r -4 1~I> ~~rIr, *~lbIr the Germans ih effrt tobtr dow-n the de- t08p8011Of Verdun, la une of the moat tfltdble klhi et demoition Ti. n egIba ruarly 100 tos. Pom a barrel more thar 16 et *1011Sn it throws a shell weighing étr~IY hait a ton a distance of 14 biil.b and more. It requires the ser- VICOà oft 200 men to handie the wa _trnianl It lis discharged from a dis- nt1WOô 900 feet. Trhe members of guin crew wear protectore,- and tht;v themeelves fiat to avoid lajury flhia ehoek which breaks ail wia- doVre within a radius of two and- a haÙ miles. The foundations, 26 feet in, idepth, are mined throughout, so that the englacer in charge, when there Is risk of capture,. may, fulfili jThc Fashiois "Wh.t Shh I 1Weat, To-dsa'? If ail 'predict.inis Pro'e true ihe * oming sumnier tihould be a most eco- nomical one for the tarnily with danghters. rFashionsys - "Sport clothes froin dawn tili dusk, and aLfter dark, as simple or as elabointe Rn evenihg frock as the faney demands.' Beuides belng decidedly pr-acticnAl and money-saving, this reRime should be- c omfortingr and eomfortable to a de- gi-ce; juet stop for a moment and con- eider how many puzPfed moments wtil be saved, and how many times one will be epared that eternPI -question, -wbat shahi 1 vear to-day?" cloeed wlown the front wlth à % white 'the comie oIUUI$te reu5t éty S11k cord sliPi>edUndo a tab on elther peoplewbe de an say an"y i side of the blouse. The colored lawn thigtsaboft flattera in thee' munT. and organdy blousé e sgrwing in fa- The beet newapupfte a"u tagaines vor, In fiiet the colored ýwaist seeme have ireformed geà tl3*, and now de-. to be taking preference over the plain vote mueli of their epace to the dis- white waist to a marked degree. There seminâtion ôt informiation about the ie uoinething particuIarly' pleaslng- farm-more to agriculture t'han to amut acsuftly tinted -blouset troe ~miy other singkiIdtttry. -The 1'eaBOfl -de Chine, Georgette, or of the new le apparent-big subjeet; while the wawh fabries, comibined with a tailored rairoade are also hlelping in the de- tsuit, that makes its appeal to ail. velopinent of the criantrys agricultu- * Strictly tailored lirien waists of white rai resources, because of the vast for morning or sports wear are us- traffic possibilities of thie fa! n. Even ually smart and rnuch in vogue, but bankers, manufacturers, ;herchants for the tailored suit and more dressy and others in the rities have taken a %vear, the tinted blouse is the favor- band in the great garne of commerce, ite. There are any number of at- and are usinq their influence for the tr-active middy blouse-s for ail sorts highest possible attainmnict ani de- of summer daytirn: wear. Often- %PIoPMenfý of agriculture throughout time thse re mde f te sme m- te lnd.There are wonderful po.ssi- terial and coloi' as the qkirt, thereby bilities in store for the fdrner, and formiug a complete costume and ugain bis independent life is an agldet d k Bat alowly. 