Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1916, p. 6

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I-t-' te' la- *î ~1~. 't- s- e> s t> i-t tut -e, ut Work Ta lise. o-er tlime dock, dropped a nîig!,ty arn Lotn-Arnerlcaa 4fficialm: ho know tient I in Great Britain, reliait prie" of food amnple. antd the nme rwt rb 1et0 h eess ef.Pa " pvo y ' h m e . I ud d n t -.. . o u ( , f h - 1 t y l G 7 r a h c l S o ie t y i l a h r o u g i s t e , e s h i p ' s l a t c , g r a ap s d a f a h b r e ( 0 c c e p t a b f 1 b e c o u l d u r i a l . r e o t t l u t a l y i b y a t e r a d a tg', r t a d h m a t e t a t i s a IVi.'u n dr y til- --e i;n'n r h a n d fltuf b o xsna n d tafst,în diaTiin e. tO le g s lDt;eoz-g sphid lY . a bn ca taon g t-t' il, i<îtt.t- it, 0one t teaiepo<mmîftal il% t. loe i hnt' Of idiir îine-tteîchaflo oe idhls .dly bhoitraced to a larger counier-brýbo,- Aecording to 8toti3tiý(-3 Just laned by 'iusk and thoectcee h ly lu j ~vn ateromî t., ste.r i u'ieuabuend, anen utaN -ý,Dt iii rtht- crUùclY ary esnuoneuswlagtrug bock igin, deposhiet) tbiteusor lillusuni prtssîgre of nome kind. lie the Board of Tradêl, it appeare tiat Ilamos 1lilckerîMgcer[ mesl l-done nei~rleeggd !<It 11ii mi,! tetit inua [lîttered dusb off thiecuîcuxaîu.oijBntiitlt- t 'ty ons tle dock-tl-r.( wheoetue>- ,Sretdoen ou a pile,.ilu sight' o! thsete average percrutage Increase ab tr-y air wua iuacsetcet eme uxc pe u 20e miin "'tt Sprve it very hnt,.tutiojîs fer kirnbitirrecal, but as -wcre îsoî,nerdlpoît b>' ll ite 'prs, door, buit sonie distance away. a-ad te eni of the year 1915-as compar- behold. Se inumeowr i ice telb 'befly pc CWin, 84.1 '. 7cieea tic x înreu t otfhx xxur rnachinc-mal;ing. uho, hîko anemt of bt>eiey t<u,'nbied mciArs'd £5 lite uurk(Ygreonieha tlcod -cd wltb the priee» cf July, 1914, wa, gray worahlpperstutt i.saereieawr ecm 4,tt!c4u .uî d ýItiîî 1t;i;e ,,, r o 1 9' rnere t ut rpciy bîtug e- Ibeun bescl- lao ithe warebouzes. tbit beareel lut oly isedulatioes elo'w -465Per' cenL Tit increase grew imediately orewdUcstiegv Ieadmc yptt o tii y--. 11'1ot. Ceguý ,'d a ftzW drops grai hy eof Europew, staput ttîh'* Weij Ashot ixuskeil aloeg amotig te piles bIes Titis tiiî wone gettlcg on Iis, isteadily eve?'y mOnbb durla tte year cu4 hundreds cf luedn hi oel i iuealngt '-f lemi *),Il ihulilnnîie [n a u'iic-'of Officiu e nU bise Aeimir. lIty e-ith giso- hOf treIt. Mt, iqlck "e-nobeel Rome- mirves, Ali hilu IcllnAtw ewere tû»- 1915. Thet, fgUr"ntare baseel on GOO t4pera lneothe>gon rudk h atI Wttebeeyub~ gnmted 'tîc bociimnd enougrit:l neulgrîlc dac (ta remui n,%ut r xttj.