Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 3

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A DICER8 TRROýWi 01"be. M e. Denver, Colo. s Mfm tte on Verdun a -àmbeF árôw r iiitoty na|eesm t rn ht the and of germate upei iority of This Terrible A13111A Oe r hnasBl Effective WtOtVt fE eos u rv fias Bcen Extemplified at \ erduni. in life, with little prospcto stesn Niad, ø eeed ma n fW r have induced many to believe i1 is J ~the énemny's last expiring hope. A despalteh fromn Paris says:. Liquid the nwppr "the superiority of But Verdun is the apex of those Main Feeatures o h il npouto fafdvta oue rC hais been the means by which the thlis terrible arm over the hayonet. eastern citadels which have always Prohibition willgoitefctnwhhlqurilbedve. Men though it may expose the man shackled the Germant off ensive Selitemnber-probably nSpebr1 ealliesswl eise et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h nusgie teprins o cocrries it to the danger of deathi through Uelgiumi, and unitil smiashied -by direct legislatio.ntigsaeoidvdulupn ênho mntond nrecent official inee a fragment of shell should anly attack toward Paris is, exposed All licenses, with afwecpindco' rsrpin n oadc ebazits' and thel\lilitary CommittOV tu anlattackth owr n cuet 1\njdate fixed, tupon paymn fnmnlvtrnr o oeta w al if the (·hambher of teui- s en- o hhh our communications areGnravnDemigth the Ger- fee of $5 or $10. a ie [u',ing into mefthods for tbhe protet bearinig wtnss"man f'iftee(nth corps th- t this was to Referendum will betknatrwr OtroLcneBad1ilb ion of the rec top ninlst such Thet-newspapieraddl(S thait France bf he last at-Fec offensi ve, and a considerabletrnafertuncniuedwhmmbrhpotr re at i an li h , se if a sin lir lha'; c% rv mlleatgn at htr <lisposal for ahd it m ms to express i anl exact tof soldiers, n h re ih d iitain inlo. in) "i isal. 1Rpay ifi c the Germans ;in their own coin vei,., New Ontario Temr ane A tfi e a s "01(b:11n1nd und Y i tand," saysý and thekrefore shotl emnploy themn. is criedibly eore thabt during lows Manitoba Aet ecp o noa Bl o oitreewt mo the last visit of the King of Saxony poration of improvemnstknfo ino iur o rvt s rk to his tr-oops the offirers surrontled Ontario License Act nitnthhoe himi and tohl him that the wkir-Must Wholesale druggist ilb iesd Hay ie agn pt 1 hLW IeNIN E 1ILE :ýqujickýly b)rought, to a close, for- the to sell in wholesaleqattsfoansnecsupoeghmnhs solier wubl be unablejt to underiak,, scientific and mechanclproeu-rvidfrifatosofhea ENEM19 Y DUGOUTS IN TRAIN- COLLISION Iti oiebetat the trooPs whlo - madie the greatest sacrifice tVr IL E E TE Y DS B E O DE S dun were principailly Prussians, the IL D r umflt.tids \gainst Gerilan Toot vIler From Chcao iahe owe-r and pic!k of the Germran rmy, Tan in la Bame into Freigitt at l'ortund naturally the supremne ChamipionsAR NZ SME W LLB T lE of Milit-arismn. Thie Kaiser sut bay, nodii haï to A d patch fromTýlnl says. Sir A ýIjittçh fromi Toronto saîys: Thesaeteouryndhmlfbd-Svra Dead andWoneBadtASarHaArey enlde lthn laglora Iw rit i ýh Tmi n a lyevr from lichicago on Thurs- q ing something extremely (deslperat;QeeiihTy eaied toitt wLN\ sniq. fIl raids i., omh-lt 'crashnLd into a through findt before the attack on Verdun Were 1 let n th agaIna. the (; 1rmn rn ches abo t l-rgh al.out a il ie past Porlt Credit cle o ni f i edn ee~Fiel.Ma ig C;omne t.court vgi fl( the 1:ithune La Baq- Etatilon. The engine (of tlie passen ger q ais at Potsdam and Obandtheir'AdepthfoOtaaay: eom 'l i 1 du goUts 1Ilý ti 11led1 N ath train daàihed iinto the c-aboose of the opinions as to the proposed move. A despatch from lPsTxs iiaioptl omsin h Il t.iii y w\elre biemb1 1 p- 1lown lfr1,vighIlt tiaini, t uttin1g through the They all saw that the Russian front saýys: Villa was ataceandfa-nocsthraenw1,0mn, Il ' l iq innan slr& a non;le to calw The linpiact of the colhsion was conisolidated as nevecr before, and ed on Thursday nigta at e-mtsadotptet ntevr he(,1-0 ofArras ait tw\\lmim w 1 ran .h1ot hloIcom-otive wsathat they were assuming a victorious trudes by Carranzaropcodigonaeethms.Spsre of C Il eh 1 e ( 11Iý , cle thr nmel onfa iqýile amlidst the off ensiv-e. IHence that Germian effort to a despatch recevdb eea n ae opoietann nt hl lt <llæge Io the Britiýh ,wret-kagce(if th,,plntr( ai. The in that theatre wouild be useless. Gavira in Juarez. eea aiahmsadM.T .Kde, n e.A grn li tætii the wreck cla1innel, twovims They Ini the Balkans, Germany would onlyi said he had receive uhni no-vctoa ertrhsjs e t1j g A As w \as Ivepulýed 11ar: llarny therenegmeer of the be working for the benefit of the B3ul- mation that aftertesrmhatdfomQbcwreemde h ï lt il fo0r cces ofihgalind Chicagzo Flyer, ianl iih d: James garians, who are so decimated and Santa Clara earlierithdaweerngmtsfrhentalioof I% fgAthob( i enthe sma I l[ (4lla- Ah rr>, Brietnom Iýof thic lyer, crilti- PTYOFCRI IGN FATREODSEMR crushed they are unable to make, a Col. Canlo's commadhddfae qimnro lmnayvct n'lit it g M: q, o hallfia niile south- , lyinjr . Te reck occurred on j 11 Pty malBritish steamier was torpedloed near theEg9yptian coast fresh effort for themselves. Salonikt Villa, the bandit cifanwspr riigi h aadPrs q1 orMlaouit, lgioIun te t oh'n main inw if t·he Grand Trunk b lGrrn aaT ot, theIAins previousIl iviing tiemntouw teewas admitted to e îieinpregnabl e. sued and again attce aeTus aecn oe hshm s 1f lint essWdely ha\ e not Railwayý. At the tme of the wreck eiinkingfromn the Ils in the vieitity, so that they mnight get good11(1#:'lE o Greece was veermng, and Ruimania day night at SanaGrrdsai ae i h iyo ubc h -1aI1 lit l to iln ntitr gl nsthe 1lyr\NA;runifgn ta high rate mjo ern bar-banismi and be corres(ýpond(Ingly ipesaTh tr hows could not be dependedl upon. again was defeated.Vlalf ee- b o oa aishv thriough connections bertween Chicago corupletely routed by Uenteral 1-..uiin a coivmn. the situation vias extremely desperate field, and Gen. Gairsasoehn cuptnfrcnvecntod Thl liti g l míanlltry lneuen oo nd itTorto, the U lne is suipposed to -- and tehe gamne was up. Through the ýdred horses were cprdfonhmTeelde aepoue rm Vmb n1-q lt \\hie lnighit or I.e elear for its passiageeest strn,19% to 19e;, do., east.1capture of Erzerum Turkey already by the Carranzista. Fo at odRbrsMmra ok Thu \\(:ý qi g1oels4Iý11h1tithe Gr- rns+18-to--%- Butter-Choicestb had become a dead weight, and was Gertrudes Villa fledt lOo hr nLno ag n aube fi, the internsity of their (V IA\YI AGE A(TEl'TEil). reamery, M to 84c; seconds, 30 to crying for German helphwareotdobeergnzglcinofmesofoyt., IIq4ý:-the weslt otf the. river.l 32c. Eggs--Freýsh, 29 to 29c. Pota- Thus Germany was forced to look 'his forces. Santy etue sa<ut o hswl-nw ntt h0 h n of, i , qkIial silne2.-0.600 tiritons lletween, 45 and 70 to Brealdstuff s. toges--Per bag, car lots, $1.70. towards France, but the Republican ranch settlementinteGreods-friabdsoirsndalr.T nor tli then infantry attack, i lm eec.Trno a.2.Mntb ha,- arm.y had become very powerful. Its trict not far fromNaiup. mdlwllbpacdtthds \\ u I bout h sigof IHuP Hm ,, een enewTorono1a.. aNthern, $1.084;Winnipeg Grain- artillery and ammunition were vastly _ _5_ -jo h e ntehm h i i~~~i e a a(on tihe veast - Bria ain'""overTage Yarmy ,50,000 Nt o $ .05%;No 3e, $1.08Vn WnieMr48-;s ha: ueirt ht hywr hnte IHDEFT CNM LA rdcete n ti oe il r i\l 111 ilte weVrje menetee the ages of 45 and 70, store, Fort William. No. 1 Northern, $1.08; No. 2 North-1 repulsed the furious German atbacks--dsgtyiaCndanoson u as unrmttent vIwo iunifoIrmed,( and equipped them- Manitobia oats-No. 2 C.Wl., 42%tc; ern, $1.05¼V4; No. a Northern, at the Yser, and these things militated Campaign DirectedAantEtaa lrlie.Peaain ee o lo y 3 artiller ir e eles ot (,f their own pockets and No. 3 C.W., 40%tc; extra No. 1 feed,, $1.02% ; No. 4, 99%c; No. 5, 90½1c;: against the effectiveness of the blow. inLno1md o h salsmn fc nU ot he u et ernbatik of for mnth- past. have been drilling, 40¼c;, No. 1 feed, 39%c, in store, Fort No. 6, 82½c; feed, 774c. Oats-No. iBut the blow had to be deliveýred gance .'Isbet ntehm. 