Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 2

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ont »Ihi tt*%UMlan t I&Ideft t t w te a au t INé Otill o »»,Iaat et Âirlcul- nigided til s r luetaut -ofet IM#46. tr authorities have .estimated ltaI 'wbtchKle iudusi sttatnth. À sPa. Iéj#WoOO Worth et dainage vas donc te ishould liraI be elemel up un thé barn, gflla imPs Itu telrovlneet Ontario lber %-Pd dlulateetcd vlth the, formtalt lutI 7ear by amuI. soluU&iL . Te grain to4e Wtreated Ibe exact cause W t Iis sadden anid should be spread eut u the fiosr a tcv gt"» ureitbreak la hard te expiain. Inehek d*sp, theft*lth a apriakllng Ih*ule Il le knowb that the prevalence San aprinkle the solution ovet the aur- ;-Of tut h«bas b..teadlly lnermaalng faceo e i.grain snd rue de aberai tr'.m year te ycar, aud itlisa Ihougbt it ever. Thé prffiing andO mizing tiiet tbis, vtth unfavorabi, veather operatte. .houid be reineat" aVerai 49I1lt9un. expiains in part at least, times until the surface et every grain the, cauihe for mach mevere damage lasalha been thoroughiy Etoisteneid. A your. 'Lae OrnaI of Oatsandsud Sikng amut t fWhcubare perhaps lte tvo mest injurtous kinds ef amuts thre t..rmer bas to deal vith. The diseuse in opread by thbe spores whlcb are ferni- ,cd iaring bbe sunimer. Bach particle et tih. dark povder. la viîcitire amuI-, ted head of grain la reduced, le a spore or eff of tire omuit, and la capable, aider favorable conditions, of sarting the diseuse In a head of grain lire fol- Iovtng meason. The"sp ~ores or seede Quleker va>' à for one man te aprinkle witie aitother uhovels or rakes il over. Afler treutment te grain hould b. shoveird Imb a plile and eoyered wtb dtuginfected eackm for titres or four houra, or even over night, ater whieh it sbouid b.e pread out ln a tibm layer 10 dry. In a fev hours the grain viii be sufficiently dry 10 run thi'eugh thre drill, viren h nay be sovri. It vili be fouind necessary to open the drill up a 11111e 10 allow for tire ewelling of thre grain renulting froni the moisture. reMai on the surfacre of the grain or Tire usual practice la 10 treat t!e on bags, implernenta, etc, tiraI corne lni gr-tin tire nigiri before hIs t sowrr. A contact wlth tire grain. over wintpr, cdnverîeut niethiod wouid be to treat and ln ibis way infect the &eed grain th grain ai noon the day before Il. is belbre Il lR sonni. Wiren tire seed bW- so%%' , leave it ln a pIre for tht. atter- gins 10 germinale the amnui spores start troon. and spread Il oui to dry ovîr te develop and Infect lire young grow-u ni.?--1t..The grain sirouId then be dry tmgS plant. Ais the plant develops tire enoîiii for the so'&ng witbio.1 an, amui aligo developa utntil the grain diiilculty. beade ouI. Itlai ai this stage Ihaitirhe Tire aniount of soluion 10 use for diseuse irst beconres readtly noticeairie a given quantity of grain depends on te the naked eye, as Il usually couI- tire îiorotighness with which the grain sanies the entire haad, converting i t lanixie<i vien being sprtnkled; usuial- lInt a dark brown or black îrowder ly 25 gaijons wiii be suficient for a- ready to carry tire fungus over anotirer boul 40 busireis of grainý a anialler winter. ,Kuanitry mlgh, be found quite effect- It JE somneilmeR thougiri tiraitthe dis- Ive If the grain IR very thoroUgiriY eftse may remnain in thre ground over nixed. The success of t.iis rnethod of ivinter, but Ibis iellef ta not genprally treatment depends on making sure comeeded. However, tire sulccesfl 1 tiraitire enitre surface of every grain tanner does not ustialIy sOo ots ivice te nroiserred witir the solution, Tiel la succession onr the saine ground, grainr drill. all bags, etc., tiraI have' thoeruore Infection froni ibis source' îwen rrsed for amnuit' grain and tiraI woul not be poss'ible. mnay corne inr contact with treated seed Lie Selmut of Oats, virile a serions should ire ihoroughly disinfected witir