ûdout Ihhng o-f Iattsrest, andie atoppeel te ex- wsrelthre rsetlaIcet. and te e9uJck 'oy- !returce offpredoestagnt Pricmsinea Whoheeaoevcovre odweiwibrpkd AIngt atlg ci-ees tc fi:vîun A"i eýy utrongly. TIhen - evth scejtîic nimm.uneis ron landi amne it. [t w"e oay W asenbi nial a ee orthil êmîs.-P ut a euibpr tuf. lnber of shoptin # very town in Vie sllh too 4hîe osetd ut"h eec-e5 "ov le'nve fer tvPîs- lionîlrs to gfel.quit. cu'ld and water rti:nbu's,, tùc;ogrftp1y, moue-- bend Of clamp OnU <t e ins c! a unformeel andi exaapemrag csuspiciorns. téUnited Kinjpbou w1t'h over GO.- ht asc lkeetfa~c, I s c .1k eseta 14hpeint pece lkecor-k,, dîp tain pancetsand al al Ohce 1etaili îs ehdi t a;.rrmow, wooOsebox. 1'unai Ils-etuags-d tq elier iii>. tictrî [nt~~, tIî~ hua.~tt-tî whitg i Thte unest imtsorUemrt food articles C..bratmîw prayr ele "i I~I~lUP TusP then tnto xc y fi r qc-breadcrummlnc, have, The og<,it'ttic ste-~~t'r retbat-i -- t elied e-rut gittlrs ye. TbtmY dowu l htdock trout tuedirection cf were Ictued Ilui thcstatistica isoni-ud.sf Iitiphp rent,àfy :m--m m at fîinia de-c)îpan îhieuklna eheuu a It e tiuîîv for "frita. ardauliti>' de«eIgired <rrtpur îc crou.a>.î.solc.Oawapsli rUt dipro b>t ni-ApIbe uwe o i Inteaîbtatr$o0 te-y your e ..rî-e otVhey are a ~ie>ing and i dctatitëg ctrn-tf 'ptnrt," beserîd mmitftigaIre-iilt t I sl.*flpe hr isîlo', a tlt>ue as .'fiing eîi, eei¶h ( Mour, b t, uand A sate ait1ur .~p b 4.rc~a éo bieî'wtm.the mcm;> <of Pt ruel-cwîîî t'4 d famth!lar lqt mime Th* tY aU a O!rbte ýTohuantepsue0 1iway IVaT nfk. i, b cttm agrnQt untiaiIi lc~gk .4s F'ram îhm'.0onu e-urce pr'; ,Ptb> mrî'eoieragau lu t ne' b , elrif&es clsr rratpme.u -n. n-il tatniti r=.s y b î,rm rsath dskmn gg a-iptt uire'c':i,P 'r ieu.kieîg ce,-.içc lmol.l. iai~1d x ia ctme nzou crk <'n-o-i jdews îc f m-utr#~- tht WoodP atet h' ' ee-rete Isot e sMp' aoUlçu41 r lu ma.; g,3Ad -at. 1h t>,~pau4U a ne Pq ai.I pa et wpwcuàefu!e x'fof tlur anrd bleueT 'eithiai wbirh bas m'ift")'d irougla -Meilitueny l.., -i.t- te" --olheaiu >C c 0le >uutiaie ins ccewhIg ites0.%M watcesef "- littie' rini k, cil.]the ,yolcs oft threo; occupqtý,a nd obcut 'Ti&isz em ett wl nhxac-','vii i tetu nw Irh tIe r - e'sq-s'u'4A àd trriae tratirum-ex a es ne V~~ ct au altsm eIoelw. , .* ~ ~ b~4 Iat b~l t'h 1 oitî. filntt' mOunce" cOf £rUYerehovv f0 o e etrtîl ait ce Vrnpc.ry sor *Ou%"s-otite tse-efzet ses tiIzrai tfî"d î 5su.îboî e'OIbo opserulgbr t%%tor euxtî itatune« tif P51a iacic eiast-b,<î- pe.std i-ur- t-ststu l 'I> ar ptj,'ra- îe'ei cusîo riO pi rlt tUc! it- (itur ansd eggsu. The:fronts.. ut emsl, I5meatut Iel'Aus.