Fu seemed ho bu hrying ho calm them. Ife 'aâ tise eniy une w-ho remnineti coul, but I could sec that be was %vor- rie,]. "*Pr-erieay lhe Sheppet awaay frein thse rest and seemed ho be debating aomchiig lein is mimd. In a little wisile resolution came ho hlm. "He rehurnedti o wbere 1 sat watcb- ing andi tolti te that ho knew about MY hahhoo-emark. He dumfounded me bY hhuntiy a--ing if 1 wouldnh ike ho hâveo it rn mo-eti. 1 rose f rom my chair i leam. I iedignanthy hold isim no. andi demandedti o be taken hack ho howe ah once. This impudence Nafter bis unifoi-m courte'y send polito- ne'SaMatie eme fo0- ise first himne doubt Ii;ni. "lie regarîled Me an ihile, tisen :sâinl: *-lrrchsai you do aaot full in W"ith nmy ile-:îresin thia respect, Miss; F'Ox, and I s.4e tisait you wll lie Stuis- boi'n.h have ne tiue ho expli l or argue or try ho, conviece >'ou. h ami sorry beciause you are a lady> anti I amn n gentleman. But I wilh eitta fuct thatneither yo-unom I1caril oh- viate or alter--that Symbuil on your hesoin has tire trsdtoaih.ee anud now.* "I stardt h hm wildly. umiathi ha credit what I heard. "Ille mosani ai-e ahtisandi,' ho 'rami on. 'le you &tquiecc, ou w-ut ouaffer neitist'r isconmfomtt r pain; tisse will I-e no shoct'.ùh your aensibihitiea. for a)e Afic ritail wm.n wihl do tise' lit-le tint i'q tiu iu--a ynandi ohe alone iii titis rooxn..IVIIIyou cvn- 1w-as frigzitereti ao, f ceurie; hait I -senramis'tomCa 1idnnt roi-ail iait whist- Isai&, but I Rave that CIMAlTEIl XXVI, cheek>r ChitiamAn a ptêtMy mwd. - . -Wha - o. hapenci 7'I aseH clapped hl. î iaroîs t-slce. Tarel with wWhi- sed te malte only a mis- l~ I45 11 ir 'I!be -ch6ot-tisings centre in thi.e.l POURWtS~4I411 ~ I atý ot iieti t U e Utrilme isut ney« er àin'5 o! inaraico, i¶moe oï. 'w'o! inâé.- Tise important petits as O ."S t dOuII*Sh- j # ierly al -. qoud gR*tierthein, - art, vi W. 4 t4am , Oi o, --i*- - t1ts: va opSaed siaor" -agiupeof the. star..A ItttI wick acmon tumubler b! 011 agordod the "Dt 1 could 6creami; and I dld un. til a third Chinam clapped a hand over my mouth. Thon they foreed me down upon Ia atool near the- apark of light. Lao stood looklug on. Ho had tise nerve ho Bay. 'You seS, )iss Fox, Isow unpleasant you ame making it. This ha. to ho doue, no why flot. sub- init to something that eaun nt harm You and that any normal young lady wo>uld want to have doue?' "'I was so outraged and indignant that I would have flown et him if I'd been free. 'i.hen that awful woman! Her face aIl ah once bent over me. She loosen- ed my collar and exposed thse deatis sign. But she was half-scared ho dtatb berseif. Uer hand tresnbled so, thnt she spilled the vile stuif she was dgbbing on my hhroat ail over her- self. 1 know how it hurna, for I couldn'h feel thse needle pricking me, and she handled It awkwardly, tee." The spisode was so outrageous as scarcely to be credible. My blood boiled; I could hardly contain myseif. about --edelk>ous IlAvôur o! This f lavour Is unique and neyer found in cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail you a sample. BNlack,.. Mixed or Green. - u - p FAmus bMfSTEY EXTRAORDINARY MIUDER EX- - CITES FRANCE. Detectives Think Virious Ape Mày Have KillIed Mlle. Marie Chuistophie. An cxtraordinary niurder mystery exciting France juat now Is snid to repeat the most remarkable and es- sential feature of Edgar Allan Poe's famous and gruesome tale, "Thse Murders of the Rue Morgue." Thse most plausible explana1tion of1 this Present French murder rnystery is that it was committed by a great ape. This i.s the theory upon which the police are now working. Thus' one of the moat fantastic afrories ever imnagined seems to have been me- enacted in real life -nearly 100 years aftr 1h was written. working on the theory that an RPO had commltted the mysterious cie This led enberprfslng reporters tG the discovery thant he police had kept a remarkable record of fingerPinftS found in and about the