SRMC BLOOD !EASY FOR GERM IS WATEY BLOOD TO BUILD WARSFS IIow to Get New Health and New H &S UN;LIMITED SHIPBUILDING Strength ait This Season. RESOURCES. Sprlng alIments are not imaginary. Eten the muest robust find the winter Yardq Equlppcd To, Simult*neous menths Mast trying to their heaith. Confinement, indoors, often in over- Construction of Many Dread- hcated and nearly nulye hadly vent1- nuhg lated roorna-in the home, the office, nuhs the ehap and the chooI- taxe-, the vi- (t'ernîany Se makinky the hest of her tality of even the strongest. The blooti unlimniteti ship)huilding resources, ac- becames thin andti atery and is clog- cordingz to Hector C. Bywnter, Mhe la ged with Impurities. Some Peoil wei know-n as a writer on naval mat- have hendaches and( a feelinig of Ian- ters and who farmerly resided in Ber- guer. Otherg are bow-spirited gunli iT, . Mr. B3ywat'vr contributes to the r erv (%u q.S tili others otr- t reuhied lit ili-li Naval and Military Recard with !isfigurittg iinill1r' eidýkin extrenieli nteresting data orq the erupitt"l; w1lile qarn rir91t uli n (lhe ahipbuiling fililties of Gertnany. merniing feeling jwl-' t trelis Mien Bth Cirent l3ritain and Germany, tliey O f et. to 1i~l The.- tire- aill ~rig hewite, have airnoat unlirniteti ship- mvllnî tnm. htt thfl(it l i ed i ttofthoijding, enginr.p1ing and(lordnance ertler nl ilnt a lett tele.ror-e avaiahie for naval work, Many P-EýIPie tilte Purga1tti v aleiend t'here Is no rc-ason te doubt that in the Ppriing. Thi. is a crtsMi9- on hnth sides thoqe re-ourees have 'H 1e. ou cAinntt etite 1 outtt.f w ith been largeiy cxpioited, not oniy ta a ml' et'hi itt lpq Ott teh your make iROotithe Inexitable Waqutge of 1;ySt n i ttttI lier Qyoil Wtii4f.t il ii. 'nr, luito strcnglhen the , batt'le 1i is i. al that ila pt gutiý, e lue. Wha IM eet-9 with nt'w chips of every type. y-u1net-i t e git- v oltr lt'tllthatd liatithe iqhiryarits of Grca.t Brit-aîn Fîtrt ongth in t heo i-ring iqta toll C fiit tind C et-Maty v hem workbng unt Maxi- tee t \ llt ,tir i ht.h.- lOt-l ninumo c-picty dii-ing 1he rast inirie- 'ottttd-Oitt. jatig!(-I orvt A rut tlhfe tpt-n nînnhi onri utIanetglit censtruc- -t' iciv riiul--toiir t' -I lIco1 -n. 't is pl i obtthut (the relutive nutifier 1' PD- \Vlliaru's li¾k ll -. S-t in cf Ur't111(, tos to-day would 'Tht-ce 1,t1q not 011yl, t :n't-h s 1 rIl !-', 1-, fourdil)te lem n-ii;t-h what It was at iwonktîess i1-1ur-11i etnelîi't t Iltt4 tht l'o-girniz. v lhe-" the Britir-hifleet n1ier' sZet jntts ýit0t etq tliî:ît flt ..p-I a ct-Pllraltlprepontîerance ste ic ntt-Vji n-\t:' 1 ieý fîltype. lige'sSeitn. thna -neIe cace Iivtte te ii I~i. li p- f C-rtiniaurds Expaoded. this Nfre. 1). 1b.It. t, Ilt tt- I 'temev.ppcitot ra sait-., ri*vs: "AI tut a Y(t or Ftt t,0 %%iqS 15 ti nll: Ih the t-notrrposi- Itadl i l t ttti ittOît, t e \ \ ,t :d-t , n t h i" ig re-- ect But of iatt- years iînqtrttngz, and I -tili tt go iîîjî -tatre -fi t.(;t nian shj;itheiildlng itelustry hue wvithott stoppittg to, r-.