- ,Il lu i h- pie-, ise4s«raaU îbth.c ml-I( -a ae * 4 Cees--es eheiM cilm, 'g-at-qd au inehy am,1¶-a te pllkanti, tentrai snd LAit ab4tlistfr «1"11»,r c t mawd. i '*trëd pas'tht>ser iaîl,- - pt Ilu. letbhc mix-sture, stirruig Afrira-o, Perala n WthebicPacific aisitI bom etaael a luLtgl iii. tbe~. e wr s aw the.tal i* s'u ibo; iveil auno s otuke.p the fleur '->f -îeîî ri.-"Tr'-<t. F'-glê i.tioagl-t pf pf*~ <-ê,elay-1 1utnpýuC, tund cook frr ive rtioît lit. I :t[P, %err"t*ry s-f te llû>'sI rabtibr- i.ýt bseliA<a tMxesUep f ya gtMf-1Iiia ~, - - thoen miel thre julceof off hflîlmu me.s on it un -i-silltuiv.ilr' fê>~ ileef rsetlci wr~a Set 4fede t t c iie. Thece make irtuît, wt r M«,onyeît.o êssiîtme th i*fu Pt ivr t~î Uy ruir o oci it$.l*li s-a~ ~ rie on 14ie-t at <'thy alli n ew -nip of EVr*p e Th 'M e iti e -t O 0ss , tRo r *<s lld ,k10#if- 1.tO te - -b4t ar budeifrowm, Iyýi arA gu e ut"i',a rîs c ctu.o e,~ isis t~ iai- i@ tc i-<> s h-# p w .*ote # j and eomtl*tsi» olimt. az tndî r- 1thoagh1 ut te IMI-i sm4weêa kopê bu '«se.4 al h* ae W* , oancs on IL.ws 0h.#. rohJi oIMge. 4fer, I* e~os ~s:~4w b J(ow t. C sai WAII s" Cco #M . Wb"PIIUI1 h uwp Iol- us.-«Ma &w.-a., " d WWM dli W V"r t' ruu g4 -O oC Ikwjo& cri om n - - *teaIteth - t-4g 1 ie Àý eep ia -c Miss- to Iris 1Th"m n house ilnr te ni his havizig Iut site ltzt ne - gx and- llngrama -nearly - rcAa-my A i~1i6~ +fiii~ F *4l&ý0r me ftlnIlgtg ITé Watcliti 1 Yllom. lie lia4 attemptéd to bribe i em G d - NIf tw hours before looked lnt hlm wlth- M A , E H AN4 sied thàe wareliuae dom. ~caeual or glance, finlde austired hlm that thii CSaacera esthe Plavor of h C pue fa-e-a Prt ,I>le lOwingd trotud the docks fra AN AMER]CNSOIIN0 lleC pueq a e m nPrt -cupleoe bours, atuuying the s pig THE fUTI1 ARY ___________________________________________________ ln th harho&r and keeplng an alert eye for the big seafarlng man wltb h 3 Il APTFR 1. servantas alwaym. Lt woi at the Krup)p the milltary 6paring. A British UoirspodW John ranemarie eninee eeor 1Ith boxem carryig tiiose pecullar CoCoa, coffee, and bardwoods frein Mlgbtieflrlfoth fmke ofchaiMonIle i Nay sel a r- bands, and had earned a reprlmand the Interlor; and a refi-gerator hpGr tPuh 'i korchir n ttibrod bte 'eirfroîti a watchrnan, or examninlng them of tle United Pruit Company's Une, anda. lndulging li the futile but W& 5 Heraid correspond-d he, fe C u alityY ears~ LInîs t ii t hpdi~ s o n hia d 8t ehd com m ercial m auufaturhîg conc rUS 1 ng and going; while a trini white "I have just et r e fr m a i e bîuhlhivtia o afdsre ad undoubtedly coule to lise them. Tt ahwt Vyanns.hdn as rp Port Of eatzacoalcos. on tire coast of wa a gorod clamp for hychwiega wnnsvsaln dboxeso.h Biis no~[ Mexlt~ nd olv waled te mil-He pt te matereutof bs md trs and group, ahowed by the, France and Fiadrdrn hc