Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Mar 1916, p. 8

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* - PAG~E IIIG«IITR-- SD4Uy, MAnm 23 1916tt. tUQSY eftrsfroui IItOOKLIN. Mî's. George Cutlibort and dauiglter. of Wodstoqrk. who camle downto bau- teud ber lirotîmers weddlig, ltavt> heeti *îîendiiî,à a fep'- dltris ittî lier au;îî. b4MisJoI). Whlle. àir. a.nd Nirs. Win. Vi îlebae et Wh i ttiv, «pti t Stinîday with t bel r dairgh ter, M rg Nortulain lttê'. MitsEnl'lmé liminit, of Vtl e mas homeiî,fur li-r r<int-ia weddisig, à4 r Mrle> .lInqsti hasi hé-vicunt înied ti i biti.4 wtth la grippe. A N v lr % lat j) ig> iii t k- lacie air t he liimni l r anmui Mn1) itohixîrnînol n 0 Wîqitttqdiy tit rtimont i arh 15. 1!1 iý 1 %lhin timni r seconîd danimgtter. A luia was titiitual lun turrritige Ili Mr. Alva l T1il oîumas of nMoogu4 Jîmw. Sasuk "1w lirldeu. niho aas gl%i n "n a>1) v lier fat ligr, mas d reuuved lit pale ibme ai k. vmnýit ried iat buiet <of rîmeý.îu.carita lion lmttint 111 v nit'i' vmlle ' % Thei'coen uine sti je'frfnninid ibylZéen Vu M Ia iu nt i lil îmulbils, lit iiqe ti ofm'i n mi 1Niie.iii iiidiiat, ebt ofis Ithe. bie - nid mrnîmium Arer i lir v 1IlmIîCimeu9111 nIl S S4- t Vi'41 Nit v ii i t l'tlîunrmmtgli ' q'tt l' 1< iti, týVliiitc irali u toi mu slrmhoni otu e tiiiii l Ili roiîmioandl \tmîurrîra 'al' belon' <eanhim ('<r iti I îII~l Miosi i avv 11< lridt. iravns- id l i lui tu litlî vît if i t iail -'it i la 1'111 N IsTtiu-tiSr tal CA BARGAI i LgInt Wag4on, capt. 2,00)0 I Oliver Rltdn(Iit w, re', i W î1 - l ,;, - i iPI1o %%, N (. 2 1, I I S> Ivý(ste'r 1>oNw, No, 7, tie 4 Sec. Harrows and Draw regula j [loi se 1îou~er, ail steel S. 1 Steel Ranr, new, conîple 25 Ke..s \Vire N ails, reg $ ao Roils Tar Paper, damagý i Fleury Pîtiper, new. reg, 1 singer Sewîng 'Machine, r URIAH HaIrdware, AT DISNEV Bu Owing to bad roadi extendod to Satui 1 Morris L hair and one R regulai pric, 2 Recd Chairs,' regular 1 Morris Chair, regtiÙlar 1 Parlor Chair & Rocker, reý 1 L.eather Rocker, regutai 3 Mattressua, regular 3 Feit Mattresff, regular 10 Mattresses, regular 3 Mattresses1 regular ways been a favorite &mon& Young 1andt oid. andi the numerons beautliful andi iîseful gifts whtcb she receiveti att.est- Xniong t âie pres - îstor a enros cdèng(i fiat slu i han a oa frans. chnequte rni er parents andi a long perslani lamb coat front the groom. The groomnVimgifite oMisa Ethel Burns, who played hie weddlng iarch, was a jicarl brooci. NMr. and NMrs. Thomtsofl ai remide ini Moose Jaw. ,1lsuu m argart'i Whie celebrateti lier 7th Il>itlidtiy onuSaturday, win'ushe enteirt nîieîd i nuiber of lier luttle al littu 1 m io<m iii' Ni r j olin Nlmltelmrd sppti t iqîiday- N 01 WfIU'I ai wred Ws, nv *Um Desontaiuew OIo-eIwtsh eemy1 #" ti. w.s urvom w uu oud haveé Viàe for 1neyer spent any umw lu that 1spmnt for ioLI w~ «»&ti, aie out sud nervousMd 4usd. me strong, wsU mati vgorous after everytiing ee h d-faSh.d hbelp -me, andi 1 eau aieado my btework witha ilv« Md i -rm e, a l w«,rn hivn- ervoi