Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1916, p. 4

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Thi Bank WenSar e teeagnokbierai«a. Th* !lavt Deoerment là aieenid envmnit deueatrvfo« ve noer. Interna 4i current ratsla peid on devt- ofem@usdollar «m upvwda. WHITBY BRANON t S. 0. TERRV Manager. C. N.HER, f TH-E FIE SALE!l While smoketi gooda. sut-h as canneti salinon. corn. pt-as anid tomat-oca, tiaI are peffectinl qu»lit-y, arn betn.g .old below coul, some of their ncighbors on tht- shelvea ihat have arrlved ince thet- ire, sympathettcally offer 10 mc- sIice themaelves aise. W.. therefore. during theecnslng weck, '.111 give bargains l-n ma.ny Unes untouched by the tire. Scores of brooma have bt-en moIti at sacrifice prit-es dtlfing the past wcek bt-cause oft smoke-uîo tu3ury by lire We et111 bave scores 10 st-Il from l10-. Up. An'idcm of the bargains vo are offering may bc hati from Uic quolation 4f a few articles: Pikaget panduke fgour, uninjuredusiml prices1&c., nett weck, 7c. 10c. ammenta perfect for 7r.- r&c. ammonia. watt-ted, 3 for 10e. 10o. catsup flot- tnjured, Oc. 5,c. cow braind soda, geeti, te. liin(600 matches) à for 10e. 16 tins baking powder. ncw, 10c. lRed Rose lea. aiew, for 40e. 76c bagu pastry, new, for 05c. -9 bt-st Manitoba. iSc. il UNTOUCHED BY TUEO FIRE- » mutsap. 4 bars for 25c. bualibt soap, 6 barsfor 26c. D.llghtful map, S bars for 26e. ub ory et-p. 6 bar for 25e. surprIs, seau. a bars for 26e Taylor'. Borax soap, 8 bars for 26e..- eosmO5 wup.8ibsafor 28e. TCBÂCOO-Rosbud. Polo. Rbôbi.StSg. CurrOley md KiîugGeorge, a&l at 7.Te. r Plus.> w. vu ss"I p ae of Usihi Oats. etailgty injr by vat*t.. 28&. dus furt 15C., or paagsfr10 nt-%eariy wie1..bran at W. Be PRINGLE & CG., Opposite oaStand wOITBY STANDRDAN-K SOLDIERS,- ATTENTION 1 Our Savinga Bank prevides a suftable am~ convenlent place for your surinît I'ýund-3 A joint account is speciilly- adapted fir thon going overaca. Apply 14 $Te W.HI1T BY B RA N-CH: 1%êh ntsid of the oMent Inhabîtant toîiomi < -da t>àh-int batik to the ti. ewhen the- Pfit ,Pà."~111 u B itnôw and fIte dlsParted aX quickly as . tbi layear. UgVg n~O te s etînl 0» bit& Neib.rtssksd e Ir you want to be ln tht- UewiîfjlJèii"elai be ouog a nlgh clans. To belong le Wlîithy's sMd iSSailIN lei)by olo.- ne* Technical School ahould be thbe Ivr O atm of evcry youing man and woà~an. w. g»Mots. Vih oord#Ueioee&d Nb fees, no cnt-rance examinaiondt- ltvp sud je&Nil ,t. iaMébedlloat - il,. .-..I, ontira<~nc nIIAfiinla a dé-' ihildren hWtiflai atOÉ4 f kA Sec our stock of washing machines betore making your seectiOfi. VeJox (Motor Driven) $1700 WagVerIOy (Hand Machine) 10.00 da..mmu ahs 49 47»00 sire to Improve ln one of the subjecta k. B. Aila. iruggst, w1atr. Ont. &aaîb lsaceam iet,~l W EE. being taught--the technique of thel- - u ufriain PYL>jubiellee 4&00 construction of buildings, plain sewing hlm seiddenly and knocked hlm uncon- Richardson à Richardson and electricîty. àclous, inter kicking and pouindilg hMm SamsonU Clothes IV% ringer 4.00 wlie iay ln the armories. Their Ageilte, Wbitlîy c attacli wan the resit of Gatrlknd's ho- ________________Bail BOaifg "4.50, Amids