NicNiL).an olv wate th ml" le ut hematerou o boxesin. whStes ad Stripes at ber mastheadj was permittedtrl htecuts bOat which wonild'Rmie-e next day. Ille and I tdw uopikat htBm lu(r ngnlm n ot al- .11> CfP9 rfally dc"ireddIo be back ho New wetdw ooekat t sm mela etea fl! of the British oI net ops But the stubhorn thing would not slin WaiS SoJourning herp o. athrough andaontebate ns bef-il accei)t(d by the grea.t shilpbuild ta since the first timne uufl stco note named the peaceful fromn a viliagena sînl n lh h c e h d be n Pu i a d p , ul r d f a g ;u - aciviti- and tropic Indolence of thei ta fipoint ov uro knche teî h s in trm w lh xv lc ie ba h u ~ l e a s en bu d ed o c r o i U sec-ne w here the gail n a ~ d a s a e c -A N N ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~iovt-d. and his iirranzemeiit.s wire ail laadvd Ili ail parts of th(- world. 1l"(abtoniud etigteUin fteEpr iuade, for rpturedîîg et once ta Eng- ha d exatnlnied the parking of tholns- T beCltn d.mnigth 1 w id o tl ie nr s e v i r st t f l a n d s o f p arr e o is o f s e a -frp igg h . b aUin d w ith th e b lo o d f t e r h r e . m . . I L T O P N e l i 7 e r- iil oth e ( t)ii t r 1s u -'I h av e h e ars h h i k o e wriltpen technlcal articles on the u FRENCH SAY GERMANS "FIB."hediplcshreriansgn-______________ licesu batesthe hîpear Ifditt ati gealier x -ascng t ivonz, net ive, and i i - o Jct; I wasontof is hobbies; and ' Dis. irs laetunn tw 'Vt'frc h Chv <îiI.-T kitan oriinty 'long alîx o,! 1 stand on wondwork il.fi(,wish In bis loan t Ws tit ne-ver, since lie was it Erseni, bad Comparison of Lista ieveal Wlde e* in'a' French 10roaI id î-ut mb suesli -v e, t at severemeaursut be ho nigli hi, qpfî t îli frot înt ilis particîiîa- form t toustrp cGerml.a tt'hav lw ihr- E OTMSE-E l .aj ro n aoito etuox e h dit, nd su llv it niitd ldl nid lm tnî t is proplr-r passed undpr il eye 5111 now. Il ce lng t1lu 'nUits st 50 rutd tki t envetedrt n salyi I I osd rep naes. h., t e Brtain ' îhuia azd po pleces of ci unIt. liiittei o.chi .i xhreextremne m th,,ls ;are used th 'ilac, "a.s i III-groal shIpyards on w 'e' vér It 's c idrecy of terance nta s-the Bitsan dorsnacig o hvw Pae[ h rteiP and rcci \ x rv -tliik4 xîith zi-it et! inish istenoved wibh tIIdirt. VhiTeilwhr tr dto (f1m hn tho ýAaiatr i:ao lt iiy li s deiioy eibihehg pntd an oeu, tw r Amerîran che,-1. c;thon niee sb, -ýq stains should hel'eri oved front un-_mt- e l Wco rf4, -(it niîrtght and Unr, fresh papers. Thlt. mail-huat baU sais Il. Warner Allen, writing from l'attb"efieîls UpT hc h etne he c htM.A .P One ,on top i)frbu- (t ller. iliI n bel ç flixhd od before w&in. e'eandi! tinn nfmo .abri o brnfii.d ceai"n