Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1916, p. 7

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i I IM M o Train m> e MddeWeYTo S.. A FREN» EOM _ _ _ _ A uut m pAS URu Mflothàe howtlMademoileMoeulaBen e.Dewe, CrfsI ARCE D re Asi«. 1whereShreddduWly Ils cmrttddWiW The demnda being made by or- NOT1U 0F INTEEST ROM UIER kom The whole Whe8t a el Unies RotedOutof te gni"Uonsof ailwy tainservice BANKS AND BRA ES. grain i the real staff of lfr innýo h SYstem It ()rows Worsc Re 25 per cent. Incrense ln wages, a de-an ohveiinSrd d lh*gnth1 TETmand whlch affecte Canadian as well What le Golng On ln the Highlands Wheat Biscuiit, prepared, i laesuandheroi all.Elingo-orQb.. and Worse ~~as United States railways, would andLowand of AuId a digestible form. It Con- resu, a young Fec iloî ee ~ 3E9OA'X some diseases give immullity fi m~~~rean the disburse*nent of no less t-han tismr elbd-ul- enyasod another attack, but rheum tirni worksloï rs 1No qMtinuNt a in h pta it o e f t ein s m oe r al t body-bui1 or teen ye r e w o re le h utth te a.EeyatcofCmlit nyfactR of the case the executive coli- Medicine Hat's school tax rate this eggs, is mnore easily digested, -Y ui.tnderc~xn ntge.____________ rheuynntism Invites another. Wor eriteo -eAsoito !Ws ern r la 7 nis. and costs much Iess. The MneoelaMrn, aat» ;r<ASINJ'EYE' thon that it reduce'i the boly's power Slep, Rail ways has issu cd thbe followving in-scholars lachooleroled1 food for the u-n-onn London Sphorefmryreid n lb:vn<ta l<leItn 80. -htcc tte vse than the, 'l'f ewsdlg¶ililast yar. 1'fod.u, thecomino son befove I aty is tw:le or- ' II te l:I:uI new rieliof theî tie restng atatement: Iit is sald that 6,000 men are need- 1man who does things withLotetw ht a ntr- >,7N '.,1KP toilnN lng early iL is; rhuinat-ismr, blot thul, «Iai the Frenceh froni Mos to th e Mr. Fsrner, once upon a tine-like ed on Saskatchewan farnis. t th Britich unde( e.Sr oga ar e s ae:d s phy s as fu i ni t ng:%ariie b r.( or e W .C ikadi -la fxe on h wage. They worked spend $600 on gopher oion.b îo d ies th at n d a w ell-bal- ber. During thti er a c u a i n ~ le i O N l N T wease one toht clieg :her coiin- rnts-n,41:I. i ool he maay orws. n, omatrPakau for -January ws6 eo ne odfor suyor la thetr ohaity. D ditionce v t1at gt, t-be a h oiis. Iilx IF ai' Ha i k be Your fan hand followed a plow be- zr.1-for the housewife who Must lled here i hber gdftean Orkoono pendent dl8O hhedIa yokccofcoxennperbap mfresninUninArtawiandbeigtart-edei Edmonton thrisdcave herseifdfrllekitchen ncomhog -teachel, theeryhildren ofsLfors No Wemained i mdclauthoritit', agli eiintfIe fita-I-tp, c-:ntiautally fightltîg des-1aws contented. Arn