1 h(i-,im tlhe Malancourt region, marching and( digging trenches--has William. 12 C.W., 42c; No. 8 C.W., 40c; extera somnewhere before spring should Although the Goenethsa-m1cwi efloe hogo (Ih t 0tlbetweeý(n Betinicourt-' beeni off icially accepted by the Gov. Americani corn--No. 8 yellow, 78c, No. 1 feed, 40c; No. 1 feed, 38½hc, bring the new Russian and British pealed to patrioticBiostgveu 1 i orte Hmm umire wile to' ernmntt for homei defence and is American corn-No. 3 yellowi 78,' No. 2 feed, 88c. Barley-No. 3, 59e; armies into action, before the PeoPle "'joy riding" inauobiean toDmn . 1m li, st (of 1Irlilerl.anld in the henl(ceforth t,-beg(,considered a portion on"CackdTornto e,6 o.70c, o 4,54x ; No. 1 N. 1 Sl;eed, 51½%c. should lose courage and spirit to re- dismiss all male cafusadsr- TIDT ONBOH \\ ive'. is re.ased in vio- tif the King's qforces. . 1. tak Tn orn-ed 8t 0,onto. C W $ 1 NWC911.4 N.2sist, and so the Kaiser ordered the ants in theinteresso heam n 6 The volunteers, who not lbeing o,- Ontario oats--No. 3 white, 42 to .- attack on Verdun, it is said, contrary or- national economtesz fd-Asrlacil igie sS Siciailly recrognized were no"tRallowed 4,3c; commercial, 41 to 42c, according U!n ited States Màrkets. to the advice of his leading gengerals, mestic staffs maintietsm etSie nTasot il \RNMFIEP \ 11, CROP to wvear khaki and so clad themselves to freights outside. as his only hope. End houses in Lodnsdeardt \(,It1)ACEArE in gray rield uniforms not very dtif- Ontario wheat-No. 2 wintier, per' Minneapohis, Mar. 218 h aie iitdhssnteb "ipyscnaos" o esr fMisMue ferent in color from those of the Ger- car lot,$to1.2N.1cmecilMa, $1.1% tye$othr $1.112;prnce i commandand called1around Lady Lawrenceiladnacm-ersvnenyasodtgtt 'I', s A rv Iligh and They Expect man army, nre delighted that at lasb 96 to 98c; No. 2 do., 94 to 96,é; No. 8 hard, $1.15½ oN.1No3 ello, $751 inimnal omhs aPrussandgenals, atraggisuWsnndxraaac rnt hr h oudnrehr T'roubile in Securing 1eelp. the war office has admitted that do-, 91, o9c edwet 5t 8,to7eOt-N.3wie 9 to 92least all tha5 9t remained of that once at a time when tecutynestewohdbe onel A dea hfromWinoegsays: even if they are graybeards they are aceorasNgto f re 50; acc ing te40%c.OFl--our-Ten icets % higher; nvicile halax n h esperate eeymnand eeysiln,,adt twaa nbadata ýjlany oIf (lt i;trmers of Maitoblla, whoi hardi; as nails and fit' to fght. They sample, $1 to $1.30, according to fancy patenb3, $6.20; first clears, hamme'ring of Verdun was begun. she declares tha e xeinedsusda ode stl n itmlet st uesufficient helli, have de- are now to bie allotted to definite sta- freigthts outside. ;$4.50; other gradeaa.nclhanged; ship- The-Kaiser stands involved not shows thaý nothin u eilto etiseo h odnDiy .1ld 1a0 ,t in a smaller acreage. tioéis in the sichemne of home defence' Barley--Malting barley, 62 to 64c; ments, 50,103 barrefs. Bran-$417.50 only before the world, but before his will make 'somepolitpthrrp.,s ute a at \\ ge wm h le bevondIii the reach of in case of attempted invasion, thus fleed barley, 59 to 62c, according to to $18. 50. own people, and hence he continued squandering of moernueeslx etuati yny u a 1brier tae of the farmers; relieving regular troops anrd set-ing freights outside. Duluth, Mar. 28.