the ultitde ofappe lng srrested hy Scott for drunkennes 91'flri3 11,13 941 1-i Amiatthemutitde of ppa- on pieket duty. Edmunds has givon a k L that now dlaim the attention and sup- good dea] of trouble at Uxbridge, and port of the public, there la one wlulch, bad been in Witby for only one week. O I C E N N IJ P IS *hlle not otten aaserting itself, la wor- lneidentally. dtaring the evening. the N lS L A IO S P LE tîlemos loal elp.Tha lathewor puigllstic Mr. Edrnundo, who considers_________ Tbs PasMp SrbBuh% eC thy of the %%arinest apîîreciation and tmisel! to be 'soi e" flgler, wai; giveri us as os Sr.Buhs-ec temslo a id oet. Th rouagh- or a verv itropel' trouncing by Teddy Burt. the hionor of presenting the CounityatL es Pie. of the ('bildren's lSoit.Tru- Edmitnds and Garland wiiili e îried liv Jlattalioti wlth part of its equipment tL ws Plc . ont tIb large county there are many rnhitary court martial in Whtlby. the are Rleale Iliros.. of Toronto. fIpaie chlldren wiîo frorn lime tu lime dlaim former ru five chîtrnes and the latter Brus, are former residenîs of the <'oun- ---- the care ndprotection ol the Society. on three It ta oroh ible that tlîev wîli ty and town of Uxbrid-ge, and are pre- Tliere jiever lias ht-en a lime' when recelve severe seniiees as te offeces- senllng the- Battalion with a lfield kit- -H A R W A R cilidren wvre of more value to the na- are ail of a vpry gri nature. chen and equIinent costing $560. Thisj ravages are takting the- btst 'uîngtinan glie a concert Ili Whit itity Mullu îrectpid by tht- Battalion, and will be, bond of the empire. Boys ail( giris are nn Saturday eveniinpe this wPe-k. puttins îirest-nted by a meiuber of the irm on wîv O T the counlirys greatest asiset. Il is to o h- an rga htmtwt ote otOfc onrl xrdPo N @ the bt-st initeregla of the nation ht ntt-sm rgan thatmtwt h olOfc onri Tlrdeo eîer posibe potecion shal b mu- axcees ý;ttrouigho't i ti-townablips Feaster Monday aI 2.001 p.m. Il Is theryos iblet rteciong lîv an tilst week. T'liet-ntire programin s pro- bopeti that olber palrlottc friends of thona h oiglvs o t-Blivied by the boys of the Bat talion. andth ie Battailon Ml comé forward and ___________________________ a virile, eanan stroi people maY Is exc(eeingly cleyer. Anîcng the nutn- ttelp the unît to procure ful and aIl-i bc developyed flutitis empfr upon whose bers are a Uliarlie Chaplin sketch andi qualpe e<uipmnent. %Ilgs jean jolînston, who has bt-en bas so far recovered ns Iobo aCle tO widt'-fluing possessions the sun always a sketch entilled -The Ille of Bull , n ATLO.11wt l rpea e oeh re ttrn to bier sibolfn oa>fl. sh inea. The play tbat wili be given Run'i These are saiti to lie very gooti. 121 ATLO.11wt agip thrhm e ln he usc hll n prI 14 uder la i;hoppd that there will lie a large1 The parade strength ln Whitby Is 65. _____- the- auspices§ of the- Society, ta lu aid of ai tendance Io greet the- boys.Thtoala12ort-wolfata- _______ ____ - the- work belng caîried on for the ben- 1Ashtttotaltb Ba12afoontla now re- ion. ehi of neglpcîed chiîdren. Instead of cAsite up at lentl e ow ere iet . (iia !Cnigoa asking the cilizens of WhItby for sub- cwontdrln wto fllstrngtc essrorleilse Lieut. Wli.of Manni ae orlead Bcriptions to the work, tIbsmethoti of wnerfor dà;ieesay o li iut yl.ofMnlahverpt ratsing money la taken. It would seem liroper etquipmetit. 