River rural municîPality will breakfast or any meal, with 'hnrge. Uer oldftbrie ltln f.1bmnae.le noia blood hecomeas thin \% ith niarrrnng ra1d-li- puatt rt-ar g11It actions againstl Suppose that when you invested'denate $50 mont-hly during 1916, to ago lifter the 1enn cuiî h plcatnt lfrPhtbn dity ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mr asrouf-i- dvine Mi, wmî:l uvrcapin hrestftal in a good tean of t-be Patriotic Fund. milk or cream. town. ~1 mîAmtd t.'.r horses, tlo replace the oxen, your cm- It la predicted that there witl be Whcalh ra takws eu IrLAISU ploye badtheald: "Thof seehorseit turn 1o1abortage of farin labor in Sas-- Md nCnd.Ma.demoiselle Motawitdaegr t-berefort- a reasonat-le Oîv f îir- Oit: r:: l :' etcsfficit-atlv long more furrosinlli:____________________________ Hnden Matdeaiind Canada.ure vil andl u a nef1'suu:li fi fwtum tifs of en t" rlth ar.tht- bcreafter 1 want to be paid by Ini nigbt raids in Edmonton recent- -awav iii t-re laradinohretpnbyo oK lmtffL bt-fîciai r()i-utic:t i frti laui the ' iti.ond aiidof rete" r ve sr e furrow, ti-r the distance t-be plow selling liquor withdothlcnse of t oaplcs i ompaaieaftywr a.Lmtd oInwoOl tie tif1hstillis witi ii' l'- 'u Cl :c irt-gad:N-it lx' ere plicd. ltravels, buttila toatanything stops the About $200,000 la being dist-rjbt-td fo Ei nIIII r UIVIIsl~ evaesalofamlelcuigodmn pila ti *.îtl mateut-,.iii I -~îlî le iiaI t of p.-rnnixîîfitîte-eqll low you muat pay me for a fuît day now on t-be aemi-nonthlyp ay dayswonaaîcbdrnShhrcfreBOKN rhcuntt'lilymae ia n.n :ttr-t siitt ieif t wtt-k 10 hourq or leas--if tbat plan anong t-be Saskat-chewati sol diers fuiil t-o rt-mainudrshltrheitD GDEA ,hýIyteene. Ixol iemr ae bnth lwIl -escn ekof May <600 -rsB l nwIF N' eai -iettbttb em aid NNhil he Ilt'lltott il 1 'ti, 1 cie\t:ititllyth-eai-. i ai mille, ti merciiants wlll gather ln Regina t-o GREE~N SHIORES were lieii:g tirivnbc.Ahon sAniot trondtioni'i -f îrn igc 'xof'1 lb f - 1 J tt " ae -f1 fm I - r1l tt- c--a- Supposq- that whetu ou t nxest-ed attend t-be annual Provincial Retaîl t-be Brit'ish eltee. M dm iel ae r esya T Pul. tub. s tdtau Authoilr Pnb-n:- t tt --ix x:.: i t I. tlu:1 'Il. -,eipt t'(:ief lot .-rworry , otre mont.% ila a "btel plot, n Merchants' Association. Itra a Al Tu ra.Mr-iisîidotit h tet n pavno lt. a ii o hc loretlie ol ie t A young hatf-breed locaîly known Ilaipeninirs ia the Einerald fleOf duriiig tht- ensiags-ugeasse oRuig lWmSmScî X, lVtIi utt' lt: i iuit:n "i ,: 1; 'Iuttiîoftfood.