ltdurltîg tire'oterli m rning, the hBritish headquarem.es. it soems, of the worlidaet ac 8ed n enapone rts o pint of i tlix\%îfi <-î'pqen, s1ait n t-aloiare the rnost comnion. The 'I> O b o"Paiîr fIl'I t'nokt-îî sllPs litIta i sîn aoînl< sali aI nooni. le glancf'd hom-ever if one may judge frotu saine have raised ryhti oe obong Meea ucsin V r littIe î' - 11 ii, andt x I i, g-rt axe shoulil fi rst bu xiet xxi th coîd I I nt-i l fro n ilie N0-01 iS-manid 10ox )ot h e î'apurqns.a d h ilqsosnst cf un- art iclos necentli ypubhiFls ed la the ILn- o t usn s boiling Ilinr oî eltihe lînusd aiîl cheuiu, \""ter to prexenttspi eading lnd hthen irl i ri" il ('rfle i- 1, lor. lI esliio-r m oabmîit10heako shaei Thron- r iii ra, ta b f tEng land îîeacurt o hou and s oraînw r won e ul hreh ilb s mnakît-- r( i,,havif t ol i îîti ee-oy sriof(iWll siîogxxa.hn sd Lrc-î n or!Ifo(] I - ltîwi S s ni oai- ir t h mvstli « î s in a-o ncuac rteelss;ssîixonl'Getom is'ct f w o ,hscuiAr .Pk e part. l', ci tii a delbut' e e lop rlye 5sol>leigi' o t-'x'01 "lîix tit apîeaoe'c'sîp l 'eii x aîe e d. t nle rne -ldoub t a dI scussi on. tîhevn oe a mns fi hr ~ assatPMGbsldt xî Hiu a l onil Ufc -iTe i, fIl vrdema ogr uggeSîpU that they are as accurate as confident that tîowoflox f"rPaei h ... Ps mo d a i o i. U flitî es1 l L N-h hli, qq) arlxcaced, oxalir aeîd, il t'\ I hi \ RI i a i r l . as - i lit haubon iloti(gng tw or.(-of ilhem bad le Eîish lisîs, on wliteh ria doubi hlm will wrtist ina itr rt h atu tner. i .iiirtn i. g fih , i-nte-'front m ido iii Il o111 f'one tcta Spofîn- I1>1 ia ' a in fil tm f«'l- 11o bpnfod w-) cioge, e tnn tar a vrig bof-n 1 h i-c.in.t.h sacuiu fatV t il V -i t 1 cho topç i lttili 1w L fui to 'io i( iii if lIt xxaber-, ria' bue : -I l ) . g'txlIît Jl<i 11, ll' i 1 >to i l 1 na- a * v i i lt lIotndy cf iasaiiîtn, w-Oi I la-.'ho continu-xs receix-eIan r i a a gulix n bu> ,x-i~ tin'î api i'd t' Ilue criille siifan xv\itilî a Ili, fIItl"fIIIii 1ra t . I h h lad t-x-ui'iîiî b -a t î ii taîlti-toîmibe u a-t fgrsB tin nd rnc U itdIose fGo m s, orw i t t Iil (iofkîî1lîey lt lb'c Im ntaftrtncosnb Infrm-a xxtion g avied yt su-tlco' i xhile the issi' o IegetbfteutR tebm i osn i u n d C m i i i i t i t - i r r n i s a v . I l(h e ' g u -o u î '\ r x i t h - % v o t î -o t h , t h e i i i i , l t i -i ,- r c t( f n r i i i i r f a n r d i i t o I t l e o P a r i fi c b h i f r o n î e n t i I 1 t o h i s l a s s es . T h t ' G - r m a n s r in Id e liii nîis'bs tes oui the 'rank ami \viapenhistsilane-anp ow-ht n aIl the thooghtshi- ra k a 1 1 oen stil_ be-an Rnd fiiiti,, tiui --i l'îi cane the sr1'eiîl r -cîlhtg, to iat ' d fI . a is a liiui lite irîg it, noxis îof sr-i i I-Sct 01it io si 1<' Ihe iol ,and compare uIt prayers for-, bc sccstf ee forteait -r i. ti -im tes, bast ing w t h h - ud h -ti . 