Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 8

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thte Masonle Hlli on atuwdây eyeuing ON and brtnig a friend, 'The owner can bave saine 1w applyîng wuifS 11111Mliss Edlth flroWn, of Whitby, spent te John Whiteford. iTueuday ut lier home here. ~ Il Mii. 'tATn. Lowe tae vîeîung ln To- The grand Red Cross etory and song OiiivIsIIjS Ilronto, concert entltléd "The Sentry who alept The recent mnlid epeli and raina have at hie post.- which was te bave been madle the country rmade ln some îîiaces given lb the Methodist Chuircb, on aimost impassible. "'ie Commission- Tuesday eventng by the Whitby Dap- BROOKLIN. Pos werp ount on Tuesday ttying te tist Churcli Choir, has been »Postpened attend the concer t onder break the rnds go (bat the traveling tI Tuesday, Aprit Ilth. The roade )th I6h Battation lun publie ny gîpt tiîrough more eRelly. wPre so bad that the Choir Mils unable Ming Margaret Ormiielon. of Whithv bgltrug roîo spe ii a fi. w days Iii the village viil- Mr. and Mrs. W'el lington MrPhie, of b>. frlends. Orillia. wîho are on ilieir weddlng trip, .8 ~ ~ Mg 1),LÏA H ~ IollldayvIvslied In Port have been v1tig ai the' home of Mr. e -01 MOUel for Young Me. SAniti cvi..>is not yoîii t h(les. £ -,Titît llis~ llIuuIîlîer lin new i-,syl )tts4, ittade-to-iiiea-sui-e, for thîi S-prung antd Sutntier ex-. pr"se an-tiniti ohito ho est ite of the otttparticu luir d ressers. l Thte imdel ehowuti todavis i uîi,trion isa atwo-biuttomi peck lapel itaok suit with tîtei'eot eh,-wmig above the coat. Theres a urnartness about it tlat wlts tac'or everywhere. Sou thiiîew uatoriaIs. PRICES ALWATS MODERATE Erduhll'oAgents h W. Ma LA, Brooklln, 1 Miss liaten lbas r,-eovered front lber ""ni' Viie, ofUI ri-iro, vis- roeto t lîltesq antd ias ri'sutnied lher'ited tlt; fat lier, NMr. Thos. Roiley. N r Mtiain. itito lias lîen iIi icASI pTN g-t-n ilo% of ilsney Itros. bure fo te (Tboi)laie for lastqi ssue I asî six. ruoibs. lbas ccverçbd is con-1 Mrs. 1 A. N'rrme visited alt her borne, net ion mc itiiithlai lîrni. and left on lit Manilia oc-en Stinday. l'iiîesdav for is boi lit Om-en Souund. Mrs. Citpur vIsied relatives lni Man- Ni .Nu E i oi bili tcmlefortiute ch,-,t er on Suîîday. t < sî-an lis n ie n Ttisda lai, M r. qiid NIrs. Hot. Heroti were Ini uaind qtett yaîsnt froîn te Ohw on Tuesilay. 4tar.'vtr~ ntîr.d î We regret to report that so niany Mr erg ttiiror - hsleipoelde bave buen cotifined 10 thelr ne-kfront a ilbrve neeks' trip West. homtes w iiti la grippe. il s uti tt~ dii.of orotoan l'rivale Sandy Wilson, of Wblthy. Mrs Jhn o Torntoand as lion.,' over stinday.-1 Ni rs NlrNliistt-r, of WNvtsbigion, 1). . <, (orpl. iohtity Pollock.. of te 7Tthý iîa\v h-ilIi ititi g ait Maiitu bade nt talion. imadielits fareweti visit Wl ti \Ir C Sortîttrger. of Wood %,il11u. Mr. and Mrg. A. M. FUite on Friday of sîlutîtSît Illi t iic tage lacet wpek. MlsEleainor Jotînston % tsii.'d iti N .aî ieWnlmi eeI Torot. lact,t n . Port Perry otn Satiraday insu. Nir. a tii \ns \Ik a Ttî)fotîs lefi Air. Jli;Swlnson. of Toron to, paid ittls m.