-a '<ast ste tfîegrqie t taas Sanmson, died la thbeCottage Hos- wîikfurw nt wct-e ita a Pac ivrAaliee, ftrth- x'î:tittrpacssil-t. I u iifi-t"e titia anRheax-y fro ndwetsuffering for t-en days witb t-be hic-'me.lbouigh not pbyiclyt-obed- dot: ,, bl NVn Si- a.'I'ua Iîir, \\0l iffter I wauit iu Io psy me for a fuît Chinese laundrisi aitb il AtteIs meeting of t-be Belfast tî-nfoîd. To thcs h eee h- uutiî: (il:Ix tii'1 i a i, - *t.1 t't tiîîy if i w:-rk iM huîuîs or i-ss, with be brought under t-be, Factories nct 1Board of Guardians it was reported she gave drinkanstmltan t--f lidýI i- I fi: t't i'i. t H p'0-î, m xîî-î -etm xiîîi ý\i i x I lut- nme .the- moct connittee. At Leinste:- Assizes, Dublin, Geo, aurgeoia ente]c -e t-w b il:î-tl I ii- f-tti 'i xx11 iltî t - ii r-ite -îivs tt in adîli- ' lit-o'c fi:thr, Mr. Fat-mer, t-bat to r t huniipl ltioe n laedmousi-nachro t -e ,nder o b ifter i <'bares. 1'"Mt il(fvo id ole al.i1c n ifîî-h. t fe wsg.04of194 o::r atmhad rn history. T1>ewomen's vote was 28 t-o an asylun. 'As tht- Britisb enocnnsnv1~E RSU f-uv~~ , u., q------t' rath('-'- 7Ieteîîtt-t lffit-- Ili$0119 1>9 ale o yar fr hn fo per cent. oft-be 7,481 polled. INews bas; reached Stewartst-own il dup.she hearu -eiinig"o uit-lot' gt oii d - -il t, - ~idt l "sl-1î1these mni t ux Ile ti $,2w_ l7ayear, J. W. Cowley, pst-atro!Pc-t-a ara auîdGo RncniSave the King" wthtrefrtih~ Wie~rtat-lr titîi h:ît': t,tIî i l.î . ,- i tiit fui '\' m-tii xiloli- th-s' a'îur'h- ,itI1illiii- sanie sx'îrk a in ti' saine 'rlthinizo r uns'f ir e an te RiA it ý...niJA .. U g îp itheiîî l i l tiI uit tt: "cI-' Sttt't- fatigue six'd l-xîthti itr' fic itrs ee a toa a. i tam ein !tbegvros fsllrssronddbrad ondi Ii-s su liq e xv(î'î"u itlI Iis' i t Thui un ' Iîi i-'1' t-' amrati- that vs-outilet ttpner'mituspeiiIs ti ni in tat Sga bern -e ncitintNh-h oa Iih A aeno!M sial ilsnln ogt d1il' (liiy,(li ti.1,1 u qI le i tht- 'ailusas' nanagýers of this country Austrians or Germans Employed, latter was rend froin tb ertrudig lnswthteget n Iii if 1t1t.:î' liii tit i l'ti leI t-;I li î lt:' lita i t5'-tOii'test uni(kf t-he 'nî loyî in ruilway train service arae ay îc -e ris o -e W i- 160 l - adsotiud -ln fIlv(lllltltIiilu1 IlIlt11,(, I l i r Lunch cafes and t-ho Riverside hotel. lrhe Dublin Port and ok or e asltrti rnham Iii î ax- fi-r i ttl llîcîi It t , i iiao t it-i t hi'e iieui Thy pa td i nutg a trCct. n'esel pa-* - la taking steps t-o have th rvsos odrw aise lu ilgîsi-Ii-p ~Vîeu sepfoîr exaî-tly ,tht- soî'k th-y basve been o -oEagnyAt upni Ml.EilneMraac 7 W91 %1i i t I i ti liftcIf ftlI'iîi i'tes kiai i lei l h-ir -ini raîil's. ' txc'ipt as t pay. As itbhe f armn i Lte egnt ee hyI e WA gekeleoven In oie piedtoh-ef nSpe br 5 t -ataigo IIittlt II.I 'Iiu ll tll'li.vseel l ivlte, n stme, t ar tI mptî- at t i x s e frahil-G ld . Speaking