'l'lie iret 10 have liu.J .latsbsrpr~ for y to uis Ibaltbere should be aI ieast 600 L-pi---.-F-Dats -. - ortd fo A EWN7 ISSUJ E people in Wlitby wbo would be wiiiing ~Edity andi leit for f)unbarlon (n a r- to aid tbe society Io tht- extenl of the AR iiU Ri LV N D cruiting campaig'. Ce of the- price of a concert ticket, parI icuiarly as TENOR Lieut. licaton bas also reî>orted for it t-i metan for thevin anl eventngs filue TEACHER 0F SINGING. dtîty andi will carry on1 a rî-cruiting T elepaihonel cntertatiiitlcflt campalgri arounti Wbitevale, bis borne. A ji 7L ' -ait 'DVi~-He- is being marri to-day bo a Tor- Why Nor a Morning Mail (Rie.t.Sc. - !. brother of tDr. . B. Beaton. of Whily. i e t r to Toronto 7 ~ 1 i rC-e-RUatW\V -Yt-- ry 8atîîrday. 1 The following Whilby tnmen bavet'en- twteni<--<r-tnIiiittiîans to-h-reTo-irontoH. .. 7<- ; 11H lst-d wtth tht' lit2nd tItis week Pl'es. .4o wngpeatinn (ýi.ili n hné 'ff, ill'H R I, everell. rdNV tn. ,Fan ot o ahordid b.- .-po.-fcd f <ur Loealftingtr Il M FAfrdChred on .Chs. Frankai once. Coneldt-ring that NWlîitby le only an AJ lERSlns.AfrdCartn i B 'ee up ou tatelephorw 7 Th's. - tt,îvA (t-' r i j t r i ý - f o i o i a dA U 0 R E SC c il J. tre o n le ld . C . J. l)'.1ts.I V- 1 v. tht t 1t 1 thf. 111-~t l <.r'et't$ t rndt< Ottu r railijoîl ut-y (in Toon t o <nidSergt. Nîcline, <Cori). hannon. le. --,v.ant tetrt sc i Y a largo.- iituber ofItrati ns M . - W Nlatin and 1'tv- Crawford %w-Il] go nîtlu tohy tut urritr t,iky <n, it-t' Vjýynr)l t-nuit w ay dailthei u-matil ervice %w-tIltExhibition ECamp )on Mondny 1 to i ,t,,iv<t. u ,r.tdr T. te isnul atiall wbat It sbould - LICENSEfl AUCTIONEËR t ouseof lu lf;rutlion lufli>ni Bel eehoe C.ofCndi le. i-or txatnliit-, a )itiînes nman wiio l'VlLJ~O~,Pes. Seeds, Arbtuthuot, Jacobt, Fer- me Bl e r n o o.Cnd À rt-celtes a ltter (,art%. tl the mornlng. Ail kinda o! sales promptly attended gtison and Ctifoltn art- detalled for a iliy epl t I. a ocebu lts eterto. Arrangenenta for sales Cam b.! course oft tnetrtîctlon ai the 1'. s. I. made at thbe Gaze tte Office.i CollegP Street, Toronto. ilite nexi mioruiuig, alilost 24 hotîrs BeIlland Independent phones& later, <mit-se Il be atdressedti 0a lplace %% M-t ie V. ONT. ln tht- centrai down-luwn business sec- lion wttcîî dpliiery mu>,y be made on lte afiernoon of tht- day itost-i. îBut J AS. 13ISHOP ln tht- avetrage case, lits ltter is liot de- ltt-ert-d întiii tht- day followtng that on Oshawa. Uicenaed Auctioneer. Buiceess whicli Il le posteti ln Whittly. lan moat or to L. Fairbanks. For termuansd casesa, Ihorefore. it requirea lwo daya lu rt-ct-ite a rt-piy to a letler wrtten dat-es apply t-o self or 0. Robb, Wbitby. io a Toronto atidress-.