ud Iroe todinon. lkJU.I1 I pptn% (To. Iate.tor at-Issue.) Haroldi Jones lis.engage i wth. Ir- ving*bMcAtoy tWr tjne sumùtaer. Miss Beul&h Jones Io viiting ber sis- ter, Mrs. I. Satiler, of Greenwvood. Â. pîi4rber f rom here attended. the cendêrt at Kînsaie. Ail report a good tiie. MètintZMon Leapw eattendeti the L#<agde Ually fit Ciaretroni l eflodliut' Chu1,chiat Tuesday uight. Dônt forget thne pork and beau sîip- pet, and drama Pntillud -The Young Village Doctor," to be given ln the' ctur cli puFriday, March 24thi. Mifis Elva Jones retmtmd home afaler Until He LJsod Futalvs The Great Kwney Reody, Il11i~ iie ONT., Aug. 26th, 1918. Do Net -Fw'gst That. frost & Wood Cultivators, Land. Relleirs, Binders, Mowers, CoCkshutt Drills, Plows, Disc Harrows, M.inure Spreaders, De Lavai Sbilos and Cream Separators ail have a good repiltation. This is a good time to purchase )>our 500, t 4.30à, i .; -4.00' Vo Cii v ,Mn J. itCt itlton. soli of nIrJohmn A. IL Allia, Drigg1atWhItI OnIl spenling R few weu'-Pks wlth li ilnds. . lotit tu-o years ago, I found my w'.*~~~ cuntulutî. d leresotnie ears 1 lu'miti i a veiry badatate. MAidnesOur price on Wire F n ln 1rii. itgf. hisetn-;p wt Liudi;ay ttih. - -. --KINSALE. liNt 1tîîILu(oitng' tieir work and I waai lits >nnmtgir brothî..'r. M Leontrd Jonlies ltas iuad charge of lier s0hal Tîme Kinsale i3ranch ofIthue South rmuumwil oniin Iv een iom tgt l, imn ~fcer ii a Tor-onto work. Ontario Womeu's Institute m'Ill Meet iaitatvim'mdvertised, I decided te- btui t in loiMrs. W. A. Drydeni and Miss Olver ai -telme of Mrs. J. Rodd, ou Thurs- ------ lriratinws iti u Nîr %disuion. oi Gni'euwood, I iiiunv- w-ere ln Torointo on Tlursday lant. day alternoon, Mailh 30, i 2.10. We tr hn.TeracinwsmlndW @ 0 I1N imn 1m M F.MeBies Ioîmue !mr. 16.1 pairs afI docks bave been sent ta would lîke a full reîreseniatloofi the time restit al] fiat couid be expected. Adtisou îu li'lulie utnî r, n ~To.1'ronto silice February lth, from the menilers as an accounit ai the work My Kiuineys rosumed thoir norma WHITBY,0 T l'ust A-e1 b mle etng fle OfWNIi' Red C(ross cornmlttee ai the Patriotie doue by the Iuîstltîmte for the Red Cross aIlntru a ae prrd fs~Bl u d hn. Leagte o Brookli. This s Indleil Society ,will be gin-en lin full. Every- dznbx4ad1teandnodlm Thtte wlt li' metin la ersWOni't'I's verv good showing, but there are stîll body, welcome. Mrs. C. L. Mackey, u«' umsmnlIseaueny(-m ln'ý1rtte %N-111Mach lotat 3 %cPlcck aiium ai ofiometi and girls lu Brook- Presîdeni; Mrs. R. R. Mowbray, Sec, ci/a/i/j'. Todmiy, Iam as wadIas ever." qmpnttsnnui îcud ym n ude on Jobýti i n ý,Mrh o ail dress thindl ers. are noî kniting for the sol.tiaw I ig te svr so nMon- a fo B. A. KE LLY. now crowded, and limeIiliBpectorBanys iittei-liig. Exlîlldts ni darnulua.memd- Privai' ilodge,.f cI Wlitby, was lu pastpoeed untîl FrIilmy evenîr,î'th N lmir rsn nneitc ue nîlr.au tsHmurdVmn e ticita mrdl iîiîs totn thenvllageand vctueunonliusrsylcfsIbpo'edvillagrblat ut on-lciiuitri oui Tîmesdavted aisawapOneooethv