Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1916, p. 8

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-'--i 1PÂ~ *1011? TEUBSDAY MAWPr 10% 1O1R~ - - I______ ___ ?rhere bas been a tentlemn hte from th.. West btyiln-, homs for ship- ment. Mrg. Jax. Smithr was visitng ln To- ro nto titis week. Mrs. Arnold viîîtted ln Toronto re- centi>'. Miss Kale Lyndep has returned Yfron Miss Il4arr -> Is r-siliug frieunds Ini~VStii sra Brouighuam.î Mrs. Doit. Mbite 1uns lire hitesa on bll* -Wl. tlaliad qltr))edqPralFriday er-eniitg laqituo a nriacelianeous ear. of'trr. Ma>-tîrd tiptîtieii-'rtl aorrer, gir <utby liie. ouing people of carstifluiîtils br. itisrtek, ii' Preaby erlan ('itirchi, itînnîeriug bir, N. W. Colîr Ill ahilpîred a tond or about 30,.inliiror of Miss Alma Rob- hogs *il $10.50 Jver tîndreti weight. and ilîsoît. rvirose niarriage lakes place Ibisl ani' weit t il Moiti eti M-11hotnti.l'hile la tire- irigir-st pi-Ii- yeu îînid for hirtas NI r'- E11aîtudsoti. ofiliickt>rt tg. titis bev 1i-u tuilu2 ier i-seil Mie Kîi dIt NIr anti Nirs. C'iîiîr FIiîit arr.- rt- lngtti Ili lrf-luotîl .. 'l'e ihitti to -ltia . it rtc ii t B - viltîtg'--oit Siititlit.t% (iiiritmilt- ofit ficee litrt- NI r:- '\ .1 hl;lra t att t . .,fi-r r -is tie liaiii TFriii Ni rt J.tiit-- ,rk, tii>t-îi iai( < f hig i k -t i l UIt il i t.ui nu I ( t tl on «'l .- l ;t% i% ii \ree. NMan tîtieiti is ttivere rece hv i iii-bride eleci 'rieevetring sîîent lu gantes, urtict. etc., andi da refresiiurenrîe(rq'd A nooalie titen"inia Macsitii Nirt- N i-i <)rtti nu h lîtîedirI .tI -;rock tb the NWest ot i onday, 1<fi oruTtieaqda-î for a trîip W'estIto poe o tf Ilu nlit luaunr-es. TIit tt.mrt-Iagt- toîok plance ai tire M am11i -ttnsiai-.irooiliir iii nPF i ni 21. ofais Nitu îarthbitHelen iSt iii MIt Fîhirdt ;ur--,bîtir 0f1 W ht bi% lit-%, HW -ui-yjerfori i.-icttcine ;11,Ii tii Naictit. (itltego, ttc-e-n îtîin.- \% 1111 lit ta rt-lit ta for ta-t<i.,uri mi lt ono nitday It Ini tra iniiz i e w t it . < I- i . 1< iC. lIai er SPRINU SALE -(F- PAINTS, OILS,4nd LEAD HAVINO bou, ht a 'arge quantity of Painis rnd Ois Hearlv, last faIl, 1 arn in a position to offer to the trade lead and euls at Less than present Wbolesale Prices. Notice the following Iow prices in Brandram. Ilenderson an' Canada brands ready mixed paints: pint titis of paint, regular price 20c, Sale Price 15c 1 pint tin3 Of paint, t e ular price 35c, Sale Price 30e 1 quart tins of paint, regular price 70c, Sale Price 60C 1 gallon tins of paint, reg. price $2.80, Sale Price $2.40 B. B. \Vhi'tf Lead, one of the best, (see Government '.;analysis) present price i 5c, Sale Price 13c Anchor Pure White Lead, present price 14c, Sale 12c Baden Pure Li nseed Oil, is at least $ i.io wholesale to-day, Sale Price, per gai., $1.00 Buy early, as our stock will flot iast. URIAM JONES Hardware, Breoklln I *GR EAT* REOUCTION SALE 0F FURNITURE OwIng to bad .'oads, our mile ha@. beeu, extonded to Saturday, Mau'ch 28th,. 1 Morris (ý hair and one Rocker, leather, regular price $23.00, Saturday 2 Reed Chairs, regplat 31.00, 6 1 Morris Chair, regular 9.00, t 1 Pa rlor C h air & Rocker, reg 19 5o, f 1 Leather Rocker, regplat 8.50, 3 Mattresses, regular 5.00, 3 Feit Mattreses regular 10 Mattresses, regulari S Mattuesses, regular lurnituro Osalemmo 4.50. 