Ttust -Vound.Siut Op4t taai liotnscurth t eSmlntcm s ia~ô mcht tri *6* iwýrsiel obdUr ftm ,at he*ouient r-16. bon ifl5-t51li "MltrSi Mh tranaetau im me *si ¶ Zé sesî -ocpi or touche Wbaiemlîs WITIRY BRANGI-t S 0. TEAA, aa os-IWA " O. NI4ItflY TH-E FIRE SALe Wile amoket gods. sucb as cannoti salmea, cern, peas anti tomatees, tiraI are Perfect (n quaiity, ai-e being esoit below cost. somo o! tiroir neigirbora on tir esitelves tirai have arrivet i snce Lire lire, sympatheticaiiy offer to ose- rinieliremsciveta ase. We. tiereore. tiurlag tirs ensuing week, will i gve bai-gains ln many lines mntuucired by tire fit-e. Scores of bt-coma have been moiti at sacrifice prices dur-lng tire paît week because of smoke-no Injury by lime We sUiI have stores te Beol from 10e. Up. An Idea of thre bat-gains we are otberlng mal ire hati from tic quotation o f a few artIcles: P-uekages pancako fleour, uninuWeustel pri-e l3c., next week, 7ce. 10c. ammeata peirfect for 7c. 6c. ammnenia, wsarsd, 3 fer 10c. lOc. catsUp net Injureti, Se, 6c. cow bmpad soda, god, te. 5 boxe& (500 matches> 8 for 10c. 156tins bae;ilng povier, new, 10e,ý 50c. Redi Rose tee, nov, foi- 40u. 7-6c.e. a p astry, nov, for Oie, $l1ibaga Seat Manitobe, 86c. SOAP UNTOUCIIED 13V THE PIRE- Comfori seap, 8 bersfor 35e. Surprise sap, O bers for- 3e. Sunlight noap, 8 bers fer 25ec. Takyiors Beorax san. 8bean for 36e. Deigbtfui asup. O bersfor 25e. Cosmos soapý O bei-sfor 360, t %, ori-soep. 8 beas fer 26& l'OBACCO-Roaebud, Polo, Bebbs, 5ta& Curreneyad KIag Gu-go, ait aiTe. per plu& W. wi Iliipackageof etRllul Qats, sltgitiy tjurel br Water, 3h, se toit 15e.. or 2 package for 26&. nfeaerly vile thons bei-geins lest. Wu Bu PRINGLE & CG., ooS=WIITIY or lIi STAN-DARD IAIýK oir CANADA MÇaADo rg-OfNT SOLDIERS, ATTENTION 1 Our Savine a Bnk prcMoes à sultable and convenflent place for your surpiu ?nnds, A joint eccount 5 specliily edapteti for thon oeing overseas KOSTO lois WHITBY BRANC-ýH A beY, a bôy, sur kingden, ffer a boy 1 Oiti*& Dollar 1)jt lat Friday ci-e- -aeisghà st deat et intereit tn tirS sur- roudig cotintre, "aned ncdiy broâgbt a goo d tai of business tu Its moi-hants. Wiry net oe for Whitby? Tirs OrillUn Packet gives out an Inter- Sestitig bit of Information te tire gi-rn-. biers who compiain that tire new tbree cent la tirs samne color as tirej !two cent Stamp. One stipulatien of tire convention wlîlch governa the International Postal Union la tirat tire singie-rate letter etamp muast ln ail- cases be reti. Tis prevents tire Do- minion Government from overcoming what ls a very obviois annoyane. Thre ciLli-ne of tire towrr wil ho ta chine te 1 ienrilly appt-ove of tire ac- tion of tire TowuC('ourrcil ln granting an increase of ealary te the Towil Clerir and Treaeîrmer. %Ir. . White. Mr. White bas given an îîumber of years of splendid service to the towri. and iras ail tihé dértils of administration ni bis lInger tirns. Thre bu-n te fortuLnate lu -- I - - ~ &~7~~Â_- - - tdo tbi a nalition iMUS t ivei ti aitiîe prespert, but bave' -,7 by4e ll et an allen *i.tti jfl4,à 0 51il0 C >O~o~B*datte fii-e4 toau itstu e$#rd nWnin,~ott~,?eÃ"uuushv niae R R Y D E 'S ennitt 4~eIii011 wpe< i nîujj. jets. 1The roieb haý'e lest national lIb.1 ats idea* bftome dlstorted, (tW ôorîgi'nerty; thie, haivi t rnê«otMlc r-ÉO ailtyta e ttîmîtse' and -tue nationit j prly dtey ave pretrred. *bat__ -R md EA tItbe@t#ted -*iduibaw*Y. A notton ohv btt Iowbnt f hey -hâ* aVe~ll (N R F A f/ ( A 1 IV I! A t ii. Puch a onsditiôn wil not <evote It ed. it wili be one (if tefrt4te self tu the. higher s i-t ëh belag te of the Allies atter they *in (hie war, . a peacolovng and contented people. for wln it tbey must, to reatere .Polaud, l"or Instance, If >1 G mnyj were to wÃn a free nationi, probabi>' under.the pro- this war, ahe veuld force her ovu pe. tection of Ruasia. We have secur-d the agenty f >r the aboVe Caif culita ëkultur' on the conquered peo-' Again, let ns look at the &utrollun- 1 pies; the flritlsh genlus for' govern- garian Empire. If this empire were Meai, put up in bag ment, thie Elnglieh language, French re- divlded up, and the proper portions finement, -Rusâtan genlua, Itailan Art given te the nationalittes tÃ" whicb wfould be lost to -tha world. England they beiong, there wouid remain a very 25 lb. Bags $10.10 oaci' under the aerman flag wouid produce amai empire Indeed. it ls the oniy no more Tennysonh o« Shakespearea, great state which bas no national. eB g *0o c Paimerstons or Pitts, KIPlIige or basie, and for tblai reason it ha@ alwayl 0 l.B g -20 a i Landsepra. been Insecure. Thre empire was buit 1 0 l. ae3.90o aci' Iu the second place, the national u;r through conquests and iuc'ky mar- 1 0 IoR g principie ls essentiai as a Èafe-guard Mages by the 14nusp of i-isburg. Thé againet war. Aimoat every war In hie- eoiuth le populated by Serbians, thre tory hian been, directiy or indirectiy, soilth-east by Rotîmanians, the solith-B E SF 0 R C LS catised hy a nation see Ing to throw off! weet by Italians. the north east by I E T F R CL E a foreign yoke, or toemi te with ite1 roles, tihe rorth by flohernians, while kindred. Tire Crîmnean War arose outIniiitiereentre les Austria irroîrer, lieo- oftthe position of the rupprsed nation- pied wilti Gorrnans, and Htrner"rv with Save the mi k and ca . ;rnd feed the calves cii alities of thre Tîrrkith Einpire--And, Mazgyttre. This mixturre of races ls 11NeilwI etrrsis again, the present n-ar. The region ruied hy two separate governmelnîs tiIMa wi eie esis where the national prlfTticple should be! Atistnin and lirirîgar> utider a Tiutarriie followed mhore than ln any other, tg Eruperor. Tire iask of governni-nt IFe In the Balkan States. Thog Saties aluai i asiiad mit tilillldtLp- havt- 1tr-c torn to pleces and .,ppressed ly fail Itl ir-1-care- Arrtria l-es'l1sI-8 IIWm m u E hy Tiîtrk y or AIsîRIIR for iieiluritE. very r-xiritiicr- i. oIs -owtroi o%*Pr tivs' Trh! Aar aros- lmmepdi;tel rev on rhc r- '-n .)frqrposln1,t2r t< hf- -11%E8,n a u w n n aerirtiious of te Sertians for rrn!hrn .strr výi -, ppbth ainal pri I O E with the-ir hrotb'er F-rbs lu the Aus ire e e bas alwrrys directrd b'rj di- iriairEmpir. îrbmacY 10 kf--llrtthle Balkarn iaceWIITBV, ONT. posseseinga aman of its abiiity for tIre luirder t tueinuiho iisd-uîfniendly withr one another. anîd en position, vision shouiti ie madie we muet renlize keepiug tbcm weak. if tbey ucre tV w-tît a nation la. A nation Il; a body ;hecoure stroîg. tlitir brothers li thlir lit 0 0 litot people go strongiy -boundti tgetirer, Austriani Empnire wotlt réoi ot anti T-rie iel(>- situation ln W tyle by tics of afltnity that tbhey readtly rîrite wltir them. andi Austrla weil Wiib ymaile ihardudttat n'knowrs thai iîo wouîld flot bp strong becomtug somnewhat acmte - The re- anotirer. It must be mnted by some rnough to euhdrie tireur. 