1- Man is an oninivorous animal sud ~~ ~ caunot afford to, permit hiniseif to be/ ( hurred nt meais. It is impossible to ___ boit such food am the average person eats without injuriug- the he.altb. ToKnso itr With the anmal kiugdom the sensé e id fWne of rmeli, as welI as the sense of taste, Wilbur i'tncid 1ooking out of the eotera largely into the enjoyment of vt4rio% watchiniz the rain and! fret- the mal. This Fhould be the case ting becauge it kept hlm indoor-s. '4If with mankind. Odor aud taste, only 1 had somne one to play with!" properly exerrised, have à tendency he said, and heý had hrirdly flnished te stimulate the Rlujâs essential to speaking when the (loorbeIl went proper digestion. "ii--n. Chewing the food a reasonable ]t-iurrah!" he shouted. "I hope it's baby roses in tiny ynat'-h boxes. Along the whoie length of th'ý rmg and up to the hous~e he had !tlretche-d a ce- vrred walk, and on nii" sticki5 that f'-î mcd the top of it lie bad plAecl th,' rmai-leaved arnilax Vine- bis vvi'path. "Whiy, it is the rnoct beautiful thing th-it 1 ever saw made %vith bloi-ks-!" -saiil his mother. [nat Aare aopped sudth seuac*odé but Dot - ç 1111-oasom wetkeq a deserîPtve ilt- flt ieee - i -t-o tb -Ia mutecS.ba* cm bissolni oah sd lowup hemon iC ti ar oi acuiitraing roir inia nuiu.i iiiiiion ien metar fr s WL' ho50vo u '-zututu i Fnouîa UL¶isL us i e-Cit---xlti. 1 .Y <' "" Il oenot n lwu h o-mtra owa ihvarious skii-ts. ail othier occupations. 3<Yin the taste and flavor. One of mTorning witb ybidn ics" " comk tbhtt-~ @ter. Attractive Hats. Deuver, Feb. 27, 1i16. the e whast g i g estienis u- o Ir attope, u am ak mtdoml oto yu e That a ci-sature of men'e hande Io compliance with Fashiou's de- ea st hnswihw eihu-dcra o - PUP <1111h ~i ;p<'ij~~~ ess the contrai-y is iudicated by well alune, and slolywthoyacrd 'V the destruction of human lite le a favored, the hat shope are putting knowledge. Civilization has duiled "Why it's f,, om ofo omwn y moui-nful commentary on the misap- forth rusny attractive, severe lîttie oui- instincts in this respect, but it your cousinsinteEs!sidbs Nolk"tebycr plication of modemn science to the1 bats which may be appropriaf.ely worn enso afr.We h vrg with either taiiorcd or sport suit. INTERNATIONAL LEs)N urvives to a certain degree ln our i-e- mothpr, and thel h edi lu.fLy -~~~~~Mn ofnde of arrfai-e. WhenartheMaverag6 lish -for certain foodstuffs. This i-e-1 "I wish 44youweebienw"-a Th'tethe vsaut foro cat enurebu onndure udbauto!theeeaesaudmndfand M a 26. lshshold nt e istkenfoibth ti- uH."Wehae mchi-ow Paheouni te htlc ous. Ii( town le a rubbish heap after the gun istet with just s bit nf a rib'bon, a bow* inordinate fondnesa for certain thinge. an'd 1 go coastogiontebHeeyh cerdwlvaanP le fired twlce, what hope bas nicre -'or ornament, l'y way of trimming. Ever nue cao disting-uish between an day. Oui- dog,Whse-,lesit."ndb echgtpt td adlag?7 Vet the spirit of France, others of ratine in soft coloringg, arle e.(&docainlntmrtidugcend 'a;ig! enteiReelatoni natural taste an(l relish. 1that, but ail]ebv uCaional çuoasuo hî ok againet wblcb this German gun les essentially sport bats, but the plain llet ealn The pi'oper flow of the digestive irnin. It spoils vroesfn"ni adntb ctee bu directed ik undaunted, and n teoi-r - hemps, Milans anîd band-sew Ilbats 7. 16 17. fluids la essential to gond digirstion. Wilbur starcu luiyotj h cemr res i e 0S -con dr-ive hem- soldiers from their pouts , - Ce badm h or vt lhtA lierril portion of fruit is siiggested iwindow again. "hs iOm rig r until they die. ttailored suit or sport cortunue. An- 1- Fi Bbean1h.r<vi. h most dietitians, and it is ai com- ý Are there an e oe u "bshmsîlpody ____ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~oabaid is one of the most eff ect ive Seri«pture deaîs with men in the mors -mobeifttfrtisa blemcmh'rak."W ,ooue"c-oibi oftenew