et-a rc M 'ivitrainîtsers-ici- mena vbas-btcacon-e oraniseW a irat-aitist-atbn u sxli l -i iil:'p îu 'iliii ju- xii î f ut bl ulit-:l îtlet hi t ployers. G v; - u taisic n scuring recruita for rsre btia ningh ncrn o h 'ud ifIuii u: î-' - -b imii-m:s i o -tattl'ii.Nom an. ft\ias bl-r îî xîaîvîos- htt ht hzail f htjrocu-M.T It. RO4N SA 9 rN-alosO-omae got tbewat-ge» t ith o egrdfo hr-imf It '1'-liv uttt ix Iliiti -t i t iti t ii t i't lt' fuIl it -t-l-t-h iiiîîi'rt-t puitoit uas t-edily ilt-rt-aed. l'bs l) DDS IDNE PILS Te detb took plac roc t-liaplced Il br reoures ut- thaitdis rauli o1tutsht-t-1t-r 1-adIlt-t\albI-as-lt-r Mr. WilliamnTulIy1vJ.1Pnproptoetor sel eitho! t-be William t- leMaJ. ils obetrucks, boksignaIs, NwBrunswick Lady I cals lit Herina HowsaJsieot-oPaaolwihrelvsndwih-bad mmiit' u, iî'u'rjri. t >~-~ j Tla tli rtiley il-: lttt -m u-rv-automatlc couplera, air brakes. mech-i dits fu it :0 ri tt bu o -tx %i-t. iex lt\'u fu i:liai-k s - vt le'ilI-vthte fal(t tîtit anical stokers, al burning egina. u- . eiW nen Ta oid o -i e a Rso m n frtb.et !afw B iihsiirdsî dat --ai ian o-he ta-f.t. a lborsae-KWdny Pills Arc the Hast Remedy it-wetîty-fv ar.jcpuattw !th ny hbd $2 tit f --~ Th' îî Wiliam- M<îtiisit-i -ainnn lott-eii Ç-uî.,Ateametindoft-beClonel Cr- de lamenetibningoafa it- $2 ýýIt'fri iitiTh lt-. (t lais Ii(tit.I'"Tt- an'îunplic l iungi - bc, deî-ices, for which 't-heemployen 8h.e ve.t Usait. -" it asovr on -b -atad oue g Te, plt o he1porsuion i upa'pad ls milgstto. rni la sriivj:Ily~ tolîl x it III iro, îof the.made no investmeat and assumed nuo' . the very 4epi'ssd tO*lp@î. olo ng -h prsnt-o of -e '1' 'xAut-erit'arî.Xu.:;mt ,s isî fiianeii iuk Miseou HBarbe, -.(Iouester CO., tion o! Mayor of CI"se wn UMllayMdt admiel o-a tMt40 1StI 11\1,IIt li:-xc 'ti-Iiii llî I euihe met: suho ar';i, osu'askiag for 25 NB., Mar. 13t-h <Specal.)-'1 thinkwar by me o!fbonor,wtb t uo- w5pae*d o M nier Picr TI 11ti it ii ti fiI tutiuis -t-et1t4t-litst-,alt tfiqI m'a wayie'igbt in gold." This la t-ha st-ste.. At Ca ri nter Aaus o sB-f tr1IIi il ýJI i) 'Il( -uli it nit t- îit-arhiy $4,0< sI() n g, i"i -t-ta Itbn t oulih ngaeu n' g- ofty the Nibolin 750à-ePî-lîu e Ort ttllik1 ltij,1 lt ,m nt-ii tut:tht'4.00b0cuis. Tu oe nr-,n'part if t did not- t-cllwhat a blans- monies o! t-ha bank, aniw s -e- îtîê' uit-a g iii' i i ~~~~~ ~IIgDod' RdnyPilla have bean t-o ment - wlemn-aipio-favrat h-bd ulIgoe iii ,iii i ii' i.a " 'l. I i'i - t ii xîoe "tig. s, uhi ni,'ili'ofat(,g30,000iicrasi- si mi.. Mrs Browrn cnt-inueti "I was, i eflspett-or Isetr sal tioe wa. < ii- b t t li uc ltt ti i'i i Iii.Lu I, ti " ti s'itil" x-$ 2 i i7 a n(lti a uîucrasî'of 4re 'iin bcd three waeks wi'-h beatiache anti, Love, Sergeant Hale ni o-eoIeratsutt- 'mr tîd îe.