Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 1

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Dru5 I tatlenerj Stwq, WHIT~Yj*j~ T m-" PI ~I. 8-N-42 WIII Coinpound Syrup of' IYPOPHOSPR ITES A Strengthiening and lnvig- orating tonie, Blood Builder and 51Nerve Touir. Buildas up the systein, Cureg thin RCd wittery Ilnood, Nervous headtche, Nervous promtrittimai, sleepieminess, etc A reliahieé rets LaG( $per Dnsgglst a M EIIAI Hreiek St. torative .t. tes- bottie md Optiean LHALL s hli tby. The m1101s13 0F QJALI1V1 The Does iwith tise Coal sut ise Serv sue l"Scranton Coal" 'rte standard Preparu ion lerfeet -Rie. h mn seat.Low in aoak-argtt, dean, free bhsrumsî,, elùsk- orle**. A 1 i gen- Grata, for large f ornat-es. EU an s twa hiz, lur fursiaces andi large bssr. Ohetnut andi Pua for range andi ansali Cook sto-eta. Bsue assau sspel fm, maté uaad ireiblact.±. Mwugahala Yosghle. id*«$lsiup ~eual for.steai, ise leailusaNrua! for ihr«bi u Irlbes. BOsge s .eSk butU*Iudanitlsngoal tA11 these eoa IF tre tIse hsght»at standrd of qssality. Osîr tefltvers ervisce is.prompt ansid afst taeuW&DL thesîs anti whess you sîed thesi. We roepeut(uilly selicit vour patronage. Re -I R LOW, à4 Bll phone 9. Whisby Homo phone 1& -~NOTICE The SPr8 g rerniisi haw'a Business sehoolo,70Toroisto, frossi April 3sd, marges Int à the Sisaiser Tértîs for July enti Ang. Bttrt ssow andi ho ready for peaitiçis in A sanaîuî . r Mak m&è c"4hf W. M. M% 5presa. J. H()WELL JA~MES Carpeaster, Bulider and Contractor. Plisslraws and estirnatea furaiobed. Saa", deors and fmrmes. -Agent fer Brantord Rehtime Sou467 WHiltioY Pb.mm149 MaIrrt.ge Ltoensgs. A. H. ALLIN. limier of Marrlage Ucenses. Cofuaeý drug store, Whitby. Noe vnues required. lie rster OutiasI.mmut Laid Co.%, Lii Whitby - Ontario Rosi Batae Dealers, Estates Massagei, Routa 0.tlected, I'irat Lot». ATrangost, horpertiea bossght asanlsI. For tume. &pIl limsd Offie Brook U* boi Ph...1V. t hno le. vomi mi r ý Omo@" t9Uwls Bru., wIBy - h ,10m n mruf WIIITBY. Ot~TA F'IRE -ALARM .5YSTEM REGOMMENDED. TO COUNÇI- ALARM BIELL IN HOME 0IF EACH F)REMA Y, ApRu. 20, 1916 gàr! hi h-eiaeu Isle Fire and Light Cernmittee efthtie thse Board et Educatlon in pla<c- Th'i -1 1TOB1 èi1iif MtwekT Town Counieti reemniendedte LuCouncil George Hewls, resigned. {Â4dànac Qùàrtét -t minite-;wie sthat a tire' nlarm system be estabIlsh- 'The> tender et Jas. Sawdon for su> reputattdb yt t 1 rbetore ap- ed. ronslstng of an alarm bell In the plyti1g teamns for street wates-ing and i, lrdin M'hitby? 'iela o thn home utf each Memhs'r or thle Fîre Bnl- other work a.s requlreti. wag accepteit. of a surprise, a* o ý'rnember ef the gade, andi a telephons. in the home ef The rate la to be $3.95 per day o!f ten ýuartet lg e ac5< o at thse O. th(, tîstf anîd the Caîstain of the Brl- hours. . L.C.-Mr. Arthuf B Jt gade. The feliewing accounits were passed: To those Who l'ove ign h Thî rrrîsmedalui asadîiedby John MaeCgri, %work. $ 30.75 poga aa rariieitghit f rom the 5ssîsnv,'tlut Mondav P enlng at the reg- Jas.Meed, work......24.00 opening quarteL.'I4yliùbefore Action," sîwrîn't!iiîs. and îrires- for tise Instal. T. Vaselesky, work ....... 