9 w tI- - oi - aml- x - i in ci î ' .i- nu~~ - te i siia;)ati"t- UaV i t- ici l Iîftî-,î Ita ut î l ng of tire tF rencha n s at the e fa c ful h p o igenawb a a huert-r, ami'; sev le th i'trsi ton xipd a dr as " iiftt -Itî' i ulîl -uas x-n thrx kp nuimgti r (tugit iIAs nI, gMy0 - test. :ia a t o ' 1 t t p t I n e - i l (a'w t e . r o l l Wsi I t a i t i - i i a t ifi l o g o I x i e ,' a n d n i t ' u d t p xi-l i 'orl e u c l f e n n u o h t f i t t l ( e m n w y o f L r a i e t a e d o P r s (Itîca.- fi,~'m t îli' njns cai l Ae litIe xuio a xii the s Il -1- t.n-aieltrij.rm ; lam"r"Pire il1- :t iFrenchpInri hînde i t t (oso u uied w u de nmsimg. rene d "But though ta 'dnc c nic f o r a l d i i t 1 i ri l i s .h , t l rit a t i i - t h c f d e s i r e d o r a U u ' xpI t . ni i l i - ! , t-c" A1 1i i l m -1 i ( i thA s t' l l e a i (, s a i - a x i m i 'as tII Ies n r n o n c o î e e h o e s a o e t e s u f w r t a un bb tnt ti it l x titer th a th sc e al cf xv t r e su i th x - tt b - jo lis.r. -i x a h av--e'mch Oti'.i' U i . m ç- il j a U il îl - sm nitî I Un regani-n j en od s co gl - gr te u o r y n ra n c c r , fi b u et ; ter - i i g b iand erv o -i t Ilîc t r n j ht, lic u si d. Ifrny ga I i f fl x i e iilç i o - e .i u t', iaI i ris iiig: i- i as h o ulic bis n i i" c ma hiy es1 i u tinn h e r m er off pis- c r a n t a e d e s w I i i t r f o r t T h o r u g h n n siii is a s o e s e n ti a , a s u~t,.: ~ î r t xi -ns T tI -a Iti' e i m i il-ttemil.iii-' t!:t i lo o o p l so fi o m u or I-i )pedknias Manelltakenfilfrov i itah. saniedtipcstedtl iniiththenncws ote'hatt Id hringe tasl thma w xair-,cke1 "Butrens lit ' n teia. ý\I.A iteild h V-? i c' (ý-Ileit Iouaî. r , - ' u-aî,h nckarp d oiî for tnoSout lk-, pimon t dînon th forsao ime nre suult off mos eraos l'ari(l fl, e o u ff ci ha e e r wisry ul e urfa ed.b Ifiom es g ay tî e I t -Iut y ugu'Ii n i v l i To runît basbre tbtl he d par rne t " - b t F a c n r a iVuxt I - iIilzt henfis an < if r - tan>. I alliit linsi i ., l irtai,în pîy t freh lît baU t.pec- i a ta p rid sconvlc0 rae u onf it u o - u ' i t sbn c p u î u s k ; d l o r a r e m s b e Vt h e n o t b o o , r l t t l ) z , i , t h , I i g l ( a p a e n t - c a l f S h l h u b r o I n r r " t h ( l 1 î f In d \ 0 c r t tu e s i e a mudy o k uI lsws i n ' n t ' t i l i t i f i g t e r waig n a a n t -t h r g d w t h î h t-fb e aglora iub thask bacm as%, t r-z nk d and da k nB c ritain ta re i i so b y u it d a :'m ffis a 'k iiii îcu- i n t -t u i o ( --tO tdtite palehruseaho- tht' Vrl t utls t