bhis is, white or a ýýoft and with individuais. it faces the fio<lI huî ermebrd o- "h ys o fte.Thm r Yu euslmceîN a UnivesorIy rm tiherdîoyfdealed k'color comliined with hriiip or 71ilmu. nfed cf the cmoivd and <or the singleer, t hacd bfrisac fc.hij clo e rm-oo bs fosred, I> \V ceti all, Yt-.i;!rip viêwpoint cf an economnigt, sas-e tbaî I The shiny lîraids aie mach i -lu'ou îu i-sln vt its ilestiny, 'f itiat r tti th(- mucus memiirane, ani1 stripoî o"s h hr'snxbl uî <c re OS ieu a ayI ot 9.O h aie- colors, ti immed witb fl 0!«- ori i- chosen indivifiuals or a chosen people nturhabit eakldngston o ith ()lin île h id a lw awual tikn tnlot ratiug by the p~otential earimngiog in.Patent lenther îînd vai-nishêedliftt'ilto oteroial blessednecas, but o!fintalest v stigesfutrionfeor witib-thhuînr vo f «a rts mthe Iory oao h pRcity, an ca tait ii i ( fnliage is Muet effecýtiv-e fi- h immiri , gi-eat Multitude winning thi-oucli toiei jeillun Ai nînate-in" v.'b1ý-; o r int 'o--flept"a îO- t$rni00.ift h <îîh tr anlateilo tteegl!bt.the Eternai City. Ooe icf the g -dgsin liste,ý- sr-tt - 'i gî-~tes laedhts.eattst o1-1.111g, gia liefri if or other «ci(lfrit ' Il hv,\Ilba t i'flee oîhv! T lx ihiiwnc taeisyof ie dobeirtoher lii? o jThs itersnis'-itiîl'needa of ('hristianity ~~i.s tfelîlîl ae nmsnk î ci1rhs o -nî,Iori.'lo i tto ioti ite ai-is tahedb mauk ote er ch~iuinlu -To.your local Ni Cal i cnci- or fi om the jireacbèrs noil feacýhers sb'jIu ii it ieforeIe beakfast (or at ouii eue 1kour mincoat nt! oot hi irtu; ae'i a M d'aIl ('onu titiyinfani, i-tmenîrio. 70 itiki-liio roUp iiOn.Tlev<<inauempty storrmr. It shu1l l-,'e While Wilbirbl h ak',bsa iuos.Yu o fang ut aony iI lof n, itb nu 1 t<n IBond St., Toronto, Ontaurio. must gel the-' isioîî of t(i vi<-eti itr hrafs nta fle ,'te opolo1bg lgatroefuwr nya ate. glnobu i . l i o yîfgI : -Jssdeclared was nmunutely persî1al i-en ; late hait. edo )-r(hr sip, r.nd ton inai'tic .uîate tu hoiîeifoe a st-ehabt. nd piry gicnf-m flc od-v o * . i F;hEE'IN(; BOYS .ANDI) RLS ON anti yet la alec wider thari tht' mce.I- ing, anti ho îequii-os a lot cf cuire. THIE îARNM The a ocient propliet shows <15 ftl,<('Id ad uurCue.V"C(fiisilx o Wlirss- Bcueiehv amm -!.5~__compassion cf God'brooding over the ClsadTerCr.vleo ml Bufotemte iei a ispr eCl. heless childi-en and the dun)lw 'asts F îîe'ire to rîld anti wet s 9 pisep, he theitoulbinrkie Wlia wettîigh uy bupto fli her iz h I anive nsepa-. 'Chuis M. fitre, Deuvr.Coo, o!tSt ' . . usuaI cause cf acre tirent, andl it ia w'matb. breatheswitlî hm. Ther is abnd-ishecoming more anîd more aofta gren city tif Nineveh. ' ,%<-1I~" rthe o-dcnntkov wihhm nTeei na bnd f srias question b ýw t-o etain the score thousabnd that knewnoct tlieir mny l'e if ibeumnatie or gouty ci-igin.! Wher they ldcm akt h i ttmi omc ei sph eîe wo iî fltknenitnt 'iln -boys anîd girls on th% old farni aud riglit baud ovor their Ieft, sud nîsîî Lo cal imritation, as fi-cm drio-ing bot plensant livini-nmWiu' ohrnafgo rns rpa'e sec Ptpt hmtatI n -pi-eu-ont their hegimacteiy I mucli cattle." Jesus shw l s Ileuic i-mtaor inhalation of noxinus gases, arrangcr(d the roeanihegenvesosit.Jtthnli u municabie. No m,îtber 1' pa.r b îi-Nýhle - obhoiy.I ni- fGt stebas't o i cause an acute catarrhnl in- in big bows. Sdey Wiurofr uCifnithou cie basber hîby in er arm. ond_014 tie pi-osent iicrease 10 urbai popul a- o'- fa. hetas ;l l marnn wemcu ebrn