6.40 to the uGood 9W 'i îid the National lationof s tt-iahvii 1w agked for. jus. RHeard & Sons ......... 39.20 Anthem. The qua*i";t te an except- Mrilaî"era 1,.tiilTsiehoe Jas. Sawdon ....... .. ... 48.20 toflally strong a«igreïtton, becahee as St, asastsenîs.isgam asis.sd . ..oOfliw Sn 63.12 idydsi igsstkes are masters. aiw Cont1 i ,-î oe to thend prss'nta- Dunlop Tire Co .. .......210.00 each ln h1aeow partkj11er field. Ruth- Ile on ut l u"sr use Io t rsiîîee. Jus. Heard & Sons .........3.00 yen MeD _ajd, baÊSsÏas beea delight- tio o iltrillrtortIi (oiiiiit". W. M. Pringie .... .......2.85 tng Canaaian tsî, afor pe rhaps NMr. i sa st-s ofTes' si tsi Isînsaceaeau Nr odig'ottfdadiscussion tn'o score f),ta» ýJnieatrs to-have tbPlli Hi t'. lntss'S of *Z.i Os t'nien, aînd a M.Godigo.sdamio baFed upon the> installation uft n pM filoed itI4 the.%rars; Arthur; irstn f)( o Hie s ofm ni' nda remxrary gasosine engine in10 B tl'as it 4;superiors i cotnecion10t th seerme yqtm. alida;GeogeD .gsecorld ten. il' oi(S !iiîàsitd lptit a I(-l'p4tone Ilst ms Ihas tisp Ailis-(,isslms'rsCou",or. is an entertoAn et prunounced - ..s lts 551 ' '~' who have lts. ceontraxit for makîng tis menit: Albert DOi.t fiast tenor, a 5 5 '5' (fIt tumps, have senl a ttenpssrary gasolie news man on thse q i~tIs a singer ut )ii 's Mpis[ue f il'Ill5e Iioie Co., engins. and une ptimp. 'Tllpex spect great ecslture andi su .Àadaptabilîy. Ils ( 5l. asisas555gi' -s% en tllse 0M (0lu spîîîv t4 gfg«iîîe (Say laving Jeineti the~4. t withii thé j i suId ll f' r i hdk eay$2.01)i wortb a day) anti a man te oper- w eek.andhav1 litWfil t. ratc il'l hssati us.ulTr ls. sadirad>ale lte engine..tntil susch tune as thev with teotrsi f1 hs-iewt ssstl.-~~~~~~ýýi T . siîtl erets.ie iss Ii tli( i r tcitasnele ha t elhoose lu complète lte contra-t hyi'n_ a preciston and Pett-.etion tisat sur- slalling ih-s other pîssnps and etectric priset a.nd pleaseitctd .s eaei.Ts istItuîcI. n îîas uialtersnative smulot"'Q. -rutltis IMr. Goidring and Mr. vîthârawai of Redte ~Holiinshead ýzIjnI,,ttsýý,ojiIi1orthta-'osliîî most ,strentsotisty ubjected. Mr. fo h qa Utwthýtivanigwa t tissa ~ wic l Iîîos.atIOit,' sxîslssised Conîîss went Su fsr as tu lay Lhe blaine announceti b>'Mr. MéiUonald, Who ln- rieli spus essgiueer Murray, and hînteit that trodilceti bis succemmoe-Ér. Downing. \Vhos'Ilsîîl., rsssorî t olise Commilief bis engagement shossiti be canceileti. as as th5e permaneni fii.-tiser if thes ýirs rt.îIl, ljut Iant end teluthe disctis-a Weil as the costract for pumps, etc. quartet, isss iorlus t' .rsiig.taken from the Allis-Chalmers C., The entertainers v--"tf nost generous Isia Sxtllhass Va W'ikinon. Mr. Bateman diti nut place the biame ln nnsponinlg t1t6- th eutêt recalis Aoaitfls l'Ire aid d(f ie r-tipon MN. -Murray, wso isatiprobabi>' o! the audience. Ëvel* number vasa Ligt umnltte.oine bis best tu gei the plant cern gis-en an encore, seve,à f them- two. 'uiC ES&M FOiR TOWN HALL. pletedti.ln nmes1IU).iubwr Tht, Town Property Comis tee have iteeve Downey also exoneratedth ie masterpieces, hi )ie "y- No. 2, by i %d uîsder cunslderatiin the qustion engineer and blameti the Company. Liszt, meriting the Pt~e'- d aPPlause if ir. escaps.for Lihe town hiall. 