tlsca, a.,s not dificuit 10 contrai, tire tire formnalin solution so tiraItire treal- ferm4lin treatiment being quit-e effeci- rai sed may not becorne retnfected. Ire. Thre metirod usîrally recommeird- F'urther particulars may be had iry For liair liealth Use Rexali "93" liair Tonic. S Il It dors net Impreve thehbealtit ofyour haie and scalp w. wêli pay fer what yeu use in the trial. S.UR JIi.ohtI bfRvnJl l "ni lnr An L une it as di rected for --( entirely satisfied, corrq ve viii proînptÀàv Ialid1 Rerall 93Hair Yqonic i hasà faint agmeble cd Revaîl Drugstores excl $z.oo bottes. Rexail 0 4 " Sh mpe mended e,6M a beaWtfui-zoSc. 316 Rexali Store, Li dat--; tîrrîrif trot ie ar4 tgî1us and irack your nreney. 's plernsant 10 tise, Jlr anrd la eoid aI Ilusively. Soc. and >or Juste r! reconi- air diean. sofi aisd ALLIN Ot Pe 0/, Such a Comfor! Id Ite such a comfort not tW have to gooutwhoe the weathor .But It la flot alpue ln b.d weadwir thata osTep m Ioinetis eve-y day tej - 04that -no home uhoe Thecoest oed wflt studn4l tbe way-ottluititloachaWg FUootth. -'Cdp wm- isIiOW Supplies. LIST N1~àYFIOVERBKAS BArrMALI Nf SPPL DY RTOOVIIIIElT. Ag~a dca! habecu vilftîcati. tii. flew aperi abothe equiDIecUt O e. Oersas flïatt ns, and It' as e& l'epcà,tir y sttýd bt hidôlvernacat supplies' al eeM sforl-te Over. sl"attaliona.î Unfortunately th la flot lte caut. For Instance, teGte etnov wliu panis: to ohersarenccessary for the ue, he taft andtheofficers. Ther laan norousarnount of cor- respndece n conecionwiîh the or- the attalions. Tire ll6th fiattalion Ia nov paying ren, for six larg'? type- -.t'i-uers. and ever.% one of iltem is in! i'very Overri'< s Batîalion liras to have a smali truck and also a ýnal i m-i aboul. l'ie Governnîent on1ý suppliesi ru tinIted nrrmber of lents, ani thet large lents musî; be supplied by tri, Bailalions themselves. olirerwise the i ien have 10 Pat iheir meais ti their oxwtilents virere tirey sleep. Th ly have to be ivo large rnartluees purchased for eacir Company. 'l'lire following is an approxîmate list wlricir ias been mrade orui, wvIrci shows wirat an Overseas Battalion equipped i Io date requirc-s over and above whiathtie Governmu nt supplies: No. Article EstimaiE 2 Field Kitchens....... .... 7 Typewriters ... ... 1 Eliam Duplicator....... .. 1 Fiiing Cabinet...... .. .. 1 Smrall Truck .. .... 1 Small Runabout..... 1. Adding Machine..... 2 Tenta, 30x60, $225..... 1 Tent, 25x6O....... .. 1 Tent. 25x50 ....... 1 ýTent, 30x60 .. ... .. 1 Tent 30x60...... .... .... i Refrigeralor ........... ... 1 Butchers RefrIgerator .. Kilciren Uteneils....... .. 1400 Athletic Jerseys .. Brase Band, Bugle Band Colors (about) .... ....... By County grant. ed cost. .$1050.00 700.00 22.60 100.00 600.00 150.00 460.00 200.00 75.00 200.00 181.00 460.00k 700.00 4000 700.00 $8,063.60 .$2000.00 $6063.60 Every day tire papers cont-ain Items shovlng presentatlons made bo tire varions l3attaliens ln tire Cit-y and Countiea. For Instance, lire citizens et- Aui-ora. presented a set of Instru- mmntatirte Bugle Bland o! tire 127tir (Yerk County) Overseas Battalion. Tire Aurara Patrtotic League o! thte Women'a Institute, kasisted b>' the Girls' Red Croip Sciety. deitated two fild kitcirena ta lte121h Yorn Rang- ers. A MeLaughin matai- car was- pî-esented te lte Bantamas Battalion by tire ladies e! the "Sunabine Cii-cie" vire are veli kuovu for lireir gifle et meoo ambulances for overseas service. Beal Bras., o! Tor-onte, formerîy of lte Ceunty et Ontario sud lte Town et Uxbridgc, are presenllug tire CeupW ty ef Onlarlo Battalion vitit a field kîtelucu sud equpateat Ooelng approx imetel'$"o0. hne Municipeilties and 'weallby ctimmts etthe-tonut>' louli seo ttthlie Coutr EhItalion là net overlooke Inuthie Matter et equlp ment Au>' artile lu the above lust or casb substitute, would, ne doubt, bW acceptoible le lite Batali». Il le n- derétood that tire ladies ofet tii.rev et