room wher*b the tragedy occurred and upon tii. bodyv of the dead girl. Some of the injuries on the bodl of the girl were, 1h wns reported, ap- parently caused by fingers and thumbs of enornions strength. They were not the fingers and thumbs of 1soeunder my breatil. In the present case the vichim, was ý i type iruui iiose '>1 any ot UL4a n "Tellb md t ayfrit!" I Homte Prebleuis Solved.. oven about 2% hours, but test byia Young woman, Mlle. Marie Ghri5- pTise ad nmclectonfinger -r hotly averred. This lu the time of the year when piercing with a skower bef ore remov- tophie, agedhe2sanbelonging to an old 1 fouiid on the24ack ofna chair ta tii "I hope so," bois echoed my senti- the average woman lets her thoughts ing from tin. i and weonhtyhfamil, livingcaair43nCour mer.Shemayflo hae al a. nedaflour, two teaspoons baking powder, S ablon, ah Clermont-Ferrand, an im-bero anuPnheidopn. "Aboutthie time she was through e clotisnehaes o iab nn d sm MdeortantnehafpondFrench provincial city. d"Climbed Up Ram l eipe." I got my chance. The Chinaman for the remaining days of winter, but hwo eggs, one suice citron peel, one- The family consisted of the daugis- FiN-e monkey' were found by tshe whose hand waa gagging me forgot her mind will glide away eauily f rom quarter pound butter, six ounces ter, Marie; her mother, and a 'police in Clermont-Ferrafld, but hhey himself ,an instant, and ini that in- such deficiencies, as she sees the ne granulated sugar, tbree-quartem i brother Jean Christophie, one year were - ail -smnll, and their fingerprinta stant myý teeth came together in one materials displayed in ail tise stores. mnilk, pincis of sait. Crearn butter Iy ounger tisan herself. They enjoyed could not possibly have been con- of bis fingera. He tome himself boa. [In order ho have more summer and sugar. Beati eggs and add them a large income, and lived in a fine fused witb those of a man. witb a shriek, hurling thse othera aside gouns many a woman becomes hem alternately with the flour and sait t*o old bouse. Thse son was cnlled out1 twscerhaifoefth and sending the table holding thie, owm dressmaker. Patterns are easy thie butter and augar. Mix in enough 'as a soldier on the outbrenk of war, 1hma fi was c tat f ned of the Idi irlight crashing against thse bunks. ho e tand ho follow; and'if she bas flilk to imake thick batter; laStly Stir butobtained a comfortable psiion maeian fmust wavcered n 'et Frasecond everything was noisy a natural istinct for dressmaking, in thse baking powder and pour int on the staff, which enabled him toi ape, sucis as an orang-outOflg or a tconfusion. Thse place was pitch dark. and is fend -of sewing, several pretty well-greased, lined tin. Put suice of liN-e ah home in Clermnont-Ferransd. ichimpanzee. If that was as it must Butsoeho 1got outsidean went gowns, of which la s h sole citron onto and bake one bour i Mademoiselle Christophie ocpe have belonged teo wandering show-" plunging through thse dark, screaming creator, corne frem thie sewiag room moderateo ven.abero ontsfutiflrofhe an boad pse hrug te nt thse top of niy voice. You know during these late weeks of winter. Sultans Cake.-12 ounces foeur,six a h ouse. nA t hfpsto nthe morf towmn Woh ah ie i e ho h *the re.3t." Tisere W, however, one obstaf~le in Ounces aultanas, one egg, one hable-I ing agonized shrieks in different A tiseory bas been put forwnrd that Only a minute or two more, nnd we'tise way of the wouid-be dressmaker spoon baking powder, railk as requir- tories and cries of "Fire!" cofling tise ape escaped from its bouse or drew up at Mrs. Fleming's. A hush if sh abtis te motiser, housekeeper and ed, six ounces m~argarine or butter, from this bouse were iscar by tihe cge during tise nigist, man tismougis fell upon us, and we quit. sudden' maid-of-all.work besides, and thantsix ounces broi<n stigar, one ounce neigihors. The firemen broke inte ieemt tresofteton n became awnre of tise profound silence