46 SoX $18-00 29.00 15.00 6.90 4,00 7.00 3160 5.00 Usdertake". rAIs~M 8OLD t T1hursday Iwar-h 2à3,"loi6 tii i e m stwàk imipiusossMdouft aqd &eo< fatto» ce orCof rtsoondirits j i W4 ItASE U~NE WEST. jMiss Rose Gaston, of Torontro, spenl Sunday wiliî heu- parents. Mt-r. Tîtonm ras(ieenaway, of Toronto, hait uetuu-ned 10 wou-k at Asylum build- Mr. and Mrs u-a a, itton spent a ffrw da liust wçek with OfTontflrinnda. d,R- e teîne lires, haro mored to tort- from their Pickering farmn, and engaged ex-gimard Anderson to work lte place.t Thi..Wiiitby Elevator bas been torn down alter about 50 years of service o lte farmers. It causes quite a va- canie>' ethIe barber. Mr. and Mu-a, Ernest Cbapman, et Pickerilng. vlsited Mu-. sud Mrs, Cephas Osborne last week. On account of the heary snow talla and drifts, thie ratlway titrougit the Tincembe preperty had te be shoveied eut three tiîueti There are one buuidred andl elghty prisonoe r orktng at the. Ast-m buid- wltb LOCAL sPsUVsAes . »tbey oaot mebolthe eset of : e bemi. <Utnrh lesa bietw eutluk tt" m maim saerte b edit- rateeay Min I'earl Tuiompuola VtiIU*g be« aiMer li Obaw's atpres.t. A socialeveuuiig W-avensst wltb Mr. fa tod s m , W rllýmdy ltb ue . , libéelt Iit swwbilab Mt "Mimel mer dot" Mr. Algeui liolgmo la delux a tom4 work drlvlag taie Bai (bon8Stage. Corp i. Cinie basu u'nei te Des ver-ton atê*ra leotlaystaywitu l Wtho adt o*huI fm he bt.. <b Ooouteit fb. *b" eatshes- Ose L«08eIW1YwbIei wu lIhp.bddb« liet imrider *Vmu n" *sPoetPeue&u V"*i* #ais;p.,' " Peama" - hwst'-ootat'*dlt b. 1' i lved was cinty andi dis- ket it brui tor k Fa s t iai Il a s tire go ry ai Mr. NOrmaft Coiwilll, of Brooklin, was t.brough here - mat Monday paying $10.50 for bogs for Immf.diate ship- ment at Brooklu. Miss Savageb oi< Toronto, bas been visitlng wlth Harbron Bros. and Mrs. Mabel Rogers. M r. Fran k Harbron la holding an extensive sale on, the 23rd of this montb. This wilI ho one of the good sales. Wm. Maw wiII wleld the ham- mer. Reurember the pork and bean aupper and concert talnt.LZVon Cburch, on Priday, March 24. Admission, adulte. 30c.; eidren, 15c. Mr. Arthur X'artnder han been lna0 rontodurhig the last week for several days. Mr. E. W. Redmz e sreported Bomne better, being able te drive out. We trust lue w111 soen be entirely recovered. Sosie of our etamechest Texuperane people atted the big processon of Dtohtlîltionlste I he elty last week. Mow*bruay Utisobve a prto ten" ef their ynwi trenft & te*-aIgAta go. DaninguniLie ww. lnadulgéd ln. oNo it yo gpeople WtIirId Sadites oasfemdq me MWi some f lb. la ha <eeil ,lut tm h"*s. -ýb aie C.,$ Ww t«M.esud~i hua» We ustr »Oooihis t1w, -w -j TIIr UTTER-We have t*p Cutters -for sale, on ne*t years termi- 100K TH inCE os NO OER complete, regular $45-00, specia! price âSoo A few IOPE MACHINES, regular $6 5, special price $3-75. UIUfl TWEED0 SANItARY CIOSETS, regular $i 5.00, special pi ice $5.oo. 'OFH - F RiERD EIIMCIE urned eg 350,Sëiipic 2. SEWItiO MACHINbrmdme, urnterg.