î Agc 1 w\va, -a n aking phenornu-nul prog-ret.' Iotîg %on v. f,-enia(loctior T deterniri n d %ýhc enylr aocn to mke tDr. MWiliamm 'Pink Pî'tî ndfrpthirs îîhîchtn y crao con- Inkte acou re n a-c unv ail r1ouetmalt ve!Qqel, have Pince expanded go rie toraiew fr i. Agan kll .undrapidlv that they are now able ta (hic eîc li~itt\rto1nn uilti -hipq of the largpet type, and If yot are ailiing thit cpririg yttu I nn bams complete thern In cannot ifford, in y-otr oin rterest, t éur respect save that ef guns and ce vakMo%-lunllaltît diine F Dr. iii nor. CVilinnttttt Pink tttttttIC fi b " -ltlbe sfrequently contentîctIthat if, metileitip deater-s or Iv i il t P) FIS ran y people suppose, 'Germany cent a texor ix iîxe fr$2 o ont in for a huge submarine pro. rente IvWloi i 1:. -lt f-(, o 50g-,riimme in the early part of the war, iret lvilie,, Ont. F'ANNE IN <,l-]tANY. ltenneulStorite nofth.- Stuffering of the PeoeI. Thît iLondotn t hrronil:lias tht fol - It mîitîg fr um (ep'nhagetî it appeurs tittthe ('erniftn.; re ut Itîst the tacts of a thrAb intg i mn it. N ew ,'xarnplis art <(lu tîd hy1 truvel crs, egiieciuîiy I.y w-em-ti. to tthe ciose tof l-bruary i-t' faim' ihuît a greatter part ef the po.pulation hiadtî ttreal Iy sufferecti. atthtu glithe ruttins bil folotîng ht-en givt tstIy iini - iniphîtti - itut in M a rch a grett' change 'unle, ant aiils at repluýie ~appt e- henietl. In a Piitii;h itou rital, -Pri. l-tio-r. saN t4 overyadit ii% t s homî'iŽrLtb Witi oa fexv.tay smeut t arti. wîtt lit'adlt'.lIote ii- ltr,-att r9U ianti but'- tirrtita, îut'itîthnt tit(- con.'ump- tittîl tf rmnait thi ýitgtt(iiî htr ttîiri- %vit h Iv îttîî it-lfýn lý#ttj1i(n ('A"Vl<FINt lISES t ONu-HOtE Ti rrilt-vi ork %%Vi lh u4t riin-z Al- le.' cd i iem lFoîDo. W -n ni I,..tttîl 1 iNc eart isetqini l..ttltn f-rni htNî%sit.î or t ,tt ' t 1cmt t1tt iIbauds fÂf thll Ai- atut - i. t-n t iriltg. Pr lt I t i jr t .11 ftitc I itdttt I sh an extent that all otier con- mtruiction muet have been t>e-mporarily put on one side. But ber resourcea are quite large enaugh te deai with s fi demnand foîr one speciel type, and tii-lier construction, In normal limes naval contracte re- îtreseetted aniy a aemail portion of the %work lu hanti et the German ship- yurdls. ineet ef them being busily en- gaized an mercantile veesels. T o a { Ewuldt Wrkt 0KiLTo 'dsd- Mak o o4 J 9G LOiN SBCRP0O & badi D Bit-At a moderato Tijnt e lé *wItH m11r Wm Pr.aeh Dinh Clerk Thmight eBf rg estimate t&Zrme eadnôWlte ceiûd 1* energy f«r liedysw orkW by waîs amân., built imultaneeusly vit-bout cxhaust- 1f>ista eiantri rimnsda h an -m u lug thbe resources oftht-e yard. aigfc hL M M Ml Aulg n tth eé" u Schichau, Elking.-Thls yardi main- nutrment-that do flot us dicativ f he i.irt et Prince, le thbe- lY produces terpedo craft, fur the ra- up ail the vitudity of the body $tryt reiated yReoebures lu thbe pid construction et whlch lb bas in an e&rtn to -desgtt lhM Fgaro, and wielc concerna a sûb- Shrededacr iptien tq the Frel naté'nal 1a". ~unique facilities. It would bo quite Srde hat E1scûiup-. ttpe ar htl eti m lcpbet building forty or flfty des- i per htl eti ml treyero vithin a ycar. plies the gretest aniout of towu, t-he narne