-v- for ilivIr toiné' lit Mous,- a fli'ing vîsît i-lth bis niothler, MrB. .il m , Sast< ii-i,'r% onu n SiunIav mci ýNîr jus lioulgs.uîî i nîocng i11t1 lit ine%% hlins, .NI rs kI-n îî.'pd î Ni lsu Wt'r \tpotîd. \Natki.' ai it otus. of tue Osti- octl Hospînittal. cisitt-il fri-iids livre r. M iss Ft 11tt 11i -li îs %c1sîtit ii 111Toroit11to ts ttii, 1 NI 101 Ill piatrcI t'N 1 îi 1tîil'd o -NI r. 1tZ1t 1 art i 11 *,t ii . of Itoi nntii-i 1q 1i the 'r tfh f ii' ts \%nI fs..%% htut i ed oîî n a ci tI. t.îtt(if qmaasuls idien inuil n s st.'.i a toiitioî. econd idaigli 1er out iilati.-NIai k Robinison, tiitiguru %of liroak titi Nlutty o! the rîtlîr rusidilits lit î-i, vOc Itreiîîeritîîr thîe t'ric tig i"v.rtif îî"inîoi làik- tog for r hotus. ittiiihie c tIige. %wliure hi.' n1tdl11ikev obiri m h lusf aniil1y%. Ni r i 'orgt- F'ruiîk Isiltistîuti c-î-ry NlC aai Vr;tli'v.-,s tiiîlî"ttid-1v1stt (ed l't-vîds hli vri 'tSuuidaY A timani iat titgiig iltsett iDrBoso! Torontio. lias hen mak lng ca)ltleniithle N ttag.sq-lt ttig mici,'Ilis maniier anid tiqi' c-ay lie ha4 of Bellîîig hie gzods" arnîised the suispicion of many. liît,- Il %wts saidlie liai ieen cap- tiired as a tratîd. lb le a chaîne that people eiîotild h.' gîlled and duped by so tuaity fraude. A taeting of lthe Patriotlc League 1 viii ne tip'-, u.inîuîe cu.ucii rmUun , Ioberin .i.rîtgMomîrluy evettiug. AprlSi-i. Tht> i-- piors of Ilie years work witi be g1výut andi officers elected. Ail are invited i LWRENCE attend a-d ni a-le ibs meutling the suie- - Ontaril cees i hat patriotlem dema-tds. Public Opinion Indofses this family remedy by making its sale larger than that of any other medicine in the world. The experience of generations has proved its great value in the tretmnent of indigestion, biliousness, headacphe and Constipation. BEECHAM'S PILLS neieve these trouble and prevent thetu fror eomu ueIuls aby proimptly clearing wastes and poisons eut of the dijtestivé sYstein. .They strengthen the stonach, stimulate the liver and regulte the bowels. Mid and harmiles&A, ~ proven famnily nemnedy, unequaited For Digestive Troubles Puepored'rntyiby hn Tàgtm Reeel.am. St. liH"&. La..mNr. LRad" soid ai erywhr, in Gonadeand iU. S.. Amerlo. . laboxue.Î. e. $590OO4m0o The above figures reprebent the estimated Ions by tarmers through 8MLJT hIngrain cropa lu Ontario lu 1916. It you haît a field of oos, barley or wheat, Yeu no doubt contributed hi the> great IosIDy reasen of the revaleuce of Binut tast year the danger la rendered greater thifi yeur. Ther la one wuy to prevent'tii., snd titat la te Treat Vour Seed for sinut The mnethod usually adopted la as follow.