updupadsi,"OIko ini OIsc rne r-he bas er baby i hier arý-, and i1 tien, oa-d tue acerreeponding hdet'ofttceo down bis facehemuvhes hobraninkupedfutia bo ichs uld d'yhig i be cf the A idy ut c io. ii rualnppitiocorrsotinca, w-tbot eed !tocnxdd ie" l~~ f the pharynx, soft palate sud uvula. what 1 want t o"adsatdfrte!NwIeugte -e mation taRt wul eprive h-ofcheAck ySi o ien nrua ou tion cninusoon face nicir fthi odd ie GoinLy out o! doors mwben very wnrm, bis owu room, ohr ilyupes r ti-casureofo! er joy. Let li who A gond supply o! smart linon blouses, cek u êinmq onfc one lm! not protected by rpwlcasan Inaitev thiuks the mar-ket quotation o! n baby n sport ski-t or two, with a chic sport ofte nuotereus io îaenis t lison-,A ommte ut ie î.av e e-.th-iflmmtin i'he, wiil cause-n lu abitte buloliewsbc gipa adwa eiyo ile $90 or $90,000,000 go te anv mothei- cnet, aud oue's wardi-obc troubles are yotencutc0. i ie e to sus orflichquarer hientbora'(: tu e nfamniatou t ie the-ya.dfoue-awonthebs luswihh sra u y osnTenlihrn sustain ilfndlu fliccities-ifi-ieepro- nunity i-elig'intheThe hittie comn-tnyUp f owols, etc.,ianI Tine tues out of lace. Foi' n whetc.eurndie was busy ThstwaofthlapostForrd Ceewha wbat q.Hebappens.b Hetr, t s asiplemflnd "huit toi-,sai lie n teittis1f5tearesimplenevr utattercrfortea, seletct astll tic liglit et lite, anti n love tint ne- dainty dance or dianer dress of net, or'sent proportioni of f bose who flock n cf th iscipsj nlgdunte aom-, ; ton wneer wu th a scar or cotirud-bt er t l.Thnotldbsm- erCuis.Ia g ve'des r ntfr ae oeo teequst sme1fbc the cities is te be kept up much long- îM nmon onerwh -e de, ren orsle neo afnh'or, usd dn Itin er ferct ei ueto id uet f oete;te one h fo quentiy fi-cm attacks cf sore thi-oat Now Wilbur a oeta u-dy.Ine nca.' Ilenwi aoaddnI npr economricaaetin eady srîusly cf their reachiug out, touchig fr nd cclii. Muci of the il]-heatb we dred blocks cl n ifeetaae. iku aseflc ~ LIFE IN THE IRON LAND>. pence. I cities sud arthering lu other pepcon; 9idari1g.suiffer f romn eetraced te carelese- 0f them hliaduitapcybosornsnwad-fik I BorneCharmag Efe<ts U. S. census reports show that tehost of witnesses, bernes, sud nes sud eediessneson oui- ondart. ut ay sopsbfn- t n fi o-iabeatral Germaiî Police Are Contiuusiiy Raid- We have been gradually ýuccustom- barely a msjority et thc rural cern- martyrs o! tic falth are unseen hehli- I scnriyt esnsdgn eptninfgre aee ik-ot' oprtu lng Dwcihing Houses. lng ourscives te the vu-id i-eds, yel- munit-les manage te bnid their owvu ci-; they bciang tu thae oinpany. Now i ijudgment to sit down te cool off, wben'__________________________ Day y da theBere "Tgwact,"lows, gi-cens, sud the val ious 5tart-lunflic matter et population, and a few cornes the vision et the gi-est resý_ult; irey upon nue. the many hgt-PSHANlO.LrdS. eoadswa h the b or aof e Berne- Socialeocra llý1ng plaide sud etripes whlch blond have made eigit gains, wbile a tf-ird --agiimpse o! tiat gi-est fax-off day j ietyuo n. h aytegtP telle what le reaîîy happening C* nseeffeetively and barmoalousiy wlth of the counities have bast considerabîy. wen the ilfe fthGon pe caus le ha $oe tdees every day bwiHla anwo ep a«aI b Fl Germauy. Ia tihe latest Issue te tat hea lenl ,sdgicngas tt It i a truc sa3'itfg tint" tic wold oth, uhplcn s f lhae eoplmae cse a seoi-e tb rat ihms a'Hw oefaouteal5redli inolbsfahrt ha reached thie country, it deecribes the summer fields, the mountaias sud the looks te the Tai-ms for its living. The t ie oulaces hahv e o en mlado eveeeog . euti aa l-LT.a kn a political atility cithe police. @bore, where some of us are fortunate ia who producca the things the The e sd he cooed plcs es.