ot whlch le net givon I Reardng ii. lften therGeruanfor obvions resens, à ma tofndin- t gd M Bt fenote era body-building, enery-crea- ary demeanor and clcthlng, wit-bno- buildingefMr.cyadnoug efmedat te tiig interialwith thbe Ieast thing te dletinguWub hlm from t-he bdiensiof dreaughbe oel vithînte txpt h ietv g. greM tmaJenlty et hie teflw-men, dimesios soul bewel wihinthet« pOnthedigE"V Sgns.waflhed Ibuote branch ef a Parisien thwero several, notably the Bre- It is a real whole wheat food, bank . T u ingle emnploye etopped te rnnVuikan (whbch has n connectomn ready-cooked and ready-to- lhe wickett wihteStettin 'and Hamburg con-co anngtelie f "I wish te, subscrube te the boan," cern af thbe Rame narne), the Reier- srecnaidg.h if fsaid lhe etranger. atieg yard, the Flensburg Company t-he wheat grain-nothing "Haw muchI"l the clerk demanded, and Tickmers. added, not-hing taken away. lnd*fferently. Se fer as slips and building plant are concerned there IR no reason at Start the day right by eating "Twelve million francs," was 1h. an- aIl why Gerrnany should net have Shredded Wheat with bot or he~r clerk gagged. Finally ha re- twenty-five hattieships or battle cold mlilk. SerVe it for 111n- 'covered hirnecîf and aaw thnt t-ho man cru isers unfler construction ut one cheonwith siced bananas orj was not Joking. Neither did ho have and t'he r;ame time. tearo amn othe fruts."How rnuch did you say?" h. spar- COFFEE WITH OR WITHOUT. Made in Canada. "TMv million francs." Many Years Ago People Did Mlx It The clerk had heard ot personu lu-, With Mftk. AT ABU MUSK. gane upon but ana subjet and hb. Fi7ideiFACThe ABOUTnsdoarrledkeknew that tb cross thern meantca-ut- t~~~~~~~~ inlgîyth a-es onttk danger. kindiy (o black coffee, for we are toid' Pecuiliar Effects Wheii It 19Carid 'Just a maoment," h. sftuttered, "'T- lty lte Neueqte Nachricbten that ou Close te0the Bodyl'M calI t-he manager," And ho hur- the day when the sale oet nilk tIfe r- Teruko omrecms o -,dft h rvt f cntfr biddea la Muntch, (lie coffee bouses Tams tcmec ae.frre btepia.ofcnttr are albute-t erupty. Yet for many years thie greater part, tram Tachienlu, a gettfhg ta lacis bis cash drawer. The! atter coff-e wa-c tiret drunk ln Europe,1 town ln China that la knewn as the manager, on hcarlng the story, came ssyec tîe Ntanclte9ter Guardian, net- "Gateway ta Thîbet.,' Three theus- aut witb a jump. Ho sared et the' tîter the fierniane. aor anyone else -ian d pounds oet tus edariferaus sub- custemer. Hia lot-hes vere selier'ý thlought et mîxing It wlth milk, anfy stance lu experted annualiy. The bulk; tee aid uer tee nov; ho wore a derby! motre than the Turks or Arabe do now et îî gees te, France, where it la used bhat. Although h. booked 11k. an, The use of cttffee au lait se-eme ta in menufacturing perfumery. Mukeeyaiai url e a - date fr-arn1867. Madame de Sevigne, j nesnba u d taMask!eebaud an, w el illo fr an ' - writtng te lier daughter tu that yehr, Ianestilngrediento lshnovrweemiinfac. 