obstacle is tise lack of time, the need mixed peel, one-hall saihapoon saittise bouse, and hurried te Mademois- twas aty trace by ftte lgtoin a that brooded over tise city. MY of a few more boums in ber alrendy Sift foeur, sait and bakiag powder;'elle Cisristophie's room, where tise fire fourth-shorey wlndow of the Chris- -wntch isad been rendered useless by busy day. Sise equirea more than a rub in ahorteaing, add sultanas ugarj was burning.tphebu.Tenisaemrip niy own vigorous encounter, but mere snatch of hune, but just as aise and finely cisopped peel. Beat egg They f ound that it was alreadylarip -eracdbhwnoe- SStruber infornied us tisat it was past, becomes inherested in ber work aise and add; then stir In enough is iik1 early extinguisbed, and seon put an a mainpihe o, aaced the wido, bon- tdree may be obliged te stop; and wisen aise te maistien. Put in gmeased lined tin end te it. Jean Christophie and bis aerd ctisd eratc tee girl, bpeat E How ded l" murmured Lois in cornes back te ber sewing an boum or and bake coeand one-haîf hours ini mother bad apparcntly been busiiy a chokedn be rue.aisn upset asocked tone, nervously trying ho two Inter, se losea more line hueting moderato oven. engaged in bmying ho put out tise escaped in the way it came. remnove the lat traces of hem ad- ber thimble or trying ho find out- Raisin Cake.Twelve ounces flour, blaze. The big oid-fasisioned wooden A motn le venturous nighh.i where aie left off. six ounces sugar, three heapoons four-poster bedstead, witis caeopy, A motu le As tise machine moved away, Stru- uhmr ih cdn e- bakingpoder wo gifla milkone- ibad been partially burnt up. When the facts in "Tise Murders be ade:ploying a little system, by bringing quarter teaspoon apices, hhree ounces In tise midst of tise ruins, by the iofushe ceru" by P oe' gctiiu E "iStrang and I'1l be wihi yuis somne tise imaginaaton iato play, or poasibly drlppiag, three ounces margarine, aide afthie bed, lny tise dead body of deteyce M D upin, it wa foundtitu tme durieg tise day-soon as we get by combining tise two. One womanone egg, six ounces raisins. Sift foeur Marie Christephie. dtecape M.aDubpensumprisefd hin up."Wiso makes mont of her own and hem and mub ln shortenlng, add sugar and teaehdbe upie hvn Wisen we were alone on tise walk children's clotises accomplisises mucis welI-beaten egg aud mll. Bent five He od oe crs tef ith i h weranialrao in the together, with a reco4lection Of tise more than tise average woman by minutes, stir in raiains and apices In due course a judicial inquiry iwe use i nmltrui h numerous rebufs I hnd met duriag planning ahead, even by peending and put in n paper-lined tin. Bake inte ber deatis was begun, and at streets, and that it tan up a lightning our ride stili tingliig ln my mind, 1 that ahe la expecting a visit fromn a one heur. once thie intieresting tact wns estab- rod, carrying tise razor te tise wo- isitated, unwilling ho leave bois se seamatress! j Ricis Plum Cale.-One pound foeur, liahed hiat her death was not duej men's room,- where it -slnugistered abruptly. It was past three o'clock,' In order ho g-et thie turne in which four ounces butter, tisree-quamt.er directly hoatise fime or ho suffocation themn. tee. But in a decisive Way ase Put ho enhortain tisat imaginnry dress- pound raisins, two ounces glace cher- cnused by it. Sise iad meceived se- Tise unint.elligible sounds beard an end to my irresolution. Pni4sing maker, aise works very isard for two ries, three eggs, one teaspeon gruted vere blowa on tise iead from a blunt coming fmom tise reom had not been witis one foot on the first step, ah. or tisree days before, cleaning the. chocolahe, six ounces margarine, tee instrument probably capable of caus- dwelb on very shrengly in tise Cier- looked back and extended a and tp bouse and coeking. Sise makes out ounces sugar, six ounces curmanha, îng deatis. Sise had aise receivod ji-,monh.FeiTnnd case but tise