$5oo pcalpie a. 8abwed r -Fhsud t.umat«-ia ! - -Z91 1am Frdpvcoirci i M iri (îirh o 30c.: ehildu-en, 1c Hiow.Fat Folks May Be- a ilit. 1 he labor pt e n ihe ftuants, once lhey Dy Ellsbth Thmas. start. A full crop la important, and PerhaPs you are suddenly becming possble only.wil good sed. stout, or it imay ho that youý have beenf Puttlng on weight for years. la either NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION OF case the cause le the mre -lack oetiBY-LAW NO. 836. ioxYgen-carryîng power of the biood. NoieI rbygv _htab-w Thistrobleoccrs l adltsof othwaa passed by ite Council of the Cou- soxes sud all ages, but it may heo err poratton of te Couînty of Ontario on corne rerY easlly sud wthout any of the 29th day ot januar>', 1916, for the thie Privations that Mnost peeple lMag- puirpose of grantlng aid to the Cana- lue ueoeesary to redue their wet#ht. dian Patriotic Fund establlshed by the SlmpJy goo your druggIot and get Aet of thie Dominioon Parliament Pf'tlh morne oil of ortiene caouse. Take oue George Y., Chapter 8, te the extent of; &Mtr « ascii m nsdue befece gel ng to $30.000 payable ta ton yearly sumo of boit. Weigh youîrmeit m ai teknow just1,0 aiwt ntrta à.Te how MMa you areIolng veigUt.-Wou.-8,0 Bl lhIneeta 4% derffl aeulsa have been acm lae amouat te ho raleit La ach year for: by tla iexpeumve reepe, but b@ mmsetn years te pay princpal and Interest te ge« the gelulue 0of etent aeOhi beng $3,980.04. auto to>iili t lsOdbouIi n ghuaj And that suh by-aw wus regltered seubipolages,'t"y Jage druggitln te Registry Ofice ef the County et Uni suP#IY Ye, Orir ise bXQUI otarto onithe eleveth day t'Febru- be mut omreeMpt oet .0 àtdÂrse»ID. "Y'AD, 1#1«' 1- Utt. nDM Co., ol1240 M« *d. An>'laotien 10 uuath ornt aide lie saine er-any p art thereef muet ho mades - wiithi tire, menthea' ater the Oiral BXTM ACIIONpulicitIon et tlio notice and caRnet NXT1NSIV AUCiONSAM f b. made liiereatter. 1Of Otsê, IMPIýM utsflsyR"'tROM, et, -Patei the lth ay ef ebruary, A.D. ALN~.I(O0I1~,J. E..WPàenwatjt lot 9. Coumeoui t Plokenlng, 4Mlle ---l. otyi ieil. -RO- ÀL -T4,A R *'tAa*fi hmîosm loeAit tewecnth fHinde here. lAD IUUM 1 UUWLE mis .Rw eti"Uned thie choir on Friday lust. Théd evening wns spent Y d f»l"d*~ou VI"o1 Ilamusic and games. A very enjoyabie time was spent by ail. SmrveprtL.~aI bd ibed 8t~ow. Mr. and Mm. T. Morcombe, vlted à&eb toube fOIY«-» Slisd becaitue86dwtth frlends at Port Éerry this week. wesk 1 could har-diy waik O? do M*I~ The eongregational tea, whiciî was work. MY apptate wus pon y bo held at Mr. T. E. Phllps on Wednesday vould not dlgest, 1 bloatLodï , M WS5ya7night lust, was a diecided guecess. wesk sud 1belèvou I td inhiy reme. Mrs. A. JetI re>' la on the sick list. diese wthout t eip. 1I Uw Viniiol dV5f Mr. Readèr, of Port Perry, bas been tlseandtrl.d It Mdid ow My tomach visiting wlîl is friend, Mr. W. Em. trouble la eompetely cured and I sm met-son. fwlL L Lu. ù j Mr. J. Hallett la able tu* be oui again Vinol ia juamsteed te tous up thie aiter bis receut Iliness. Uired, over-tszoo and weakened nel&YUS Mr. and Mrs. W. Balsdon vislîed ln et the. etomamuiMd create etrsnufth Pickering last week. A. fi. Allia, DruggImt, Whitby, Ont. MYVRTLE. Miss FdIîh Seaut. of Oahaiva. apent Mtardli made bier debul ery rneekly, %eveal dyq a fli hom of