1 raid that a doctor ruch ln vegue 'has ahl pet-fumes. "A subaciptlenV' coldly questleued' tauglit us ta mix suger and milk witb Muai heu certain radioactive pro- the manager, butboniug hie frecis coat. our coffee. Tley make a most delp- ehtit cause the odor etflthe per.- (Ail French bank managers a.nd hetel liglitfuI compound whl'h -%Ill heip fume te b. carrled threugh the. air clet-ke vear freck cas.) to support mie through thie rigors et in a very extraordinary way. Tii. "Yes," and th.e tranger iflxed hos Lent radioactive property of muak affectae'ate on the manager. Tho latter be. l In a letter wrItten seven years earll-1 the natives who carry il, te market ganb t- s 1bit, er she had tnentlotied as an eccentrie1vr tageyclapcag fms Ad o çatt sb-ie-o proceedirig on the part of Madame de 1 ey oetrenge he. bfa ypackage et mu " e ett uerb-o la 8a lIera thut she drinks mîlk te l hed "sI e te edyferanyrnuhmillion francs," vit-h ber te-e.' Readers et ' Unbeaten Tracks length of tâbte, Il produces serea that in Japanî' may rfemnber tliat one of are sirnilar lu character to t-houe a trace af irritation. the Aintîs (houglit It disgiieting that caused by pure radium. The manager pulled his necistie Mr-P. Ilslîop should drink miliiaud Musk Io ebt-abned frem a sert et stralght, fumbled with bis cuiTsa, and pollute lier tea wlth a fluld hevlng se gland, or peuch, efthte mIfuk okds.on era xt strong a sniell and tasta. deer, and it- la vecreted euiy durlng But-that la, I mesu te say-such cerainseson o th yar.Th muk;a sum ,yau uuderstand" His valce cerainseaonsettheyea. Ti. u ; trailed away and t-heu ho r ~deer la a amail animal, eeldem mare b is courage. "Have you got twelve heu tiiree teet long and twenty-two mîilion francs?7" û n Do My Work tiches lu helght. Itlalebecornlng moee rtanl. O S u G( and more scarce every year, snd at "Er--here, with yau'1" U ethe. present rate wili eventually b.- "Of course," andI ho pulied eut a corne extinet sheat ef certifcat-es o et oeit- and - -handed t-hem over. The manager MISSDOLIE cCLIN ELL 0F THE FRIENDLY ENEMT. t-uriied t-hem aven t-othe clonk, vhe MISDLLEMCLI-ELSO apo*led t-bn.. recolpts betere he man- DODIYS K IDNEY PRtLS Here la a Very Toudding Incident aged ta 411 oeeout preperly, while t-be From thbe Treches. managelr hovèred at hies houlder. Th.e Athrt Ldy ela t Qict ud A British slier, Corporel Holmes, mysterlois atranger va. simply a AlbrtaLad Tele f Qickandwnltlns tram t-he trenches te bis vite very weait-hy mai, viienome ie volt Complet. Cure Through Using lu England, descrlbes a very touching knovin but vie profers t-o cii-ceansd Dodds Kidney Pfla, incident: lire very strnply. His name le vit- -~W ier Wa att mendiironoe imne ofautheld. great ext-cnt t'his lest named activity Fergusorî's FIls, Alber-ta, April -,outi( ceuse ou the outbreak et ver, 1ot-h (Speial)-"Yes, I arn very giaci eipeiaîiy us under the Gerinan Cou- 1 cen say that 1 have trled Dadd's stiutin te sipyrtl auumeieaiyKidney Pille and feund t-hem ail t-bat paes under (ha central of t4'te State in'la clalmeci for them."' Bosys Misa star time. Dollie McClaiu, an estimable lady ro. The moet prudent courec, liera- edigbe. f ore, le te essurne t-bat thevaut- me- M"ingwerouldwtesmr i jority ot the facilitîes possèesed by "Ihas tmao me le t-h iplesu. I t'hose establishments have for a year teki eue box ut Dodd's Kidnoy Pilla ind a htdf been aveilable for naval tserk anti for the simultuneoius laving ansd rny backInlaairight. 