unfav resabnts obutOnonandatur- t111- itutlînte .vatces fo i.thlîease hbiuîgecrmlitlumg -day the best of weather permltteil large b 'utatii'iImDd tan-.Oen leonaser si e d ts cf Oronol lsI'mnrcu o t xîi Mils Rose and daiiîten B3ei y, anti tmtirbers la cougreg'ale lin spite cf h .,. t~"~ n ml h' mel Oou sa officesposijios.'iedîunla ~~lnutuic Miss Oln01%#-r islhed li Wliiby ouiTues- bail mails andl short notice. Alralicuir nidist. Ilh<sî-i.umi)tg illut ihavi-utid011 n-mrsa1i Fn' Cî ' ombie end iî,NNI of Toron- dmuav. good tela in fie hall ail adj(mrned t e iepne o Oemlttir broid 1er« eare 44aîuilct lo nil-i t ite-k itîd wltli tle' latter's Mns. Hiakins mand dauglîter. Kath.- thi' ciurcli. aiere an tiimsiolly gond sCithenace frs. -ni.o u wn lin-i" mnmtdNn.jsIucM.lecun, of Toroînto, speut the neek cuti Programme 'mnas euJoytid Tie children inndas hr pe4 plctosfrM unounlli' - animqýJ- t)c.Mr .4 m> ositionîof etîglumeen ai lime uew Orlili a trosbi ctmutoii eane shortiy for %ihnui Mndti rs. 0. Sebcrt. acquitteil iluennselves uobiy, wnhile the filîratlon Pulamnt, rauging ln salary àootOt î'tulaîd iittimtabieî t 11 cm Mn. llnssî-ll Whitue, wNbas beemi lu play. 'Pa's new Heusekeeper," con- . M Iiar oe.from 6ot $12001 it tr ,Onme tap- Tcilv5i uisarsipiy rt i à1q ils e uquile 1 'Ottawa, n. u'îia l'ew diys lasi aeekvNlI-ilthle auîdieunce lu peals e a ci iay ots eiaitfota ryvllageb-said lubc ie f 1113.î-<alt? eir. V -«n-nldj1Ns tIli i<e.M .eni'nli î taemslmrpirt eva er. Nihs C(. Lawrence, Our able eio- cotiid gîve ni'fere'nce Ircîi everybcdyln a toiv o l'or ainre ue as aînthe ie Cttlion.isi >1eiste 5 ' b audienice-as lC ATAIN.toNv.n excetit iug tue bnttclmer.tand - " I wylivifi<ee Oii &iitssYOR 2 - - forA titii'iph, w Mn Mr s ici-erai clleegaeve'Iaus. . I i-TA5 I miiunyc; mîîd dîfrinicis wllbh lm." 0)j'Ol -.J1iai'l-aia>iui t.' C [luteîur),lit tuai ciiy. This lîs titil. aiso the Brookîlîn nitqutneih gî all. (G. W. P. Enel Ii tank iug aln icnr tm>.a Pikeitg by.i ouie a etlnt the-blird soinn o i . and Mr...Doi ths e Eîmolri l Lani Rmliyon oucourse ai the DIs<1itJsci-lool mleoad ofnl(i otuu.rePceingilie Mhiîiuboy.- nern Whinte ho jomn thie colons. TeEwrhLau al n Mon-t fMii' ik'iry Ir Tonîmmtti , t o q'iiuml if> ;s a ia mms (ido viisrrie T Ai Brookîlii n. uiSiunday. Mardi 18,<IS> ight wuS aise 'm"aniy cifrnote. '1îîu kel ý-sr tniclr fl'ot Il. cor. voa5* ed . .enlat P'. him I o Mn murmu s. Etigene Wîl- Ilrocklln Leuigie jolineil wlih us. Ex- Srt .D î .«.i ftr _- _ ---Charles, Ste.Prnia -Hlon. a idaitgliîi'r. ielilentpapers were reail by the dif- ilm i tuWilhm 't l itmniit to ____ Ren'. Mn. lionlanil. nf Gne nbaitîk., i-re-nt departinentp af lhe Leagîte. Rei'. gîve a. itneêe wi'm'k(s' cournse lintlvuyoui SALK i-t;SEi - ué~ ru'1 i-lc ixcimali dputtibits wltlm Rev. H.W. ,Mr. Faley, NMîs.