-Pi- eaough to dream the sueumer througb, world must have te sustain lite will straiglit, %%heii iu the justice -jo:ui Te trontment for- the syauptom., h aePoesr1Iikmr ih 'Tirst of all, cverybo<iy suepected and otheî-s ai-e privileged tO Bepeîd ia neveî' have te worry about the bread rigbteousties.1 ef the conmnon lif e aH uchf as chilliness, fever, stiffues sud painted the porriseqafteas 'IT~0 I O i of hsving revoiutionary teudencie le piaytime week or two. suad butter question. fleah togetheir shahi sec the glory of!.tenderncss in the muscles cf the tocracy, starte inlt uahme apied upon day sud night. A uum- 1Among the stasitest (cf fi' nei,v - -rCpe f ass ttd'te odrvae.Te' up fncsrnesi h hotad an aaiyi ber of papers which are under pre- ,i jG f-e apo !Kuus t~e h odrvaed i'pip, !ueksorwensa i li tt ad aine- SpiTyhluas nge rue ric dietcBii ventive ceasure ai-e ne longer allowed Sport Suieae .n !sikjrea great truti fie et ber day, Nw-bhc u r0 ge kntsnpl -esau-flesandwdey, aaloing o-the hoars n Sur oas itnbgn uiesd? i-iii te, leave biait spaces, where passages or, as I epraemoegn lysaid thst aricutueewsicnueo- tenef'Mediutci cdîptni ne . ud r, ahaig eugTis mby nts au era-be i goerssbp or a ariclehav ben supresed knowui, Italian silk. These suits tire dustry wiicb wiii nover have a "brcad the worid.mdcn.Fitagrle Thsmythlf-coaaee.'icytm "Wurbemburg l[s under a specialîiy otten made with tstetr1'a t O.P-Ù o' 1 ine," sud yet it le a deplorable fact, 3. 1-Q tic individual lest? For a. u tptsimcIrie ue dsn hs netoshver- esCrsin-Asqs close survelllance. The local poiîce 'emeraid gi-ea, fer inEtance, ivorn witb thati net onîy tic yeuug people ni-elong wilie the church hiuu le«mî tbta-<- three timens a day; or a gargie of volutionized thigsatdlt o-wil btgab trit offiielsweresentfremthe anaosa mart, short skiî-t et black aad'white, flockiug to tie cities, but parunts are ognaly cf thé individuai. It is ti-uly b)icarbonate ef sodium-one teaspoon- ing newspapei- ntetan a a spio buvrpsil ffcaswesetfotefrosstiIpes. White or cream serge tee, f aise goiug. Thi s truc i aadedtat Jesus hbas dleeovorcd hlm. ful dissoived in a teacuptul ef hot aftei-wards elerp ldà rtiislie sigo h police schocoi at Balle. But even thesé l afavorite, comblnedivi tescot O! 1as Itit lerie. 1cj ec lu Canada, We cau neyer stop thiaking of hlm. Jwnter and used (whcn warm) every îSir Hiram Mai1womciegnscie ihamrte me eentfudsfiin oscariet, emeraid, or briglît blue. Thei wicn yeur beautiful city et Toronto The crnwd cannet deni wîth bum alune. five mOurs. It is hest always te i-e- jei the dominan atrl hiariic re sateguar-tipublic order. Stuttgart le coat lu usuaily cuifeti, coliared and hmd lese t!hau 30,000 peuple, while it Tfiihi reandhip te thm e -o git1fea norfr24husadpe-w, sab floodeti wleh detectives, who are.pi-e- buni ewirotheaatbeginnihuglleoid baor sfors tbroat.s h ago.f Asd ailadlaho shortuede arlathn felalyUiderdt-beevrBritiriigwplanofit isent in aumîbers ab, every meeting.bhcdwthtcraeranti sl an ost ! iti ls ta hi tecrw'sriainsict d ill cd dbeeor euffoln gwood e NAssiadsîtayer tee jersey ceuite andi sort coate tif other 1 hecmillion. I hi t