'bey The feeling was strong that thse gas- vhich it received. 'ti leo sesd ctl th(' plactng o! a Stee-l olîne engîne shousit lie returneti, or. Tise ppula t n ý fight at tice tairma o n the south aide o!flise bulld- tise Co. pay for Its uperailon until tisey Coilege vas abundaiitlï*saite manitah sg lu reisiace the old wooden stairs: a complete thse contract. upen lia apUea't*seO soloist.The tieiei latider fruns the galles-ylute 'he-t 5. s s' il i. It o r a, Si balcoiv o0n tht norîl saide uo' the busid- lng, wii a insider' exts.nding to thse grousi t. Tilts meti wtsh ti(e apprvai o! tise Councîl. andi thq-.Comiidttee vas asketi Io obtaîn prit-es on the work. BQAIID or' %DlCÂ'ioN %A PR*PERTY. Reeve Downey protested against the action of the Board of. Edutalion lus selig the l)uflerlîs Street Schoei pnop- cnt>'. lie did siot thlsîk the Board hati s right Io disposse o! the preperty with- out tile c-onssent o! the. Townî Counehi. He said the Bôeord cesiltinot giese a det of the pruperty witheuit tht> sig- I nature o! line Mayor, andi he suggestedt tîsat tise Iounceil mîglît 6e juslfied in rylaig tsu sssestishe sale. le thougisi it n'as a mialake so part wltis the lot, andtia sIsai would have been wtaa te have keplIt oil5 ncrease the site of tise playground. Mr. Annes took the saine view, andi consîtlered Iit te have beeui a gi-oit mie- taise t0oeali the property'. Mu. Goldits'tss ob thseanse VIev of th. situaton. ait. ilatman auggestad tauasthse4 ehatim mo i. o zdo duaattn vas at thse reporteres table b.mib sp efo't ii. oau'it Ma&, 0oàdfeUnwrepliait tist bdete pu-o«dtu $te disposeor tise propeut tie Depttuut a uhetnon. tOronto, bai bsee urttW o.tmaste viet Ie1 amud bai the meat té diapo. «!t" l MéisetV ,s aopaw as tb e0 »Outi-i un ~ 1st iftide l5mrim tb* p'mêlslpwbaîothe » t.. ter. COsL uwm* bai wPes" gth* hy tise Bomm ge BRitusel a trustto the fot '. u ~r thse 044auiani baidoubtses sn- ua*sSbri <h sebo t-tii w* e taq tiatw tr ha »w'bffltag, ba" bon a pur*a S k thse 1 %Mora Ot tU.bt ImmU*i 1t u*e h. QameIo" 1* uty w« la sbiiimû*Wtt tbo iwi et' 1W A PLAY 0F C( Tisattises-e la muci s oud tiamatie talent lying faliow iln evea-y comLi unlty was dernoxitratait lait PFdairevesin isere ot' tise'piay' Wllowdawe, b>' inembers of tise king 8tréet ainloiat. CÉîucis, Oiava. Tise play isat been put on the stage twice la Oshawa, assi on both occasions te, croee bouse' Tise players camne te Wisitby at tise In- vitatien of the Wbttby Us-suds 4!ftIse Clildren's Aid SocIety. Tisey geser- ousl>' gave ef their tîme anit thoir labOsi fer the wortby object. BUt tunfortu- nael>' net uoretisan 17s Whtbi i>.n- pie coatitenei t ilwouth wiila to PmtI ronize thse play snd by dOing seoitTP. p>ort thse werk on boisai! e! neglectÎ4 attle nues. Tisere ver. nesi'ly thîrta- paoflul tse compas>'oe!pkierse, Mid tuisietthe stage msugerisîpo u.