1 eau do dowi ofa vry ormdabe fe-tofuy work sud the pain Ia ail gene." grtîowe a syfomdal1ft t Thousands of wvarnailuCanada are great waehip1. ul'ering daily torturas frorn pain in When the vur began the principal ,-the ac 1heusands ef ethers 11k. 1 ermuati shipbuilding establishments iln clî r on hi rr wi're t10 a ta counum etr Uth ese- withaut an effort because they teck wrinapostition t ostubse-te adviceet ot'heresud cured thefr -going vesesI, theugh net aIl had pro.- baciache by usiug Dodd's Kidney siously undertaken Admrlrlty work. Pilla. Inl addition ta theite lier. were gever- Every woman sheuici use Dodd's al mnor establiqhments which con- inyPle Th aetefes fini-iltheir eut-put toa malvessels 1ke tKiuI ey Pilla. heyarsefietfnei- tuget, &c.. but which wouid certaînly-t-nelthov dbeasalgd- t ie cujtuhii a!f building pto otrectly ou fie kidueyz, t-bey toue up tedrmine sweepers,apatr as those organe t-o do their full vork rfl!tntll treocraft. adoer fpe e treiuxng sU t-he impunit'ieo ut et t-ho blond. Pure blood meaus nov What C,-rmans Can Do>. strongt-h for aIl part. et the body. Sk-tt itu :tti-sttît h t yw ire r. llywater summarîzes t-be re- N ew en ewcer Ilivoiicesof he rînepalyars, on-ness. That la vhy me many vomen me ItrttsP Il(5t itf à ttt il ittl t tu - - w-hich ve have fairly complet-e edultstftoheb firé it.t'- 1ltgt rut. -oi. lt - tg c <al frfor-mat.on. The. particruîars reived from usbng Dodd's Kldney Pille. Itou- - have bre'n taken tram Nsutttum, tire ut-îj;ttut t î~ ttlttot. lorTasciienhuch der Kriegmfiett-en, lie %ARBIIIP'8WIRELESS BOOM. tir .ste' rotitut f-tîikt ', utSrhiffbau, the journal anti certain ps- th i 1 \ tt1tSl 1 i-1 t lh 5tit vtht t it. pers ni-ad before the German Shil- Ihla Quit. Dlieont tea Ut ofea il tiq t ,11t l ti'tttt'nttt '] tlillîiug I nulitute. They rnay there- I)eea ears Ago. ttt~t ti, Itittt tyt'tt-d ore, bc nrcepted ast suthen- Acaii ttb rn le rît 'iltltit~t- OI t1iittiulirig tii- m u fr as thie situation biture t-e ho wît-s int-h ioecuGrandi oe t lliig It' tt tt-It- sttf, ,te frtwarl of eri-l the .Moat sacredly secret pl* iltîg t oîi'i t-artsltue, or WilhelmshavS-i- 5,1e Dockyard. - a lauIo-slip. iit t ri-n eitstti. ttll,r. nt. liiirriultaiie<'oa cotittruction Oft t-O t"f yeu corne on beardfo palyu a - n1tîitetiIttt tti '-It-areti. ilrî-udnoîîghts would be veli t-bis vimît, hes peace break eut,asd ive 'h%is v1ie viat"ttittethtr'll, '~ -pactv of t-hlm yard, ln addition euor oebv-lep«ueo erk t-ti-uts ttnt t t t~ t won ouamat shpa.aftine what- ordîway peup look 11k. i e 11011 tt .1' -' - il I nte t- Dckyard--Tvo dcii- t- no, i1ciwt- mean 'erisnr 'peoe H~ \lINlit-Ut't 1' noughts cuuld 1w slmultaneously cou- e vili sow yw ".timm 1le of tho 11\D lt t nurted brrre vithotet dlffult-y. 'Fies-o1tunretas » sci taFmpodo" n lt- the - -- ~ ~ 1are teev'erai slips and dry docks in eIerm aizyve.iepo lxii-"lin le<.