î , t III t tI. U i Ilt' I i .i i i i ' xxi e il uu m:>lue: e' pi-r c-rît, t- it-E'se'Ih of40 .1 sr- îack. Then 1 began t-o use mambert; of t-ha Detecie Dvsolàadn bns aniiiti 'îiîeu r' 'iii iii', tii Ii~~~ni1)1 ,. e a cag oddt's Kidney Pilla- anti I found t-hem 1 of t-he Duhlia aMtropltn Plctpneas ur ie--i t- Im Eîut- 'ii li: ii.'tt'Mm i ttltI $GSI S.?t--ai rtu s of 2.7)2 lier cen h-batrm d lav vrue in." raidet t-ha and!M" r.Lwlr eltba '~ltis Ii- iugti mt ha I oý>he worldfid upt90tatilargeîlqtatf î'tutl (-ii JIl, - t ~ ti t~ tit- im , -îî tt-iT-lhisoi-(-t-be iu's.. NI r. Farmmir. - omea la New Bruinswick w ho aret alrg qhlt--yo l'rma gaI.tuiady. tr lit . IllIl,, *i iV l I\' i i 1 -i1t ' î-it'i ri l ii sti iî hî tr iu hnteling o! pains rhlveti anti health munition, etrc. dlcos e.lylrpaell srt i il -t i'ut 'i. i- i-hHt l -t. tu'IUiý 'ak'x xii s'iIIlI.ui tutvlaîta cotî-yafts'n h tby et- diractly on h e y i laarT e C agnyfo s' denl olasa satIq auelIuntî. M ro"' - t'il--aip - 1-I ii % I,, - ý lV itM adts rt,îu tbye t i e ti, tt.-,lit-il - i i-. N-t ac:îtheîmî. Oltt t itl IUII iit(.itt - itg thipitht- bbg oot. Nne' t f iedo! wouen w sehetaryot-eor rom a t-, Te hbis ofod a ae ee. aili If il, iusrv n hi co nt y, f 'Ve t e dhe r t-d in ty o ekdeys.T ar.aab n t - t-o io n ot-.SutD ubnl i Ru al uno 11 1 11-i i ' t tut- ' îîu o-Iti--lhlmptlte hu-b s 't-:>,ot>tiI thtO f ront Wth Br t ol eipten e ko- n ey lant. pt t em dd' bisfor tenu oe $6ca. a e cia', 1 nchemedoo!hIabfull wcottagesu.iTheed i tiqf-t tu-I il:jrittifor'tiîg 'em'.>-e-l I o ikes. Kiupt d neyPil cr a]Kiteytrobes A I ne I o veetb n ti ' dim a o aeeeybw i ' - t i x x t k i - i t i l u u î t t t t ' r C t . T c y b . d ut 1 0 - u t h t ' c o r a . r A t p r e n a n t 1 . 6 2 0 u r i i s o u t o f b u e i e t l c e . . s i d ~ n - t t r t t I - s b t w t r t i u fih ! t t . .11 1tIliiiiiit, LtTbptit-sjit'i i t y itiit efî tua bbe Isîok - tif thin Soth ele fnDubl'ben pasin Ulnon o, -b <ii --ti uiui liiiili u suilituit ttphus t h' noit1o css t-be ublesetctmett t-ot-aie t-e t-oouort-tt t-b t t oua. u . .- l ki-mit à s:i-it, - ii -ti --. ionam'n ensiomI ko r wIl E I e rA p- i a un t in o h e oub t h po l ' so tl ad i [liiit ii ' - S~tii i a-t-itlt-e» fu et u'itif t li 'c pieiti by t-be faRd, evhe maximwn - s uta i r o o f h n$..50 e,0-e e- i i . - ~ ~ ;:t' x hiçi bc> uatt-<'d wi (),a. tuît50,00 of fist-h illion gs aW ee Brii. fenchem o t-b e reo il c, a o gt--O N D t i'-1 - --iiIII il t witlosx, thentIerht Kyesrs Pwhlsbcuasailatid oy troiels.uwaxtno oMje-tion lk-i "rua vas stiueit, wbkb boluug - ,Iililkt> oqftt tth ti uxy'sit-, pîî t ffce 4)pnia-u ffie em cf warre if wbom pu'o.ing I a1ult-r '4ýI t-lii E-t)ii tel iLo tb. ' nI>: sid i h. t'e co s-et r eil0. leof botts-tint 034 rthe- t nits kfr t etf i ef by la ;s îi i tiiui ri he mtoriy o c» thee iili i - - t. q iILt f t-scil f ot-r t. -o i 're it tsiuis = ;asue t o#-bn luI>' I -l>uti ii 1î ii idViuut~ i. aknî hm- ba'eîs nmie o- b-e <shr iisa ehlm t..