1er chief atm, cruiting officers are, o! course, pecur- commîînity o! race, by a common ian. tirorefore, Is te doleat the' national- tug ailtirhe men tirey can. anrd of ne- guage, by common fundamentale of me- prîncîple whrmever II shows ttseif. Ie ceesity those mon aret- tkeîî front tiroir ligion, by a common foi-m t6 geveriu- It aîy wonder, thon, tirat thre Bakan 1 rîstral employment. ' This menus ln ment andi social laws, andi by tradititon nations bate Austria, wkro te atwrys manycass tat iici plcesare lebt or meniory of common achiivements trying 10 benefit (irtself ai their ex- may ass iritIbei jla~sanu stiffpringe ln tire past. At least pense anti pre% 'eut thon- froru reaching irlieti. or liraI bb(, lîlace pi' mon are- qorne of trese tieis muet ire present or a tht-rirrnlçînal irotrudarife? All throt laken by boys, yotttis. or girls. Tire union without lhirm ourid ho a falîrre. history, Serbin has hperi th-rentnl reriil ne, r 'W l I dllybeoninz Lot tire ompare tLibe tit erruanv's aud opposeti hy Atirsrta. AI tire end rt-uit110 c întIl s dilyircoutndapîicatiuîn of the nattional ;rtinrCiiie. of tire iiltentury Autr ia ;Iteeeedeti more dbticrriî 10 seciitr boyiÀ for boys' t cmmtr irUrneAlsace aud Lorrait êti drbvtng the Turks beyonti the rnork, or meni 10 fil ithe positionîs lbit !watse, tinlii th ir tir andti 8 tict- Danuberta' akiug (rom thpm lire v.acanrt iy 1îralrîed workers. tr!lrts. rpsîectliv. they xvore under i-rugartrnr, Roumaulan, and i Se;rbin 6 î;~:rn r t Ctîtt'rî . ffie iaslicu enmanr- ro-ntroh. Pkt tf-ly bave so iennltr#, rortir o!fliraIriver.- Put lu- IF- r. ) C11li Nil I. ofie bashpn isl- eu ir)rovinn of France tfiat ct,(ead ofr-sloriug rbr-ir frecîflorn tb ai>rrrisîigrît i a boty for urorîths witl- r te; have- becorît,- <itrmcti ively Freunch thi-su-iroile.he keil 1 ht-br ierrltory ourt any recîîorîse.andr ti as( mdrrek in chnatpr, and l i,'ir irr¾abitants ual- i for h-rsf-lf and D uidp.ti Il l lier own a yotîrg mari frour lire stffml erlts t ed tirally look tri not Ger- empire. From tIIs lime Arîsînia irasý miakirîg a scoîrd î-acarrcy hard 10 fil. mani-, for gîlverrîrirrit inditi tzonshîir. corght' 10 esîrauisoitîIli-eastlwnrdiu thre1 Il q lis pssilè Ilatparnt wh ae Tire (ermane adr t i-eeilar argu- (tope of! tl.i tnîîly rfaciilg Salon ika il s îelirsslti lra paene 'ir tr.C- tots witi regard to l3lguim andi Hol- andtihie Aemean St-a. Set-ha was a -rer- wbilltrg to do thetr *bit"to0easothreilandi. W e kuow bor.- felgium bas ar-r- lorre obstacle ln bbt -ny of ib1Ibe îxr'an- tonqion raîrse-t by tire %var migirt con- serced sud' argtrînr-rîlc, and titl iot slou, andti tretfore Alqtrirî lias tourrht toepoosjiImpossible that litrrland may do ihe bry ttiy mp-atre b to r-it or retrove .. sent 10otTfer tiroir hoys cnPupoer anie. CGerrany irses balse daims ao-f X. tire sier lu titis Itroces of ztcine who are tn extremo e uc- of bcip. trutil rraitonaltty un cover ber real aburs . Serita or-t if lire way. Auirrb. backcd iticir lime as the wa- cpnî-ssrre r-'lasestf. wutaelrn-o re tiermany, with lînui rsl Il mipit nmean am iirlcrnîptiou te lte Sire desire coîttrol of tire Nortir Sea aliantce, rin O't anuexedth ie ternitor-tes scirool course obt trese boys, but tiratiIconat andtihie Aitie passes of Switz- o! Bosîria anti Het-zegovina, %rhich erianti. andth ie posesesioni of tire ricir belougeti to Setris under Tunkisir la a bit of tihe sacrifice temautiet etf DuLcir anti Be(glan rolonIes. To ex- suzernirrttv. AgaIn afior the finalt people of ail classes during tirese stren.