-i artcf iti shich itualler vussels mlight lie buÎiL plemue; but vo ciiail dlplessateali IIni-sk'ast. hantig State Dokyard.-No larp e rOKt-. ..ui-11 dtlS*Ol4* etia-On - -I kt-s tî' t'lîI taitltrlPaE ftt- or gs-aîing dotko. but aMaui ,Uirer om -u; aMWIf tan auc p icnlt ud tcrulterase P6100(«t-oe*fa ~,d ponself *ctalê hU&eaious .- ,arlît -uti rt 'î'iat'Ietr mtrita cn r huili. Tii. yard upelioiaeu 1i t-ai, v sagilpelot -t- eano whv, Ht'î u i,ttIbk o -g illatilho, hil <t ,\IrIIeorctnsu -hr 51ttCIIboard bagie* t-hou-e, vitiel for- ppîttI sitth i-lt itqi I tl'Hfs large' Iseati, leIt i mposM1etsib 1 lifitt.u u"Muae-th re e d tebjawho lI l:t s tic Ie e Nt- attit , t'-ie - pro ibesothateo f ù-odt$,. si' -ny to Jit -ri ( rt t~ t ~ paî o f ttis yaH, but îtlu l quaI oft luajg ae e su- tt ol,- tithfiettrt"ti% Ple bsT.siseaimt lcroisfen »d<e.spaei. ia etra wat il n guil i rttIrilifýI yi q ~."" ui,umari--'in b ~a tlb. --e o ba-tlue-41,et-sl- Weteok up Grur>ie- Nul' inme-- \'ulkaci Work. i, flambur-Tve rom, et a êdosy«"pear&~At, t-at iliat,'Iv uîter reiwrning trom n îviIrsl ">lnott'hts cMUl141 le slUl1foWi-ptdtbe wbo1k et tbe spptmwu yvan>' s.jeuiroi n boi ht eeuntrv. Our Ilu il I. ("-ide, a numho'r of attt-ire. - toettund Ii et -11 Ieff ,,totitgihs s-r.-in hl i &ioî uit bi>4. 'F%0equlperietof t-b. >trd lu hkb mod eui-n da 1M bs w --ei trhi-ait h g--raltv. - Ltd elt 0r tr Mot bdrn *atIet- - wj* pt-y .,41-oe tbr th O U v 11a aytrtoy ti ikor int VILirWapeSollw.qq 'se-etbpluemabMn ýonnil onthé Waie btwihgasîwd ltt Iu -t t-tt-t adteecwutt* ouglito te d aeiw ud " w te Mltamifily tn heraittiandti ,-n-rth, . ty i ithit* the. capme ty aof f* - Wf tau, ci. c -té Vi- thi.s watti-aulsi i k'Gratte Nuts nd nomt*tuiuhitWflt, - pomiturm. "'ohm &à "Vau». sm At *04w * "A frîetul of ours bad as ailar ex. «fMrT usuelil o<i AUWM u w«,- peieuco. She vas serieus1y 111 vile <rosi-d 1* fWtwt" blOatu Indiîgestinsad Coteltil find noUilg t-> cet that weuld net give ber boas-t-hum W ui 000plu>ic 5fýi and palpitation, ospecumhly aut- ighit.d14Wha S I~ - t-bt-s mml cue thtle Mesd ae Grape-Nuts wit4i e tm mde ber a* hulm T«klmab«t*OW 5 euatseatory supper sud gave ber à -'a prd bas 0 6t-6 eOmfortable night-'s reat kt. b «emt fu'UI 4- tino mie guîned soveraj poluiad la-in t 4b.WIIOI mid l -~ volait." - *17 tibe t-w, SUMt M q ~ '"TFbre's s Resso."-NaseW***~ - tnp Canadion PuutCeWm t'MKW,$Os M < 9#10 M"- I~oei-ma t-m abae 1u4 Au #'k ~ Lm~~ Ê' voundeci men vion vo came acrassaa Gorman whe vas giving firet aid te oue et aur seldiena. Tou eau Imagine vo vero urprlsed. We put the veunci- eci mas on our st-net-cher, and t-be Ger- mas helped us and 'a. vit-h us te t-ho hospital. On arriving, be askeci t-be ot-or wiiet4ier t-ho "'6hùnmy" as ail rlght, sud wheu t-be coctor told i hm that ho vaulci get vell, ho saici ho vas very gisci. Ose et our officera asked the Ger- man -why ho t-eek mueh an Int-croatlu eue ot hie enemies. To that te Ger- man replied, "He may ho su euemy eof my country, but b. la my friend. Hie and 1 vorked togot-her in Laudes for mare t-han teurteon yesns, sud rnany