e oficaI Germn. cas-I r suit of t eiMoi t sa rii esc el-~ t i t unre ln e n sphashw a te ra e b eboae rd. int u k a a i h(f rLlf ols r -ifh s b p h t h e at e t V-I I;t h , iîgh grneofteil ei w ahn a tbl, thidgln'ln-e t-lit- liiei-,-i fr-u i ii 'iuunudme Thei"';i li f dock a smd lîn e rlnari uîv ies cf tar n nd di ree "Secon-Tha t he s dir of te enxi itau fu fM j;a d rud y mua t hu crfly 'îitd î- "î'io. ttt;lxtîî" mik ix eaU-r stoad mi Pa ifc pt, eillt y re y compringt hen iFs c n ntsb amofo h nor.florrae.us e akniet-Ilirtiiihe uiy'tkle rigethafbenafourin. nù«tinhe -ft il'iai ae n I t î t.1 , 1 1 :t ' he i e o f f h s u u irwi - a c e o e g i u m y T ct î înI I l !t - t i U i f i t '1 ,cI c x î x l i n cR i - I l '- l OIx a î k d t l o t i n o o uî , g i e n n ibl h o P r e f e l o f t r e n e s .gne r a l s s i r o l o n t tio ,>, , -- "~i 'î mrn, e per smply fn o the ub ofe bad s. liih-gu' uîiin- ' (ll mt'- î ( Ieî -ee no boe The altlowng (offiîscaom n ca -te'ol, res nfins anis.î h i ' n om t, au n dur- -lt'tbu iofis c-11, nt l Inil i-Ili y r id a Iîlle i (, d ockîw-nn d tlt, allî'ac n t : it r fa r n n w as ing a t ble th ed e a d nd e 11 w eter, a d e r s ootipn ( nlin o s y e e o the g ten mnF rrthn"F i alnPdhB aýid fi KI-ae"Third-Thtt ethe BritiIle armyfto- thei -- xcmmrutnn four x- Th is u dr lit-fuI ilions Ptii fit l" , l i lu' Fîmeaî-l 1 n onU (i a],] al' li --enn to ileboltin l *t heT-i IM o prsn s. g eaism la-tth, hie o smpy ro hetochofth ans.rliit otein-renOt Regimentof te Te lfbhco yi sa ig y mchn, eomn st ff y -e pe litiil (if oil-n(o iii<imon., TheenxWIhain " ho lioig beef instias fire ni tse 'Poil ,'itr IllaeA my Copslet unnga er igtir oulyie unrvlrff uft t -- ~ -- i>e en srvpu t h a ci er o îwt pb ol on o tinb <hiatît1 n tîl hi l'm l'Ut irdsiliu l lnri tîctted sp-rw iîîg en a k ptit itte \le ritin peno d UFpboeracodngt Qurrog-n'ai li-afbn ibr 1i8li il-mmp.ii ofAtlantwclGohniait, tsur anagan t'~ ~ f.i~Iit t t i voit have When xeiît cin lu finesau 1 1 "pc l noervlcealjie l1iolcbng ntfi ancev ih l Ia ca cpa lig 01u ie o ain p y ll03pss ekn ol d gd dur- tînues thgo , m v ow r n _ _ _ _ t tt' - i v'e o th aveti i tevex-ut va 1w fec -I l% r or hi pidu!1tst.. c ia, elor f Ihese 28 are not Included la the ganizetion, deveo, n la hn A Paewnm n oos :t i, fma hî i-nilcf tithsvetnt of untpr-4.pcr & -lt'!psw-as cavtng, B'llmos dns c' ior encutreturns, Tbere li, therefore, a ten montms hi ch poie Iee otaladpl o e 't u;n--ilVbutewA oponu ftiretn t isuîioading P sIlesaîietîIntg yau destre 7' shonlage off 144 men, or 35.7 per cent. hest off foodstufefrteinrmnweeh o i ugr"I mu n tuil l iiilb ve-r thei in pailoffwet.r wll higben fxde t