-Wheat-No. 1 to lead his army to deliberate butch- ury. They only srgtersolesad a eemndt e o Th, hlp tf be expected from the sol- them free for servicç abroad. B uckwheat-68 to 69c, according to'hard, $1.127%; No. 1 Northern,er.Tsaehsefeodrsau-tapas.boeShgtaordhe glersi will not be as extenstr-e as an- TÏhe volunteers' ability to do any f reights outside--$1.10% toe113;No. 2 Northern, preme masacehre ulf hI mir stae nt Iay otemhtcllerieanlhrsx eand nic t ipte.Quitte a number of men kind of work entrusted to them is Rye-No. 1 commercial, 86 to 87c; $1.05% to $1.09%7/.hishourmasacoe, band Vmiaerd netil Lay mawre na ninn etrfrtody eoehrvie haebeen drifting inito the City from s;hown by the duties they havea-rectdacodntoaml,8toL StkMret bring no relief to his tottering dy- to the Lhfono 1 saes thtn rydhr wodscampand therplacs, bt th read.dishargd atthei -owncost85c, accordm t o frefights outside. Live SokMakt. nsy Hefudth-alatFechpiat esn.a h rgttoe- Te.fierakdPrvt1 r- e- ue of e- are gr a, Con- e-a "ee Sthe aro- t oas it- h ider. Lthe p, ro- 4hee poal 4 re- T his, bo- F'ridays and for the closing of butcher ing to the announcement, whereb Begans- .10 to $4.40, the lte ule ab,$7 to $7.26; -s gim, nd racebefrete'a t riplkne" nglan-- isilhi i shopsn ontoedythe entra r A r t Pu es,9 t20e fw ,897J091 nee-03 heî IT ALIAN COMMANDER will be zmade to make commereMg., .-to c; ucys, 23 to Sli e. $,81.5; o., ,.9;d. , z,- weig- uecesofa ennIefatwil e bar fi&# ARRIVES IN LONDON taally- as nearly normal as possibleCeee-lre,1e tis,9e.e l r,816. profoud throghtfth* e Cengtral afml ftettoad Wi -- ~It is added. Potatoe*Cr lots of'Otris ontel ai 8--Bthrsteer, powers' has arriedsmo ,dako sdep Rtfeceiveit Great Reception from Pub.---$16 o$1.70, and N4w Brunswicks Molto $8.25 -.4$20t nt baae a lie of British Capital. 410 GERMAN $TEAMER aé $1.75 per bag, on track. .7:t $7.26 faiLnon..1eW.EwrdPMlc A despatch from London sayis: Gen-1 - athes'stms "a 0aovUBARNEOISLNE, hoed at,' mru Count Cadorna, chief of the Ital- 1Adsac rmLno as h 57;enes 42 o$ .os,'.....his z* f on ashe l'Rn general stafWho loft Italy to sinking by a RusIan warsip of the Bcn7ogeer 6%t 6ep hls 6-0 igoo, $$,26 to nowobi pAfe Liseda" teP e attend the military and political con- slbhp.seasao ai ka , l ccasedo. ,M$620eiu,.7 o$; cnusn, t TspeWM Paria arive in Lndon on ehe n eI *4e ted tRma" z bkM ité 2k 5 50 0ý Cadorna was met at the station by a7,00to Zéy ee to episorffproà FieldMarshl Ear Kitcener te eGerman Mrg lesaidto have been 14e, and paîBs, 14%et eemp*and,1M% Ibritish War 8eeretary. An Immenseloaded with foodstufs for Conan- te 14%e. -té 1"$.0the vot, T5 t tqu fpeople, English and Iaiatinople. The ersw wau captured by ~tan amnthr t 3e ald greeted'Gnadorna enthusiastically. teRusas h dsaehasor.Metea Mfe,6 o9 ports the sinking of a score eto sail onrel, . *0t..-CM SCORES OF TROUSANDS "aMingesIWps with targfoes of food.ini &2, la to ftue; d OF WOME3N EMPLOYED ---+--b i ;et o fe LA TEST PEACE TER» 60te i": 2 Elocal 0.90M , d8 to 7e spatçhfom ni r aNe REeIBD7 K"E Nwa 7 tions, speking in the Bouse of Guan. Adessthfrom PaIS.ys Rto i mtb, o9e l mond on Wednesday, sidthat écopés eorted bee hte Borne , com of thousands of wMon aewam t Hwerr lt, 1 nedenQà1jýb ha drmedk workt ln the imuniton plants. TheirGma-eranhns ati participAtion in this labo, heoaWd' Rimer waprepara to e a enes g»U e ff had restdin an fenormous inresea d aiso e asonotMers$ind ln the: output of the plantas eplaigw rrietoe se inu emn br Id *99 the mun, yho WMr in the army.aâ"b A ~ ~ ~ ~ m* tep e*f6a Ane s pa~ti etCentaV &Wa nom MMEØION SEAMES OM A O0M0*l News Dessa ote *-e00*he* 90 Me 3 Dt of qu tl 3 a § T A - s . t t

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