happy heurs ve have speut togot-her. 1 hope that viien t-hlm wau le ver ho wlll net ferget t-bat we are ist-lT triends.Y TRAGXC FOLLY. It viiinet-be long betere fie fiy seso ilaagala iti»us, acoompanied by uu»pblicatioss from the igeneral Pru to"swat the IY." Slmultaneouis- t-te deadtYrPoison fiy papen, maies lt-a appémanwe, vith t-be possible rlsk of fatal poimonlng vbemeer flore are chuîdren. Fer durng- 1915 t-venty-mux casm et fly-pclmoning veSe reposted fnom eloyen sdateos. In 1M4 foty-sI chUl. dren voseeInnocent netlim. TWa record lu. l U ailprohabulty Incomplete as smsptoniu etarsealca poisonlnt areaou tmlar te-tboséot choItsa ictant-uni OIateven phirelolans of long eeinÎu earelk te i.con- lu »à "lbe t-o ciuraift aâtuji TPhe MiobuaU.S.A. leginiature bau afresdy.paued a la* roegin éîbodg et cO" daa", tiie SBlce jt-eut-op e igmnt morwa trsý 1--.-;* KEEP CHILDREN WELL. To keep little eues vel the 1bowels musý b. kept regular sud t-ho st-omach eveét. Nine-tentbeetfcbildood al- menta are caused by deraugemnts e t-houe organe. Baby'u Ova Tablets neyer taiT t-e roguhate fi. atemacli and bovels--that le why theusaudi et me- t-bers veuld give no et-ber medficine t-o tiheir lit-t-i.ees. Conerulug t-hem Mrs. Cha". A. Turner, Marie loseph, N.S., wrltoa:-'IWe have been usitit Baby'a Ovu Tablefia off sud en ton t-ho past year sud s haît and i ha ound net-bing te equal them." Tii. %bfets are eeid by medicine dosions or by mail at- 26 conta a box from, The Di. Williams Medicine Ce., Brook-vIlle, Ont.' DUu'lt Speah Giermait. "1What muet yen say vien Satan apeas at-o yeu?" ssked t-be Bundsy scool toacher. The litt-le gel look- ed' dlgusted. 'Il don't #Peak Ger- mta",' she said enttingly, mer fb aovbey *11.1 H t ottIo"mut.a It le mode of metal, nickel plated, of a convenlent si«e. SImply bol tho "Thermer" for tes Minutes'only (ne langer) and lt staym hot for full twelve houri et an even temperature, -o 125 deg. Recommended by ph"&i clans an account eoftthe teady heat and ianltary Metal caue. No trouble - no filing - ne dangker of scsldlng the handi,- ne leaksu-ne expense snd ane purchage ata a lifetine, In sickness, much as Noiiralgla, La Grippe, Rhetunstim, Non- ritis, Inflammaton-in tact aIl aches and pains, the. "Thermnor" la lavaluable. As a bed-waniner and s feot-warmer it bau ne squat. "The "Therinur" measures *8%" acrosa and is 1W' thlck, yet It welghe less than a fillod twe quart rubber boutle. The. price la $4 .00 sent PesltpAid anywhere and ueld under an ab- solute guarantee frem the mak- oS. Hlgh-clase representatlveo wanted In corne teMntoes. GOLDEN GATE MANUFAC- TURING COMdPANT, LImITÉD 9 Touvîlle Street, NomixcaL Lp-Etfore pllo- lu# rout o e ex @att4w 1 e I fret Ge'.stan. . N..I 1*4Clover (Panay)$14MO ~Io. i.......... 180 4*7 Tpw-- ,,.,, l Ailow 80 for eaeh ootton bïg wV" psy wi yfrot tO tarte aSU Oui.. e, .8U "THE NEXT CASE PLEASE." How à Bohemiafi Pestant Heard of the O.ath of H ie Son. The. Arbetter Zelting of'Vienna, à nova payer devoted tb the Inte-reste of the. wonhlngman Of AUstria, printe the. tollovlnt Incident "The. acen," ujes tiie Arbelter Zeltuns, "la ln a Uttle vIllage ln 1Be- hemia. Wetime NekVaall bas reeelved tmre légal pp».