lfxbridge areenlcmplatIng lire pre- Muftftin et colore te the Battalten. &Ut Whitby Councli. [ OeimeIF uit A4srtl 5. arumt~ 8M~e ~eKmme bers &Ul kt ahalr. * . -:1 PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. SPEND MONEY WISELY. LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE- The war is nov lurning on a conteqt of ail forces and resources-men, munitions, f ood, moncy. Tire cal toalil e to produce more and more. litrmay be necessary to work harder. The place oft those who eniist must be taken by those at home, men anti women, old and young. The more wc produce the more we can save. Produce more on the farms and in the gardens. Save nmore and hrip to vin the war. LETMLS NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR- In t-iis war-time ail labour should be directiv pro- ductiv-e or sbouid Le assistîng n prrodruction. Make ib as efficient as possible. If your labour ison coret-bing that caïibe postpo-ned, put il off tilt after the war and mrake your labour tt-!lti w. Making wax le the first- risiness of ait arrirs Efficierrcy in labour ie as -ýnportant a-s ell.-t-rrcy in fighting. LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS- Btegin at home. The larger portion of salaries and wages is spent on thre home-food, fuel, iight cirrîhing. Are an>' of these thinge being vasted i $2000 a year sae'd f rom waste in every home in Canada wi:l more tran pay the interest on a war debt of S,0t)tO LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY- Are yurr spcndirrg your money to the hest advan- tage? What (in you think of extravagance in tsar lime? Tens of thousands of Canadians are dailv risking Ihei r 1l1ves for ut ai horne. Is i t not our drîty 10 ire careful anrd econornit al ? Canadian dollars are an important part of the w-ar equipment. Make them tell. Have a War Savings Account-. Boy a War Bond. THE GOVERNMENT 0F CANADA THE'*DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE Moved by Me. Dearborn, seconded b>'- Wbitiry High Scirool Is being wired iMr. EllIns, tiat .tire following accounte for electric 11gb ts, and also for experi. ~b paid: -t nth cec ro.Wib -Ronds and Bridgea -J. A. Sykea, mnetitr cec om htb 13005; Wm. Par-ker, $1, T.E.A. Dow% had one of tire poorest bigir scirools ln ý1.50; - Edwin -Conite, $2.50; Robert tire country a few years ago, butt to- Ifanna, $8: John Glover, Jr., $3.50: 'day ranks ln tire front lUnes. Whitby Ji. W. Hoakin, $1.60; I1bos. Nevsome, cîtîzens have learneul at sorne expense $, Ja. Drev, $1: C. Wilson, $8.45; A) 3. Gi-ose, $20.16; John Wilson, .- tit l costa tire bovn more mono>' 10 10; John Larnbert, $3.70; Wm. Ward, keep tire scirools ln a poor condition $2.60, RobL Squelch. $20. t-han to keep abreast o! tire require- Miscellaneous.- Municipal World, mn- t ientpyt 0etr pnining,$6, L 0 . Clifford, S. S. No. 1, $500; A. E-Gruss, No. 6, $175; Wm. gralits.-Uxibridge Tîmes. Brent, S. S. No. 8, $175; Jonathan liray On Wednesday morning, Mai-ch 29, S. S. No. 9,- $ý00; W. T. Stevens, pin- Mr. St. Germain, tire oldeat reaident o! carding, et(C1.26. On motion of Mr. Dearborn, the Rama, vas laid to reet ln tireRornan Counceil £djourned to meet on tire lat CatholIc cemetery at Uptergrove. Ho day (If Mnar, %U jO'clock P.m. was ln iris lO6tir year, and iras been Columbhus, AprIl 3, 1916. ver>' fi-atIl ivtt4r. He died on'Sit. WM. Puxins, ClerIL. day aI 10 p.rn. Ho was a picturesque District Doings. Tire G. T. R. Intend to rebuild tire Orlilia -station at once, and It la un- derstood il viii be iocated as sean lire eîd atré cîure as possible. Tire Company have declded te put Up a beautiful brick structure, one viricir vli b.l quite lu keeping wit'-'the tovu, and yul stord ,every conveniencé for lte lraveliig pub)tcaitIpoint. Lindsay ~osgave $M0 te lte figure ln thre suxnmer tinte, sltting on a bencir near tire old apple t-ee ln ii garden, or wallrtxg nlong tue rend vlth his staff ln ie hand, aiways vith a pleasant emile and kind greetlng ta those ho met. It as a pleasure te mueet uim, vith iisquiet gentle man- ner.