r. ï bti as she grom-s older she cxi bite ail serert day aI lte hoe of îr. Ile it nîateuclîaracterishics of !lie LIion - l<'tpteî ibi rtek.and blsis wxt of kmn, Kais&,r Dil Miss E t-he it las been vlsiiing Mr. Wm. Tarvis, i ('Itcago, Io r lir 'roroitîî vlsilig wlib lits frieitd, Mr. Wîii. Em- liesîî~ t a t -iti tbeDlsîeylirs.Tarvis. sali- o loftiiitt-il leD giyBo Rural Mail Deliverer, A. Johnston, saleof firiittir-..was delayed twlce lasi week ou account Mr. F. Cooper. mto litas been laid ui of lte bad condition of the roads on wthtIblond toisontig. is able 10 resutie hi il Oit hile %vork..n iumber from here atiended lthe Nir daii 11-lp. o Coumbs, or- sali-,0f tht. laIe A. B. Fishier on Thuirs- M rAdni llîîî.ni 'ttititîs fr-day ni îast week. ni e r 1tif Itrooktit b as been 111 for Nirs. R. Wlles, who lbas been uutder tle act six vtuks titî a ser-ere at- Dr. ttrodie's, car.. for some lune. is Im- tack ,iI la lît its man>r friends tirovinr..- tien-- %Ntli -t tiasît Ioî<kiow lesahule Tihis viciiiy was well rFepresented tIfIlel'emperaîtce parade bu Toronto to tf Ic<it'acait, li %iweek. A golnci-al nî-et ina of lte lirtnkliinjI f lte ireuclies"somnewhere ln Spritic Vair A-ssociationtilil be helti Freuiict ai-e anythiug like those whtcli il uns rrcessary for Commissloner liit e Ct titiil t hittiher, iirook liii, otaiitndtr a lits cher et iug brigaude ta Ma id~-NarchIR 1, nt 2 u.m. Ail itike oitotîr puhiic highways after the di1rectors. nîenîters-îîid others bitter- recenti tornis, tie soldiers' 111e Is not e-ste i t ilie Pair are reqttesl 10 hîb 'ian enviableonue. silo%%-siîoebnig itaflatbecomniug a pi-. i)rîctît Ttc Iinticlal rep)ort %Illt he I tian pasri mie m ith tihe 3ong peopile. j'-eqî-îîleei ofilcens clected. and otter Nr E. ilarideti r'isited lits sister lu Itnt b ttiii.-ss dIsctisseti. hie yItast week. The St i'nt rick l)avconcert trlte ~teltdis iîrrci ofles offi Ibis Fri- ASHBURN, - Nrq Wnii Itrasti speut QSîîndanl diay titiitî. ti t 7tli. tireat prepara-1l'n Prr tin lr ir.- trîintg mardel'ihe be-siof otîr l>rir-aîeSand-M'tilson, of W ti y. tînîraet-ti t. Tonc bei uer, r;ill tie e t as home for or-er Scitday. Jirograin. grave-( andi gay, fuili of v'ari- A nuosî enjor'able, evening m-as spent -try- hue. solos,' duete's maie !)y> the choir ni tire home nifNMr. anti - ('loruse. . -r s. Robt. Dufi on Mlonda>' nbght. -ttnet.fntîcv druI! elocution, men*.-- Mu-a. Thtomas Ellis returneti home ou orcire-tîra-i unique tabîleau, with some Saturda>' lasI aller spendlng a few stirpristus. Adisison,17c.; childu-en, Iwepesln Markiiam andi vicinty>. PrIr-ales Arthur Salvage and Franîk hal pi t-e. Ev trybody wrreicome. Flirher, of Port Perrr'. were home on lenuenîher the pork and bean aupier Suinday. nnd concert lu Nit. Zion Church, on %We aresnrry bo report tJiaI Mirs 'Wtt- Fridiav, Mai-chi 24.