ca- dockUskuaarush' îrannp estcluxain fly-- 'l simply % ianke«' ta check tilatpile off the total.ian war cotigadalohr es ma.rofteVasyst ho v;eft1rn thrn tammonnia.gtilt, fit-gof lîitllpit1l. " 'xshfr eaig aceta Thte l2bh Regiment o!f te, ,,,-!sntiasfrth oute îaehiebsaocpane th ilIl il'e yutur sauf- pets Tme mas ! in em i.'nî ia imii teyar aIthron nwee' Cai eethGemn Army Corps lbat23 tl>t' Cu'e- Cotton crepe table napkins are a a ti a s o h.sn w r-I ot e r i h r,'a s ee rn e nh Ce m 3 ti vrf r Fmt-hic' eSoîe f le..- .convenience mn tbe sommnier cottage. the Gclfon iew'smni edl. rsmersaccolgta thowe h1renh u t see oradn topgns48,tyciktehvn i uI;'-(t --t-f t-leuse 'i'hey r.equire no ironing. Cac f o p 81!ul ehook ' ]Fýl d-1 'i sgI llthe'senor's pro. Perhapa o w oac4do nowîeigu e onltey gist t Ml\ iin ac otîr tf n k a le'ý;ûetspOOn- If you are chou-V of bakinir poxxder, cil (l'm R nu t srl hecfore durnae(r. lie Ile lias a peatrmht frotte the superin- Frencit records. There la an omission final 'greet pui 'cre bb wl iiso n19,edrpee 1-t- I.~t , tif tf,-mr wbole ag-gs and qift together one ipart o-fbicarbtnmnte d-t'- ow'mî file uarnoxi- cabtt-d boudent ? tîlhle l- h;ic c' hu itur of so A d txopmt fcum f'te- te. iic.d mnn poiuU wthlhe N Ihvnt-o!16,o&9..ercn.,II Iisc-. nlto a.co--tecyutl 90,w e ERAL. et Office! ase has 3taster- Herbert isted by e, who ila the an- ow "Two if ice De- the two ;off te [e Mr. J. 4.P. for Unionist blr.J. Îe Play- nbridge, ne," was inds, pnd Durbemn political He ent- Eyneside îted thb cue u "'J kit brca.c04 's i t t Ifow to (Gl Strens Spring ai Even the ut mnontbs mol Confineneri heated anti 1ated roomui the shop ar t ality off ev becornes ibl ged with have heada guor. Ottr mer-vous. with disfug eruptions; raorrng fe- they 'uenty s ymptoms - - - - .irder and - Mamy peoi- in 4he apri 1,ake. Yo'. -- a medicine, Bystetu an hIns is aIT yoo aeed strength. ii cine that - soothe the onc alway purifier is These Pifl weakness mare scric Curasne a Pases due thie Mr5. Sask., enyl badly run witbout st long wxx's Voetiake D ianltce cou like a mcx restorativi this rnadic IfYou e cannot a-ff- ovcrlook s Williams' medicime e cents a bu f rom The hiroerkvillce t t r r i r - - t t-; ïé The La lowlng.fri It appu last faýCin famine. by travel U p Vo t-hi tat a gu had noti rations h Inisitet, h came, ai- hended. InaI1 Lehman, gays -ove saves me within bu adeled Ver carde tion off i will be ri distnibuti CAPTUII Terrible -Eight 1 Women's prisonere Austrian Dr. Iný Sketch tC treated 1 Serbians loue plig "4Time fiWO lipJ -dressingi they atm puy whi- iret we thing. 'I t'here wq and amp' doeit Wfi work e

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