-onar% Pretstitfîlc i g liîtlmg ammdl iiysical trnainimng. ('Ine Pit].'NlI :.'ard 24. At.ictlomn sale of .i * * i F'otey oui Stnday, tmaulthe niisfcritue! init. gave a nen% ' iilhtiiig atdress. inan froni euîcti .sectlinorl-'t'.t"on- lmîtatitsolts, lad mne loorngetc. in M-< sn mivaliuable golul walrh between .XAller lunch the mn ing Ieoille ne- aywltkeIecor.powiyofheiadorEitain L 1 S, Mrte ndBrokii. rRolan trnd o hpr iferpthoesin r b Te icinwiung men lhave<' nfuly Wltty, amth(l ime1li sciool (lymnas P oeso a s wIili gi- a neaard tb tbe personne- willinug to countinute ln tue Implortnt beeu taken ou the stretîil ni the 1101h imîrît. Sale alt l(t au. binlu: ai) W in. _________________________ tmrniîmg saine inho lu. as lime watcb was work lu thte fuinre. Battalîcu a( Wliltbb,: -T. B. Por-ter, Maau ictiIonien. mgi't hoobii. iroln .Pridr.1roIn .. Tisa, ac 8 ib.Aho Miss Lîllilan BDurnge. af Oshîawa. (CLAitMONT. Brooilu; J. PteanlerG. rookhadickR. reils, a lanmit 251,lobI 1. Asnu 6.A spent bbceneek end wib ber grand- Tîte marriage iock place oui Wedncs- WHiaml, Wltearre r,J. W. C iadlkt îîsibymncîiu lb1;cn . Ibs fresli pal îîted, $20 0)Clmualolisrlstc andilO I paens M. n Nm.Js.Kngt. da f hi 'ek fMis ad de C. Baird, Pickering; E. LeBar, Toron-.înpiu-mu'ls mnd iiotseliold îîurnîîure. O..FRWLLkC. }unlCv $45.00, sale 35 0O ago. anti abe lias becu laid up wlth Chas. A. Barclay, Ciaremnict to Mn.1 Parade Iîaur lias Ilencbauîged froni larg- hubis fmr.lumntlnmr îarticiuiars Jas, out Slotr nbcinaism. lias recovereil. Hi' speunt Lm o3hmn Hayward, son cf Mn. nd 9 .30 te 8.15 a..Dsip tcine.C ew, reg. $ m 3 00, s-ale 11.00 the week cuti lu the village. Mrs. Alfredl HmVwbood. 1'orclu1 The flloiewng offlcers have receuntly ThBlsdmî.Atictianeer.--xe eas-Office, south wln or oiWl -m ~ ~ lANNUAL MEE"TING 0F THE BROOK-. 0LT1USlate ll6timln thir Lîuit G. . Iltien sale cf t'lydesdaie imeses, register- _-__ _________ -%v, reg $3 00, sale 11.00 LIN SPRIN; FAIR ASSOCIATION. Iote16i ctioi;Let.G .H danul grade caille,. sed grain, etc.,AE UIIA reg.prîvale Jaîck Owens andl Walter But- Grîcrscu, G. F. Gît>. W. 1). Hardiug T'le getiîiral meeting of tne Brook- cher spenu a feu- diys nilîli frîcuils Receully Capts. Mcody sud Gra, of7,Uickoerng . ae n. o'lot 5. con. Bari lit 'mii lin Sprimng Fair Association was belti Iere. the 116th anti lS2ud Blattaîlous, bai lckrlng Sle II&icksap rîriste. SoIito.o.PbiEc ln the Coinci Chanuber, Brooklu. on Mr. Robt. Ashton is holding bis sale a coaiereuce neti loical ilquar aealers,Wi.Mw utoer Office, Brock 1. » tadr aL ir j>i( e 8. 50, çale 15.50 Sat.mrilay. Mnrch 18ti, wlth Presldent ai stock, lImplements anud furiutuure on wbeîî the botter agreedti t seil oni> beer ' 1Tiuesilay, March 28.--Atitlla sale cofony)41Lsu Thos. Hall lui th&- chair, for the p-turpese the 28th intI ant i lgim wiues ta men ln kiaki. Since fanm stock anti implienhs, the prep -_ IL, sale 10.00 ni recelving the Autiltor's report andi Mr. and Mrm. Chas. Harris entertalu- limat lIme, lime oflicers report. Ilrebas erly ai John Pow-en, lot 5. con. 1, PIck-tMR tIne lcioin ai oMters. The meeting cd a number of -teir fienils to a net beeti a singie case of driukmnvumu cnlng (Kingston Rond). Sale ai one -MRIG IUSS fte, reg $4000, Sale 29.50 wss laîily wil attenilet, aund -every- dance on Frlday night. before Ihern. o'clock sarp. W. B. 