-Neither h. nor bis wite oSn read, a. hi. nlgboits resd It for Ml, tlllng Nokisil le a suimmons le appear la the ot. e Court "'Penhape It lea&bout my son,* muid Nebvuil. Toua kiow we bave net heard frorn hlm ln four month#d' "At six 'cleck ln ftie. mornlng of the 17ti Nokiosil etartu to vmlk to the Dli. tri et Court When ho reaches tiie Court building ho là orNored to ait OÙ a l>eneh ln the corridor. Mter wait- lng tye heurs e hoa1, ol lnl. l'You are Hoir Weniel Nekvaill "'YVe. Tourlonor.1 "e'Tour son, Frans Nekeamln, aine- tiien years Old, who vwas wlth te Iâjidtirm lofrantry :eglulent, No-9 fel1 Uke a borô tu -battie In Guida. w»s be your son? *"Tee, Tour Honor. Il Wel. aubots te tthe value of 17.&0,j krouna ore, ouad on bis porson. Dyou. und.estand'1 "olviiid.eiamr yn d your vif, are the -oui> hoe. NoW you 'wl1 pi liau iie xaniluation payert' *Nekvaatl alpue by makilg threo lCekvasf o a itedow, but b.sltûte. ho *1 le hont aytlex .er e wsleio? au"e th* onletl ilPardon.bUt 1 cmthlihInt-uW rut-lu hm da-ue r*. eîllie there veuld he- gLw-- - vAubbi .. ië gl4 vam .Apply King*Wn OW*6é ce., 140., Kiitton, ont W GOLUN MILILEUP iavia upinnre gud vaerW. iii 'wam. oane veu palizr n~e departmnenta and steady louf lInOUtllS to ce. Fcgr furtbewrtif laroi sppZ >0 the $4ngsb leuuzectui IM8 Î ll ..LtB.rantford, W AJITED - LATH NULGNISTW nd Pitteýr, Tooluaem, aI0 Phonrr ire aý1oà n ferred. - R. Bell & Son uoMDaY. ST. et George, Ont W ANTEMD-BPINNERSO O BVI & Furber and Whltley Male Stesdy work and hlghest >!;m Pa'd For full particu*.rm., pply Tii.mns.blt Manteoturlng Ce., Ltd, Brantford On% IV AN~TED - GEINERA.L MACEIN yand boit mander mîn; alas finl1éA, er@ and rubbers for blgb-avade furnW tue p y stating experleuço, ndrei Macl niture Ca., Kinerdlne, onft AGENTS WANTE-. LIVE ýeVA01MNTS WN ,vit PO cils, terrltory ta rlght meûj% houo calle by appointment, and ms- ,apra4 t1rally certain, snap forcoeeio tudentW vire wlmb ta make hlgh 'wagffl for hall daye. write qulck forprtoiesgvn elperlence and lacat on tldemlrud l'tIh a Art Meniarlal Publlshlng Ce,. Eox 9k~ Brantford, Ont, nnwerA1REs rua SALI. D ROFIT-MAICIN<} NEWS ANL> Jo i Offices for sale fitri gtd Ont0 * towns. The ment usetul and N*arestil cf mli buuinemes. Pull Information 0t application to Wilson Pi»,1Iobtng Com.é pany, 73Wett Adelalde SIreOtTorentot ANE* TMORS8,LUMP TV4 1 nte1ýrJ nai d citernal, burei wifi* cli p"In by aur haone treatinent. Wrte us before te a te. Dr, Hellman bMedioii Ca.. Limited, CoIUngwood. Oult, IEMPIRE BUSINESSCotL 13~ 46Broadvlew Ave., Toroitto, Ont 1kachlng aflTypewrlter Kê,*b.artb &9 rTese haift boue prevaiIing a e e c -e hgku~et -M BOOK ON DOG DISKASES AW How te eed the Auther mUW Ivd 8 IL à A GLOV Tu Y .ANADA'8 in ft e ld firm e0 W'IRAM JOHNSO Limltedt 410 St Puni St W., Mootreai. Sbip ail yeur fura fièe.and obtoin funll value. ns- be t-lkc saidard for tca rfi The mica f'119t-he die. Saves frlc* t-ion, wcar ahd i. The I~AgdeIO C=, à WJ*W ~tJ~ r 'r / -2- v r H t the same time to- carrv 'on with 1 m 'l