-Lndtay Poat. Tire towu of Cobourg wiii issue de. Jbentures le r-aise $11,000 fer patriotic Tire Bascoin Roule. owed anud op- erate* by Jas. A. Peale, eloscdilst deors on Saturday itilt .vilen tie » THE DEPARTMENT 0F FINANCE cense expired. Tire sheds bave been clo.sed 10 tthe public, and a substantial fence placed acroas tire entrane vay. Thre proprietor would no doubt con- slder an offer for tire property, but posit-ively refuses 10 r-un tire place as; a local option holel. Tire Arlinglon Hotel, 'opposite tire Dominion Batni, wil! ire vitiout ra license after Satur- day o! this week, but we understand Mr-. Fulian, viro leases tire projterty, - ili continue 10 operate it'for an ln- definite tinte. While ire la called away on business, and mal' be gone a tes' weeke, hie men viii ire ln charge.- fLrbridge Tiprs. Mailers et maple s rup throughout tire eunIry sa>' t ihe sap has run very well.1 Itlsl expected te raie 100,000 ln lte united Counties et Durhram and Nor- thrumberland for patriotic purpoes titis year. The Purpie HJi Women's Institute report for Marcir 68 flannel shirts, 100 pairs et socks, 6 bot water bollie coTé1 ers, and 13 -"ne-s afront heme" sçrap books, us thidicoulribuU tlo DaptrI- elle endeaver. 'Misn Muriel NVerdon, of OehaWo, Wvasl the vineu e ofIlw&rmblyn Prime lu the G. T. R. WH!TIJY JUNCTION. (1 luX W eqt -4%2.m n it - io. .m.i . ..555 . 0 P. Mf.nj. 1.. ý.40 p. M. .50 P . Sunday trains lbave for Toronto ut 4.52 arn. and 7.40 p.m. Frea Toronto -trains stop jt Witby Juation t 9.20 and 9.55 a.m., and 9.30 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. (ioinig North.. .3 m. 1Ooing South ..7.1811.% .4i 05P. ...1.1% p -0 G o-40 P . M .6 P . s . « 0 P m nm '. P.iR. 8.10 Pas. 1z~p STAGE. Levsfor Brougham at 10 a.m Mr. T MAILS CLOSE For West- 6-30 a.. l.3Op.'n. 6.30 t.'n. -q.0 5e 5. For East-440.s.. 8.30 e.n. For Port Wltitby-. 6.30 p: Foi osbswa-s.I5 10-M Foi North --&30 5.U WANT~D PrO'M té % WUthe t vemWhieh-wiBl mm i iathqg Pee. the sZmpirt dti- Cpoh'tltlh Our true poiicy toaùgmtàltout finncal strnth by multlplyiagour productive exactions end by eme;ciaiàg *igid eeommny, whkch reduoes ta thé - iininq t4la actjyltles, tepsir tihe w~ag of the war,smd flnd the funde for Its coeti»uance. It cannot be too fretquently or too carnestly impressed upc. eut people that the heaviest burdons of thte omifict stil lBc before us, snd that ndustry and tbrift art, fur thome who reniai. ut home, mipreme ptriotlc duties upc. whose faithfül fulfiment our muccen sd oensequently our national safty,' uuay ultimately depcnd."-- SIR THOMAS WHJTE, Miniuter of Finance. e 't r 4 -'4 4; 1 *Ue Meidli~t rected and *~tàipet *Iifl45.The towta e- of~Iurs.theege C6 ton aniount- *11ihy xflèbbers Ã"t thé BOwmâanvillI. Idetbodist Ciiurch died last year. A new orgafli!ttoD ieffeeted at Pot pèrry is the Reaeh Jualoi Far-mere Association, eOxnPOsed 01 eu3g Yme whe teok the short eourge lEAgicul ture lakt tai. Mr. J. L. Foreni, a merchant or port Perry, ileil)uat. we6k. .An addition Is te b. b1lt te the Bewmanville Geneiral i OSpUItlTe estimated cest la arcund eb,0fft sir oz.SbaaghuMssl vas4 d treugh FlewmanvIlll n bis privateý car recest- ]y, and as a resait the RevietW feel@ that tbe tle" bas been hOmpROT. Pickering citizeils must be a lerveiis bunch surelY. POIfee tiastees Of the village rerbid Ilte childTeu ruanta express wagons ona the sidevaik&s be- caluse résidents coMPiaiui e01cM@ 201M 1The dear little kids1 nmust taItttOte b roads and take chances et being ri ovcr by autos and herses. Baek te, lite firmn. vs retir-d farniersi Tewu 18 ne placte for such sensitive Seuls as Yen. Yoti'Il be the lInghBig sfoCk ef tii. world and you deserve tO e b..W. ilthoglit better of your 9004 sense- iTrain -Time 1lable*

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