curieus, me. ber bills of fare for tise whole time, tirec ounces maxed Peel, two ounces jurlçiin may parts of the body. dsoeisaotfnepit d 'Cone i e," sise invited in a and orders everytising that will keep.,almonds, one-isali teaspoon mlxed Jýén Christophie said bis siater w mdesmysenhfc lmntt helt low voice. "Wc will bave tise parlor Sise arranges for thse citdren ta spice, mllk as required. Crean short- suhjoch hoaiseart disease, and thougih t mse ho ourselv'es. Mrs. Fleming can tiik carry their lunciseons te scisool upon euxng and auges'. Sift flour, beat eggs tisat when she found that s ire had' wbat se wants ho." tisose sewing days; and wisen putting j and add them aiternately to creamed broken out she bil an attack cf this MUST TILL ALL FRENCH SOIL ETbrougi tise half -drawn curtaias an themn up, sis puts up one for herseif 1mitre. Add fruit peeT, almonda, disease, whicis killed ber. nil-nigist ligih in tise front room and takes it ta thie sewing rooni. jciocolate and spices. Beat vemy thor- "How do You explain tisat youm Government WilI Farm Fietde If Own- shone. I took tise outetreteised bsand Sise- tries ho get ta work ah 9 ougisly, adding milk enough ho moish- sister'a bady bears marks that show ers Refuse ho -Do Se an. mine, and we went up tise stops ho- o'clock, and sews tuntu 12; thon enta! en. Line tin with hwo layer. greased abchewaa beaten ho 'detis" asked Tht cultIvation of every parcel of gether. We would have afforded a ber lunciseon and resta until 1 o'clock. paper. Put ln mixture and cover wlti the judge in tise case. j land ln' France, te assure the ax ni- remarkable spectacle, isad tisere been Sise shays upstairs until 5, and ask5Igreased papier. Bake tisree te four "I do net belive ase wns beahen,"; muas agricultural production la the nny oye ho sec; both of us hatless, ber friends net te visit hem, nom te boums. Lente 24 heurs befome iciag. aaid Young Chrlatophie. Il belleve atm of the French Goeramment, and tome and disheveled, but still borne up caîl ber up on the elephone on thesethinuestbr adwe ue tbigt1suot(leGvnm t andatiulaed y tse xciemeh c tiys.0f oure, ise. wll o sme sefl mts.bythe top et the b.d fallixsg upon ber. lhself wîîî act temporarily as a farta. and stimuated by te cxcitemnt If hlnk Otiseuchierheinjuriese were dueuler.tsA bir A hasUbeenbee reprrere unddr wisat w. hnd se recently undergone. Iunexpected interruptions, but hese Clean aytificixl teeth wi h fine salLIt hkh e U ote uiesabe rd uete direction ef Jutés Melîne, Mnlstei- There was something in bois's ah- aise tries te guard . againsh. At 5 Olive cil wil dean alunsinuin wnme by tise uedside in ber ut grculur. rqustlcon- wn titude tisat mystsfied and eluded me. ooclc ase stop& work, go.. eut of and keep lih fre. fmem rush. 1 era 0f uncult.lvated land ho begin h1il. Despito ber gaciously sweet and ton- doors for a short tinte, sud thon starts Linseed col will mepolmis furnihure The othe.Arreted witwlhInto gieegis terenotict- der mood, something in hem bearing pr-eparutiona. for dinuer. Sise lieds, se 1wiic bas beeme aeratehed. TeMte retd bciwl egvnb eitrdjt wamned me te bc careful. 1 felt tiat ase says, by fohiowîng this plan that Ftfr rig leThb oie . e case remained an utter my$-;tOir. tise initiative ne longer lay witis Me la two cinys ase e c get a great deal fore tise article te ho fmied ia dropped tory for many weeks. Tiso tise local la ael 5 nthecll at d the thet but with hem. And heaven knows sÉhè more don. and'aie la muci squ tired iste st. .nowspapora began te bint ah a sisoc k- Mayors of commaualthes have the rJght was benutiful now! She had assumn- tisais by doiag a littie for several Boak fmesh- watom fiahisnl water iste iag shah. cof affaira. Tisey snld thiat tc requlsîtion the grouedanaîd order ita ed tise regal apleador of a queen. Silo tiys.