*ho te Rdl i11 f I ' i tItl) 1 tiu :: t: i lI (1 11% r,!y e-ati l)i w n riatu îlNa n e j5 y a oliw k W »t to h '- ltiheI> thsey cut>rico ain.bo l eta. ouTht>' n e menai t t eqv to el a el f and Iloii -i'ri ts -yutn-jt-pro il uqa iiti -î,.t i- il ito 1veruilad luexisars mt -b: %mi a if o.thna lie otit foer ai6a70.wt iflttoI>mltrbo miiu uhe leo% fro biby in asaid- fo ii-suIsvl h outa ot-,-ubc i l ia n d. mu d omfi'i CUL,, Bibkw'If l ow(Iit atît> ituul>- latdtcrIci$tat - s,. a i hie fai1 t telaoiI t % tpk - ttruifn im r i a y te o i*l - :tit-c ni iIl'it 1 ,4, ~s-ii « i-t i t t-ipi IIsepnt.Mot%%us(5.7s- medatit4Wlo<.q> toabt-?" l !4 Il. fil leil ti rit mitht-)i.i liq, ylold firvoul t liee t-hi, cuti t. ,r fag o IIIIIIIPi 101,111 lit-ttlqfi «ttiltst-t-ni t-o toerimiiiec.r'odr coîttnal Mr&i nui" hlmItItiII ,r- hsm "Rendig cf Ga~îe-aîof Iahaitter fo f«en ay., e thut i - nttaàt1ta1sto eh,' tiait-s an iee wbatyen may o sud as pat"d t iiiIpi-Nut-thfourIllttif eidaotwlut s"ltoe& eut.mbis mardsoi zv -dg cntta, nt.din mîksîti ct- . l ltofW otul n t-nqhu4;It 'vew> in~sosntt. l ashrtlIm fitd ies l0M . thutrhî.. Shatai, r b ma e -goigho antitfttt-ilie a ttitYtre«t 'vo'-i nov type! k«Iah. Ott ia. i- - t.andt'tue]>,,ait, ge Iob0lIg SmeIti'ia.. rt-fiulwu OUM l4set'x'ly getts se-t10"Il'mlls nw Iaps- rs. T i pro uad 1a Iba beppy resutîts." "Thae',t aultheua.il.e1 ' et t'"tn , 1 t"lNam e i ti iby Cjuaudla % tla , y wwb ld ý f * o o i Proutdtn GO., Windsor, Ont.W. 'Of, laiUsr 1504t, .. abeest-i-t r - e f e.vi-o shrl itr1Popri5krgter o #UI Yq&woISmi" hbCM-o *to- ,rite fr LA N D Reid p, Ult iCOL- imilon am, SdS le Si Im " b;l e aevI, Rit- ID Ouer na i-ORONTO' Ourlmukec (<ept W) O u BERMUDA- Thse Ideal Whster Resrt! BeautIl ul Privez, suaddle ltdi4ngt GlfTennis, Taeh Ini, Flabîng and litti iathing.P ment GaR- vison of the Ottawa (Sitb> Roeui- ment. Princes Botel Situated on thé Harbor o-f -- Hamilton. Aoodvhsmodateo 400. Rates ; 116 per woek and upwarl. HOWE ATWOROGER, HtAMILTON, BERMUDA Bermuda la reachea by t-hostatm- ers n'ft theQuè eB.@S. Co.. 3i2TBroadway, New York. 44ses a.ur 101t0.- mn u o attai èit ta0ici-o No. ........... No. 1 TlmothY -...... Ailow 10o -foro e&l oton huit ct-n do lot-s *une ehMthsie n wS t *1 4 -I

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