'Powel4 Aiîcllam- 6. voIJ4 MTH LB ane feltilat interest lufhils show St. Patriokîs social lu the Methodisl Que man f nom each plalloon luC" enr. i3.-75 keg, sale 295 sinoul ual be ailowed Io iag. Chureh last Fritiay nîgimt wan a decIdeilConipany bas gone to Torntno tfi laite Wçduesday, Manch 29.-Amîcîlon sale UU! The reports of limé year's business success. 'rhe tea andi programi were the couirse In the ba>-one'lgutîng anti of farm stock, Impiemeuls, corn, grain, At dweliighuaspost 1ehis 'rre.So ol.sle 2c shoacil Ihat the iast years fair hati enjoyetiï by ail. Proceeis $26.50. physical vaissat i.9- Pi-on Iiona utiîrniîuire, the propcrty ai Frank Gnegg. Cbuich. N l$.bsrqlu cdre. 0crol.sae 0C boau a success lu everv way, andti hia Mr. Mbsea Doiitlle lias gene te Vain. Scbooi Tbcy are: R. Balhey, A. B. Hop- lot 11, con. 9, Pickering. 1 % mlle cast - - i hh people genersliv were a-cil satîfleti couver *IUn s a "loati of stock. kins, W. G. Lutuau, W. Thoîmn. of Claremont. Evcrything ahI be sod. $ 13.00, sale $io0-50 alUn lime work doue. Mr. Archit- flhslîop has engaged wiliî Carp oral E. S. Baya, who recently Sale aI 1 o'clock sharp. Wm. Maw. ENA The foiioatng offilcers we re electeti Mn. John Guy for the summer. réturneti rm Montreai, wuere lie mucloneer.___________ new, reg. $40 oo,sale 30.00 for 1916: , . took fie course lu bayamiet flghtlng and Friday, March 31.-Miction sale ofHarJ. udoD .S LD . Preadent-Tlit;. all.phyuicai drîi, lbas ben h ecun t furutture. lime iîrpcîy cf lime eslale Of ayJ.H lst Vice-President -W. F. Batly. e-C*mh Cannot be Cureti represent the ll6th Baltliou aI t helthe laie Chas. Bateman. 1 mie Pest ef Succesr10WAta. 2iiilVle-Preultent---W. A. Drydien. IhCCLP<AIN. as tfil cannai Proylstonal Schooli in Toronto, where iWlîby .toWn. Sale at i o'clock sharp. Office, Dunutsa tet poiePa Sec.-Treas.-R M. Tîpper. lotil~t a i ltilait aavll lola* gqsl lho*oti by constitution. hie will lake charge of a bayOnet flght- Terni cash. Wmi. Ua. aucetinier. Office. Phoie 22 Drectors-Johu Vîpon .Wm. Ormîi-ts oaluaaLaE__ ale t g ~i -umtipyîa lai.omc~t i2fi.MJ lstki i!l.la? .sf~Cure 1a lfIceraad 1 oil 5111id f Wdel ArI t.'-Mr , J.WtITYOT C> N 13S I~~~on. D. Burna, Dr. Jîno. Moore. 1. Grant, îfie iia acte Uîrolthlm ato osa 4ue onsoet f clfSly pl J. E. Disnmey. S. Maning. U. Jones. tt musmP.fam flie *p.fcr.Hoiday ahIlsei l byauletion on lot 23, Holiiday. E. Patterson. Dr. James catarfI curé wa me =rlbe by one of the bett A pieket has been placeti on duty te <con. S- Whiîbalc i smsoc -- - ___ lin Mooph. C.»RtiroIIIF.bCooper.Ir YW#&- tin"om. patri>i the, bawn each day fi'om 6 p.m. amd lriaplementm,. Sale 10 commence at E. W. Sisson ...LDS Brook Moer, CKlngaon,aniP. CFoer.uso. uçdh-pet tébt -il oInr 'teI 0.0 one o'ciock. -For further partîculars Cousiderable finie as speunt ln tifs- Lkremm of* als urelanuscun nsîctonse lre bills. James ishoîn, auc- Denstal PallosooAih du sz*ttlrb Z îb aWluaî uiducee sié)li wondettfblî be ariionfrthiint estore. c001utssiung ways anti inans of Improving renm slu , iiIrbal càdf . en .ti ei.habencritoufrhela lunr. * .