hm.WI. These are, dissolvietios the shîgitest ,amlin utlf j rsue ftecod-, aaiemdcne(hte ufr .cahbid preext an al th nanesof ersnsmatils wil be worn xvth aitypes Forty-two per cent. o! the tai-mers, rmelif i e cressur eâ tha crowdcntpain -no)eoudofwoc a petext n arti tcenmesetperses. etofi-eek tuisseumner, fer ina site et et Canada (asdthe sticesie s truc bore) i h Wi fe hhlm bs obe b akn.Am tedion f wther sifer- a. cordaidrssotemchnr ite fa ede atý taklng atl ( etigtknthe populs-rity o! thbe pli-t.iiotuse andi sre operateti by tenants, Ia 10 s lé f rein îndsurunedcnt cire ofniaion Îor net sheuOftieofWEnglasturoib ao-be.tepo ebysc he 440n. I ski-t, tbei-e are any number et at- only a-7per cent. cfmlhe tai-ms were l is liiteefteghad nruddcn îr te aineetéor o t ieoe te inwtt ea opo e-aetentae e oce l btetart- ws t-eearreft-traEtive tub trocke beng shewu juet the bands of teosants, ant i n 1880 oalyi it whth cvii. We cannt tako 'hlm out Castor eh.If -api ntetlrstbtreth ia.Usmle pehclte isas-f ifpu to! toricial Democart s the poue aowamti1Iam iquit-e sure that they 265 per cent. wcre se operatei. oNete iccrewd. We muet change t-he s severe, ceid applications are sooth- was made te h atî hnalfrth ups a i i handorie ialem aamoat brTaelice.ai e tes lnt onesw o 50Wluniif we are te do tuso. This willng-cioths wrung eut et eoid water ban&e mutinldaakttebi oci rts lrys eh Two beys wbe wltnessed tic air-i-st have tenants, have mied t-othe towan dttdaersPeaiblwh ierawyt twi l- em s oteasthey nec, cbaglng leà 'ta ~ct* BaC.lr av fe1 ite ajr-"ai were detained freni two - o'clock ln or oit-y, but, vert-ainly a very large t-t - saebysyn ltwsSuckîag amahi pieces of Chopped ire iieea oC humleein LodEdxa pntr" o-e-Aci the alterneon unt-il lato in the even- number oft them have, amd the propor. not "le t se-pc à by cesayx tnroostatfu 18. fihL was" isbrt 'Ing lest they shoulti tell what thoy tien les grewing rapldly andi steadiiy. w i- fs-uitang te vîi setiat-hit pil es hg n r le a niso. If the t~end is both odSowU eedar aawansîtob~ Inew oetht-e afair andi deneunce tic Maay farmers in tic U.S. realihiag oirem chane tc Ofito sIati hg uthora is- a n usuatèllalnt-t-esn tscs1fte aNwate o' elyu ahrI~ police. It etten happons that schol Uth ure of iuxury in tue city, antid cevai the m etrtItiO aifrlbliy i--- "-eltiren are udtieaiy ai-iest-rdl on préosent diseomnforte attendant up f 4. Body anti Sou!. Thora is no deu- wpys telila a phyiIn thî wyhoe ctiedwthu heioltei ie0tt-e00rg f Icîpti ofet tc lly City hîy tie pro-I -foed or dink untîllahe at-ougîtrsud "e ofhthe haveStrei U pon fer thei wayhume detine, wihoutq 1,pesu d score, whleh dee not spe- ~' ~ 4 e a l i e r a t - t i w i u o u t n y a m i gpl t l à a n e ,t e m e e t t h o a-i . i -y e c a e-h a -h a 1 ma i - r> fi ýt," said jave t-be ing bas- hem hlai cdÉ joy- t-y fe cc 'rrai., by )en gate, 1 a fine, ,r hetige, il like a 'the place C,41 'yWil- inether. ittje yel- oranges, iui or- <ave bad .st bhav.e ir 'askpd. -Oh, nn! njlax foi, Lu buy it isna se-e in Nvin- y five?" r to t-le hait if it )Uit ha-ve ,y cith-er," ni fwotpedi -is Very rider our- in Aund, ite un ta seuil t-o my mîan< iyeu are m'arm t(-- goins;tç o like Cali- Wilbur. ie son et le-s shop 'dan u0éd ais£tCliirS M)UL'. Y.M.<:.A. I Youngi io, by ,ires arec te any 2n, la de- Ibo Parle lomet-bing ie Firench due osnt caches le aro toe rue 'asso- Ograpbee 1 t thù lwhat 'le ivieti, but et