- .WIlso. U"u-igl e * s Uilare«Makabte aMd M 3a O , OCw rthy wMthUe 4W~ Cduusa; aise ais. tank tise 41SulI rMO o! UM s Rtaseis wth& ssi usth.! vise ruleit »bu rn i l '~ ' U - b> lem., lie t eiamwlr y extly voitrsa»ui Thse rmatMçWeul, > t1 WiIam aiM e thse Pui,ë- OUNTRY ut theuas haVe much t'O»Oïlis Mkgn ut thêeh oir, uii~~* e thse 1l6th Battuion. aÉ 'l'oj Slerrtt. wau the be-o ot tue Dpuy. ne bbe charge Wth opeing a letter md stesllng-$40 .thereirom, suait ftsr eorn Urnýewpa under a -clouit. R a'è %Êg'ed te MilIg .Bttes, bU the'mna*-riaï Bâalm'u 10n hh#se.t bied tÀFwlnthse het-eusm meit ben e oacouffl Sb ,-eft o! thesAi t M t M~ntguvu~- th tuother teubIs suppurt he#o,ýw alii " vas fied, *Md t erno"Ba17b.Ing pet- sie ww y7oB,ý"M4 t , latot M 84 C A. QOODFULLO'% & SoN. Publisbe,'~ CREDIT AUCTION SALE 0-F six DESIRABLEBUfILDING LOT SATURDAY, APRIL 2naf 2 o'cloek sharp. This property is part of the small bloc k immediately opposite the -Town Pafk, Brock Stt 1) ing m;dway bctween the Grard Trunk junction Station. and the Post Office On portion of the block is bui't five excellent brick hi uses, thus mal<ing the lot( ffered for sale most desirab1î-, either f(,, building or invesîrnent purposes. Cernent uidewalk it laid 2nd sewer connecio>s is tvailablfe. Terms of saIe-$îio cash on day of sale, balance :i 'a ble b%, mtntiil> îîssîlms-nts with interest at 6 % e anm p -l af Visithout doubt this wq the easiest possible means <>1 acquit ing a lut for bulding PulPoses Corne to the sale without fail. F r (tîriher information apply to WW. MW, Auctioneer, or twolIve equal The Greater Canada Improvernent and Land Co. Limited' unaependent Plhose 70 ladies of the Cellege gave hlmn a recep- tion whicli would have Insplred the most unresponsive person to bis best, and Mr.Blight rose to the occasion and sang as he had never sung before to a. Whsllby audience. A goodly number of townspeopie. a'lth perhaps the entire roll of students and the faculty, enJoyeti this rare oc- the mldnight C. P. R. train. The evenlng was mucb enjoyed by thèse who, heard the play, and inany cosnplimentary rema7rks were over- heard as to the excellence of the amn- ateur performance. Preseatatioa of hiver Tea A congu-eao"soAada Xhl v de ber g!tishe moulbs** of thse clss' "4ut nif seasiuterotrm sut eujom- nt .Au Impromptu pmro asw uireit JocSmIen affouite«,an OtP'ottunity ,for téoengregàatoillu geneu-el to axpresa ,wso bhs labotei tlu thafr tsa" ot iMb e -10t en~, Who le, about <o leaveo Wbltby, lIR tàïs-e P eu-s 'mo!tia P. ~ ~ ~ er Baaia. is ataat li ba wsuulrusg.enku- us 4uuq of isthea WHITB'v, ONT. Oeil Phono 193 IPEEL'S SHOE STORE il i l 1---' I O UR immense st)c-k of Boots and Shoes fo' Spring was never so complete as at the present We bave Shoes to Fit and Shoes to Please. We cartry ail the latest up-to-date styles in Men's, Women's and Children'& Footwear. See o»ur line of Men's, Boys' and CLikiren'g Elvry 'Day Ss.We carry the bes t grades clIy. J' r &,,e seasof o Lentis, beieà ot et rcm- out stock of Fiait fa are à tew of the. hues we badl, i . 0r ST.WUWTUY s, susi Post ). S. -ir lit i 15' et (e >1 SON, Publisbeis. 4-lsâ-,.amL-,49eýwâwxuoFlwpýc-ýiýýýý 112L a_ 1 2--à- WHITOVI ONT. Oeil Phone 193 mow the OXTAI

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