- Admission, aduItta son la-sO"it'le sbck liai, huit Iope for a -Nli.. cîlîden, 5c.slree-dy recover>'. clillr(n,15c.Mr. J. A. Varcoe wvas fl Manilla for A grand lied Cross stor>' and sortg over Sunday. concert enlitieti "Tiie Sentitrel wh.o Mu-. XVll Day apprit scieraI days wittt Siept aI bis Post," or "Tii..Siishine frienîda In Utîca fait week. Mr-. Jim Swinson. Mrs. Tanner, Miss of il Sicîers Love," m-111 be gir-en lnt he c;lsie Wilson, and Mu-. and Mrs. Hoig, l3rooklitr Mehodist Chtreh on Tues-, of Toronto, we-e ln th.. village thîsi daie, Mamici 28, mnder tire auspices of week attendIng the tuneral ni the ]ate1q tire Paîrbotle League, b>' the Whitby Henory' awinson,. On Thiràrday of last week t here, % liaptisi Ch urch Choir. Thtis Ia a bigh- pasaesi away on.. of our wrell-known citi-n clasa .'itertainment, and itlsl hoped zenls iii thte pet-son of Henr-y Swinson.j tirai a large nîmber wii tfel il thebr Dece-ased irad been poou-ly for scolie dutyas ellaf;a pivlegeto ttedlime, Mr. Swinson as a neighîbor or ad titi>' a wel asa prr'iege 0 atend ieid was always ready tu iend Ea help- andi hleu along lte good work. Ad- tu@g band. W.. extend our deepest sym- mîissiont 2. l)oDora open aI 7.13tt pro- pathy to Mrs. Swinson and famiay gramn at 8 oclock.1 W. F. DISNBY. t c E. W. Blason,DD.,LDs Dental, Parlors over Aliin'a dru& store. Whltby, Ont. Office hours--9 to 12; 1.30 to 6. Phonos, Bell, 87, Independent 11. MLUE B. BIE4TON, L.D8., D.D's. Graduate of the Royal Coliege of Dental Surgeons and University o f Toronto. Office over W. M. h'rungle'm hardware store omre bon u-g9 b i1; 1I W b.30. lI)d, Phone, 10 Bell pbhoo* 20. Aiterations and Repaire. MMRS GLse WOEKQU5&iED Corner Walnut sud Kent St. TeleDhone No. 182. *~INg - t Uaoh ibse' Siat - !iU tw~u menth* OOWKDJ& tmuifumilvt, lu MR. . IAURIE M94 Champlin St., Montreal. "I have been restou-ed toirealth by taklng 'Fruit-a-tires'. For two year, 1 was a miserabie sufferer fi iRh'eu- synotism and Stomuad, Trouble. 1 becam e very weak, had frequent dizzy spelîs sud when I t.ook food, teit wretched sud aleepy. I suffered from Rireunra. ttsm dreadully, wrilh pains in my ba and joints and my handr sawole,. A friend advised me to try 'Fruit-a. tise'su ad from the. outset, they dii me good. After I1usad tarted the second box, 1 feit I wuagettlag weîî and 1 perseered In the treatmont. I1cran truthfuly say limatI rul-tives'l làthe only mediciue that helped me. LOUISLABRIR. "'FRUIT-A.TTVIW"la the famoua m*diHane made mn, ft jus ces. 00e. s box, 6 for 12.50, trial aise, 25e. At ail dealers or ment on reeelpt of prie* hi Fruit-a-tvm Uriteil, Ottawa. hîeen rii nglier itau vtier. sirs Her- hi-rt Parktu. Messrs. Harrisoit and h-'raiidale de- ll%,red t n-o tei t f horsts ai Ni yirtie for ah lîmen t Int Nlrî1Ida% K 1 N8A 1,E, Mrs. J. Rîcitartison sîîeîtn t r- tinys lasI week n-1tlt rietida lîrToroito. Master Fraukbî' Roge-rs.. îtiure of wriîing is some bettpr. Mr. Herb Parktîî. weta-t roati amile, Anouhier boy. The Stmuday Scitool rîmîceri aitid tea n-as a great sticceas. l'ielîrocî'eds a- mountedto babout $45. Miss Mary Joncs, otf laleam. fi; via- IîIng with Misa Greta Nlackt-. Mr. Gordon Penigeill 4peniito%-er Suin- da>' under the. parental rooi. Reineimber lthe îîork andtibetitipUpletr .1 t ¶ '~1 A- i-"j i. r j -i 'il ATr OISNEY BROS,9 BROOKLIN SALE REGIISTER. Frtday, IMarch 17. MNr. L. J. rearce On@ Hundred Young ifomon w ill Sel]I by putblic auiciion ai lot 22, n n lide on e hase lune, Darlington. a herd of high wsimd <hi ioneYo nnforMcie grade cattle. Mr. Ppare fi;giving tilt waffied eRtionse The trainfrileonc l it s i i k b u s i n e s s a n d t a d i p o q n g o f h e p o ti n . T e d î a d u his herd of about .50) head of high grade catlle. Ternis, î montis- credit. Sale al one o'clock. James rflIiînp. ac-On t loepr. Sa urday, iarch 18.