- the 19116 Fair. whieh te 10 be beit n Moll , weeks and 'aI be continueti untîl ail ---- - ~---May 24th. No effort alîl ue spared, w o y 1.C 1MN XIY à CO., Prop .Toledo, O. tie members 'of "C" Company have S .N.2 ATWIB. Office houns9toU' ;~ê6 ruake the FaIC bigger anti better this éè»l»i . quîahifie&. The cilais la iu charge of year Ihan ever. thougb It wasa tecîdeti ILleut. -H. IL, Major anti Corpi. Frank d lint r. .E ahaeat 111e Phones, Bei<j nipuai 1 that rigiti econoini muaithie praeteti .Mflro0tYby b O0f WhoM recently qâuai- sonm have rettîrneti (rom Montreli Â'1~ ~a. herever possible, wlthout lnjury to ALMONDS. 1ified as muaketry Inetructora. - Lteut. D. R. Lensak, of lime Army Ser-IBILAIKE B 1311,, ,OS. D1M. W" ~thie amicesa flinoh Pair. Miss Mf;yDînguisu la vlsiting lni 182u4 lIATTALION. vice Corps, alpent lait Suntiay with Mr.Ud etis b ICfuge otL te 111Fair hie givea tte fl eiCross af bersp.udug several aceka lu re-t gtkabno gooti shape. E 0F FORNITURE Socey vrais . hiedoatnimilws t ln,.be.r'coiuor::reytmruThe: form OnedtroC Ioor ti Mm8.ÂRrNO. .Wui .oféloe . la the. carnest hope «dutam of ««eY- Mr 'T.- iRon bas eswnetihlm 0AI rof*ahtioitt,-"d.qîrery mU"- jota- Peloinu l i-report,'oW standilng uOUuuss9oIloo ~o mbis pur. -Mr. maUu lrsI las mnm.dlatofr omn vii aoi omw-iiet ry.the 080B9 O LN rusta teuwI ha lr 'olio.' l y. Ioli »to à uud lOti .91 upihs fior tht, roonth of Pobir8. 1' - - pose. luithtit vint t think wluat titis n1011l"1,16to ott r.I.Mad i e7starsd- s, our aI~ bas ben ap mit têê othm teedîretors «0a'4M A. *Wfreydo«s uêt it Iprov 05u tpitWaibooto iei, iidr. Ethel Wbite !41i M5t 6 .Whtte TALO~ NS 64 O P 6 0. >h» wfflOm'n. apoined o *ý1t o theWbiby T. Mp&y, «- r iondes wottld lIMo. elothing, fitsut t fkiaki, aai UrlIR rday, ftlitatech ft«th. ieeting andt iii. lad )M is.WouwereluOIaa gF01Wâ tt wt 5&I4 ap, ais.-tooth l ý 031,otai l; , tta Wht. ý4$0, Star 116daY RtfiM«b 2 080 -tr a du9t« n ag o.tto 1%lir Ottr. »L.-Fxo. airhard 118, ad stwrstt . SÎ*8lkhialIfilstars-5. 4 llte um"nbsitlrnt adjow'ullfed t. nicet À skiait 014 0of rlatives and friends Vili 1v .po su Id4es Ct the (boroul . Jr. fll,-4i*Ille Itlradi. 0, tarI" Airt 1PJU >cker, leather, at the SUiiof the PradUmt. fu ee-r»te PS eraon ihors. 31* ati ahith is rqet1 8 ât I U:.29:01lv. GuScyn, 5M. tars 27;: 'R: ~ le $23-00, Saturday $ 18.00 *b é '.*i.»umisoluUl ocea. - . ow. _t t~d Cui t 33.09 " 2800 ti. fohowis, progamu a b. gve; Mr. q Mai. P Iaithe efft son <IIIiIIXalldaylng31pIuWnx Logthf$"2. stm' 17far 4;T*sb o 1$ 900 7.50 o casthe t owt et uwll tbe q~tetc htasbb oiIfc Bt LMe hb 32-09#e,"AsienMO.,t Ms W h 5v~%absnWtts IBta- * hcn 28,0 î,. Bol Great reductieuis on everythlwg lW the stoI1 re. T9USCash. * Dlsgey Dohr F-AUmm, AIJCTIO,0N ........ ..... Il sf1 pi 50 w w swiLft t4àv%&,qw tkiLimd"v ms taia A ý -, h"sw to r' t 'fI deyt.

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