-Mir one plut otfOMRMÂLIN wlth 40 gallons ef water. or -a tsblespooaful te ene pali ef water. Plae the grain te h. treated Iu a heap on cIssu canvau or Ilibr. Sprinkie thé, formalin soluîtion over (ho grain, then shovel. Repeat titis UNTU. KVXRY GRAIN 18 MOI8TENED by the solution; then COVER TMI PLOU WITM. BACINQsand lbave fer (bree or four heurs.tÂt he.enid et thltitm. spreuid the grain eut t.bly to dry, ahovellinsg h over tiree or four Uhu vw1Iiibw4ts thte drytng. Forty gallon. of- the formalin solution la muffitent'hi sprtMke tlbrty of forty bushelu of grain, smaller amounts in proportion. Imnnersing the grain In a bag_ ia sometignes pract1oe td la equafl7 ef- fective. Thosa requiriug turther Information apply te HON. JAS. S. DUFF, - MinlIster of Agu-, Toronto. IL. M. TIPPtli,. DIS1uIMt RePreseaaUt Wbtby ?HURDÀIm-àlcil sol 191# -WALON01AIR? Tr"Ofjzhum.ptmý fu Orlhiaà, Ont., Nov. 28th, 1914. "'or over two years, I wus troubled with Constipaztions, Drowstness, Lack of AppeiIfean'd Htîadaekes. I tried several medicines, be-t got ne resutits and niy Headaches became more severe. Oue day I aaw your aigu whlch read 'Fruit. a-tlves' make you.freel like waiking ou b'tes Walter Rogers, wtitle i-bron 1to try a box. In a vYMshort time, 1 quleily early In April. titai Pkîuc x eleceft nue fRo uriles. i wl lîid larioldi ,Ultii. of Port Perry, werc efe etnnbwletîe PeAsi Daeo ii oî i b i l lechî.îrine.a, iine fot laitiis ic N VOwlR lionte for over Sttîday. ,began t elbtean - fefn. t.Asi rke f l 0t ia-onie l httts mVU Nîrs A. ilu Fisher ccas tIli iiby for, NewI have a geod appetite, reiish- talion at Woodvllle, dled o! nipaslei 0 o I - B 1niesie<als t 'oil. titi, lai lst c' eek. t e-veuythlng I eat, sud the Ileadaches . and înrumionia, HP w-as accorlel .ia-M1ii you vmoie? No %,tîcîutioui et amegone entineîy. I canuot gy oc, fultnilitarfuaieral et flalsuvor. hi'.IfTE SP RMiusurniuer. lEnfer tiocc. Iw Cîatarrh Cannot beCured much for 'Fruit-a-tvea, snd recm- D' CCh a-es ea.Id W P itipal -ithLOCL APPLIATINSas they cannat mmd i sndth asantfnsitrinediéine to ailofcaest. rnie reecb h lie at oi tic disesse. C.tarrh 15 m red". DNMLA. Memu. womcn and ccllren of 4cci rc ue mej frsconton local dultae gretie Iniiueuccd l'y coieitttonî AN - FA.agi'. fil Rexaîl Orilerî les a. t ~ al coitiotîe. and itu ore b cure Ih ytin nm- FRUITÀTIVE8' la dalty proviug laxNaticv'. Sold omly hy ilexai Diîîge tâecan itte-ruairemied.. taiP@Catarur 1 leken intermmatly ani acts ttîroiigti the blondcn8Its pr ees au n relie-ving ceues of Stotre'g. 15c. and 25r. boxes. Aý. il.Au thaiuossufre fthe .yatem. SaKlnyTrul-. iltgrrfe-o a.ia d Calti- rh Cure was pri-erihch hy anc anath bwhehlm ivenssud - -%Tueltuait wlîo s set isited ccrii tîhysiciatus It lthin cotntfy tfo e&t& il fs coîi- Geneu-al ¶eakness, sud Sklu Dlnease, O4AAVNIC"oLlEN; O ie î-u vuvr itiakvs tii.nu lutiu'r. ____________________ »osei of satune of the. btet lcknowmm, coma I -h ie adKdeyTobe-HW INIAO bined wiih smoineithuebest blodpurifier.rhe1 50o. a boi,.4 for $2.5, trial size, 25.. SOLO. îos ting-ay uicua i i "< perfect combinaiiIon of lte Ingtredents Jin Het' % At ail dealers or sent postpald by î,'rday1 utilo-disyjaus w lia id ie diiLE Caltailt Cure ia whalt proclucel uch wonderuijThte Viuidiciitor, one of the wepkj ix' -,aidti ea utwhlledi E A retita arhlcodti fienif-ceafu Ful -tvn itea Otta-wa.T.