- ruse berecîf sir prof.eses to ire tire adi- Balkan w-nr against tire Turks, tire trot-e days. vocaLe of tire national principhe. wbiho combineti offerts of Germany andt Aus- * * *lu reahity sire la figirting bart agali-tt tria almeet led te tire downbalh of It. Rut we muet net think aîîy (egs cf Sorbia andtihie resteratiIon o! Turkey: Theacqisiionof he ren Vale'lire national principle becatise Gs-rmamiy Indeedti tey would bave doue se but for Tir acwiit oncf hî' Ten Vale apphies ît as a cioak for aggreasson. lire intervention of Rýoumîtia* Tihe power systerna anti the prîvate elec- Let ura conslder for a moment sorne murder o! the Arcirduke ln June, 1914. IricAl set-vices 'tirourgirut Centrai On- other ragions where tire are dlvideti was the resuit cf j, bitter hatret cf tht tarie by thre Provincial Goecrnment la nattonalitlee. Perhaîs tire natienatity Serbians anti Austrla. anti was seized i a hiîgiîy Important ativance lu tire way wirich 'arouses oui- deepest sympathy upon by Atîstria andi Germany as a la tirat littIe coruntry on tire bordera goond excuse for crusIîang Serbna anti ar. of public ownerahip. Tire services pur- of Rumsia, Germany anti Arstria, r removlng this obstacle te tiroir great i chaseti were controlloti by twonty-twe country whoae national ideas corre- scireme of expenston. Tire opporîrînity priu-ate concerna, te whom tire sum o! sponti vory clesely with those o! Bt-lt- came when Gerrnany was perfectly pro- $8,350,000 se paiti lu Provincial bondas. '%in. 1 rober te the country of tire Polos. pared, antiso lire war iregan. ioanti wu once tire strongest power We sec f rom thns irow Lirepresent The area, covereti by tiiose services la lnEstern Eurôpe, but. owing te a war aroae directly f rom tire aepiration from Wbitiry on tire west te Kingston faulty social andi politicril systemn, sire Of a amali country tetUmute with iUs on tire eat, anti as far nortir as Lindi- fou hileO decay. ln tire laest quarter O! brotirers anti become a truie nation, syadPeterboro. This la al brouglît Itire lgirteenthi centtr7 aira was un- anti from tire Austro-German epposi- say mîrid fscrupirionsly divideti np anîong Russia, ion t-n tire ntional -principle in cruair- under tire contrel o! tire Hydmo-lectre Priesa anti Austria. Tire Poles were gtoentinlaprtin.1ie Commision, ant iwlil place Eastern Jaiways a prouti andti rtrsely patrlotic - gan iry a great stroke agalnat a lîttle Ontario ln a mucir more ativantageousi race, andt ery dan never ire ttirne t bte soutirern nation struggllng for union; 1 Prussians. AustrIants Or Rusins, (t was driven home by a cowardly blow position ln regard te electricai service, thug Germs.iy bas matie eVMei- e- agaInst anotirer amaill nation in tirs Lian irs ieen possible ireretofore. Up fort to do go. '1'ey have been perse- nerti-west, slmpiy be-cause tirat nation tô tire present time, moat oethtie elec.e-uteti bY Gem-misa niitarism: GernialS relieti on tire pletigeti word o!fsiiether trical tievehopment sciremea have irat have iroigirt up tieir lantisand settled nation wicir hati ltaeif once exý Amon tbin; he erMn GOérnèntporlenceti the miseries of weakness and to do wItir western Ontario, but tireiras forbitiden tire Pouaeh langUage ti division, anrd wblch w»s now lettian castern part o!fLihe Province wiil now bee spolien; but allihel efforts have OiiiY flotiring stand (n Its waY of exp)andlng reaaonabiy corne ln for an eqtW a iare lncreaeMti er already passiensie IPat- itself, no matr wbat tire coat hi etir' of te atenJon-of he ommssin. rs. If vicery talla wbere IL certain- of ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I tieatetono ir omiae. , ..' #.i t l hm ....s tà & Indeeti, the moment of -tire cempletion anti epeation o! a radiai raihway wiîc wiil coaneet Toronto anti the entern tevusalaong tire nortir shore et Laýke 'Ontario bas been brougit ver appre- ciabiy nearor by tuas Important tranac tion. tu n e otirer teature dees thiti e> quisition maik tire deva ot a new d&Y fer Ontario. 