--A ci iono sale of Toronto, nt. furnittire, te properîy of Harry Nes- b fnily iii itesotîr Rsnpî>y. %Vrite kel, recently ptirchased frofi Thomnas nt ont... for îîarlieularg. %%e %v;11 t.'tningharn. Sale at ) isîe s sale crit ihce yo u Oit b t Iis is V O U R yards, Di ndas Si., W hitby. Ter mns o p pot tmnity. B nu ie es ca tis y în. cash. 'Sale ai 12..10 o'clock sharp... FIII yo n on? No Vacatioon at E. Jon s, (lerk: W ni. Maw, A uictin eetr. M idst,îm er. Eter now. Tîîes-.day,.'.farch 291. -tinht.Ashton Cor. Yote a ad J W. J. BSUjet, wil l stl by itie ont o itlot 1:3, 'on.f ), Charles ste. IPrincipal C'oltîmtoîsait of tits tarin stock and frnîflemete tîîîd lîotiîsebold ftîrni tire. Sale to corrmence ati cic.See larxe bills for fliritittr part iculars. Jas Iîisitop. Atîctioneer. Profesjonal Gards Mlonday, Marci 20. .utciou sale of - tarin stock and lîtîplemn t sthe prop- erty of John Glordont, loi 1.7, con. 2. East Wliithy, mile -nortirof emrelery. Sale at onie o'clock sliarl> Jts. Ilisiît i) LEGAL Wednesdav, Narcit2 Mr. H. . J . FAREWELL, K.C. Dennis will seli by atîition on lot 10, Barrister, County Crown Attorney ai 0o11. 3. 1iast Whltby. lte Elm Farm, IYt county solcittor. tiles norîh of Oshawa, abot forîy peýz- hepad of valtiabie stock, consîeîing of Office.south wlng Court EOUBO, WhitbY caille and horses. S ale to commetce1-- nt orte 'c.lock. For fîtrttr lartictiA..E 4 RSf A lars sec large bills. Jamnes Tishop), alielloneer. 1 Batr. Soilcitor. Noterv Public. etc. 'lhmrsday, March 231. Ext'ensive alîc- OMeie, Brook St, Opp. Stândard BaiL lion sale of Clydesdale itorses, register- e t ot ed and grade catîe, sed grain, etc., M n yt o the îîroperly of F. Harb)rou, lot 5, con. 7, Pickering. Sale ai I o'clock sharp M NARRIAOU LIONNSE. Wm. Maw, atcioner. ~ L B Tuesday, March 28.---Auicion sale of G UGSMITHN LLB farm stock and Implennents, the prop- ' e. eriy of John Power, lot 5. con. 1. Pick- At dwelling houe oppouite Meoilut ering (Kinîgston Rond). Sale at one urh Nowti wrein o'clock sharp. W. B. Powell, Autciion-No wte esr ut mi Per. --DENTAL Tîr -'rîr* .Ioet: --Ion't Happy J. H uldson, D D.S., L.D.S. lîtîrcitase lte owest. priced seed. Ini Successor to W. Adam. itîtîie cases out of l-n the hJhest priced Office, Dundas Street, opposite Polit seed s the cheapest. The seed doesnl I Office. Phone 122. Oreat N.actlons on eeIthnI the $top& e. usi asmi. Disney Brothers 4- Our pîk(es on te following goods will-interest you.- Automobile Tires, Farmlng MaohlnerY, Wlre Fonoe and Oatea,1 Haruesr, Hardware and Boltlng, Stoves and Ranges, 011 Cake.1 One general /'Urpose horse, 3 years old, and one driving Mr m ,.Wdo 1 </4 TRUIRS»Àkt kAËCÈ le. lois. 8TRAWBERRV PLANTS If y ou are iiterested in tb. rowlng of thie fine frufit. writs idr price lat of rartttie and- va Iublo informtation lîow togrqpw bealthy plante and W st .iuality berries. 13 ýýlb WIIITHY j

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