- sttuio>ini___ roattiaaibicadttfree, ortmî-Ftitatii8 ii-ntewepapens of (hé ownof 0h I ,1last- -di'at to tlue o,, rimiiles srotull - - -__ F. J. CHENIIN' a Co.. Props., Toledlo, . j- - - - cca ofl'ered for sale by auction t. t- ic n ie uss and rosis ili- suit-suit- N.EFA WL, i-C fi ragai, 7%.ne-siny ofthibs week In Toronto. Tht'e 1-teî's a'mily lsfr osipto, The Epw-ortb Leagimu Relly wns a, î'niti.or lias been pîmhtllslîd for sec-- lsli'l worker. l13arlster, Couuty Crown Attorney an& - llsaQiointment again, ocw-lîî to the rai years by the Vindicutor Ptiablsh. l)tscomîîent i.. the- ituver ci-aîstizclr- County Solicitor. MYRTLE. Sbreakio iiio lit ratDe îtî1g1Co., Lî1mitel, of wbicb Mr-. Chlas. 1ri'ni of reîtroac'it lImaIrefuses Io let office, South wiug Court ieuse, WhItby So- ybrpotiua )1Ieî yeCalder, M.P.P., was Preslicot, undiNMr ' lte str'ani of eîîergytinase'anaistuîg -_________ tiag ber Bsser, Mre. F. Scbeil. return- Miss lvN- Babcork visit4'd trietls itn iWio. WarsoWtengn rece ad ami aiouitrt Iet ...rs-- ci to Maitilla on Frlday. Enfieli on Stmaîiay. Eiorp.Wtonnîetii l e rovlîcan p-es siîîug satisfaction; jeers li tilt li-I11181*1 Mrs. Chuarles Luike received word _____intnn i h rvnilLîbrury aclilevements. SrieSîcir oaePbi.lc last week (bat tuer motlier, Mrs- Wm. The> Hair Tiontec cchilias gaiaei some lime ago. and since (lien bas bal The prîncîple part. of i-ver)ituling garffce roroicStop. tandardublieet.. Sqcelhwa vey iiwllî nemoIeotmr confidence le Rexali '93" Hein 'roronto. lare par t of ib tsImpoli. the beginuing. Once begimi and ile ili la Chicago. 1Tontec Al Rexaîll )rîîg stores seîî i î iiipos-ilmate acîuievenîentIs le iarealiel Money te oan.M Over 1200 new sprîng suitings. oe t otneadi a there- Make provisioni for ccant in tinte of t uîtier ~positive guurantpee50c. and $1 fore decideî (o selI the plant andhusi leny (hein-iI-lai-ny T, Thompson, WhI boy. bottles A. H. Alin. esadpatb uto.Tenin eny MARRIAGE LICENSES. Those wtîo uteudei Sunday School patb uto.Tenie Economy ItseIf le a gretît ruvenu, on Suuday experleucd seme difficulty ofbte purchaser bas not yet been st s Cicero.O.VUOS THLLB returuing home, on account of the ALMONDS. learîîed. ît's so bard 10 save moîîey becatase 6.VV6I THluer. waten bi-eukIng acvay acrese the rosi. Miss Mabel Mackey spent Stîniay 1(5 se easy no ta begie jus t yet.lutr Miss E. R, Hezzelwood. of Raglan, ut ber homne here. bbcE AMR ANHL. AdytInWIb i h preseot At dwelling houa.e oppoi1te Mothodhat wus n recent guet ot ber sîster, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Moedy Atkinson were moment there te an opportunîty to sac'e Churcit. No witn'ease requir& R. Lon g. Ia the cîty oue day (bis week. ito1V TIIF OiDER MEN CAN5 SERVEK and to pi-ovide ton tht> future uni to bienember the Soîdieres concert bo Misses LisI and Mubel and Master 'flue>ai-eln the towne and villages pro'greee, (bat le open 10 everybody.