15 mosis tirat bencforti' perpetuat om of-eaetenei-gy viii not be reliMfutsbed te prIvea surpratena. Tho6 nmuw relsurces et the.Provine, speIeiyiii the MW ~et poer. shoffl not be placothi-the haii4a of a few persena *ho may plilaup bis I ndI1dg tort««esAt ùm'ftbe-e i andthe t.Onta#'o Govsmeat Ihua k. tu*-bmi nitet m'wa4%,y t. -es«t 8fth* »Iistak. ma *bon he I u mt ValI povu' nurse o h r Nuls eb afrm . s ea*d Q4à SCOOL TEINER Aiu tis,4h.--"!a uâoe<br tin o public sebeoliâ 1~~1 ~n~ vmu run-ov I mo invm w -if ana - U rw te Ilve, tien monuetcome mueStlra the 4EW ISSUE of tphe 1 Telep'he Directory (s now I .r t- r -rn rr n t i tiitrti ,-r s ui rntnIfngeu for t thouid rrrprrrUd teos as fjae Miîr e tua Jeritfrmnr7 r ho e' wirrhtnrr t- * i liti tt- Wt1.t nu iiir t w itl Ii.e rrur tr ii ' strl, n tn mi The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada ., - I final triumph of the national princîple. Notice to Creditors and Belilum mrret ho restored andiasuredlOhes that foroyer sire wili be unmoîested; ,thrs 1Aleaco and Lorraine be given back toi 1France; the Poles e rernItet; the IN THE ESTATE 0F JOS. FRANK- 113aikan, States be reorganized and ai- LIN ROGIERS, LATE OF-' THE lowod national îrnity; unredeemei TOWNSHIP 0F WI-ITBY. IN THE Itaiy ho addod 10 lier mo-rer State; COUINTY OF ONIURIO, RAIL WAY 'tire proud Magyar muet ire contented MAIL CLERK, DECEASED. w~ith a er-aîl btit truly l4tingarian Klngdorn; and finaily, the Germausý Notice le hereby given. puranant tô j hlcmeplves must ho content wiih the section 56. Chap. 121, R.S.O., 1914, that rtch lande wich thetr own eoni; have ail persona havin-g claipiS againet the* peopied, thoug Germnany muet not, pstate of tire said Jos3eph Frankin, irowever muih she may deserve lt, re 'Rogers. who dled at the said TPovnmhip divided any more thoan any other nat-t of Whitby on the twenty-0T5et daY of ionality. Su-cb a task wiIll ot be an January, 1911, are require4. to deliver Pasy one, but If tire Statesinen who, or eend iry post, prepaid, to Miabel E. have tire task ln their banda keep ever! Rogers. Kînsale, Ontailo, Administra- before tiroir minds the national prin- Itrix of thre eîid estate, on or before the cîple. we shail have stich a peacoful flfth day of April, 1916, tiroir namelo and contenteti Europe as bas neyer and atidreBeos andi a full descrlptton of been botore, andi each nation can thon tirirMains, andti tir nature of tire se- go lits own way, live Its own life, work etîrities, If any, helti by tiren, and o ut its owTI devellopidnit, andi ad to Further taka notice thnt miter the. tire already rIcir store of Etiropean cul- tiftir day of April, 1916, thre âAad Ad- ture. .-minietratrlx will proceeti to distribute I~ ~ 0---- 0 --- tIre estate of tihe saiti dEceamAe among Tire residence occupled by Herman itho parties entitied thereto. havig rsa Titus, on James McCully's farm, Ët1 gard only to thre datims of which eh@ aBinekwater, was'destroyed by lire on, shaih tiron have notice, andi the obi4 rFrlday, Mai-ch 10. No one was home Atiministratrix shail net re siabie -fer > at thre time, as Mr. and Mra. Titus were tire sait! assets or any part thereof te 9(n Uxbriâge answering a charge Olt ne- any person of whoso dlaim ohe saah 9gleeting te senti their ceildren to not then hav-e recoiveti notice.-- 9school. MABEL E. RkOGERS, V Cha»s Goulti, of Uxbrldge, hras sold i Adminfstratrix, t- hie foeur antigiot miii to John C.-,1Dy ARTHUR E. CHIlISTIAN, e Paxton, of Biloant. Mr. Gouiti ias c-n- Uer soliciter* e xuç#.e iemiii ajace 1886. Dateti March iStir, 1916. -1 'r I Ai vI i ri -i e:t Si il Avnu 26. P -cure ) Af I ~1 iiext Goi 42.65- A -f them Mr. -at 0k -tnred Th-] TU", tas,. I Mme ý 1