- which a little lemon juice bas been Mme. Christophie was devoted te ber cultivatian, whlch w]Il bo cnrrled ais was ah once flrm and decided and soft Another wornan, who appears toise- asquoezed. son and was net fond of hem daugis- ilder the direction oftoîwn commît. and yielding; ase carried :icrseit comphis a great deai of sewsng, Te fashen labels ho tin cana add on em.er tees, the townq to, assurp tho fiands isaughtily, but did flot hide a glimp'se says that it ln doue by always kep-- tenspoon of bmown ýsugar heone quart Ah lastt hree rurnors culmiuated in necessnmy ho carry on thse wori.-. Thse cf humility and sweotness. ing a bih on band downstairs, se thnt et paste. tise -rrest of Mme. Christopisie and bill furtiser provides for a aaunlclpal Sh. closod thse parlor door, wiseeled if s neigihor dmops in, or if cne of A heavy chahs mark laid s fing berhe son for causig the girl's deatis. or an agriculitarl conimi.teteo ta p- 'round and stood witis hem back thie amily offers te rend alcud le the'distance trom you? asugar box 'wili If the greaa war isad not beau aging eris te tise cotlntente hrtscheiand un against it,, regamdieg me. Hem spien- evenlug, se has somýething ready to keep ants away. tuis would certnlnly ,hue been r.- ti he timo cae told hadr t4d!.(horn. ddeyes were unaaturally briliaist, do, and doe" net have ta hunt for Put cisarcoal lihe bottera et pets garded as oe oftise most famous Minaster Melte, in a stzitf.nier ac- like two stars. For a mtoment hem cither werk or maherîals. fo1 lnswiiar al ebcm crimeinul-cases ever kaow in Frgnce ouayn aebus nsSa hr coter mas higis, but gaduily 1hebis- h hitpismt n o IY Wisite on tise subjeet of aprîng aew- pot rooteti, espeeialy terni. TeCrsehe-mhe nh01las been a deflcit In grains cf 10 per cd until bem face was as pale as mng, reusember new cothon matorialiph Wheu starching colored clothe the -lhhdN aset effective defence. Tisey cent. ini 1916, as coanpnre-d vitii 1914. asies. But hem glowing eyes con- botter for lming simunis. Hoeela a rtarch asould ieh very bine; rather engugedth ie ableat lawyers In France Ho deelare. that there la pet n îinfante tinued ho meet mine steadily. anid way of dolez it wictel appears ho hO thin aud very fre. trom huupa. ho mopresent tisera. Mme. Cisistephie te be lent If France doe*t not %r att ta presenhly ber boom began hote ise bether tissu shriukiug tise gooda lethe Watom in wb.ich pohatoea have beea said ash. %"é vemeomo by hcthror oh be surprlsed by dttvelopmeiaîrraIe. and falle an ngitahed way. piece. This new way la te euh andi boiled la the. best thing witis whichibtse charge, buither son fougit iger- POsed te tise posslbllity Lf arrlvlng aran 1 longed te rush over andi clasp hermimke the garment trora tie new mu.- ho spoage andi revive a aillistres. ouS1y agaluat accsatîons. jute on tise econorc b..ttl laid in my arma; but somehow 1 kssew tintthennIl leaiug thie hemn unseweti; thon, Put n littie, seap into hot atarcis Ho explalned tisat he fansily had supply uf tarai héip, lie ex frains, rai neyer- again would I encounter pr.- put the dresa inte a basin et coldti thse B<i htke. heirn 1many enemie-s in tiseDepartinont on ,be u o<t uther -' llta rry ~ cisely tatglorified expression i e aet c al rtretn stien seldoni stick ho tise ciethes while account et anéiçut qhiarela, andti ttwho eau cal on auxtiary fË- I) .; :îaîc counhenance, andi 1h would have been addfrd to set thi.celer, and alter sea-is- oeu»g they had iniaaled ties6 ahtacks oua sdlers utanlt for military dtîa,. racrileigo ho break tise spehi. lag it tom a few minutes, bang it ont I ê icsbuu a ev u them .Ho pointeti ont how reason- - i Preséntly aie walke up te mnead tedry, lettin the *atier drlp ant on--i -- ----t he mna-wter i nc ofstsabi. wes thieorignal explanation fef îTikeo ia s, a bttrait n e'cy wa Jba s. $ru k -~ 'i 1'crr t 'f i '~t -I * rIiC: ~ 1-v r r, ~.n. ra4~ r av~ i LCt~ C. 4 Nîr N 11, rn'th v i I a i t- i e 1 il il n 'ci Ieîi ten u tei ro ce roc N s s' 'I 'b' 'I 'i F F B -B t T L

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