-- be tîeld lunitie Temperance Hall on Edeel Balison epent Suniay wttb relu- of Ontario Couniy many tai-mere wlo Such oppoituniles have occuri-ed bc- DENTAL Friiay Itiglut of tItis wé-ek. tives In- Pickerng. have retirei tram active to11, but whio fore. Some having takten aivantage of - - -~ Mn. P. Moi-combe andi tamiiy vîsiteti are stili quilte capable of a good duy's îîem are to-day In muchbebtter posi- H~ ~H st hie unele's. Mr. W. Dingman's, on work. Ttîey have coutit>d'lou ePeni-lonste ian formerty. Others agaîn -ar J dson, D D.S., L.D.S. To Recuce You Weight Suuday iast. Ing the remainder of (hein day. ln avce net taklinudvantage eft tleln op- Succeson 10 W. Adams. ourMise Gertrude and Master Lerne comparative t>ase and quietness. buit la 1 pertunîtîce and are lu juiet the sain> Offce, Dundas Street, opposite Peut e~asiIy and Quîcklv. Kemp entertained the Ladies' and the> tht>pi-osent criais it le toIt (ha t manyl1position as. wtîen they final etarted. Office. Phone 122. Yong MeiVa Bible Classes on Wed- et thein MaY be williug te do thetn 1 - Whlch oft(hese Illtuetrations appiies t TBOT If you are overstont the cause et uesday ntgl9ý ts.AIl enJoYed thein- bit" ton Klug and country by taktag te yen?" W IBV OT youn everatoutusu lack ef oxygqn. selves iznmeutely, neturnIug home in tho place ou a tanin for tht> comiug Quee ofIhe world'e richesl men (sud ~- carrying power lu the blood and ata Ithe wee saa1heure ert(ha merng. season et a youingen ma-n wbo will eon self madie, tee,) Audnew* Carnegie, sitys assimilation of food. Toc tittle la bei g Mn. Fred Rewe bas engaged Mr. the colore, Iu this way they whl beh -"Few. large fortunes eaun n>w be Ee W. Sisson, D. D.S.,oLaDIISe ma-de Into the harder tiasue or musa.! Victr Pognon, et Oshawa fou- tha able to do just as defiite werk foir made cxccpt freu n e source, viz.; the Dental Partons oeonAllin'a du&u aud tee much luto littie globules oftfat summen. tht> empire as they would If thoy coîuid rise etvaluels ef rosi estate./ -Threfre o hould correct the mal. Mlis May Diugman and Mu-. Joç enliet themeelves, because tbey wlll be This la the advlce et a man who un- store, ammtheeer ou ndInras ti oy t Asbby speut a te-w isys In Osbawa vis- i-elievlug a youug tai-mer wbo will be doubtedly knows fnem experlence what Whitbyt Ont. oarrin wr t h boo. o 111<relatives.their repuesotative lu (ho fing tUnt>. lhe ls talklng about.. Surely he les worth. Offiee urgs-9 te 12; 1.30 te 6. this, go te axîy good drugglet a-nd isg.Me-gotu ayan ia yman ubastiadatooubleeig10 lie aud others have one Bell, 87; ludependent 11. 