- Thîis dep)lorahIr state of affaire ought Ht U FiI PU6 1- liot 10 exist. Wlicn the- 0. T. R. tiraI put on a train whtt-h leSt-es Whiib> Gît-n MaJor. -MiOt.. Juincuion at, 10.07 a.m, arriving ln T- L~NID1U~INH ronio about Il oclock, a mail was car-1 rîcti on ibis train. This mail closed 1 tti dr.entft Phone. tun Whlt-by aI 930 &ani. Bt&sint-aa uit-ilSaies bandieti at reasonablmie&ts wgme tht-n able tu ani*s*èr lir mortu- ti"i tail or ln write et-htr lettett TRNT' and pt-at tht-nibt-fore -9.40: they wegefr delivereti In Torôtite-a't tny atdress l iii Es LUKE RNO' the' aIternoon. and an answer could be £911 OPTiION1 ru-ceved next inorning. For some unknown reason. when this S E T C E sert-ice had. bt-en li effect for a short t tinie. it wus diBcontiîitied. andi ha81Foi 19 yran -a tueia(lingI neyver bt-en resurrected. :l- ta u ',,î In tlîia day and gent-ration. busînems lias to be carrted on as quic-kly andi as, 'ttitageRiottc t. uteruttlg expediously ail post;ible aud Illte htghly g mf4.t- frotî111111. deabrabli> t-bat thia service shonid ho ro- stîmei, t-von If at thle ceai of discon---____ tinulng tht- service by which milita 7 OIESR sent te Toronto on thbe 7.35 arn. tmrali.1 0YNt TET This latter mail takea oniy letters post» Cbrnar Klnwz St. Toonto. cd after 8.30 pm. on tht- previoua et-en- Iing, wlîlch would be largeiy. If îiotl-. most extlrely. lettera of a personal na- ture. PmtteMaly ail commercial lt- tmrs are posteti before 8.30 p.m. This ta a malter whtch the business men of t1he town mtght wei tahke up and brtng before the- Post Offtce auther-t IieicL, Or tt could be handled by the - Town Council. But there ia monita n.ed for an Improvement hi tie anti- qualed service with Toronto given te thie Wbitby public by Uic Pont OffieI- Department. - )ihlit&ry Ntl* lL . O. AIL . riersome l u Torsu- to tablies o vwew gourastui trench Pte W. U ooIsLoaUuaen 1*tb lattm" s t Ua4.sybus b Eauily Eelps S~icudS~Ié 'ou 182nd Battalloft Concrt WeiI Patronized. The boys of thc 182u4 Battallo31 made their bow to the Whitby publie on Thureday evening et 1&4t week,- wheu thcyr put en- a cozkeert In the Mualo Hall Ini ale of the Regimeutal Fnda. Âlthough the- 182»4 Ii à Young Battalion, and Its Parade strength ta aà yet Onîy UVp tû -100, Its Ï.-reputatIon s spreitd throughout the County. sod p thIngs are predicted - for it. It w net siirprisluig, there- tome.thaI the. uue hall -uas 1usd wtth au Appreciaiv aud1lowe, te &Met the t-' .. l3o e b, b*tlmn.- Ld.oI .A.Thcbr, fiero. Il ESTRNCANADA Fi UNO mon Fo R SPEINO SEEDINO 8euyéînpioliiiet-Gt'ed wageq. Low ilestier's anti Iitmeseeker's fares "alow ini off, et.. For thrl>ntiliticke te te ail Pointatili Ladies' Fine Patent, Gun Metal,, Dongola Kid and Tan Button and Lace Boots, sizes 2 to 4. Regulr prices $3.00 to $4.00. Special Price $1.98 Men's Fine Patent, Gun Metal, Kid Tan Button and Lace Boots, ai sizes. Regular pricet $4.oo to $5 00.- Special Price $2.98 Three cases Women's Low and H igh Heel Rubbers, just arrived, 25c, 35c and 45c Mens Kee ubbr Bots ai sies .pe a l-rce ib fL Trunke, Baga and Suit Cases at LOW Prices. See Dr. A. Reed's Cushion Sole -Boots and Oxfords for men and women. Makes Walking a Pleasure. REPAIRUNG NEATLY DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, LOW PRUC'ES. The Ca5sI Store Whitby, OntarioI 8*796 il CA. bt Oj la Special Price $2.65 Men's Knec Rubber B'oots, all sizes.

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