011Of rIlte.ofty ël.In riina tiug Iu Toronto at w-oent organisation of heu- nesourees, Canada made good. You eaun do tho saine, but Phns eh f u-ieeony sldluorgIal The Y. M. B. Cbas held their annuat will be able to do ber duty te the you muis do as tbey did. paobm an Incapsule feron, uni takede# ouiucsalter @sa& ii m ad ont at oyster tsupger"at Mu-. Fred Reiiie's cause et civiis7ation, both lu provid- iteill Eatite- has ct'eaed more iuedilme tu lyour ustla reduced toou Frlday nigbt last-. -lug meu te fight teHune, sud In weaîthy Mon (han mines, nalu-oads, BLAKE IL BE4TON, L.D#. .10.9,t, uhat lit ahoutd lie on ll prts0f the Mn. sud Mu A Richardsont weu-e i keeptug top the production upon wrhieb or any otiter source of investineut. u,.ot.liaICleeetDnl bod. heefectofOUofcrilenetuTeornoover Sanday ttendlng th(he bfinancia ablity:tf the countr-y de- OunSaturd#y, fl, t : t wo rdtofs udth e rîîyal ogof Dntal reducr an It a pefooty sa -IAgriculture -a- ot eondestrobis building lots, BuzetOffce oriW. M. Pnngle'u hardwsresatire <n nt - OU a i aspb>y 7014 or at oe pn udyudrCollhngwood M "aldg for names cf re. tiacitlot 50 foot by 140 foot deep. Thoemce honrga-9 to i2;' 1 t6.30; lad. Phot,, l barge mise b«ox vilbe snt cmu-.<ieîpt r P 1»Mi ltSnaou d tred tarmors ln Slmcoe Couzîty vite prfprty la sltnated juit norti te h elPtna of 11.00. Addu-csD. LiUttle Drug Coc, .. airoof. -m KOirewlllugte seIrve titeir cM=try ln C.P.u., '*est o!lioc srè e et. èLThe'lôta jl ho',W 230X xz4u, Montrea, Canada.s.ILWbmrn'e driver suistslaed ' tlitis me':A. yeuhgmauried Mn u iii b. sold by public a-ction unid - 'Veuy bi eut'whiie going to-Oubîva on sema- 8trtford bas @Uecure two retlred vistenUt gay srvsbseaiatly SatUrday, . ftrmera to ru hia farm for hlm and thee cs at Waslot tuila kini.The H EA G L SlS WMTLE STATION. The Aimoid*a ongue enteutanedhobas ertilstsd By titis moins, s tenm fu s l 'a am $10-st oit day of Noe rde astiis vel. the TabetruMe Lhagisou TueiY 811Mit6d11i 0f arieeclWd bis ndcredsale, Ibêliatopayable tthter$l woekly OCARUS Ud SILus Miss Jehnson, eof Whity, spent the In L a upu. f he fflb.d sulon,,CiAidAMly the ole juca. P- po ein or by 12 cqtimonthbll inatalinetaAtrtos u pts week oui wi(h ber aut, Mu-a. R. of the reaa1g oedlv famober Were Oftaillo iity thci' arem O=ti WIO lthfiêretand#lia' *zt. pu-sltu Cbshl. usuent. - viiifoflew the csaple oif tb:èabove 6g r "U. fiitorI n ua AnWO*X dUAe*3!UUD Mu-s J. E. Bescock apent Monda-y sud eu-IB171 1 freln ttifi uolnt tmentimîed réIfli im Tpencer. be011gte, m oyô»or more C4t thés. lotu«,-. The e. a*it - -c - - ~~~~~I um rêas. at. bM .made -exceptei ie 1~ Mr. Roy Spencer, Pontypool. 'had--- lOrMIY «Wp- la rder te ueet 701w - lte midftune to fli sd b=ak s'Y. kTc-I. ».~t - - eu-il ribi on fflday eveilng luit. < Prs e.êuuasonut We regret to loule Mr-. Er- iwii . -- - hrpatiulre sI and faToronto, m tu attended the men'a meeting iu the town on Moniday nlght laut. Mr. J. Lee, et East Whitby, ip vis- iting w1th his brotherhbre at present. Mie Lelia Emmeneon le vleltlng ili Toronto at present. SPECIAL ONE WAY PARUS TO PA- CIFIC COAST POINTS DAILY UNTIL APRIL 14th. Those centemplattng a, trip 10 Pacifie Coast peints, includlng Victoria, B.C., Vancouven, TiC., Seattle. Wash., Port- land, Oire., etc., ehould coneuli Cana- dian Pacifie Ticket Agents for parti- cuibane for low tares ln effeci daiiy utiIl- AprIl 141h, SALE REiJISTER. Friday, March 31.-Atiction sale of furniture. the properiy of the estate of the late Chas. Baternan, 1 mlle ettst of Whithy town. Sale at 1 o'clock shar, Terme cash. Wm. Maw, autrioneer. Wedneeday. April 61h.- Nir. M. .1. Holliday wili seli by aurtion oti lt 23, con. i3, vniiny, allof bIs taristoc'k and linptemeiet. Sale to commrîîen- at one o'clock. For fîther tînrt iculars sec large bitte. James Lisil tiac- t Ion er. Mr. and Nirs. Chas. Cox, ofrI3ow- inanvible, annouince te enigagemenpit oi tbîeir youngesi iaugbîter, Gerrude Maude, to Mr. John D. Fltiker, Cana- dian Express Agent ai Whttby. son ot Mr. and Mre. S. .1. Fitîker, Brock- -Do M ot -Forgot That' Frost & Wood CultivatnrF, Land Wc lher, Hînders.-Mowers.oeOkhutt Drills, Plows, DiFc Hartoims, Munure SpreadJers. De Lavai bilos and Cream Separators ail have a g oeLdreptitation. This is a good time to purchas;e our Ifarnresse Our price on WIre FenCiRg is r~L W. F. DISNE3Y WI-ITBY, ONT. lielI eau [nil l'lîonee IlI6TII1 CONCE RT TOU R. A ltannoftiweive entertainers, ac- conpaniî'd hy tua offIlers and an N. (".0., are touring t he district titis wfek, gic'itg cotncerts 10 raise fîînds for "C . t'omîmt.anily.On IMonday eveming t(ey ll forth In Pickerinîg, Titsduuy. at Witievale, Weinesday et Brouîgham, to-niiglit ('I'lursday) at (laremont, Fridny ai Myrtie and Sainrday et mi iiil tusmên V"LaI4amw*, Bau ba-Vlaq ueerd a*ud 2iOut la Toronto. movod 4b«er o- Frdar Ist. W. aitUlw" hlm uons, Soe o ur. Young meu'bsd tlaNM Smude Msd Sunbyae Xttawiy from~ home,0*19te lid ruaiu. alu te n.0 Mr. Jltumea fugiteout igulIL Cii mi u»e J. 8ILfleaeoit& oq AU d o ut about lgubtg ou dbrgot tu-os fito,! hte<tumai' b *t.Geoi at hWlprimcs. saog I ebu o raquat. Besir sur*d,boy <gel that m AtW et hat «b sd piMiy.mot. uu. PO"ea s. ver oe tou oteg Mr. P««yast O~yf our vlgc. TIi. s Ubh moit ou-lsiday«mua MUa v*s a bnp snpni.U d m %m beom .y lb.o . «mut tu lb. .c lamitv ia àmehmwàa hMW' %a" at *RE AT REOIiCTION 'SALE OfGI 11 AT DISNIEiY DUO&f UOKJ O1Wlng te baU 'mmd extendsd te àta. il *4<ruis Cbal r and lont. Rock Ciwy I - AH OUI 11111111111 'i One Hundred Young Women and Onei Illinflretd Vonng Meun wanted at onice to train for choiee office pomit ions. The deumad on i 1~ t- f J - i. i> -a-- 't' 1~ 4;

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